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Larry Hancock

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Everything posted by Larry Hancock

  1. Peter, do you have any plans to publish your research on Tosh? I'd love to see an article or perhaps one of John's seminars presenting your work. I'd also enjoy seeing something from Dawn on her independent long term source on Tosh. We've seen Tosh's presentation and I've seen the Denver magazine article on him - any additional research would be really helpful. -- Larry Mr. Hemmings, We have never met. I worked with and researched Tosh Plumlee's story for many years. Most of it was [as far as I could tell] truthful. Some items I can not prove and perhaps he [Plumlee] is not 100% truthful or has forgotten...but over 90% of his tale [perhaps 95%+] is truth. He [as you] worked in Black Ops. It is a shadowy world. I welcome your participation here. I would personally ask, however, that if you have personal vendettas with Tosh to settle you not do it here. Truth would be helpful. If you are [and I hope not!] working for some one or entity to spin dis-information about Tosh or others - or anythings he or they were involved with, I would hope you would not. All that having been said, please tell us what YOU know about the anti-Castro operations in the late '50s and through the '60s and how that crowd fed into the assassination of JFK. Who do you think killed JFK? [Fellow-black op Oswald?] Sincerely, <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  2. And a bit more on this thread from something I just finished reading: Io keeping in mind that Anderson was certainly associated with and likely influenced by Davidson, a couple of more comments on Davidson from Dan Moldea's book Interference, page 447. "Davidson told me he had been first introduced to Marcello during the early 1950's....Davidson also admitted that he was a major gunrunner to dictator Fulgenciao Batista prior to the Cuban revolution..... about two months before Batista fell I delivered a big package to him....Earlier Davidson had arranged for Murchisons principal Corporation (Tecon) to construct several large military housing projects in Cuba." And Moldea points out that RFK had just started a new Justice Department initiative in 1963 that targeted something near and dear to both Murchison's and Marcello's financial interests - Sports Gambling. P.S. For those interested in the Baker connection, I think I recall that Tecon, most likely at Murchison's direction, made an offer on Bobby Baker's hotel/club. A rather strange investment for a construction outfit...
  3. Good question Ron - although the problem of the rifle doesn't really have seem to raised any press reaction to the WC report and even the HSCA didn't make an issue of it. I'd say the photo of Oswald on the Life cover with the weapons and papers pretty much carried the day in terms of making Oswald look armed and dangerous. But it is a good question, and it may have two answers. Really the Carcano was more important to the cover-up than the conspiracy. Important because of the need to tie Oswald to the weapon. Of course it Oswald were an unwilling or minor participant the conspirators may have had no choice but to use his weapon since they were unable to involve him more actively with one of better quaility. If I were really paranoid I might speculate that other, more believable weapons were found or should have been found by a really through CSI investigations but were either covered up or never actually located since the investigation narrowed down so quickly. -- Larry
  4. Chris, its a guessing game to a large extent. About all we can say for certain is there was something about them that made Sylvia think they were not Cubans, perhaps an American Spanish accent could have fooled her as easily as a Mexican Spanish accent? Clearly its hard to buy the fact that true Mexican nationals would have the war name and other information on her father that could only have come from deep inside the anti-Castro struggle. Her father advised her that nobody that could be legitimately calling on her would have it. I'd certainly suspect Hall and Howard except for two things i) she and her sister were shown their photos to corroborate what the FBI told her was their admission it was them. An easy out for her with no risk but both of them independently siad it was not them and ii) it seems that Hall and Howard may actually have already been in California at the time....that one is open to interpretation though. The wild card is that one of the folks I suspect may have come from an essentially Mexican family that had moved to Cuba so he might have had something of a different accent than she would expect.... In any event, you can order the book and the supplement through the Lancer.com site or the book through Amazon or from Andy W. If you go to Amazon do a book search for Larry Hancock. It will all be incorporated into a second edition sometime this year but that is some months away....uncertain how soon at this point.
  5. Chris, I absolutely do and I tried to follow that line of reasoning in my book. I think it would probably consist of cultural elements including clothing especially soes and shirt, perhaps even haircuts, possibly gestures or slang and could extend to accent as well. Odio as a Cuban not long in the US would likely interpret any or all of these as suggesting a "non-Cuban". My suspicion is that this could mean a couple of things but suggests that the person being described had either spent time recently in Mexico....perhaps a Cuban going into exile from Cuba via Mexico City and spending a year or so there or perhaps the person's family was Cuban of Mexican extraction. The other option of course is that the person was actually an American of Mexican extraction and cultural background. I tend to think the answer is one of the first options though and offer some possibilities in my "Up from Mexico" discussion. -- Larry
  6. James, I can only give you one Odio visitor description: "Very Mexican looking...very hairy...lots of hair on the chest...about 170 pounds...stocky." Which compares to the man Orest Pena saw with Oswald in New Orleans - where Odio's visitors said they had driven from e.g. "A Mexican, about 28 years of age....5 foot eight inches in height... weighing about 155 pounds with very hairy arms."
  7. Tim, Glen Sample has them online at: http://home.earthlink.net/~sixthfloor/estes.htm
  8. William, thanks very much for the response! Given that Estes offered Kyle Brown to the Justice department when he first named Wallace and that Justice seems to have totally ignored this corroboration, never even interviewing Brown, certainly we can't fault you for not doing their job...grin. Do you have a feel whether Brown would be willing to talk to serious researchers who might try for an affidavit or is he fed up with this whole subject by now? Obviously if there were an effort in Texas to take this to a Court of Inquiry something like his affidavit would be a key element. -- thanks again, Larry
  9. Hi William, a few questions about corroborating witnesses. First, Kyle Brown was offered to the Justice Department in 1984 as a living witness who was present at Estes’ meeting with Cliff Carter and who would be willing to testify and corroborate Estes’ story. My understanding is that Brown still supports that and I was wondering if you obtained any sort of statement or affidavit from him on that? I'm also amazed that nobody else seems to have located him and that he has had zero visiblity as a first hand witness to Cliff Carters "confession". To me that would be almost as important as a fingerprint. Second, its my understanding that Tom Bowden, who Estes has permitted to listen to one of the tapes. Bowden has not provided any detail on the tape other than to affirm it does contain what Estes has maintained and can be taken to implicate Lyndon Johnson as a murderer. Can you confirm that Bowden has listened to the tape and did you obtain a statement or affidavit from him as an actual witness to the existance of the tape and the conversation? -- thank you, Larry
  10. John, I'm aware of plenty of reports and plenty of warnings coming from congress people, businessmen in Dallas and even friends of JFK. However I know of no White House staff or close Kennedy aides who were in Dallas ahead of time and gave warnings? Puterbough (sp) was acting as DNC advance man and was even introduced as White House staff which he definitely was not - but then he certainly provided no warnings. I'd suggest giving Manchester another read, if anybody interviewed an actual Kennedy staff member who would have acknowledged that it would be him. -- Larry
  11. Robert, that's a very interesting point. What bothers me though is why wouldn't Tannenbaum (not your bashful type) raise a stink. Even if it had been taken all he would have to do is give a legal deposition that he had viewed it and enter that in the record. Just think how much of an impetus that would have given to the Committee? The other thing that's always bothered me is why he never discussed where he/they got it? Even if it were stolen the implications are so immense that its hard to see nothing happening with it - and if some powers that be had totally shut down discussion about it why would he have ever mentioned it? ....I'd sure like to see him interviewed about that one subject... P.S. It reminds me of the other HACA wild card story about a staffer who talked about a plane found out in West Texas with Oswald's prints in it. Seems like that never made it into any memos either... Larry: Though PURELY hypothetical, I wonder what we would find if we compared the time-frame of Tanenbaum's tenure with the HSCA with the date on which CIA's Regis Blahut was busted for rifling through [and pilfering from?] HSCA's evidence locker. It always seemed to me that whatever Blahut was after must have been of the highest significance, in order to justify taking so great a risk. I've never been able to figure out what that might have been; certainly his claim of 'personal curiosity' [if memory serves] doesn't seem like much of a rationale. It seems to me that CIA might wish to make disappear photographic evidence that the lone nut, about whom they evidenced so casual an indifference, was demonstrably connected with a camp under their nominal control. Since Blahut lied about having rifled through that evidence locker, and only admitted to this violation when it was proved his fingerprints were found on photographs therein, we know that he seemed particularly interested in photographic evidence. If the time-frames match [i'll try to check on that], perhaps we can speculate our way to solving several minor mysteries. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. James, I admire them for being in Indonesia - I hope the book provides some diversion. I think Bishop was in the thick of the things that we are interested in alright but I suspect he represents the off the books side of things. If there were any records on him before the BOP I suspect its in some files we won't see. Just as Victor Hernandez was officially booted out of the New Orleans area training camp (as far as the records on him go) but according to his own testimony went on to go on several missions into Cuba. If Bishop/O'hare was really working with Op 40 in its darkest political action/elimination side I don't expecteto find any memos...
