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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore

  1. My name is Bernice Moore..

    I live in Ontario, Canada...

    and operate a Plumbing & Electrical service business..

    I have been employed in banking and accounting..

    Have been active in politics, school and church activities, and

    have raised a large family.

    I have been interested and have followed the JFK Assassination

    information since its occurrance...

    Thank you..


  2. Posted by: John Simkin Today, 05:47 AM

    QUOTE(Bernice Moore @ Oct 22 2004, 03:07 AM)

    As we know.. Walker played a role in the assassination of Kennedy.

    If you make statements like this you have to expect being challenged by

    other researchers. What evidence have you got that suggests Walker was

    involved in the assassination of JFK?



    It is not the challenge I object to in any way, that is how research is conducted....

    I have been around enough years on the Fs and have seen this thousands of times, perhaps..

    It was the flaming, that was directed, in the very first post that Tim has ever made to me..as you are aware..and the insertions of statements and implications that I had not made..

    That, no one gets away with...without a retort...and should not IMO..

    What happened to the "behaving ourselves" theory?......people had been making such an effort in that regard..

    As for General Edwin Walker, it seems perhaps there is information that you all have not come upon as yet, and need to avail yourselves of.....

    .....and Harry's information has never faltered ,never changed in all these years...and as he says below..


    If you wish to shine great light upon ' the total picture ' of what was

    in the works

    from the Cuba, Kennedy, domestic subversives and Intelligence


    The CD named, York & The Rape Of Justice Connection to the JFK

    Assassination {from a M/S book I wrote in1990/91} with documents, can be

    gotten from the Rich DellaRosa JFK Forum.



    Well worth the 5 dollars...B



    As you say..on your CD...

    "If treason prosper...none dare call it treason.

    Who then can ever be tried or convicted for these awful crimes, when the guilty control all legal and moral judgements, and dictate their own version of history".


    Regards.B... :rant

  3. Thanks Harry for the information, nice to hear from you.. :)


    Tim:...Your a Different Matter....

    A: Do not ever try to put words into my mouth. Do not try to reword, put assertions, nor twist my words..nor ever imply that I have not the right to my opinion...nor anyone elses....

    B: Improve the tone of your response, in particular when the post is not directed to you....

    C: I will reply to this one post from you..improve your Forum etiquette, as they say..


    Tim:Said: ""What difference does any of this make, other than your unqualified assertion that "As we know.....Walker played a role in the assassination of Kennedy"? ""...

    General Edwin Walker, was inconsistant in his responses.....at first his attitude seems to have been..LHO did shoot at him.??..


    ..Later he stated he did not think it was him...?? as I hope you are aware..

    Walker's name and phone number were also discovered in Oswald's address book..

    Michael Paine had taken LHO to a meeting with General Walker in attendance shortly before the assassination..


    This was all part of the planning of setting up of the Patsy..Dallas was very involved in some areas of the Assassination..IMO.


    Bernice Said:"" He claimed that some of this came from Nelson Bunker Hunt, the son of Haroldson L. Hunt. ""

    Tim Said: ""(since the "son of Haroldson L. Hunt," otherwise particularly known as NELSON BUNKER HUNT, as opposed to his other sons, Lamar and Herbert, was hardly penniless""

    ??..That does not make sense...IMO


    Tim Said:""This is the first that I've heard of Grinnan initiating the black-bordered ad AND supplying the money ..""

    Bernice Says: "

    Joe Weissman Testimony.



    Harry has also informed you of that information.


    Tim SAID:"" But what about the assertion that the reason, as you say, that "Weissman was given the task of signing the advertisement" was that he had a Jewish name?""

    Bernice SAID::""Weissman was given the task of signing the advertisement and taking it to the newspaper office.""........

    Reread My Post....The Person Making This Assertion, is Certainly Not Me..

    It Is YOU?? Why??


    Tim: ""When you say that Walker was "accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature,"

    He was accused, because of inflammatory rhetoric which encouraged troops under his command to join the John Birch Society....and he angrily resigned....

    Tim:""do you intend to question the legitimacy of that accusation?""

    How would you ever know what I or anyone else ever intends.??..Do not put words into my mouth nor anyone elses, he was accused......and resigned..


    Tim Said:""Have you seen the flyer Walker distributed to American troops under his command in Germany?"" I do not recall.

    Tim Said:""Are you aware that Walker was committed to a mental institution as a result of his behavior in Germany?"" It was Mississippi.

    Tim Said:""Bottom-line, other than your wild, unsupported assertion of Walker's supposed "role in the assassination," what is your point. ""

    My point is my opinion, to which I am entitled .My post was directed to somone else, not to you.

    Why did you insert yourself ,with such a lousy attitude??.I have never had any response from you or to you, on any Forum...so why??

    Your tone in your post stinks.....Take a deep breath, and do not exhale ,you will feel better....

    B... B)

  4. Hello Harry:

    Been a long time... Nice to see you and hope all has been well..

    Questions please:

    Would you know if the Citizens Councils that were spread and contained much power all through the South during these times.. and were extremely anti Communist and anti Kennedy as you mention.... if the Birch Society groups, were all contained under this Citizens Council name? ou mention the nationwide umbrella group... each city had it's own CC as you are aware, and all met under and with the Head Organization for a yearly conference from far and wide..

