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Barry Krusch

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Everything posted by Barry Krusch

  1. Excellent work, Rob. What is very bizarre how less than two days after the assassination he has found so many holes in the story, which at that time had barely even been created. He was probably very familiar with assassination attempts and the stories behind them.
  2. Of course I agree. I have posted pretty much all the ones that I have. But there are obviously quite a few I am missing. If someone can send me what they have, I will post to the archive.
  3. Could you post that for us, Rob? You have the PDF, you can just do a copy and paste.
  4. 2 new uploads: "The Kill Zone" and "history will not absolve us" I am going to keep the out-of-print archive up for at least two more weeks. After that, I will assume that enough people have downloaded the out-of-print PDFs to ensure that we can rely that these books will not be completely dead to history forever. At that point, I will revisit the concept of maintaining the out-of-print archive. Download what you want now.
  5. One hoax out, one non-hoax in: http://www.amazon.com/Liberal-Mind-Psychological-Political-Madness/dp/097795630X/
  6. "Presumed Guilty" now uploaded. Some excellent analysis there . . .
  7. My book on a new constitution is free on the Kindle today and tomorrow....right now it is the #2 book in the "Free" Section in Politics....just under "The Communist Manifesto". Strike a blow for liberty! Download it now and put the commies where they belong....#2!!! http://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Kindle-Store-Politics/zgbs/digital-text/305951011/ref=zg_bs_nav_kstore_2_154606011 A new constitution gives the perpetrators of the '63 plot the reaction they deserve . . .
  8. I have discovered a research goldmine! It is a website called newspaperarchive.com. http://newspaperarchive.com/ The price is extremely reasonable: only about $8 a month for three months. In that three months period of time, you could probably download hundreds of articles on extremely important topics that you care about, and what is more important, in very obscure newspapers which can have data which has so far eluded researchers because it didn't appear in the major media such as the New York Times, the Dallas Morning News, etc. To show you how valuable this is, I have been doing research on Phillip Twombly. I believe that understanding Twombly's role in the assassination will definitely get you off the "Did Oswald do it?" track and into the much more important track of who was really behind the coup d'etat. So, I signed up, and did research. If you want to see the articles I have found so far, you can visit my archive, in the newly created "Articles" folder. If you take a look at the articles, you can see that there is valuable background on the companies that Twombly was associated with. Consequently, if any documents turn up with those corporate names on the letterhead, you have discovered a key way of substantiating the authenticity of those documents. If you happen to pursue a line of inquiry and download articles, and you find any that are particularly interesting, send them my way, and I will organize them in folders in the archive. http://www.krusch.com/jfk PS: That should be "researcher" in the sub-head. Sorry!
  9. It is uploaded, now in PDF format, with the pages deskewed and made a little more legible. http://www.krusch.com/jfk, key exhibits folder
  10. Oooooh, awesome!!! Thanks!!!! I'll post this soon . . .
  11. Barb, that would be fantastic . . . I am going to create a "Key Exhibits" folder, that would be a great inaugural file.
  12. Very solid information, Michael. What I think is interesting is that while McKnight says that the memo is in box 34, the link that you posted says that it is in box 70. Odd. Maybe the same memo is in two separate places. I just find it amazing the amount of work I have to do just to find the original documents which ought to exist in digital form accessible only a mouseclick away.
  13. Thanks, Pat. By the way, this is off-topic, but I want to compliment you on your excellent work on Dale Myers deconstruction: very well detailed and very useful. To those of you out there who have not read it, I highly recommend it. Thank you too, Martin, that will definitely get me on the right track.
  14. Yes, I tried there also, with no luck. Also the Armstrong archive. It is amazing how many books have referred to this memo, but not one has ever furnished a footnote that tells you how to locate the original. Anyway, thank you very much for your effort, Pat.
  15. Yes, Martin, I obviously agree with your analysis. My question revolves around the contradictory nature of the two sentences. How can these possibly be reconciled? If they can't be, isn't what is among the best evidence against the single bullet theory contained within the Warren Report itself?
  16. It seems to me that the Warren Commission basically undermined its own case with two sentences that appear in its report, sentences which are mutually contradictory. The first appears on page 94: "Wound Ballistics experts conducted tests which proved the governor’s wrist wound was not caused by a pristine bullet." The second appears on page 95: "All the evidence indicated that the bullet found on the Governor’s stretcher could have caused all his wounds." Now, as we all know, the bullet ostensibly found on the Governor's stretcher was CE 399, about as pristine a bullet as you could imagine, apart from some slight flattening which could have been achieved by firing the bullet into water. So, according to the Warren Commission, the tests by the wound ballistics experts prove that the wrist wound was not caused by that bullet. I mean, I can't believe what I am reading here. Am I missing something?
  17. I am looking for a screen capture of the original memo which appears the following link: http://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/PG/PGappD.html Can anyone point me to a link, or upload the screen capture? Your help would be greatly appreciated . . .
  18. I have added a new PDF to this folder. Salandria's "False Mystery." Very valuable observations, this guy was way ahead of his time.
  19. Does anyone have a hi-res image of Altgens? If so, can you send to me @ bkrusch@yahoo.com . . .
  20. If SOPA trumps "fair use" and the First Amendment, we are in bad shape. Of course, we are probably already in bad shape anyway, so what else is new?
  21. It is interesting that they thought that Oswald shot JFK at all! They are halfway there . . .
  22. There was a problem with the Oswald assassin or fall guy file. A page was missing, and the pages were skewed in places, I have fixed these.
  23. Robert: the post was up yesterday, I do not see it today. It must be some glitch in the system, apparently there was another post that was supposed to have been put up, but is not there as well. Frankie: happy to do it. Just out of curiosity, is there a lot of interest in the JFK assassination in New Zealand?
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