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Robert Prudhomme

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Posts posted by Robert Prudhomme

  1. And yet, Pat, when a Parkland doctor, in his eighties, recalls what he saw on 22/11/63, you tell us his memory is shot.

    Don't you think it possible that Hill's memory has become "shot", as you put it, in the last ten years?

    Aren't you being hypocritical here?

    P.S. You missed your calling in life. You should have become a clinical psychologist. You would seem to have the magical ability to judge people's faculties from great distance; though some might call it "cherry picking".

  2. Sorry, I must be blind; I can't seem to find your answer, Pat.

    Would you please tell me which post (the number, if you don't mind) on this thread contains the answer to my question? Just for you, I will repeat it.

    Pat Speer, would you please show me and the members of this forum where FBI Special Agent Robert A. Frazier testified to the Warren Commission that he made adjustments to the scope on the 6.5mm Carcano, found on the 6th floor of the TSBD, between the test shots fired at 15 yards and the test shots fired at 100 yards?

  3. Nothing annoys me more on this forum than someone making a grandiose statement about what someone in the JFK assassination did or did not do and then refusing to back it up with testimony or a statement.

    Pat Speer, for the umpteenth time, would you show us, in SA Robert Frazier's WC testimony, where he testified that adjustments were made to the scope on Oswald's alleged rifle between the test shots fired at 15 yards and the test shots fired at 100 yards?

  4. The amount of head reaction will depend upon the amount of energy in the bullet (mass x speed) and how much of that energy is absorbed as the bullet travels through the head. A FMJ bullet will transfer the least energy, as it does not expand much, and you should see the least head snap. On the other end of the spectrum are hollow point, frangible and fragmenting bullets. Some of these transmit so much energy, they stop altogether and do not exit the head.

    Just because JFK had a large hole in the back of his head, does not mean a bullet exited his head there.

    P.S. Those Denver SWAT snipers were likely using the latest in frangible bullet technology:


    These bullets are actually compressed metal (non-lead) powder encased in a copper alloy jacket and are, if you look closely, hollow points. These bullets will penetrate skull, leaving a small entrance wound, and begin opening up as liquid pressure from brain matter fills the hollow point. As the hollow point opens, the frangible core turns back to powder form and becomes a deadly front of energy that will destroy all in front of it. It will NOT exit, and the victim's brain will suffer massive damage. Blowouts will occur on the skull if internal cranial pressures exceed the breaking point of the skull bones.

    JFK may very well have been shot with a bullet of this type.

  5. Hey Daniel

    I have to agree with you here. And when the limo driver Greer tells Jackie at Parkland, "Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, as soon as I saw it I swerved. If only I'd seen it in time." and this "swerve" is nowhere to be seen on the Z film, we know it disappeared along with the limo stop.

    I have lain awake at nights trying to picture what the "it" was that Greer saw, and how swerving could be a way to avoid "it". The only rational explanation I can come up with is a shooter from the front. But where?

  6. SA Robert Frazier of the FBI testified that the 4x18 scope on the 6th floor Carcano, made by Ordnance Optics, required several shots to be fired from the rifle to allow the crosshairs to "settle in", following any adjustments to the scope. The evidence he gave for this was that the shots seemed to climb and go to the right of the bullseye with each successive shot; giving him the results of the bullets hitting 2.5-5-inches high at 100 yards and landing in a "3 to 5-inch circle". While a "3 to 5-inch circle" is an odd way to describe a target, I believe he is telling us the shots were spread laterally over 5 inches.

    As I stated earlier in this thread, I believe the scope that had to "settle in" after being adjusted is nonsense. I also believe the phenomenon Frazier saw of the bullets climbing and walking to the right on the target had nothing to do with the scope but, rather, was a defect in the rifle itself. I believe this because I had the exact same problem with a rifle myself, and no amount of scope adjustment would cure it. I first noticed it on my rifle when the first shot went high and to the right, and each successive shot went further astray.

    A lot of folks don't realize it but a rifle barrel is a very flexible thing. It is possible, by applying force to one side of a rifle barrel, to make a rifle bullet land many inches away from the point of aim.

