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Ian Kingsbury

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Posts posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Tommy

    Don't you think if Kostikov was indeed in Mexico that he would have been shadowed

    Therefore all eyes and cameras on who tries to contact who that's what they were there for

    After all .

    The CIA would have loved a picture of Oswald in Mexico but alas.

    I thought Harry Dean said Oswald went to Mexico to be tricked by Gabaldon

    In a fake "CIA" office.



    if Kostikov was in Mexico then Atlee-Phillips would have known!.

  2. Tom

    I followed on from Daniels lead and found this


    Also I found this interesting

    ASCII developed from telegraphic codes. Its first commercial use was as a seven-bit teleprinter code promoted by Bell data services. Work on the ASCII standard began on October 6, 1960, with the first meeting of the American Standards Association's (ASA) X3.2

    In case of an odd or extra symbol rather than number or letter.


  3. Tom

    I would certainly like to try and help I will send you an email address to your pm.

    Can you run classic on your mac? . If you can find a copy of NIH image for macs you may find it helpful it was developed

    To distinguish the colour variances in brain cancer cells its shareware and quite a powerful tool .

    I will try graphic converter as well as these have been successful in restoring some Victorian family photos .

    All the best


  4. Tom

    I will try and find the posts of Christophe he was using software

    To develop images taken in Dealey some pictures appears to

    Clarify areas and enhance the view.

    His was purely software on an image and they looked similar.

    I guess it's like the 3D pictograms some can see while others look !.


  5. The last truths told about The body were at Parkland hospital

    By the doctors attempting to save the life of thier president.

    Then the body got stolen anything after that was designed to

    Confuse and disseminate. Are any of the photos real?.

    The body at Bethesda does not look the same as it left Parkland

    Especially the throat wound(argument).the photographer does not recognise

    The photos ,the developer does not recognise the film.

    I am just inserting this post as there are very many readers who do not

    Understand the finite medical implications me included .

    The medical reports start to stink after parkland they are supposed to.

    There was a 1/4" hole in the right forehead yes or no?.

    There was a big hole in the back of the head yes or no?.

    Why do the photos not show this?.

    Answer they are not meant to.perhaps the originals did.

    If you want to get the 75 % who believe in the conspiracy

    To understand it you have to simplify the explanations.

  6. Don

    I have some reservations about Oswalds role but I agree with the statement.

    If the "Oswald involved somehow" researchers/readers do not support the statement

    It at least will make those unaware question the statement anyway!.


    The statement begs the question "Well what did he do" by then you are into the conversation

    Or able to drop in a real fact or two.

    Last year I fitted some stone lintols and Jambs at a History teachers home

    He was unaware of many aspects of the case and woefully unaware of the

    American foreign policies ( Kennedys not Dulles)at the time.

    I recommended " JFK and the unspeakable " and when he finished to give it to the school library.


  7. Paul

    Maybe a deal was struck "you get the film I disappear"

    What are the odds of filming the 2 events randomly?.

    This makes him (Martin) part of the plot would you stick your head out

    For a looksee's?.

    There must be many for whom the penny has dropped , those facilitators

    With an ignorant part to play the small details that have leaked that cannot be

    Proved because the participants part whosever small has become self evident

    Only those on the outside of the planning would want to be "involved".


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