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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. Fifty years ago this month, a junior U.S. Senator from Massachusetts became the youngest person ever elected to the presidency and the second-youngest to hold the job. John F. Kennedy’s presidency was bookended by a narrow victory in 1960 over then-Vice President Richard Nixon (featuring the first televised debates) and his tragic assassination in November of 1963. By 1963, however, the rhetoric had changed. In his American University speech, which followed the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy attempted to sell the American people on an arms agreement with the Russians.

    [Kennedy] says, ‘In the final analysis, we all inhabit the same small planet, we all breathe the same air, we cherish our children’s future and we are all mortal.’ And it’s spectacular,” says Kuklick. “This overture by Kennedy to say, ‘Let’s do something about this’ meets with a very positive response from the Russians. It’s Sorensen’s words and Kennedy’s ability as a public speaker that really did the trick.”

    Fifty Years Later

    Today, Kennedy remains one of the most admired and beloved presidents in history, coming in third on a 2007 Gallup Poll list behind Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Americans may remember Kennedy’s presidency as a special time in the country’s history. “I think that the assassination combined with [Kennedy’s] rhetorical powers will give him maybe a false place in American history as displaying this great moment of hope and a moment at which people could think that rational debate might actually have successful fruition,” says Kuklick. “This represented a time when we could put intelligence to work and somehow work things out in a reasonable way. I think that’s what the Kennedy legacy is and I think it’s likely to remain that way.”

  2. On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate de Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[41] On September 5, 1976, De Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush asking for his assistance. The letter said:

    Hi Robert,

    Funny you say this;

    There is also a school of JFK researchers who think that George Herbert Walker Bush was one of the CIA guys

    Because many have tried to defend GWB for not being CIA at that time, I believe that even Bush himself says he wasn't CIA until 75-76, here is a letter from George De Mohrenschildt to Bush, and Bush writing back to George. Although, the letter doesn't say much to incriminate himself (meaning Bush) he's certainly smart enough not to slip up. What I do know is he is wanted for "human neglect" and should be indicted for (war crimes) just as the Nazi's were tracked down and killed one by one. George should also face his accusers.

    George De Mohrenschildt,

    You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.

    George Bush wrote back:

    Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely. George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76]

  3. Jim, do you recall Bill Lord, who was Marine and a roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald, and Bill Lord's letter to President Jimmy Carter?

    Lord wrote the letter because a journalist/investigator was pressuring him to talk about Oswald and one of his intimidation tactics was to bring up the names of his boss Jim Allison and a young Midland businessman named George W. Bush, the son of George Herbert Walker Bush who was CIA director from 1976 to mid January, 1977. GWB would have been around age 30 at this time.

    Do you know who that journalist/"researcher"/investigator who was throwing around the Bush name to get Bill Lord to talk?

    Wim Dankbaar has said it was Edward Epstein!!

    Munch on that a while. Edward Epstein was using the name of the son of George Herbert Walker Bush as a bludgeon to get Bill Lord to tell him all he knew about Oswald. This is the same Edward Epstein that saw George De Mohrenshildt just before De Mohrenshildt committed suicide (yes, I think it was a suicide).

    Read this: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/bush3.htm

    A portion of the letter of Bill Lord to President Carter:

    "One of the parties which has blitzed me with telephone calls trying to persuade me to tell them what I know about Oswald, is engaged in a very costly project which allows them to locate, interview, monitor, and influence every single available person who ever knew Lee Oswald--and this, just in advance of the new governmental investigation by the house select committee on Assassinations. I finally consented, not to grant an interview, but to allow the publication's representative to explain their project to me in person. After a lunch interview with this researcher, I was told that if I had refused even to meet with him, pressure was in the offing from two Midland men: Mr. Jim Allison, publisher of the ultra-conservative Reporter-Telegram, my employer (out of necessity, and for the moment!), and Mr. George Bush, Jr.

    ... Shortly thereafter, my mother discovered that her telephone had been tampered with. The casing around the dialing aparatus had been pulled out about one-half inch... we cannot doubt that someone entered the house at a time when I was at work and my mother was away; she returned to the house, however, at an unaccustomed time... I have been in anguish for weeks, Mr. President, trying my best to laugh at my apprehensions and to see these events as fortuitous ones... Speaking as the man who spent more than two weeks in the same ship's cabin with Lee Oswald at the time of his 1959 "defection", and speaking as a man who has been the subject of the above."

    This is very interesting! Thanks Robert for this...

  4. Jim,

    I, as do many on this forum and around the world admire you. You are a tremendous researcher, however, your inordinate ways to be a skeptic is no more informative then Siskel and Ebert. I don't believe that one person knows it all, and taking a stab at what you assume is no better then someone who provides no facts.

    I have grown to like you and your pretty web-sites, I find that most individuals on here love to self promote their information, web-site, theory or book. And there is nothing wrong with that, thats at all good, so long as whats being told does not mislead the American people.

  5. Ray Lee Hunt, a son of H.L. Hunt, is a very prominent businessman in Dallas, Texas, the USA today. He has also been on the board of Dresser Industries, a CIA related firm and a key platform of influence for George Herbert Walker Bush.


    Check out the curriculum vitae of Ray Lee Hunt. It sure hits on all the hot buttons: oil industry executive, former member of the Dallas Fed, appointee by George W. Bush to the very plum position on the President's Foreign Advisory Intelligence Board.

    Ray L. Hunt

    AKA Ray Lee Hunt

    Born: 6-Apr-1943

    Birthplace: New York City

    Gender: Male

    Religion: Methodist

    Race or Ethnicity: White

    Sexual orientation: Straight

    Occupation: Business

    Party Affiliation: Republican

    Nationality: United States

    Executive summary: Chairman of Hunt Oil

    Father: H. L. Hunt (Texas oilman, d. 1974)

    Mother: Ruth Ray

    Brother: Nelson Bunker Hunt

    Brother: Lamar Hunt (co-founder American Football League, owner KC Chiefs)

    Wife: Nancy Ann Hunter

    University: Economics, Southern Methodist University (1965)

    Administrator: Trustee, Southern Methodist University

    Hunt Oil CEO (1976-)

    Hunt Oil (1958-)

    Member of the Board of Bessemer Venture Partners

    Member of the Board of Dresser Industries (-1998)

    Member of the Board of EDS (1996-)

    Member of the Board of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (as Chairman)

    Member of the Board of Halliburton (1998-2007)

    Member of the Board of King Ranch

    Member of the Board of Pepsi (1996-)

    Member of the Board of Verde Realty

    Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (2001-03)

    Phi Delta Theta Fraternity

    American Petroleum Institute Board Member

    Americans for Truth in Politics

    Bush-Cheney '04

    Dallas Petroleum Club Former President

    Elizabeth Dole Committee


    Friends of John Boehner

    Friends of Senator D'Amato 1998 Committee

    George W. Bush for President

    John McCain 2008

    Kay Bailey Hutchison for Senate

    McCain for Senate '98

    National Petroleum Council

    National Republican Congressional Committee

    Santorum 2000

    Santorum 2006

    Steele for Maryland

    George W. Bush Presidential Library

    Woodrow Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship

    Google Ray Lee Hunt and learn more: https://www.google.c...662fec27b9e4b73


    I think you're an excellent researcher, and I'd be the first person to join anyone of your causes to bring down a dirty, sex scandalist politician. But when you say something like this!

