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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Quite some time back, someone asked for this list of names (I think it might have been Tim Gratz). Anyway, after all this time, I finally found it amongst mountains of paperwork. So for anyone who is interested, here are those names.




    Armando Cubria Ramos, Humberto Sori Martin, Rogelio Gonzalez Corcho, Manuel Lorenzo Puig Miyar, Nemesio Rodriguez Navarette, Gaspar Dominguez Trueba Varona, Bufemio Jose Fernandez Ortega, Rafael Diaz Hanscom, Gabriel Riano Zequiero, Dionisio Acosta, Orest Frias, Eduardo Limaz Perez, Juan Hornedo, Guillermo Coula Ferrer, Higinio Menendez Beltran, Adolfo Mendoza, Tony Varona, Mario Tauler Sague, Manuel Ray Rivero, Aureliano Sanchez Arango, Francisco Chanes Armas, Alfredo Ruperto, Florentino Fernandez Rodriguez, Secundo Gonzalez Gonzalez, Antonio Fernando Rodriguez, Raul Fernandez Trevejo, Bernardo Iglesias Winter, Raul Cay Hernandez, Humberto Gomez Pena, Jose Luis Cuervo, Higinio Diaz Ane, Jesus Montez, Piere Juan Diaz, Francisco Blanco, Mario Salabarrio, Osvaldo Valentin Figueroa, Alberto Grau Sierra, Alberto Cruz Caso, Julio Omar Cruz, Gregorio Reynaldo Diego, Carlos Vicente Sanchez, Julio Ruiz, Rolando Cubela, Tony Cuesta, Eugenio Enrique Zaldivar, Armando Romerio Martinez, Herminio Diaz Garcia, Felix Asencio and Jesus Dominguez.

    Tony Cuesta, Eugenio Enrique Zaldivar, His correct name is spelled Eugenio Saldivar with an (S) not a (Z), and yes, you are correct James, these two. A lot of these other guy's became paid informants, which is why they ended up dead.


  2. Scott is trying to get "reinstated" or (whatever) on this forum. In the meantime, he has just now sent me this message via Facebook:

    Tom Graves, if you like, you may post this information until I am reinstated at the Education Forum. David Morales was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I have two living witnesses who say he was there, Commander Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who drove my father to the CIA's headquarters in Miami where my father stole photographs recording their stay at a motel in Dallas.

    I have also discovered that the Eugenio found in my father's address book was not Eugenio Martinez. I made that mistake, and made a public announcement of that mistake in my book. I have questioned Mr. Martinez a number of times asking him if that was his name and number found in my father's little black book. He has denied ever working with my father, he went on to say that his sons have worked with my father, but he has not.

    The Eugenio found in my father's address book is Eugenio Saldivar Xiques. This Eugenio was caught in a firefight off the coast of Cuba along with Tony Cuesta in 1966. In my father's address book under Eugenio's name is the word Dallas, and the only place the word Dallas is found is under Eugenio's name. My father would later work with Eugenio Saldivar's father to plot infiltrations into Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and free the political prisoners.

    The person who was head of CIA security at Langley and at JM/WAVE was James McCord, McCord is the man who created the counterintelligence against FPCC, and Banister was reporting to McCord.

    My father had photos of Hunt, Sturgis, Morales, Liddy and Barker. These photos were stamped 11/22/1963 on the reverse side of the photos. Folks who have seen these photos are Richard Poyle, who was sent to Mexico on 11/21/1963 under orders of "Oliver Fortson" whose handler was Win Scott, station chief of Mexico, Poyle's cover was to visit his wife in Mexico at that time, problem is she wasn't in Mexico, she was in Miami.

    Others who have seen these photos are Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Aldo Vera, Tony Calatayud, Wilfredo Navarro, Jose Pujol, and many others.

    It is my belief that Tony Cuesta and Eugenio [saldivar Xiques] were in Dallas and they were the shooters. I know that they were there, Regarding Morales, Sturgis and Hunt, these guys would have been nowhere near the scene, and their involvement was delivering weapons and money. Had Morales or Sturgis been caught in Dallas, or even questioned, a guy like [bernard] Barker who was identified by Constable Seymour Weitzman as Secret Service would have had everything under control.

    Scott Kaiser

    [emphasis added by T. Graves]


    Thanks, Scott

    --Tommy :sun

    PS Scott has added the message to me on FB that Richard Poyle and Frank Sturgis picked Scott's father up for work the day he died under mysterious circumstances on a boat.


    Paul Trejo asked me to relay this question to you:


    In the thread on David Morales, Scott Kaiser seems to know a lot about the CIA and Guy Banister. What about David Atlee Phillips, who wrote in his 1988 manuscript, AMLASH LEGACY, that he was grooming LHO to be a fake FPCC officer, to sneak him into Cuba through Mexico City in a plot to kill Fidel?

    Insofar as McCord actually oversaw that Fake FPCC, and as Guy Banister reported to McCord, what role did DAP play underneath McCord, if any?



    --Paul T

    --Tommy :sun

    Anything I say regarding Phillips or McCord would be considered pure speculation. I know from talking to Antonio Viciana that Phillips was in a meeting with Oswald, what they talked about is anyone's guess. I believe that Phillips was grooming Oswald, Oswald was not allowed in by any anti-Castro group, and if you're not Cuban, you're not to be trusted, then again, during those times it was difficult to determine who was really against Castro, and who was G-2. Many of the groups had their own communication among themselves, those they trusted, and if you didn't know certain information or certain words, or the members who is bringing you in, or the leaders names, and you were trying to join a group, that group would think you're trying to infiltrate them as an informant, or you're a spy for Castro.

