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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. There is no doubt the Zapruder film has been edited, it has been altered. We must assume all evidence that could be altered that might have revealed the truth concerning the assassination was removed. We must assume everything that could be added to the film to support the new governments theory they were proposing to the American Public was added.
  2. The movie camera used by Zapruder and maybe all cameras of that era, had a distinct characteristic and that is when starting to film, the first frame's exposure was not the same as the frames that followed, this is called the 'start frame'. I have read some articles by 'experts' who claim that this start frame was unavoidable, it was present every time the camera began to film. Because we now have two parts of a film, they both should have a start frame. If you analyze the Zapruder film for start frames you will find only one, it occurs at Z-001. Upon examination of frame Z-132 the first part of the film ends and the second part begins at Z-133. It is apparent that Z-133 has the same characteristics in exposure than Z-134 and is not comparable to the exposure in Z-001. It must be concluded that the film has been edited and a section is now gone between Z-132 ends and where Z-133 starts.
  3. You still believe that the three films depicting LOVELADY in the plaid shirt are authentic and taken on 11/22/1963? Or Is the reality of LOVELADY's claim of wearing a 'red and white vertical striped' short sleeve shirt now possible?
  4. Analysis of commotion on the steps of the TSBD. There are more than 15 people on the steps and immediately standing in front of the steps there are more, one man is let in the TSBD and then one police man is directed to go in. May I ask for what purpose would the other people have to remain on the steps? Are they all waiting to go inside? Why would the police allow anyone back inside? It appears to be a lot of activity around the TSBD from this film. The area is so congested that the man going into the TSBD has to squeeze past the guard at the door, really tight situation for no logical reason. The steps appear congested, why would LOVELADY remain on the steps on a smoking break in the middle of a crowd attempting to return to work. Can you see how this may not fit the scene? (I wonder if LOVELADY addressed that addiction to tobacco smoking habit? While there was frenzied activity inside the TSBD LOVELADY wanders outside for a smoke, isn't he supposed to be on the first floor about now or was it the sixth floor? Maybe his testimony should be in question?) But if we step back, we see the majority of extras are on the steps or just adjacent to the steps There is a second ring of extras. Across the street...all of the congestion is immediately around the steps no farther. I would think proper police procedure would be to control the door the steps certainly would be part of the control area, the first thing that would have happened would be to clear any one off the steps and avoid any congestion. But I suppose the argument will arise that the DPD was inept, they screwed everything else up, why not the simple control of an entry point.
  5. May I ask the Forum Where can I obtain the highest quality copies available of Wiegman, Couch, Nix ...films Without going to the national achieve and spending more money than I might have? There are some very high quality frames, where is the source?
  6. Hughes film 10 seconds long, Martin film is 5 seconds long. Martin filmed during 5 of the same 10 seconds as Hughes filmed. People entering the TSBD. There is no apparent reason for anyone to have filmed anything, nothing of interest is happening in front of the TSBD. These two frames are almost the exact instant in time from two different angles.
  7. Paul, what part did LOVELADY play in this, he did what he perceived to be his patriotic duty as requested by the new government. Same as the Secret Service Agents on the KENNEDY detail. Same as POWERS and O'DONALD who later admitted to TIP O'NEILL that they altered their stories to conform to the WC/R, quote for the benefit of the KENNEDY family...
