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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Citation please? Citation? McAdams put that silliness to bed in your Sep/Oct '09 debate. Naturally, you think McAdams is full of xxxx. But the protestations of an Anybody-But-Oswald CTer couldn't possibly matter less when compared with the evidence that says those CTers are really the ones who are full of excrement.
  2. Lee, We can know that the wallet on Tenth Street was not Oswald's. How? Because if it had been Oswald's, then that fact would have been provided by SOMEBODY on the DPD in their reports AFTER THE SAME GUY (OSWALD) WAS CHARGED WITH TIPPIT'S MURDER. Don't you think a piece of evidence like THE KILLER'S WALLET BEING FOUND RIGHT NEXT TO THE MURDER VICTIM would be a pretty valuable and solid piece of evidence for the cops to mention? But they didn't--even though (per many CTers) those SAME COPS were actually trying to FRAME Oswald for Tippit's murder! In a situation like that one, the crooked cops would have certainly been propping up the fake Oswald wallet for everybody to see. And yet they STILL said not a word about it. And the reason they didn't say a word about it is because the wallet being examined by the police in Reiland's film was COMPLETELY IMMATERIAL to the Tippit murder investigation. It might not have been "found" on the ground at all. But if it was, it certainly was not Lee Oswald's wallet (or a fake variation thereof).
  3. Yes, he did. And you know he did. But that won't stop you from repeating your nonsense for a 14th time tomorrow will it Jim? And yet BOTH the WC and the HSCA didn't have a problem with that money order going through the system in 24 hours, did they Jim? BOTH Govt. committees were filled with nothing but rotten liars and cover-uppers, right Jim? BOTH of them--14 YEARS APART FROM ONE ANOTHER! You're living in a dream world of conspiracy/cover-up fantasy, Jim. And you surely must realize that fact. Plus: If what you're saying is true (which it obviously isn't)--i.e., that there's no way Oswald's money order could have done what it did in about 24 hours in 1963--then it only shows that the people who were trying to make it look like it DID do those things in 24 hours WERE TOTAL IDIOTS AND DIDN'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST IDEA WHAT THEY WERE DOING WHEN THEY ATTEMPTED TO FAKE THE MONEY ORDER AND SEND IT TO CHICAGO IN JUST 24 HOURS! Boy, what a bunch of goofball plotters you've got there, Jimbo! Including the dunceheads at DPD who made Buell Frazier & Linnie Mae create from thin air a paper bag--and then the Goober Pyle-like cops apparently told them TO SAY THAT THE BAG WAS ONLY 27 INCHES LONG! Even Ernest T. Bass wasn't this stupid, Jim! But evidently the DPD was, right? And then there's the goofiest part of DiEugenio's theory of all: The plotters are setting up ONLY OSWALD from the TSBD....but these plotters (with a combined I.Q. of dirt) decide it would be a great "single patsy" plan to go ahead and shoot President Kennedy FROM SEVERAL DIFFERENT LOCATIONS in Dealey Plaza. Luckily, though, the plotters with IQs of really dumb dirt didn't need to worry about their multiple NON-OSWALD bullets striking any limo victims--because, thank the Maker, the US Government AND the Dallas Police were right on the scene to buttress the one-patsy, multi-gun plot....with the DPD and the Warren boys, luckily, WANTING TO FRAME THE EXACT SAME PATSY NAMED OSWALD THAT THE PLOTTERS (with IQs of dirt) WERE TRYING TO FRAME PRIOR TO NOV. 22! Those goofball plotters must have cleaned up in Vegas, because they were the luckiest plotters ever to conspire to kill a President. Bar none.
  4. Yes, he did. And I have pointed out that additional information to Jim DiEugenio on several occasions since Dale provided that info on August 5, 2010 (which was actually a reprinted article of Myers' from 1998, but I certainly had not seen it until this month). Myers cited a quote from the REA Vice President re: how packages are picked up via the REA Express system of delivery. But Jim D. is apparently never going to get tired of saying that I backed Myers merely because an LNer (Myers) said the same thing a CTer (DiEugenio) had been saying all along. But that's simply not true. And I've told Jimmy D. this several times. [see my "EDIT" about 40% of the way down THIS WEBPAGE.]
  5. I guess perhaps Jim and everyone else missed this quote from Marina's HSCA testimony (even though Michael H. quoted it above): "But when I gave testimony to the Warren Commission, it was all the truth." Is the above quote another lie from the lips of Marina?