    It sure hits on all the hot buttons:

    The only hot buttons you're pushing on for now, is to know he has a job, I mean what else is there in the way of him being related to Kennedy's assassination other then providing a whole lot of information that in the end only says Ray Lee Hunt has a job and is connected to these people. Nothing wrong with that Robert, remember, I'm on your side.

  6. They say that Masferrer was killed as a result of his dealings with Werbell." A CIA report dated April 25, 1966:

    Also, I have spoken to Masferrer's nephew Rolando, who seems to be a very stand up guy, willing to tell it like it is, and what he has told me was that Micheal Tomley was responsible for his uncles death.

    Can you see, even if its documented under some CIA document it doesn't always mean its the God's honest truth, mistakes happen, people are not perfect, although we try to succeed in being so. Sometimes you just have to use your own common sense.

  7. Scott, I showed you this last October, it is in the last post in the Irving Richard Poyle thread. Do you know Joaquin Godoy?

    The info in this quote box, if you read it last October, should influence you to consider how much you know vs. what you think you know, because you're on this thread now vehemently posting that John Simkin was wrong about several things.

    You mentioned someone working for the CIA in Moa. James K. "Jake" Cogswell, III, with no relevant experience, was a V.P. of a mining company in Moa. Cogswell has quite an interesting background. You might want to look into it. Godoy was Amrazz-1

    ....Here is a suggestion of a better thing for you to do with your time than adding Bohning as your friend. It so happens that the former CIA asset with the cryptonym AMRAZZ-1 is not only still alive and kickin', he is openly and frequently op-editorializing, too. Why not do your job and ask him about all of this, before it gets any later, as he is now 84 years old. By the way, AMRAZZ-1's old buddy, James K Cogswell III, aka "Jack", aka "Jake", was once married to Joan Farish, first cousin of GHW Bush's best friend, Will Farish III, and was a mutual friend, with Bush, of Lee Harvey Oswald's best bud, George DeMohrenschildt.








    Gaeton Fonzi asked Veciana if he ever dealt with Mitch Werbell: "No. But he said that you were going to ask him about Masferrer now. (Why?) Because there was a lot of business between Masferrer and Werbell. They say that Masferrer was killed as a result of his dealings with Werbell." A CIA report dated April 25, 1966:

    a. On the morning of April 17, 1966 before going to the Hudson Institute – R AMRAZZ-1 visited his friend, James Cogswell. The latter will be remembered as being involved in fund raising for the Price Pelaez Plot to kill Castro.

    b. Cogswell told AMRAZZ-1 that he was expecting Antonio Veciana at that moment. Veciana, Cogswell said, was in on a plan to assassinate Fidel Castro. Details of the plan were lacking. Veciana wanted Cogswell to introduce him to a (deleted) man known only as (FNU) Livingstone, from 'Winston, Massachusetts.' Cogswell's sister, name unknown, who works in Washington, D.C., presented Livingstone to Cogswell about a month ago.

    c. Veciana showed up while Cogswell and AMRAZZ-1 were talking. Veciana’s surprise at seeing Razz was astounding. In private Veciana told AMRAZZ-1 that he wanted Cogswell to introduce him to a lawyer who would handle a damage suit Veciana has against a boxer for unfulmillment of a contract. AMRAZZ-1 did not let on Cogswell’s confidence. Shortly thereafter, AMRAZZ-1 had to continue on to the Institute.

    d. AMRAZZ-1 was not able to see Cogswell again until April 21. Cogswell told AMRAZZ-1 that on on Sunday night, April 17, 1966, he had introduced Veciana to Livingston. The latter two had spoken in private after which Veciana came away very pleased, but did not disclose anything except that he had a plan to assassinate Fidel Castro. Veciana did not ask Cogwell to collect any funds for the project. Cogswell said he did not talk to Livingstone about his interview.

    e. Cogswell told AMRAZZ-1 that Livingstone had indicated to him that he would be visiting Miami in about three weeks. Livingstone did not state the purpose of his visit. Cogswell gave Livingstone AMRAZZ-1’s name and address as a reference. Livingstone promised Cogswell to call on AMRAZZ-1 when he visited Miami.

    In a dispatch titled “Alleged KUBARK Officer in Contact with Cuban Who is Planning Castro Assassination Plot" the CIA stated:

    I. In response to Reference A's request for JMWAVE's views on the possibility that FNU LIVINGSTONE of Reference B may be identical with Mitchell Livingston WERBELL III we feel that there is little doubt that LIVINGSTON is in fact WERBELL. According to his file, WERBELL appears to be low level would-be con man who has a history of being involved in CASTRO assassination schemes and of professing to be connected or at least in contact with KUBARK. According to AMRAZZ-1 "LIVINGSTON" was involved with Antonio VECIANA's alleged assassintaion plot and he was masquerading as a KUBARK officer. If WERBELL's present activities are as fruitful as his past business ventures, JMWAVE believes that he poses no threat to any serious KUBARK activities.

    2. LIVINGSTON has as yet failed to call an AMRAZZ-1 as ho had promised COGSWELL in Now York City.....


    HSCA Volume XII: George de Mohrenschildt

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    The information came from Jack Cogswell of Palm Beach. ... Of the names, Dryer recognized Dorothe Matlack and. William Avery Hyde. .


    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    Can Obama rekindle 'art of the possible'?

    By Joaquin Godoy

    Aiken, S.C....

    ...The youth will always be capable to accomplish changes; they did in Egypt and they might bring about an "American spring." But it will be a sad time for all of us who had hope for the past 40 years.


    I posted the first part of this post yesterday, on another thread.

    (quote) name='Tom Scully' date='14 May 2011 - 02:25 PM' timestamp='1305379526' post='225596']

    ...Now, we know much about DeMohrenschildt...his brother was Bush's roommate's stepfather, DeM dated Jackie's mother and knew Jackie when she was a girl, he shpeherded LHO, seemed to know everyone, was important enough to "unretire" Tom Devine of the CIA, for a meeting along with Clemard Charles. 14 year after the assassination of JFK, George DeM., in the midst of an Reader's Digest assigned interview, takes an afternoon break, receives a message from HSCA's investigator Fonzi, and allegedly blows his brains out and dominates one last news headline cycle.

    I submit that James K. Cogswell, III falls into the DeM and Abramoff category. The man is the grandson of a Spanish_American War Admiral hero, and the nephew of a 20th century naval standout. A WWII destroyer is named after the two, and Cogswell, III serves on the ship as an officer, with distinction, through many combat perils, until after VJ day and the occupation of Japan.

    His aunt, the widow of the second Cogswell, naval namesake, is a retired CIA secretary by 1954. Cogswell serve on the naval destroyer named after his family, during the final year of the war with the first US astronaut in space, and the fifth human to walk on the moon, Alan B. Shepard.

    Cogswell seems to have graduated from The Gunnery School in Washington, CT in 1939, with the prominent Berkeley professor and mathematician, David Gale. In 1942, DeMohrenschildt rooms in Washington DC for a few weeks with naval officer Harry Hull, a man whose mother-in-law since 1939, was Cogswell's aunt, Bianca.

    In 1954, Cogswell's first cousin on his mother's (Hennenger) side, Susan Estabrook Lewis, marries for life, the former OSS chief secretariat, Alvah Woodbury Sulloway .