  8. Paul, if I were capable of accommodating your request to detail the culprits involved with staging the films I would do so. Unfortunately my focus is not in this area so I do not have knowledge of what assets would be acquired to make these films. IMO: LOVELADY in front of the TSBD was taken sometime close to 11/22/1963, I perceive LOVELADY to be noticeably heavier than in later images. Also note LOVELADY on steps not-so-coincidentally does not look directly toward the camera, so we are privy to only a side view. But look at the size of this chest and stomach to gauge the weight and then FBI photos for a comparison and LOVELADY in the police station. The FBI photos were taken on 3/2/1964, it is apparent that LOVELADY has lost a lot of weight. Would the LOVELADY on 11/22/1963 still be able to provide us with the impression that he was DOORMAN? I think not. On the other hand the culprits of staging NORMAN, WILLIAMS and JARMAN photographs taken of them in the windows of the TSBD by "DILLARD" and "POWELL" is completely apparent the WC itself created this evidence. Paul, also look at the FBI photos, and instead of using the close up frontal head shot to compare with DOORMAN, use the full length frontal, In no way does this image of LOVELADY appear to be DOORMAN. This goes to the reality of the situation, DOORMANS image was established when A6 was published, the FBI could only alter LOVELADY to appear more like DOORMAN, they accomplished making them appear more similar by shading and camera angles to best mimic what we can see in A6. The conspirators did not alter A6, they altered LOVELADY. Again just please look at the face of FBI LOVELADY full length and compare to DOORMAN. This also goes to the reality that the government protected LOVELADY from photographers taking his photograph...WHY? PS where one might start an investigation as to who may have staged the films, HESTER was connected with an advertising agency that appears to have connections to the assassination including with ZAPRUDER and if I recall correctly this agency is where OSWALD brought work on the Cuban Missile Crisis because they had equipment that CIA subcontractor Jagger-Chiles Stovall lacked, this was according to John Judge.
  9. Thomas, you expressing your desire to run away from the discussion may be a symptom of cognitive dissonance, you may not be able to cope with the evidence or have valid arguments to counter what is being posted so the next emotion generated would be flight to get away from trouble you can't cope with. You actually know that evidence posted may be true but will deny it because it goes against all of the dogma that you are entrenched in. I don't know if this is it, but this is the most common reaction to evidence viewed in a novel perspective, just please don't end the conversation with a animated icon, I hate those things.
  10. Thomas, if you read the testimony of LOVELADY you will know that he left the steps immediately after hearing the shots to go to the rail yards with SHELLEY (See image of them walking to rail yards in previous posts), LOVELADY did not return to the steps, he reentered the TSBD thru the dock doors which can be seen on the West end of the TSBD, there he remained on the first floor until after 1:00 at which time he took police officers to the sixth floor, the TSBD was sealed off by the police, how is he then able to be seen on the steps 8-15 minutes after the assassination? Mr. BALL - And you stayed on the first floor then? Mr. LOVELADY - I would say 30 minutes. And one of the policemen asked me would I take them up on the sixth floor. Mr. BALL - Did you take them up there? Mr. LOVELADY - Yes, sir; I sure did. You insist the films are authentic because of what, Groden said? There is no discernable commotion on the steps, people are merely shuffling into the building. The only important feature about this scene is LOVELADY prominently displayed for the camera, same characteristics of the police film. Can you understand that film and photographs can be staged at any time, that evidence was created to support the coup? Tried to get back into the TSBD but were barred from entry a short time after the assassination, because the police had sealed the building. JACOBS DRAGOO HOLT JOHNSON BAKER GIVENS KOUNAS PARKER The film shows people moving in or out of the building, if the TSBD was sealed how did LOVELADY get out of the building and then how did he get back in after the smoke break? The question I would ask you to consider, is it possible that a scene can be staged? No it is not understandable that two independent photographers captured these exact same scenes. I provided two example that should be considered highly suspect. The photographs of the TSBD, DILLARD claimed to take that photo instantly, NORMAN claimed immediately after the shootings the three men jumped up got together and talked about what happened and ran to the West windows to watch the activity in the rail yards, POWELL 1/2 a block away, claimed to run to DP (how much time does it take to run 1/2 of a block?)and immediately take a photograph because people were pointing, problem is there is NO evidence anyone ever pointed at the TSBD (every photograph shows peoples attention is on the monument area NOT the TSBD), lastly there were eight people watching the parade from the fourth floor, none of them can be seen in windows in either the DILLARD or POWELL photographs. Lastly why did the WC make the men on the fifth floor reenact what they did on 11/22/1963, for what conceivable reason? Every film shot in the police station was in commotion filled hallways, how did a photographer film in a private office and why would he have wanted to film the back of everyone walking away from him, just to capture the image of LOVELADY sitting, is this not a incredible coincidence? A stroke of incredible luck for the LOVELADY wore plaid revisionist. In essence POWELL took a picture of the TSBD where some men were visible with their attention towards the rail yards, somehow POWELL interpreted this as to where the shots came from, even though all attention was on the knoll, is this the logic you want to embrace? That a military man connected with intelligence ignored the consensus, JUST like BAKER and took a photograph of the TSBD instead of the rail yards where virtually everyone's attention was? The second is Martin and Hughes photographing the steps, there is nothing happening in these films other than LOVELADY smoking on the steps. There is no reason to film this and even if they had what is really the chances that two men are going to film at almost the exact instant in time. Coincidences are real, but must be suspect because real coincidences are rare. Every researcher must know this. This photographic media presented is all too coincidental. IS NORMAN looking directly at the camera, why is he looking that way when all of the activity is on the knoll? What are the chances that he would be looking directly at the camera in that moment?