  13. James, that's correct....but then he said a great deal about a bunch of stuff...the polygraphs were during a period when he was trying for some serious media coverage and possibly book deals... Probably the safest core to what we can belive about him is from his notebook and the addresses and phone numbers in his possession. From that we can pretty clearly say that he did have intel connections going back to the OSS, he did have connections to certain exiles including those associated with Alpha 66 and its very likely he had connections to some of the Op 40 people and may have been used in that program even after the Bay of Pigs when it assumed a life of its own independent of any official Agency sanction. His notebook also confirms he knew and was in contact with both Vidal and Hargraves. And based on some of his activities in Florida post assassination its clear that he was tuned into the Florida National Guard and Reserve military structure and had some sort of undefined political clout in the Miami area. On your other question, yes the FBI reports do give the source and also the informant by name. That should be in the documents on the book CD if memory serves; I think its also corroborated in Carlos Hernandez HSCA testimony but that may be incorrect. I don't know if I put the names in the book or not, might be in a footnote?
  14. James, Bishop did say that when in New Orleans, Bishop had seen Oswald in a training film, apparently Oswald had simply been in a group at the camp where Bishop felt he was trying to "get in" with Anti-Castro exiles. The problem is, that while some of Bishop's stuff can be corroborated and hangs together a good deal does not; one person known to me was with Bishop during a group of polygraph tests and said Bishop would come across totally truthful for about 3 minutes out of ever 10 or 15 but would consistently just start going off apparently just generating stories. Obviously it made him difficult to use as a source. Oh, and on another note, in early JFL literature there was often speculation that it was Oswald, in his infiltrator role, who exposed the supposed camp that was busted in the McClaney raid. Perhaps he did but now that we have the full FBI documentation on it we also have their sources - in reports written in the summer of 1963 - and their informants were exiles and not Oswald. They go into considerable detail into how the informants came to them and who they were, probably because they had to evaluate bringing charges. In the end their was no prosecution because no individuals were at the scene when the bust was carried out.
  15. OK, so I'm going to jump in with some observations about what we do know about camps circa 1963. Virtually all of this comes from i) the FBI bust of a U-Haul full of explosives at the McClaney farm and ii) investigations by Garrison staff including Harold Weisberg - who were obviously eager to place any of Garrison's suspects ranging from Ferrie and some misc. Cuban exiles to Oswald himself at "camps" in the summer of 1963. Here's what we have on camps; these are completely separate from pre-Bay of Pigs training at Belle Chase and the abortive CRC sponsored summer/fall CRC/Hemming/Sturgis/DeJoseph/Ferrie camp that never actually jelled. 1) The McClaney farm bust was not a training camp, it was a holding area for a parked U-haul and the FBI had full details on what was in it from an informant in Miami before they made the bust, even an inventory list. However this is often written up in early JFK works as a full fledged training camp - the local media coverage may have created that impression? 2) A ""target range" which was apparently used by local Minuteman and possibly other right wing groups and which might have been loaned out to virtually any anti-communist folks for target practice. Firing was heard coming from that location by the Cuban exiles who were at the camp described below... 3) A camp organized by Ricardo Davis, purportedly to be funded by wealthy Texans (per Davis) and sponsored with personnel from the Christian Democratic Movement out of Miami. The funding Davis promised never emerged and when the FBI busted the McClaney farm U-haul these folks were taken off and sent immediately back to Miami. David Boylan's memo discusses this and there is much other documentation on it as well. Again, in early JFK material this is sometimes discussed as an Artime/SNAFE/CIA camp but that appears to be totally untrue and would be in direct conflict with the CIA's deal with Artime to do all his training and preparations outside the U.S. On a side note, in regard to the Tannenbaum film, I need to point out that a host of good researchers have spent much time looking for that including the archivist where Tannenbouam says it went - with zero results. For myself I find it pretty incredible that anyone associated with the HSCA could have concrete evidence of Oswald associating with potential conspiracy suspects only months before the assassination and i) never write an internal memo on it, ii) apparently never show it to any other staff, iii) not make a copy of it or blow up any frames as momentos and iv) of course not do anything to get it into the HSCA report. Also given that Garrison himself was in frequent communication with HSCA staff you might supsect they would mention it to him as they did a variety of other leads relevant to his supects including Thomas Beckham. And I don't think anybody has been able to get a straight answer from Tannenbaum on why he did nothing with such a smoking gun piece of evidence...if it really existed. PPS...it's also worth noting that Arcacha Smith was long gone from New Orleans by the summer of 1963 and that Ferrie's exile related activities seem to have significantly tapered off with his departure - although as Russo documents in his book, they had been intense proior to the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
