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Robert Mady

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Everything posted by Robert Mady

  1. Gary, my guess is NELLIE should have checked with the dry cleaners where CONNALLYS cloths were shipped off to before being entered into evidence. Have you ever wondered if his clothing was altered after it lost chain of custody? Or why his shirt when photographed by the FBI is askew and bunched up on the right side effectively raising or moving the appearance of where the bullet hole was? Maybe moving the hole more toward the left. Strange that they would have obscured this evidence unless they were hiding something. Are you sure you know everything about the wounding of CONNALLY? Could they have altered his x-rays? There is a valid reason to have altered x-ray, ever consider that they did do this?
  2. Chris, I look forward to your thread, I would like to understand more about how film can be altered and specifically how the Zapruder Film was altered, good luck with the tread. Chris I have not attempted to judge the time between first silent shot, which evidence strongly indicates having occurred at ~Z-190 and fatal head shot ~Z-313, but calculated that is at least 6.8 seconds, could have been longer, then 3 seconds later another rifle shot and then the last rifle shot. 10.3+ seconds or more for all four shots to have occurred. I will leave it to you to expose other possibilities with what is known about film alteration. All I can see is that changes where made in the film as was pointed out, my understanding is too incomplete to form a tangible theory how they did this other then removed frames but it could have been a lot more complex than just removing some frames. Let me leave it to experts such as yourself to fill in the blanks about how the film was altered. Good luck and best wishes. Thanks for reading the thread and your posts. Bob Mady
  3. Brad, CONNALLY is wounded at Z-325, shown in this gif, he is crouched down facing forward, CONNALLYS cufflink if effected by the shot is on the floor where he falls. NELLIE instead of talking about the cufflink should have been asked to explain why JOHN and herself can be seen in this position at Z-325! Here is a explanation as to when GREERS wild driving toppled them to the floor WC Testimony from NELLIE CONNALLY Mrs. CONNALLY. No, he turned away from me. I was pretending that I was him. I never again looked in the back seat of the car after my husband was shot. My concern was for him, and I remember that he turned to the right and then just slumped down into the seat, so that I reached over to pull him toward me. X was trying to get him down and me down. The jump seats were not very roomy, so that there were reports that he slid into the seat of the car, which he did not; that he fell over into my lap, which he did not. I just pulled him over into my arms because it would have been impossible to get us really both down with me sitting and me holding him. So that I looked out, I mean as he was in my arms, I put my head down over his head so that his head and my head were right together, and all I could see, too, were the people flashing by. I didn't look back any more. The third shot that I heard I felt, it felt like spent buckshot falling all over us, and then, of course, I too could see that it was the matter, brain tissue, or whatever, just human matter, all over the car and both of us. I thought John had been killed, and then there was some imperceptible movement, just some little something that let me know that there was still some life, and that is when I started saying to him, "It's all right. Be still." Now, I did hear the Secret Service man say, "Pull out of the motorcade. Take us to the nearest hospital," and then we took out very rapidly to the hospital. Just before we got to Parkland, we made a right-hand turn, he must have been going very fast, because as he turned the weight of my husband's body almost toppled us both. Toppling as a result of a Right Hand Turn, really? Where are the published researchers questioning this non-sense and pointing out the gross inconsistencies of the CONNALLYS testimony?
  4. Brad, I have gone through a long evolution of thought trying to explain the damaged windshield and the damaged chrome strip, it just did not add up to a logical and reasonable explanation. Originally I envisioned the first shot coming through the windshield, but realized that the SSA if not in on the plot would have reacted, also there is no controls as to how a missile would impact the windshield, shatter or leave a small hole and how it could be deflected, way too many variables to have to count on this shot, too risky. Then I ran across KELLERMANS and GREERS testimony where neither one of these agents were aware of damage to the limo until it was pointed out to them the next day. This could be explained by them being seriously distracted but a hole in the windshield would have been within the vision of GREER, I now doubt that he would have missed it. My current belief is that this damage was post added to some photographs and was added to the limo after the assassination. The conspirators merely provided more evidence for a shot coming from the rear...what happened to the bullet that passed through KENNEDYS head it shattered in two causing windshield damage and damage to the chrome...adds to the fiction. I don't believe anything the CONNALLYS claimed. Mr. SPECTER. Fine. What about the vehicle would you consider relevant in this regard? Mr. KELLERMAN. The windshield itself, which I observed a day or two after the funeral here, had been hit by a piece of this missile or missiles, whatever it is, shell. Mr. SPECTER. While you are referring to the windshield, permit me to hand you a photograph marked Commission Exhibit 349 and ask if you can tell us what that photograph depicts? Mr. KELLERMAN. This photograph is the windshield of the Presidential special automobile that we used in Dallas on November 22. And it depicts a hit by some instrument on the metal railing that covers the windshield. Mr. SPECTER. In what position is the hit on that metal railing? Mr. KELLERMAN. Directly to the right of the mirror. Mr. SPECTER. Is that on the top of the windshield? Mr. KELLERMAN. That is on the top of the windshield. I am sorry; this is not the windshield itself; this is the top of the vehicle. This is the framework. Mr. SPECTER. Would you draw a red arrow with the pen that you have to the mark which you have just describe? (Mr. Kellerman marked the photograph.) Mr. SPECTER. Now, when did you first observe that indention? Mr. KELLERMAN. This was observed a day or two after the funeral, which funeral was the 25th of November; this would be upward of the 27th. Mr. SPECTER. Where was the automobile at the time you observed that indentation? Mr. KELLERMAN. At the White House garage, sir. Mr. SPECTER. Was the windshield in the automobile at that time? