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Scott Kaiser

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Posts posted by Scott Kaiser

  1. After my meeting with the SFRG in Miami last week, I was told that they are now up to (149) one hundred and forty nine shooters and counting. With a number like that, it would have been nearly impossible to miss JFK. So I'm guessing at this point there had to be more then three shots. :ice

  2. I think Connally smelled a dead rat after the JFK assassination - he probably suspected LBJ because he knew him so well - but I do not thin Connally had foreknowledge.

    I don’t usually respond to forwards, but since this is something where I have seen the documents, here we go:

    Governor Connally from his hospital bed did his first interview about what happened, the interview is quite extensive and comprehensive.

    “When the shots rang out, I said, My God they’re going to kill us both.” He later changed it to “All”, the next day, and as we have heard many times since.

    He was not supposed to be in the limo with JFK and Jackie but for the President’s insistence, Ralph Yarborough was to be the guest in the limo, and JFK argued with the Governor, convincing him to be in the car with them. Cliff Carter sent for Connally’s clothes and had them dry cleaned immediately, thus making them useless for evidence.

    Since the shooter teams didn’t have duplex radios back then, they had no idea that the target(s) had changed, and that the green light to “go” could not be recalled. (Short of an abort command by the “God” Team Abort Leader) played in the JFK movie by Gerald Patrick Hemming, “Charlie Mike” would have been the order to “Continue Mission”.

    Of course Lyndon Johnson was several cars back in the caravan, and hit the floor out of range, well before the head shots occurred, according to two authors including Jim Marrs, “Crossfire”, pages 249 and 250. Both he and Senator Yarborough were on the floor listening to a walkie talkie turned down low so only they could hear it, perhaps it was a special channel opened for the occasion by the Secret Service. No transcripts of this channel have ever been made public.

    Nellie Connally related to someone on the Grassy Knoll during one of her unscheduled visits in the 90s, out of range of the TV cameras, said that she heard more than 3 shots, perhaps 5, then on the Larry King Show said that the bullet that hit JFK was not the same one that hit her Husband. Right to the end, the family, (she) would not allow removal of bullet fragments from his body for testing. The person talking with her about the shots has not been seen selling newspapers on the Knoll since.


    An email I received from Treefrog

  3. Scott, you reacted to a sentence in a rough translation from Spanish to English. Reread it. It describes not the death of Martinez, but the death of his associate, Barker, age 92. It was written in 2010, so it fits with this.:


    Yeah, I had already noticed that after my post, so I thought oh well might as well leave it up, now that everyone knows I've been corresponding with Rolando's daughter. I did get a bit ahead of myself. It was just the way it was worded that thew me off, you know! "Rolando Eugenio Martinez was killed at age 92 a few weeks ago". Can you see where I'm coming from?

  4. Here is a very interesting article on Rolando. The text was in Spanish and the translation is not completely fluid, but you get the idea:




    Note from blogger

    In http://archivo.laprensa.com.ni Iliana de la Guardia says that in 1977 Antonio "Tony" Guard is responsible to infiltrate into Cuba and then smuggle former CIA agent, Rolando Eugenio Martinez, known as "Musculito" I read somewhere that Eugenio Rolando Martinez on that visit he met with Fidel Castro, if I remember it utiizó to the Cayman Islands to reach Cuba by boat.


    In http://eichikawa.com of August 9, 2010 This article refers to the Spanish newspaper El Mundo


    USA | One of the Cuban-Americans involved

    'I do not regret my role in Watergate'

    Manuel Aguilera Cristóbal |

    Sunday 19/07/2009

    "I wanted to overthrow Castro and unfortunately knocked the president who was helping us, to Richard Nixon." Rolando Eugenio Martinez describes himself as a frustrated. At 86 years does not regret his past as a 'plumber' of the 'Watergate' but regrets that he lost that and many other battles. Born in Artemisa, Cuba, had to flee in times of Batista. He returned home and fled the revolution of Fidel Castro to return to suffer another defeat in the attempt to Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.

    But what made him a "sorry" as he described, occurred the night of June 17, 1971 at 2:30 am in the morning. Rolando Martinez, alias 'Musculito', was arrested along with Virgilio Gonzalez, Bernard Baker, James McCord and Frank Sturgis inside the Democratic National Committee offices in the complex of buildings 'Watergate', in Washington.

    It was the beginning of the political-journalistic adventure greatest ever told, it has generated countless articles, books and movies. Martinez still justified, 38 years later, the reasons for the assault that took him to jail with his comrades os: "We were going to steal documents showing that Castro was financing the campaign of Democrat McGovern."


    (Eugenio Rolando Martinez exhibits a presidential pardon granted by Reagan. | M. Aguilera)

    The four 'plumbers' from Miami who accompanied McCord, the security chief of the Committee for re-election of Nixon, not surprised that they recruit for this operation. All had worked for the CIA and as 'Musculito' "the sympathy of the Democratic candidate to the Cuban dictator was known by all. He had traveled to Cuba several times and had been seen together watching baseball games." Searching for evidence, he says, "the interference of a foreign country in choosing a U.S. president."

    The start of operations of Martinez and his fellow Cuban-Americans in President Nixon's direct dependence began with all the trappings of spy films.

    On April 17, 1971 was held in Miami the tenth anniversary of the landing at Playa Giron, the failed attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro carried out by 1,500 Cuban exiles supported by CIA. That day, Bernard Baker, Martinez's best friend, found a note on the door of his house: "If you're still the man I knew, come see me." The text was signed by Howard Hunt, an old acquaintance of both for his role in the operation that day was commemorated.

    Hunt was responsible for political action by the Agency and played a key role in the overthrow of Arbenz as president of Guatemala in 1954. After visiting the memorial to the members of Brigade 2506, died in his fight against Fidel Castro, the three men were eating. "You are going to be active again," he snapped Hunt mysterious. The offer was part of a unit of the White House, personally led by Richard Nixon. In case there was some reluctance, Hunt reassures them that the CIA was aware of the creation of this group of actors who would work under the orders of the president. After 12 years working for intelligence agencies work of infiltration, sabotage, kidnapping, espionage etc. flattered Rolando Martinez: "I thought it was a promotion for me."


    (Martinez walks handcuffed after Barker in 1973. | AP)

    Within a few weeks 'Musculito' Baker and his friend were already down to work. "At first we investigate everyone who wanted to meet with Nixon," he says. Then came other missions that broke the law again and again. Like when they broke into the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg. Ellsberg had leaked to the New York Times' Pentagon documents about the war in Vietnam. "We wanted her psychiatrist reports to confirm whether he too had passed information to the Soviet Embassy and to know what their motivations."

    On May 2, 1972, a month before the raid on the headquarters of the Democrats, the body of John Edgar Hoover, who had been director of the FBI since 1935, was exhibited in the rotunda of the Capitol site. The superiors of 'Musculito' groups feared anti-Vietnam left marched in the vicinity. Fifteen Cubans were recruited in Miami to deter protesters. Martinez recalls with a smile how to dissolve the manifestation of the actors who were part Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland: "I remember how they provoke. We took a Vietcong flag and broke up. We stopped, but then they let us go quickly."

    In the midst of this frenetic activity of the unit created in the shadow of Tricky Dick, comes the first foray into Democratic headquarters. "I photographed a large number of documents and install the microphones, but we were forced to make a second visit."

    Martinez maintains that he and his companions were victims of a trap concocted by James McCord, one of the five 'plumbers' that was formally part of the CIA. It was an undercover agent. "He betrayed us. He was a very mysterious. He told us the information we had collected was not enough and we had to repair a microphone that did not work well."

    According to the story of Cuban living in Miami Beach, two things happened that raised their suspicions that night. "McCord placed a tape that does not close the door latch. He came and went, and one of the times I came back I asked a question then became famous during the subsequent trial, 'removing' tape '?'. He told me so. The tape was what caught the attention of security guard, who immediately alerted the police. "

    The other fact is that McCord suspect forced his companions to turn off their walkie-talkies'. Thereby cut communication with an agent who was watching from the opposite building if the police came. The agent who was cut off was, according to Martinez-McCord relative and "also the Democratic Party."

    In January 1973, the four 'plumbers' pleaded guilty to avoid trial and not have to testify about the details of the operation. Were convicted of conspiracy, theft and violation of federal law on communications. Two months later, McCord wrote a letter to the judge and the political scandal that ended with the resignation of President Nixon precipitated. McCord got immunity and Martinez served only 15 months to 40 years who was convicted.

    Do you keep a grudge against Nixon? When you hear the question 'Musculito'-he got that nickname in his youth by an athletic-is placed in tension. Look at the reporter defiant statement: "Never. A president with this responsibility will not be aware of some Cubans ...".

    After leaving prison, Rolando Eugenio Martinez lived a very hard time. "Still, if I have an operation in the same way then accept it again." Among the relics of the case 'Watergate' bears a special. It was a gift he sent Richard Nixon. It's a lucky clover gold where you can read an inscription in Spanish: "Good luck. Richard Nixon."

    Perhaps the charm did its job because after having appeared before the world as a criminal, this agent still had time incombustible embark on a new spying operation in Cuba that was decorated and got a presidential pardon. Ronald Reagan restored his honor and gave him an unconditional pardon.

