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Larry Hancock

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Everything posted by Larry Hancock

  1. If I recall correctly McClendon also was close enough to Phillips to have worked with him on a TV project which was going to be a "CIA case files" series with actual CIA successes showcased. Sort of taking the CIA to the same level of popular appeal as the FBI. The project never came to fruition but it leads one to speculate how someone like Phillips who spent much of his life outside the U.S. came to be so tight with someone like McClendon - and who else Phillips might have had similar relationships with? Perhaps there are other Phillips family or youth connections of equal interest? You would think Gordon would have been in Phillips book....grin. Great post Tim, completely escaped my memory with John was asking about Phillips ties to Texas, probably a really important connection. -- Larry The Old Scotsman, Gordon McLendon. I did not know he was involved with the Dallas Cowboys. Jack <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Right on, Jack. According to Peter Dale Scott in "Deep Politics" McLendon was a co-owner of the Dallas Cowboys with Murchison. Let's not get ethnic here, however! (I am 25% Scotch.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> On the radio Gordon advertised himself as THE OLD SCOTSMAN. He was famous for recreating baseball broadcasts purely from telegraph reports. This was before television and network reports. Jack <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  2. Jack, they came up fine for me although they initially showed as empty...took about a minute to load on my dial up connection. They are definitely there in the article though. -- Larry quote=Jack White,Jan 6 2005, 01:05 AM] The picture was "unavailable". Jack <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  3. Once you have seen the fence sequence in motion it becomes absolutely clear that if nothing else there is motion behind the fence....either someone opening and closing vehicle doors or someone running from the corner of the fence back towards the pergola. Pretty definite evidence of what I would call a second person behind the fence given the fact that the "hatman" shown so clearly by Josiah Thompson in his book would have had a real hard time negotiating his way among the vehicles and around the fence cornor in the required time. -- Larry
  4. Hi folks, just wanted to advise everyone that Mark Bridger at the folks at DPUK have been kind enough to place Mark's most recent article on the Masen photos on the DPUK web site. The link is below and the article is "John Thomas Masen - A Picture at Last" http://www.dealeyplazauk.co.uk/articles.htm You'll find other articles you will enjoy as well if you have never visited the site. -- Here's to Mark! Larry
  5. Dawn, I'm going to jump in with a couple of answers just because I've talked to Bill about this several times over the past year. Bill is not a lawyer, he is a writer. He missed the Dallas conferences because he was covering a trial that went longer than antcipated. Bill is closely associated with COPA which operates from Washington D.C. and has support from several volunteer legal personnel. COPA has been in court numerous times in DC over freedom of information issues. The Grand Jury effort is one of assembling information and developing legal strategies that would be "portable" and could be taken into different venues. There is nothing that ties it to Washington D.C. There has been discussion by other individuals of doing something similar but Bill's effort is the most well developed that I am aware of - although I really don't know where it stands right now as Bill was not there to update us. Hope that helps just a little.... Larry __________________________ Richard, I assume Bill Kelly is an attorney? How can he convenve a Grand Jury from New Jersey? Or is it that he is working with attorneys to attempt this? Thanks and Happy New Year. Dawn ps There are other efforts re GJ also, may or may not be affiliated with Bill Kelly's <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  6. Tim, a reporter was contacted by an individual who claimed to have been an FBI agent assigned to the Roselli murder investigation in Miami. This individual described the memos to the reporter - whose name is in my book but which I don't recall at the moment. The individual allowed the reporter to tape the call, no name is given as far as the Agent goes and as far as I can tell no copies were offered (they may not have even existed any longer at the time the call was made?). The last I know of this the authors of Roselli's biography contacted the reporter and even listened to the tape but that's as far as it goes. Anyone really interested in digging into that could consult the HSCA segragated files which do contain requests from local law enforcement and FBI to the CIA for names and other information as the investigation progressed. The memos may even contain names of the investigators - there are a lot of files on this as the CIA was trying to figure out how not to cooperate while not looking distainful of legal process (hardly ever works for them but they try). From their perspective murder just doesn't rank up their with national security on sources and methods. Interestingly enough the times given by the individual for the meeting do correspond to one of those small windows where Ruby was traveling and in which his actual location is not solid for a few days at a time. -- Larry
