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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. But Lattimer and Zimmerman merely conducted experiments that ANYONE (even a garbage man) could easily have conducted (if they had the proper materials and resources). Lattimer merely set up some shooting experiments using a Carcano rifle, some skulls, some cardboard targets, etc., and started shooting at them. And every single test he conducted is documented in his very good 1980 book "Kennedy And Lincoln", and he even filmed many of his experiments, such as the head shot stuff, which proves for all time that a skull WILL definitely travel TOWARD THE SHOOTER when it is struck from behind. EVERY one of Lattimer's skulls moved toward the gun when shot. And yet, NONE of Lattimer's excellent reconstruction experiments hold any water with the disbelieving conspiracy crowd whatsoever. (Gee, I wonder why? Not.) Do CTers dismiss Lattimer's FILMED head experiments just because he was a "piss doctor"? What DIFFERENCE does it make what Lattimer's occupation was when it comes to THOSE particular hands-on experiments? A two-dollar hooker in high heels could have proved what Lattimer proved (assuming she had a Carcano, a human skull to shoot at, and a camera with film in it). =================== BUGLIOSI ADDENDUM: Just yesterday, I discovered a new Feb. 2011 radio interview featuring Vince Bugliosi. Good stuff here too, including some previews of Vinnie's newest book on religion (coming out in mid-April 2011), entitled "Divinity Of Doubt: The God Question", which Vince says he is "more excited about" than any other book in his whole career. The whole 44-minute interview is below (and Vince weighs in some more on the conspiracy kooks too): http://Box.net/shared/oql264kfze http://Vincent-Bugliosi.blogspot.com
  2. It wasn't "all by design", Lee. It was all by "human nature". (And it was "all by Oswald", too, of course.) I.E., it's human nature to screw things up. Happens constantly, no matter what we do. I can't even toast bread without screwing up and burning it 5 times out of 10. And you must agree with me on this basic "human nature = screw-ups" analogy, Lee, because your perceived Oswald patsy-framers screwed up virtually everything they did (one way or another), as I illustrated in a previous post. -- Such as allowing the patsy to roam free at 12:30 (how stupid can you possibly GET?), and leaving a MAUSER in the TSBD, and on and on. Looks like they were TRYING to get caught, doesn't it?
  3. Then what is this a picture of, Jimbo? A figment of my imagination?.....
  4. DiEugenio doesn't have the PROOF that Oswald's $21.45 money order [CE788] is a fraud. In fact, the BEST EVIDENCE tells us just the opposite -- OSWALD'S WRITING IS ON THE DAMN THING. Naturally, this BEST EVIDENCE means zilch to conspiracy mongers like DiEugenio. He WANTS Oswald to be innocent (for some reason), so he'll jump through every impossible hoop and turn himself (and the evidence) into an unidentifiable pretzel in order to achieve that silly goal. Another great example of DiEugenio's Mister Salty pretzel twists comes in the form of what he's done to totally misrepresent and mangle the "paper bag" evidence. There's way, way more evidence to tell us that Oswald WAS carrying that paper bag on the morning of November 22 than there is to suggest a reasonable doubt that he didn't. But DiEugenio WANTS that paper bag to vanish off the planet--so, by God, he'll do and say anything to make that happen. Even to the point of accusing TWO COMPLETELY INNOCENT PEOPLE (Linnie Mae Randle and 19-year-old kid Buell Wesley Frazier) of just MAKING UP the bag from whole cloth. This, you see, is the fantasy world DiEugenio lives in every day regarding the assassination of President Kennedy. And he relishes it. He basks in it daily. Well, he can have it. I like EVIDENCE instead of silly speculation about people like Buell and Linnie Mae.
  5. Lee, You misunderstood my terms. When I said "cancelled" check, I didn't mean that I had literally CANCELLED it. I meant "processed". It's a check from late last year that I deposited, and it was positively PROCESSED and added to my personal account by a major U.S. bank via a Bank By Mail deposit ticket. And that's not the only example I have either. I can dig up at least one or two more "processed" checks that went into my bank account that don't have a single marking or stamp on them from the bank where it was deposited. But, as I also said, SOME of the checks DO have a stamp on them from my bank, but not all of them. It's possible (I suppose) that the check in question was stamped by my bank only AFTER they had taken a digital image of it to put online for me to see. I'll admit that's possible. But all I can go by is what the digital image shows right now--and there's no bank stamp on it anywhere.