    In 1995 he received a call from Oliver Stone, who advised in his movie 'Nixon'. Of the journalists of the Washington Post, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Martinez does not have very good opinion. They are considered very 'fictional' and what is more shocking coming from a dirty war expert, accused of "having used any means, including hidden-recordings in their research."

    Thirty-eight years after the assault that triggered the scandal 'Watergate', Rolando Eugenio Martinez was killed at age 92 a few weeks ago his best friend and companion command, Bernard Barker. He insists that his life has been unsuccessful and he now regrets not having killed, as a hero in one of its covert operations. Now, at 86 years, while caring for his sick wife to Alzheimer's, "frustrated" that did not end Medicine, did not overthrow Batista or Fidel Castro and ended the political career of the man who protected him, has only one desire: "I feel like elephants. I want to die in Cuba, the land of my birth."

    posted by PPAC @ 08/09/2010 8:21:00 AM


    Rolando Eugenio Martinez was killed at age 92 a few weeks ago

    This is not true, first off Rolando is 90, he has been sick, but doing much better lately, I have several emails from his daughter telling me so over the past few days.

  5. Doug Thompson, Is Deception the Best Way to Serve Your Country? (30th March, 2006)


    The handwritten note lay in the bottom drawer of my old rolltop desk, one I bought for $50 in a junk store in Richmond, VA, 39 years ago.

    "Dear Doug & Amy," it read. "Thanks for dinner and for listening." The signature was a bold "John" and the letterhead on the note simply said "John B. Connally" and was dated July 14, 1982.

    I met John Connally on a TWA flight from Kansas City to Albuquerque earlier that year. The former governor of Texas, the man who took one of the bullets from the assassination that killed President John F. Kenney, was headed to Santa Fe to buy a house.

    The meeting wasn't an accident. The flight originated in Washington and I sat in the front row of the coach cabin. During a stop in Kansas City, I saw Connally get on the plane and settle into a first class seat so I walked off the plane and upgraded to a first class seat right ahead of the governor. I not only wanted to meet the man who was with Kennedy on that day in Dallas in 1963 but, as the communications director for the re-election campaign of Congressman Manuel Lujan of New Mexico, I thought he might be willing to help out on what was a tough campaign.

    When the plane was in the air, I introduced myself and said I was working on Lujan's campaign. Connally's face lit up and he invited me to move to the empty seat next to him.

    "How is Manuel? Is there anything I can do to help?"

    By the time we landed in Albuquerque, Connally had agreed to do a fundraiser for Lujan. A month later, he flew back into New Mexico where Amy and I picked him up for the fundraiser. Afterwards, we took him to dinner.

    Connolly was both gracious and charming and told us many stories about Texas politics. As the evening wore on and the multiple bourbon and branch waters took their effect, he started talking about November 22, 1963, in Dallas.

    "You know I was one of the ones who advised Kennedy to stay away from Texas," Connally said. "Lyndon (Johnson) was being a real asshole about the whole thing and insisted."

    Connally's mood darkened as he talked about Dallas. When the bullet hit him, he said he felt like he had been kicked in the ribs and couldn't breathe. He spoke kindly of Jackie Kennedy and said he admired both her bravery and composure.

    I had to ask. Did he think Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed Kennedy?

    "Absolutely not," Connally said. "I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission."

    So why not speak out?

    "Because I love this country and we needed closure at the time. I will never speak out publicly about what I believe."

    We took him back to catch a late flight to Texas. He shook my hand, kissed Amy on the cheek and walked up the ramp to the plane.

    We saw Connally and his wife a couple of more times when they came to New Mexico but he sold his house a few years later as part of a bankruptcy settlement. He died in 1993 and, I believe, never spoke publicly about how he doubted the findings of the Warren Commission.

    Connnally's note serves as yet another reminder that in our Democratic Republic, or what's left of it, few things are seldom as they seem. Like him, I never accepted the findings of the Warren Commission. Too many illogical conclusions.

    John Kennedy's death, and the doubts that surround it to this day, marked the beginning of the end of America's idealism. The cynicism grew with the lies of Vietnam and the senseless deaths of too many thousands of young Americans in a war that never should have been fought. Doubts about the integrity of those we elect as our leaders festers today as this country finds itself embroiled in another senseless war based on too many lies.

    John Connally felt he served his country best by concealing his doubts about the Warren Commission's whitewash but his silence may have contributed to the growing perception that our elected leaders can rewrite history to fit their political agendas.

    Had Connally spoken out, as a high-ranking political figure with doubts about the "official" version of what happened, it might have sent a signal that Americans deserve the truth from their government, even when that truth hurts.

