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Todd W. Vaughan

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Everything posted by Todd W. Vaughan

  1. Except that Dale Myers, besides being the fraud that Jack White accurately describes him, doesn't bother to acutally address the acoustics issues that were addressed by the HSCA experts - because, as they attest, if you tell them that the sounds on the tapes were recorded earlier or later than at Dealey Plaza, they responded by saying that if that is so, then they would ask to be taken to that place and expect to find an acoustically exact replica of Dealey Plaza. So instead of reading the data that the experts accumulated and analyzed, Myers et al try to show that the photo evidence shows the acoustical evidence is invalid. They have developed the acoustical evidence of Kent State and the Ambassador kitchen to a high state of reliabilty, and the US military have developed acoutical tests that can accurately pinpoint the origin of high powered rifle shots from their sounds, but they refuse to apply the same scientific techniques to the tapesof Dealey Plaza because they know it won't come out the way they want. Eventually however, the scientists will come to agree on what is the truth - that JFK was shot from multiple directions and that there was a conspiracy, but as long as Dale Myers and his bogus cartoons are permitted to be premiered on network TV the truth will be delayed. BK You've quite obvioulsy not read the report.
  2. Don't believe anything Don Thomas says. He has no clue.
  3. I think Trask's ID of the three is correct, Gray, Lumpkin, and Sgt. Ellis. The ID of Chaney as one of the three in the image you posted is wrong. Chaney on the left, Martin on the right. McIntyre 1 is 18 seconds after Z-313.
  4. Bernice, All of your ID's in this thread are correct, however, in that last Weigman frame, Hargis is not where you indicate. He is actually still on the South side of Elm near his cycle, visible (more or less) in another Weigman frame. Also, Haygood is not really "checking out the sewer drain", rather, he is standing his cycle up on it's kickstand (it had fallen over, at least partially)- he then runs up the knoll. Todd
  5. I understand Robin. The Police Officer standing is for certain Hargis. The othter is most likely Haygood who stopped soon. Baker was inside the TSBD. It's just logical. The one who was hardly seen must be McLain. Nothing more to add. Todd will beat me if i'am mistaken. best to you Martin Martin. If the guy standing in Bond 4 is Hargis, i assume he has just run back from the light pole position as seen in this Bell frame showing Sitzman and then was photographed in Bond 4 I presume the other Motorcycle Cop in this frame is either Mclain or Haygood. This is just before Bond 4. Hargis running back to his cycle, McLain moving down Elm.
  6. Hi Robin That would be Haygood (on the right and he stopped running up the incline to be observered by Bowers wrongly to be on his cycle) [you know Bowers said he rode up the embankment]. and Courson how drove away. Martin Thanks Martin. So this Atkins frame showing Weigman running would be just after Cancellare1 and the Wiegman frame showing the limo entering the underpass. I assume this is Haygood on the right of the image, and Courson has continued through the underpass. That's Haygood in that Atkins frame. A few frames earlier Hargis can be seen at the right edge of the frame as he drives away.
  7. I understand Robin. The Police Officer standing is for certain Hargis. The othter is most likely Haygood who stopped soon. Baker was inside the TSBD. It's just logical. The one who was hardly seen must be McLain. Nothing more to add. Todd will beat me if i'am mistaken. best to you Martin From left to right, McLain, Hargis's cycle, Hargis, and Courson. Haygood is just out of view on the far right. No beating required.
  8. Hi Robin That would be Haygood (on the right and he stopped running up the incline to be observered by Bowers wrongly to be on his cycle) [you know Bowers said he rode up the embankment]. and Courson how drove away. Martin Nope, neither is Haygood. McLain on the left, Courson on the right. that's not Hayggod
  9. From left to right, McLain, Hargis's cycle, Hargis, and Courson.
  10. McLain on the left and Courson on the right. Both continued through the Underpass, onto Stemmons, and out to Parkland.
  11. Hargis on the left (after having just gotten back onto his cycle after Bond 4)and Haygood on the right.
  12. All, A new article on the acoustics, JFK Assassination Acoustics and the Photographic Record: Why the HSCA’s Acoustic Evidence of Conspiracy is Invalid, by Dale Myers, can be found at… http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/ Also, a brand new updated* version of Myers report Epipolar Geometric Analysis of Amateur Films Related to Acoustics Evidence in the John F. Kennedy Assassination can be downloaded at… http://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/html/report_download.html Todd
  13. I believe that would be Smart or Dale. Exactly that would be my guess too.´ Todd, i think what the whole motorcade regards, you are an authority. It should be noted that Richard B. Trask used you as a reference or his motorcade listing in POTP. Respect! But allow me critic. You and your brothers sketch on page 146 in POTP is worth a .....i better say nothing. It has nothing to do with any real geometry. At first i thought....wow Richard used such a drawing in his great book. Anyway best Martin Martin, The fact is that the drawing in Trask's book, while primarily illustrative to show the relative skeletal systems of both JFK and JBC, is based on other geometric drawings that were done around that same time. Todd
  14. Robert, You wrote: Quote On Among the numerous confirmations that he was working as an FBI informant in 1963, was DPD chief Currey who stated at a press conference that Oswald met with the FBI on Saturday, 11/16/63 during that weekend when he dropped off of everyone's radar. Quote Off What is the source/citation for the Curry claim? Thanks. Todd
  15. Jim, You wrote; QUOTE ON At the time of the trial, this effort peaked. Nagell had a hand grenade thrown at him in NYC. One of the Clinton witnesses had the windows on his truck blown out with a rifle. Another had a prowler on his grounds. Alyosius Habighorst was rammed by a pick up truck. Clyde Johnson was physically attacked and beaten to a pulp. This last really shook up Garrison because he had made certain arrangements to hide him out. This told him just how infiltrated and wired his office was. I strongly suspect the go-between for the surveillance and the attacks was Perry and Gary Mack's good friend Aynseworth. And I will be glad to debate this point with either one of them. Maybe Gary will arrange such an evening at the SIxth FLoor for the edification of his visitors. QUOTE OFF I'm guessing you could add Hicks being attacked in his hotel room and attempts on the lives of Roger Craig and R.R. Carr. Todd
  16. Yes, it all seems to be from the HSCA colelction. There are also items listed from Blackmer to Blakey regarding New Orleans/Garrison as late as May of 1978 and others from summer of 1978 to as late as fall of 1978 showing Blackmer working on NO. He also seems to have worked on Walker and Genevea Dees.