    In 1953, Cogswell, III marries for a second time, to Joan Farish, daughter of Stephen Power Farish, uncle of Bush friend, Will Farish III. Cogswell's best man was George O. Walbridge, 2d.

    Walbridge turns up in a 1955 newspaper photo, standing in Havana, next to his boss, Lem Billings of Emerson Drug Co., and the former Cuban dictator Prio's former press secretary.

    It turns out that both Lem Bilings and Walbridge are very close to, and employed by the grandson of the Emerson Drug Co. founder, who also is the nephew by the marriage of Nina McaDoo TO George DeM's late uncle, Ferdinand DeMohrenschildt.

    Later reports, including by the HSCA, are that Cogswell, III worked for the CIA, raised money to finance at least one plot to assassinate Castro, knew and socialized with George DeM. and with DeM's other contact, Joseph F. Dryer, was a friend of AMRAZZ-1, aka Joaquin Godoy, and with Antonio Veciana, and had an only sister, Theodora, described in an HSCA report as being acquainted with "Livingston" aka Mitchell Werbell.

    Let's see....did I miss anything???? ....(/quote)

    Even at the OSS Society, Alvah Sulloway's was evidently such a low key presence, he was referred to in their newsletter in 2001 as "her".


    OSS Society Newsletter - Winter 2001

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View

    journals from 1892-1997. Material includes her years with the OSS Secretariat,...


    January 08, 2003 2:00 AM

    Alvah Sulloway is a man who has learned throughout his career when to a keep secret and when not to.

    ....During World War II, Sulloway worked under OSS director Maj. General William J. Donovan in Washington, D.C.

    "I was in charge of overseeing the distribution of cables ... that came in from all over the world," he said, before noting many of those correspondences were classified as top-secret...."I think my experience working for General Donovan made me less fearful of doing something different," he said....


    Well, the answer to the question above was quick in coming. In the obituary of

    John Farr Hawley, husband of a first cousin of Cogswell, III, Hawley's family thought

    it was important enough of a detail to share the fact that Hawley was a law school classmate of John Connally, and we know that Henry Wade was a classmate of both men.



    Pay-Per-View - The Sun - Aug 11, 1907

    MISS KATHERINE LHEFFENGER. The engagement ofMiss KathaflneLaneHeffengerHoLifen*_ Benyouard ygan*t UniTed states Nayyi was announced*in The SbNyesteVdayvyV_& ...

    Piersons Plan Long Stay at Washington

    Pay-Per-View - Los Angeles Times - Oct 22, 1933

    MISS BARBARA WYGANT. Members of the younger navy set at the harbor are ... grandmother Mrs Arthur C Heffenger of Boston This is MIss Wygant's visit to the ...


    Ravinia 'Music Under Stars' Opens 10th Season Saturday

    Pay-Per-View - Chicago Tribune - Jun 28, 1945

    Lt John Farr of the naval reserve and his bride of last Salur day the former Barbara Bourne Wygant have gone to Oakland Cal to stay there ... Haw ley son of Mr and Mrs Abraham Lincoln Hawley of El Paso Tex re ceived his degree from the ...



    $3.95 - New York Times - Mar 5, 1945

    Lieutenant Cogswell, an alumnus of the Gunnery School and Amherst College, is a grandson of the late Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Cowton Heffenger and the late Rear...


    Texas Obituaries Collection - El Paso County - 11

    26 posts - Last post: Nov 29, 2010

    Friday, November 15, 2002 JOHN HAWLEY was born in El Paso on October 8 ... He graduated in the same law class as John Connally and practiced ....John received his midshipman training at Abbott Hall Naval Midshipmen's School in Chicago and was assigned to LST duty, eventually participating in the landing at Leyte Gulf. After the war he was appointed to fill a judgeship in El Paso. He later moved to Montclair, New Jersey with his wife Barbara and son John and daughter...

    Law School Composite Photographs Index of Names 1884-1959

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    Bailey, E. W.

    Bennett, Dale

    Calhoun, J. W.

    Crane, Edward

    Dodson, Mattie

    Hargrave, Helen

    Hildebrand, Ira P.

    Huie, W. O.

    Keeton, Page

    Moore, Lucy M.

    Oliver, Covey T.

    Schmidt, Benno

    Shirley, Robert P.

    Smith, Bryant

    Stayton, R. W.

    Stumberg, G. W.

    Walker, A. W., Jr.

    Wickes, Joseph A.


    Agress, Alfred M.

    Andrews, Roy M.

    Barker, Howard G.

    Bennett, Roy P., Jr. (Editor Texas Law Review)

    Black, Earl M.

    Bonner, Brenda

    Bray, Clayton

    Brock, Ralph

    Burdeaux, Maurice

    Cain, Clacy Malvin

    Camiade, Emile Bernard, Jr.

    Carnes, John P.

    Casseb, Solomon, Jr.

    Chuoke, Peter M., Jr., (Case Note Editor Law Review, Pres. Senior Class Fall Term)

    Clarke, Richard G., Jr.

    Cobb, Robert

    Connally, John B., Jr.

    Cook, Raymond A. (Permanent Secy.)

    Cosgrove, Nicolas P.

    Counts, Katherine

    Creager, E. B.

    Croom, John A.

    Darr, George Charles, Jr.

    Dawson, John

    Dickson, Ralph P.

    Doehring, Sweeney J.

    Duckett, Jesse James

    Eckhardt, Robert C.

    Edwards, Tilden H.

    Engdohl, Eugene Harold

    Ferguson, Hugh, Jr.

    Floore, Heard L.

    Ford, John W.

    Francis, William H., Jr. (Pres. Senior Law Class Spring Term)

    Goggans, James Lawson, Jr.

    Goldston, Joseph C.

    Goodrich, William W. (Quizmaster)

    Green, John Plath

    Guitar, James, Jr.

    Harlan, Joe

    Hawley, John Farr

    Hayre, J. M.

    Heard, Frank L., Jr.

    Heath, Milton

    Herring, Charles F.

    Hochman, Emanuel Moses

    Holland, Bill L.

    Howard, A. Ryland

    Hughes, Barbara

    Hurwitz, William

    Huser, Paul

    Hutcheson, Jr., Palmer

    Huth, Alvin L.

    Irons, David B.

    Irvin, R. Briggs

    Jackson, Randolph M.

    Jennings, James T.

    Johnson, Herbert M.

    Johnson, John W., Jr.

    Johnson, Nancy Kerr

    Johnson, Robert C.

    Jones, William Leighton

    Kalmans, Yale

    Kennedy, Harold L.

    Kennelly, Clyde B.

    Latham, Lynn

    Lea, Ross Bowlin

    Lesikar, John W.

    Lewis, George L.

    Loftis, Austin

    Logan, John D.

    Logan, Warren C., Jr.

    Lore, James Andrew, Jr.

    Lowther, John A.

    Lucia, Vincent J., Jr.

    McDaniel, Gordon D.

    McDonald, Francis Goodall

    McKay, Morris

    Maniscalco, Peter

    Markward, Forrest, Jr.

    Marshall, Robert C.

    Matthews, Wayne

    Mays, Tom J.

    Means, Wyatt B.

    Miller, Bradford F.

    Morgan, C. A.

    Motley, Howard S.