  6. Quoting Ron Reiland (from the afternoon of 11/22/63): "This is the officer's billfold that was found lying on the ground right alongside of the car." http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2009/12/reiland-film-november-22-1963.html
  7. Yeah, and the person who shot that film (Ron Reiland) told everybody on live TV within hours of filming the scene that the wallet was Tippit's. Reiland's exact quote: "This is the officer's billfold that was found lying on the ground right alongside of the car." Watch Ron Reiland's Film Here So, where did Reiland get the idea that the wallet was Tippit's, do you think Jim? Did he just pull that out of his ass? Your favorite author of all-time, Vincent T. Bugliosi, has the likely answer (which makes all kinds of common sense): "If I had to wager, I’d conclude it was Tippit’s wallet, and the reason Reiland stated, on WFAA film, that it was Tippit’s wallet is that the police had informed him at the scene that it was [emphasis added by DVP]. Quite apart from Barrett, it makes no sense to me that the Dallas police and detectives, several of whom were Tippit’s friends, would keep from the world that his killer’s wallet was found near his body." -- VB; Page 456 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes)
  8. When did I ever suggest such a foolish and stupid thing, Jim? Answer: Never. But you have no proof that a DPD officer didn't take Tippit's wallet from 10th Street to either Methodist or Parkland between the time Tippit was shot and the time Captain Doughty signed-off on the document which catalogues all of Tippit's personal belongings at 3:25 PM. Allow me to quote Jim DiEugenio's favorite author of all-time, Vincent T. Bugliosi: "But whose wallet was it? Dallas WFAA-TV cameraman Ron Reiland, narrating the silent footage for his viewers, said it was Tippit’s wallet. Apart from [Dale] Myers saying that Reiland’s reportage over the assassination weekend contained numerous factual errors, the main reason why Myers rejects the possibility that the wallet was Tippit’s is that “1 Black Billfold” was listed among Tippit’s personal effects, and Myers says, “The only item known to have been brought to the hospital [Methodist, and later Parkland] and added to Tippit’s personal effects was Tippit’s revolver, which by all accounts was left behind at the murder scene” (Myers, With Malice, pp.299–300). "But we know that several officers went to Methodist Hospital, where Tippit’s body was brought into the emergency ward, and they could have brought Tippit’s wallet from the murder scene to either there or Parkland. There certainly was plenty of time to do so before Tippit’s personal property was inventoried, at 3:25 p.m. [emphasis added by DVP] (Document titled “Identification Bureau Crime Scene Search Section, Police Department, Dallas, Texas,” box 9, folder 2, item 3, DMA; Myers, With Malice, p.301). "Certainly, the mere absence of any statement or documentary evidence that an item of personal property (the wallet) was added to Tippit’s personal effects would not be strong evidence that such an event never took place. "But if, indeed, it was Tippit’s wallet, why didn’t civilian witnesses like Jack Tatum, Ted Callaway, and the two ambulance attendants, Eddie Kinsley and J. C. Butler, see the wallet lying next to Tippit’s body? Nor did Joe Poe and Leonard Jez, two of the first officers to arrive at the scene. (Myers, With Malice, p.300) "One thing we can be reasonably certain about: the wallet was not Oswald’s. Myers closely compared a close-up photo of Oswald’s arrest wallet (FBI Exhibit B-1) with the wallet found at the murder scene and found definite physical differences, causing him to conclude that “the Oswald arrest wallet is not the same billfold seen in the WFAA newsfilm” (Myers, With Malice, pp.298–299). "Furthermore, a Dallas police officer had just been slain. It is inconceivable that members of the Dallas Police Department like Captains Westbrook and Doughty and Sergeant Hill would suppress and keep secret the fact that Tippit’s killer had left his calling card at the murder scene. That simply would not, could not, have happened. If Oswald’s wallet had been found at the murder scene, it is inconceivable that nowhere in the testimony or the reports of Westbrook, Hill, Doughty, Poe, and so on, would they bother to mention this extremely important fact." -- Page 454 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes)
  9. It's been pointed out to Jim D. before (by me, just yesterday) that Oswald mailed his rifle order form and money order via air mail, which is why it travelled from Dallas to Chicago in just one day. Simple. Oswald also most likely mailed the Klein's order very early in the morning on March 12th, which would have made it even easier for an AIR MAIL letter to start out in Texas on March 12 (AM) and arrive in Illinois sometime on March 13. Naturally, Jim D. ignores the "Air Mail" notation on CE785. Will I have to repeat this for a ninth time tomorrow, Jim?
