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Glenn Nall

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Everything posted by Glenn Nall

  1. i see two things: the american public assumes intellectual integrity is part and parcel of celebrity (thanks, Mr. Mencken), and that celebrities know this and capitalize on it.
  2. At long last - if this Y is not Vietnam, what is it? really? where would you like to start? The US Steel Embargo? The Mil/Ind/Cong Complex that saw K as soft on Communism, their Golden Goose? (right, that's where Viet Nam fits in - but there's a bigger picture when you're willing to look at it - VERY angry people wanted CASTRO dead and the US blamed for it == $). How bout the 2 singularly most powerful men in the USA, one looking at ABSOLUTE prison time, the other at ABSOLUTE humiliation...? hell, K had more enemies that Donald Trump. Viet Nam's too easy.
  3. just curious. what says he was opposed to the Bay of Pigs invasion? I'm not sure he was. My very infantile understanding is that he faltered at the last minute once he saw that the organization of this catastrophe was not going to be corrected (not that this excuses his actions - hard to excuse a person's actions when no one - and I mean NO ONE - knows exactly what they were that night when those Oh-So-Honorable Company men presented what they presented - as the boats were landing.) Let's call it as it is. There're official 'truths,' and then there's the truth. Not arguing, just offering some perspective. And STRAIGHT UP curiosity - was he really against Israel gaining Nukes? why...? [never heard that before]
  4. Being dead tends to make you insignificant. oh, has he died? hadn't noticed...
  5. Hiram, Good stuff. Much appreciated. I know it's probably just a coincidence, but the guy wearing sunglasses looks a little like this mystery man with James Files: credit: jfkmurdersolved.com --Tommy Files' somewhat recent story about this fellow is pretty damn interesting. believable in the 'wish it were true' sense. as are all his stories. at the risk of providing Tommy with yet more disdain for my obviously abject mental deficiencies, i'll admit that I'm inclined to place some stock in James Files' stories and intel. some. not a lot. just some.
  6. oh. here's something interesting [RE Permindex, and, oh hell, Brown, Root, Lehmen, Bobby Baker - who ISN'T named...? - If i worked on A7 Corsairs built by Chance-Vought which was started by D.H. Byrd, does that mean that I'm connected?] "In 1998 Richard Cheney got the idea that Halliburton should purchase Dresser Industries, for $8.1 billion (creating the world's largest oil-drilling services company) while on a quail hunt with Dresser chair Bill Bradford. Dresser and Halliburton merged. Dresser Industries was owned and operated by Brown Brothers Harriman. Prescott Bush (George H.W.'s father) was a partner of Brown Brothers and on the board of Dresser for decades until he became a U.S. Senator." and it gets more fun: http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/conspiracy/coverups/bronfmanbush.html
  7. Snap. Thank you sir. quite all right. i'm just glad i got to you before someone else did and reduce you to a smoldering puddle of retardation worthy of little more attention than an E-2 for your obvious supreme ignorance (it's a trend here). Egads. Sir. (US Navy, USS Forrestal, when it floated. long time ago)
  8. right. know much about Ms Bancroft? I'm convinced the real dirt lies on that side of the fence. She made an effort at gleaning some attention, but it has so far been ignored. which is weird, considering the pedigree of this rather large circle of 'people.' Mr Simkin once alluded to an interest in Brown and Root (a clue if i've ever seen one). But everyone wants to talk about triggermen (i'm the first to admit i'd kill to learn who killed John Kennedy); slow boat to China, that... and incidentally, Greg Burnham's forum has rejected my password, sent me a new one, and rejected it, too. so: $we = null; if ((user == "you") OR (user == "Doug") OR (user == "me") {$we = "SOL";}
  9. sMatter, Thomas, spine missing...? i'm pretty sure i've not slandered you, or anyone, so i'll leave it to you to cast low class insults. i happen to speak my mind, with zest for the objective and no real interest in insulting people. until they insult me. which seems pretty common in some forums. wonder why that is...
  10. how the hell did you know i know code? if (user == "Ramon Herrera" or user == "Charles Drago") then AttachmentQuota = 0; else AttachmentQuota = infinite; that's funny. and NOW you're speaking my lingo. but if you're suggesting bold things, you'll have to clarify, or PM me. as far as software goes, i'm pretty sure it adheres to "principalities before personalities." in other words, it's likely user error. X2.
  11. i'm quite sure they didn't at the time. and i meant 'jesus' in an altogether positive manner. it's like, 'wow', but with emphasis. posting an image is a matter of putting it somewhere on a file server and sticking that url into the - oh hell, you'll figure it out. Thomas, what's 'Null and Void'? just curious...
  12. jesus. "albeit sans Gerry and Davy...?" jesus.