    Nelson, Louis V. (Comment Editor Law Review)

    Newberry, Fred K.

    Newman, Katherine Ruth

    Nicholas, William E., Jr.

    Oldham, Beatty

    Owen, Jack

    Owens, W. Wroe

    Pannill, F. H.

    Patterson, W. B., Jr.

    Penland, Harvey

    Pierce, R. M.

    Pike, George E.

    Pipkin, H. C., Jr.

    Pittenger, William A.

    Powell, Richard H.

    Preston, J. M.

    Pritchard, Ed S., Jr.

    Rovel, Victor W.

    Reams, Sam G.

    Richter, Francis C.

    Roquemore, O. B., Jr.

    Rothell, Henry H.

    Russell, James H.

    Rylander, Ashlee G.

    Sagebiel, Agnes E.

    Sanders, H. W.

    Sapp, Charles

    Schwartz, Armand G.

    Scott, James H.

    Sellers, Robert M.

    Sergeant, Frank C., Jr.

    Shelton, Thomas O., Jr.

    Slay, W. H., Jr.

    Smith, J. Orville

    Smith, W. Hightower

    Sparks, Jack

    Sperry, Joseph Hall

    Sprain, Marvin

    Staley, J. I., Jr.

    Starley, J. H.

    Steger, Hugh L.

    Storey, W. L.

    Termini, James Thomas

    Thompson, James E.

    Tipps, Kelly

    Tipton, Tom L., Jr.

    Townsend, Jack N., Jr.

    Traweek, W. H.

    Tyler, Fisher Ames

    Underwood, J. Tall

    Urrea, Alberto Trevino

    Vance, Roy C., Jr.

    Vaughan, Roland C.

    Wade, Henry M., Jr. (President of Law School)

    Walley, W. Gail, Jr.

    Warburton, J. O. E.

    Ward, Roy P.

    Washburn, Roy M.

    Wassell, J. McClellan

    Watson, Hubert L.

    Weddell, Robert V.

    Whitsett, Emmett L., Jr.

    Whittington, Marvin Edward

    Wier, Max Harris, Jr.

    Wood, John H., Jr.

    Woodward, Nicholas R.

    Wulff, Fred


    I find it very admirable of you to defend John, however, I am not out to pick his work apart, nor do I have any attention in doing so. But every so often I run up against something someone wrote and I would like to know who that author is/was only so I may correct his information if I am 100 percent certain that what I'm saying is correct.

    I have asked John in the past as to where did he get his information that Frank Castro was in the Bay of Pigs when I and his son said he was not. As to my Moa comment, I can appreciate you assuming what I know or who you think it may be, however, the CIA was running all over Cuba as they were in Miami. Phillip Agee and Richard Poyle are but a few who worked with this person I'm talking about who is still alive.

    I think that if someone is going to write about someone I have personal knowledge about, and if I think its incorrect, do I not have the right as to ask where he received the information from? Please, do not get me wrong. I do appreciate John's research, your research, there is information I couldn't find without you, Linda Minor's and John experience.

    I too have made several mistakes, admitted them, and said on several occasions that "it was my bad" or "my fault". You see Tom, no one is perfect, and just as I have been unwavering in wanting to know what happen to my father, I also want to know what my father knew about JFK.

    It has been an ongoing, relentless pursuit, of the truth.

    It so happens that the former CIA asset with the cryptonym AMRAZZ-1 is not only still alive and kickin', he is openly and frequently op-editorializing, too. Why not do your job and ask him about all of this, before it gets any later, as he is now 84 years old.

    Can you put me in-touch with him? Or him with me? That would be nice, as I do have several questions. Thanks!

  8. Jackie Kennedy is most often remembered as a beautiful and elegant First Lady with great taste in fashion, the Guinevere in the fable of an American Camelot. This is the main reason that tabloids have been salivating for decades over the epic seven-part interview with Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. recorded just a few months after President Kennedy's assassination in 1964 and meant to be embargoed until 50 years after Jackie's death. It's one of only three interviews the former First Lady gave after her husband's assassination, and excitement surged when news broke that Caroline Kennedy would release the interviews early, allegedly in order to stonewall the planned mini-series on the Kennedys starring Katie Holmes as Jackie. Caroline Kennedy now says the book is being released to coincide with the 50 year anniversary of her father's presidency. Regardless of the reasoning, the entire oral history--Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy--is scheduled to be released in book form with accompanying audio on Wednesday.

    "Explosive" is the word most often used to describe what the unreleased Jackie Kennedy tapes would reveal. Last month, a volley of speculative reports suggested that the revelations may not be that explosive after all. So far, reports on the contents of the interview say nothing about her rumored affair with actor William Holden, but they do give us a glimpse of a sassier Jackie. New York magazine says that "Jackie O. would be perfect for reality TV" considering the extent to which the tapes portray her as a bit of a "backbiter," in Dan Amira's words. ABC News is hosting a two-hour special on the tapes that's so far highlighted how Jackie's admitting that the prospect of a Lyndon Johnson presidency made John F. Kennedy Jr. "worried for the country." The New York Times describes the interviews as "candid," noting that in the book's foreword Caroline Kennedy says her mother was in "the extreme stages of grief" when the interviews were conducted.

    Sifting through the sneak previews, we've collected some memorable quotes. Indeed, some sound like they wouldn't be out of place in an episode of Jersey Shore, and others confirm that JFK was pretty suspicious of how his vice president would run the country. But collectively, they show us a Jackie we've never seen before. To borrow the Associated Press's description, "It's a side of Jacqueline Kennedy only friends and family knew. Funny and inquisitive, canny and cutting."

    On her husband--quoting from The Times: "He was, she says, kind, conciliatory, forgiving, a gentleman, a man of taste in people, furniture, books. Fondly, she recalls him ever reading--while walking, dining, bathing, doing his tie. She remembers with amusement how he would change into pajamas for his 45-minute afternoon nap in the White House. She lets slip a reference to a 'civilized side of Jack' and 'sort of a crude side,' but she clarifies: 'Not that Jack had the crude side.'"

    On her marriage--quoting from The Times once again: "Her marriage, she remarks, was 'rather terribly Victorian or Asiatic.' Her aim was to provide 'a climate of affection and comfort and détente'--and the children in good moods. She suggests the couple never really had a fight. She insists she got her opinions from her husband. On that last point, at least, Michael Beschloss, the historian, who was enlisted to write an introduction and annotations to the book, said in an interview, 'I would take that with a warehouse of salt.'

    On the Cuban Missile Crisis: She told her husband, "If anything happens, we're all going to stay right here with you. Even if there's not room in the bomb shelter in the White House. ... I just want to be with you, and I want to die with you, and the children do, too--than live without you."

    On her husband's opinion of LBJ: "Jack said it to me sometimes. He said, 'Oh, God, can you ever imagine what would happen to the country if Lyndon were president?'"

    On "violently liberal women," her husband, and Adlai Stevenson: "Jack so obviously demanded from a woman--a relationship between a man and a woman where a man would be the leader and a woman be his wife and look up to him as a man. With Adlai you could have another relationship where--you know, he'd sort of be sweet and you could talk. ... I always thought women who were scared of sex loved Adlai."