    This is some very important information and it is why I do not think John Connally was involved in the JFK assassation. #1 I do not think he would endanger his or his wife's life by getting in that limo with Kennedy if he knew shots were to be fired in it #2 Connally always insisted that different bullets hit him and JFK, which is rejection of the "magic bullet theory." #3 and very importantly, note what Connally is saying - he warned Kennedy not to come to Texas but that LYNDON JOHNSON was being an asshole and insisted. Got that? LBJ was arranging things (through CIA/military) to murder John Kennedy. And LBJ first tried to get Jackie to ride in his car and then on the day of the JFK assassination was trying to get Connally in his car and send his enemy Ralph Yarborough into the kill zone.

    I think this interview is of historical value.

    At that time in 1963, LBJ's fortunes were on the way down; Connally's was on the way up nand their was a split between the 2 men. In reality LBJ, Connally and Ralph Yarborough were all feuding with one another.

    Doug Thompson later revealed that in 1982 when he asked Connally if he was convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the gun that killed John F. Kennedy. "Absolutely not," Connally said. "I do not, for one second, believe the conclusions of the Warren Commission." Connally was adamant about Oswald not firing any shoots, he says, "Absolutely not," .

    Could Connally have known something more to the plot to assassinate Kennedy?

  6. given the drift if this topic I don't think this is out of place.

    Havana. February 16, 2012

    Luis Posada Carriles: new

    plots against Cuba

    Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy

    ACCORDING to reliable sources, terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is plotting new acts of violence against Cuba, and is doing so in a context of total compartmentalization and secrecy, with the support of a number of counterrevolutionary and criminal members of Miami's anti-Cuban mafia.

    Posada's rekindled activities have increased as he has renewed contacts with terrorists such as Santiago Alvarez Fernandez Magriñá, Enrique Encinoza, Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo, Pedro Crispín Remón Rodríguez, Reynold Rodríguez, Luis Zúñiga Rey, Dionisio Suárez Esquivel, Roberto Martín Pérez, Félix Alonso, Rodolfo Rodríguez San Román, Orlando Martínez Paz, Félix Rodríguez Mendigutía, Saúl Ramón Sánchez Rizo, Angel Francisco D´fana Serrano, Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, Osiel González Rodríguez, Francisco José Hernández Calvo, Roberto Martín Pérez, Horacio Salvador García Cordero, and Aldo Rosado Tuero, joined by yet another terrorist involved in the frustrated attempt on Fidel Castro's life in Panama: César Matamoros. Many of these individuals are members of terrorist organizations such as Alpha 66, the Cuban Liberty Council and the Cuban-American National Foundation.

    A number of actions and events confirm the re-initiation of these contacts:

    • A formal meeting of Luis Posada Carriles and several of these people on August 30, 2011, during celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Alpha 66.

    • A formal meeting between Luis Posada Carriles and members of the terrorist mafia on receiving the keys to the city of Hialeah, June 14, 2011.

    • A formal meeting of Luis Posada Carriles with Pedro Crispín Remón, Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo, César Matamoros, and ex-Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, during a Radio Mambí program, January 17, 2012.

    • A tribute to Luis Posada Carriles January 28, 2012, during a function at Miami's Manuel Artime Theater.

    In all of the above events, Posada Carriles conversed freely with his fellow terrorists, without showing any discretion, given the presence of reporters, thus revealing his sense of total impunity.

    However, at a more discreet level, Luis Posada Carriles has maintained systematic contact with members of Miami's terrorist groups.

    One such secret meeting to plot acts of violence against Cuba took place recently in the residence of Santiago Alvarez Fernández-Magriñá. Beside Luis Posada Carriles and the host, also present were Guillermo Novo Sampoll, Luis Zúñiga Rey, Reynol Rodríguez and Roberto Martín Pérez. The meeting reached the following agreements:

    • To support Saúl Ramón Sánchez Rizo and the Democracy Movement in acts of provocation planned during Pope Benedict XVI's upcoming visit to Cuba. The aim is to provide vessels for a flotilla and to use all possible means to encourage the Cuban population to go to coastal city seafronts and express solidarity with these acts.

    • To apply to U.S. authorities for a permit to use an aircraft to drop counterrevolutionary leaflets over Cuban territory, once again in support of José Basulto from the Brothers to the Rescue organization. This would create the conditions for a repeat of an incident similar to the one on February 24, 1996, thus worsening relations between the Obama administration and the Cuban government.

