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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. More Mark Lane.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Which means you obviously think ALL of the other news anchors on TV and Radio were also "entirely wrong" too, correct? (Because all the networks were working basically from the same UPI and AP wire reports.) But what amazes me is that anyone can actually believe that everybody in the news media COULD have been so "entirely wrong" about nearly everything that was reported on TV and Radio on 11/22/63. Such an "entirely wrong" belief, to me, indicates there's something "wrong" with a CTer's evaluation of the evidence. Much the same way the convenient "All The Evidence Has Been Faked" mindset of many conspiracy theorists sends up a big red flag for me as well.
  3. That seems a bit brusque, Paul. Mervyn was merely asking a question about LHO biographies. The top 2 answers to Mervyn Hagger's inquiry/search are the following publications [of course 😀].... 1. "Oswald's Game" by Jean Davison (1983) (W.W. Norton & Co.) 2. "Reclaiming History" (Chapter 5) by Vincent T. Bugliosi (2007) (W.W. Norton & Co.)
  4. JFK's SS-100-X limousine on the day it was delivered to the White House (June 15, 1961).... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More: http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2012/06/kennedy-gallery-165.html
  5. Thanks, Trygve. Yes, I've been to the "Critical Past" site before. There are some good things there too. But all of their videos are watermarked with their own logo (which probably means they guard their copyright with an iron fist), so I wouldn't want to use those videos on my YouTube channel anyway. Plus, there's always that ugly "Critical Past" watermark on the screen every second you're watching it, which is kind of annoying.
  6. If you know of any other photos that you think would be good additions to my Kennedy Gallery, let me know. Also --- If you ever run across some "Lost" TV or Radio coverage of JFK's assassination that you think I might not already have in my A/V archive, please drop me a line. I haven't been able to find any "new" coverage for a little while now. In 2013, for the 50th anniversary, I was able to acquire several new items that surfaced only that year (WTIC, WHBC, and others). I still can't help but think that there is a vast ocean of untapped assassination footage out there in many radio and TV stations' vaults somewhere. The amount of stuff that is available can really only be a drop in the bucket when compared to all those hundreds of television and radio stations around the country that were surely also recording their 11/22/63 coverage as well. It's just never been unearthed. But I'll bet it's out there in some vault or attic---someplace. EDIT --- David Lifton might also be a good (veteran) person to ask about "Lost" JFK TV/Radio coverage too. David? Any thoughts? (Or anybody else, for that matter?)
  7. Huh? You suddenly decided to switch to Craig and the Rambler. ???? I don't get the connection. What's the Craig/Rambler story got to do with where Dan Rather was located? What did I miss? ~shrug~ Or were you responding to my post about Oswald above --- in that you are inferring that Roger Craig's story (with Lee Oswald as a passenger) is somehow the same thing as having a PHOTO or FILM of OSWALD leaving the Depository (and not just a picture of a station wagon)? ~additional shrug~
  8. Post Script.... And the same "WHY ISN'T HE SEEN IN ANY OF THE PHOTOS OR FILMS?" question can really be asked about Lee Harvey Oswald as well (albeit for a much shorter period of time), because we know Oswald was leaving the TSBD Building within minutes of the assassination, and yet there's not a single photo (or film) showing LHO exiting the building and heading east on Elm Street, despite a flurry of photos (and films) being taken at just exactly that point in time.
  9. But just because we can't see (or identify) Dan Rather in the two McIntire photos (including the more famous one below), that doesn't mean that he wasn't near that location west of the Triple Underpass at that time. (If he was going to lie about it afterwards, why wouldn't he have placed himself right IN the Plaza itself---i.e., east of the Underpass, where the shooting actually occurred?) Let me ask Mr. McBride a related question.... Since I've never seen a photo or film showing Hugh Aynesworth in Dealey Plaza (or at the scene of the crime when Ruby shot Oswald at City Hall either), does that mean you think Mr. Aynesworth was telling tall tales about HIS whereabouts on those two occasions too?
  10. 11/22/63.... The Secret Service follow-up car, sans Clint Hill on the left runningboard, is seen here speeding toward Stemmons Freeway....
