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Ian Kingsbury

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Posts posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Yes. Of course he did. [brennan's lie] But it's not the type of "lie" you think it was.
    Was it a Wesley Frazier type of lie or more of a Ruthless Paine type of lie? I know it's not a great big whopper of a lie as told by David Atlee Phillips. Perhaps you could afford us some sort of gauge to help us.

    Read my last post.

    Just because you wrote it it does not make it true.

    If Brennan lied how is that different from your views on Roger Craig

    Did he starting his lying career at 12:31 on 11/22/63?.

  2. Robin is correct, IF he was wounded it was on the right cheek.

    Over the years and in differnet videos he points to different cheeks at different times.......

    At any rate.

    The vast majority of witnesses recount 3 shots, so where the idea comes from that more than 3 were fired is odd at best. I do realize some talk about silencers, etc etc, however this really just shows what a fundemental error they make in evaluating the ballistic evidence.

    I have posted several times, the most likely occurance of Tague getting wounded was the 3rd shot, and from a fragment of that third shot striking the chorme, etc.

    Even a very small fragment would retain the velocity needed.

    No mas! Not enough mass = not enough energy to do the damage

    Kerb concrete has higher compressive strength and is more compact

    Than shuttered concrete . If the upper split after hitting the chrome how did it

    Elevate itself over the windscreen frame. If a fragment hit the chrome it's even less

    Likely an even smaller piece could carry enough energy to actually damage the kerb.

    Kerb and pedestrian concrete /slabs are more impact/ damage resistant as

    Indicated by the drain cover. Finer more compact grains of the right size to interlock the Portland

    Cement a bit like a fractal mass.

    Then simply do the math and prove your case. Ive done it already and there is plenty of mass allowable and plenty of remining velocity.

    Lets not go with what we think, lets do the work and prove the point.

    show us what you have and how the fragment gets over the chrome?.
  3. Robin is correct, IF he was wounded it was on the right cheek.

    Over the years and in differnet videos he points to different cheeks at different times.......

    At any rate.

    The vast majority of witnesses recount 3 shots, so where the idea comes from that more than 3 were fired is odd at best. I do realize some talk about silencers, etc etc, however this really just shows what a fundemental error they make in evaluating the ballistic evidence.

    I have posted several times, the most likely occurance of Tague getting wounded was the 3rd shot, and from a fragment of that third shot striking the chorme, etc.

    Even a very small fragment would retain the velocity needed.

    No mas! Not enough mass = not enough energy to do the damage

    Kerb concrete has higher compressive strength and is more compact

    Than shuttered concrete . If the upper split after hitting the chrome how did it

    Elevate itself over the windscreen frame. If a fragment hit the chrome it's even less

    Likely an even smaller piece could carry enough energy to actually damage the kerb.

    Kerb and pedestrian concrete /slabs are more impact/ damage resistant as

    Indicated by the drain cover. Finer more compact grains of the right size to interlock the Portland

    Cement a bit like a fractal mass.

  4. I wonder how this could be done if there were cuts and or bits missing,

    Unless they were attempting to "prove" the final cut and interpret the events we see

    In the "film of today" .either the timing is out or the film is not complete.

    If Mr West's survey is accurate you could build a 3d model of the plaza

    Then run the film through it using the west notes and Shaneyfelts data

    It cannot be outside certain parameters if the fixed positions are there.

    IOW I would not expect a 30-40 foot difference until this is shown physically

    Most will not understand just looking at numbers or a plat covered in contours

    And other distracting marks/ references.

    Myers tried that just using the car data and it would appear he got some of his data wrong.

  5. Dulles and his cohorts (posted extensively by Tom Scully)

    Had their own agenda for Amerika .

    Justice should have been served at Nuremburg not bypassed

    For power everlasting.

    Keepin it in the "family" how many Bushes went to Veitnam?.

    I bet more went to the Whitehouse!.

  6. I'm done with this absurd discussion of a foregone conclusion....


    SOP for davie jo when his teat is in the wringer...run away...fast.

    Not only that he did so without ever addressing the topic of this thread. He made a claim but cries foul and tosses out insults when asked to defend it.

    The way I see it, DJ was originally hoping that the members of the forum would uncritically accept his conclusion about the hands not being Oswald's in order to bolster the assertion that the backyard photos are fake (and bolster his reputation as well?). But, when asked to specify exactly what is different about the hands, all he could say was that the fingers in one of the photos were "fatter" than in the others, disregarding the fact that that blown-up photo's resolution is fuzzy. The only other thing he has said, lamely, in support of his original assertion is that the hands in the backyard photos can't be Oswald's because of the overwhelming evidence that the photos are fake. IMHO, that's begging the question at it's finest.

    But I gotta compliment him on one thing. In his original post about "the hands" on the How Many Rifles thread, he said that the hands in the BYP and in the photos taken of Oswald after he was arrested "simply do not match," but in a recent post to me he wrote only that the hands don't seem to match.

    So I guess he is making progress of sorts.

    Mr. Josephs says he wonders why I'm so doggone tenacious (he didn't put it exactly that way but that's the gist of it) on this question about the hands. Well, all I can say is that as far as I'm concerned, none of us should allow LN or CT "researchers" to flout their unsupportable conclusions and just look the other way, no matter how much we may want to agree with them overall.

    --Tommy :sun

    Right on Tommy , that was the Warren Commisions job! ,

    Not David's intention.


  7. POGUE

    The magazine for the discerning Klansman


    It's the Friday night BBQ Rope or Rifle ?

    Should you wear dungarees after sunrise?.


    Moonshine with fish?

    Do I take grits to a lynching?.

    At some point those guilty of the cover up will get behind an alternative to their


    But this is not the one!.

    Lee did John Wayne Gacy eat all the cucumber sandwiches?.


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