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Ian Kingsbury

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Posts posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Nice job, Ian. Cast doubt and suspicion on everybody except the owner of that gun up on the sixth floor. And that gun owner just happened to be located in the northwest corner of the building 2 minutes after shots were fired from OSWALD'S GUN.

    But keeping Oswald's skirts tidy and neat seems to be the only thing conspiracy theorists are interested in doing.

    What a silly hobby.

    Wait a minute David,

    How do you classify 80% of the people as silly conspiracy theorists who are wasting their time on a hobby?

    My hobby is to try to determine the truth.

    Since we have already shown that the assassination didn't happen the way the Warren Report says, it must have happened another way.

    And Why do you have to mention conspiracy theorists in every post?

    Can't you think for yourself or do you have to check to see what conspiracy theorists believe before you bash them some more?

    We certainly are going to cast doubt on anyone except the owner of the gun once we determine that the owner of the gun wasn't even on the sixth floor when shots were fired from there.

    And Ian, who is this Officer Denham who was "escorted from the third floor" for acting suspiciously?

    A Dallas Cop or Sheriff's officer?



    I found it here:-


    Most of what you find will be where Denham was at the time of the shooting on traffic patrol

    But Trantham said he saw Hill coming up the stairs at around the third floor Baker

    Also met someone on the third/fourth floor in his original affadavit.

    The tan jacket man.


  2. Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, then immediately I heard a loud noise---it sounded like a car backfiring, and I came back down to the first floor, and I asked Eddie Piper, I said, "Piper, what was that?" I says, "Has the President been shot?'. He said, "Yes."

    Mr. BALL - You didn't say--did you say, 'Has the President been shot?"---you told the FBI agent that you went down to the first floor and you saw a man named Eddie Piper and asked him if he heard a loud noise.

    Who's telling the story here?

    Who's the next witness that did not see Oswald.

    And who was Officer Denham escorting from the third floor for

    "Acting suspiciously"?

  3. Paul T

    Is this the antithesis stage of your investigation or are We

    Meant to supply this?.



    OMG! You mean he's gonna develop a synthesis, too?

    Heaven forbid.

    --Tommy :sun


    And not just any old synthesis a dialectical synthesis no less

    I fear he has fooled himself in backing Hegelian philosophy

    To bust the case.

    "I am pink therefore I am Oswald"


  4. Tom

    It appears this is all too much for some to consider .

    I am convinced there is more of this amongst Oswalds possessions

    Those that thought Oswald was not too bright will have to think again

    Maybe this changes too many theories for comment?.

    If Oswald was the Author it explains a lot

    If its a red herring then it brings bigger questions .


  5. Skull tops and melons ! Is'nt this what they teach at Hogwarts Dave?.

    I realise there were not many in the volunteer queue for this assignment

    But it was for enquiry into the death of a president no less.

    Could they not procure the right "equipment" to carry out the correct experiment

    Or were they looking for a pre-conceived easy answer i.e.

    Muddle the test ,send in the report cos nobody will question it anyway.


  6. The deferential is in fear of his own mind trying to balance the "facts".

    He/she will not allow questioning of those "facts" that's why they take it

    So personally, which is why the insults and abuse start .

    It reminds me of a boy and his son sitting on a beach

    " dad why is the sky blue?"

    " dunno son it just is , it always has been"

    "Dad why is the sand brown?"

    " dunno son it just is ,it always has been"

    "Dad you don't mind me asking things do you?"

    " not at all son and remember if you don't ask you will never learn a thing"!

  7. Mr. SPECTER. Were you able to ascertain the speed of the Presidential limousine at the time of the assassination?

    Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because we were able to determine the speed of the camera, and thereby accurately determine the length of time it takes for a specific number of frames to run through the camera at this 18.3 frames per second, and having located these frame positions in the street, we took the farthest distance point we had in the Zapruder film which was frame 161 through frame 313.

