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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. No. Both victims are jerking their right hands upward at exactly the same moment at Z226 (see the next clip below). Ergo, they are "REACTING" at the exact same time. Also -- Even if Z227 is missing from the previous clip, that would certainly not debunk the "Connally Arm Jerk" which begins at precisely Z226 (as this two-frame clip amply illustrates): Plus.....Connally, at Z225, is clearly also reacting in different ways to having just been hit by a bullet --- his mouth opens, a discernible grimace comes across his face (IMO), his eyes close, his shoulders jerk upward in a reflex action (a very typical "startle" type of response), and there's also the lapel/tie movement at Z224/225. The clip below ends at Z225.... Lots More: http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/01/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-887.html
  2. I didn't "make" that clip. I got it off the Internet many years ago. If there's a frame missing in this Z-Film clip, I was completely unaware of it (until now).
  3. This is Z295 below. You think Connally is "doubled over" here? All we can see of him here is his head. And based on that head position, he sure doesn't appear to be in a "doubled over" posture to me. If anything, it's just the opposite. He's starting to lean backwards into his wife's lap. And how can leaning backwards possibly equate to doubling over? When a person "doubles over", they move forward, not backward.
  4. And at what point in the Z-Film does Gov. Connally exhibit anything remotely close to that type of physical reaction? Answer: He doesn't.
  5. Nah. You can have it. Be my guest. But no matter who gets the last word in any forum thread, the SBT will still be true. 😛
  6. I put this together myself, using the individual Costella frames: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8UwZ588YcqIc3hRRHluY2NmR2c/view
  7. I'll humbly choose to disagree. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / The SBT In Action
  8. Virtually ALL lone-assassin supporters posit that very thing, including the Warren Commission. And that's because Connally has obviously been shot by the time he completely turns around to stare into JFK's face. Only selected CTers believe otherwise. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2015/01/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-887.html
  9. Can I expect to see seven FBI agents at my door any minute with a warrant for my arrest? And then there's that bombshell book I can look forward to seeing on the newsstands later this year --- "Colonel Sanders, DVP, And The Murder Of JFK: From Kentucky, To Indiana, To A Tragedy In Texas" [Simon & Schuster; Hardcover; 788 pages; $24.95 USD]. (Yes, I think you'd better try to work The Colonel into your plot too, Allen. It'll be much better for your book sales. Because I don't have any name recognition.)
  10. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2013/01/Lee Harvey Oswald's Decision To Shoot JFK
  11. http://kennedy-photos.blogspot.com/2015/11/kennedy-gallery-432.html
  12. You and I argued about that very thing at this forum seven years ago. The reasonable (and obvious) answer is the same now as it was then.... SANDY LARSEN SAID: Police cars swarmed in as though they had a positive identification on Oswald, when all they really had was a report of suspicious activity by some guy. DAVID VON PEIN SAID: A policeman had just been gunned down in the general area of the theater in Oak Cliff, and the police get a call very shortly after that shooting from a citizen who told them that a person in the theater (who generally matches the description of Officer Tippit's killer) is "running from them for some reason" and is also ducking the sirens.... And you think the police should have dispatched just--what?--one patrol car to investigate? That's funny, Sandy. SANDY LARSEN SAID: The movie theater is a mile from where Tippit was shot. Not exactly nearby. Nevertheless.... I would expect the police to send two squad cars with four officers to check it out. One car for out front and the other for out back. Certainly NOT 15 squad cars and 26 officers! How ridiculous! DAVID VON PEIN SAID: So, Sandy, are you actually suggesting that those "26 officers" were part of some plot to frame Oswald as of 1:45 PM CST on November 22nd? Is that what you're saying? To use your own words --- How ridiculous! IMO / FWIW.... The Dallas Police Department, of course, was certainly not privy to any advanced information as to the whereabouts of Lee Harvey Oswald in the Texas Theater on November 22, 1963. That notion is a tremendously ludicrous one, in my view. But as far as the mindset of the Dallas Police at the time when many police cars were dispatched to the Texas Theater in Oak Cliff on that Friday in 1963, I think it's quite likely that many of those police officers did make a possible connection in their minds (even if they didn't want to admit it later on) between President Kennedy's assassination and the murder of the policeman. After all, the police knew the President had been shot just 45 minutes before a police officer was also shot and killed. And the two shootings occurred just a few miles apart. And the DPD also knew that the description they had of the suspect in the Presidential shooting was "similar" to the description they had of the suspect who had just shot the policeman. Here's one of the radio transmissions that was made over the DPD radio system at 1:28 PM Dallas time on November 22: Dispatcher -- "Notify 1 that officer involved in this shooting, Officer J.D. Tippit, we believe, was pronounced DOA at Methodist. 1:28 p.m." Deputy Chief of Police N.T. Fisher -- "Is there any indication that it has any connection with this other shooting?" Dispatcher -- "Well, the descriptions on the suspect are similar and it is possible." ---------- Given these circumstances, Sandy, what would YOU have done if you had been the Dallas Police Department's dispatcher on 11/22/63? More.... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2016/02/jfk-assassination-arguments-part-1106.html
  13. http://dvp-potpourri.blogspot.com/2010/08/earlene-roberts.html Linked above: my collection of Earlene Roberts interviews and her one movie appearance (in David Wolper's "Four Days In November", the best JFKA film ever produced).* * IMHO.