  10. ~sigh~ How many times do I have to repeat this, Jim?: Dale Myers provided additional information from the REA Vice President on this matter. Will I have to repeat this a fourth time for you tomorrow, Jim?
  11. MORE WALLET TALK: Even though I have stated in the past that I think the "mystery wallet on 10th Street" was J.D. Tippit's wallet (and I do still think that is the best guess), I'm not even sure there was any wallet found on the ground next to Tippit's body at all on 11/22/63. There's not a single witness at the scene of the crime who said they saw a wallet lying by Tippit's body (or even UNDERNEATH his body after Tippit was taken from the scene by ambulance). And I think Vince Bugliosi makes a small error in his endnotes of "RH" when he says that Dale Myers proves that a wallet was "found at the murder scene" (via the unearthing of the WFAA/Ron Reiland film). Yes, a wallet might have been "found" next to Tippit's body, but the witness testimony from those people who were there would indicate that no wallet was on the ground at all. And just because Reiland filmed Sergeant Bud Owens of the DPD holding a wallet, that fact doesn't have to mean the wallet in the film was "found" on the ground at the scene of the murder. That's leaping to a conclusion that hasn't really been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, IMO. Bottom Line (and Vince Bugliosi admits this in his book too, with Vince calling the wallet incident a "true mystery" [RH; p.453 of endnotes] -- Nobody knows for sure who owned the wallet that is seen in Ron Reiland's WFAA-TV film.
  12. Read the document I posted above from the Dallas Municipal Archives, Jim. It doesn't prove what you think it proves about the wallet.
  13. Never mind, Jim. I found it myself, via the files of the Dallas Municipal Archives (Box 9; Folder 2; Item 3), shown below. And (just as I suspected) this document showing Tippit's personal property most definitely does NOT prove that Tippit's wallet was taken off of his body at Methodist Hospital (or at Parkland, where he was taken for his autopsy). How can I know? Because Tippit's service revolver is ALSO listed on this inventory of Tippit's personal property ("1 SW Rev Ser # 138278"). And we know that Tippit's revolver was LEFT AT THE MURDER SCENE after Tippit was shot, being picked up by witness Ted Callaway. Therefore, the "Black Billfold" listed in this document didn't necessarily have to be taken off of Tippit's body at Methodist or Parkland.
  14. It's very difficult to get all the way through one of Jim DiEugenio's "Everybody's A xxxx" type of posts without laughing or vomiting. (Or both.) Jim, in what document can I find the info about Tippit's wallet being taken off of his corpse at Methodist Hospital? Thank you. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/wallets-part-1.html http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/wallets-part-2.html http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/07/wallets-part-3.html --------- From Part 3 of the above "Wallets" series: "If the cops (or whoever) had actually planted the wallet on Tenth Street to incriminate Lee Oswald, then the DPD would certainly have been propping up that wallet for everybody to see! "The fact that NO POLICE REPORT mentions anything about a wallet being found near Tippit's body is, all by itself, proof that the wallet that is seen in Ron Reiland's TV film is not Lee Harvey Oswald's wallet. "And even conspiracy theorists like Jim DiEugenio (who thinks the DPD was up to its collective necks in conspiracy and plotting and planting evidence all over Dallas on 11/22/63) should realize the built-in common sense and truth that exists in the last sentence I just wrote above. "BTW, one of those "three" Oswald wallets that DiEugenio was talking about is a wallet that Oswald was known to keep his "savings" in (vs. his regular wallet that he carried with him every day). That fact is proven by way of Marina Oswald's Warren Commission testimony below: "MARINA OSWALD -- "In my room at Ruth Paine's there was a black wallet in a wardrobe. Whenever Lee would come he would put money in there, but I never counted it." [1 H 69] "In addition to the above Warren Commission testimony, the "spare wallet" fact is confirmed in another official document as well -- a November 28, 1963, FBI interview with Marina Oswald (which is part of CE1781): " "She [Marina] said [Lee] OSWALD had a wallet which he kept in the apartment in New Orleans with this money that he was saving." [CE1781; at 23 H 387] "And since we know beyond all reasonable doubt that the wallet seen in Ron Reiland's film is not Oswald's wallet, the final tally of wallets known to be owned by Lee Harvey Oswald on 11/22/63 is two -- his regular wallet that he carried with him (which was removed from Oswald's pocket by police immediately after his arrest), plus the wallet that he used to store larger sums of cash." -- DVP
  15. Oh, good Lord! Now the Kaack report from 10/31/63 and the Quigley report from 8/10/63 are fakes too, is that correct? There was simply NO END to the number of people who were willing to frame this schnook named Oswald in '63, was there? If it took 10,000 people....then 10,000 it is. Ridiculous.