    As we know.. Walker played a role in the assassination of Kennedy. He was a strong supporter of the far-right John Birch Society. In April 1961 Walker was accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature. With the agreement of President John F. Kennedy, Defence Secretary Robert S. McNamara relieved Walker of his command and announced an investigation into the affair. Kennedy was accused of trying to suppress the anti-Communist feelings of the military. Walker resigned from the army in protest about the way he had been treated.

    One of the soldiers who Walker successfully indoctrinated was Larrie Schmidt. After leaving the army he settled in Dallas. He was a member of the John Birch Society in Dallas. His brother worked as Walker’s chauffeur. Schmidt later invited Bernard Weissman to Dallas. Weissman was then introduced to Joe Grinnan, another member of the John Birch Society. Grinnan was involved in organizing protests against the visit of John F. Kennedy. Grinnan seemed to know about the visit before it was officially announced to the public. Grinnan suggested that they should place a black-bordered advertisement in the Dallas Morning News on 22nd November, 1963. The advertisement cost $1,465. Grinnan supplied the money. He claimed that some of this came from Nelson Bunker Hunt, the son of Haroldson L. Hunt. Weissman was given the task of signing the advertisement and taking it to the newspaper office.

    After the assassination, Walker, Grinnan, Weissman and Schmidt all fled from Dallas. Anything further on these men, that you might relate to us..?

    One last thought ,does the name John Erik Jonsson, come to mind at all, re the Citizens Council... and Dallas...

    Thanks Harry. B)


  5. Shanet:

    Well I am in agreement with you, I have that habit also...calling them as I

    see them.

    Some here have been on the Forums for many years, and are very aware and know of the many problems that plague such at times, they are usually called growing pains...they come and go..The Administrations handle all... non-hierarchial is the wrong word IMO, for the situation on a Forum, whomever owns and runs said site, must maintain all, if there is no control whatsoever, then the Flame Wars simply become unmanageable...and there are some very good sites, which have simply been destroyed by them...

    They are I believe for the purpose of trading information,and questioning such.... and hopefully discovering the truth of the Assassinations.....and those questions and differences of opinion, should not be berated in any way.The old story is if you cannot back up your information with documented and or textual references upon presentation, then do not do so...or make it very clear that it is simply your opinion..and be prepared to admit when you are wrong....

    My bio has been accepted by the Adm. so who you are to question it ?,I really can't imagine, but seeing that it does bother you enough to ask,and that you are a new member in the pond......I will say that some of us don't have so very much to say about ourselves....that has never been a qualifier..to research.

    I am from Canada, I am married, raised a large family, have many grandchildren, and have been a student of that dreadful day, since it's occurrence...and continue to educate my family in the long reaching aspects of the Assassinations...

    No boogie girlies there.....if you have a probem with that I'll bet it's hard to pronounce..

    So thankyou ,now that we are all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.....I realize that any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental, and we shall keep on ,carrying on as they say...

    B) .

  6. You do have a good point Shanet..

    But after only two days of being a member perhaps

    you are not fully aware, that the Administration

    makes the announcements and such pertaining to

    threads and whatever..re Forum business..

    When they feel it is called for.

    You have the right to your opinions of course.

    But not in a directive way, of telling people what

    to do, nor how they should or should not post

    or where. The Bosses are quite capable of doing

    so when they feel the need ..

    Let them call the shots ..whatever the decisions..

    They will....


  7. Hey Bill:

    Don't go... all opinions are needed.....

    The rest of you... The Administrator has spoken, end of discussion...I would think would be appropriate...

    Instead of criticizing, how about showing a little appreciation once in awhile, for a difficult job..being carried out and providing a place where you can study the JFK research and also complain..

    Might be a thought on occasion.. :rolleyes:

    Andy loved your reply...


    Thanks All..

  8. Three Cheers for Uwe:

    ""I challenge you to put up the proof for the accussations you made and make against www.jfklancerforum.com and Debra Conway on this forum or over at


    I also challenge you to put up the proof for the accusations that you have made from one end of the web to the other over the past two years, against the J.F.K Research Forum and it's membership..

    ""Or maybe it's totaly different and your book will have a title like "How I fooled the JFK Research community"

    Or perhaps "The Neverending Tall Tales of Judyth Baker"......

    Oh I know, we shall hear, see how they attack me,and for absolutely no reason whatsoever,save it we have heard it for 5 long years.....as if people had nothing better to do, but the time comes...when as Uwe inferred enough is enough..and we continue to carry on.....

    ""Who knows Judyth, that is the problem with you, who knows what is behind you and your story, because you do have on your record even a statement

    saying that you don't say that Lee didn't do it, it can be found on the usenet, oh

    I know, someone faked it or used your mail address.""

    If anyone doubts what he says in this statement, then spend some time, on the alts. there are well over 4000 posts on the Judyth Baker line over the past 5 years...many from Judyth herself...do you possibley think each and every one can or could have been altered, if so, wake up and stop fooling yourselves..

    ""Can I prove it, well read my book, that will be out after some years of promising

    it, and then we will see if I have all the information gathered that I need to make it at least somehow believable, but for doing it, I need so much more information, because at the moment i'm only a fiction writer with a raw concept and have to get so much more information from researchers, from the internet, from books and every source I can find.""