    Phillips was [Chief of Operations] not director of "counterintelligence". Director of counterintelligence was James Jesus Angleton, Angleton's job was to work with Helms, and McCord who was in-charge of physical security at Langley as well at JM/WAVE. Angleton's job was to create a mole and dirty up cables and launch a counterintelligence against FPCC. This was directed by Angleton who appointed director of security McCord in charge of that operation. McCord was both FBI and CIA. Banister reported to McCord regarding Oswald's activities.

    DRE was also receiving fifty thousand, that's $50,000 per week in funding from the CIA to not only infiltrate Cuba, but started the largest counterintelligence and propaganda network regarding Castro and Oswald.

    Several CIA case officers were involved in the propaganda of Oswald in Mexico, now. JVB and a few others say the Oswald was in Mexico, I tell you he wasn't. I could get into the specifics about that, but it would require a lot of typing of information rather than just getting to the point. To shorten the list, there were no photos of Oswald in Mexico, no tapes, no bus pass and no hotel registration. Someone wrote the name Lee Oswald during his alleged bus trip. It takes sometime in trying to figure out if it even says Oswald because whoever wrote it appears to have scribbled his name in the book. If you were to compare that name to Oswald's previous signatures or handwriting you can clearly see there two different handwritings, it's like day and night.

    I never said the Oswald's campaign for FPCC was fake, on the contrary it was far from being fake, and the reason Oswald leaned towards hand off Cuba is because he was unwanted from any anti-Castro group, Oswald wasn't Cuban, and it wasn't his fight, like Tony Cuesta said, the fight to free Cuba, is Cubans fighting Cubans, very few Americans were allowed into a tightly knit, tightly organized anti-Castro group, for example CORU or Omega 7, somehow my father was able to infiltrate these groups too, my father was very close with Frank Castro, but than again, if you knew my father he had this type of personality about him that drew you to him.

    Hope this was helpful.

  3. Thanks for the plugin Jim.

    David Morales was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I have two living witnesses who say he was there, Commander Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who drove my father to the CIA's headquarters in Miami where my father stole photographs recording their stay outside a motel in Dallas.

    I have also discovered that the Eugenio found in my father's address book was not Eugenio Martinez. I have made that mistake, and made a public announcement of that mistake in my book. I have questioned Mr. Martinez a number of times asking him if that was his name and number found in my father's little black book. He has denied ever working with my father, he went on to say that his sons have worked with my father, but he has not.

    The Eugenio found in my father's address book is Eugenio Saldivar Xiques. This proves my father's early travels to Miami in the 60's. This Eugenio was caught in a firefight 10 miles off the coast of Cuba along with Tony Cuesta in 1966. In my father's address book under Eugenio's name is the word Dallas, and the only place the word Dallas is found is only under Eugenio's name. My father would later work with Eugenio Saldivar's father to plot infiltrations into Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and free the political prisoners.

    This information was provided by Richard Poyle who left Cuban prison before Eugenio or Tony was released, those two were released in 1978 a year after my father's murder. More about Tony Cuesta who was head of Comando L signed a unity agreement with RECE, Tony Calatayud was a leader in RECE who was a friend of my father who also signed a unity agreement with the Cubanos Unidos. I do hope I'm not confusing anyone.

    Moving along, Mrs Joan Mellen is correct about a lot of things, but please allow me to point out it wasn't David Phillips who was the "mastermind" behind the counterintelligence on the FPCC, it was James McCord, who was also involved in the Big Project known as Watergate which was set into motion by both McCord and Barker. McCord CRP security coordinator worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, and in 1961, under his direction, started up a counterintelligence program which was launched against Oswald and the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

    The person who was head of CIA security at Langley and at JM/WAVE was James McCord, McCord is the man who created the counterintelligence against FPCC and Banister was reporting to McCord.

    My father had photos of Hunt, Sturgis, Morales, Liddy and Barker. These photos were stamped 11/22/1963 on the reverse side of the photos. Folks who have seen these photos include, but are not limited to Richard Poyle, who was in Mexico on 11/21/1963 under orders of Oliver Fortson whose handler was Win Scott, station chief of Mexico, Poyle's cover was to visit his wife in Mexico at that time, problem is, she wasn't there, in Mexico, she was in Miami.

    Others who have seen these photos are Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Aldo Vera, Tony Calatayud, Wilfredo Navarro, Jose Pujol, and my mother including many others. It is my belief that Tony Cuesta and Eugenio was in Dallas and they were the shooters. I know that they were there, Morales, Sturgis and Hunt. These guys would have been nowhere near the scene, and their involvement was delivering weapons and money, had Morales or Sturgis been caught in Dallas, or even questioned, a guy like Barker who was identified by Constable Seymour Weitzman as Secret Service would have had everything under control.