  16. HIDELL ADDENDUM: I just now realized that there is additional evidence that proves the name "A.J. Hidell" was a name Oswald was using as an alias while in New Orleans during the summer of 1963 (apart from Marina Oswald's testimony and the documents linking the "Hidell" name to Oswald via the order forms for the guns). That additional evidence is CE826, which is an FBI report filed by New Orleans agent Milton Kaack on October 31, 1963, three weeks BEFORE the assassination. The name "HIDELL" surfaces numerous times in CE826, during FBI Agent John Quigley's report about his personal interview with Oswald in the New Orleans police station in August '63. (Quigley's report is a part of Kaack's report.) HERE'S the complete 17-page Kaack report. [An excerpt with several "Hidell" references is pictured below.] More About Commission Exhibit 826
  17. You can save yourself the trouble, Lee. I know what your responses will be: Total conjecture and nothing of substance. As per usual. You're a JFK Conspiracy Theorist, so how could I expect ACTUAL EVIDENCE to back up a CTer's claims, when no such actual evidence exists in the first place? After all, you're not Houdini. And in the final analysis, a bunch of speculation and suspicions coming from a covey of Anybody-But-Oswald hobbyists couldn't possibly matter less when stacked up against the huge pile of evidence that proves Lee Harvey Oswald was a double-murderer.
  18. So Cadigan and Cole are liars then, huh Lee? "A piece of piss"??? Oswald was both smart and stupid at the same time. (Not an uncommon blend of human traits, actually.) Oswald, of course, didn't purchase his mail-order rifle so that he could kill JFK. He bought the rifle to kill General Walker. (But, yes, it's a similar situation--i.e., buying a gun through the mail using an alias, and then using that gun to commit the illegal act of an assassination attempt. But he did it all the same.) I've often wondered why in the world Oswald didn't get rid of Rifle C2766 after his unsuccessful attempt at murdering Edwin Walker. LHO surely had to be following the Walker story closely, and probably knew the bullet had been recovered from Walker's house. Keeping the rifle after that point in time was stupid on Oswald's part. But he kept it all the same. Maybe his cheapskate nature played a part in it. Perhaps he said to himself: "I'm not spending $21.45 on a rifle just to fire one bullet from it." Oswald, however, was smart on 11/22/63, in that he was able to keep his rifle hidden all the way up to 12:30 PM. And the "curtain rod" lie was pretty smart too, because it gave LHO a double excuse for the "package" -- 1.) the excuse for riding to Irving with Wesley Frazier on Thursday night; and 2.) the curtain rod lie explained the physical package on Nov. 22. We can second-guess Oswald's motives and gun-purchasing actions all day long, but the best evidence tells us that Lee Harvey Oswald DID, indeed, order two guns via mail-order in early 1963. Stupid or not--he did it. Huh? What wallet? Are you suggesting there really WAS a "mystery wallet" that was turned over to the FBI by Captain J.W. Fritz "five days" after the assassination? I'd sure like to see that wallet. (Of course, it doesn't exist.) The wallet seen in Ron Reiland's film could have belonged to anyone at the scene of the crime--including J.D. Tippit. And I don't think there is any document that expressly says that Tippit's wallet was taken out of one of his pockets after Tippit was taken to Methodist Hospital (and then, later, to Parkland Hospital). If such a document exists, please post a link to it. This is more "conspiracy myth". If Fritz was made aware of Oswald's 1026 N. Beckley Avenue address at an "early" time on November 22nd, it very likely came about in a regular and ordinary manner. Are you suggesting that Fritz was "in" on a plot to frame Oswald on the afternoon of November 22nd? Why on Earth would Fritz and the DPD want to FRAME an INNOCENT Oswald for either JFK's murder or Tippit's murder? That's just plain silly talk. I know a lot of people believe that Fritz was part of some kind of "Let's Frame Oswald" plot. But, in my opinion, it's just nutty to believe such a thing in the first place. So the name "Hidell" wasn't mentioned by anybody prior to Jesse Curry's hallway interview on Saturday, November 23rd. Big freakin' deal! So what? What does it prove? Answer: It proves nothing. And we're only talking 24 hours or so after the assassination. Curry mentioned the name "A. Hidell" to the press and the world on live television on the afternoon (or early evening) of November 23. And I suppose you think Marina Oswald was a xxxx too, right? She testified that she first heard about her husband using the alias "Hidell" while she and LHO were still living in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, many months before the assassination. Footnote--- Both the Warren Commission and the HSCA concluded that Lee Oswald used the alias "Hidell" to order the C2766 rifle that killed JFK and the revolver that killed Officer Tippit. Can you, Lee, provide a good, solid, and reasonable explanation for why BOTH of those U.S. Government investigative committees totally blew it when it comes to Oswald using the Hidell alias (if, in fact, strong evidence actually points in the other direction--i.e., toward the direction of the name "Hidell" being invented by someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald)? And how is it possible for BOTH of those committees (the WC and the HSCA) to have gotten things so totally wrong (from the CTers' POV) with respect to their identical conclusion of Oswald being the person who killed JFK and Tippit? (Particularly the HSCA, which was an organization that desperately wanted to find a conspiracy in the case.) BOTH the WC and the HSCA were filled with liars, Lee? Do you really believe that? Really??