  7. I'd like to share two other thoughts in response to Tim's original questions. First, I think that in approaching individuals who have never gone on the record or those who did at a point in time when the official story was the only way to go without putting your reputation or career at risk, it would be very desirable to create a "briefing book". This book would essentially be a list of FBI agents, Medical Personnel, Secret Service agents and other investigators or witnesses who eventually decided to either express their doubts in the official investigation, to share the fact that they had either been ordered to ignore or manage information or to actually discuss instances in which information had been witheld or destroyed. After starting with Hosty, Siebert, Oneil, Burkley and others I think this could be a very valuable project to create a resource to help people know they would not be "going it alone" and also as a background document for legal staff working on grand jury or court of inquiry filings. In line with that I would say such a briefing document should be shared with all the living Oswald family. I'd also like to note that the key element in really getting either started is to offer concrete testimony or evidence which was not reviewed as part of any initial investigation. That was the approach that was used successfully in the Henry Marshall situation as related to Billy Sol Estes. Second, a research group could join Bill Kelley's grand jury effort by working on a specific background document listing instances where evidence was suppressed, managed or simply not presented.....and which would counter the evidentiary conclusions presented to the WC by the FBI and DPD. We have all seen lots of posts and lots of instances of this but it needs to be collected and vetted to put it into shape in order to support any potential legal opportunities. Its great to make lists of names that we would like to see talk but personally I doubt that very many in the "suspect" or "guilty knowledge" category are going to fess up at this point in time. On the other hand a couple of well documented briefing books as outlined above could go a long way to documenting the case for a cover-up (which is really the strongest case we have now in my opinion). -- Happy New Year everyone
  8. Great thread Tim; as per some of my thoughts for very specific research that still needs to be done, here goes: Areas for research… John Martino’s telephone records for October and November of 1963 – unfortunately BellSouth tells us no records of that age still exist. Question is, is that really true? The new CIA document releases offer a huge opportunity; one area of special interest is all the JMWAVE summary and operational reports – which include JMWAVE’s own surveillance (using special exile shadow teams) on targeted exiles. Private files (possibly donated to Universities) of the media people who covered Cuban and exile activities circa 1963, these include notebooks and photos. If there were resources this should also be extended to media coverage of exile activities in Mexico City. Contact with the Division 5 FBI staff, Secret Service staff and Police Dept Intelligence staff who monitored exiles in Dallas, New Orleans and Miami – possibly fruitless but by this time they might be willing to talk about any suspicions they had at the time. Especially if researchers did enough homework to give them a briefing book on the doubts, concerns and issues raised by a host of FBI and Secret Service employees to date. These folks need to know that they would not be the first ones to start talking about things they saw that they still wonder about. This could also be extended to all the personnel on AF1 and AF2 ….non-Secret service personnel. Locating the Roselli FBI and organized crime surveillance files for the last six months of 1963. Background research on Al Gruber in Los Angeles; Gruber represents the key link to who was actually controlling Ruby before the assassination and the following weekend. Contact with Earl Goltz and development of the box of Ruby-Oswald evidence that was turned over to the DPD and viewed by officers Cash, Preston, Callaham, Keene and Stockard as well as by Wade. Investigation of the Harrelson trial records to determine the dates and people involved in the exile gun sales scam he was involved with in Florida. Investigation of the series of names and companies given by Holt as to their being actual CIA front companies connected to Domestic Operations and Tracy Barnes in 1963. ....all of these are real challengies and are definitely not the sort of research that can be done on the internet; I'm afraid it would require people in the field and probably some significant expense. But since you asked...grin...
  9. Hi Tim, having asked the same question myself about all I can say is that is what I have tried to address in Someone Would Have Talked. There is of course a significant list of individuals and incidents, ranging from well known names like Sylvia Odio and Rose Charamie to much less well known names including Gilberto Alverato, Pedro Gonzalez, Jorge Soto Martinez, Ralph Yates, Ray January, SA Patterson and Homer Echevarria. And of course on the Johnson thread you have Cliff Carter, Billy Sol Estes and his witnesses and Grant Stockdale. Not to mention mysterious items such as the Kirknewton intercept incident which is still fully classifiedand but which certainly could, like the Cheramie incident, point to rumors/gossip within the Trafficante/Marcello drug running network. And what Admiral Burkley really had in mind in contacting the HSCA to offer evidence of conspiracy. Of course there are also a string of "Castro did it" remarks but I think if you dig into the actual sources of those remarks e.g. who the informant was working for, what units or individuals floated the reports I think you will find almost all of them associated with people who were deeply into the secret war against Castro and eager to present information which might precipitate action against him - unfortunately the problem of "intelligence advocates" is still around as we have seen recently in the problems with information from exile Iraqi sources.