  11. Thomas, you might be correct on that, good observation, he appears to be smoking. We do not know when LOVELADY was captured on film, you may assume it is the same day but there is no way to determine this with certainty. Compelling doubt should arise when one considers the two films captured a single instant in time without an apparent reason to have exposed any film other than to prominently display LOVELADY in his attire, One might also note that almost everyone in these films have their back to the cameras, this is also true of the police station LOVELADY, the film was completely out of character for any film taken within the police station, it was not in a hallway, but in a quiet office space, with every ones back to the camera except LOVELADY. These coincidences and anomalies could arise suspicion. LOVELADY before and LOVELADY after in the same shirt, supposedly on the same day.
  12. LOVELADY, America needs you, you could help America avoid World War III, we need your assistance to _________________________________ . Please sign here and here and here.
  13. Thomas, I think you are correct, this is LOVELADY in both photos, the only ? I would have is the neck line is bothersome, FBI LOVELADY is fairly upright, TSBD LOVELADY is forward leaning, I don't know how to understand this difference. But that may not be all: Are these two different LOVELADYS, a before and an after ? The FBI photos where taken on 03/02/1964 If someone was forced to, how much weight could they loose in say three months? Would it be interesting to be able to know what LOVELADY looked like on 11/22/1963?
  14. Can we put the myth aside that any rifle shots were heard coming from the TSBD? Let me show statistics 36 people claimed the TSBD as the source of the shots 17 civilians 19 were connected with government 65 people believed the shots came from the monument areas 53 civilians 12 were connected with government I know there will immediately be a response showing so-and-so said, and in some cases you might be right because some of this analysis must be interpretation. One would think this would be a pretty good consensus but the FBI and WC combined neglected to ask or record the majority of witnesses as to where they may have thought the shots had originated from, well after finding the rifle I guess they knew immediately where the shots originated from. I always forget was it the Mauser they found first of the Carcano rifle?
  15. Seriously Can we stop the farce and know for certain that the assassination was the result of a coup and we have been confounded as to what happened by a continuous cover-up? If you understand what I have been posting has a ring of truth to it, allow it to become real. You can not be bound to their rules and find the truth. Case in point, 51 years to comprehend a simple murder and there is still no consensus, we are probably more confounded today than they were in 1963 when it happened. You can't ever get it right, if you are shackled to their evidence. Your playing their 'fools game'. We live in an Idiocracy where everyone is king.
