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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. We don't need the DPD at all to determine LHO's guilt in the Tippit murder. For all reasonable people, the MANY witnesses who positively IDed Oswald at or near the murder scene (with gun in hand) certainly should suffice. "Oswald just being in the area of J.D. Tippit's murder brandishing a pistol is extremely incriminating circumstantial evidence of LHO's guilt." -- DVP; May 11, 2009
  2. Why was that snotty comment necessary here, Rich?
  3. I agree. Oswald's heinous solo act does, indeed, stink to high heaven. But it wasn't the Dallas Police Department who took a long bag into the Book Depository Building on the morning of November 22nd. It wasn't the DPD who lied (twice) to Buell Frazier about the contents of that bag. And it wasn't the DPD who was seen firing bullets into the body of J.D. Tippit. And it wasn't the DPD who was seen fleeing the scene of the Tippit murder with a gun in hand. Now, you can pretend that the Dallas Police Department lied and coerced witnesses and planted bullet shells, etc., as part of the "World Vs. The Patsy" plot that most Internet conspiracy theorists think the DPD and District Attorney Henry Wade and Sheriff Bill Decker were all allegedly involved in --- but you only look silly in the eyes of all reasonable people when you engage in such widespread and unprovable speculation. Lee Harvey Oswald's ACTIONS speak for themselves. And Oswald's actions on November 22, 1963, are not the actions of an innocent "patsy" who was being framed by the police. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/everything-oswald-did-says-guilt.html
  4. Good! More worthless liars and scumbags! In James DiEugenio's fantasy world, it was The World Vs. The Patsy. Obligatory ------->
  5. Lots more "What's My Line?".... http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / "What's My Line?" (Kennedy-Related Episodes) http://youtube.com / playlist / All Kennedy-Era Episodes Of "What's My Line?" (1961-1963) http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com / "What's My Line?" (700+ Episodes) (1950-1967)
  6. Since you brought up John Wayne.... This is what should be done to conspiracy theorists every time they say "Oswald didn't shoot anybody that day" .... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zlbz-XpnuEAZVSBM4Muzd9rhpS_qnvzS/view
  7. Why on Earth would any sensible person do something so silly as to "forget what Myers said" when it comes to the subject of J.D. Tippit's murder? Mr. Myers, in my opinion, is the foremost expert on the Tippit crime. http://With--Malice.blogspot.com
  8. I'll take that as a compliment (I guess). But I'm sorry to wreck your theory about me. No "multiple personalities" here. I've always had just one body and I've never used an "alias" on any JFK forums.
  9. No, I haven't read it. But I've seen quite a number of Mr. McBride's posts on this forum (enough to get a pretty good idea what his opinions are of the Tippit murder), and I do not think Mr. McBride "leaves little doubt" that Oswald was innocent of shooting Officer Tippit. Quite to the contrary. McBride's theories about how Tippit was killed are totally outrageous and wrong, in my opinion. And the 2014 article below by Dale Myers is certainly in line with my own thoughts about the Tippit case.... http://jfkfiles.blogspot.com / McBride's Folly: How Conspirati Avoid The Truth About The Murder Of Officer J.D. Tippit To me, if "logic" is utilized in the J.D. Tippit murder case, then there's no possible way to avoid declaring Lee Harvey Oswald guilty of that crime. As I said six years ago.... "The only possible way for Lee Harvey Oswald to be innocent of shooting J.D. Tippit is if the following idiotic situation occurred (which nobody could possibly even begin to believe happened on November 22, 1963) ----- Somebody other than Lee Oswald shoots Tippit with Oswald's revolver. This "non-Oswald" shooter (who looks just exactly like Lee Harvey Oswald, but really isn't him) then flees the scene of the Tippit crime, dumping four shells on the ground as he runs away. This non-Oswald shooter then meets up with the real Lee Oswald and hands off the Tippit murder weapon to LHO. Oswald then proceeds to the Texas Theater where he is arrested while in possession of the gun that somebody else used to kill Officer Tippit just 35 minutes earlier." -- DVP; June 4, 2013
  10. Jim's above article notwithstanding, I still hold strong to my previous comment in this thread.... "How any reasonable person could think Oswald was not guilty of J.D. Tippit's murder too is something I just cannot even begin to fathom at all." -- DVP http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2011/04/index.html#JD-Tippit
  11. Thanks for the link, Douglas. http://youtube.com / James DiEugenio & Roger Stone Talk About The JFK Assassination (11/22/2013) Even though I disagree with virtually every single thing James DiEugenio and Roger Stone have to say about the JFK assassination in that November 22, 2013, Internet video program linked above, I must say that I enjoyed watching it. And I'm sure conspiracy theorists will love it even more. 😉 But when Jim D. said this near the end of the program.... "I think we've already proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Oswald didn't shoot anybody that day." ....Jim was saying something that, in my opinion, is every bit as crazy and nonsensical as the "Hickey Shot JFK" theory that Jim was denouncing in that very same program. Because when Jim said the words "didn't shoot anybody", he was, of course, including Officer Tippit too. And how any reasonable person could think Oswald was not guilty of J.D. Tippit's murder too is something I just cannot even begin to fathom at all.
  12. My Expanded YouTube "WITNESSES" Playlist....
  13. The "white lines" consist of debris being expelled from JFK's head, as the high-contrast picture of frame #313 of the Zapruder Film (second photo below) would tend to confirm.... https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8UwZ588YcqIc3hRRHluY2NmR2c/view Also ---- There are no "white lines" in Z312, one-eighteenth of a second earlier....
  14. This is an interesting document.... https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP10M00666R000503450002-3.pdf
  15. How did you talk with your students at your L.A. high school? Sign language? I know exactly what he's referring to. And in this sentence below, Shields is not referring to the person who hollered out the TSBD window, he's referring to Frazier. And it's a tentative and unsure statement by Shields. That's why he uses the words "I don't know" and "I think he said".... "...the answer he gave them, I don't know, I think he said: "I dropped him off at the building"." But you just keep on pretending that the above junk is something written in stone.
  16. Yeah, me too. Because it gave me a chance to find out what a wishy-washy and weak witness your Mr. Edward Shields truly is. Thanks for "smoking me out", Jim.
  17. You must be kidding! Shields expressed nothing BUT doubt about the whole episode. Read English much, partner? Allow me to highlight Shields' doubts.... "Well, I was down on the floor when they hollered out and said and the answer he gave them, I don't know, I think he said: "I dropped him off at the building." Now, whoever it was hollering asked him, I don't know." And what the heck does Shields mean when he says "I was down on the floor"? WTF is that all about? ~shrug time~
  18. http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com / Adams, Styles, And Stroud
  19. Only a conspiracy fantasist who has called DOZENS of different people liars could possibly think it's "shameless" for me to think some witnesses were "mistaken" (i.e., wrong, but not "lying"). ——Shaking My Head——
  20. http://dvp-video-audio-archive.blogspot.com/2012/03/lyndon-johnson-phone-calls.html
  21. http://otrrlibrary.org/Teachers For Lyndon Johnson 480716 Local Texas Program Endorsement.mp3
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