  6. With respect to the BANK STAMPS that conspiracy theorists insist should be on the back of Oswald's money order (CE788), I'll offer up the following thoughts and observations: This question suddenly popped into my head today: I wonder if my bank puts stamps or other markings on the back of every one of my checks that I have deposited into my personal bank account? This question became very easy to answer (at least as far as my last several deposits are concerned), since I can check my recent deposits online and I can even see (and enlarge) the front and back of every cancelled/processed check that has been a part of a recent deposit. I found that only SOME of my cancelled checks have ANY bank markings on them at all, while some others are COMPLETELY VOID of any and all bank stamps. This discovery suggests to me that it's quite possible that this same "hit and miss" type of activity regarding the stamping of cancelled checks (and money orders) could have been the reason we find no official bank markings on the back of CE788. For proof of this, I offer up the following two images of the front and back of one of my own cancelled checks from November 2010. This check was deposited (by mail) into my account at a major U.S. bank. And please note the back side of the check, which doesn't have any bank markings on it whatsoever (nor does the front). It merely has my own signed endorsement (much like what we see in CE788, which has just the Klein's rubber stamp marking and account number on it). And, btw, in case anyone wants to accuse me of "faking" or "whiting out" some of the markings on this cancelled check--I have not altered this image in any way (other than to remove my account number under the words "Deposit Only" on the back side of the check): It's my feeling, too, that in many cases where a large, bulk deposit is made which includes many checks and money orders (which would certainly have been the case with the $13,000+ deposit made by Klein's Sporting Goods on March 13, 1963) that it's quite possible that only the DEPOSIT TICKET for the entire bulk amount gets stamped by the bank after it is received. That last part about "bulk deposits" with a lot of checks and money orders shouldn't be too hard to verify at some point in the future. (Are there any bank employees posting at this forum?)
  7. The whole business about the BANK stamps is actually a situation where CTers are attempting to close the barn door after the horse has already escaped. I.E., Since we know Oswald definitely signed the 3/12/63 money order (verified by multiple handwriting analysts for the WC and the HSCA)....and since we know that that money order was definitely RECEIVED and STAMPED FOR DEPOSIT by Klein's Sporting Goods (verified by the stamp on the money order and by Klein's V.P. William Waldman, who CTers must certainly think is either a huge xxxx or as dumb as a stump about his own company's procedures and operations)....and since we positively know that Klein's DID ship Rifle C2766 to Oswald/Hidell on 3/20/63..... It, therefore, doesn't make any difference what happened to the money order after First National Bank in Chicago received it from Klein's. Whether the bank stamped it or not is immaterial for the purpose of determining whether Klein's handled that money order and whether Klein's shipped the rifle to Oswald. The main point is: We know Klein's received that money order in the mail from Oswald. And as a result of receiving payment (in full) for the ordered rifle, Klein's shipped Rifle C2766 to LHO (as confirmed for all time by Waldman Exhibit #7, which is a document that CTers must ALSO believe is a total forgery). Do you see the sheer outlandish NUMBER of hoops and contortions a CTer must go through in order to take that rifle out of the hands of Lee Harvey Oswald? I sure do, whether any CTer sees them or not.
  8. Another question for David Lifton...... If JFK's body was stolen off of Air Force One and was altered between Dallas and Bethesda, why do you think the conspirators were so unbelievably stupid to have placed the President into a BODY BAG after the covert body alterations were completed, instead of simply wrapping the body back up IN THE SHEET that he was wrapped in when he left Parkland Hospital? Do you have ANY kind of a logical (believable) explanation for why the body-alterers would have done something so amazingly silly and inane? Same goes for the casket ---- Why on Earth would the goofy body-alterers decide to throw JFK's body into a very cheap pink "shipping" casket, when those same plotters HAD TO HAVE KNOWN that they had stolen the body out of a very expensive mahogany ornamental casket? Did they WANT their covert plan to be exposed as quickly as possible by blatantly switching around BOTH the body wrappings AND the casket?
