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Jonathan Cohen

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Posts posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. On 4/28/2023 at 10:11 PM, David G. Healy said:

    I presume your angst against Fetzer is the popularity he garnered, especially the amount of books the guy had published up to that point including the Assassination Science Series, sounds much like jealously to this old salt...

    The "popularity he garnered?" The man was run off this and other forums because of his preposterous, poorly researched claims and frequent personal attacks against other members. That hardly sounds like popularity to me...

  2. 14 hours ago, Chris Bristow said:

    You don't have to be sorry because there absolutely is a duplication there. It does not matter to me what conspiracy theory could relate to this. I'm simply making an observation and looking for a logical answer. I'm certainly not going to waste my time on a conspiracy theory when someone might post a logical answer regarding the Optics.

    The logical answer is that you're seeing something that isn't actually what you think it is.

  3. 1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

    Come on man,

    It's common knowledge in the research community that Hickey's shot ricocheted off the curb & hit James Tague.

    Even lone-nutters Von Pein & Jonathon Cohen are aware of this fact.

    Your attempt at humor notwithstanding, my first name is spelled JONATHAN, and I am not, nor have I ever been, a "lone-nutter."

  4. Just now, Michael Griffith said:

    The 9/11 Truther "scientific evidence" you keep citing is rejected as spurious, bogus, embarrassing, and ridiculous by 99.9% of the scientists and other experts who have examined it. 

    Truth matters. Facts matter. Some theories are obviously, clearly bogus, absurd, and embarrassing, and do not deserve further discussion. The 9/11 Truther nuttiness is one of those theories. 

    I couldn't agree more, and anyway, this subject should be debated somewhere other than a JFK assassination forum (moderators, I'm looking in your direction ...). It's a sad throwback to the absolutely preposterous 9/11 theories espoused here in the past by James Fetzer and Jack White.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Lee was a "somebody" in Minsk.

    This unusual American. 

    Lee was a nobody back here in the U.S.

    Marina would often say in her WC testimony about her living situation here she wasn't down about living in small apartments, one with cock roaches, hardly any furniture, no bed for Junie, no extravagances.

    She was raised in Russia where everyone lived in even smaller sized residences. Meat wasn't always on the table.

    Yet, after a year or two here in the U.S. she had to have become disenchanted with her and Lee's lowest income lifestyle. Especially after being exposed to the Dallas White Russian community where most of them were doing quite well.

    I always felt that in her public statements and testimony, Marina downplayed her unhappiness with Lee and their life together.

    I think she was miserable the last half of her time here with Lee.

    She was open about this with Jeanne DeMorhenschildts.

    Lee was an idiot for buying guns when they needed family items. Lee didn't satisfy her sexually. 

    Lee was hard on her regards many things. Smoking, learning English, her White Russian material wealth envy, on and on.

    Was Marina a "honey pot" in Russia?

    She was for sure one of the most attractive young ladies in Minsk.

    Norman Mailer once lustfully gushed about her blue eyes shining radiantly as diamonds.


    Finally.. a sensible, "everyone is a spy but there's no evidence"-free assessment of Lee and Marina's relationship. Thank you, Joe.

  6. 41 minutes ago, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

    U can see some of the arguments re hickey if u search this forum for hickey (look for my comments).

    But i think that there are better photos & arguments if u search the jfkassassinationforum (look for my comments).

    I've read your version of what happened and I find it to be both completely, utterly absurd, and lacking any hard evidence whatsoever. But sure, you solved the case, so I guess we can all go home now?

  7. 11 minutes ago, Micah Mileto said:

    Weisberg conspired to send Livingstone to a mental hospital. Weisberg is especially evil for trying to add that detail, to what could have been a simple phone call to the Police. And even then, I think that some form of threats and harassment should be legal. Every political ideology is violent, and civility is a two-player game of pretend.

    Wow. Stunning. Beyond the fact that you appear to be breathtakingly clueless about the actual human beings involved here, many of whom I knew personally, frequently corresponded with, and saw in action at research symposiums, I have zero interest in debating this subject with someone who believes "some form of threats and harassment should be legal." Please go peddle that nonsense somewhere else.

  8. 35 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Why did Fauci fail so badly? Fauci wanted lockdowns, he wanted that six foot rule, he recommended masks.  In the face of all that why did the USA end up with such bad results?  Probably the worst of any country. And why did we fail so badly in nursing homes, which should have been a number one target?

    I can't actually believe these are questions to which you legitimately don't know the answers. Why did the USA end up with such bad results? For starters, how about because millions upon millions of people in this country refused to follow any semblance of personal or public safety measures, much less get the vaccine? Are you seriously unsure why so many nursing home patients died of COVID?