    ""Judyth you can't tell me that someone telling the story like you do wouldn't be checked out over at the Justive Department, the FBI and maybe the

    CIA and not everyone working for those agency's is evil and kill's wittnesses,

    as much as I like conspiracy's Judyth, that you can't sell me.

    Or do they already kow that you're bogus ?""

    Think about the above, what Uwe stated.....

    ""Call me what you want, accuse me of what you want, I just don't care anymore.""

    Sorry to read this Uwe..perhaps you need a few days rest and will be back...you care very much IMO......there are still many and they will continue, to try to weed out the great disinformation artists. That is exactly what they are, some even fully trained and with much support...

    This has all taken up too much time, too much space, too much in wasted resources, she repays kindness with distortions...She and her followers believe she has found a safe haven here at the Education Forum.......they are taking much advantage of the hospitality.....they go on about how it has enabled them to have freedom of speech, well she also had that at the JFK Forum, and at the alts and many other Forums and blew it.....

    Ask her some of the hard questions, and see if the answers you get are.

    1..Wait till the book comes out..2. It would take too long to answer such, and my eyes are bad, my back, my head, or whatever is on the agenda today.......

    3. My internet connection is not capable...I will be away, etc etc..

    4. And also this person has never emailed me, that is always a pat reply......even though people did and do, and never received a reply.....see there is always an excuse.......many and they go on and on seemingly forever..

    I personally am sorry to see this Forum being abused in this way, IMO,and the young people who simply have not been privy to the Assassination world before now and it's information, perhaps believing her line...and being exposed to the alteration of history, that is my biggest concern..

    ""I have no idea the purpose of this hoax...who really knows? "" to quote Dixie..

    To pull the researchers from their studies, and from any real advancements,they may be working on...... been done before, and when Judyth goes, it shall be done again...and again, it is never over, another will follow her...

    And Judyth you are dead wrong about being the girlie on the corner, and about Robert putting LHO's camera in the Paine garage....some homework for you to do......and be sure to change what you have written, again, when you do find out the correct answers....you and your team are not as good as you thought....your story line is still running with too many errors....

    Bravo Uwe......

    Bernice Moore.....

    and no I am not on any Team and no, I do not know Bob Vernon....

  9. Hi Jack:

    In Jim Marrs: "Crossfire" it states," he was driving downtown Dallas on the Stemmons Expressway...clip...so he stopped his car just north of a railroad bridge across Stemmons and joined the spectators."

    I do not know where this was...

    Here is a link to Free Speech TV : a video with witness Ed Hoffman...you will need the Real Player plug in.......he has his own interpreter with him, who understands Ed's signing and not make the mistakes that have been made in the past with their translations....



  10. Hello Dale:

    One aspect of J.F.K that I shall always recall, was how he gave the younger generation the ability to see themselves as achieving any goal they set for themselves, anything was possible.....he gave that feeling of encouragement, and support....the older generation at that time, I believe, the feeling that they were in very safe hands and so were their children....That whatever happened he was extremely capable...

    He made the people feel good about themselves, and their country....when visiting other countries he gave those people of the world the ease of mind that a capable and fair man was in charge of the most powerful nation of the world....and a feeling of peace within....and perhaps most of all he made them smile..

    I believe that is what a President or leader of any country should be able to do.

    I have not seen this appear since....and it had been greatly missed, during all these following years.

    Thankyou for your wonderful question...


  11. Bernice --

    Within a week, we'll be hearing the HOAX contributors "failed" proving the case for alteration. In refusing to address Mr. Peter's concerns regarding film alteration, of course all he can move on is JWhites work - discredit him [meaning Jack White], by default - possible alteration of the Zapruder film goes by the wayside  ... yeadada, yadada, yadada...

    And the beat goes on...

    Nice to see you posting, lady! Hope all is well with you and your's.

    David Healy

    Hi There David:

    "Within a week, we'll be hearing the HOAX contributors "failed" proving

    the case for alteration."

    Well isn't this always the plan? I don't see anything that has changed in this regard over many years. Been done before and shall again.

    As you say the yada will continue..

    Did you hear anything about The Sixth Floor Museum losing it's lease because the owner's have raised the rent and they will not pay it...and possibly moving it into a large trailer type vehicle, and taking it to different schools around the country..??

    Thanks and I hope all is well at your end.. :

    B... ;)

  12. Hi Mr.White: ;)

    Looks good..very clear...they knew what they were doing. very clear analysis.Thanks.

    Perhaps if you have not seen this, the new

    introductory page on Dr.Costella's site.....

    It has some animations that take a little

    while to download if anyone has dialup,quicker but it's easier than trying to

    download the clips. Look at


    For students and all ......the Zapruder film, and Dr.C's analysis..Please have

    a look and read all, and do your own critical thinking....in very clear

    simple everyday language.....no struggle to understand whatsoever....

    Hey ,I can even understand ... ;)

    See the Zapruder Hoax thread, for Dr.Costella's, Dr.Mantik's, Dr.Fetzer's and other's qualifications, last post today, so far that is. :rolleyes: and read the book The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, before coming to any conclusions..take your time, and read Dr.Fetzer's other books, Assassination Science, Murder In Dealey Plaza, request them from your library...make up your own minds....

    Thanks for all you do.... :D

  13. Hi Peoples: ;)

    To Larry Whomever ?


    That's what you are here for, and has become very clear....and paid for....

    Do you also believe in the Warren Report.??