  9. Question for David Lifton...... If your theory is correct and no shots at all came from the rear of President Kennedy's limousine in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, then how can you possibly reconcile the slight wounding of bystander James T. Tague and the chipped curb on Main Street? Or do you think that Tague is a xxxx when he said he was struck in the face by something DURING the shooting itself? I know there are some people (John McAdams for one) who have serious doubts about a bullet being the cause of this very, very small mark on the Main Street curbing: But even with some doubts about what might have caused the mark on the curb, it's difficult to deny the fact that Tague was hit by something DURING the assassination, and he told Dallas Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers that very thing within minutes of the shooting. And it would be nearly impossible to reconcile Tague's wounding with a FRONTAL gunshot, unless the frontal gunman was totally blind, or unless the REAL target of the shooting that day was car salesman James Tague. (And I kind of doubt that even the most off-the-wall conspiracy theorist on the planet believes that Mr. Tague was being shot at on 11/22/63.) As we can see from Commission Exhibit 875 (pictured below), given the location of the President's car throughout the ENTIRE time when gunfire was occurring in Dealey Plaza, the only possible source of any gunfire that would have been responsible for the cheek wound suffered by Mr. Tague would have been gunfire coming from BEHIND President Kennedy's vehicle, and not from in front of the car: MORE TAGUE TALK: http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/james-tague-part-1.html 2005 RADIO INTERVIEW WITH JAMES TAGUE: http://www.box.net/shared/3hqzkvub2a http://www.box.net/shared/nhmn4rgf77
  10. Yeah, but your so-called "plotters/planters/cover-uppers" screwed up on virtually EVERYTHING, according to your beliefs. E.G., They planted a Mauser instead of a Carcano. (Dumb.) They shot Tippit with an automatic, when the patsy owned a revolver. (Stupid.) They forgot to stamp the money order properly. (Silly plotters.) They shot JFK from the front. (Really idiotic in a plot with the patsy in the TSBD.) They allowed the patsy to roam around the TSBD, instead of keeping a leash on him, potentially allowing the patsy to gain an alibi (which YOU think he did, of course, in the lunchroom). (Incredibly reckless and stupid.) They plant a bullet shell in the TSBD that CTers say couldn't possibly have been fired that day. (More stupidity from the bumbling plotters.) How many more of these silly goofball errors does it take to qualify the JFK Assassination Team Of Patsy-Framers as retards? 150 more? 200? In reality, of course, none of the above things is true at all. Each item only exists in the fantasy-filled minds of conspiracy theorists. And they fester there until more and more CTers begin to believe in them too. That's why 75%-80% of the American public believes in a conspiracy today. It's not because the EVIDENCE is tainted. It's because of the really silly things that conspiracy theorists like Jim DiEugenio and Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone place their faith in.
  11. I never suggested any such thing. And why you say I am suggesting such a silly thing is beyond me. But in THIS (Kennedy) case, I'm saying that there was positively no "forgery" of the Oswald documents, because of the testimony of the experts in the field of identifying writing on questioned documents (e.g., Alwyn Cole and Joseph McNally). Naturally, though, expert testimony means zilch to people like Lee Farley (esp. if it means having to admit the obvious--i.e., Farley's favorite patsy actually ordered rifle C2766). WHY DIDN'T THE PLOTTERS WHO FAKED THE MONEY ORDER THINK TO PUT THE PROPER STAMPS ON IT? WHY DIDN'T THE PLOTTERS WHO FAKED THE MONEY ORDER THINK TO PUT THE PROPER STAMPS ON IT? WHY WERE YOUR PATSY FRAMERS SO INCREDIBLY SLOPPY AND RETARDED? WHY?
