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Ian Kingsbury

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Posts posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Was there any form of communication in the cars?.

    A call you would not make down official lines!.

    Could there have been a radio set in the car that LBJ thought was "secure"?.

    Did LBJ have reason to suspect the S.S. as he appears to move them

    Away from him at times .Lawson on the second plane also the SS agents

    In a second car?.the backyard peeing incident?.

  2. Who said he didn't talk to LBJ? LBJ or whoever, both or an intermediary? (i've no idea who you're talking about btw, guess Hoover?)

    Maybe LBJ spoke to Hoover on the "official" phone.

    We get to read some of that "were they shooting at me?"

    Then Hoover can say he "Officially " spoke with the president.

    They were close neighbours!.

    Hoover had taken the hint "one man 3shots" that's what Johnson wanted to hear overtly.

    Johnson was a supreme manipulator but this was beyond him intellectually

    He gets Warren despite a battle did LBJ have access to what Warren did in Mexico

    Years before?.

    The power to move from the justice dept or congressional hearing

    To LBJ's sack of elected goons Was the key to the coup , even 3 of the panel eventually saw the

    Writing on the wall "Oswald did it ......OK!." And shrank back.

  3. The BYP have well and truly served thier purpose!.

    Possibly the best red herring in the whole case if their conception

    Was designed to make Oswald appear a"Killer" writing hahaha

    On the back hints at the joke.

    No wonder George could not wait to dump Oswald and get to Haiti

    The non oil producing nation for his Oil contract .

    How do you make money on a percentage of 1700 barrels a day

    When they use 70% for power?.

    I have trouble with the hypnotist act by Schmidt as a reason to shoot

    AT Walker too

  4. Paul

    It would appear that the imperial power supposedly given to "Emperor" JFK

    was used by an other , and all while his praetorian guard did not "delay the slaughter"

    A very interesting comparison .

    And the plotters would have you believe this was done "for the sake of the empire"

    I truly believe if they ever catch one this will be their "defence"

    But I do not believe they died paupers!.


  5. Paul/lee

    The average marine is not taught Russian .

    Did all of his intake become technicians?. There are many levels of understanding

    Of a subject take his politics ,he was either a born again instant communist

    Capable of getting on radio and tv all in a week all under his own unfunded steam

    That puts him up there with Baldrick for cunning plans ,how did he pull that one off.

    Or was he a good old southern boy who joined the marines and got led down a short

    Painful road by those who would not normally give him the time of day.

    He must have been just smart enough to leave the TSBD but not smart enough

    To avoid the theatre.


  6. Frustration at not being able to express exactly what you are thinking taints

    What you do write and alters the way it comes across .

    I understand why professionals use a "strange " language when

    Writing to each other. An epitaph is always conveyed on paper and copied

    Exactly some clients even gave me the book with the quoted words circled

    (Got some great classics but no first editions).

    I am having to do something I should have paid more attention to

    Meaning I now have to write more than just a note or quick memo

    To convey the message .

  7. How many "attempts" has Castro survived answer all of them

    It's almost like he has been protected for over 50 years !.

    Did anybody consider wether Castro was put there on purpose

    By a friendly nation.

    Dead giveaways include the fact that there has been no Russian or Chinese

    Communist protection for years .

    Will the Russians be returning when the oil is discovered as reported

    By a friendly service.

    Why are oil outputs reported by the CIA on the google list?.

    Perhaps Castro is a "made" man and untouchable?.

  8. For a Marxist/communist he certainly Attracted a lot of right wing "friends"

    And Marina went along for the ride . What interest would the cultured

    ,educated George De M have in Oswald ?.

    Ditto The Paines?. Oswald was not just a normal defector he came back with a wife and child .

    It appears to me that he was singled out for a function long before his

    "Defection" by then He was "in it up to his neck" according to Nagell.

  9. Was Oswald forced to shoot at Walker in an attempt to ingratiate himself

    With yet another group?.

    I honestly believe if you are gonna kill a general make sure you succeed!.

    More than one shooter would be required to make sure of success.

    Was Oswald onto Walkers team and his intended target.

    I find it very hard to accept a communist Oswald ,as he gladly joined the marine corp

    And I believe accepted any task given him .

    His study of the Russian language ,his obvious training whilst serving

    At very hush-hush places .

    Oswald would have understood the magnitude of murdering a general

    I think Walker faked it for any number of reasons mainly self promotion.

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