    On the positive reaction to her televised tour of the White House: "Suddenly, everything that'd been a liability before--your hair, that you spoke French, that you didn't just adore to campaign, and you didn't bake bread with flour up to your arms--you know, everybody thought I was a snob and hated politics. … I was so happy for Jack, especially now that it was only three years together that he could be proud of me then. Because it made him so happy--it made me so happy. So those were our happiest years."

    On Indira Gandhi: "a real prune--bitter, kind of pushy, horrible woman."

    On Charles DeGaulle: "that egomaniac"

    On Martin Luther King, Jr.: "a phony"

    Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments or send an email to the author at aestes@theatlantic.com. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire.

    Adam Clark Estes


    In Tapes, Candid Talk by Young Kennedy Widow, Janny Scott, New York Times

    New book shows another side to Jackie Kennedy, Associated Press

    Jackie O. Would Be Perfect for Reality TV, Dan Amira, New York

    Jackie Kennedy interviews are full of surprises, Molly Driscoll, Christian Science Monitor


  9. During President John F. Kennedy's campaign for presidency millions watched his television debates with the Republican candidate, Richard M. Nixon. Winning by a narrow margin in the popular vote, Kennedy became the first Roman Catholic President. His Inaugural Address offered the memorable injunction: "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country."

    On January 3, 1961 LBJ took the oath of office for the full six-year term in the Senate and immediately resigned.

    January 20, was administered the oath of office as Vice President of the United States by the Speaker of the House of Representatives Sam Rayburn. As Vice President, Johnson was a member of the Cabinet and the National Security Council, Chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council, Chairman of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, and Chairman of the Peace Corps Advisory Council.

    He was sent by President Kennedy on missions to the Middle East, the Far East, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and South Asia. May 11-13, 1961, he visited Vietnam while on a trip to Southeast Asia as President Kennedy's representative.

    On April 20, the day Congress approved the amendment making the Vice President Chairman of the Space Council, President Kennedy sent Johnson a memorandum asking him to conduct an overall survey of the space program and to study the feasibility of going to the moon and back with a man before the Soviet Union could attain that goal.

    After a careful study, Johnson replied on April 28, that a manned moon trip was possible, and "with a strong effort the United States could conceivably be first in those accomplishments by 1966 or 1967." On May 25, President Kennedy announced to Congress: "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before the decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth."

    On November 22, Lyndon Baines Johnson became the 36th President of the United States following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.

    In an address before a joint session of Congress on November 27, Johnson pledged support for President Kennedy's legislative agenda, which included civil rights and education legislation.

    Fifty years later:

    Jackie Onassis believed that Lyndon B Johnson and a cabal of Texas tycoons were involved in the assassination of her husband John F Kennedy, ‘explosive’ recordings are set to reveal.

    The secret tapes will show that the former first lady felt that her husband’s successor was at the heart of the plot to murder him.

    She became convinced that the then vice president, along with businessmen in the South, had orchestrated the Dallas shooting, with gunman Lee Harvey Oswald – long claimed to have been a lone assassin – merely part of a much larger conspiracy.

    Texas-born Mr Johnson, who served as the state’s governor and senator, completed Mr Kennedy’s term and went on to be elected president in his own right.

    The tapes were recorded with leading historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr. within months of the assassination on November 22, 1963, and had been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston.

    The then Mrs Kennedy, who went on to marry Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis, had ordered that they should not be released until 50 years after her death, with some reports suggesting she feared that her revelations might make her family targets for revenge.

    She died 17 years ago from cancer at aged 64 and now her daughter, Caroline Kennedy, has agreed to release the recordings early.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2023418/Jackie-O-tapes-reveal-JFKs-affairs-believed-death.html#ixzz1oZKWVGaq

  10. When Rick Santorum rebuked John F. Kennedy's 1960 speech on religion, he was repeating a common conservative view that the address did more harm than good.

    In an interview Sunday with ABC's "This Week," Santorum, a Roman Catholic Republican, said he "almost threw up" when he read the remarks by Kennedy, who told the Greater Houston Ministerial Association: "I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute."

    Santorum, competing for conservative votes in a close GOP presidential contest with Mitt Romney, argued that more religion was needed in American public life.

    "The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country," Santorum said.

    Kennedy gave the speech to the mostly Baptist Texas pastors at a time when Protestants openly wondered whether a Catholic U.S. president would take orders from the pope. In what would become a model for generations of American Catholic politicians, Kennedy insisted his policies would be based on his conscience, not church teaching.

    "I believe in a president whose religious views are his own private affair, neither imposed by him upon the nation, or imposed by the nation upon him as a condition to holding that office," Kennedy said, just weeks before the general election. "I do not speak for my church on public matters, and the church does not speak for me."

    John F. Kennedy

    AP FILE - In this Nov. 10, 1960 black-and-white... View Full Caption

    The address was widely considered an eloquent repudiation of bias and a landmark of American rhetoric. Kennedy went on to become the first Catholic U.S. president.

    Yet, as years passed, the church and society underwent changes that led many Catholics and conservative Christians to conclude they were being pushed from public life. For them, the speech took on new meaning.

    The U.S. Supreme Court ended sectarian prayer in public schools and legalized abortion. As a result, many Catholics and other Christians saw themselves surrounded by a hostile culture. At the same time, the global church was opening up to the modern world through the Second Vatican Council, prompting an internal Catholic split over whether the council's reforms were going too far. American Catholics — better educated and more integrated into American life — fractured along religious and political lines. Once a solid bloc of mostly Democratic voters, Catholics became swing voters, and Catholic Republicans, a rarity in Kennedy's day, gained influence.

    Catholic politicians who supported abortion rights came under more intense criticism from church leaders. American bishops called a vote for legalized abortion cooperation with evil.

    On the defensive, these Catholic lawmakers paraphrased Kennedy. They said Kennedy was arguing that even if faith shapes policy, the outcome still had to be acceptable to the wider public. Former New York Gov. Cuomo, a Democrat, in a much-quoted 1984 speech on abortion at the University of Notre Dame spoke of "the price of seeking to force our beliefs on others." Democrat John Kerry, the party's 2004 presidential nominee said: "I can't take my Catholic belief, my article of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a Jew or an atheist. We have separation of church and state in the United States of America."


  11. Agrarian Reform

    Following the Civil War, the Radical Republicans attempted to put a land reform through Congress, promising "forty acres and a mule" to newly-freed blacks in the South, which was ultimately rejected by moderate elements as "socialistic". This failure left blacks without an economic base, and was one of the key contributing factors to the development of sharecropping* and segregation.

    *sharecropping can be seen as creating the economic relationships where Emmett Till was murdered sparking the Civil Rights struggles of the 50's. His murderers were dependent on the sharecropping system for their income, and the 'uppity' northener Emmett threatens their livelyhood.

    1959 Cuban revolution


    Land reform was among the chief planks of the revolutionary platform of 1959. Almost all large holdings were seized by the National Institute for Agrarian Reform (INRA), which dealt with all areas of agricultural policy. A ceiling of 166 acres (67 hectares) was established, and tenants were given full ownership rights.

    1961 The FSLN was founded by José Carlos Fonseca Amador, Silvio Mayorga, Tomás Borge Martínez and others as The National Liberation Front (FLN). The term "Sandinista" was added two years later, by establishing continuity with Sandino’s movement.