  14. You're ohhhhhhh so right here, Bill. I get so tired of hearing CTers confront me with that tired old canard/myth/red herring, in which the CTer is trying to tell me that the ONLY reason the police went to the Texas Theater on November 22nd was because somebody didn't pay for a theater ticket. I just want to strangle the person who has the gall to say that to me (such as the CTer I was talking to in 2016 at the link below): DVP's JFK Archives / The Real Reason The Cops Swarmed The Texas Theater On 11-22-63
  15. After the Earlene / Earline thing is settled, maybe we can move on to the other witness whose name is often misspelled --- Acquilla Clemons (Clemmons). I defer to Dale Myers on the Clemons/Clemmons debate. And as of his circa 2017 blog posts, Dale has apparently confirmed that Acquilla's name has just one M, not two. The odd part about the Clemons thing, though, is that Myers in past years thought her name was spelled CLEMMONS, with two Ms, because he spells it that way dozens of times in his original 1998 version of his book "With Malice". But now he's switched to CLEMONS. He must have been able to somehow verify the One-M variation.
  16. Yeah, but buying a rifle is a little different than purchasing a table lamp.
  17. FWIW --- https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=233488#relPageId=22 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=233488#relPageId=7
  18. Here's Mrs. Roberts' original hand-signed affidavit. She signed it EARLENE. This was sent to me by Paul Hoch via e-mail. (Thanks, Paul.) .... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=233488#relPageId=17
  19. BTW.....Mrs. Roberts calls the garment a "JACKET" multiple times in her Dec. '63 affidavit. She never says "COAT" there.
  20. Here's my guess.... Earlene's sister just didn't know how to spell her sister's first name. Because it would seem the only time we find "EARLINE" in the record is when it's coming directly from sister Bertha as the source (e.g., death certificate, that Nov. 27th document you just posted above, and (likely) the newspaper obit. too). What we need to find is the original version of Roberts' Dec. 5, 1963, affidavit (which would have her actual signature on it). But if we can trust the WC at 7 H 439, she DID spell it with an E, not an I, on her affidavit.
  21. And to add more confusion to the "EARLENE / EARLINE" mix.... Check out the following link, which has BOTH spellings of her name presented. It says "EARLINE" on her death certificate. But it would seem (per the site below and the signed affidavit I presented earlier) that she herself might have gone by "EARLENE". ~shrug~ https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/28123630/earlene-doke-roberts
  22. According to the typewritten version of her 12/5/63 affidavit (at 7 H 439), Mrs. Roberts physically SIGNED that document using the spelling of "EARLENE".
  23. FYI..... Google Books is a fine resource for many complete copies of books and magazines, such as very old LIFE Magazine issues. But Google Books doesn't have anything online for LIFE Magazine newer than the year 1972. Oldest LIFE edition (August 17, 1953) --- Click Here. Newest LIFE edition (December 29, 1972) -- Click Here. And (if you're interested)....I have a page on one of my JFK websites featuring 46 LIFE Magazine issues focusing on JFK and the Kennedy family (and I've also saved a bunch of the cool full-page advertisements that LIFE used to run in their issues in the '50s and '60s).... http://DVP's JFK Archives / Life With John F. Kennedy
  24. No, but if you've got 50 bucks to spare, you can buy a copy.... https://www.originallifemagazines.com/product/life-magazine-november-1983/
  25. Here it is, Adam..... http://books.google.com/LIFE Magazine/11-8-63/Bobby Baker Article
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