  16. James, if you take a look at footnote 86 in my book you will find reference to several other documents on the CD that corroborate and expand on David's post. I would be very surprised to have seen Robertson at any of these camps and I'll expand on that on the new Ferri thread John set up. Weisberg worked for Garrison investigating numerous rumors about 1963 camps and Garrison would have loved to find Ferrie, Arcacha Smith or any of his suspects associated with them. However that turned out just not to be the case. Indeed the individual who seems to have facilitated the 1963 camp in David's memo was none other than Ricardo Davis. Bringier identified him as the "purchasing officer" and person who selected the site. Al Osner tracked down the Christian Democratic Party folks who organized the camp and supplied people for it and interviewed Vega in Miami. The upshot seems to be that Davis had promised financial support from some wealthy Texans and nothing ever emerged, the whole thing was pretty low key, underfunded and short term and everybody bailed out after they heard about the FBI raid on the McClaney farm when they picked up the U-Haul. However it is interesting that Vega mentions that the American "trainer", apparently someone other than Davis was ex-Navy, large and red faced and claimed ot have been at the Bay of Pigs on Destroyer Escort 510. Sound like anyone you know? -- Larry
  17. John, my remarks were to the point that I think this is a very important topic and you have done a fine job bringing it out as an issue. JFL's sex scandals included Monroe and Matthew Smith makes a strong case that Roselli and company plus the FBI had her bugged, Exner whom Roselli allowed to use his phone knowing it was bugged by the FBI and Rometch whose affair with JFK gossiped about by Baker to all his cronies (per his own statement). Given that Roselli, Hoover and Baker all knew about such affairs and knowing that Hoover was very much inclined to accomodate Texas oilmen like Murchison - who gave him tips on wells that made him good money - it seems likely that Hoover may even have gossiped about such things when they were all hanging out at La Costa together. Summers does a good job of detailing that sort of thing in his book on Hoover. On a side note I should mention that Hoover owned one very mysterious share in Dallas Oil and Uranium, the company with a representative in the DalTex building. Given this broad knowledge I feel that many of the people often thought of as "at risk" such as Hoover, Murchison and perhaps even Johnson had "doomsday" class leverage over JFK. You have described Johnson using leverage during the VP nomination, we know Hoover used it on JFK and RFK and who knows what Murchison could have done with his lobbiests and media assets if he had decided to put that into play in 1964. That was the real point to my remark - the press had let Kennedy slide during his first administration but a dedicated PR campaign with that sort of ammunition would have been another story indeed. JFK had to stretch to cover the whispering campaign about his healty during his initial push for the nomination and it appears some of that was pushed by Johnson. My personal view is that this all suggests that the individual or individuals who decided to literally kill JFK had more personal and more emotional motivations than eliminating him as a political or economic threat in a second administration. Just my opinion of course.
  18. John, I certainly belive Cliff Carter's history, activities and reported later day confession are extremely important. Equally important is that Carter was in Texas and working the Dallas trip advance with Puterbaugh - which is very interesting in that Carter did not play a visible role but rather gave advice and counsel to Puterbaugh from a distance...... creating a window into all aspects of the security and motorcade planning. If Carter were complicit he could very will have been key in passing on such information to the tactical people. I haven't run across anything to really bring any other aide into it but I might suggest you pay a bit of attention to Johnson's military advisor and aide Howard Burris - who did make a special trip down to Texas in conjunction with the JFK visit. According to Burris he carried down briefing documents to prepare Johnson for a confrontation with JFK on international affairs. Given both the trip schedule and Johnson's lack of interest in such things - not to mention JFK's agenda for the Texas trip - well it would be fascinating to have more detail on the reason for that trip. And if you want an oil connection, that name will lead you in some interesting directions.
