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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. Ruth Smith (12-21-63 FBI interview, CD206 p.9) “She looked back toward President Kennedy’s car after the first shot and thinks he raised his hands to his face.” I don't know how you count this but it is obvious that SMITH could not have heard a shot prior to Z-313 if twelve others nearer the limo were unaware of a shot prior to the rifle shot at Z-313, also the twelve witnesses much nearer were totally unaware that the President was wounded prior to the fatal head shot, it would be most likely that SMITH a half a block away could not have perceived KENNEDYS reaction when he was first wounded and reacted by leaning a little to his left, SMITHS description fits the first rifle shot at Z-313 where KENNEDYS reactions could even be discerned from far away. SMITH also claimed the limo slowed or stopped after the first shot, this also describes the limos movement around the moments of Z-313 and not before RUTH SMITH is describing the first rifle shot to have occurred at Z-313 and two more shots followed.
  2. Jon, thank you for reading the thread, consideration of the evidence and your comments. I agree with you Jon about alterations of the Zapruder Film, but consider the sequence of events is most likely still present and within it are those depicted thru inactions, actions and reactions which are of inestimable value to help determine the truth of the assassination. More than this the Z-Film as well as all the other photographic media can now make sense when viewed in the proper perspective and all of this media corroborates the majority of testimony. In short the assassination is no longer a mystery. much appreciated
  3. Robert, I have read MOORMANS Affidavit and FBI reports as well as listening or viewing all of the radio and tv media interviews from 11/22/1963. There can be no doubt that both JEAN HILL and MARY MORMAN claimed the first shot heard occurred coincidentally when MOORMAN took the famous Polaroid that we are all familiar with at about Z-313. Most interesting is also the fact that this Polaroid was not included in the WC evidence nor was MOORMAN asked to give testimony... Nor, JEAN NEWMAN, MALCOLM SUMMERS, MR FRANZEN, MRS FRANZEN, MARY WOODWARD or CHARLES BREHM were asked to provide testimony. But the WC determined that it was somehow important that JAMES ROMACK who was not in DP during the assassination provide extensive testimony that could affirm that BAKER could have seen pigeons flying from the roofs of buildings during the assassination. In a later thread I will go into the two additional rifle shots that followed the shot at Z-313 which was claimed by witnesses.
  4. This is the reason the FBI nor the WC attempted to establish the location of the limo for any of the shots, because this evidence reveals that the sequence established for the WC three shots is incorrect. The only shot the WC was explicit about was the shot at Z-313, in which they were emphatic that this was the last shot fired. Which is a bold faced lie. The shot at Z-313 was the second shot fired but the first rifle shot that was heard. Twelve people bare witness to the first shot they heard to be when the limo was located at about Z-313, this is a fact according to twelve witnesses. I know there are those that will say, it is just wrong, they got it wrong, Robert Mady got it wrong, will you still be so sure if I post another 12 witnesses that support the first shot they heard occurring at Z-313? How many witnesses accounts do I need to post for this to become real? Or are you totally convinced that the WC lies already entrenched in your mind are true? This is why you can't understand the assassination, this is why the testimony makes no sense, this is why the photographic evidence does not correlate to any story WC or conspiracy, because your timing of shots and number of shots is not correct. For those awake enough to grasp this novel information, it will be the start to unveil the truth of the assassination.
  5. MARY ELIZABETH WOODWARD – FBI” Just as the President and Mrs. KENNEDY went by, they turned and waved at them. Just a second or two later, she heard a loud noise. At this point, it appeared to her that President and Mrs. KENNEDY probably were about one hundred feet from her.” HOWARD BRENNEN – AFFIDAVIT : “I proceeded to watch the President's car as it turned left at the corner where I was and about 50 yards from the intersection of Elm and Houston and to a point I would say the President's back was in line with the last windows I have previously described I heard what I thought was a back fire.” JAMES TAGUE – FBI: “…when the motorcade was approximately 100 feet from him he heard a loud noise…” WILLIAM SHELLEY – AFFIDAVIT: “The Presidents car was about half way from Houston Street to the triple underpass, when I heard what sounded like three shots. Summation four witnesses claims equate to the first shot they heard to be at Z-313 or the rifle shot that causes the fatal head wound. WOODWARD, 100 feet from her location is exactly the location of the limo at Z-313 BRENNEN, 50 yards from the intersection is approximately the location Z-313 TAGUE, 100 feet is closest to Z-313 and any shot earlier is not a possibility SHELLEY, Z-313 is approximately 1/2 way down Elm to the Triple underpass.