  11. Lee Harvey Oswald's "sniper's nest" on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building in Dallas, Texas.... More Sniper's Nest pictures: http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2012/06/kennedy-gallery-072.html
  12. More Meader.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-first-family-albums-vaughn-meader.html http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2014/05/whats-my-line-december-30-1962.html
  13. Just a quick side note regarding the allegation of "CIA involvement" in President Kennedy's death:
  14. ~~Yawn~~ and ~~Stretch~~ Same old bluster from Mr. DiEugenio. He thinks CE399 is a fake, etc. (Gosh, what a surprise.) It doesn't matter a whit, of course, to Mr. DiEugenio that every official committee/commission that has examined the case has stated that that precise bullet --- Commission Exhibit Number Three-Niner-Niner --- is the exact bullet that wounded both JFK & Connally. Per Jimmy, every single investigator, lawyer, Senator, Congressman, and Chief Justice of the United States who came to the conclusion that CE399 hit President Kennedy and Governor Connally must have ALL been either totally nuts, complete dimwits, or liars. And Jim actually thinks Bardwell Odum's 38-year-old memory trumps the 1964 FBI report we find in CE2011. Which is fine. That is what makes you Jimmy. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2018/05/dvp-vs-dieugenio-part-125.html
  15. Audio Clips.... JFK'S ASSASSINATION--THE FIRST TV AND RADIO BULLETINS: https://app.box.com/shared/CBS-TV https://app.box.com/shared/NBC-TV https://app.box.com/shared/WFAA-TV https://app.box.com/shared/CBS-Radio https://app.box.com/shared/NBC-Radio https://app.box.com/shared/ABC-Radio https://app.box.com/shared/WTIC-Radio
  16. Jim would say, however, that I am the one who does that very thing you mentioned. (I would disagree, of course.)
  17. Here's a replay of part of a discussion from August 2010 concerning the topic of J.D. Tippit's wallet: DVP SAID: Jim [DiEugenio], in what document can I find the info about Tippit's wallet being taken off of his corpse at Methodist Hospital? [Later....] Never mind, Jim. I found it myself, via the files of the Dallas Municipal Archives (Box 9; Folder 2; Item 3), linked HERE. And (just as I suspected) the document showing Tippit's personal property most definitely does NOT prove that Tippit's wallet was taken off of his body at Methodist Hospital (or at Parkland, where he was taken for his autopsy). How can I know? Because Tippit's service revolver is ALSO listed on this inventory of Tippit's personal property ("1 SW Rev Ser # 138278"). And we know that Tippit's revolver was LEFT AT THE MURDER SCENE after Tippit was shot, being picked up by witness Ted Callaway. Therefore, the "Black Billfold" listed in that document didn't necessarily have to be taken off of Tippit's body at Methodist or Parkland. JIM DiEUGENIO SAID: Please show me the testimony, evidence or affidavit about the name plate, pens etc being stripped off Tippit at the scene. Yeah sure. Happens all the time, right? DVP SAID: When did I ever suggest such a foolish and stupid thing, Jim? Answer: Never. But you have no proof that a DPD officer didn't take Tippit's wallet from 10th Street to either Methodist or Parkland between the time Tippit was shot and the time Captain Doughty signed-off on the document which catalogues all of Tippit's personal belongings at 3:25 PM. Allow me to quote Jim DiEugenio's favorite author of all-time, Vincent T. Bugliosi: "But whose wallet was it? Dallas WFAA-TV cameraman Ron Reiland, narrating the silent footage for his viewers, said it was Tippit’s wallet. Apart from [Dale] Myers saying that Reiland’s reportage over the assassination weekend contained numerous factual errors, the main reason why Myers rejects the possibility that the wallet was Tippit’s is that “1 Black Billfold” was listed among Tippit’s personal effects, and Myers says, “The only item known to have been brought to the hospital [Methodist, and later Parkland] and added to Tippit’s personal effects was Tippit’s revolver, which by all accounts was left behind at the murder scene” (Myers, 'With Malice', pp.299–300). But we know that several officers went to Methodist Hospital, where Tippit’s body was brought into the emergency ward, and they could have brought Tippit’s wallet from the murder scene to either there or Parkland. There certainly was plenty of time to do so before Tippit’s personal property was inventoried, at 3:25 p.m. (Document titled “Identification Bureau Crime Scene Search Section, Police Department, Dallas, Texas,” box 9, folder 2, item 3, DMA; Myers, 'With Malice', p.301). Certainly, the mere absence of any statement or documentary evidence that an item of personal property (the wallet) was added to Tippit’s personal effects would not be strong evidence that such an event never took place. But if, indeed, it was Tippit’s wallet, why didn’t civilian witnesses like Jack Tatum, Ted Callaway, and the two ambulance attendants, Eddie Kinsley and J. C. Butler, see the wallet lying next to Tippit’s body? Nor did Joe Poe and Leonard Jez, two of the first officers to arrive at the scene. (Myers, 'With Malice', p.300) One thing we can be reasonably certain about: the wallet was not Oswald’s." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 454 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes) [More HERE.] [End 2010 Quotes.] So, Jim, the idea that the wallet seen in the WFAA-TV footage was J.D. Tippit's wallet is still in the mix.