  10. Very good start John, a couple of new references for me. Plus it is very interesting to note that Seymour Hersch felt Weiner to be involved in a scandal that could have been very threatening to JFK - that would make two since the Rometch scandal was a huge political exposure to JFK given the German connections. I suggest you check out Robert Morrow's interviews that are relevant to Weiner - see First Hand Knowledge. He interviews two people who had a good deal to say about Weiner and his associates, even connecting one of them directly to Johnson. The one thing to be careful of in the name searches is that there were several Weiner's - one was indeed high in organized crime but I don't think that is our "Myron" who started as a lawyer from New Jersey. For further reference, Weiner made frequent trips to Switzerland and returned through Miami, apparently connected to the Bank of Miami Beach, a sister bank to the Miami National Bank. Reportedly the Miami Beach Bank of Carl Epstein had been mob controlled and performed financial tasks servicing the Havana casinos. Also, Weiner reportedly stopped over in Vagas on his trips back and forth to LA and the west coast and seems to have been a serious gambler - with possibly some serious debts?
  11. John, you've taken this direction much further than I had and are now dealing with names that are new to me. However I can add a couple of observations and suggest one more name of my own. First it's important to remember that although Johnson's elevation to the Presidency allowed him the political power to eventually neuter the Baker Congressional investigation, he continued to be worried about it for some months. Reynold's was one of his biggest worries because Reynolds remarks directly targeted Johnson with taking pay offs rather than even secondarily through Baker's influence brokering. Second, it's important to recall that the Congressional investigation was more of a threat to Johnson than Baker who had already resigned his positions in any event. However Baker continued to be exposed both to the Hill law suit over ServeUCorp - which did not settle out of court until October of 1964 and then after that to a Grand Jury which returned 9 indictments in 1966 not leading until an actual trial in 1967. Baker himself notes that his secretary, Carole Taylor, continued to try and get him to separate from his wife until her death in a private plane crash in May of 1965. Certainly she still retained the leverage of giving testimony up to that point - and she Reynolds had written insurance business for her just as he had for Fred Black according to G.R. Schriber in his book "The Bobby Baker Affair." The additional name I would bring to your attention is that of Mickey Weiner, a lawyer, lobbiest and close associate of Bobby Baker in 1963. He was also associated with Fred Black - probably much more closely than Black was willing to admit on the stand given that Weiner did manage to pick up some aircraft industry work and work from Otis Elevator, one of Black's clients who was involved in a scandal later in the Johnson administration that seriously worried Johnson again (you will find that in my book). Weiner was suspected as using the same girls for business purposes as Baker and a Justice Department file on Rometsch mentions Weiner and his girls. Rometsch went to parties in Myron "Mickey" Weiners suite along with Bobby Baker. Weiner also kept an apartment in Hollywood . Margarete Broom, Baker's secreatary from 1955 to 1961 stated that Myron had "made Baker's office his second office". Weiner seems to lead to some other names and yet another set of rumors about his possible knowledge of a conspriracy in JFK's death, he also leads to money going through a Miami bank - but that's another story and it's Christmas eve. -- good hunting
  12. Tim, I wish I could cite you the specific sources - my remark was based in what I heard of Lamar Waldron's presentation in Dallas last month. Lamar did cite several references ranging from State Department documents to correspondance by RFK. Several of the State Department items were in a publication available from one of the book resellers at the conference and Lamar had brought a copy as well. Unfortunately I was not in a position to take detailed notes on his presentation. I know Lamar is pretty tied up at the moment but I would be happy to contact in in a few weeks and get the specific references. While Kennedy obviously paid lip-service to many positions, it is naive to cite the U.N. inspections aspect of the no-invasion pledge - especially given the secret deal to remove the Jupiter missiles from Turkey, as well as the most obvious fact that Castro never at any time agreed to U.N. inspections. The evidence of the removal of the missiles was provided at sea, where U.S. overflights were met with removal of the tarps to reveal the missiles heading back to Russia. Castro had made it clear from the beginning that he would not accede to inspections, and no serious person ever thought they would occur on Cuban soil. So what is the source of the above blue-inked assertion "that the Kennedy administration was itself moving to a formal position that the agreement with the Russians for non-intervention was null and void since the UN inspections which were part of that agreement had run into a stone wall and were obviously not going to happen?" It had always been the official position that the agreement was null absent the inspections, but there was no movement toward doing anything about that. Thus, the Life sponsored Operation Tilt, intended to embarrass JFK. Secondly, the assertion that Kennedy "by 1964 ... was running as a war candidate over Viet Nam?" Huh? I understand the