  6. CHARLES BREHM – FBI : “When the President's automobile was very close to him and he could see the President's face very well, the President was seated, but was leaning forward when he stiffened perceptibly at the same instant what appeared to be a rifle shot sounded.” “BREHM expressed his opinion that between the first and third shots, the President's car only seemed to move 10 or 12 feet.” JACK FRANZEN – FBI: “He said he heard the sound of an explosion which appeared to him to come from the President's car and noticed small fragments flying inside the President's car and immediately assumed that someone had tossed a firecracker inside the automobile.” MRS. JACK FRANZEN – FBI: “she heard a noise which sounded to her as if someone had thrown a firecracker into the President's automobile. She advised at approximately the same time she noticed dust or small pieces of debris flying from the President's automobile.” JEAN NEWMAN – AFFIDAVIT: “The motorcade had just passed me when I heard that I thought was a firecracker at first, and the President had just passed me, because after he had just passed, there was a loud report, it just scared me, and I noticed that the President jumped, he sort of ducked his head down and I thought at the time that it probably scared him, too, just like it did me, because he flinched, like he jumped. I saw him put his elbows like this, with his hands on his chest.” JEAN NEWMAN – FBI: “A car carrying the President and another person had just passed her when she heard a report and saw the President jump. raising hishands to his chest area. She stated she assumed the report to be a firecracker and thought how "human" the President was that he too would react by jumping at a sudden noise” ... "She stated the car had proceeded approximately 12 feet to her right when she heard a second report and saw the president slump to the front of the car. " Summation: the location of the limo at the moment of hearing the first rifle shot is Z-313 for these four witnesses. BREHM, continued to applaud as the limo passed his location, BREHM was unaware of an earlier shot or the fact that the President had already been wounded, the statement that that limo moves only 10-12 feet between first and third shots is also more key proof that precludes rifle shots coming at Z-230 or before. Mr. and Mrs. FRANZENS description of the first shot causing the debris flying in the limo can only be describing the result of the President receiving the fatal head wound and the debris flying to the rear and left of the limo. NEWMAN claims the limo passed her before hearing a shot, this puts the limo at Z-313. Also of note NEWMAN corroborates BREHM in the movement of the limo only taking about 12 feet between the first and second shots, also of note some witnesses did not detect the third shot because the last two shots were fired almost simultaneously.
  7. MARY MOORMAN - AFFIDAVIT :” As President Kennedy was opposite me I took a picture of him. As I snapped the picture of President Kennedy, I heard a shot ring out. President Kennedy kind of slumped over.” JEAN HILL – AFFIDAVIT: “Just as Mary Moorman started to take a picture we were looking at the president and Jackie in the back seat and they were looking at a little dog between them. Just as the president looked up toward us two shots rang out and I saw the President grab his chest and fall forward across Jackies [sic] lap and she fell across his back and said "My God he has been shot".” EMMETT HUDSON – AFFIDAVIT: “At the same time the President's car was directly in front of us, I heard a shot and I saw the President fall over in the seat.” MALCOLM SUMMERS – AFFIDAVIT: “The President's car had just come up in front of me when I heard a shot and saw the President slump down in the car and heard Mrs. Kennedy say, "Oh, no,"” Summation: these four witnesses place the limo location at Z-313 for the first shot that they heard. Also please note, for each of these witnesses this is the moment they see the President 'slump' or 'fall over in the seat' they were unaware the President had been wounded prior to the shot that caused the fatal head wound or that a shot had occurred previous to this moment.
  8. James: "Your position is just because one witness hears shots at a particular point - only he is right and everyone else is wrong. One came as something of a surprise to me was the variety of sounds that the witnesses heard. Josiah Thompson listed all the witnesses, where they were positioned and what shots they heard." James, technically it was three witnesses. Also Josiah Thompson list of what witnesses heard is useless, it is either a misunderstanding of testimony or worse amounts to disinformation. It is a thoughtless unprocessed accumulation of information. I have no idea what information was used to create the table you posted, I doubt that it is a true reflection of witnesses experiences.