  18. Yeah, why not? As I said, it could have been almost ANYBODY'S wallet. I don't know. And you don't know. Nobody knows for sure whose wallet it was. Allow me to quote every conspiracy theorist's favorite author and lawyer [ ], the late Vincent T. Bugliosi of Los Angeles.... "One thing we can be reasonably certain about: the wallet was not Oswald’s. [Dale K.] Myers closely compared a close-up photo of Oswald’s arrest wallet with the wallet found at the murder scene and found definite physical differences, causing him to conclude that “the Oswald arrest wallet is not the same billfold seen in the WFAA newsfilm” (Myers, 'With Malice', pp.298–299). Furthermore, a Dallas police officer had just been slain. It is inconceivable that members of the Dallas Police Department like Captains Westbrook and Doughty and Sergeant Hill would suppress and keep secret the fact that Tippit’s killer had left his calling card at the murder scene. That simply would not, could not, have happened. If Oswald’s wallet had been found at the murder scene, it is inconceivable that nowhere in the testimony or the reports of Westbrook, Hill, Doughty, Poe, and so on, would they bother to mention this extremely important fact. .... If I had to wager, I’d conclude it was Tippit’s wallet, and the reason Reiland stated, on WFAA film [HERE], that it was Tippit’s wallet is that the police had informed him at the scene that it was. Quite apart from Barrett, it makes no sense to me that the Dallas police and detectives, several of whom were Tippit’s friends, would keep from the world that his killer’s wallet was found near his body." --Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 454 and 456 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes)
  19. Jim, you've got so many people "covering up" stuff related to the JFK and Tippit murders, I can't possibly keep them all straight in my mind. From Earl Warren...to Arlen Specter...to Wesley Liebeler...to Dr. Humes...to Buell Frazier...to Ruth Paine...to Allen Dulles...to Buddy Walthers...to Bob Barrett...to Gerald Ford...to Marrion Baker...to Linnie Mae Randle...to Harold Norman...to Roy Truly...to David Belin...to Howard Brennan...to Gerald Hill...to Henry Wade...to Michael Paine...to J.W. Fritz...to John J. McCloy...to Kenneth Croy...and dozens more. (And those are names that just popped into my head as I was writing this post. James DiEugenio's complete roster of "Cover-Up Operatives" would probably fill up a medium-sized phone book.) When you are forced to believe that THAT many individual persons were involved in some kind of "cover-up", then I think it might just be time for the conspiracy theorist to re-think his own position. Because, frankly, it's just flat-out ridiculous. (IMHO.) Well, Jim, since (as you know) I think Jim Garrison was full of [feces] and didn't have any idea what he was talking about when it comes to the "JFK Conspiracy" he was peddling, and since I'm convinced that no bullet was ever recovered from the infield of Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, then obviously I do not consider it a lie when Buddy Walthers, in December of 1967, said "I never saw any bullet". But if you want to continue to pretend that a bullet was found on the south side of Elm Street at approximately 12:40 PM (CST) on November 22, 1963, then be my guest. After all, even the many Anybody But Oswald conspiracy fantasists of the world have a right to speak their minds and believe anything they want to believe.
  20. If you mean this Deep Politics Forum post, well, that post "supersedes" nothing that I have on my own webpage. That "Deep Politics" forum post is a combination of hearsay, allegations, suppositions, and guesswork. Nothing PROVABLE in any shape or form. Yes, Al Maddox said there was a "bullet". But Buddy Walthers flat-out denies it. And we KNOW Walthers was there (he's certainly recognizable in the photos). And that DPF post doesn't confirm it was even Barrett in the picture. Maybe it was, but maybe it wasn't. But even if it is Barrett---who cares? I certainly don't. Either way, there's NO BULLET for anybody to show to us. It's another in the long line of Conspiracy Myths that has surfaced since the assassination. Just like "The Wallet" on Tenth Street. Yes, it's certainly a WALLET being examined by police officers at the Tippit murder site. But it could have literally been ANYBODY'S wallet. Maybe it was a wallet owned by one of the witnesses at the scene. Maybe it was another police officer's billfold (who, for some reason, pulled out his own wallet). Maybe it was J.D. Tippit's wallet (which is what I believe). Who knows? Nobody does. It's a mystery that will likely never be fully solved.
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