    I have said many times that I believe there was a conspiracy, so a reasonable person would then say that I do not agree with the Warren Commissions findings.

    **B.Reply: The HSCA also believed there could have been a conspiracy,but they still believed the WC..!! old trick.. :)



    Seeing that you repeatedly refuse to show us your work, as a study, therefore,could mean, you have none, and or are using, some ones elses...or others in combination, another old trick..perhaps being fed to you, as the question or reply warrants...

    What work have I not shown? I have walked Mr. White through the timeline that would have been available for the Altgens number 6 photograph to have been altered. By the way - Mr. White didn't mention that timeline in the book 'Hoax' because he failed to consider it. I believe Mr. White has admitted that from 12:39 p.m. CST to 1:03 p. m. CST would not have allowed enough time to have processed Altgens roll of film, make prints and do any alterations before going out on the news wire.

    Next there was the Skaggs/Bond comparison and Mr. White has also admitted that he errered in that observation, as well, so what are you complaining about concerning my showing my work or detailing how I reached my conclusion? Your comment saying, "This 40 years alone of Mr. Whites compared to yours of 18 months is astounding and overwhelming ..." is just more of you making a fool of yourself for I stated I had been studying the JFK assassination for over a quarter of a century.

    **B Reply: I and others have repeatedly requested your qualifications for judging others research studies relating to the Photographs and the Zapruder Film....You continually attack the Hoax contributors...and have refused time and time again....To repeat this request would prove fruitless as it has many times before..I believe you stated, that you have studied the photos for 18 months...the Assassination for 25 years....I have referred to this study of 18 months in the above posts, at no time did you correct this information...so as far as I know you are now, trying to twist the facts again....perhaps you had better check your posts to make sure of what you have and have not related in the past.??.

    Perhaps in your 25 years as a student you also, have not realized that what the witnesses describe occurring that day, does not agree with what is seen on the Zapruder Film..

    Now lets do a little comparison of some contributors, and their Qualifications for Hoax:

    John P.Costella, Ph.D.Honors Degrees: Electrical Engineering: Sciences:..theoretical physics: specializing in high energy physics, Einstein's theory of relativity, classical electrodynamics:( which is the mathematical analysis of the physics of moving objects and the light they emit: 3 years postdoctoral research and lecturing..

    James H Fetzer: Ph.D:Philosophy: Professor:A,B magna cum laude: Princton: Ph.D in History and Philosophy of Science.Indianna. Publisher of 20 books, and more than 100 artciles on philosopy of science and theoretical foundations of computer science.

    David Healy: 30 years Television and film production and post production,special effects cinematographic techniques: Engineered ,designed and built editing facilities...ENG news camera packages for manufacturers,Video post production for Silicon Valley Corps.and Fortune 500 Companies...Industry Awards:and filmed and produced documentarys.

    David S Lifton: Cornell Univ. graduate School of Engineering Physics..UCLA graduate: worked on NAA on Project Apollo: author of "Best Evidence", filmed autopsy technicians from Bethesda and their experiences"..worked with the ARRB and was a witness.

    David W.Mantik: M.D.Univ. Michigan: Ph.D in physics ,Wisconsin: Board Certified Radiation Oncologist :pioneer studying autopsy X-rays, with densitometry,leading expert on the medical evidence in the world today of J.F.K.autopsy x-rays and alteration of the film .

    Jack White: His qualifications are posted here at the Forum in the Biographys section...includes 40 years experience with the assassination photos.

    and others.....


    Larry Peters: ?? None...stated, after continued requests, by many. ;)


    Now if you have any specific film alteration claim that you would like to have addressed, then please tell me which one it is and we'll all investigate it together if you like. I am prepared to fully explain what I discovered when I weighed the claims being made on both sides.

    **B: Oh Larry Whomever:

    Now here comes the Please ,nice to see.....But now that Mr.White has refused to address your posts,and discuss any photo alterations any further with you, (and I have not read the latest, on all this ) you now decide to try to use me , by asking that I choose a specific film alteration, to continue your so called investigations into such so that you can continue your tirades against such....by the kind offer above....LOL.....seen that one before also..... ;)

    Go play with your disinfo buddies...continue on with your game..as I know you and your team shall.....I refuse to acknowledge your posts any further, your agenda has been shown clearly, your information is coming off a production line.... too fast...too much....seen it before....you and they blew it..

    BTW: it was a poor Jack Attack seen much better......perhaps you are too eager, now didn't that disinfo school teach you anything...easy goes the game...you are tiresome, and need some Forum rules to follow....then you shall not be found out perhaps as quickly......though you certainly are not new at this game of yours,your phrasing gives you away...


    Mr.Peters, I've been called worse, and perhaps you forgot......it takes one to know one, so glad to see you admit to being a fool...

    B...for Bye...

  14. ;) Your not very good at this Mr.Peters you have a long way to go....Ask your team for more input, in this regard...or go back to Disinfo School and take a refresher course, maybe the 4 months or so, wasn't quite long enough........Your presentation, and system has not and is not working....

    "QUOTE: Mr.Peters..

    B*:Whose Grandstanding ?

    "Quote:I think the answer to that question is obvious by your making yet another post that has nothing to do with a specific JFK related question. I have carefully read all your newest remarks and if what you're attempting to do is not grandstanding, then I do not what else to call it."