  9. On 4/15/2023 at 8:14 PM, Marjan Rynkiewicz said:

    Re the jfk saga -- i solved the whole thing (ie what happened in Dealey Plaza on that day) in late 2022 -- but i do glance at the forums -- there have been a number of revelations etc by some very clever members.

    You solved the whole thing by claiming Secret Service agent George Hickey killed President Kennedy ... a notion debunked by literally every available piece of physical and eyewitness testimony? OK then...

  10. 33 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    He went to NOLA to go under the radar with the Dallas FBI after the Walker incident. 

    He may have said this was his reason for going to New Orleans, but is there any actual evidence that it was?

    33 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    He didn't bother to tell Marina when he was fired from Reily Coffee.

    Marina was (rightfully) hard on Lee for his inability to hold a job and support his family. If you were Lee, would you skip home and admit you'd been fired yet again?

    33 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    He sent Marina with Ruth while he went to Mexico City so he wouldn't have to pay to take care of her.

    Again, I am not aware of any actual evidence to support this claim.

  11. 5 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

    I do believe Weisberg was openly plotting to get Livingtone sent to a mental hospital just for (basically) claiming to be tight with law enforcement. If this is the correct interpretation of this letter, then I feel like I have no choice but to say that Weisberg was an unforgivably bad person.

    You are profoundly incorrect. Livingstone sent a series of deranged and threatening letters to the then-80-year-old Weisberg during this period of time, so I hardly blame him for being concerned about his safety and referring the matter to the authorities. Livingstone also made absurd accusations and threats toward Mary Ferrell around the time of "JFK." On a larger level, I'm not quite sure what your point is in posting all of this correspondence, especially when you seem unfamiliar with the context. What are you hoping to learn or achieve? Haven't you yet seen enough to know that Livingstone was deeply troubled?

  12. 15 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

    He did not live with Marina on their return to Texas, and tried to have her sent back to the USSR. 


    I find your interpretation of these events to be highly illogical. Although his behavior was erratic, Oswald was not trying to "distance himself" from his wife. If anything, he was doing whatever he could to find work and support his family, as evidenced by Marina having joined him in New Orleans as soon as he got a job there.

  13. 59 minutes ago, Michael Crane said:

    I learned how to do a screen grab not long ago,so I wanted to grab this.I don't think there has ever been a picture the public has seen with a hole in the back of Kennedy's head.Any comments on this picture?

    There's nothing new about this photo, which has been the subject of controversy as to its correct orientation since it first leaked in the early '80s. In fact, there was a long discussion about it here recently, I believe involving Pat Speer and David Josephs...

  14. 29 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    Marina was the spy and George DeM was a conduit...

    I'm sorry, but that is a ludicrous statement with ZERO hard evidence to back it up - particularly that a woman in Marina's Texas-era situation would be seen as an asset to any intelligence operation.

  15. In light of the new Robert Groden thread, I once again would like to hear how Zapruder film alterationists reconcile Robert Groden's insistence that not only has the film not been altered, but that is most certainly is not missing upwards of nine seconds of assassination footage ...

  16. 2 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    Jonathan, I never post on "Zapruder film is fake" threads, although I do read.  I'm no film tech.  But, yes, there are a number of topics from Groden's Zoom presentation that I thought may provoke a response from researchers.

    As with every single aspect of this case, Groden is problematic. The means by which he's acquired his collection over time are suspicious, as outlined in detail in David Lifton's essay "Pig on a Leash," and in recent years the quality of his research has been shoddy if not outright deceptive (ie., representing an unquestionably fake autopsy photo as a new discovery in his latest book). It's also unfortunate he now aligns himself with people such as Beverly Oliver and Judyth Baker, but that's another story ...

  17. 8 hours ago, Pete Mellor said:

    The session is almost three and a half hours long, but covers Zapruder film and information on 'the other Zapruder film i.e.Spainhouer film + Oliver, Nix, Muchmore, L.H.O. Exhumation film, Pitzer, Arnold, L.H.O. in Parkland operating room and Similas photo.  Slow at times, but scanning fwd to get to the meaty bits helps.

    I notice that the "Zapruder film is fake" cheerleaders on this forum get awfully quiet when Groden categorically refutes widespread alteration ...

  18. 2 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    Although I disagree with many of his conclusions, I give Livingstone some credit in that he frequently presented direct quotes from witnesses in his books, even when they didn't say exactly what he might have wished they had said. 

    He was undoubtedly troubled. But one can still learn from his books, as long as one realizes his interpretation of facts and events is more than bit slanted.  

    Agreed - fair points, Pat. 

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