    1962 Migration of Cuban dispossessed to other Latin American countries, including Costa Rica mentioned by Fidel Castro.

    José Carlos Fonseca Amador was in Cuba during the October 1962 “missile” crisis

    1967 Che murdered

    1969 the jailed Sandinista leader José Carlos Fonseca Amador rescued from his prison in Costa Rica. José Carlos Fonseca Amador was re-captured shortly after, but after a plane carrying executives from the United Fruit Company was hijacked by the FSLN, he was freed and allowed to travel to Cuba.

    early 1970s, the FSLN had gained enough support from peasants and students groups to launch limited military initiatives.

    1972, a powerful earthquake levelled the capital city, Managua. Anastasio Somoza Debayle's National Guard embezzled much of the international aid that flowed into the country to assist in reconstruction, and several parts of downtown Managua were never rebuilt. The president's ability to take advantage of the people's suffering proved enormous. By some estimates, his personal wealth soared to US$400 million in 1974. This overt corruption caused even people who had previously supported the regime, such as business leaders, to turn against Somoza and call for his overthrow.

    1974 a guerrilla group seizes government hostages at a private Managua party, among them several leading Nicaraguan officials and Somoza relatives. The guerrillas received US$1 million ransom, had an official communiqué read over the radio and printed in the newspaper La Prensa, and succeeded in getting fourteen Sandinista prisoners released from jail and flown to Cuba along with the kidnappers. One of the released prisioners was Daniel Ortega Saavedra, who would later become the president of Nicaragua (1985-1990). The Somoza government responded with further censorship, intimidation, torture, and murder.

    Bruce Jones establishes his base in Costa Rica

    1975 Anastasio Somoza Debayle imposed a state of siege, censoring the press, and threatening all opponents with detention and torture. Somoza's National Guard increased its violence against individuals and communities suspected of collaborating with the Sandinistas.

    1975 FSLN leader and founder José Carlos Fonseca Amador had returned to Nicaragua in from his exile in Cuba.

    1976 José Carlos Fonseca Amador's group were betrayed by a peasant who informed the National Guard that they were in the area. The guerrilla group was ambushed and José Carlos Fonseca Amador was wounded. The next morning José Carlos Fonseca Amador was shot. (just like Che)

    1977 "El Grupo de los Doce", known as the "Twelve", a group of prominent Nicaraguan professionals, business leaders, and clergymen allied to the Terceristas, was formed in Costa Rica. The main idea was to organize a provisional government from Costa Rica.

    1979 FSLN triumph

    Immediately after the Sandinistas gained power they began implementing agrarian reforms. Initial measures involved appropriating all Somoza owned land (apx. 20% of the arable land in Nicaragua) [this is possible staging posts for drug running that are now taken out of the drug network]

    1981 there was a shift in agrarian policy. In August of 1981 the government discarded its credit programs. A few months prior, in March, 1981 the “Law of Forced Rents” was instituted. It required that all idle land be rented at legally established low rent rates. This was a response to the increase in demand for land by providing greater access to good quality low rent land.

    1982 The Counter revolution (Contras) kicks into overdrive.



    Thanks for this great provocative thought and informative message. I hope to learn as I go, this is some great information.

  12. The Government" is slowly trickling into "Dictatorship", now that essentially our (First Amendment Rights) have been taken away. The House Passes “Trespass Bill” That Makes Protests Illegal. Well I think I'm just gonna have to "protests" this bill with a petition. :hotorwot

  13. Good find. That might be a human being.

    It could be Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford. And he could have been protecting John Kennedy or murdering him. Or just watching.


    "Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford, the best shot in the department was assigned to the top of the County Records building by Sheriff Decker to protect the president. When Oswald's first shot struck Kennedy, Officer Weatherford saw the pigeons fly from the top of the Texas School Book Depository building, but he had no target. When Oswald fired his second shot, Weatherford saw the muzzle flash from the sixth floor window.

    Jacquelyn was scrambling from the limousine to escape the hail of bullets as Oswald's finger tightened on the trigger for the third shot, which was intended for her. Just a micro-second before Oswald fired, Weatherford's bullet passed in front of Oswald causing Oswald's third shot to go high over Jacquelyn hitting the curb on the south side of Elm Street."

    Wow! Robert! I didn't know all this?? "Jacquelyn was scrambling from the limousine to escape the hail of bullets" BECAUSE? The third shot was intended for her? I didn't know that. I read somewhere that instructions were, "nothing was to happen to Jackie."

    Hold on now. I am just quoting Jim Gatewood - it is NOT an endorsement of everything he posits.

    I absolutely do not think Jackie was a target on 11/22/63. In fact, before they went to Texas Lyndon Johnson was bugging John Kennedy about letting Jackie ride in his car - as per the testimony of George Smathers.

    I think Jackie was reflexively retrieving a piece of JFK's brain when she climbed onto the limo back.

    I am merely pointing out that Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford was assigned to a post to the top of the Records Building.

    Sorry for the confusion.

    Hold on now. I am just quoting Jim Gatewood -

    Sorry Robert! Thought this came from you, something else I didn't know, seriously! Before people start to make all kinds of accusations they really should do their homework first before spouting out information that can not be collaborated.

  14. I know many are properly thinking how could Scott Kaiser think its somebody on top of the Records Building yet not see Oswald standing in the door way of the TSBD?

    First I'd like to say that it is impossible to identify that person in the doorway as Oswald or Lovelady without "solid evidence". However, there obviously is someone standing in the door way, the question is who?

    Secondly, in my previous post on this thread I am describing this as an "image" yet to be identified as a person or perhaps a smear on the photo, although, a smear is very unlikely, leading me to believe that there was indeed someone being photograph on top of that roof. The question is who would be up there at the same time Kennedy was fired at?

  15. Good find. That might be a human being.

    It could be Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford. And he could have been protecting John Kennedy or murdering him. Or just watching.


    "Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford, the best shot in the department was assigned to the top of the County Records building by Sheriff Decker to protect the president. When Oswald's first shot struck Kennedy, Officer Weatherford saw the pigeons fly from the top of the Texas School Book Depository building, but he had no target. When Oswald fired his second shot, Weatherford saw the muzzle flash from the sixth floor window.

    Jacquelyn was scrambling from the limousine to escape the hail of bullets as Oswald's finger tightened on the trigger for the third shot, which was intended for her. Just a micro-second before Oswald fired, Weatherford's bullet passed in front of Oswald causing Oswald's third shot to go high over Jacquelyn hitting the curb on the south side of Elm Street."

    Wow! Robert! I didn't know all this?? "Jacquelyn was scrambling from the limousine to escape the hail of bullets" BECAUSE? The third shot was intended for her? I didn't know that. I read somewhere that instructions were, "nothing was to happen to Jackie."

  16. I was looking through some assassination images and looked at this McIntire image that we are all familiar with.

    Suddenly I saw this image which I wonder if it is a person. At first I dismissed the image because the building is behind the Records building. I do not know what the name of this building is. But then I noticed that the building is to the left of the Records building. And then I realised that actually although further back from the Records building a person in that position would have a clear line of sight to Elm Street.

    So do fellow members think this a person and if so what are they doing on the roof of this building?




    That is a very good find, and could be useful if the photo itself could somehow be technologically enhanced without blurring the image, it could very well be someone up on the "Records Building" though I wouldn't know if Secret Service had anyone on the roof tops anywhere scoping out the perimeter of the grounds as they should have.