  12. Gil, The writing on ALL of the rifle-purchasing documents (including the money order) was Lee Harvey Oswald's. That's not just MY opinion--that's the OFFICIAL determination made by multiple handwriting analysts for BOTH the Warren Commission and the HSCA. Are they ALL liars or incompetent boobs at their jobs? You and your fellow CTers will NEVER be able to skirt around the FACT that Lee Harvey Oswald's writing is on ALL of the documents that prove he purchased the JFK murder weapon (Rifle C2766). Also -- If "handwriting analysis" is such a flawed science, then why on Earth do such handwriting analysts exist AT ALL? Do you think they testify in court and for organizations like the WC and HSCA merely for the fun of making impossible-to-prove determinations like the ones made by Alwyn Cole below?: MELVIN EISENBERG -- "Mr. Cole, I now hand you an item consisting of a U.S. postal money order in the amount of $21.45, payable to Klein's Sporting Goods, from "A. Hidell, P.O. Box 2915, Dallas, Texas." For the record I will state that this money order was included with the purchase order in Exhibit 773 which has just been identified, and was intended and used as payment for the weapon shipped in response to the purchase order, 773. I ask you, Mr. Cole, whether you have examined this money order for the purpose of determining whether it was prepared by the author of the standards?" ALWYN COLE [Treasury Dept. Document Examiner] -- "Yes, sir." EISENBERG -- "What was your conclusion, Mr. Cole?" COLE -- "It is my conclusion that the handwriting on this money order is in the hand of the person who executed the standard writing [i.e., Lee Harvey Oswald]." 4 H 373: http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh4/html/WC_Vol4_0191a.htm ====================== And handwriting expert Joseph McNally (along with others who examined the same documents for the HSCA) came to the same conclusion as Cole did fourteen years earlier--i.e., the money order and all other documents relating to the rifle purchase were written by Lee Harvey Oswald [see McNally testimony at 4 HSCA 355]. http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol4/html/HSCA_Vol4_0180a.htm
  13. So the plotters did everything in their power to complicate the shooting and the plot to the Nth degree to make sure it would be virtually IMPOSSIBLE for the "All Shots Came From The Front" plot to stay a secret. Ya gotta love the backward logic of David S. Lifton. In addition.... The following hunk of logic never occurs to the conspiracy theorists who want to believe that everything connected to Oswald's rifle and revolver purchases is phony and fake: If the whole rifle transaction was phony from the get-go, then why wouldn't the plotters who cooked up the scheme have made sure that the rifle's length MATCHED the ad from the magazine from which it was ordered? In a truly "fake" and made-up-from-whole-cloth scenario regarding the rifle, would the conspirators have wanted to have a mis-match of rifle lengths so that the conspiracy mongers could now say what they are saying today? -- i.e., "Look! The C2766 rifle is the wrong length!" This is just one more example (among dozens) of the built-in idiocy of the so-called "patsy framers" in this case. Everything is supposedly "manufactured" and planted ALL THROUGHOUT THE CASE to make it look as though Oswald did certain things and bought certain things and shot certain people -- but the retard plotters apparently didn't know their asses from the hole in JFK's cranium. E.G., 1.) The brainless plotters couldn't tell "36 inches" from "40 inches". 2.) They plant a "Mauser" in the Depository (even though the patsy owned a Carcano). 3.) They shoot JFK from the front (even though their one and only patsy was located in the rear). 4.) They allow their one and only patsy to wander around on the lower floors of the Book Depository at the precise time they need him upstairs on the sixth floor shooting at the 35th U.S. President. (Brilliant planning and organizing here on the plotters' behalf!) 5.) They plant a bullet shell in the Sniper's Nest that could not possibly (per the conspiracy fantasists) have been fired on the day of the assassination, due to the dented lip. And yet the retard plotters evidently expected this "impossible" shell to go unnoticed by everyone in officialdom. 6.) They shoot J.D. Tippit with an AUTOMATIC gun (again, per the outer-fringe CTers who will do and say anything to try and exonerate cop-killer Oswald)....even though their patsy owns a revolver and not an automatic. 7.) And, according to some CTers, they place into evidence a Smith & Wesson revolver (#V510210) that could not possibly have been fired on 11/22/63, due to a bad/broken firing pin. And yet, at the same time, these same plotters (with a combined I.Q. of a Hostess cupcake) are attempting to make it look like Oswald DID, in fact, use that IMPOSSIBLE-TO-FIRE gun to kill Officer Tippit by placing into evidence four phony bullet shells from Revolver V510210. A brilliant patsy plot all the way around, wasn't it? (Well, maybe if the plotters were Gomer and Goober Pyle.)