    Hope this helps,

    Scott Kaiser

  4. Harry I appreciate you man, its just that, I am trying to keep myself out of trouble with others, and anybody could read my posts, I don't have a problem coming back or asking John to reinstate my membership, and John may not understand, and that's okay, but I just wish he would respect my wishes. This is the very reason why! Now, I hope John would honor my temporary request. I completely hate to have to fight the urge of posting when it could get me or someone else into trouble. Now do you understand Mr. Simkin? Thanks!

    Mr. Simkin, I only ask that you respect my wishes, I really don't want to belong to any forums right now, maybe later. thank you!

    If I do delete your membership, you will not be able to rejoin. If that's what you want, I will do it.

    Yes please, thank you.

  5. Hey Len,

    First off I'd like to say that this was NOT a topic for you to read, respond or post on, and for your information, I tried emailing John, BUT! it would NOT let my email go through, so I posted. And as for Robert discussing your posts. I believe he is correct, your obnoxious behavior only brings frustration to the table that illustrates your total lack of knowledge on any topic, and yes! I especially love the part when you always jump the gun on me, its not me who makes myself look out to be a buffoon. Next time, I'm trying to have a conversation with someone and should my email not work, or its not getting through to them doesn't mean your two cents is needed. Trust me, its never appreciated. If you ask me, you have no sense, I mean cents at all. This is the very reason I politely asked John to remove me from this forum, he may not understand what the problem is, but I do. Sometimes I wish I could resist the urge to completely ignore people like you. :ice

    Harry I appreciate you man, its just that, I am trying to keep myself out of trouble with others, and anybody could read my posts, I don't have a problem coming back or asking John to reinstate my membership, and John may not understand, and that's okay, but I just wish he would respect my wishes. This is the very reason why! Now, I hope John would honor my temporary request. I completely hate to have to fight the urge of posting when it could get me or someone else into trouble. Now do you understand Mr. Simkin? Thanks!

    Mr. Simkin, I only ask that you respect my wishes, I really don't want to belong to any forums right now, maybe later. thank you!

  6. Mr Simkin,

    I do appreciate you, your knowledge on so many different topics. I truly enjoy reading your material, thank God for people like you who have captured history in its making, thank you for allowing me to join your wonderful forum, and the time I was able to spend with some very brilliant people including your monitors. Mr Tom Scully, I have not seen anyone who is able to dig up information as well as Linda Minor.

    I have been fortunate to have made some friends along the line as I keep in-touch with people everyday on Facebook. Now, I come to the purpose of this topic. I sometimes find it quite hard to respond to a topic when I know I should be keeping my mouth shut, its at times quite accelerating when I know I'm having to fight this trouble urge.

    I respectfully request a temporary removal from this forum until the release of my book, I would love to continue reading the posts, but at this time I must re-strain myself from posting. I will then be more then happy to contact you at a later time and inform you of the release of my book and request if I may re-join as a member of this wonderful forum.


    Scott Kaiser

  7. William Kelly, I have read your article on "Collins Radio", and remembered about JOSE DE LA TORRIENTE who had retired as Vice President of Collins Radio, are these two separate Collins Radio's? or is it just a coincidence?

    They are one and the same.

    Do your Cuban friends remember Jose De La Torreiente?

    Also, did they use Collins radios on their Cuban missions?



    Its all in my book, my father's group wanted him dead, because he knew of the drugs they were trafficking in from Cuba to finance their operations. Torreiente later became an informant for the FBI, kept money from the anti-Castro community and stole over three million dollars. The note left on his front door marked "Zero" was to through off the FBI. <Just saying>... All the information I know will be in my book. I really have to stop posting now, can one of the monitors please have me removed from this forum until the release of my book? Please! Thank you, I will then contact John and ask if he would like to re-instate my membership privileges.

    Scott Kaiser

  8. Special Agent! Rest is deleted, sorry!

    Scott, you're regularly posting and then quickly deleting most or all of the content in your posts, not all of your posts, but many more than anyone else. You make it plain that the proof supporting what amounts to the many teasers you are posting, is for sale.

    Isn't it fair to describe your participation here as spamming the board? You posted the same thing you just deleted, word for word, here on another forum, many months ago. So what was is the posting and retracting all about, if it isn't a merely form of commercial advertising?

    Another example; you've filled another of your threads with re-quotes of your own posts: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18755&pid=248409&st=0entry248409

    Mary covered part of your teaser, in her files:

    A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database


    Comments: Tampa police officer identified by Thomas White, III, as involved in ... FBI Special Agent Barry Carmody did locate and interview Massey. Carmody


    At least Scott's posts are short, well organized, to the point, and interesting to read.

    --Tommy :)

    Thanks Tom! I think, I have learned a lot about those here on the forum and their personalties, I'm just kicking myself in the assets for not picking up on it earlier... :D

  9. Special Agent! Rest is deleted, sorry!

    Scott, you're regularly posting and then quickly deleting most or all of the content in your posts, not all of your posts, but many more than anyone else. You make it plain that the proof supporting what amounts to the many teasers you are posting, is for sale.

    Isn't it fair to describe your participation here as spamming the board? You posted the same thing you just deleted, word for word, here on another forum, many months ago. So what was is the posting and retracting all about, if it isn't a merely form of commercial advertising?