  9. Mr. CABELL - No; we couldn't tell. We could tell, of course, there was confusion in the presidential car--activity. The Secret Service men ran to that car. From out of nowhere appeared one Secret Service man with a submachine gun. His attention seemed to be focused up toward the building. One of the motorcycle officers and the escort pulled his motorcycle over to the side and jumped off with his drawn handgun and ran up the slope toward the building, toward the School Book Depository. I do not recall any other shots being fired than the three which I mentioned. Mrs. CABELL. I did not know, because I did not see a hand or a head or a human form behind it. It was in just a fleeting second that I jerked my head up and I saw something in that window, and I turned around to say to Earle, "Earle, it is a shot", and before I got the words out, just as I got the words out, he said, "Oh, no; it must have been a "the second two shots rang out. After that, there is a certain amount of confusion in my mind. I was acutely aware of the odor of gunpowder. I was aware that the motorcade stopped dead still. There was no question about that. Mr. HUBERT. Let me ask you, after the first shot and your observation of this object in that window as you have described it, you turned your attention from that window? Mrs. CABELL. That is right. Mr. HUBERT. So that you were not looking in the direction of that window when the second and third shots were fired? Wright Statement:"When the second shot was fired I noticed a number of people running away from the Motorcade... " The CABELLS both heard three shots, the first of which was at Z-313, WRIGHT mentions two shots we don't know if he heard 2 or 3, but the first shot he heard was at Z-313. Wright was busy driving, he may not have differentiate rifle shots two and three fired in rapid succession if he was concentrating on getting out of potential trouble. The other point being the first shot heard was at Z-313, when was the second and the third? AFTER Z-313 of course! Note further evidence from WRIGHT, in that no witness can be seen to react to rifle shots until after Z-313, WRIGHT also describes this accurately and his claims are corroborated by film and photographs.
  10. James, at this point in the presentation of the evidence the location for the Queen Mary is inconsequential. It is only important to understand where the presidential limo had to be at the moment of the first rifle shot heard relative to Cabells vehicle and where the occupants of the Cabell's vehicle place their location. The only place the presidential vehicle could have been at the moment the first rifle shot was heard was at location depicted at about frame Z-313.
  11. James, Mr. CABELL, Mrs.CABELL and WRIGHT provided testimony providing the approximate location of their vehicle at the time they heard the first shot. WRIGHT, the driver was actually very specific " The car I was driving had just turned onto Elm Street and approximately 30 feet from the intersection when I heard the first shot. " There is no conflicts between the three testimonies which all place the vehicle at the location presented in the graphic above. This is the approximate location they claimed the vehicle was at when they heard the first rifle sound, this is the only location that can work as also illustrated in graphic posted below.
  12. Ian, Robert is posting evidence to the Forum that provides proofs that no audible rifle shots were heard until Z-313 or when the fatal head shot occurs.
  13. This might help This location does not fit the descriptions The first shot heard could not have occurred before Z-313 because CABELLS vehicle would have just started to turn the corner when the CONNALLYS claimed JOHN was shot. The location of the vehicle at Z-223 or Z-230 does not match any of the three testimonies describing their location at the moment the first rifle shot was heard.
  14. James, it is true. Did you read the posts #500, #501 and #502 that described where the occupants of the CABELLS vehicle claimed they were at the moment they heard the first rifle shot?
  15. If you don't know exactly when the first rifle shot occurs or where the presidential limo was at that moment, then you have never understood the testimony. You most likely have listened to the pundits and the misinformation and disinformation they disseminate. The assassination is easy to comprehend once you understand the testimony. We live in an Idiocracy where we are all kings, we listen to the court jesters believing they offer us wisdom, while we are merely being entertained.
  16. Congressman Roberts _________________________ I can not find testimony from Congressman ROBERTS. Anyone have a statement from this official for the people?
  17. STATEMENT OF MILTON T. WRIGHT, TEXAS HIGINAY PATROLMAN, MADE ON NOVEMBER 28, 1963. My names is Milton T. Wright, Texas Highway Patrolman, Badge No. 790. On November 22 I was assigned to drive a 63 Mercury Comet convertible that contained the Mayor and his wife and a U. S. Congressman. We turned onto Houston Street, the parade was going real well and speed was beginning to pick up and the crowd was beginning to thin right at this point. The car I was driving had just turned onto Elm Street and approximately 30 feet from the intersection when I heard the first shot.
  18. Mrs. CABELL. As my husband has told you, he had his back to the School Depository Building. He was looking back talking to us. Congressman Roberts was sitting just as this lady is now, and turned the same way. I was turned facing him. We were looking directly at each other, The position of our car was such that when that first shot rang out, my position was such that I did not have to turn to look at the building. I was directly facing it.
  19. Mr. CABELL - Well, we were just rounding the corner of Market and Elm, making the left turn, when the first shot rang out.
  20. FBI 03/18/1964 SHELLEY 'I recall that Wesley Frazier, Mrs. Sarah Stanton and Mrs. Carlyon Arnold, all employees of the TSBD, were also standing in this entrance..."
  21. Everyone know the motto inscribed on the Marine Corp Ring?
  22. Affidavit SHELLEY 11/22/1963 I couldn’t tell where they were coming from, I ran across the street to the corner of the park and ran into a girl crying an she said the President had been shot. This girl’s name is Gloria Clavery who is an employee of this same building. I went back to the building and went inside and called my wife and told her what happened. I was on the first floor then and I stayed at the elevator and was told not to let anyone out of the elevator. I am finding the first recollections are likely the most accurate.
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