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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Wasn't it Josiah Thompson who now says that the tiny forward movement of JFK's head was actually a movement of Zapruder's camera?
  2. Ernie, I think you are legitimately attacking the message but also being a little too aggressive in attacking the messenger. Also, would you respond to my query about Newman's lengthy study of the CIA files as they relate to Oswald? It would seem to be right up your alley. I am reading it now, and think that Newman did incredible in depth research for this book. The CIA, and other intelligence agencies, made the work of the Warren Commission and the HSCA, not to mention independent researchers, very difficult. Trying to figure out what secrets are being withheld legitimately to protect sources and methods, and which are deliberate obfuscations is the central theme of the book. The work that went into it is prodigious, and considering that the footprints of intelligence surround Oswald for several years before his arrest, it is both important and fascinating research.
  3. Ernie - have you read Newman's book Oswald and the CIA? I think you might enjoy it, and if you have read it I would be curious to know what you thought of it.
  4. Ernie - Your responses to Trejo have become a bit too aggressive for my taste, and seem more like attacks than anything else. I asked if you had an opinion on the JFK assassination as to what happened that fateful day, and you ducked that question by saying you really hadn't given it much thought, or something like that. This is a forum for researchers and other interested parties on just that - what happened on Dealey plaza. You describe yourself as a researcher on conspiracy theories pertaining to the right. At this point I would like to know a bit more about where you stand generally. Your self description could mean anything, but what it appears to mean is that you are a debunker of conspiracy theories aimed at right wing forces. If that is the case, you could confirm it. Its hard to have discussions with people when you don't know where they are coming from. You keep calling Trejo biased. I wouldn't argue that point - his mind appears to be pretty much made up as to his theories. But at least I know what they are. Won't you consider elaborating a bit on your own research? Do you think organizations like the JBS, the Mormon Church, or intelligence agencies like the FBI are valid places to look for conspiracy? Do you think the FBI, or the CIA, are beyond covering their tracks by skewing their files, or hiding them? Are they only trying legitimately to protect methods and sources, and never to cover their own misdeeds?
  5. Larry - what do you make of district attorney Wade's statement regarding Oswald having an actual informant number?
  6. I don't have a dog in this fight, but I am interested and paying attention to the back and forth here. Ernie - can't the information in the rap sheet be an honest attempt to piece together Harry Dean's bio, and also be a smear attempt? It seems to me the only important thing is whether or not the FBI interacted with Harry, asked him to spy on FPCC and JBS, and heard his warning of a possible assassination attempt. Surely a rap sheet such as this, or even a much worse one, would not be a reason for the FBI to not use someone as an informant. But if the FBI would want to distance themselves from someone they had previously used, a rap sheet is a pretty convenient way to do so. It doesn't really matter whether everything in the rap sheet is true, or only some things, or even none.
  7. I forgot to record this so thanks for posting the highlight. Anything else of interest?
  8. Paul T - I hope you and Dean dod not find my post distasteful. As you both know I read your book, and am participating here in good faith.
  9. Paul T - your analysis of the FBI rap sheet seems logical - that it was a smear job by the FBI trying to distance itself from Dean. But I would like to hear it from Dean himself. Is his real name Gordon Hunt? Are any of the charges in the rap sheet true? Its not a make or break case for me if Dean had trouble with the law or went Awol or was committed to an institution for a time. But it does go to Dean's credibility as a witness to history if he lies about his past.
  10. Oswald's thumbprint on a bullet casing found at the TSBD wouldn't be too surprising, and does nothing to disprove Krusch's allegation that Oswald was framed. David makes a good point though when he points out that it makes little sense to be sloppy when planting evidence, since it would have been simple enough to make sure the planted evidence was marked appropriately. But the Dallas police certainly were sloppy when it came to handling just about everything in this case. Just consider how sure they were originally that the rifle recovered on the 6th floor was a Mauser. I am hoping others weigh in on this evidence, which to me is new.