    Another example; you've filled another of your threads with re-quotes of your own posts: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=18755&pid=248409&st=0entry248409

    Mary covered part of your teaser, in her files:

    A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database


    Comments: Tampa police officer identified by Thomas White, III, as involved in ... FBI Special Agent Barry Carmody did locate and interview Massey. Carmody

    That was a good find on me Mr. Tom, I'm impressed. I thought I deleted that information long ago, but now I see I didn't and forgot my password on that forum, I wish I had written it down. From now on, I'll just be reading the information on this forum, as I have nothing I can contribute.


  10. Per request of Miles Scull.

    THE COLLINS RADIO CONNECTIONS to the Assassination of President Kennedy

    By William E. Kelly – Revised from report originally published in Backchannels magazine and presented at the national conference of the Coalition On Political Assassination (COPA), October 10, 1994.

    If the assassination of President Kennedy was the result of not only a conspiracy, but a covert action and coup d'etat, as some people believe, there should be evidence of this from both the scene of the crime(s) as well as from the highest echelons of power among those who took over the government. This would be especially so if the assassination was not the action of a lone-nut or a foreign attack by Cuban or Soviet intelligence service sponsors, but an internal manipulation of policy and control, an inside job.

    As Edward Luttwack describes in his "How-To" book Coup d'etat – A Practical Handbook (Alfred A. Knopf, 1968, p. 117), "Control over the flow of information emanating from the political center will be our most important weapon in establishing… authority after the coup. The seizure of the main means of mass communication will thus be a task of crucial importance."

    At the scene(s) of the crime, eyewitness testimony is always suspect. Homicide detectives prefer more solid leads that provide documented evidence that can be introduced in court, such as fingerprints, telephone records and automobile license numbers.

    There are more than a few automobile license records of significance in regards to the assassination of President Kennedy, including the tampered photo among the possessions of Lee Harvey Oswald of the license on 1957 Chevy in General Walker's driveway, a Renault in Mexico City, plus the license numbers of cars seen in Dealey Plaza photos immediately before and after the assassination.

    Most significant however, is the Texas plate PP4537. This number was jotted down on a piece of paper by an elderly Oak Cliff mechanic T. F. White, who noticed a man acting suspiciously behind the wheel of a 1958 two tone Plymouth sedan shortly after the murder of Dallas Policeman J.D. Tippitt. The car was parked behind a billboard in the parking lot of a Mexican restaurant, with the driver, like White, watching the flurry of Dallas police cars racing down the street with sirens blaring, called to the nearby scene of the shooting of Tippit.

    White walked across the street to get closer and exchanged glances with the man, who quickly drove away. White wrote down the license tag PP4537 on a piece of paper and forgot about it until later that day when he saw Lee Harvey Oswald on television and recognized him as the man he saw acting suspiciously in the Plymouth earlier that afternoon.

    A few weeks later, when Dallas radio reporter and later mayor of Dallas Wes Wise gave a talk at the Oak Cliff restaurant, the owner of the garage where Mr. White worked mentioned the suspicious Plymouth to Wise, who then met White. White reluctantly told his story, and didn't want to get involved, and Wise had to use all his powers of persuasion to convince White to share the information with him. Wise promised White he would not be brought into the investigation, but that he would handle it. "Do you have the piece of paper with the license number on it?" Wise asked, and sure enough, White had it right there in his pocket and gave it to Wise. It read: PP4537.

    White told Wise that nobody knew who or what was really behind the assassination of President Kennedy and he really didn't want to get involved, but he handed over the paper to Wise, who passed it on to the police and FBI.

    A quick check of the Texas plate #PP4537 indicated that it was assigned to Carl Mather, of Garland, Texas. When the FBI went out to the listed Garland address they found the two tone 1958 Plymouth right there in the driveway and knocked on the door. Mrs. Mather answered, acknowledged the car belonged to her husband, who was then away at work at Collins Radio, in nearby Richardson, Texas. When asked where her husband and the car was on Friday, November 22, 1963, she said that the car was in the parking lot at Collins Radio until sometime in the afternoon when her husband returned home and picked up the family to go to the Tippit residence to pay their respects to the widow and family of their good friend, who was murdered that day.

    Instead of going out to Collins Radio to interview Mather however, the FBI went first to Mr. White, who Wes Wise had promised wouldn't be involved, and took additional statements from him, changing his story for the official reports and exchanging the two tone Plymouth to a red Ford Falcon. CBS News made a polite inquiry years later, leaving Carl Mather out of the documentary program they aired but listed Mrs. Mather in the programs credits. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) briefly looked into the affair, granted Mather immunity from prosecution to testify and then failed to question him under oath. The HSCA published a short report they titled "The Wise Allegation," when in fact Wes Wise made no allegations, and merely followed up on his reporter's instincts. He came up with an automobile license plate number that was seen near the murder of a Dallas policeman that was traced to one of the victim's best friends, Carl Mather, whose alibi was that he was at work at the time, at Collins Radio.

    Documents later released under the JFK Act indicate that Mather was questioned by HSCA investigators and acknowledged that he worked on electronics at Collins, his specific job being the installation of the radio equipment aboard Air Force Two – the Vice President's plane.

    That this lead was not properly investigated, and remains uninvestigated today, is because such an inquiry actually does lead to the heart of the plot to murder not only Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit, but as many believe, is tied directly to the assassination of President Kennedy. If the Tippit murder is connected to the assassination of the President, then the Tippit murder may be the "Rosetta Stone" that could explain the mysteries of both murders.

