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Ray Mitcham

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Posts posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. 15 hours ago, Richard Price said:

    Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.  -  John F. Kennedy

    Expanding his quote to include totalitarianism, I would say we have the latter, I fear we shall soon have the former and King Donald and his "enablers" will cement  their power.  Next up internal chaos, an election declared invalid because of voter fraud.  All attempts to bring back any "rule of law: will be decried as a product of the "rabid" democratic socialists' who are trying to remove him via the coup that was begun the day after his election in 2016.  Who knows, Trump may officially ask Russia to assist in putting down the rebellion in the streets when it happens.
    Sorry, just had to say that before all means of dissent are cut off/ridiculed.  Best of luck to everyone.  I think we're going to need it.

    Got it in one, Richard. The United States now has its own King.... (or rather Feuhrer..."I can do what I like so long as I believe it is in the country's interest"). Like the Weimar Republicans, in the 30's, the spineless American Republicans have paved the way for a mad president to turn the country in a fascist state. (Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.)  Hopefully there are enough sensible people in the military who will not let it happen. Luckily Trump isn't as clever as Hitler, who himself was more than a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

    Stand by for the assaults on the free press, the courts, the FBI and the military.

    That maniacal laughter you can hear is the laughter of Putin as he walks around the Kremlin.

    Why don't the Judiciary Committee reopen its investigation and call John Bolton, and let the story run and run. Could it do that?

  2. On 1/23/2020 at 8:12 PM, W. Niederhut said:

    Agreed.  This country is in very serious trouble.

    After watching that 22,000 man semi-automatic weapons rally in Richmond this week, I can't help thinking that we are on the brink of a serious national crisis.

    From here, it seems like a very short leap to some sort of "Reichstag fire" type event and a declaration of a "national security" emergency in the U.S.

    The next step would be a crack down on the "opposition" media, groups, and individuals who are deemed threats to "national security."

    I hope I'm wrong.


    It will be alright, W. as according to Dershowitz. the President , if he thinks it's in the national interest, can do anything he wants, without sanction. (Just when did Dershowitz. go crazy?)


    I wonder what he would have to say if Trump decided that in his belief, in the interest of the U.S. it would be better off without all the jews, and decided on a solution.

    The Republicans have just opened a Pandora's box of evil.

  3. The Republicans have sold the country down the river, for the sake of silly political reasons, and fear of der Führer  It's a pity that the rest of the country, and the world, will feel the pain.

    When the Fascists take over the knuckle draggers will realise what they have done.

    As somebody once said, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." especially Mitch McCoward.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Joseph McBride said:
    Letter to the Editor, New York Times, January 16, 2020, protesting the United States' latest assassination:
    To the Editor:
    Now in my hundredth year, I cannot remain silent. I entered the United States in January 1921 as a poor immigrant boy, and I have felt obliged to repay the United States for the opportunities given to me.
    I was an American combat soldier in World War II, and was proud to serve my country as the chief prosecutor in a war crimes trial at Nuremberg against Nazi leaders who murdered millions of innocent men, women and children.
    The administration recently announced that, on orders of the president, the United States had “taken out” (which really means “murdered”) an important military leader of a country with which we were not at war. As a Harvard Law School graduate who has written extensively on the subject, I view such immoral action as a clear violation of national and international law.
    The public is entitled to know the truth. The United Nations Charter, the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice in The Hague are all being bypassed. In this cyberspace world, young people everywhere are in mortal danger unless we change the hearts and minds of those who seem to prefer war to law.
    Benjamin B. Ferencz
    Delray Beach, Fla.

    Well said by Benjamin Ferencz. Now it is up to the American Senate to right the problem, if enough of the Trumpicans have the cojones.

  5. Matt, agreed that Trump is a crass and vulgar buffoon, but he has caused grounds for his impeachment by ignoring the constitution numerous times. If it is a political weapon to be used in future, so be it, if any future president conducts himself the way Trump has. The founders were very clever in what they decided, a triumvirate between the President, the Senate and Congress, and if the Trumpicans were to do their duty, and uphold the constitution, rather than hold on only to party dogma, he would  be dismissed. But don't hold your breath as they have obviously succumbed to Trump disease which affects the brains of normally sane people. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

    I hope the following is not too inflammatory, as it is not my intention to make anyone irate.

    I am no fan of Donald Trump, but John Brennan's efforts at ousting Trump mean he should probably be locked up for treason. He doesn't get to decide how a President should or should not behave. The people make that choice on election day.

    There is no guarantee that every 4 years there will be choices on the ballot that are as good as the choices offered 4 years prior. But we vote and move on.

    Is it treason if a citizen tries to uphold the constitution, or tries to rid the country of a President who doesn't, Matt? True, the people make the decision on election day but the Constitution allows for getting rid of a failed President.