  8. Perhaps this needs updating at Wiki

    By resigning instead of retiring, Walker was unable to draw a pension from the Army. He made statements at the time to the Dallas Morning News that he had "refused" to take his pension. However, he had made several previous requests for his pension dating back to 1973. The Army restored his pension rights in 1982.[36]

    Walker, then 66, was arrested on June 23, 1976 for public lewdness in a restroom at a Dallas park and accused of fondling an undercover policeman.[37][38][39] He was arrested again in Dallas for public lewdness on March 16, 1977.[40][41] He pled no contest to one of the two misdemeanor charges, was given a suspended, 30-day jail sentence, and fined $1,000.[42]

    Just a thought but when was the last time a gay man come out on top or actually won!.





    And I am sure there are others who were used because of their homosexuality.

    What power could they gain for it to be removed with one sentence.

    I propose that these people were informed of enough to know what was going

    To happen in Dallas.

    Why would Walker need Rousselot Or Hall or Howard ?.

    We're the minutemen on wages?.

    If we are meant to believe history was changed by a lone nut with a $20 rifle

    Then Walker had the same opportunity as Oswald only better shots and organisation.

    If Walker was a self obsessed nut why not pull the trigger himself?

  9. Paul

    For the love of money is the root of all evil:

    which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

    They got smart and paid somebody else to do the piercing on others.

    Which left them with clean hands and a heavy conscience..

    And an even heavier bank balance.

    Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Follow the money.

  10. Trump and Gates are paupers compared to this lot .


    There are even truer histories of the family but they prefer them not to

    Be published.

    Eventually the new Russian oligarchs will lose their grip on the money

    As they continue to slaughter each other whilst others watch on waiting

    To collect!.

    How much of the worlds wealth is controlled by the 10%.

    They own or control the media that's why you have a little

    Teletype strip at the bottom of your TV screen to tell you how

    Afraid you should be today.

    With a bank rate of .5 percent and a lending rate for payday loans

    Of 1774% almost charity?.

  11. King Arthur?. Pure fiction old boy . http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Morte_d'Arthur

    Suggest you read Burkes peerage ( before ze Germans get here) it reads like ...well one of Toms posts

    Full of crooks ,lies and bastards.

    Walt Disney did entertainment not history.

    What will Bill Gates or Trump leave as their legacy ?. A poker hand and bad hair.

    They do not fit in Paul and never will this is what you are not understanding.

    Walker followed orders then Had a moment of clarity on the 22nd about 12:31

    When he realised he had been had.

  12. Somebody would have talked , had they known who to tell!

    Who had the gold then ?

    Who still has the gold?

    Follow the golden rule ,those that have the gold make the rules

    History is written by the victors and they are paid with the gold.

    I believe Mr Dolva is correct.

    Old money

    Old families

    Just like here at home in the U.K.

  13. Hi Blair,

    I’m don’t know what your interest is in this photo, but I’m interested because of the doctoring that’s apparently been done to it. I’d like to know if Oswald did it himself.

    There’s a line running down the middle of his face, and the hairline and lips don’t match up. I’ve seen several versions of this photo, and they’re all a little different.

    This one is from the John Armstrong Collection at Baylor, and it seems to have some oddities that the others don’t.


    First let me call your attention to the area around his left ear. There appears to be a tiny old man with a full white beard, and he’s wearing a pointed hat. It’s pretty fuzzy, so stand back from your monitor to perceive this cartoon guy.


    If one cares to take the time to put this version of the Oswald photo on their photo program, I think one will find a collage of more faces, both animal and human - some right side up, some upside down, and some sideways.

    About three inches above his right ear, there is a piece of crown molding in the background, the top of a wardrobe cabinate or something. In this picture it appears to be nearly touching his head.

    In the other similar versions of this photo, that piece of molding is very distinct, but in this photo it’s fuzzy. Here’s what I get when I blow up that small section – stand way back from your monitor. The farther back I get, the better she looks. On closer inspection, she morphs into a pastiche of many faces.


    Very curious.



    Were you aware that Allen Dulles had a( prominent anthrilix) fault with his left ear?.

    I believe his father to be afflicted too.


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