    The significance of the Collins Radio connections becomes apparent with a quick review of the published record, and that:

    • On November 1, 1963 the New York Times published a photograph of the ship the Rex, which Fidel Castro identified as the boat that dropped off a team of assassins in Cuba a few nights previous. The Rex was docked at Palm Beach, Florida, near the JFK family compound, and the Rex's Halloween eve mission was in clear violation of President Kennedy's March 1963 edict that no para-military raids against Cuba were to originate from U.S. shores. According to the article in the NYTs, the Rex had been sold by the Somoza regime in Nicaragua to the Belcher Oil Company, its dock fees paid by the CIA front company Sea Ship Inc., with the Rex then being leased to the Collins Radio Company of Richardson, Texas, "for scientific research."
    • Founded by Arthur Collins, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Collins Radio first made news headlines when young Collins was an amateur radio buff with the only (home made) radio receiver that could pick up the radio transmissions of Navy Commander Richard E. Byrd from his polar exploration expedition. [Richard Byrd is the cousin of the founder of the Civil Air Patrol and owner of the Texas School Book Depository building].
    • Collins Radio became a major defense contractor during World War II, and following the war, participated in Operation Paperclip, hiring Dr. Alex Lipisch, the former Nazi scientist who developed the Delta I glider and ME 163 Komet jet fighter. For Collins, Lipisch was assigned to the boat development program that worked with General Dynamics in attempting to build and refine a sleek, swift speedboat – the V20 - that could be used for Cuban infiltration missions like the Rex mission. It was later used in Vietnam.
    • David Ferrie's telephone records reflect that in the weeks before the assassination he made frequent calls from the New Orleans law office of G. Ray Gill to the Belcher Oil Company of Dallas, Texas, the company that was the listed owner of the Rex.
    • In the week before the assassination, a reservation was made at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club for a large party of Collins Radio employees.
    • The Dallas P.D. Intelligence Division maintained a paid informant who worked at Collins Radio and reported on fellow employees who appeared suspicious or subversive, including one who was reported to subscribe to the leftist I.F. Stone Weekly.
    • When Lee Harvey Oswald returned to Texas from Soviet Russia, George DeMohrenschildt introduced him to retired Navy Admiral Chester Bruton, an executive at Collins Radio, with the idea of Oswald getting a job there, as he had worked in a radio factory in Minsk, USSR. Oswald and Marina visited Bruton with DeMohrenschilt.
    • At the time of the assassination Adml. Bruton was working on a top-secret nuclear submarine communications project for Collins, with the Navy's nuclear sub radar and communications HQ being based at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, close neighbors of Michael Paine's family island.
    • In 1963 Collins Radio began receiving large military contracts including one for the construction of a microwave communications network in Southeast Asia, specifically Vietnam.
    • After Oswald was murdered while in Dallas police custody by Jack Ruby, his widow Marina P. Oswald married former Collins Radio employee Kenneth Porter.
    • In Miami, Florida, a Cuban exile, and former executive of Collins Radio, was murdered, assassinated in a still unsolved homicide.
    • Collins Radio supplied and maintained the equipment used by the Voice of America, all manned NASA space flights, the Strategic Air Command (SAC), as well as all equipment used for the CIA's Guatemalan and Cuban operations. Most significantly, Collins Radio was responsible for installing and maintaining all radio equipment aboard Air Force One, Air Force Two and the Cabinet's plane.
    • According to the Collins Radio Annual Report to stockholders for 1963-64, Collins Radio not only installed and maintained the radios aboard most military and executive branch planes, they also operated the station known as "Liberty" at their Cedar Rapids, Iowa headquarters, which served as a relay station for all radio communications between the White House, the Pentagon, Air Force One, Air Force Two, the Cabinet plane and Andrews AFB in Washington.

    [This "Liberty" station is misidentified on most transcripts of the edited version of the radio transmissions from Air Force One on 11/22/63. "Air Force One, the Presidential airplane, was placed in service in 1962 using communications equipment developed and manufactured by Collins. The aircraft…was modified to meet special requirements…In 1962, the station many remember as "Liberty" was opened and operated from the new communications building….(in Cedar Rapids, Iowa)…Collins had a contract with the Air Force to serve as either the primary communications station or as a backup whenever Air Force One, the presidential aircraft, and other aircraft in the VIP fleet carried cabinet members or high ranking military officers. Over the airwaves the station's call word was 'Liberty.'" – From Collins Radio – the First 50 Years.]

    In his book The Making of a President – 1964, Theodore H. White wrote: "There is a tape recording in the archives of the government which best recaptures the sound of the hours as it waited for leadership. It is a recording of all the conversations in the air, monitored by the Signal Corps Midwestern center 'Liberty,' between Air Force One in Dallas, the Cabinet plane over the Pacific, and the Joint Chiefs' Communications Center in Washington….On the flight the party learned that there was no conspiracy, learned the identity of Oswald and his arrest; and the President's mind turned to the duties of consoling the stricken and guiding the quick."

    According to the analysis of E. Martin Schotz and Vincent Salandria (in History Will Not Absolve Us, 1996), "And yet the White House had informed President Johnson and the other occupants of Air Force One, all of them witnesses to the hail of bullets which had poured down on Dealey Plaza, that as of the afternoon of the assassination there was to be no conspiracy and that Oswald was to be the lone assassin. If White's report were correct this would mean that federal officials in Washington were marrying the government to the cover-up of Oswald as the lone assassin virtually instantaneously. This could have occurred only if those federal authorities had had foreknowledge that the evidence would implicate Oswald and that he would have 'no confederates.' An innocent government could not have reacted in such a fashion internally."

