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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Update..... 200+ more photos added since 2011: http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2012/06/thumbnails.html Latest page (JFK in Cincinnati): http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2016/12/kennedy-gallery-460.html
  2. Kirk, You can find many more JFK phone calls (and Dictabelt recordings) here: https://www.jfklibrary.org/Search.aspx?nav=Ntk:Series+Name|Presidential+Recordings|1|,N:16 And here: http://millercenter.org/scripps/archive/presidentialrecordings/kennedy/dictabelts And here's my "LBJ Phone Calls" page: http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com/2012/03/lyndon-johnson-phone-calls.html
  3. Hi Pat, There is positively no such footage in my CBS-TV collection. I have never heard about any such Lew Wood footage either. (Did CBS just happen to have a Carcano rifle handy on Nov. 22? LOL.) But the name Lew Wood definitely rings a bell. I'm pretty sure his name is mentioned by somebody during the CBS assassination weekend coverage. The notion that a cameraman could have filmed a "blood-soaked Trauma Room One" doesn't seem quite as far-fetched, though. And it's also not unreasonable to think that the CBS bigwigs would have wanted to keep any such bloody footage off the air right after JFK had died. It would have been a tasteless and tacky thing to do at that time to show film footage of the bloody room where JFK had died. So even if such footage did exist, I can certainly see the wisdom of any decision made by CBS to keep that type of material off the air immediately after Kennedy's death.
  4. http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2013/11/kennedy-gallery-357.html http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,9238.msg270740.html#msg270740
  5. VIDEO TALK: http://jfk-archives/video-links-and-miscellaneous-discussion NBC-TV 11/22/63 COVERAGE (DVP's HIGH-QUALITY RAW FILES): https://drive.google.com/folder/NBC-TV Assassination Coverage MISC. RADIO COVERAGE FROM NOVEMBER 22-24, 1963: https://drive.google.com/folder/JFK Assassination Radio Coverage
  6. But, come to think about it, there are people who collect just about every object known to man. I was surprised when I discovered a few years ago that there were organizations called the Post Mark Collectors Club and the Machine Cancel Society (for "Enthusiasts of postmarks, postal history and post office history"). Related discussion (re: the postmark on Oswald's envelope in CE773): http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-postmark-on-commission-exhibit-773.html
  7. I wonder if any such "collector" exists on this planet? Has anyone really wanted to collect vast numbers of "photographs of 1960's money orders"? If so, my next question would be --- What the heck for?
  8. I don't think any of that stuff from Scott Kaiser is new. I believe all of that material was utilized last year in the various Edu. Forum discussions.
  9. Sure, Sandy. Everything in life COULD be fake, I guess. Perhaps my mother was really an imposter who switched places with my real mother the day after I was born. (After all, how would I know? I was just 24 hours old!) But as I asked before --- At what point do the LEGITIMATE LOOKING THINGS on the Hidell money order make conspiracists want to stop pretending everything was placed there by conspirators?
  10. The File Locator Number, I would assume, was part of the internal filing system utilized by the Federal Reserve Bank in circa 1963 for the filing of (and subsequently the locating of, if need be) a particular file or document. (Time for a "Duh!" here, I guess.) As I mentioned in my "Hidell Money Order" article previously, I had theorized that the first 3 digits in the number (138) might be more significant (and possibly traceable) because those digits are set apart from the following 7 digits. That might indicate, I surmised, that those 3 numbers could signify a part of the country where the document originated, or a specific banking institution. I tried finding some info to verify that theory last year, but I had no luck finding out anything about the number.
  11. Micah, The fact that the File Locator Number is there at all is the most significant point. It's a solid indication that the money order was processed and went through the proper banking channels after leaving the hands of Klein's Sporting Goods and the First National Bank in Chicago. Full Discussion....
  12. JFK'S SPEECHES (100+ VIDEOS): https://drive.google.com/folder/The Speeches Of John F. Kennedy
  13. Michael, I had a similar experience at Riverfront as a 10-year-old in 1972, which I talk about in this Amazon review (I still have this book too): https://www.amazon.com/review/R2PS4G6C1B0NMX http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2009/12/johnny-bench.html
  14. Much obliged, Vince. Finding a rare video (or audio) gem to add to my archive is always a treat. Such as this 1961 interview with President Kennedy, which was done live from the President's box in the stands at Griffith Stadium in Washington prior to the opening baseball game of the '61 season. It is the only time (to date) that a POTUS has been interviewed from the stands at a baseball game. This clip is especially satisfying for me, because it combines two of my favorites subjects for video archival purposes---JFK and baseball. Photos.... http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2012/06/kennedy-gallery-191.html
  15. That's good news. I hope Google Drive will add the Captions to their videos in the future. It would be quite useful to many people, as you suggested.
  16. I have no control over that Captions button, Michael. There is no way for me to turn it "on" or "off". But that CC/Subtitles button shouldn't be there at all. No captions have ever been available for Google Drive videos. That option, in fact, was just added to the function controls on the Drive video players within the last few weeks. Prior to that, no Captions button was there at all. What I think has happened is that the Google Drive players have now totally mimicked the players used at YouTube. (They're both "Google" entities, of course.) They are identical in design, and they've now decided to transfer the "Captions/Subtitles" button over to the Drive players too, even though the captions are not available at Drive. Now, it's quite possible, Michael, that captions will be available for those Drive videos at some point in the future. Perhaps the recent addition of the Caption button means that they plan to make such an option available there soon. I really don't know. Of course, as you no doubt know, those "Auto Captions" that are used at YouTube are almost useless. They only represent a loose approximation of the actual quotes from the video, and most of the time the results are hilarious. But on some occasions, a few of the words being spoken are actually represented correctly in the captions. But more often than not, they are mangled badly. I occasionally click on the Caption button on my Drive videos just to see if that option will start working some day. But so far, no dice.
  17. That's what I was thinking when I started to put that catalog of links together. I wanted something comprehensive, fast-loading, and text searchable. And the new index meets all of those criteria. It took me ten days to create just that one page (working on it 13-15 hours a day). And I've added about 50 more links since I first posted this thread on December 5th, and I shall be adding to the index many more times in the future, I am sure. Thank you, Hugo and Chris, for your comments (and your interest). Here's another custom logo for the Index (I like to create logos too)....
  18. Yes, that's true. It's not a repeat of the "Abraham, Martin & John" song. It's really just the NAME of the Dion song that Tom Clay used for his 1971 recording. BTW, here's the complete version of the RFK assassination clip that appears in Clay's record. It's the Andrew West Mutual Radio coverage.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B294SBAT_oH6RGJ1Sm9IZGRHYlk/view
  19. Tom Clay's 1971 version.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B294SBAT_oH6Tzc5dE9VOG9Ebnc/view
  20. FYI.... Here's a new Master Index listing/catalog of all the programs in my video/audio collection, which is an extensive and frequently expanding resource that might prove useful to some people out there. This catalog includes thousands of video and audio files (JFK-related and otherwise), nearly all of which are available for streaming, downloading, and embedding through the handy Google Drive file hosting service. If anybody finds a broken link or a misspelled word (or some other mistake), please let me know. Thanks. Click the logo below....
  21. James, Thank you for your continued perseverance and dedication to the Lancer restoration project. I hope it is a successful endeavor.
  22. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/09/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1179.html
  23. There are many old Lancer Forum links stored at Archive.org's Wayback Machine. A lot of these links are pretty much worthless and useless, but some of them appear to point to full Lancer Forum threads of the past: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/*
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