  16. To believe the WC/R is true you would have to believe that BAKER had better judgment than literally hundreds of witnesses located in DP. Mr. BAKER - Well, to me, it sounded high and I immediately kind of looked up, and I had a feeling that it came from the building, either right in front of me or of the one across to the right of it. According to BAKER there was an equal chance that he could have run into the Dal-Tex building. I wonder if the pigeons flying clock wise or counter clock wise in the sky influenced his final decision? While everyone else conformed to consensus and ran to the rail yards, Baker upheld his strong belief that the key to the shots was connected to flying pigeons and fought his way thru the crowds to get to the TSBD and eventually to the roof. May be he didn't run to the West to see the rail yards, maybe the pigeons were circling the building. sorry, this is the only image I have from the West side of the TSBD. You guys have been researching this a long time was it seeing the flying pigeons or because this is were the shot came from and everyone but Baker ran there, that caused Baker to run immediately to the West side of the roof? May be in his own way he finally conformed to the consensus.
  17. The police stationed on the corner of Elm and Houston One of them ran right past the TSBD steps and toward the rail yard, as seen in Couch film One of them ran toward the monument area as also seen in the Couch film One of them ran toward the grassy knoll area These are three trained police officers stationed under the window of the TSBD, and they all run toward the rail yards. Baker riding a motorcycle, Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir. As I was looking up, all these pigeons began to fly up to the top of the buildings here and I saw those come up and start flying around. Mr. BELIN - From what building, if you know, do you think those pigeons came from? Mr. BAKER - I wasn't sure, but I am pretty sure they came from the building right on the northwest corner. Mr. BELIN - Then what did you see or do? Mr. BAKER - Well, I immediately revved that motorcycle up and was going up there to see if I could help anybody or see what was going on because I couldn't see around this bend. Mr. BELIN - Well, between the time you revved up the motorcycle had you heard any more shots? Mr. BAKER - Yes, sir; I heard--now before I revved up this motorcycle, I heard the, you know, the two extra shots, the three shots. Mr. BELIN - Do you have any time estimate as to the spacing of any of these shots? Mr. BAKER - It seemed to me like they just went bang, bang, bang; they were pretty well even to me. Mr. BELIN - They were pretty well even. Anything else between the time of the first shot and the time of the last shot that you did up to the time or saw-- Mr. BAKER - No, sir; except I was looking up and I could tell it was high and I was looking up there and I saw those pigeons flying around there. Everyone running are moving toward the rail yards, but BAKER ignores the consensus and runs into the TSBD because he witnessed pigeons flying off of roofs, he has to fight his way thru people trying to return to work to get to the door. And after a brief detour he finally gets to the roof and runs immediately to the West side to see the activity in the rail yards, then as an after thought he checks the roof for pigeon I guess? Extraordinary isn't it BAKER claims to have seen flying pigeons three times during his testimony, three times? Wow, those must have been -some- pigeons. The man was sharp he waited until all the shots were fired before he made his final decision to rev up the motorcycle and take action. The man was so alert that not even a glimpse of movement escaped his attention, OSWALD was lucky he wasn't killed on the spot.
  18. Witnesses that watched the motorcade from the 4th floor ADAMS DOORMAN FOSTER GARNER HOLLIES HOPSON NELSON STYLES
  19. Robert 1) Evidence was changed, evidence was destroyed, evidence was created. Films and photographs can be created at anytime. 2) Hughes film and Martin film are taken at the exact same moments in time, two photographers captured the exact same scene from two angles. Cut! 3) Dillard is in the motorcade and captures the image within moments of the last shot, Powell is a half a block away, hears the shots, runs to DP, "sees some people pointing" and takes a photograph. The photographs are almost identical taken within ? Virtually everyone in DP except for BAKER and Cowboy had their attention toward the monument area, Powell thought the TSBD was more important because "some people were pointing"... 4) For what reason would the WC make NORMAN, WILLIAMS and JARMAN get down on the floor an reenact 11/22/1963? Because this way they may be photographed. 5) There is no reason not to believe that the film of LOVELADY in the basement was not staged, just as it is apparent as the steps scene was staged. This was a coup, they were not playing for maybe, they did everything to assure the success of the coup and the cover-up.
  20. Why did the WC have NORMAN, WILLIAMS and JARMAN reenact there positions at the windows during the assassination?
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