misspeak about 1964, which Kennedy did not live to see, but the ignoring of NSAM 263 in the shaping of such a conclusion is another thing. Tim Carroll <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  13. Thanks John, that's an excellant synopsis; it certainly sounds as if Hoover was not the only one who had some strong leverage over JFK and RFK. There are pretty strong indications that Johnson was willing to take serious action to cover his trail when scandals got really nasty. Plus we do know that he was still concerned over Baker and that scandal even after he had taken the Presidency....that's when he made the remark about paying Baker a million dollars to shut up. I've often thought that there were real mystery deaths related to people that knew Ruby was more than the WC pictured him to be in terms of crime connections and probably in terms of an Oswald association. I think you have added a very good lead that there are another set of deaths relating to the Johnson/Baker scandal..... sort of reminds me of Estes and the west Texas deaths. -- Great work! Larry
  14. John, that's great background information and certainly fleshes out elements of the Baker influence pedaling and scandal. Do I understand that you are saying that political fund raising was going on directly for the Kennedy's and that Jack and Bobby were actively covering up elements of that as it became exposed - first sending Stockdale overseas and then McCloskey? Is that correct... since up to this point we would have thought that Johnson was the primary person at risk and that it was just greed/influence pedaling - and the Kennedy's only politically exposed through Baker and Johnson? And I'm not sure I follow you on how this gave Stockdale an insight into a conspriacy to kill JFK? Plus I'm completely lost on the last part - are you saying Stockdale was a threat to the Kennedy's and after the assassination the Kennedy family had him eliminated? Or that Baker had him eliminated, or Johnson or exactly whom? - and why since Johnson was in power and would surely be able to derail the investigation further? ...sorry, looks like I'm lost on several of your points... Larry
  15. John, I'd like to know a lot more about the sources for some of those remarks about sex parties and collecting bag money; if JFK trusted Stockdale and its true then Stockdale apparently was not a man to keep secrets. On the other hand its such great gossip and sounds so much like Bobby Baker that I'll remain skeptical unless someone can dig up who and when and where it actually came from from Stockdale to the son or others. However I can comment on why Stockdale had ample reason to be worried about Baker. Stockdale had operated a vending company that seems to have been the prototype for Baker's ServeUCorp. And Stockdale's company had gotten into legal trouble and one of Stockdale's associates had gotten into the ServeUCorp thing with Bobby....at least that's how I remember it. And the Congressional Committees were very interested in that fellow and his background. If the investigation had really expanded I suspect Stockdale had every reason to anticipate some time on the stand himself - which would have refloated the problems he had been earlier and caused him all sorts of trouble.
  16. John, nothing on that one, a partial list of the companies that Phillips might have contactted would include: United Fruit, Lone Star Cement, Freeport Sulphur, Chase Manhatten Bank, King Ranch, Standard Oil, Hilton Hotels, The Texas Company and International Harvester. I say that because all had been doing business in Cuba, all had been subject to solicited for "security payments" by Castro with some of their employees and property held hostage and all are listed in CIA and State Department memos as having vested interests in Cuba. The Cuban companies with operations in New York are a separate list, included on it would be the Cuban Sugar Institute. I can say for sure that Phillips received introductions to Kleberg at King Ranch and to Freeport Sulphur...beyond that its still a matter of research. Earl E. T. Smith was Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Cuba (1957-59). Active in right-wing anti-Castro Cuban Exile groups in Florida, he was also director of U.S. Sugar Corporation. He was also married to the woman who was JFK's long-term mistress (1944-63). Any possible connection? http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKsmithET.htm <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  17. John, I can't say that I have found any concrete indication of those kinds of connections. Morales was reportedly associated with certain gambling crime figures and apparently had been since his time in Havana, that had escalated on his return to Florida and involvement in assassination projects including contact with Roselli. Roselli's biographers make a case for Morales having a lot of contacts with folks in Las Vegas. As to Phillips, he did have contact with rich Texans but those were primarily people who had business interests in Cuba before Castro - Kleberg is an example -perhaps even more connections to the old established Cuba sugar money which had moved to New York City after Castro's revolution. While some of Phillips exile surrogates seem to have tried to collect money from rich Texans there is little sign of Phillips himself doing that sort of thing. As a general comment on character, its hard for me seeing a very political person such as Phillips "taking a contract"; on the other hand Morales was known to combine doing the right anti-Communist thing with making some money on the side as his due (sort of a high risk bonus), at least that is the way his friend in Arizona describes it.