    • To immediately dispatch agents to Cuba to give sabotage instructions to internal counterrevolutionary groups in the context of the Pope's visit and the 21st International Book Fair of Havana. In relation to the latter event, Miami terrorists anticipate mobilizing mercenaries proclaiming themselves independent journalists, in order to create disturbances in Book Fair venues, on the pretext of their restricted freedom of expression and the impossibility of having their books published.

    Regarding the visit of Pope Benedict XVI, Posada's group has weighed up the possibility of using the Damas de Blanco (Women in White) to create acts of provocation. Likewise, there are promises of new and larger means of support and financial aid to Berta Soler and her acolytes, through the agents dispatched.

    In other meetings of Posada Carriles and Santiago Alvarez with various mafia members resident in Florida, it was decided to create a group to operate – it is already doing so – on the Facebook social network, internal and foreign counterrevolutionary blogs and Twitter, to increase provocations against Cuba. This group centrally comprises Aldo Rosado Tuero, Dionisio de la Torre Jr, Nancy Calzadilla, Eduardo Rodríguez, Olga Sánchez, Mercedes Perdigón, Lucy Ramón and other professional slanderers. In the same context, they have contacted their principal mercenaries in Cuba, Yoani Sánchez Cordero, Sara Martha Fonseca Quevedo, Marta Beatriz Roque Cabello and, more recently, José Daniel Ferrer, in order to intensify the ideological campaign against Cuba, using as ideological tools the alleged repression of "dissidents" and media shows presenting hunger strikes, beatings and ill-treatment in prisons, etc.

    Another method employed by Posada Carriles' associates is the harassment of Cuban journalists and officials using SMS messages containing threats to them and their family members. This demonstrates their mafiosi nature and further confirms the presence of Posada in the shadows, given that this is a method he has resorted to most frequently during his criminal life.

    Finally, Posada Carriles' new terrorist group is studying a number of options for re-instigating extremist actions – which Cuba successfully neutralized in 1997 – by targeting the Scarabeo-9 oil rig, the Matanzas Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant and other economic targets. It is the responsibility of the FBI and U.S. authorities to intervene in this matter. Recently, we sent a personal letter to these agencies exposing terrorist plots being hatched in the United States in open violation of the Neutrality Act of June 25, 1948, Articles 960 - 962. No answer has been received to date.

    As addition elements, we can also confirm that, in the last few days, Posada Carriles has been seeking new financial sources to perpetrate these terrorist acts against Cuba, as well as to use some of this income to repay legal debts incurred during his trial in El Paso, Texas.

    Moreover, this terrorist's personal concerns cannot be overlooked, which makes him all the more dangerous. He needs to win merit from the U.S. ultra-right and Miami mafia groups, given the possibility of being extradited to Panama, after the Second Circuit Court ruled his pardon by President Mireya Moscoso unconstitutional. Also pending is the threat that the freezing by a New Jersey Grand Jury of a court case in relation to Posada Carriles’ involvement in the death of Italian Fabio di Celmo and other acts of terrorism could be overturned. This should be borne in mind because, at the same time, he could also be planning an escape in the event of this contingency.

    This is the latest news on this terrorist, who is not exempt from the Cuban people’s vigilance, although he believes himself protected and enjoying impunity. In this way, I am advising him that the promise to his associates of doing something for Cuba soon, has been frustrated in advance.

    Ah, I almost forgot… I should warn Congress members willing to be involved in Posada's plans – as is the case in the attempt to release the terrorist Eduardo Arocena – that they are about to enter into an extremely dangerous game. Remember what George W. Bush said, "Any government supporting, protecting or harboring terrorists is … equally guilty of terrorist crimes!" despite the difference between what the United States says and actually does on this issue. (Taken from Cubadebate)

    None of this is true...

    Scott, why do you say none of this is true?

    Do these groups want peace with the Cuban government? Can you point out something which is not true if all of it is false?

    Thanks, Jim

    I say its not true because the moment Luis or someone shows up to the La Carreta on SW 8th Street in Miami to eat something with their friends, some reporter always is cooking up some story for their own benefit. For ratings or paper sales, its all a lie, none of it is true.

    First off, if this reporter can give you all this information and also say!

    In other meetings of Posada Carriles and Santiago Alvarez with various mafia members resident in Florida, it was decided to create a group to operate – it is already doing so – on the Facebook social network, internal and foreign counterrevolutionary blogs and Twitter, to increase provocations against Cuba.

    Then why can't he provide you with this supposedly facebook page he is talking about?

    However, at a more discreet level, Luis Posada Carriles has maintained systematic contact with members of Miami's terrorist groups.

    Other then saying this? Where is his proof?

    As addition elements, we can also confirm that, in the last few days, Posada Carriles has been seeking new financial sources to perpetrate these terrorist acts against Cuba, as well as to use some of this income to repay legal debts incurred during his trial in El Paso, Texas.