  11. That's a lot to digest. Paul T - thanks for putting them adjacent like this, and thanks Bill and Ernie too. I am just a bystander here, as I have nothing to add. But I find the comparison interesting, and Harry's response less than enlightening.
  12. Harry - could you fill in any details on what you wrote?
  13. Ernie - do you think Oswald shot at JFK? If so, do you think there were other shooters? No need for a theory, just a simple question.
  14. Mr. Lazar says there are no supporting documents regarding Dean and the FBI. Mr. Kelly thinks he has many docs on Dean including FBI. At least that's my reading of these posts. Can we resolve this? Lazar - your point on mutually exclusive theories is well taken, and while I accept you have none of your own, you must have opinions. You are after all on this forum and interested in the subject. Do you have an opinion on the guilt or innocence of Oswald re shooting JFK?
  15. At the risk of butting in to a two-way discourse, let's say that Mr. lazar's suggestion that Harry Dean file some FOIA requests is a good one. Paul T - as you know I read the book. Do you think Dean might have been mistaken about the identities of those to whom he was sharing information? What documented corroboration does Dean have for his stories? Lazar - you are quite the expert on JBS and other organizations. We know what Trejo thinks happened on Nov 22, 1963. What is your theory on the assassination?
  16. much thanks for posting this. Maybe there will be a surprise or two. Missing AF 1 tapes?
  17. Paul - what I find interesting about Weal's story is that it explains why Oswald, a man with no grudge against JFK, would bring a rifle to the TSBD that day. John Tower is also an interesting choice, because Oswald appealed to him for help in leaving the USSR. Haslam, whose book I am sure you read, points out that Oswald had a much harder time leaving the Soviet Union than entering it. Haslam conjectures that whoever was running him at first dropped him later, leaving Oswald to pick up the pieces. It seems clear to me that Angleton ran him after his return. Tower referred Oswald's letter to the State Dept, and left a clear paper trail that he had done so, almost too clear. I know there are lots of problems with Weal's story, but that is true with all of these personal stories. The Northwood false flag idea fits well with the notion that an attempted assassination would work as well as a real one, as long as it could be pinned on Castro. But of course no invasion of Cuba followed, even though the trail to Castro had been carefully laid by Phillips and others, and JFK was really dead. LBJ made every effort to leave behind documents showing how carefully he came to the conclusion that only a lone nut theory would keep us out of war with the Soviets. Again, almost too clear, considering how much of his history was excised by him. And doubtless LBJ was the biggest beneficiary of the assassination, but he would have been out on his rear end and facing jail time if the assassination had only been an attempted one, rather than the real thing.
  18. Paul - I downloaded and read Harry Dean's book - very interesting. I think this discussion about the JBS, Citizens Councils etc. has gotten a bit off track, but still I have enjoyed reading the back and forth. Thanks for trying to bring this thread back to Dean and Walker. I am more inclined to think that Oswald actually did try to kill Walker, though still not enamored of your theory that it was Volkmar Schmidt and DeMohrenschildt that put him up to it. Without derailing this too much, does Paul Trejo think that Judyth Vary Baker's story is credible? And also, do you think Gary Wean's account of a fake attempt on JFK credible? Just curious. I have tried to see whether these two stories conflict or support Dean's tale, and I think I could fit them into the same picture.
  19. I am not that hard on Ventura. I think he is earnest. He had many shows in his series where he investigated conspiracy theories and debunked them. In one of his episodes he tells the story of what it was like on day 1 of his governorship. As he describes it, he sat down in a room with a very large table at which were seated many people he did not recognize and who were unidentified, but were clearly intelligence types, shadow govt etc., and realized at that moment that he knew almost nothing about the power establishment. I believe it was the beginning of his education in how little power an elected official really has, even a governor or a president. He has a lot of courage, apparent in his on air confrontations. I don't want to overdo my admiration, but it is considerable.
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