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Robert Prudhomme

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Posts posted by Robert Prudhomme

  1. The cartoon photo James has posted from PBS Nova's "Cold Case" of the bullet transiting JFK and Connally is a perfect example of the impossibility of the SBT, and also an example of the nonsense the public is prepared to accept.

    Look at Connally's right forearm. According to medical evidence given to the WC by Connally's surgeon, the bullet entered the BACK of Connally's forearm, passed between the radius and ulna bones (after smashing the radius bone) and exited the PALM side of the forearm. Cold Case, of course, shows the bullet going the opposite direction.

    Did they think no one would notice?

    Look again at the cartoon. Try to imagine Connally's forearm being rotated far enough back to align the back of the forearm and the space between the two bones with the bullet exiting Connally's chest, and then try rotating your own forearm that far back. Having trouble?

    Did they portray the wounding of the forearm in the incorrect manner simply because they knew how ridiculous it would appear if portrayed the way the medical evidence dictated?

  2. P.S.

    No one said the bullet did not enter JFK's back and exit his throat. On the contrary, I think it is quite possible for the bullet to have gone through JFK's upper chest without hitting any bones. Unfortunately, as James has pointed out, in order to do so and miss the vertebrae, it had to be travelling at a lateral angle of 26-28° from right to left. Viewed from the rear of the limo, this would have placed the path of the bullet WAY to Connally's left.

    Where did this bullet go? Why don't you ask the folks who disappeared the limo from Dallas to Washington, DC in such a panic on 22/11/63?

  3. Completely unrelated to what I was pointing out, Dave. You cannot use the back photo in the manner you are suggesting as the distance from the back wound to the hairline is foreshortened by the camera angle.

    James clearly places the wound closer to T3 by using landmarks that are visible in the photo; ie. clavicle and scapula.

  4. BTW, Dave, comparing the autopsy photo from the side to the one from the back is comparing apples to oranges. Your good friend Craig Lamson, the photo expert, has told us many times that foreshortening in a photo, such as the back photo, makes it impossible to determine measurements. To attempt to do so, and to know it is nowhere near accurate, is fraud; something you are very good at.

    It is far more accurate to follow James' example and locate the wound through identifiable landmarks.

  5. Let me see now. JFK was observed to have his trachea (windpipe) deviated slightly to the left. What was it I was taught in my paramedic training that this indicated? Oh yes, I remember now. A deviated trachea is a sign of a tension pneumothorax in the lung away from the deviation, and that lung is compromised and collapsed. Built up air pressure in the pleural cavity where the collapsed lung resides pushes against the other lung, the heart, bronchi and trachea, and is seen to the observer as a deviated trachea.

    The critical intervention to relieve this pressure, and allow the lungs and heart to operate, is to relieve the air pressure in the pleural cavity by the insertion of one or more chest tubes in the upper chest area, between the ribs.

    Correct me if I am wrong but, were they not in the process of inserting chest tubes on the right side of JFK's chest when resuscitation was halted? How did they know to place them in the right side of his chest, if they were unaware of the existence of the back wound?

  6. Hi James

    Oh, I hope you are going where I think you are going when you said the damage to the right lung was much worse than a bruise. I'm just waiting for someone to open this topic up so we can talk about JFK's trachea deviated to the left, and the real reason chest tubes were being inserted into JFK's right pleural cavity.

  7. LOL @ Davey-boy's story about TWELVE PROFESSIONALS.

    It reminds of that awful period in Germany's history when Albert Einstein barely escaped with his life from Nazi Germany. Hitler was so upset, he later claimed he had ONE HUNDRED NAZI SCIENTISTS able to disprove every single one of Einstein's theories. It was said Einstein was rather flattered it took so many.

    Herr von Pein, do you see the irony here?

  8. It is small wonder the public is not allowed to enter the area of the so called "Sniper's Nest" on the 6th floor of the TSBD. Just from viewing the evidence photos taken from the window on the SE corner, it quickly becomes apparent that Connally would have been sitting too far forward of JFK for the Magic Bullet to strike him under the right armpit, even allowing for an upward deviation after striking JFK's vertebra. The proof of this is that the bullet exited Connally's chest much lower than it entered his back.

    Does anyone have access to a diagram showing a side view of the limo, the occupants and the trajectory of a bullet fired from the 6th floor to the limo at about the location of the sign?

  9. What happened to the bullet that inflicted the back wound at the level of thoracic vertebra T3, roughly 5.75 inches below JFK's collar line?

    Here are two clues from Trauma Room One, "trachea deviated noticeably to the left" and "chest tubes inserted into the right pleural cavity". Think about those for a while and I will explain the connection later.

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