  13. I sincerely doubt there's any truth to 10 million dollars leaving Cuba at a time when people fled in fear, shirts on backs and little else. Most felt that the situation with Castro was temporary, things would stabilize and many could return home. Not sure how this story came about but I've heard it's false, by those who knew Masferrer well. Interpen was one group but were many others involved in anti-Castro activities ('58 and onward) and the FBI and CIA played "cat and mouse." Some as in case with Diosdado raid in Homestead/Keys had prior info, made a show and eventually arms were returned and "biz as usual." The effort to interdict activities (sanctioned or not) were laughable to those participants I've interviewed over the years. And John makes a point about all the many vain efforts to remove Castro, indicate that someone (CIA? )wanted him there. The CIA and State Department (Embassy/Military Attaches in Cuba) were sympathetic to Castro at first. He was funded and helped and studied. It is the least known fact about Castro's triumph. There's something to this hunch. This link takes you to Gordon Winslows Cuban Exile site. Interesting on subject of misc groups CIA interfaced with. >>> And John makes a point about all the many vain efforts to remove Castro, indicate that someone (CIA? )wanted him there. it should go without saying that any real 'inability' to kill Fidel Castro in the early 60's is flat out ridiculous.
  14. Hi Ramon, As I stated on my forum, there is no bandwidth limitation there. I have only received reports from two members indicating they are unable to upload images directly into their post. I have never had any issue with it and I have uploaded many, many images (literally hundreds). One of our founding members, Phil Dragoo, has uploaded dozens of images without any problems, as well. The only other person experiencing this problem is also a founding member. I mention that to remove any question as to whether or not having the "founding member status" effects the uploading capability. It does not. Even here at the EF I have uploaded a lot of images over the years (in my 2,000+ posts) and have had no issues with it. It says I can still upload up to 86.79MB. I am going to test uploading an image right now to make sure--after which time I will delete the image to preserve bandwidth. I will report on its success or failure after I remove the image to preserve space. Test image is about 68kb: JFK and Buttons.jpg such a great pic. no need to remove it...
  15. No I did not. I guess my correct question should have been this: Do you know whether your forum and the Education Forum use the same forum software? I believe the answer is "affirmative". Just take a look at both. They are almost identical: http://patriot.net/~ramon/jfk/EducationForum.png http://patriot.net/~ramon/jfk/GregsForum.png It seems that some "XmasZen.com" did your web work? Unfortunately, that company does not seem to be available anymore. I guess the solution is (1) Contact the Education Forum's software provider (2) Ask them about the procedure to manage attachment quotas and (3) Hope that the solution for your site is equivalent. -Ramon that's a good try, but it's not the software that controls the size of uploads. it's the host/server. each host sets these limits in a number of places, some hosts allow the owner to control these settings, some do not. sometimes the upload size can be overridden with a file called php.ini (assuming the website is running on PHP, which it almost certainly is) or other ways. when the software has these limits, it always provides a way for the user to change the settings. doesn't do the software maker any good to limit its customers with such a basic need. and "web work" is an awfully generous term. these forum softwares (IPB, phpBB, vBulletin) are simple to purchase, and the ability to use a mouse can have you up and running a forum easily enough. the trick is getting the traffic. having a website doesn't mean riches beyond your wildest imagination. you have to attract people to it (the subject helps - my VERY fledgling and completely infant JFK website already gets more traffic than my other two websites - and I'm a professional developer), google's algorithms, and those of the lesser search engines, want to see quality and relevant content. the quality content that is provided by EF and Greg's website tickles google to pieces. (if you thought math was just for failing in high school, think again). good thing google can't see bickering. huh?
  16. it is affirmative. the source code shows many references to IPB, which is Invision Power Board.
  17. you mean DH Byrd. He owned the TSBD [it was not even called that until the media used it to death after 112263] at the time. but the rumor is pretty reliable that that is in fact what he did. and yes, he was friends with HLHunt, and Earl Cabell, and Clint Murchison, and General Lansdale, and... ... so the dark secrets, in my thoughts, lie in these oh so curious interpersonal relationships (thanks Mary Bancroft) and not so much in solving what bullets came from where.
  18. no. i would not. compartmentalization isn't hard when you're dealing with such distinct ... um ... characters....
  19. agreed 100%. we all love to discuss this stuff, the minutiae is fascinating, and fun, but it's never going to prove a thing. the thing is, one thing leads to another, and i believe that most reasonable people who obsess, rightfully, on these tidbits know that the fact remains that any one little thing that breaks might be THE tidbit that breaks the ice. we all have our place in this mystery. [except for DVP]. the media have their place, too, and we work hard in spite of them. it's nice that their position is so clearly defined in their idiocy. but they still get in the way, and morons still fall for it. Peter Jennings used to piss me off. Until i realized how insignificant he is in the face of real facts. Now I don't even remember what he looks like, and the fact that he's not even an American. right? Thanks Cliff. A reminder to remember our perspective, and our objective. >>> Truth.
  20. I'm inclined to think that it's possible that it's an exit wound, as well. Or that it's an entrance wound. I also think that there's enough other evidence for more than three gunshots to the extent that the cause of this throat wound is pretty much irrelevant. I'm also reminded that some people have no earthly clue how to respond to a post and remain relevant to the context.
  21. right - that's kinda what i'm getting at - this is a long-running controversy, and as much as i've read about it and everyone's inability to decide whether there was a clip in the rifle when it was toted outside, one would think that these pics would have surfaced and been made prominent in this little debate a long time ago. i'm not disputing them at all. just kind of observing the VERY odd dynamics of the whole thing.
  22. did it really shut him up for a while? i wouldn't know, i haven't 'heard' a word he's said since then. and now i get to block another ***. cool.
  23. What I'm wondering is how the f* photos like these are so overlooked for 50 years?
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