    Unfortunately, there is no longer "a tape recording in the archives of the government," as the original, unedited, multiple tape recordings of the AF1 radio transmissions cannot be located despite an Act of Congress, the request of the Assassinations Records Review Board (ARRB) and numerous Freedom of Information Act requests. Our government seems to have simply lost the recordings, with no records being kept of their whereabouts or destruction, if in fact they were destroyed.

    The Final Report of the ARRB (p. 116) notes:

    "6. White House Communications Agency.

    "WHCA was, and is, responsible for maintaining both secure (encrypted) and unsecured (open) telephone, radio and telex communications between the President and the government of the United States. Most of the personnel that constitute this elite agency are U.S. military communications specialists; many, in 1963, were from the Army Signal Corps. On November 22, 1963, WHCA was responsible for communications between and among Air Force One and Two, the White House Situation Room, the mobile White House, and with the Secret Service in the motorcade."

    "The Review Board sought to locate any audio recordings of voice communications to or from Air Force One on the day of the assassination, including communications between Air Force one and Andrews Air Force Base during the return flight from Dallas to Washington D.C. As many people are now aware of, in the 1970s, the LBJ Presidential Library released edited audio cassettes of the unsecured, or open voice conversations with Air Force One, Andrews AFB, the White House Situation Room, and the Cabinet Aircraft carrying the Secretary of State and other officials on November 22, 1`963. The LBJ Library version of these tapes consists of about 110 minutes of voice transmissions, but the tapes are edited and condensed, so the Review Board staff sought access to unedited, uncondensed versions. Since the edited versions of the tapes contain considerable talk about both the forthcoming autopsy on the President, as well as the reaction of a government in crisis, the tapes are of considerable interest to assassination researchers and historians."

    "Given that the LBJ Library released the tapes in the 1970s, the paper trail is now sketchy and quite cold. The LBJ Library staff is fairly confident that the tapes originated with the White House Communications Agency (WHCA). The LBJ Library staff told the Review Board staff that it received the tapes from the White House as part of the original shipment of President Johnson's papers in 1968 or 1969. According to the LBJ Library's documentation, the accession card reads: "WHCA?" and is dated 1975. The Review Board staff could not locate any records indicating who performed the editing, or when, or where."

    "The Review Board's repeated written and oral inquiries of the White House Communications Agency did not bear fruit. The WHCA could not produce any records that illuminated the provenance of the edited tapes."

    At the time I delivered my report on "The Collins Radio Connections" to the National COPA Conference in Washington in October, 1994, the Washington Post had just then exposed the true occupant of a new, mammoth, suburban Virginia building. It was not, as announced on a sign, the headquarters for Collins Radio/Rockwell International as had been previously reported in the media, but that was the cover company for the super secret National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). Even though there cover had been blown by the New York Times in November, 1963, Collins Radio when it served as a cover for the CIA in the operation of the Rex in Cuba in 1963, it was still serving in the same covert cover capacity thirty years later.

    Then in the October, 1998 issue of John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s George Magazine, - David Wise reported on how the NRO had "lost" $6 billion in U.S. taxpayer's money, and specifically mentioned the fiasco surrounding the construction of the HQ building, for which Collins/Rockwell served as a cover company.

    In following the Collins Radio trail from JMWAVE missions off Cuba to Dealey Plaza and Oak Cliff, it is clear that any secret intelligence network that can get away with killing the President and losing $6 billion, isn't going to sweat justice.

    [William E. Kelly is a freelance journalist whose research into the assassination of President Kennedy is partially sponsored by the Fund For Constitutional Government Investigative Journalism Project. He can be reached at: bkjfk3@yahoo.com]

    This is a very fascinating article, I wish I had read this sooner.

  11. I will be speaking at the S.F.R.G. Conference on February 25 at 10:00 O'clock in the morning with Gordon Winslow and many others, hope to see you there.

    Mr. Kaiser,

    Some members of our group, The S.F.R.G. http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html are interested in listening to what you have to say about your new and upcoming book.

    You may bring whomever you wish. We will be calling a meeting for Feb 25 at ten in the morning and would like you to attend. (Brunch is on us) Please let me know if this fits your schedule. The venue is not yet announced but you can ride with me or I with you. Please verify your phone number: 210.251.4754.


    Gordon Winslow

    I will be contacting Gordon Winslow as soon as I get into Miami. Thank you for allowing me to speak at your Conference, it would be an honor for me to attend such an important group of people.


    Scott Kaiser


    Treefrog, Gordon Winslow, others and myself. Thanks for the memories, I had a great time!


    Hi Scott,

    Did you have an opportunity to ask anyone if they knew who A and L were?


    --Tommy :)

    Hi Tommy,

    No, I'm sorry, I know how it is to ask a question and get no response, it can be frustrating. I am however, heading back to Miami soon. I have several of my father's friends I will be meeting up with, before leaving to Miami I'll make sure I have all he questions with me this time.

  12. I will be speaking at the S.F.R.G. Conference on February 25 at 10:00 O'clock in the morning with Gordon Winslow and many others, hope to see you there.