  19. Stephen and James, to put my own oar in the camp thing... I think we can make a good case that Ferrie was still involved as of 1962 with the attempt to set up the CRC sponsored camp that involved Hemming and associates. I say that because I have seen photos from that period showing Ferrie with Larry DeJoseph - and with him in planes, cars etc in New Orleans. Hemming says that Ferrie was helping them with his plane and that certainly appears to be true. However I've seen no sign that he was involved with the "camps" of 1963 which were something totally different - and one of which was not really a camp but rather a U-Haul with explosives for bombs...but that's another story. Anyway, I think he was in action there as related to anti-Castro affairs until that time - he may have dropped out about the time Arcacha Smith started having his problems and eventually left town.
  20. John, something that your posts continue to point out is the unfortunate breadth of knowledge of the JFK sex scandals. Certainly it is clear that Hoover had sufficient ammunition from both the Exner and Rometch scandals (not to mention the Monroe information) to exercise extreme leverage over both JFK and RFK. The thought that his job was actually at risk is rather unrealistic given that sort of leverage. And of course Hoover was directly connected to Texas oil men, primarily Murchison. Summers does a fine job of laying out a lot of those associations in his book on Hoover and its clear that Hoover did well off oil investements recommended by his Texas friends. As a side note I have previously mentioned the one very mysterious share owned by Hoover in Dallas Oil and Uranium. And of course DUO had an office in the DalTex. Matthew Smith has written several books which deal with the possiblity that Roselli in particular may have been involved in instigating and attempting to use sexual blackmail on the Kennedy's over a three year period....eventually becoming very frustrated when all the projects worked but none gained any signficiant leverage other than for Hoover since they all were kept suppressed and out of the media. Other than that minor DalTex mystery, you also have to consider that if the oil men had really put pressure on Hoover its unlikely he would not have shared information on Kennedy's affairs, given Hoover's personality he would probably have enjoyed doing so. And given Murchisons immense lobbying network with people like Davidson, I can't avoid the thought that if Murchison had truly wanted to blow JFK out of the 64 raise he had access to a doomsday class election weapon in the sex scandals. Another thought, from everything I have studied about the oil men, they were extreme individualists. They may have played cards together and they may have done deals together when each thought they could get something they wanted. But to think that they trusted each other enough to initiate a group assassination project is just too much for me personally. On the other hand as I mention in the book, there is concrete evidence - and much more gossip - to suggest that individually they did broach eliminating Kennedy with a variety of people. In particular I feel that H.L. Hunt had good reason o anticipate that some of the offers from he and his sons might produce an attack in Dallas or on the Texas trip. Finally, in regard to the TFX scandal, I should note that JFK was equally upset with Johnson over both the the TFX and Baker scandals; in his long distance very early morning call to Johnson at the Ranch in Texas in October he chewed out Johnson on both points.
  21. Stan, I think you are on a good trail there. In support of it you have several informants who reported Rugy making a very low key, fast trip to Vegas only days before the assassination... where McWillie was working and where Roselli had gone after losing his FBI tail. You have the call from the Desert Inn to recruit Belli to covertly defend Ruby... most likely coming either from Roselli or McWillie, certainly from someone Belli's partner had known in Havana. And then you have Alex Gruber as a potential side channel for orders and money out of LA to Ruby - not to mention Ruby's call to him the afternoon of the assassination. None of this solidly confirms that Ruby was contracted in advance to eliminate Oswald, however it suggests to me that if Ruby was performing some minor tasks and then got called in for a desparation effort to eliminate Oswald - as the only resource available - it's pretty clear to see where he was getting his direction.
  22. Ron, it's pretty clear that Helms like many other CIA officers felt jutified in telling lies as a normal matter of course. Now that we are getting access to a host of JMWAVE operations documents as well as more documents relating to Cubela's activities post 1963 two things become clear a) the CIA did try to get Cubela involved in leading a coup but he repeatedly told him that was impossible and that no coup could possibly work without Castro being killed first he continually demonstrated interest only in assassinating Castro. From a historical perspective Cubela was a far better candidate for assassination than a coup as he had proved ineffective in politics initially contending with Castro after the revolution - yet he had led one of the successful student political assassination teams targeting Batista's leadership. Interestingly a document pre-Bay of Pigs discusses options and preparations for getting a "pill" to Cubela. Now unless they were going through a lot of work to enable him to suicide at will, it certainly looks like assassination was on the docket well before any 1963 meeting. And of course the signature on the related JMWAVE memoranda is David Morales.
