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Ray Mitcham

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Posts posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. 1 hour ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    This scenario can also explain DJ's question. To Kennedy's left in the photo below, on the floor, is the gallery to the right and a movable wooden thing to the left. It is blocking the rightmost door in O'Connor's drawing.

    Sandy that doesn't explain what appears to be a permanent  "tiled" area to the right of the photo.

  2. The thing to worry about is what are Trump and Mitch Magoo going to do during the two months after Trump is booted out of office. 

    This disgraceful pair along with all the supine, invertebrate Republicans in the senate can do an awful lot of damage during the hiatus, following the election in November.

    Don't understand why, as in the U.K. when a Prime Minister goes, he or she is immediately replaced by the successor,  it doesn't happen in the U.S.

  3. 10 hours ago, Tony Rose said:

    Shooting from behind the picket fence, a shooter would use the iron sites of his weapon.  Even a trained sniper wouldn't be able to keep the target in the scope's field at that range.  Nicely, the shooter closest to the civilians wouldn't have a scoped rifle and thus would be that much less noticeable.

    He might if he knew the car was going to be stopped, Tony.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

    First, find the post you want to reply to. Place the mouse arrow so that it is pointing to the very end of the text in the post. Push-and-hold the left mouse button and drag the arrow up so that it highlights the content of the post that you wish to include in your reply. Including any quotation boxes. Let go of the mouse button once you have highlighted everything you want to quote. Upon doing so, a box that says "Quote Selection" will pop up. Click that box and you are ready to write your response.

    Thanks Sandy. Works a treat.

  5. 1 hour ago, Andrej Stancak said:

    I find merit in the possibility that President's body was not in the bronze casket already when it was loaded on AF1. The point is that the casket weighed 200 kg (about 400 pounds) without any body in it, and 280 kg with President's body. It puzzles me how could only two SS agents in the front of the casket could carry the casket while holding it with one hand only (at least the agent I see on the left side of the casket) and stepping up the stairs.


    In Andrews airport, a forklift was called to handle the casket. There is a phenomenon in experimental psychology known as Weber-Fechner law which says that one can perceive an increment in some physical feature (e.g., weight) more finely if the basal intensity of that feature is low compared to high. For instance, President's body would be perceived as a big increment of weight of load if the casket would be the plain shipping casket weighing about 50 kg but it would be perceived less as a weight increment  if the casket were heavy, such as the bronze casket.

    That said, I have no further data in support of the possibility that President's body was not in the casket when loaded on AF1.   


    Could be an empty coffin was the reason that so much force was used to ensure that it was removed from Parkland against the wishes of the Coroner, rather than let an autopsy take place in Dallas.

  6. Trump's ex-ethics director: The president is in the late stages of an 'authoritarian coup'

    When Donald Trump was running for president in 2016, he vowed to “drain the swamp” if elected — which was his way of promising to clean up the political environment in Washington, D.C. and make the federal government more accountable. But former ethics official Walter Shaub, in an op-ed for USA Today, argues that Trump’s presidency has been a nonstop attack on accountability.

    Shaub served as director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics from 2013-2017. He resigned in the middle of Trump’s first year in office in protest of the White House’s complete disregard for ethics rules. And in his new op-ed, Shaub details some of the many ways in which accountability has been under attack during Trump’s presidency — from his “assault on inspectors general” to “open presidential profiteering” to the firing of officials who stood up to him, including former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

    “The Sessions firing should have triggered Trump’s removal from office,” Shaub asserts, “but wild-eyed senators were hot on the trail of confirming conservative judges.”

    As president, Shaub notes, Trump didn’t receive any real “oversight” from Congress until Democrats achieved a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives thanks to the 2018 midterms. However, Shaub quickly adds, “Trump’s hold on the Senate was absolute” — and so, he was acquitted by the GOP-controlled Senate on two articles of impeachment after being indicted by the House.

    To make matters worse, Shaub adds, Trump has been declaring war on the “inspector general community,” which Shaub describes as “a last line of defense in this war on ethics and law.”

    Accountability, according to Shaub, can come during the November election — when U.S. voters will have a chance to vote Trump out of office. But Shaub fears that Republican dirty tricks and other factors could help Trump win reelection seven months from now.

    “The obstacles are tremendous,” Shaub warns. “Trump has the advantages of incumbency, decades of Republican voter suppression, and a third branch that increasingly seems political. A sign of things to come, the Supreme Court ramped up the voter suppression by sending Wisconsin voters into a war zone in our species’ fight against an ancient enemy: disease. A global pandemic has ground America to a halt, complicating the upcoming presidential election.”

    He concluded:

    All is not lost. The American people are fired up. But it’ll be hard and the outcome’s uncertain. That’s why we must understand how big a deal it is that Trump is going after inspectors general. This is a late-stage move in an authoritarian coup against the rule of law.


    Copied from another forum.

  7. Like his hero, Putin, Orangatrump is getting all his place men in position for an authoritarian takeover. When his idiot supporters realise (and they will however belatedly) that they have been hoodwinked, by probably the world's greatest con man, then he will suddenly take complete control and the putsch will have  been successful. Mike Pence and his fellow Cabinet members should enact the 25th Amendment, as he is clearly of unsound mind.

    "Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."


  8. Hilarious.

    "When asked about the US's coronavirus testing capabilities by a journalist at a White House press briefing, Donald Trump deflected by asking the reporter about the South Korean capital city Seoul's population.

    "I know South Korea better than anybody," Trump said. "It's a very tight - do you know how many people are in Seoul? Do you know how big the city of Seoul is? 38 million people. That's bigger than anything we have."

    Seoul actually only has a population of 10m."

    However the Wikipedia page on Seoul gives the height above sea level of 38m.
    Seems the "exceptional brain" gets his information from Wiki.

    And even then misreads it.

  9. Imagine a sniper saying yes, I will fire through a window, after which the bullet will  pass through another window, and then onto the target. He would be laughed out of the room.There too many variables to ensure that the limo would be in exactly the correct position. Afraid this dog don't hunt. IMO.

  10. Trump is blaming the Dems for causing the virus because the word pandemic, is just "panic" with "dem" inside.

     And finally theWorld Health Organization has just declared that since canines are
    unable to spread the Coronavirus, they no longer need to be
    So now we know, “W.H.O. Let The Dogs Out.”

  11. From  

    HITLER: DOWN FALL 1939-45

    by Volker Ullrich

    ‘Hitler will remain a cautionary example for all time,’ he writes. ‘If his life and career teach us anything, it is how quickly democracy can be prised from its hinges when political institutions fail and civilising forces in society are too weak to combat the lure of authoritarianism.

    ‘How thin the mantle separating civilisation and barbarism actually is; and what human beings are capable of when the rule of law and ethical norms are suspended and some people are granted unlimited power over the lives of others.’


    Perhaps somebody should send this to Moscow Mitch and his invertebrate colleagues. 

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