    Mr. Kaiser,

    Some members of our group, The S.F.R.G. http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html are interested in listening to what you have to say about your new and upcoming book.

    You may bring whomever you wish. We will be calling a meeting for Feb 25 at ten in the morning and would like you to attend. (Brunch is on us) Please let me know if this fits your schedule. The venue is not yet announced but you can ride with me or I with you. Please verify your phone number: 210.251.4754.


    Gordon Winslow

    I will be contacting Gordon Winslow as soon as I get into Miami. Thank you for allowing me to speak at your Conference, it would be an honor for me to attend such an important group of people.


    Scott Kaiser


    Treefrog, Gordon Winslow, others and myself. Thanks for the memories, I had a great time!


  13. Boy are you in for a real shocker!

    Yeah, I'll bet.

    Just like Bob Groden, in his next book, is going to finally "solve" the case by showing us JFK's brain AND by showing us proof that Oswald and a TSBD female employee were together on the 2nd floor of the Depository when JFK was being shot. Can't wait for that. (Great job by the patsy-framers there, huh?)

    But before publishing your book, maybe you should read some of the very interesting posts that have been made recently at John McAdams' forum regarding "Look-alikes":


    [Quoting Dave Reitzes:]

    "This is a true story. It was related to me by a married couple I’ve

    known for many years. They told it to me some years ago, soon after it

    happened, and affirmed the essential details again recently. I’ll call

    them Mary and Joe.

    Mary was being honored at a dinner by a civic organization for which she

    worked. Joe was there. Their son, who I will call Josh, had expressed

    interest in going, but he was attending college out of state and

    couldn’t make it.

    At one point while Mary was preoccupied, Joe looked around the room and

    was surprised to see Josh there, holding a small dog. Joe went over and

    greeted him by name, but Josh only stared back blankly. It wasn’t Josh.

    But even as they began talking, Joe, Josh’s own father, wasn’t 100%

    sure whether it was him or not. The young man even talked like Josh. He

    did seem to have a slightly heavier build, and the little dog was

    unfamiliar, but Joe found the similarity unbelievable.

    Mary walked over. She had seen Joe and the young man conversing and she,

    too, thought the young man was her son. When she found out he wasn’t,

    she wasn’t completely convinced. In fact, she wondered whether her son

    and her husband were playing a joke on her.

    Once she had become (mostly) convinced, she took out a wallet photo of

    Josh to show the young man. He agreed that there was a resemblance, but

    said, “If you think I look like him, you should see my brother!” At

    which point he took out a wallet photo of his brother, who also appeared

    identical to Josh. Mary says she walked away from the encounter in

    disbelief that she couldn’t tell a stranger from her own son.

    This happened quite some time ago, but Mary and Joe still tell the story.

    “It was like a Twilight Zone moment,” Joe says.

    Food for thought." -- David Reitzes; Mar. 1, 2012

    This is a very touching story: I've got one too! Its called, "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat"

    Dr P. was a musician of distinction, well-known for many years as a singer, and then, at the local School of Music, as a teacher. It was here, in relation to his students, that certain strange problems were first observed. Sometimes a student would present himself, and Dr P. would not recognize him; or, specifically, would not recognize his face. The moment the student spoke, he would be recognized by his voice. Such incidents multiplied, causing embarrassment, perplexity, fear—and, sometimes, comedy. For not only did Dr P. increasingly fail to see faces, but he saw faces when there were no faces to see: genially, Magoo-like, when in the street he might pat the heads of water hydrants and parking meters, taking these to be the heads of children; he would amiably address carved knobs on the furniture and be astounded when they did not reply. At first these odd mistakes were laughed off as jokes, not least by Dr P. himself. Had he not always had a quirky sense of humor and been given to Zen-like paradoxes and jests? His musical powers were as dazzling as ever; he did not feel ill—he had never felt better; and the

    mistakes were so ludicrous—and so ingenious—that they could hardly be serious or betoken anything serious.

    The notion of there being ‘something the matter’ did not emerge until some three years later, when diabetes developed. Well aware that diabetes could affect his eyes, Dr P. consulted an ophthalmologist, who took a careful history and examined his eyes closely. ‘There’s nothing the matter with your eyes,’ the doctor concluded. ‘But there is trouble with the visual parts of your brain. You don’t need my help, you must see a neurologist.’ And so, as a result of this referral, Dr P. came to me. It was obvious within a few seconds of meeting him that there was no trace of dementia in the ordinary sense. He was a man of great cultivation and charm who talked well and fluently, with imagination and humor. I couldn’t think why he had been referred to our clinic.


  14. David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, Jack Esterline, Frank Bender, William Pawley, Richard Bissell, David Morales, Rip Robertson and Henry Hecksher, Ted Shackley, Tom Clines, William Harvey, Nino Diaz, Pedro Diaz Lanz, Luis Posada, Jose Pujol, Edwin Wilson, Barry Seal, William Seymour, Frank Sturgis, Felix Rodriguez and Gerry Hemming. These are but a few names who were a part of the much larger organization called "Operation 40" to assassinate Castro.

    So what?

    I was told by someone that Oswald was also Op 40 too!

    You were told by someone? That's essentially worthless then. I was told by Wim Dankbaar that James Files killed Kennedy. Should I believe him too?