    Wasn't there a bullet found sometime in the 80's on top of the Records Building? I don't remember, but I thought I read that somewhere. I think that you should also change the heading of you title, "image on top of Records Building," it may draw in a larger crowd and someone who maybe photographically experience can decide for themselves.

  17. Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy inspired people throughout the world to rise to the challenges of their era and to achieve in ways never before dreamed possible. Today, a new generation has the opportunity to embrace President Kennedy's ideals and to take on the challenges of the next fifty years.

    The new film "Let the Word Go Forth" (above) is a re-creation of President John F. Kennedy's iconic inaugural address through many voices. Learn more about the people reciting the speech here.

    JFK50 is a year-long celebration of the Kennedy presidency convened under the collaborative leadership of the JFK Presidential Library, Harvard Kennedy School, the Institute of Politics, the Kennedy Center and members of the Kennedy family. Explore this web site to experience JFK50 through stories, films, news and more.


  18. Thought it was worth starting a thread on Antonio Veciana. My page on him is number one at Google. It is therefore important that we get us much as possible onto this page. I will also link this page to this thread on the forum. Veciana is also talking (see Dollan Cannell’s documentary, “638 ways to Kill Fidel Castro” that was on C4 last night).


    Veciana worked as an accountant in a Cuban bank owned by Julio Lobo. A strong opponent of Fidel Castro, Veciana established Alpha 66 after the communists gained power in 1959. This anti-Castro group received considerable funding from the CIA.

    Veciana claimed that his CIA contact was an agent named Maurice Bishop. Over the next few years Veciana received $253,000 from Bishop. In 1961 Veciana worked with Bishop on a plan to assassinate Fidel Castro.

    In March 1963, the Alpha 66 group attacked Russian ships docked in Cuba. This was seen as an attempt to undermine the improving relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union that had followed the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Department of State made it clear that this attack did not have the support of JFK.

    On 26th March 1963 Alpha 66 attacked another Soviet ship. Members of Alpha 66 held a press conference suggesting the American government supported their actions. JFK was furious and ordered that Veciana and other leaders of Alpha 66 should be arrested and placed in a confined area in Florida.

    After the assassination of JFK Veciana began work for the International Development Agency under the State Department in Bolivia. Although officially an advisor to Bolivian banks, he actually spent most of his time in anti-Communist activities. In 1971 he was again involved in another failed attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro.

    In 1976 Veciana was interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. He told the committee about his relationship with Maurice Bishop. He claimed that in August, 1963, he saw Bishop and Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas. Veciana admitted that Bishop and the CIA had organized and funded the Alpha 66 attacks on the Soviet ships docked in Cuba in 1963.

    Veciana explained the policy: "It was my case officer, Maurice Bishop, who had the idea to attack the Soviet ships. The intention was to cause trouble between Kennedy and Russia. Bishop believed that Kennedy and Khrushchev had made a secret agreement that the USA would do nothing more to help in the fight against Castro. Bishop felt - he told me many times - that President Kennedy was a man without experience surrounded by a group of young men who were also inexperienced with mistaken ideas on how to manage this country. He said you had to put Kennedy against the wall in order to force him to make decisions that would remove Castro's regime."

    Richard Schweiker, a member of the committee, speculated that Bishop was David Atlee Phillips. Schweiker arranged for Veciana and Phillips to be introduced at a meeting of the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers in Reston. Phillips denied knowing Veciana. After the meeting Veciana told Schweiker that Phillips was not the man known to him as Bishop.

    Schweiker was unconvinced by this evidence. He found it difficult to believe Phillips would not have known the leader of Alpha 66. Especially as Phillips had been in charge of covert action in Cuba when Alpha 66 was established. Another CIA agent who worked in Cuba during this period, claimed that Phillips used the code name, Maurice Bishop.

    David Atlee Phillips testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations on 25th April, 1978. He denied he ever used the name Maurice Bishop. He also insisted that he had never met Veciana.

    Soon after testifying Veciana was ambushed on the way home from work. Four shots were fired and one bullet hit him in the head. Veciana survived the attack but afterwards refused to talk about his work with Alpha 66.

    In February, 2005, Gerry P. Hemming claimed that it was Jake Esterline and not David Atlee Phillips who was Maurice Bishop, the man who met with Antonio Veciana and Lee Harvey Oswald in August, 1963, in the building that housed the office of Haroldson L. Hunt in Dallas.


    In March 1963, the Alpha 66 group attacked Russian ships docked in Cuba.

    This is not true, what they attacked were 2 (two) of Fidel Castro's "fishing boats", but yes! Alpha 66 did take a lot of money from the CIA, but used that money to sponsor other anti-Castro groups. The attack on the Russian vessel came from my father's group.

    In February, 2005, Gerry P. Hemming claimed that it was Jake Esterline and not David Atlee Phillips who was Maurice Bishop

    Again this is not true! Maurice Bishop according to MANY of the anti-Castro Cubans I have talked to was in fact "David Atlee Phillips" one person who personally knew him worked in the CIA, in Moa Cuba, and there was a plot to assassinate Castro there.

    In 1976 Veciana was interviewed by the House Select Committee on Assassinations. He told the committee about his relationship with Maurice Bishop. He claimed that in August, 1963, he saw Bishop and Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas.

    So did a few other anti-Castro Cubans in Miami who are still alive and told me.

  19. Over a decade ago, on July 1, 1998, New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) celebrated 50 years of serving as the New York City region’s primary international airport. The airport opened in 1948 as New York International Airport, but was generally referred to as Idlewild (IDL). It is the newest of the New York region’s three major airports, and the only one to open since the Second World War. As the airport completes to be upgraded, it will continue to serve residents and visitors to New York for years to come.

    The development of airline transportation over the last five decades is reflected in the airport’s history. New York International Airport’s first decade coincided with the introduction of large piston-powered airliners, such as Boeing’s 377 Stratocruiser, into airline service. As traffic increased in the 1950s, nine passenger terminals were built in various distinctive architectural styles to handle the larger jet aircraft that entered passenger service beginning in 1958. These were the days when New Yorkers would travel out to the airport to watch the new machines, and to dine at the Golden Door restaurant. However, dramatic increases in passenger and cargo traffic during the 1960s led to congested conditions at JFK by the time widebody jets were introduced in the early 1970s. New York’s proportion of international traffic began to decrease as airlines started direct flights between overseas destinations and other U.S. cities. After several false starts, including a mid-1980s Port Authority plan to redevelop the passenger terminal area, the airport is being improved. Completed projects include a new 321-foot control tower, improved roads, new Terminal 1 and cargo facilities. In May 2001 the replacement for the International Arrivals Building, Terminal 4, was dedicated. The airport's new automated rail system, "Airtrain", opened in December 2004. American Airlines built and is now using a new Terminal 8, replacing the classic American and United terminals. And in October 2008, JetBlue opened up its new Terminal 5, located behind the classic TWA Flight Center. For the full story of this project, see "JetBlue Takes 5 at JFK" in the January/February 2009 issue of Airliners magazine.


  20. I am no school teacher, professor or Dean, I hold no PHD, Masters or Bachelor's degree. I am no researcher, Conspiracy Theorist or a lone nut believer in regards to Kennedy's assassination.