  7. America has a mad man (see the  phsycologic and psychiatric reports about his narcissism*) in the White House, and he is being supported by henchmen such as  Pompeo, Barr and Sessions, all of whom will do anything that Trump tells them to preserve their positions in power. Trump is not only a danger to the U.S. but to the whole world. Who would like the red nuclear button to be in the care of a nut?

    As I suggested months ago, the U.S. is in great danger, and the checks and balances of the three separations as written into the constitution have failed to materialise because of the slavish obeyance of the Republican Party to Trumps every whim, no matter how asinine. 

    How the U.S. will get itself out of this unholy mess, is difficult to imagine. 

    If and when Trump is impeached, supposedly Pence will take over the Presidency, which will leave the same people in charge.



  8. Interesting criticism,  a couple of years ago, of Trumpkof by ex C.I.A. director John Brennan.


    " The esteem with which I held the presidency was dealt a serious blow when Donald Trump took office….Many have condemned my public criticism of Mr trump, arguing that as a former C.I.A. Director, I should bite my tongue. My criticisms, however are not political; I have never been and will never be a partisan. I speak out for the simple reason that Mr Trump is failing to live up to the standards that we should all expect of a president. As someone who had the rare privilege  of directly serving four presidents, I will continue to speak out loudly and critically until integrity, decency, wisdom— and maybe even some humility— return to the White House.”

    When are the members of the Trumpican party going to wake up?


  9. 2 hours ago, Ian Lloyd said:

    Kinda like why the rifle had to be "broken down" - it would have been too long to fit into the bag!!!

    Seems like the wrong bag was used whichever way you look at it!!😕

    As Frazier is the sole witness to the curtain rod story, (and didn't Buell once work in a store that supplied curtain rods? Some Kawinkidink?), it would seem to me that Frazier's story is like a Swiss Cheese.

  10. 1 hour ago, Pat Speer said:

    They must have re-done the rail. As shown in my photo, the rail goes all the way up onto the top step. And I don't believe the rail is currently 11 inches from the wall. More like 6 inches. 

    Pat, I think you are mistaking the brick buttress at the West side for the rail.  The depth of 11 " is for the depth of the buttress, not the rail. If we want to be picky,  the sketch is incorrect as the stone base of the west column projects further out than the brick buttress.

  11. 2 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


    I guess I understand why you have experienced being lit by sunlight when you tried to reproduce the one-foot down pose in the Depository doorway. The railing has been installed so handily that it prevents anyone to stand exactly as my model predicts - the vertical pole of the railing on the top step interferes. You had to stand slightly to the east (away from the western wall) because the rail did not allow you to come close enough to the wall. 

    Well spotted Andrej. Sure looks different with the rail roughly removed, eh?


  12. 26 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    It is from Twitter. She wrote it. Here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter

    Niederhut doesn't recognize Chalupa and you don't recognize Twitter.

    No wonder why this is so easy.


    Seems you misunderstood my post, Robert.

    I meant your last utterance.
    "As we reported in December 2018, Andrii Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in early 2016. Chalupa wanted dirt on candidate Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked CLOSELY with the DNC operative Chalupa. "

    This from a Trump supporting site. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Ron Ecker said:

    Here's some weird trivia, if it's true. According to Wikipedia, the onscreen title of the movie is "I Heard You Paint Houses," which is the title of the book. As far as I know, this is a Hollywood first. Use an onscreen title that's different than the title of your movie.

    Just think, when the movie starts you could assume that you're in the wrong theater, get up and leave, and save three and a half hours of your life.



    Agreed, Ron. Watched it yesterday and wish I could get those three wasted hours back.


  14. 8 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

    Everyone here knows who Alexandra Chalupa is, don't they?


    I'm not a psychiatrist, so I understand that my diagnoses that she is becoming "unhinged", if not that she is already completely "unhinged", is likely not how a professional clinician would describe her condition.

    Seems like a threat W. Niederhut, doesn't it?

    As we reported in December 2018, Andrii Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in early 2016. Chalupa wanted dirt on candidate Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked CLOSELY with the DNC operative Chalupa. 




    I notice that you didn't mention the source of the above quote, Robert. Could it be because it was from an ultra right supporting site  which is cited by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, The Blaze, Mark Levin, FOX (Faux?)Nation and by several international news organizations?

  15. 43 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:



    JFK's solution to what was an existential strategic threat was gutsy and effective and very likely saved us all...so did the courage of the Russian sub captain who refused his KGB officers order to fire a nuclear torpedo at a U.S. destroyer.

    This is the story of the Russian sailor who stopped a nuclear holocaust.



  16. I was interested to see Trump's reply to Sondland, when he said

    "I want nothing, I want nothing, I want no quid quo pro. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing".

    Who apart, apparently from  the whistleblower ,  ever mentioned "quid quo for" before Trump brought it up in his reply just after the exposure?

    Shows he only brought up to try to cover his ass. 

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