  18. No John, not really. Morales connections were primarily to gambling types, first in Havana and then in Vegas. Phillips did have some minor oil connections in Texas where he and his family owned some leases but there's no sign that he was a known quantity in the oil business - what we do know for sure that Phillips did make contacts with people who were willing to make contributions to the Anti-Castro cause. That included Kleberg of King Ranch in Texas and some other individuals in New Orleans. Primarily these were people who had been doing business in Cuba while Phillips was stationed there; there is a list of some of the companies in my 2004 supplement, in the appendix "The WAVE way". There are some suggestions that Phillips may have approached other people doing off the books fund raising for projects perhaps not on the official CIA task list but that is very speculative at present and again, the individuals would primarily have been those with pre-Castro business holdings in Cuba. Any evidence that Phillips or Morales were connected in anyway with George Brown and the Suite 8F group? The name comes from the room in the Lamar Hotel in Houston where they held their meetings. It was this group that was giving LBJ his orders before 1960. LBJ tried to distance himself from this group when he became vice president. (They had been opposed to this move as they thought it would reduce his power ). The Suite 8F are discussed in some detail in Dan Briody’s excellent new book, The Halliburton Agenda. As Briody points out, members of this group did very well out of his presidency. For example, George Brown’s company, Brown & Root, was taken over by Halliburton and became the main contractor in Vietnam. This of course was the start of Halliburton’s profitable contracts with the US government. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  19. Stan, I think that I should probably go on record that although there is every evidence that David Phillips was a man who could make his own decisions, was pretty fantically anti-Castro, anti-Communist and anti-JFK I would doubt that he would be a single prime mover behind the conspiracy. I would say that its possible to make a good case that David Morales, John Roselli and David Phillips were involved in the conspiracy and that if anything Phillips role related more to Oswald and framing Castro while Morales drove the attack itself. What I was probably trying to say to you is that Phillips can be associated with a lot of movers including very wealthy people in Texas but that personally I can't connect the dots to specifically to invdividuals above the three names above - not in a way to satisfy myself at least. -- Larry
  20. Sorry Dixie, I don't have a scanner. It may be that the DPUK folks will put scans on their WEB site; that would be a great service. I'll drop them a note on the interest. Don't know if any of the posters are are members are not but the DPUK folks do some very good research and have one of the few print research journals still being published. Mark Rowe is their US correspondance and membership person, he can be emailed at eworkram@aol.com -- Larry
  21. Steve, Mark Bridger has done a fantastic job of obtaining high school and other contemporary photos of Masen; they are published in the November issue of the Dealey Plaza Echo. with a side by side comparison to Oswald. Masen is a rther distinctive looking individual and I for one see only limited resemblance to LHO. I don't think I would ever confuse the two and I'm poor with faces; the good news is that with Mark's photos everyone can now make their own judgement. -- Larry
  22. Heck Tim, even I wouldn't take it as an attack. If Jim had not written Crossfire I might have easily have had a much saner life for the last decade and more; I've written several bios's and introductions giving Jim the credit and blame for getting me started on this path. My work is a microanalysis of certain elements leading to a very specific theory; much less comprehensive than Jim's work and never intended for a broad audiance but rather for researchers (hence the CD and constant document references) as well. Then there is of course the fact that Jim is a professional writer, something I'd never claim to be myself. Indeed, the inspiraction for my doing a book at all was (rough paraphrase of a presentation open that Jim gave years ago at a conference in Dallas) Jim's remark that we needed to get past just arguing that there was a conspiracy occured and start working with that point as a given - Jim, sorry if that is very rough but that's the way I remember it. -- Larry
  23. The "secret" Life investigation I mentioned in an earlier post was headed by Holland McCombs out of Texas and the documents relating to it are contained with his huge personal papers collection at the Paul Meek Library at the University of Tennessee Martin, UTM. McCombs was Life Bureau manager in Dallas and apparently very close to Henry Luce of Life. The JFK section contains 399 documents with almost 7,000 pages. The secret Life investigation extended over 1 year however McCombs apparently pursued the subject for the remainder of his own life. During the war McCombs had served as Mexico Bureau chief and conduced espionage activities for both Luce and ONI. He was also apparently very well acquainted with Johnson. The Life study began on October 27, 1966 and apparently used lots of media people including Josia Thompson and Hugh Aynesworth; in 1967 the project was abandoned during the Garrison investigation although it appears that McCombs may have fed information from it to his friend Clay Shaw. Wallace Millham, who located the collection and presented on it at a JFK Lancer Conference stated that it appears that Dick Billings may have shut it down when Garrison actually brought charges specifically against Shaw. The Life team did reseach on Arcacha Smith, Brennan, Craig and made very detailed notes on the Ruby trial. They also did some unique research on the Hidel alias and found a witness who reported a heavy set man leaving the rear of the TSBD and going towards a railway car; that witness seems never to have surfaced anywhere else. And Wallace felt that some of the notes expressed a real fear that Garrison would go after the Anti-Castro Cubans successfully. He also mentioned that the notes appear to indicate that Life supported Josiah Thompson initially but then turned against him. All in all John, I think this material has been woefully ignored and could be the grist for a truly insightful study; when combined with the papers we actually have on the Justice Department interference in the Garrison trial it could make a really interesting book and might indeed connect the dots to show Billings full role in the Garrison investigation.