    "Main Entry: [2]grandstand

    Function: adjective

    Date: 1893

    : done for show or to impress onlookers"


    Reply:..IMO...This is exactly what you have been doing since the minute you stepped on the Education Forums JFK Stage...and you continue, as expected......reread all your posts Mr.Peters....

    The questions relating to your JFK studies, as this thread has proceeded ,have all but been ignored..

    by doing so, you eventually evolve the said thread into a personal, exchange, another old trick...they and you use.....

    See some questions below pertaining to your JFK studies attached.......

    You are the one who has stated, that you have studied the Hoax, research for 18 months, and have given the very distinct impression as to knowing all..

    I have asked for your studies to be presented many times...They have not.......one little tit bit here and another there, does not make a Research Study...

    You also are trying to give the impression to the membership that Mr.White, is wrong, period, in all his 40 YEARS of studies pertaining to the photographic area of the Assassination..and to discredit him, and Mr.Healey and all others associated with such...why???......, and then proceed to another site to prove to the world, that there were no alterations...that they are and were all wrong, all the old greats and the new.....who have had the guts Mr.Peters to take on a very dangerous foe called the Government...and to prove to the world, and the citizens of the U.S, their President was assassinated in a Coup..in association with their Government...I will be following as well as many others...and relating to all, what occurrs on that site....down the road....

    This 40 years alone of Mr. Whites compared to yours of 18 months is astounding and overwhelming.....he has forgotten more than you shall ever know about the assassination never mind the combined knowledge and experience of all those associated with the study of The Hoax...Your on the wrong side Mr.Peters ..you and your cohorts.....as always....the time will come, do not doubt it, for a second, when it shall be exposed for what it was, and all those in anyway who have attached themselves, to such and there can be only one reason, for promised stature and money..

    That's what you are here for, and has become very clear....and paid for....

    Do you also believe in the Warren Report.??

    Seeing that you repeatedly refuse to show us your work, as a study, therefore,could mean, you have none, and or are using, some ones elses...or others in combination, another old trick..perhaps being fed to you, as the question or reply warrants...

    Your have shown me and others where you are coming from, in otherwards.....

    the wrong side...

    Goodday one of many,provacateur disinfos...B

    Some quotes below from the thread....

    1.So far you have only shown and presented Bill Millers, and others research...I believe myself and others would appreciate seeing yours and reading what your qualifications are that apparently gives you the right to judge,their work..and you are judging, not giving your opinions, you are at times almost attacking....not attractive...at any given time

    2." They are also the same PhD's who think rain sensors are listening devices "

    If you are going to post part, post all the pertaining information.

    How do any of us know for positive, they were not.???..I do not ,do you.?? I have really no opinion, on such, but if some differs with yours, well excuse me that is allowed..Do you really think that Weisberg, Maegher, Jones, and all the rest always agreed.....I don't think so.....all are entitled..whether you agree or not.

    3.Please show me your studies of the Moorman....do not use Mr. White's, nor Bill Miller's nor anyone elses.....yours...and ,let's see your comparisons then to theirs.....if this cannot be done here on this site then may I suggest you obtain a free web site, for such....many would be very interested in your recent work I am sure ......there is an old saying if you can't put up then s... up...... that could apply here.....and please show your studies of the light coming through said windows which should been seen but is not, and why not.???.that's an oldie....BTW....it is you that is judging, no one else.....

    If you were here to study, or to show your analysis, and receive critiques from those knowledgeable, and or for input, this you would have done, long before now....which you have not, this is an education Forum, not a forum for use, to discredit others, by any bullying tactics...it is for studying and the trading of information,..the I'm right your wrong attitude will not work here, and shouldn't....

    So how about you present your work, in a fair manner, so that all others may judge your work, as you have been judging others, or shut the heck up, IMO..If you cannot give, you cannot expect to take, in otherwards...


    B. :)

  15. Hi There:

    My name is Bernice Moore, I live in Ontario, Canada.

    I have been a student of the J.F.K.Assassination since it's occurrence...

    I am interested in all theories, all new and past research and all photographic material.... I have an on going study pertaining to Marilyn Sitzman..

    Do your own research, make your own decisions,and as they say, do you own critical thinking..

    Thanks for your time... ;)

  16. I find it interesting that Mr. Peters responds at 4:22 a.m. in the time zone

    from which he posts. Does the man NEVER SLEEP? I check the times he posts

    and they are AROUND THE CLOCK, and to judge from his voluminous writings,

    he appears to spend ALL OF HIS TIME composing messages for this forum.

    Is he really posting from the GMT time zone...or somewhere else?

    Why is he reluctant to reveal anything about himself. Does he have an

    occupation or ever go to work? Is he employed to make postings here.?

    Or is he a composite team of people that he constantly quotes?

    Jack White

    Mr. White, I find it more interesting that you show more concern about the time of day that I post rather than addressing the evidence of the alteration claims that you've made. So to put your mind at ease - I spend a lot of time researching and writing. I also am conditioned not to need a lot of sleep. I am retired and I live quite comfortably. I research on my own and I don't belong to an elaborate dream team created to make around the clock postings here if that is what you are most concerned about.

    Reply..B*.. :o Now no wonder people can't stay focused and up all night to read, and you have the gall Mr.Peter's to accuse them of not being able to stay focused.....Well, I guess not, some others do work for a living, and have other responsibilities.....nice to live comfortably and do completely what you want, gee you mean you do not receive any compensation for all your work.?? ...so this is an around the clock effort...hmmmmmm..