  17. An online search of the Archives kicks back 92 documents with Blackmers's name, most of them appear to be Garrison/new orleans related. There at least 5 letters to Blackmer from JG, including one about Beckham - are these the letters you refer to?
  18. Jim, "He has never given an interview to anyone or shown anyone whatever files he got from his HSCA days or Garrison." Do we know for sure that he kept any materials from his HSCA investigation days, and did the ARRB try and contact him to see what files he migt have? Would it be worth the effort for someone to try and contact him today? I'm very interested in having as many of the Garrison files available for researchers as possible. Todd
  19. Jim, Quoting Ian Griggs, you wrote: "You will search in vain for any employee of the Texas School Book Depository (other than Buell Wesley Frazier of course) who said that Oswald had been in possession of any sort of package when he arrived at work that morning. Furthermore, nobody ever stated that they had seen him with a package inside the building at any tie that day." (Griggs, p. 197) That's not true. One of the female TSBD employees, Mary Hollies, claims she got onto one of the elevators with LHO that morning and he was carrying a package with him that he said contained fishing rods. This claim was apparently made in a later day interview someone did with her and this appeared in one of the American History magazine articles as I recall, I think in 1988. I have the article but don't know how quickly I could find it. Granted, it's not a contemporaneous account, and as I recall the witness did have a statement or two in 1963/64 in which she did not mention this, but she claim does exist. Todd
  20. Jim, I’m surprised you rely so heavily on Dougherty’s testimony as being the be all-end all as to whether or not LHO was carrying anything when he entered the TSBD. Have you ever taken the time to read Dougherty’s entire testimony? It’s a complete mess. He’s 40 years old and lives at home. Somethings not right with the guy. Here are a select few examples: Mr. BALL - What did you do between the time you got out of the service and 1952? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I didn't do anything to be frank with you. Mr. BALL - You didn't? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No. Mr. BALL - You didn't work? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Oh, no. Mr. BALL - You stayed at home? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No, sir. Mr. BALL - Did you live with your father and mother? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes. Here’s one that is just classic: Mr. BALL - Did you ever leave the United States during the War? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Oh, yes. Mr. BALL - Where did you go? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I was stationed, oh, for about a year up in Indiana up there---Seymour, Ind. This is a classic as well: Mr. BALL - On the day that this happened, on the 22d of November, you told the FBI agents Ellington and Anderson that you heard "a loud explosion which sounded like a rifle shot coming from the next floor above me." Now, did you tell them that it sounded like a rifle shot, coming from the next floor above you, or didn't you? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well; I believe I told them it sounded like a car backfiring. Mr. BALL - Well, did you tell them it sounded like it was from the floor above you, or didn't you tell them that? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No. Mr. BALL - You did not tell them that? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No. Mr. BALL - Did it sound like it came from the floor above you? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, at the time it did---yes. Then there’s this gem: Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, then immediately I heard a loud noise---it sounded like a car backfiring, and I came back down to the first floor, and I asked Eddie Piper, I said, "Piper, what was that?" I says, "Has the President been shot?'. He said, "Yes." Mr. BALL - You didn't say--did you say, 'Has the President been shot?"---you told the FBI agent that you went down to the first floor and you saw a man named Eddie Piper and asked him if he heard a loud noise. Mr. DOUGHERTY - I asked him that too. Mr. BALL - And Piper said he had heard three loud noises and told you that somebody had Just shot the President; is that right? Mr. DOUGHERTY - That's right. Mr. BALL - Who mentioned the fact that the President had been shot first--- you or Eddie Piper? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Eddie Piper. Mr. BALL - Did you say anything to Piper about the President being shot? Mr. DOUGHERTY - No, sir. Todd
  21. Ray, the interview is here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=148 Essie Williams does not say "he was NOT carrying a brown bag or anything else" as stated by Dixie. She actually says "She did not see this person carrying anything" and that she "only got a quick glimpse of Oswald" big difference isn't it. Misquoting testimony, albeit by accident, does not help the cause. Denis, This "misquote of testimony" originates with John Armstron in Harvey and Lee. It is he who "misquotes" (althought I don't see how this could really be a misquote) Essie Williams. He does this with the Paines as well in one instance. I think this is where Dixie read this, as I'm pretty sure that no reference to Essie Williams appears in any other book, so I don't think this is Dixies fault at all, it's Armstong's. Todd
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