  19. I don't want to harp on this too much more (I'll stop doing it after this post), but just "for the record" I wanted to show another document written by Lee Harvey Oswald that includes a combination of upper-case and lower-case Es in it (CE779). It looks more like a CHOICE Oswald is making regarding the Es he is printing:
  20. LEE FARLEY SAID: >>> "What I meant by "turning it on and off" was that all of this is done unconsciously, Dave. There's a learning process that he has gone through on these examples you provide. He didn't sit and make a conscious decision to use an upper case E on his name and a lower case e on the word TeXAS, each time he wrote it. He "learned" to do it that way. He saw it in his head that way and that's what got transfered onto paper." <<< DVP SAID: You could be right, Lee. But I'd also say it's possible that Oswald CHOSE to print certain letters the way he did, vs. it being done "unconsciously" on LHO's part. LEE FARLEY SAID: >>> "The final point I'll raise on his handwriting is this. It's very easy to forge don't you think? Especially the way he seems to go over his own writing several times with the pen. Give me 20 minutes and I could provide you with handwriting very similar from my own hand. You did suggest sarcastically that Jack Ruby was forging Lee's handwriting. If you think I think this then think again. I believe it was one of your family members. RVP. But, I'd sooner you reply to my post regarding the name "Hidell" and the anomalies involved." <<< DVP SAID: No, it would not be easy to forge (according to the handwriting analysts who have studied Oswald's writing and printing). If a person's unique writing were easy to forge and fake, then no handwriting analyst in the world could say this: "Commission Exhibit No. 793 was written by Lee Harvey Oswald...based upon finding the same combination of individual handwriting and hand printing characteristics in both the questioned writing and the known standards." -- James C. Cadigan; Questioned Documents Expert for the FBI [7 H 426] http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0353b.htm http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh7/html/WC_Vol7_0217b.htm RE: HIDELL "ANOMALIES": Why would anyone frame Oswald by using the name "Hidell"? Just...why? Why not just use his own name--Oswald? That would certainly tie everything to the "patsy" much nicer, wouldn't it? Bottom Line--Nobody was using "Hidell" to frame Lee H. Oswald. Oswald invented the name, used it to order some guns in March, and then killed two people with those guns in November. Pretending Oswald was framed doesn't get anybody anywhere. It's easy to say that somebody was framed. But PROVING the frame-up is an uphill battle. And in this "Oswald/Hidell" instance, we'd have to have Oswald HIMSELF joining in the frame-up to set up himself as a patsy, given Oswald's own incriminating actions on November 22.
  21. Oswald sent it AIR MAIL, Jim. As seen in Waldman Exhibit No. 8 [pictured below]. And I'd be willing to bet that Oswald also mailed the order form to Seaport Traders in Los Angeles (for the revolver) on the very same day (March 12, 1963), and that Oswald mailed that order form via Air Mail too. Which is why we find "March 13" dates on the internal paperwork for BOTH of those Oswald/Hidell gun orders at both Klein's in Chicago and Seaport in L.A.