    In a humid climate, such as the temperate rain forest I live in (or New Orleans, where LHO lived), rifles go through extremes of humidity. Imagine a rifle being packed on someone's shoulder in the winter rain on an all day hunt, and then being hung on the wall above a wood fed heater to dry. The stock, being made from wood, is in a constant process of absorbing water and then rapidly drying out. After several sessions of this, there is a good chance the wooden stock will warp.

    Rifle barrels (most of them) are designed to "float" in the stock and the forestock should only make contact with the barrel where it is anchored at the breech. You should be able to take a dollar bill, wrap it around the barrel, and slide it between barrel and forestock most of the way to the breech. On my rifle, right at the end of the forestock, I found the wood up tight against the lower left part of the barrel, as seen from the breech. Even with a cold barrel, there was enough force to throw the bullet off, and as the barrel heated and expanded with each shot, causing the barrel to push harder against the forestock, the problem grew worse and the bullets landed further from the bullseye.

    The solution, of course, was simple. I removed the stock and lightly sanded the parts that were pressing against the barrel, until I had re-established the necessary clearance. I then applied a couple of coats of wood sealer to prevent the stock from absorbing more moisture. It is not hard to see why stainless steel rifles with Kevlar stocks are so popular where I live.

    There is a very good chance that the 6th floor Carcano had a warped stock causing it to shoot high and to the right, especially if there is any truth to the story of LHO burying the rifle in the ground, following the Walker shooting.

    I'm willing to bet this problem was quietly corrected before the US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory had their marksmen recreate the shooting attributed to LHO on 22/11/63.

  7. Many witnesses also described a swerve to the left, as well.

    The author Manchester quotes the limo driver, William Greer, as saying to Jackie at Parkland Hospital, "Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, oh my God, oh my God. I didn't mean to do it, I didn't hear, I should have swerved the car, I couldn't help it. Oh, Mrs. Kennedy, as soon as I saw it I swerved. If only I'd seen it in time!"

    Do you see this swerve Greer refers to in the Zapruder film?

  8. Hey Chris

    Great work you are doing here. I, and likely a lot other members, are really hoping you'll be able to give us a slightly dumbed down version that we will be able to comprehend.

    So far, it seems to me you are saying the shots all occurred much further down Elm St. than the WC claimed. This makes me think of James Altgens testimony, in which he testified the first shot occurred at the same moment he took the famous Altgens 6 photo which, of course, has been established as having been taken at z255 in the Zapruder film. While JFK does seem to be reacting to something in the Altgens 6 photo, it has always struck me as odd that there is no reaction from the onlookers at all. If we are to believe the first xxxx was at z210, this means almost 2.5 seconds have elapsed. This time increases if we believe those who claim the first shot occurred even earlier. Outside of the two SS men looking back at the TSBD, you would not think anything out of the ordinary had occurred.

  9. Hey, Pat, hate to keep pestering you but, you seem a bit reluctant to answer questions.

    Once again, would you show us where, in FBI SA Robert Frazier's testimony to the Warren Commission, he testified that any adjustments were made to the scope on the 6.5mm Carcano found on the 6th floor of the TSBD, between the test shots he made at 15 yards and the test shots he made at 100 yards?

  10. David

    As I was reading your quotes from Altgens and Hudson, I immediately thought of another close witness who, unfortunately, was never called to testify before the Warren Commission, for some strange reason. It might have been that he stated in his FBI statement that the second shot made JFK's hair fly up and JFK fall over, or maybe it was his statement that there was another shot AFTER the head shot. Then again, he was one of those nasty deluded witnesses who believed the limo came almost to a halt after the first shot.

    Whatever the reason he was never called by the WC, the most interesting thing he said in his FBI statement is that, between the first and third shots, the limo only seemed to move 10 to 12 feet.

    This is interesting, as Altgens makes a similar claim in his WC testimony. He testified that JFK was only 15 feet from him at the time of the head shot (in total contradiction to the Z film) and that the famous Altgens 6 photo was taken when JFK was 30 feet from him, and that the Altgens 6 photo was taken at the exact moment the first shot was fired.

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