  14. @David S. Lifton: The "bladder" thing is an ongoing joke of mine (which apparently you didn't realize; or it could be that I've become immune to the reciprocal humor of conspiracy theorists, and you were joking too). ~shrug~ And I'd like to believe that your latest post [on 3/6/11 at 1:45 AM PST] is also a "joke", but, alas, I'm quite sure it is not and that you were dead serious about all of the pure hogwash and fantasy-filled speculation you have uttered above. As I have said in previous posts at a different forum, Vincent Bugliosi was way, WAY too kind to David S. Lifton in "Reclaiming History": "IMO, Vince is far too kind to Mr. Lifton and his "research abilities" (especially when we consider the insane theory that was spawned and endorsed by Lifton via his "research"). VB must have been in a super-good mood the day he wrote the nice things that he penned in his book about Mr. Lifton. But Bugliosi also gets down to the bottom-line brass tacks of the matter when he makes these statements about David L.: "One theory that perhaps "takes the cake" is set forth by conspiracy author David Lifton in his book "Best Evidence". .... Out of his 747 pages, [Lifton] unbelievably devotes no more than 6 or 7 full pages, if that, to Oswald. .... One could safely say that David Lifton took folly to an unprecedented level. And considering the monumental foolishness of his colleagues in the conspiracy community, that's saying something." -- "Reclaiming History"; Pages 1057, 1058, and 1066" -- DVP; April 21, 2008 http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspiracy.jfk/msg/16ac9042241cdc95
  15. Asking questions about the logic of what CTers think the so-called "plotters/conspirators" did to frame Lee Oswald is wearisome, Greg? Haven't you EVER asked yourself the logical "WHY DID THEY DO THINGS LIKE THIS?" questions I posed above, Greg Parker? If not--why not?
  16. Once more, we're treated to James DiEugenio's eager willingness to call a whole bunch of people "LIARS". Because if that money order isn't legit, and if it really wasn't filled out by Lee Oswald, then a lot of people are either evil rotten LIARS (or they were really, really stupid/dumb/gullible/idiots).....from the people at Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago, to the FBI, to the WC, to the HSCA. And please think about DiEugenio's and Gil Jesus' silliness from another point-of-view: IF the money order is a fake/fraud....and IF people like DiEugenio are 100% correct about Oswald not likely mailing it at a particular location on March 12, 1963....and IF Jimbo is right about the money order and rifle order form not being able to get from Dallas to Chicago in 24 hours....then those goofball idiots who wanted to make it LOOK like Oswald DID do all those things and wanted to make it LOOK like the money order got to Chicago in one day's time would certainly have to be considered BRAINLESS MORONS....now wouldn't they, Jimbo? IOW---If all of this stuff is fake, why on Earth wouldn't the plotters have spread out the amount of time it took from the mailing date to the processing date? After all, if it's all FAKE stuff anyway, then why in hell would they want to make people like DiEugenio even MORE suspicious by making the money order arrive in an impossibly short interval of time? It's ridiculous. So, were the plotters just incredibly stupid, Jim? Or could there (just POSSIBLY) be an alternate explanation--like, say, the stuff is the REAL McCOY, and you are just searching desperately for ANYTHING you can get your hands on to take that rifle out of the hands of Lee Harvey Oswald? You see, the kind of "WHY DID THE GOOFY PLOTTERS WHO SUPPOSEDLY FRAMED OSWALD DO THINGS THIS WAY?" questions that I just posed above are the kind of logical questions that conspiracy theorists like Gil Jesus and James DiEugenio never ever ask themselves. Never! Another excellent example of this same kind of logical inquiry is: Why in the world would the "real killers" of JFK want to leave behind physical evidence of the conspiracy in the Book Depository after shooting the President? I.E., Why would the conspirators (who were trying to frame Oswald) leave behind a MAUSER gun in the TSBD, instead of leaving behind the gun that was needed to frame their patsy with--Oswald's own Mannlicher-Carcano rifle? And Jim DiEugenio went one step deeper into la-la fantasy-land when he stated during his Black Op Radio appearance on March 3, 2011, that he believes that Oswald's Carcano WAS NOT FIRED AT ALL on November 22, 1963.