    Just as the assassination has affected millions of people around the globe, many still argue the color of someones shirt, pants or hairstyle in some photograph taken in Dealey Plaza. How can anyone resort to uncovering the truth when so much of the truth had been distorted? Is it not time to stop, listen and wait for the appropriate time to respond or do we just sit back and hope it all unfolds?

    I wonder how Mr. Kennedy would re-act to the reading of researcher attacking researchers?

    We have come accustom to our own ego's that we offer little respect to someone else?

    All I can say is, I have been on here for a short time, and all of you are extremely intelligent, with many of you holding the title of Dr. Please help me bring our community together. Mitt Romney has already been the first to show us how America should live by raising our standards by attacking our opponents, taking Obama's statement from "Yes We Can" to "I'm not sure we Can".

    What ever happen to the idealogical good ole fashion politics, when Politicians would not just tell us what we want to hear, but rather bare truth to what we were told. It has gotten to the point where our law makers no longer care about what really happens in America so long as they hold a position in office.

    There may never be another Camelot, but that doesn't mean we should loose sight of what Camelot had to offer, and the bases of JFK's very foundation was PEACE!

  21. Fifty years ago Thursday, President John F. Kennedy told the world that "the torch had been passed to a new generation of Americans" whom he challenged to "ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country."

    Caroline Kennedy told The Associated Press that she has been thinking over her father's oft-quoted inaugural speech on Jan 20, 1961, when he proclaimed that Americans "shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty."

    "I think he really expanded and redefined our idea of what it means to be a citizen — that everybody has something to contribute and everybody has something to give back to this country that's given us so much," Caroline Kennedy said. "It's not just an obligation, but it's really a rewarding experience and really a belief in government and politics as a noble profession."

    Kennedy joined members of her father's administration, civil rights activists, astronaut Buzz Aldrin and members of the first class of the Peace Corps — which JFK established — to mark the 35th president's legacy at the Capitol on Thursday.

    About 100 members of the Kennedy family gathered at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The center on the bank of the Potomac River stands as a living tribute to Kennedy, whose White House embraced the arts.

    It opened three weeks of performances that will recreate moments from those "Camelot" days.

    President Barack Obama in opening the concert Thursday night paid tribute to the "unfinished life" of JFK and said his inauguration and his accompanying call for Americans to serve their country still "inspires us and lights our way."

    Obama, who wasn't born until later in 1961, hailed Kennedy for leading a "volatile America in this tinderbox of a world," with a steady hand, "defusing the most perilous crisis since the Cold War without firing a single shot." He also noted Kennedy's work to help blacks attend their choice of college, launch the Peace Corps of goodwill ambassadors around the world and set America's sights on landing on the moon.

    Though the country faces different challenges today, Obama said, "we cannot forget we are the heirs of this president who showed us what was possible. Because of that vision, I can stand here today as president of the United States."

    Earlier, speaking at a ceremony in the Capitol's rotunda, Vice President Joe Biden said Kennedy's cause was to bring America back "to what it should be."

    "His call to service literally, not figuratively, still resounds from generation to generation," Biden said.

    The celebrations come as the Kennedy power in Washington has faded. For the first time in 63 years no one with the Kennedy name is serving in elected office. Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island left the U.S. House this month.

    Caroline Kennedy said she wouldn't be surprised if someone in her family returned to national politics — but that it probably wouldn't be her. She flirted with a 2008 Senate bid in New York but bowed out.

    Instead, she is announcing a new "Ask Not" public service campaign with Jimmy Fallon aimed at youth as part of a series of events to reconnect the Kennedy legacy with a new generation. The spots featuring Fallon will air on Viacom, Comcast and CBS television channels to promote the new website JFK50.org.

    Caroline Kennedy hasn't given up on politics, though. While many young people place a high value on volunteering and community service, she said politics has somehow become less attractive to them. And she wants to change that.

    "We hope they'll see that it's a continuum and you need the political process to solve these problems that they are already working on so hard," she said.

    She also echoed President Barack Obama's call in a much lauded speech last week to set an example for young people with the nation's political discourse that has turned vicious at times. In his inauguration speech, JFK reminded people that even as the Cold War raged, "that civility is not a sign of weakness."

    The anniversary will mark the opening of special exhibits at the Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, featuring a handwritten draft of Kennedy's inaugural address and the family Bible on which he was sworn in. Such items also can now be found online as the library has digitized many historical records and artifacts.

    Cellist Yo-Yo Ma performed Thursday night, along with Paul Simon, the American Ballet Theatre and others.

    The National Symphony Orchestra played a new composition, "Remembering JFK (An American Elegy)," by Peter Lieberson. As part of it, Morgan Freeman read from Kennedy's famous speeches, including his inaugural address and his call for world peace at American University.

    JFK's three grandchildren, Rose, Jack and Tatiana Schlossberg, read Robert Frost's poem, "The Road not Taken," and Simon sang "Sounds of Silence," which was written in the aftermath of Kennedy's assassination.

    The Kennedys believed the American culture had come of age and could lead the world, Caroline Kennedy said.

    Caroline said she can remember as a young girl seeing dress rehearsals for ballet and musicals staged in the White House, though she can't recall the famous performance by cellist Pablo Casals. Yo-Yo Ma will recreate that performance Jan. 25.

    "I think I was probably already put to bed when he started to play," she said of Casals.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/01/20/jfk-th-kennedy-family-gathers-washington/#ixzz1oU0kYzRr

  22. One revolution is still necessary: The one that will not end with the rule of its leader. It will be the revolution against revolutions, the uprising of all peaceable individuals, who will become soldiers for once so that neither they nor anyone else will ever have to be a soldier again. How else will peace be attainable?

  23. I have taken his quotes and inserted some of what I wanted or that I am trying to say, I hope no one takes offense to me adding, subtracting or modifying his quotes. They certainly could have not been said any better.

    Every thoughtful citizen who despairs of war and wishes to bring peace, should begin by looking inward--by examining his own attitude toward the possibilities of peace. So let us examine our own attitude, towards peace and freedom, here at home and amongst our piers. That the quality and spirit of our own society will justify, support and defend our efforts at home and abroad.

  24. With 2013 nearly upon us, it will be 50 years to Kennedy's assassination 36 years to my father's murder neither have been solved, both have effected me in a huge part, none more then loosing my dad. Someone always knows something, heard something, was told something, I wonder how those who may have some knowledge about what it is I'm talking about can sleep peacefully at night, is there no conscious? No remorse? I know I'm not the only one that lost a loved one, many have. And when you think about those who you have lost at a young age it rips a peace of something out of you.

    I love my father, with all my heart, my dad, daddy I called him. I knew he was not perfect, but who is? The one thing that I admire most about him was he never wavered in the relentless pursuit of wanting to know himself what happened to JFK. I guess poking his nose into JFK is what ultimately ended his life.

    I love you dad, your son.


  25. The reason I decided to start this post, was to get EVERYONE involved, to stop the subrogation between researchers, to bring together every adversary. To rejoice and not dwell in the past, to laugh, love and conquer his dreams, and not bicker over who's right or who's wrong. I hope that everyone reading this would help me in horning that which once was called Camelot.

    To observe the changes this world has gone through in the last 50 years and where its headed in the next 50 years, to bring peace between the research community and provide evidence that may one day birth justice for our 35th president. God Bless you all!

    Scott Kaiser


    P.S. WWKD? (What Would Kennedy Do)?

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