    Where is his conformation?

    Moreover, this terrorist's personal concerns cannot be overlooked, which makes him all the more dangerous. He needs to win merit from the U.S. ultra-right and Miami mafia groups, given the possibility of being extradited to Panama, after the Second Circuit Court ruled his pardon by President Mireya Moscoso unconstitutional.

    More BS!

    I should warn Congress members willing to be involved in Posada's plans – as is the case in the attempt to release the terrorist Eduardo Arocena – that they are about to enter into an extremely dangerous game.

    And lastly, this is not a game!

  7. I don't it is a "wacky" theory at all that Richard Nixon and Bebe Rebozo were in a homosexual relationship. Richard and Pat Nixon had the clammiest cold fish, non-affection marriage of all time.

    Bebe Rebozo was a former male flight attendant who never consumated his first marriage of 4 years. One's gaydar should be going off on both of those facts, especially the second one.

    The author cites and example of Nixon and Rebozo holding hands under the table. That's gay. I have lots of male friends and I have never held hands under the table with ANY of them.

    Nixon and Rebozo were just too chum, chum chummy.

    Often when men who have crummy marriages have close male friends; they go out and cruise for girls together. No evidence of that with Nixon and Rebozo; just a lot of close, personal time together - almost as if they were ... lovers.

    I think they had some sort of gay relationship going. I did not think that until I read excerpts of this book.

    I am very familiar with married Republican high profile political figures who are bisexual or homosexual: Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and George Herbert Walker Bush (Franklin Scandal homosexual pedophile ring) are 2 examples. Then there is the case of George W. Bush and Victor Ashe, his roommate from Yale. I think they were gay lovers (source Leola McConnell).

    What the hell is this world coming to? And to think I thought Gov. Perry was a good Gov. for TX. I'm sure he was one of them who voted for the "Don't ask Don't tell" act. <Just saying>

  8. Has anyone read Nixon’s Darkest Secrets by Don Fulsom? According to James Rosen in today's Boston Globe, Fulsom says Nixon was the "mastermind of assassinations". He also states that "Fulsom is the only chronicler of the Nixon presidency (1969-74) to spend more time on Lee Harvey Oswald than on Dwight D. Eisenhower".

    I wouldn't go that far as to say, Nixon was the "mastermind of assassinations". What assassinations are they talking about? Nixon did help in creating an assassination squad that I'm sure took orders from their handlers, it all works through a channel, and by 1968 Nixon kicked out the thirty remaining CIA assets and kept them from infiltrating into Cuba, Nixon never really liked the Cuban people, so could Nixon have said he would have done things differently had he won against Kennedy in the 1960 elections when it came to the Bay of Pigs and US military? I'm sure he did to save his own skin, however, it would have been easier to pass the buck so to say to Kennedy, then eliminate Robert Kennedy so Nixon would win his presidential election term as he sought to run against RFK. Nixon may have wanted someone assassinated and pass on certain information, but one is never to close to any operation to get caught.

  9. given the drift if this topic I don't think this is out of place.

    Havana. February 16, 2012

    Luis Posada Carriles: new

    plots against Cuba

    Percy Francisco Alvarado Godoy

    ACCORDING to reliable sources, terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is plotting new acts of violence against Cuba, and is doing so in a context of total compartmentalization and secrecy, with the support of a number of counterrevolutionary and criminal members of Miami's anti-Cuban mafia.

    Posada's rekindled activities have increased as he has renewed contacts with terrorists such as Santiago Alvarez Fernandez Magriñá, Enrique Encinoza, Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo, Pedro Crispín Remón Rodríguez, Reynold Rodríguez, Luis Zúñiga Rey, Dionisio Suárez Esquivel, Roberto Martín Pérez, Félix Alonso, Rodolfo Rodríguez San Román, Orlando Martínez Paz, Félix Rodríguez Mendigutía, Saúl Ramón Sánchez Rizo, Angel Francisco D´fana Serrano, Ernesto Díaz Rodríguez, Osiel González Rodríguez, Francisco José Hernández Calvo, Roberto Martín Pérez, Horacio Salvador García Cordero, and Aldo Rosado Tuero, joined by yet another terrorist involved in the frustrated attempt on Fidel Castro's life in Panama: César Matamoros. Many of these individuals are members of terrorist organizations such as Alpha 66, the Cuban Liberty Council and the Cuban-American National Foundation.

    A number of actions and events confirm the re-initiation of these contacts:

    • A formal meeting of Luis Posada Carriles and several of these people on August 30, 2011, during celebrations for the 50th anniversary of Alpha 66.