* * = That laughable statement was uttered by DiEugenio despite the fact that ALL of the traceable ballistics evidence in the JFK case leads straight back to Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano, including all three bullet shells found in the Sniper's Nest, the two largest fragments recovered from the front of the President's limousine [CE567 and CE569], and CE399, which is a bullet, whether Jim D. likes it or not, that was deemed by both the Warren Commission and the HSCA to be THE EXACT BULLET that struck both President Kennedy and Governor Connally in Dealey Plaza. So, logically, the conspiracy theorists who really do think that a "Mauser" was found on the sixth floor of the Depository instead of Oswald's Carcano (even though the Tom Alyea film clearly shows a CARCANO being examined by Lt. Carl Day right after it was pulled from the box stacks on the sixth floor), should be asking themselves the very simple and logical question -- Why leave behind evidence that can only expose the conspiracy? And, of course, the biggest "Why Did The Retarded Plotters Do It Like This?" question of all that is never (EVER!) asked by any of the conspiracy theorists of Planet Earth is the one I've been trying to get some CTer to answer in a reasonable and believable fashion for many years now (and David Lifton's recent "trajectory reversal" explanation is just plain silly from every point-of-view): If the plotters had a strong desire to frame Lee Oswald as the SOLE ASSASSIN of President John F. Kennedy, then why would those same plotters/conspirators have even WANTED to shoot JFK from the FRONT? Those reasonable questions should make the conspiracists in the "Anybody But Oswald" camp squirm in their chairs for a little while. http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com http://Oswald-Is-Guilty.blogspot.com
  17. OSWALD'S writing is on the money order. Therefore, OSWALD ordered the rifle from Klein's via the $21.45 money order (not to mention the Klein's order form) that HE HIMSELF filled out. Believing anything else is pure speculation. (And hogwash.) Case closed. http://JFK-Archives.blogspot.com
  18. Oh, go back to bed, DiEugenio. It's too early for you to be haunting this place. "Reclaiming History" is the most accurate book ever written about JFK's murder, and always will be. To believe it is not is to side with the imaginative rantings and ravings of people like Jim DiEugenio, David Lifton, and Jim Garrison. And how likely is it that that trio's theories are correct? Answer--Zero per cent.
  19. Oh, my poor, poor weak bladder! So, David, the mentally retarded conspirators who planned President Kennedy's assassination well in advance knew from the GET-GO that they were going to have to fake all kinds of evidence (including the alteration of the "best evidence" in the case--JFK's very own body). Correct? So, instead of merely firing the shots FROM THE PLACE WHERE THE "PATSY" WAS LOCATED, the goofball assassins of JFK decided it would be much, much better to try and frame Oswald by shooting ONLY from the Grassy Knoll (or various other FRONTAL-ONLY locations). Is that correct, DSL? You're hilarious, David (in the comedic way). But why do things the simple way (i.e., shoot Kennedy from the "patsy's" window and using the patsy's gun), when you could do it via an impossible-to-pull-off and ultra-complicated (not to mention, NEEDLESS and totally RECKLESS) "trajectory reversal" way by shooting the President from the exact OPPOSITE direction from where your fall guy is situated. Right, David? And, just think, this is the kind of topsy-turvy, backward, illogical thinking we are treated to--year after year--by the JFK conspiracy theorists. IOW--in a CTer's world, the following rule is king: Since ALL of the evidence positively indicates that Lee Harvey Oswald was solely responsible for the deaths of BOTH John Kennedy and J.D. Tippit, it really means that THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS TRUE, and Oswald was completely innocent of BOTH murders. Try and get a jury to accept the above philosophy (which is the EXACT philosophy that a lot of online conspiracy theorists are currently clinging to). Here's a simple (and logical) question for David S. Lifton: Why not just shoot Kennedy from the TSBD and forget about all the cloak-&-dagger junk of altering the President's body...AND altering all of the photos and films and X-rays, etc.? Were the plotters TRYING to concoct the most senseless and ridiculous and complicated assassination scenario ever devised by man? Just asking. And, btw, is there even ONE other conspiracy believer on this Education Forum website who believes in David Lifton's "No Shots Came From The Rear" scenario? (If even ONE other CTer answers "Yes" to my last question, my bladder will burst wide open.)