    If I were to release everything I have then who would want to buy my book?

    Beats me. But there are a lot of fiction lovers out there. So don't get too discouraged.

    BTW, have you got any physical evidence that doesn't point directly to Lee H. Oswald? That's what I want to see.

    I'm sorry, i didn't mention the fact that this person who told me about Oswald also has photos of him and Oswald "together" in Miami, and yeah, its a very clear black and white photo shot of them together. Do you think I'd just take their word for it without some kind of proof? Boy are you in for a real shocker!

  15. Von Pein's self-characterization as a low-class scumbag LNer is his invention, not mine.

    You disagree with my self-assessment? That'd be curious, given your previously-thrown arrows directed at me.


    Mmmm? Hello! That's just a "View Point" not a fact finder! UGH! And I'll like to add that your web-sites are getting prettier and prettier every time I stop by to visit, now you have all this sparkly stuff all over it.

  16. Yeah, but my main purpose was to highlight Bob Stone's excellent comments about the JFK case. But if the truth about Mr. Osanic's awful radio-host skills and non-existent interviewing talents should happen to add an extra layer of information on that Stone webpage--so be it.

    Even CTers must be embarrassed by Mr. Osanic's total lack of interviewing skills and his nearly total lack of useful information coming from his lips during virtually any "Black Op" program. And his questioning of Robert Stone is so bad, it's almost physically painful to listen to.

    And even Michael "Let's Bash Von Pein By Constantly Calling Him A 'Lightweight'" Hogan knows I'm right about Mr. Osanic. He's got to know it. He just doesn't like the fact that that truthful fact is coming from a "lightweight", low-class, scumbag LNer like David Von Pein. Ergo, we get Hogan's last huffing-and-puffing post.

    Von Pein's self-characterization as a low-class scumbag LNer is his invention, not mine. Like I wrote, I have actually begun to feel sorry for him. Von Pein's inventions aside, this is the rest of what I wrote:

    A total newcomer to the JFK assassination could read Von Pein's Len Osanic diatribe and immediately recognize that it is the rhetoric of a lightweight.

    Here are two definitions of internet xxxxx from urbandictionary.com

    1) A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues.

    2) An Internet xxxxx, or simply xxxxx in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages

    in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to

    generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

    I used to think that Von Pein's attacks on people he didn't know were repugnant. Since he joined the EF I have come to think of them as pathetic.

    David Von Pein couldn't resist his compulsions and couldn't have done a better job of reinforcing my points.

    An Internet xxxxx

    LMAO! OMG! I freaking laughing so hard. I needed that, thanks! :clapping

  17. Oswald didn't act alone, Oswald was a part or worked with member's of Op 40, Oswald was CIA. Oswald's handler was CIA. And the CIA set up Oswald, just as they did with Nixon.

    Any chance of backing up any of the above theories with any evidence at all? Or should I just take your word for it? (And Mark Lane's?)

    Any chance of backing up any of the above theories with any evidence at all? Or should I just take your word for it? (And Mark Lane's?)

    I'm so glad you asked, I had no idea that Mark Lane and I thought alike, after all what kind of guy would I be if I'm going around telling people "facts please", I mean, I too have grown a little tried of reading just theories or hearsay so here goes.

    David Atlee Phillips, E. Howard Hunt, Jack Esterline, Frank Bender, William Pawley, Richard Bissell, David Morales, Rip Robertson and Henry Hecksher, Ted Shackley, Tom Clines, William Harvey, Nino Diaz, Pedro Diaz Lanz, Luis Posada, Jose Pujol, Edwin Wilson, Barry Seal, William Seymour, Frank Sturgis, Felix Rodriguez and Gerry Hemming. These are but a few names who were apart of the much larger organization called "Operation 40 to assassinate Castro.

    I only named twenty two names out of (86) total members. I was told by someone that Oswald was also Op 40 too! If I were to release everything I have then who would want to buy my book? <Seeking Truth>.


  18. My first inclination was to ignore David Von Pein and his link. Unfortunately, my better judgment didn't win out.

    Well, how about that! Me too! The only reason is because David is a lone nutter, believing that Oswald acted alone. I don't know David personally or enough to dislike him as a person. I'm sure he's a great guy! But Oswald didn't act alone, Oswald was apart or worked with member's of Op 40, Oswald was CIA. Oswald's handler was CIA. And the CIA set up Oswald, just as they did with Nixon. Why do you think they are called an "Intelligence Agency"? Just the fact that we have difference's of opinions I guess is what prompted me to sneak a peek at this link. :rolleyes:

  19. Mr. Tom Scully,

    Please note, that I am in no way, shape or form seeking out an embroilment or argument to find the facts I have stated above.

    Other then the usual, information, material dump from you Mr. Scully, I have explained myself in this thread. I was expecting in good faith some kind of a reply. I thought if I allowed a reasonable amount of time go by you would respond. I was wrong again, "my bad" or "my fault" to think that way. I have said that some of the information I've read was (in-correct), and rather then you agreeing with me, you've decided to go head to head with me on what I think are VERY important issues. Are you now trying to avoid me? As you have mention in your more recent and important thread on Bush. Robert and I have obscured your thread with irrational posts, you have completely alluded my response to your statement/questions above. I'm still waiting! Thanking you in advance, and yes! You may respond...

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