    • A formal meeting between Luis Posada Carriles and members of the terrorist mafia on receiving the keys to the city of Hialeah, June 14, 2011.

    • A formal meeting of Luis Posada Carriles with Pedro Crispín Remón, Gaspar Jiménez Escobedo, César Matamoros, and ex-Panamanian President Mireya Moscoso, during a Radio Mambí program, January 17, 2012.

    • A tribute to Luis Posada Carriles January 28, 2012, during a function at Miami's Manuel Artime Theater.

    In all of the above events, Posada Carriles conversed freely with his fellow terrorists, without showing any discretion, given the presence of reporters, thus revealing his sense of total impunity.

    However, at a more discreet level, Luis Posada Carriles has maintained systematic contact with members of Miami's terrorist groups.

    One such secret meeting to plot acts of violence against Cuba took place recently in the residence of Santiago Alvarez Fernández-Magriñá. Beside Luis Posada Carriles and the host, also present were Guillermo Novo Sampoll, Luis Zúñiga Rey, Reynol Rodríguez and Roberto Martín Pérez. The meeting reached the following agreements:

    • To support Saúl Ramón Sánchez Rizo and the Democracy Movement in acts of provocation planned during Pope Benedict XVI's upcoming visit to Cuba. The aim is to provide vessels for a flotilla and to use all possible means to encourage the Cuban population to go to coastal city seafronts and express solidarity with these acts.

    • To apply to U.S. authorities for a permit to use an aircraft to drop counterrevolutionary leaflets over Cuban territory, once again in support of José Basulto from the Brothers to the Rescue organization. This would create the conditions for a repeat of an incident similar to the one on February 24, 1996, thus worsening relations between the Obama administration and the Cuban government.

    • To immediately dispatch agents to Cuba to give sabotage instructions to internal counterrevolutionary groups in the context of the Pope's visit and the 21st International Book Fair of Havana. In relation to the latter event, Miami terrorists anticipate mobilizing mercenaries proclaiming themselves independent journalists, in order to create disturbances in Book Fair venues, on the pretext of their restricted freedom of expression and the impossibility of having their books published.

    Regarding the visit of Pope Benedict XVI, Posada's group has weighed up the possibility of using the Damas de Blanco (Women in White) to create acts of provocation. Likewise, there are promises of new and larger means of support and financial aid to Berta Soler and her acolytes, through the agents dispatched.

    In other meetings of Posada Carriles and Santiago Alvarez with various mafia members resident in Florida, it was decided to create a group to operate – it is already doing so – on the Facebook social network, internal and foreign counterrevolutionary blogs and Twitter, to increase provocations against Cuba. This group centrally comprises Aldo Rosado Tuero, Dionisio de la Torre Jr, Nancy Calzadilla, Eduardo Rodríguez, Olga Sánchez, Mercedes Perdigón, Lucy Ramón and other professional slanderers. In the same context, they have contacted their principal mercenaries in Cuba, Yoani Sánchez Cordero, Sara Martha Fonseca Quevedo, Marta Beatriz Roque Cabello and, more recently, José Daniel Ferrer, in order to intensify the ideological campaign against Cuba, using as ideological tools the alleged repression of "dissidents" and media shows presenting hunger strikes, beatings and ill-treatment in prisons, etc.

    Another method employed by Posada Carriles' associates is the harassment of Cuban journalists and officials using SMS messages containing threats to them and their family members. This demonstrates their mafiosi nature and further confirms the presence of Posada in the shadows, given that this is a method he has resorted to most frequently during his criminal life.

    Finally, Posada Carriles' new terrorist group is studying a number of options for re-instigating extremist actions – which Cuba successfully neutralized in 1997 – by targeting the Scarabeo-9 oil rig, the Matanzas Antonio Guiteras Thermoelectric Plant and other economic targets. It is the responsibility of the FBI and U.S. authorities to intervene in this matter. Recently, we sent a personal letter to these agencies exposing terrorist plots being hatched in the United States in open violation of the Neutrality Act of June 25, 1948, Articles 960 - 962. No answer has been received to date.

    As addition elements, we can also confirm that, in the last few days, Posada Carriles has been seeking new financial sources to perpetrate these terrorist acts against Cuba, as well as to use some of this income to repay legal debts incurred during his trial in El Paso, Texas.

    Moreover, this terrorist's personal concerns cannot be overlooked, which makes him all the more dangerous. He needs to win merit from the U.S. ultra-right and Miami mafia groups, given the possibility of being extradited to Panama, after the Second Circuit Court ruled his pardon by President Mireya Moscoso unconstitutional. Also pending is the threat that the freezing by a New Jersey Grand Jury of a court case in relation to Posada Carriles’ involvement in the death of Italian Fabio di Celmo and other acts of terrorism could be overturned. This should be borne in mind because, at the same time, he could also be planning an escape in the event of this contingency.