  20. "After reading what may be [Vincent] Bugliosi's crowning work...one thinks: At last, someone has done it, put all the pieces together. "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" is important not just because it's correct, though it is. It's significant not just because it is comprehensive -- surely, no one will deny that. It is essential, first and foremost, because it is conclusive. From this point forward, no reasonable person can argue that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent; no sane person can take seriously assertions that Kennedy was killed by the CIA, Fidel Castro, the Mob, the Soviets, the Vietnamese, Texas oilmen or his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson -- all of whom exist as suspects in the vacuous world of conspiracy theorists. Each may be guilty of crimes, but none had anything to do with Kennedy's assassination. "Reclaiming History" may finally move those accusations beyond civilized debate." -- Jim Newton of The Los Angeles Times; May 13, 2007 Complete Review: http://articles.latimes.com/2007/may/13/books/bk-newton13 Other Reviews: New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/14/books/14jfk.html?_r=2&ref=arts&oref=slogin&oref=slogin Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/05/24/AR2007052402693.html Boston Globe: http://www.boston.com/ae/books/articles/2007/05/28/the_jfk_files/
  21. The above quote about "facts" comes from a man who believes in probably THE weirdest, strangest, and most ridiculous theory of them all (and not the silly "Body Alteration" theory, which is a fairy tale that even takes a back seat to this one) -- his belief that ALL OF THE GUNSHOTS CAME FROM THE FRONT in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Tell us how you managed to wiggle your way out of the various things that prove for all time that shots came from the 6th-floor Sniper's Nest, David? Things like this: 1.) Harold Norman, situated on the fifth floor of the Book Depository, hears gunshots coming from directly above him and also hears shells falling to the floor DURING THE SHOOTING itself. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 2.) JFK and John Connally, the only people wounded in the President's limousine, were both shot IN THEIR RESPECTIVE BACKS (AFTER the car had turned onto Elm Street, and not before the car had passed the TSBD). And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 3.) Robert Jackson saw a rifle protruding from the sixth floor of the Book Depository during the time when gunshots were being fired at President Kennedy's car. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 4.) Howard Brennan saw a man firing a rifle from the sixth floor of the Book Depository. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 5.) Amos Euins saw a "pipe" sticking out of a window in the TSBD. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 6.) Mal Couch of WFAA-TV saw a rifle in a sixth-floor window of the Depository. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 7.) James Worrell looked straight up from his position at the entrance of the TSBD Building and saw a rifle sticking out of an upper-story window of the Depository. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 8.) Three spent bullet shells were found underneath the EXACT SAME WINDOW in the Book Depository that was referred to by various witnesses (Jackson, Brennan, Couch, Euins). And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 9.) Lee Oswald's very own rifle was found on the sixth floor of the TSBD just 52 minutes after the assassination. And that exact rifle (Mannlicher-Carcano #C2766) was positively linked to the two bullet fragments found INSIDE THE PRESIDENT'S CAR. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 10.) Residue of lead was found to have adhered to the INSIDE of the windshield of the limousine. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. 11.) More than half of the Dealey Plaza earwitnesses thought that ALL of the shots (not just SOME of them) came from the direction of the Texas School Book Depository Building. And yet David Lifton thinks no shots came from the rear. Pie Chart Source: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/shots.htm Now, tell us again, Mr. Lifton, about your amazing "No Shots Came From The Rear" theory.
  22. I wonder how the evil conspirators got Oswald to put his writing on a "fake" money order? Was Lee trying to frame HIMSELF?
  23. If you mean a receipt signed by Oswald for his MC bullets -- no. Nothing like that exists. Nor would I expect anything like that to necessarily exist for the bullets in ANY murder case. But since we know beyond all reasonable doubt that Oswald ordered and paid for Rifle C2766....and his palmprint [CE637] and two fingerprints [scalice; 1993] were found on the JFK murder weapon that was found in the building where LHO worked and where LHO was located when JFK was killed....with bullet fragments from that same gun (OSWALD'S GUN) found inside JFK's limo....well, the math is pretty easy at this point. Wouldn't you agree, Ray? Or would you care to dance around that infamous "EVERYTHING MUST BE FAKE BECAUSE IT ALL POINTS TO LEE OSWALD" mulberry bush again this evening?
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