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Robert Prudhomme

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Posts posted by Robert Prudhomme

  1. David, quit dodging. You want to run with the big dogs, sometimes you have to put up or shut up.

    One more time. Please explain the path of the Magic Bullet from just before it entered the back of Connally's right wrist to it entering Connally's left thigh.

    If you refuse to do that, it is proof that you have NO answers.

  2. The wrist, David. Please try to stay focused on the wrist.

    If you can't explain how the Magic Bullet went through Connally's wrist, the whole SBT falls apart.

    And you know what that means, don't you, Davey boy? That means another bullet, one that could not have been fired from Oswald's rifle. That means another shooter, and that spells C-O-N-S-P-I-R-A-C-Y in plain old English. Unless, of course, just by remarkable coincidence, you believe there were two lone nuts in Dealy Plaza that day, acting independently of each other.

    Now, tell me again how Connally managed to rotate his wrist far enough back to allow the Magic Bullet to pass between his ulna and radius bones.

  3. P.S. While you're at it, maybe you could explain how the whole intact bullet passed neatly between the ulna and radius bones of Connally's right wrist, after it came sideways through Connally's shirt cuff and squarely ran into Connally's radius bone, side on. Are we sure it wasn't just a fragment that went into Connally's left thigh? Humes seemed to think so.

  4. David von Pein

    Glad you like the way we spell your name. It suits you to a tee.

    So, you think it's easy to line up the back of the wrist with the bullet exiting Connally's chest, do you? If so, why not have someone pose in this position, with the back of the wrist perpendicular to the path of the bullet exiting the chest? Ask a friend, if you have any.

  5. I believe the most ignored yet vulnerable portion of the SBT is Connally's wrist wound, simply for the fact the bullet had to enter the back of the wrist and exit the palm side of the wrist; passing through the narrow space between the ulna and radius bones without so much as scratching the ulna bone. To make things worse for Specter, this bullet also first squarely strikes the radius bone with the side of the bullet, a good inch away from where it penetrated the flesh between the two bones.

    The alignment of the wrist, in order to accommodate the bullet path exiting JBC's chest, requires JBC to have his wrist rotated backwards at an impossible angle, something I defy any of the readers to do. This problem is usually dealt with quietly in re-enactment cartoons, such as PBS Nova's "Cold Case", by either having the bullet enter the palm side of the wrist (and hoping no one notices) or by relying on a sketchy drawing, in two dimensions, and having everyone's attention drawn to other aspects of the SBT.

    Even if the bullet path had somehow lined up with the gap between the two bones, and the bullet had somehow struck the radius side on, reversed itself, moved laterally an inch and found new energy to re-start itself and pass between the radius and the ulna, it still is not pointing at JBC's thigh. At least, not without ricocheting off of the ulna bone and leaving a mark noticeable on x-rays.

    David von Pain, I would dearly love to hear your opinion on this minor yet crucial aspect of the SBT unless, of course, you are fearful of being embarrassed.

  6. Brilliant article, John. Thank you for bumping this, Pat, and bringing it to our attention. I might never have seen this, if not for you.

    Something that no one seems to take into consideration is that the 2004 Carcano firing tests were done with Western Cartridge Co. ammunition that was, at the time of these tests, 50-60 year old ammunition; depending upon which manufacture date story one subscribes to. Not only would its reliability be suspect by this time, SA Robert Frazier's own testimony to the Warren Commission tells us that these cartridges were not loaded with the .268" diameter bullets required to make the Carcano accurate but, rather, were likely loaded with the more common bullet for 6.5mm rifles that was .264" in diameter.

    I think it is no coincidence that these shooting tests were performed in 2004. In that very same year, a bullet manufacturing company by the name of Hornady issued the first commercial bullets ever made for 6.5mm Carcano rifles that were the proper diameter of .268". Up until this point, people handloading cartridges for their Carcanos were forced to use the smaller .264" bullets, and the accuracy of their rifles suffered for it. The only .268" diameter ammunition that had been available to this point had been surplus Italian military ammo. In other words, if you were not shooting Italian milsurp ammo before 2004, you were shooting bullets too small in diameter. This is why I believe C2766 never wounded or killed anyone on 22.11.63.

    If I was the person coordinating these 2004 tests, I would have shot the WCC cartridges and saved the brass casings. Using nothing more than hobby handloading tools, I would have re-sized the casings, installed a new primer (putting a little red lacquer on the primer to seal it, as per the original), very carefully measured new gunpowder to 1/10th of a grain and loaded it into each casing and finally, seated a brand new .268" Hornady bullet into the cartridge.

    The TV public is SO easy to fool.

  7. One interesting observation; the top photo is from a reversed negative. The Exit sign is spelled backwards. I was wondering why I could see the bolt handle on the left side of the rifle.

    The comparison of these two photos presents us with quite an enigma, if they are both M91/38 (or M38) short rifles; and there is nothing in either photo to suggest they are anything but that. As far as I know, there were no variations in the manufacture of these short rifles, aside from the length of the wooden buttstock. As all men are not the same size, and have different lengths of arms, military rifle stocks are made in numerous sizes in an effort to ensure each soldier has a weapon he is comfortable shooting. From what I recall, the .303 Enfield stocks came in four lengths; the smallest being listed as "Bantam".

    However, if we make comparative measurements with these photos that do not include the buttstock, we quickly find there are other measurements that should match, but do not. I am completely at a loss to explain this situation, Ray.

  8. I think you should have another look at Shelley's testimony to the WC, Robin. According to his testimony, they were on the front steps of the TSBD 3 or 4 minutes before Gloria Calvery returned with the news that JFK had been shot. They then walked out to the island between the two Elm Streets and stayed there a minute or two. That's 4-6 minutes so far. Then they WALKED down to the railroad yards (45 seconds for 100 yards? not unreasonable) and stayed there for a minute and a half. That makes just over 6-8 minutes so far. Then, they walked back to the freight entrance at the west rear of the TSBD and entered the building, maybe another 45 seconds.

    Tell me how you get 2 minutes out of that.

  9. Hi Steve

    I have read Geneva Hines' testimony several times and was left with the distinct impression that when she said the lights went out, she was referring to the lights on her telephone indicating incoming calls. She explained the lack of these calls to the imminent arrival of the motorcade.

    Roy Truly clearly states in his WC testimony that the elevators would not come down from the 5th floor simply because this would require someone on the 5th floor to send them down. He did not testify that he had reason to believe the elevators were not working, possibly from a power outage.

    Also, when Sandra Styles said the elevator was not working, we must remember there were two freight elevators, back to back, and she determined whether or not the elevator was working by the fact she could not see the cables moving through the grated door. The question is, is there a wall between the twin elevator shafts, or is it open? If it were open, she would be able to see the cables of both elevators. However, I find it odd that she repeatedly referred to a singular "elevator", although this may just be local parlance.

  10. David

    If you look at the back of head photo, you can see that JFK's head is tilted quite far back, and we are viewing a good portion of the top of his head, as well as the back. This can be proven by looking at a photo of JFK from 22-11-63 prior to the assassination. Normally, JFK's hairline at the back of his head is even with the bottom of his ear. In the BOH photo, the hairline is way below the ear, indicating either the head has been tilted back or the photographer is taking the photo from an angle that places him more above the head.

    If we then compare this to the photo on the left, an obvious question must be asked. What happened to the brain and skull matter and the long hair?

    At least one of these photos must be a forgery.

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