    I have not asked anything about your private life, nor does it interest me. What interest me is to be able to better understand what happened in Dallas on 11/22/63. If the films and photographs have been altered, then I want to know about it because it would be BIG NEWS! I have yet to see a photo or film alteration claim of yours that will stand under its own weight. Maybe I have missed something along the way and this is why I want to address the evidence in detail with you. So far it has been like pulling teeth, but I am optimistic that we can stay focused on the more important issues surrounding these claims of yours and possibly you or I can learn something from the other along the way.


    Reply B*...There is nothing in Mr. White's life that is hidden relating to his studies and beyond....too bad you cannot say the same.....

  17. Hello Peoples: :o



    Excuse me, but on the other hand when you ask questions, of some and some do not reply, or give the answer you see fit, you demand they do..???

    Bernice Moore, your statement is false. The only thing I have demanded is that if someone is going to promote photo and film alteration, then they should be prepared to answer specific questions about them. When certain people choose to skirt around those specifics and just want to handle the advertising aspect of photo and film alteration with their grandstanding, then I have no patience for them. At the moment there as been some attempt by Jack White to answer questions in a more specific way and if you have anything to add of substance to the inquiry into the accuracy of these alteration claims, then I would welcome it.

    B*:Whose Grandstanding ? Perhaps they have no patience with you....?

    Perhaps it's all in the way you present yourself when replying.???

    So far it's your show.....your the one on stage....

    Perhaps, when you show us where your coming from and where your going with all this........Many will have something to say...Perhaps you shall, and perhaps you shall not welcome it.??


    Please show me your studies of the Moorman....do not use Mr. White's, nor Bill Miller's nor anyone elses.....yours...and ,let's see your comparisons then to theirs.....

    Bernice Moore, please stay focused for I am the one who did the overlay comparison of Jack White's missing windows that was posted on this site. I tested it before I replied about it. Then I explained the error and how it is quite noticeable. Furthermore, even if I had not created the overlay, I certainly understand its purpose and how there should not be any shifting between the pedestal.

    B*:That's your opinion:........OOPs......Perhaps it is a little hard to stay focused here, with your beligerant attitude showing constantly......it's like walking into a mine field, do you realize that is the impression you give, to other members, who might have a question, but in no way are they ,nor have they the wherewithal to post such...for fear of being blown away by you, fine way to teach students.......Do you realise you give that impression??, calm down Mr.Peters, relax, unfocus a little, there is no hurry....or are you on a time schedule here.......gotta get back to another site..??


    Your attitude is what is frustrating, there are no rules on this Forum, that when a question is asked, that anyone HAS to reply, and once answered that they must again and again, to your's or anyones satisfaction, that is until you finally get the reply you are after

    Bernice Moore, I take it that you have not even bothered to thoroughly read the threads that I have participated in. I have asked for specifics and only recently in the James Altgens number 6 photo post did I finally get such a response. So no one has been forcing anyone to reply, nor did anyone answer and then be aksed the same questions over and over, unless being asked if someone was going to keep evading the specifics of an issue would fall into the realm of things.

    B*: No one used the word "Forcing, but you Mr.Peters"..

    Quote:Mr.Peters....... "nor did anyone answer and then be aksed the same questions over and over, unless being asked if someone was going to keep evading the specifics of an issue would fall into the realm of things."....enough said...............

    No one has to reply....even when you ask over and over again.......get it...??


    I am not asking for your life story, no need to hide, nor have I seen anything shining through as yet..after reading all.....I am asking, your qualifications,

    I have spent many years researching the JFK assassination. I have researched and studied the photographical record and that should have been obvious when I walked Mr. White through the history of Altgens number 6 photograph and how it applied to the timeline of events as described by Jean Hill on Len Osanics Black Op Radio Show. I am sure that if you will spend a fraction of your time insisting that those who have made these photo and film alteration claims be specific in how they reached their conclusions when asked questions and not evade the issues, then you will better see my qaulifications at work.

    B*:Pull in your Horns, Mr.Peters, do not get Condescending , with me nor anyone else..bad form, more bad etiquette....You have no idea of what others do nor have done.....you presume too much, as usual...All about you...


    These studies have been going on for many, many years......you sound like you are a young puppy, who has just gotten out of what school

    Your are wrong again, I have been at this for over a quarter of a century.

    B*: Well, My Lord, you finally gave us a crumb....your not a young puppy. ..........thanks for that....


    But I believe you have made it all very clear, you are not here, on an educational Forum, to present your own studies, but to present others, and to use their work to discredit yet again other peoples studies...???

    I am here to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy. If someone has done a study by building a clip that shows JFK's head exploding at Z313, then I, nor anyone else needs to duplicate the clip to intelligently discuss what has just occurred. Just like with Mr. White's Bond Vs. Scaggs claim - one doesn't need to do an indepth study to see his mistake. However, if it makes you feel any better I did go to Groden's book "TKOAP" and looked at a wider view of one of the photos Jack used to see that he had two separate sections of the pergola confused as being one in the same.

    B*:Atta Boy !! your learning.....is there hope???

    Now correct me if I am wrong, but didn't you mention your deep studies of all....for i8 months...or was that wishful thinking on my part.??