  23. Tim, Oswald didn't have to be killed in Cuba or taken to Cuba - he just had to be eliminated at a time and place which would have reflected him attempting to flee in that direction. Something probably most easily staged in Mexico. In any event the frame would have been further enhanced by planting some credible documents or other evidence connecting him to Castro. And if you want some pure speculation the people involved could very well have taken him out in Mexico and arranged to leave the body of a known Cuban agent with him. There was a considerable list of such and tagging and monitoring Cuban agents in Mexico was an ongoing thing for people like Phillips and Morales among others. A very interesting post, John. With respect to the plane to Cuba, however, I have these thoughts or questions. Certainly the pilot did not know he would be going on a suicide mission. So how did the pilot expect to get into Cuba? Certainly Cuba was actively guarding its air space after the assassination in fear of a possible U.S. attack. Another point: if indeed there were two patsies in Dealey Plaza why was the second patsy not used? It would have saved Arlen Specter a lot of grief, to be sure! <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  24. Robert, that is a great piece of information on Masen and Ruby! It also tends to corroborate the WC testimony by a friend of Ruby and McWillie that Ruby was using simple coded messages to communicate to McWillie during the time in which Ruby was first interested in and visited Cuba.
  25. Robert, we've also turned up a document which states that Oswald applied for a job at the Devilbiss Company in the general area of the Trade Mart after he was employed at the TSBD. There is no specific date on hisjob application but Dallas Eyewitness news investigated and were told that Oswald had been there about two weeks before the assassination. I'd say someone was covering all the bases. The application was picked up by the FBI but not specifically mentioned in its report on Oswald's job searches. -- Larry Excellent points, Steve, as we've come to expect from you. Although the November 19 Dallas Morning News reported that the final luncheon site hadn't yet been decided, it was finalized on the prior day, but too late for the DMN deadline. A luncheon at the Women's Building on the Fair Grounds site would have still led the motorcade through downtown Dallas, via Harwood Avenue, before heading east [rather than west toward the Trade Mart] as FDR's 1936 motorcade had done. What's more, moving through the downtown area was key requirement imposed by the White House, according to SS agent testimony: QUOTE ON: Mr. Lawson: But the route that was chosen was chosen because it was the consensus of opinion that it was probably the best route under the circumstances. It allowed us 45 minutes to go from the airport to the Trade Mart at the speed that I figured the President would go from past experience with him in advances, and as a regular working agent riding in a followup car. It allowed us to go downtown, which was wanted back in Washington, D.C. [WCH IV page 326] QUOTE OFF The foregoing is important because on or about November 10 - while the final luncheon site was still undetermined - somebody named "Oswald" applied for a job in the parking lot of the Southland Center/Southland Hotel, in the process asking about the view the building afforded of downtown Dallas. [per Hubert Morrow of the All Right Parking concern] The Southland complex is located on Olive Street, one block from the Harwood Avenue motorcade route, which route was fixed at White House insistence [per Lawson, above], irrespective of the final luncheon site. It has been suggested this job application was a red herring, an imposter masquerading as Oswald inquiring about an advantageous position for a sniper, prior to the assassination. I would argue, however, that the real Oswald - at somebody else's suggestion - applied for the job, in the event that the Trade Mart was NOT chosen as the ultimate luncheon site. A job at the Southland complex would have put Oswald one short block - well within sniping range - from the motorcade on Harwood. [How did the "Oswald" who applied for this job KNOW there was a job opening at the Southland Hotel parking lot? Any answer would be speculative, but let us remember that Alpha 66 firebrand Antonio Veciana testified he had in September 1963 seen Oswald in the company of Veciana's handler - Maurice Bishop - in a building that was most likely the Southland Center. Again, I feel compelled to stress that this is purely speculation on my part, but it should be noted nevertheless that Oswald had been in the building before, at somebody's else's suggestion, if Veciana's testimony can be believed.] In short, I suggest that the motorcade route wasn't selected to place the President near Oswald's place of work. On the contrary: Oswald's place of work was perfect for the one route leading to the Trade Mart, but would and could have been changed had the Women's Building been selected instead. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
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