  22. LOL. Of course I am. And any rational, sensible, reasonable person would do the very same thing. Jim apparently thinks a key piece of evidence like the money order Lee Oswald made out to Klein's Sporting Goods is supposed to be IGNORED and/or DISMISSED. How nice and convenient for you, Jim, that you feel so comfortable merely dismissing the testimony of the handwriting experts. Of course, as we all know, Jim and his fellow Anybody-But-Oswald groupies don't have the slightest hesitation whatsoever in throwing ALL of the evidence that points to Patsy Oswald out the nearest window. My, how convenient. It means NOTHING to Jim D. & the ABO crowd that every official investigative committee who has ever looked into JFK's murder has determined that LEE HARVEY OSWALD killed President Kennedy. The irrevocable fact that has BOTH the Warren Commission AND the House Select Committee coming to the same conclusion about OSWALD being the only person in Dealey Plaza who hit any victim with any bullets on Nov. 22 is a fact that people like Jim DiEugenio will totally ignore. Mind-boggling....isn't it?
  23. Jim DiEugenio said: I don't believe for a single solitary second that the FBI called up Darrell Tomlinson on the night of the assassination and told him to "shut up" about the bullet he found. I find it impossible to believe that the FBI actually said those two words ("shut up") to Tomlinson. My guess is that the conspiracy author who wrote about that FBI phone call to Tomlinson was putting a nice healthy layer of "conspiracy spin" on the whole thing. And it's possible that Tomlinson himself was putting a layer of CT spin on the story too. Tomlinson, after all, is a man who told the Warren Commission no fewer than TEN TIMES that he was not sure which stretcher he had taken off of the elevator at Parkland, and yet Darrell's memory improved greatly in the 24 years following his 1964 WC session, when he told the PBS-TV cameras in 1988 that he was absolutely positive that the stretcher he took from the elevator was the stretcher that did NOT have a bullet on it. What very likely happened is this: The FBI called up Darrell Tomlinson (which, I'll admit, is a telephone call that the FBI could have possibly made), and since it was very late on Nov. 22, it probably meant that Oswald had already been formally charged with the murder of President Kennedy (LHO was officially charged with the assassination at 11:26 PM CST on Nov. 22). The FBI, knowing that Tomlinson had found a bullet on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital, then told Tomlinson it would probably be a good idea not to discuss the details of his finding that bullet with anyone until Oswald's court trial could take place. Yes, the above scenario is just a guess on my part. But it makes a lot of (common) sense to me. And I certainly don't believe for a minute that the FBI was involved in any kind of a cover-up or a conspiracy in connection with the stretcher bullet that Tomlinson found at Parkland. And I'd bet the farm that the words "shut up" were never uttered by any FBI agent during the course of any telephone call between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Darrell C. Tomlinson.
  24. Well, in the case of the letter "e", I think you're wrong. Lee Harvey Oswald did, in effect, turn it "on and off", because he didn't always use a lower-case "e" when he was PRINTING. Below are two examples of what I mean -- when printing his own first name, Oswald would many times capitalize the two Es in "Lee". But at the same time, he would use lower-case letters for the L and D in "Oswald". But as far as the specific letter "E", Oswald would sometimes use upper-case and sometimes lower-case when PRINTING out his words. For example, in CE793/794, we see that Oswald used a mixture of lower-case and upper-case Es multiple times -- he used upper-case Es for "Lee", "New", and "Orleans". But he used lower-case Es for "Texas" and "Magazine". This indicates that he certainly had some control over the letters he was printing. In other words, his lower-case Es don't appear to be "involuntary" on his part.
  25. Dyslexia Footnote---- I'll admit--I'm no "dyslexia" expert. And maybe I "jumped the gun" too, Lee. My apologies. Perhaps the mixing of lower-case and upper-case letters is, indeed, a form of dyslexia (even when the person is spelling the words totally correctly, as in Oswald's many "DALLAS, TeXAS" writings). Another thought on this point though: I really think that this particular "shortcut" of a lower-case "e" instead of an upper-case "E" is actually more akin to laziness than anything else. I said in a previous post that I, myself, tend to take such shortcuts with lower-case letters when I'm printing out words. And, come to think about it a little more, I think it's invariably the letter E that I most often take that shortcut with. It's much easier (and faster) to print a lower-case E than it is to take the time to print an upper-case E, with the upper-case version requiring four separate strokes of the pen/pencil, vs. just one single curly stroke with a lower-case "e". Perhaps Oswald felt the need to take this oft-used "E" shortcut too. Could be just plain laziness. Or wanting to write stuff out as fast as possible. My $0.02.
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