  24. John, I am awere of Billings activities with Garrison - actually I found it informative to read Billings personal log which you can find at: http://www.jfk-online.com/billings2.html Billings was not the individual I was referring too; that individual (whose name eludes me at the moment) was a senior Luce staff member in Texas. The documents I referred to were donated by him as part of his professional and personal collection and are at a small university in Tennessee. I understand from remarks by Robert Chapman that much of it will be made available at some' point for online access via the Mary Ferrell foundation. This Texas Life staffer was a personal friend of Clay Shaw and although his investigation (and Life's) apparently begun before Garrisons'. Wallace's presentation seemed to indicate that some of the material that they had found was personally turned over to Shaw's defence team by his old friend. I think I should point out that there were many serious conspiracy resarchers - first generation folks - who were personally very supportive of Garrison for some time and who went to New Oreleans to work with him but eventually became disenchanted and decided that his focus on Shaw not only a mistake but was taking everyone in the wrong direction. In the end they withdrew their support....for all I know Billings may have gone through the same process. Certainly I do think that Garrison "cut the trail of the conspiracy in New Oreleans and threatened to expose the "real" Lee Oswald. Why and how he was taken in the wrong diection by people like Howard, Hemming, Hargraves, De Torres, Santana and others probably also has some real meaning. They certainly worked as hard at "sterring" him as the Justice department did at covertly aiding Shaw's defense team and the CIA did at making sure Garrison could not have legal access to their people. The FBI and CIA actions are not fully documented in records releases for anyone who wants to investigate that example of federal obfuscation. However I can't simply go along with the speculation that everything we see is evidence of a grand conspiracy.....without somebody connecting the dots. Certainly I think someone should dig in and study Billings materials and what Millam found on the Life investigation - that might help settle it one way or another. As far as I know not a single person has yet to follow up with or publish on the LIFE materials that Wallace first identified several years ago in his Lancer presentation? -- Larry
  25. John, given the Luce's aggressive conservatism (both husband and wife) I find it very consistent that they would have been doing deep background exploration on any potential democratic candidates. I suspect that they saved the "ammunition" as you speculate - but simply because Kennedy was the primary candidate in 1960 and by 1964 when he was running as a war candidate over Viet Nam they may not have been that opposed to him. In regard to the Luce's, LIFE and the war against Castro it is certainly true that the Luce's kept up the "get Castro" drumbeat but the more I study this subject the more indications I find that Luce was probably no more an ongoing source of a call to get rid of Castro than was RFK and at times there may even have been more mutual interest than I might have imagined. An example is the TILT mission, where I once viewed it to be an almost rogue operation by JMWAVE personnel I have recently been reviewing correspondance between Pawley and Marshall Carter which clearly gave the go ahead for LIFE's involvement on the chance that the mission might provide proof of Russian and Cuban duplicity and demonstrate missiles still in Cuba. This occurs at the same time that the Kennedy administration was itself moving to a formal position that the agreement with the Russians for non-intervention was null and void since the UN inspections which were part of that agreement had run into a stone wall and were obviously not going to happen. On another point, due to the research of Wallace Millam, we now know that LIFE magazine reopened and conducted its own investigation of Lee Oswald and a possible conspiracy in the President's assassintion over an extended period circa 1966. Many of the records of that investigation are housed in a university and we still have not had an in depth study of that investigation.... -- Larry
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