    P.S.:Glad to see MR.Peters, that you know how to spell my name.....and correctly to..



    It is convenient at times for some to use Jack White when needed ....isn't it......as you say...ROTFLMAO...........B

  18. Mr.Peters: Quote....

    > " They are also the same PhD's who think rain sensors are listening

    > devices "

    > If you are going to post part, post all the pertaining information.

    > How do any of us know for positive, they were not.


    > Forgive me, but that doesn't deserve a reply.


    Excuse me, but on the other hand when you ask questions, of some and some do not reply, or give the answer you see fit, you demand they do..??? .......but

    "that doesn't deserve a reply" now from your attitude, and twisted sense of fair play, neither do yours..you make that very clear..make up your mind....



    In the Moorman overlay you have presented, your out a hair on the

    > window alignment.....IMO...too far to the right, in what you have

    > presented, in the area, of the top of Zapruders thigh, it should be

    > showing some window, it is not....that is my opinion, I have no

    > education in photography, and therefore I do not pretend to have, nor

    > quote anyone elses work to back up my opinions, which I take it yours

    > are also, just opinions....but I know what I see, and to me this is what

    > is shown..


    > I agree with you here - the window is not positioned right, but you

    > failed to see that it was not I that positioned it ... it was Jack

    > White.


    Please show me your studies of the Moorman....do not use Mr. White's, nor Bill Miller's nor anyone elses.....yours...and ,let's see your comparisons then to theirs.....if this cannot be done here on this site then may I suggest you obtain a free web site, for such....many would be very interested in your recent work I am sure ......there is an old saying if you can't put up then s... up...... that could apply here.....and please show your studies of the light coming through said windows which should been seen but is not, and why not.???.that's an oldie....BTW....it is you that is judging, no one else.....


    You protest too much.....and are rude and and almost abusive at

    > times in your attitude, we have been here before.....



    Why would Mr. White, or anyone want to reply to you, when you

    > present such an awful high and mighty attitude and have been presenting

    > this here for some time,


    > This reminds me of the story as to which came first - the chicken or the

    > egg? If you go back and start from the beginning - you will see that had

    > the answers have been forthcoming and to the point, then things would

    > have went a lot smoother. Constant stonewalling can be very frustrating

    > to some of us.

    Your attitude is what is frustrating, there are no rules on this Forum, that when a question is asked, that anyone HAS to reply, and once answered that they must again and again, to your's or anyones satisfaction, that is until you finally get the reply you are after....this is not an inquisition, this is a Forum.....Forum etiquette need apply........A discussion between members is one thing, an unacceptance of their replies, and the demanding of others is not..IMO



    What are your qualifications.??...you have not presented any so

    > far, that I have seen.....


    > Bernice, some people like to brag about their qualifications - I do not.

    > Some folks try and claim a higher degree of education as if that should

    > mean something, but it doesn't. Some folks might say it just took them

    > longer to learn something it took others less time to do. A person can

    > be smart enough to transplant a heart from one person to another, but if

    > he or she doesn't know the facts surrounding the JFK assassination, then

    > his or her intelligence is of little value here. Go to the "Loony Toons

    > loose" thread and watch the discussion going on between Mr. White and I,

    > just maybe my qualifications and knowledge of the case will come shining

    > through.

    I am not asking for your life story, no need to hide, nor have I seen anything shining through as yet..after reading all.....I am asking, your qualifications, that perhaps, may give you the right to judge, the researchers findings...not giving your opinions, to that you are as entitled as the next, but you are and have been judging ,without those qualifications, stated nor your studies being shown..Have you any ???...If you think a plumber has the right to judge say, an electricians work, or be qualified to do such work, just because he read and studied an electricans text book..for a few months...or the other way around say.......then you are way off base here..That is in effect what you are trying to say.???.

    (Besides that ,your lights would be all out, and your basement flooded, or is that what you are trying to do here, flood the Forum and turn it's light out..???)

    Turn people off, chase them away, discourage them in posting, simply take over the Forum.hmmm..???)


    So far you have only shown and presented Bill Millers, and others

    > research...


    > I have also presented some of my own research as I have tested Miller's

    > work and given detailed explanations as to my conslusions, so it should

    > be obvious that I have spent considerable time looking at these issues.

    > I might also add that I presented some of Jack White's research as well.

    > Please try and pay more attention to this topic concerning photo and

    > film alteration for it can be quite interesting if stay focused on the

    > issues being discussed.

    Now it is your turn to pay attention, please....I have spent years paying such to the topic concerning photo and film alteration....many, many have ,they sit back, read ,study and pay attention, but they do not blow their own horns at the end of a few months, with a know it all, attitude, and a demanding way...and they may ask a question now and again, but...You make it sound as though this is all a novel idea, a new found discovery, the photographic studies..??...These studies have been going on for many, many years......you sound like you are a young puppy, who has just gotten out of what school.??..and can't wait to tell the world, how wrong it is...you have much to learn, and a long way to go, I believe, perhaps given time, your attitude will mellow, if you are serious, in what you are saying..??....and your studies may result in something of value, but I do think you shall need some education first...such greats as Elizabeth Stoneborough and Harold Weisberg and others...were way ahead of you and many others..... years ago....you need to read more.....