    This is the latest news on this terrorist, who is not exempt from the Cuban people’s vigilance, although he believes himself protected and enjoying impunity. In this way, I am advising him that the promise to his associates of doing something for Cuba soon, has been frustrated in advance.

    Ah, I almost forgot… I should warn Congress members willing to be involved in Posada's plans – as is the case in the attempt to release the terrorist Eduardo Arocena – that they are about to enter into an extremely dangerous game. Remember what George W. Bush said, "Any government supporting, protecting or harboring terrorists is … equally guilty of terrorist crimes!" despite the difference between what the United States says and actually does on this issue. (Taken from Cubadebate)

    None of this is true...

  10. What do most of you all think about that book (apologize, can't remember the name) that came out 3-4 years ago claiming that the Kennedy's (JFK/RFK) were planning a coup in Cuba named C-DAY (similar to D-DAY). JFK/RFK had an agreement worked out with one of Castro's brothers to overthrow Fidel Dec 1 1963. If I recall correctly, the theory was that some nukes were still around in Cuba and the 'powers at be' in the US decided they needed to get rid of Kennedy to stop this calamity if the coup failed. I may be mixing up different theories.

    Also, it was interesting a few years ago that Castro claimed he had informed the Reagan administration of a right wing assassination attempt on him which was stopped due to this Cuban intelligence (http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2007-09-12-cuba-castro-reagan_N.htm).

    My gut feeling is once Castro dies, if there is any kind of government release of JFK documents, they'll all point the blame or associate the blame on Castro/Cuba. That's probably what they had intended back in the 60s when they had the documents covered up till 2070 or some ridiculous date.

    JFK/RFK had an agreement worked out with one of Castro's brothers to overthrow Fidel Dec 1 1963.


    I beleive that you are confusing yourself with the Bayo-Pawley mission.

  11. Sorry for the misunderstanding, Scott, I thought from your words that Pujol was your father and you believed in his theory that Fidel was behind the Coup.

    I thought you changed your name... so your Father changed his name or used a different one? My Grandpa from Belarus changed his name to Cohen when he came over and was in trouble with the Czar’s police so I understand secret stuff.

    As you can tell from what I have been through, I am not just a researcher but a witness and react with a lot of emotion because this is not a scholarly lesson to study for me, although I keep learning more, I guess it is my job now.

    You sound like you have good information and I hope you can get it to us here and the secrets out like I just did. It is good for you and your country to get the truth out before it is too late. I always want to learn more so please get it out... for instance from what I have witnessed and explained, do you have anything to add or that I have got wrong in your opinion?

    Thanks, Jim


    No problem for the misunderstanding, I can see how you thought Pujol was my dad. I will be totally honest with you, Kennedy’s assassination had not affected me like it has with many of you, and I can understand that. The only area this whole ordeal affected me was with this unimaginable loss of my own father at such a young age who was somehow connected in the fall out of the CIA, JFK and Watergate conspiracies. In the past I have tried posting information about my father, giving those the benefit of the doubt to acccept me with an open mind, and a warm welcome. I was immediately under attack.

    I have mentioned my father’s journals, notes and letters, including several people who were associated with my father who where apart of several different anti-Castro groups, Operation 40, and Watergate people, that were posted on here and other forums. However, it seems as though my father’s information was taken for a grain of salt, I say this because when people and researchers including CT’ers (conspiracy theorist) have made up their minds on how things may have happen, most do not want to welcome the idea of different documented evidence, so I just let it be.

    I am not out to change anyone’s mind or shove any information down anyone’s throat who is not willing to listen to what I have to say or provide, so I thought the best way to get my father’s information out was to write a book about what I know and let the world decide for itself, what is so wonderful about this book is that for the first time I name names no one has ever heard of, I provide new avenue’s for research, and I want the reader to interact with the different subjects at hand.

    I have wanted to get the word out about my father’s death as it was no accident. The CIA tampered with evidence by sinking the boat my father was killed on. There was never any proper investigation that took place, and because of my past experiences here I have decided not to post anymore of my father’s information or personal items. I did however, bring several of the items with me when I spoke at a conference held by the SFRG (South Florida Research Group). “Treefrog” was the meeting coordinator.

    The wealth of information I gave them should be sufficient enough to know that I’m not just another person who's crying wolf (meaning I'm not providing false information). That is the only information I will release from here on out to the general public until the release of my father’s book which is now in near completion. There is a wealth of information about my father, his connections to everyone, including information never before seen.

    Scott Kaiser

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