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Perry Vermeulen

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About Perry Vermeulen

  • Birthday 12/08/1981

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  • Location
    Helmond, the Netherlands
  • Interests
    Crime, travelling, soccer, history, USA.

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  1. Yeah, pretty interesting, that was my idea! I don't think it says 'MAANILA' - I think it says MAASDAM, the name of the ship. Did a lot of investigation on this trip aboard the Maasdam, I have written it all down on this page: http://threeshotswerefired.com/?p=1177 But never before did I see this document! Its in the hands of a fellow Dutchman, I'm going to try to get it in my position Thanks both for the comments!
  2. Got an email from a Dutchman who has this in his posession: http://www.perryvermeulen.nl/oswaldmaasdam.jpg Never saw this document before. He is asking me: what will this document be worth? I have no idea... Has anyone ever seen this piece of paper? Dated June 4, the day he left my country aboard the SS Maasdam, for his trip back to the US. Perry Vermeulen The Netherlands http://threeshotswerefired.com/
  3. Haha, yeah, and so did Boris Yeltsin. No seriously, I'm curious. I don't think he really drank at bars. But in New Orleans they are really exploiting those speculations, 50 years later. Come and drink where Oswald sat...
  4. Walking around in Dallas and New Orleans makes a man hungry and thirsty. In my new blog I wrote about places to visit when in need for a beer or a burger. All places have a relation to key players of the events in November, 1963. I'm curious: who has ever visit The Ozzie Rabbit Lodge, Lee Harvey’s, Campisi’s, Henry’s Uptown Bar and Le Bon Temps Roule? http://threeshotswerefired.com/?p=1290 And who can answer my question: do we know if Oswald was a frequent visitor of bars? The New Orleans bars claim he was a regular. He doesn’t seem like one in my eyes, being a loner with an empty wallet...
  5. Just started: auction with more than 350 lots, including number 160: wedding ring Lee Harvey Oswald, left at the Paine residence in the morning of 11/22/1963. http://rrauctions.auctionserver.net/view-auctions/live-sale/id/4 Picture of the ring: http://rrauctions.auctionserver.net/images/lot/2429/2429_2.jpg
  6. Yes, I did walk the distance, with a quick pass I could do it within the time given, 13 minutes. I do not yet know if any burglary in Oak Cliff occured that moment, looking into it. I did read something about the traffic light in front of the rooming house earlier. Was it in Bugliosi's Reclaiming History? Cannot remember. Also something I need to find out. I know Pat Hall is not the first one mentioning the traffic light!
  7. Last month I visited Pat Hall of 1026 North Beckley Avenue in Dallas. She revealed some of her thoughts to me, on what in her opinion happened after 1 pm. Wrote about it on my website: http://threeshotswerefired.com/?p=1134 (also some pics on that page). Highlights: “There is a traffic light right in front on the rooming house. I think the cop that honked twice when Oswald was in his room, only wanted to alert a slow driver in front of him.” "I think Oswald may have taken Crawford Street when he walked to the corner of 10th and Patton. Not Beckley Avenue, like most of the sources say." "You can definitely reach 10th and Patton from here within 13 minutes. No doubt." “I think the encounter of Oswald and Tippit had nothing to do with the assassination of Kennedy. Tippit was in the neighbourhood because of a reported burglary. Oswald acted suspicious in his eyes, gazing around, looking terrified. Maybe Tippit thought he caught the burglar, when he stopped his car near the intersection of Tenth Street and Patton Avenue.”
  8. First time when I visited New Orleans, I couldn't find the exact structure where Oswald lived, in Magazine Street. Earlier this month I visited the great city again and now I found it. Wrote about it this day, and want to share my pictures of the small cottage. You'll find it all on http://threeshotswerefired.com/?p=1055 Scoll to the bottom of that page for six photos of 4905 Magazine Street. All the best from Holland, Perry
  9. Just travelled through Dallas and Fort Worth, went to every place related to Kennedy and Oswald. There will be more on my trip later, when I upload photos and stories. I could not find one location: 2703 Mercedes Street in Fort Worth, where Oswald lived shortly in 1962. While riding through Fort Worth I easily found houses/appartments that once belonged to Robert and Marguerite Oswald. But I could not find the address of Lee/Marina/June once they found their first own house, after living with Robert in june/july 1962. Is it 2703 Mercedes Street? Of Mercedes Avenue? And in what suburb? Benbrook? Or another one? On the internet, several conflicting answers have been given. The address played a role in Stephen Kings book 11/22/1963, but he was confused to, mixing things up. Can someone send the URL of Google Maps with the exact location? I am curious on how the location looks like, 50 years later. Thanks!! Perry Vermeulen
  10. An interesting read, this threat. Its a pity I didnt engage in this forum earlier... When there are still questions or remarks, please let me know. And Ed LeDoux; I really can't remember what happened those days with our correspondence.
  11. Thanks for this post in 2010 Steve, just found out its existance My second book was published by another publisher: the one you are referring to wasn't that good. Yes: I think he should have translated the first book, it was interesting enough for the international market!!
  12. Thanks BK for sharing my pictures. Not really a Judyth-believer, though
  13. My name is Perry Vermeulen (1982), a journalist from the Netherlands who is investigating the assassination of JFK since 2002. I wrote two books on the subject, both published in Holland in 2008 and 2012. The second one is a reference book, with general information on all the theories. The first one is of more interest for investigators: I investigated the journey Oswald made in 1962, the trip from Minsk to Fort Worth through my own country. That was never done thoroughly. Very interesting weeks in may/june 1962: still many questions, but I solved some of the mysteries. I travelled to the US several times and hope to continue that in the rest of my life. Two of my best experiences: In 2009 I travelled from Chicago to New Orleans through cities as St. Louis and Memphis. I rented a bike in New Orleans and made lots of pictures of places related to Lee Harvey Oswald: http://www.perryvermeulen.nl/neworleans/oswald.html In 2013 I travelled from Boston to DC through NYC and Philadelphia and I saw Memphis, New Orleans and Dallas. You can image the thrill for a foreign investigator: being in Dallas for the first time. Just came back: I will write a lot online the next weeks on the locations I visited, such as Dealey Plaza and all other places related to this case. My large article (2000 words) will be published in Dutch newspapers in November; there will be a translation after that month. More of my work is on http://threeshotswerefired.com/ and http://perryvermeulen.nl/ I try to be as objective as possible - and I hate it when people make up interesting stories that in the end makes investigating the JFK-assassination more and more difficult. Its becoming more and more important to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to reliable sources. I hope I can participate in interesting threats on this forum and I hope to be of any help for fellow investigators.
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