    But I believe you have made it all very clear, you are not here, on an educational Forum, to present your own studies, but to present others, and to use their work to discredit yet again other peoples studies...??? Now what does that prove?, absolutely nothing...That's all been done before....that's, been there done that areas, that's old....those people involved have moved on, you must now do and compare your own....but do not expect them to rehash what has already been done........and besides..All are entitled to their opinions....What I am getting here now, loud and clear, is that you are not here, to present nor discuss, the differences of said studies, and perhaps, learn or contribute something that may be of value, but are here to use one against another, and ridicule and use any method that you may think of, to put others work down..that does not agree with your truth, or is it someone elses truth....??..What gives you that right, seeing that there is a question of your identity, that you have not cleared up, it is very easy for anyone, to send an email to anyone in the world for them to then post on a web site, under another's name, also there are ways of creating a URL, that is being sent from the US to appear to be sent from another country.....????.nothing new...there is a question of your qualifications, that you also have not cleared up, that you refuse to state...you wish us to accept, that because you have studied other's work, I take it ,for 18 months, I believe you stated, or there abouts, that this qualifies you, to judge, qualified men's studies that has taken many ,many years.....something wrong there...???..I am not relating to your opinion, but your judging and discrediting of these men and others ....and I must wonder why??? and also a question of your ways in reaching your objective, what tactics I have seen so far, leave a lot to be desired...and which you have not made clear either...??

    If you were here to study, or to show your analysis, and receive critiques from those knowledgeable, and or for input, this you would have done, long before now....which you have not, this is an education Forum, not a forum for use, to discredit others, by any bullying tactics...it is for studying and the trading of information,..the I'm right your wrong attitude will not work here, and shouldn't....

    So how about you present your work, in a fair manner, so that all others may judge your work, as you have been judging others, or shut the heck up, IMO..If you cannot give, you cannot expect to take, in otherwards...



    You, mentioned somewhere along the way, emails you have received

    > , and I took it to mean something like, some, are backing what you are

    > posting...

    > Well let me inform you Mr.Peters, there are other emails flying that are

    > not backing you and do not like your heavy handed

    > approach.......


    > I expect that what you say is true, but if those people cannot tell

    > whose overlay is which like you failed to do with the pedestal example

    > that I posted showing the alleged missing windows, then maybe some of

    > that email you speak of as to my being in error has been wrongfully

    > misplaced.


    Again you misunderstand...you do not pay attention well, you are so busy making waves..and putting a twist on to such, and insinuations, now please read..no one, as far as I know, has any objection to anyone posting any information, that is what they are here for, whether they agree or not, is their perogative, not yours, and not yours either to say they are right or wrong, nor what their failures nor success are..you can express your opinion, nothing more.....can you understand that fact.???..What is wrongfully placed here is your, attitude,your demands for answers,your insinuations, and your total lack, of Web Etiquette.....in otherwards, get over yourself, and start acting human, or people will believe you are a whatchamacallit......a disinfo or a provocateur....your choice....you either are or you are not, we all will know soon enough.....Now please show me..?????..

    You after all, are the one who is acting as a know all and giving that hard to believe opinion of yourself....or do you..??...

  19. Mr.Peters: Quote....

    " They are also the same PhD's who think rain sensors are listening devices "

    If you are going to post part, post all the pertaining information.

    How do any of us know for positive, they were not.???..I do not ,do you.?? I have really no opinion, on such, but if some differs with yours, well excuse me that is allowed..Do you really think that Weisberg, Maegher, Jones, and all the rest always agreed.....I don't think so.....all are entitled..whether you agree or not.

    As far as spell checks, I think you should refrain from making such remarks, look to your own spelling mistooks....before you throw stones..there have been several.....so what..

    In the Moorman overlay you have presented, your out a hair on the window alignment.....IMO...too far to the right, in what you have presented, in the area, of the top of Zapruders thigh, it should be showing some window, it is not....that is my opinion, I have no education in photography, and therefore I do not pretend to have, nor quote anyone elses work to back up my opinions, which I take it yours are also, just opinions....but I know what I see, and to me this is what is shown..

    You protest too much.....and are rude and and almost abusive at times in your attitude, we have been here before.....

    Why would Mr. White, or anyone want to reply to you, when you present such an awful high and mighty attitude and have been presenting this here for some time, and why you are allowed to proceed with such is beyond me, and people wonder why broo haws start.....or tempers get out of control, this is usually one of the main reasons.... you have been showing this in spades. IMO......This is a Forum not an inquisition...

    And it is Dr.Mantick, Dr.Costello,and Dr.Fetzer, with a capital Dr. as with any who have earned that right.....as they have, and should be given that respect....to not, in public is an insult..IMO....

    I hope the name is Larry Peters, if not, you shall pay a heavy price....in the research world...as they always find out...as in the past..

    What are your qualifications.??...you have not presented any so far, that I have seen.....

    So far you have only shown and presented Bill Millers, and others research...I believe myself and others would appreciate seeing yours and reading what your qualifications are that apparently gives you the right to judge,their work..and you are judging, not giving your opinions, you are at times almost attacking....not attractive...at any given time...

    You, mentioned somewhere along the way, emails you have received , and I took it to mean something like, some, are backing what you are posting...

    Well let me inform you Mr.Peters, there are other emails flying that are not backing you and do not like your heavy handed approach.......try a less know it all attitude and a more personable approach it may go a long way....to getting any of your questions asked....IMO.....

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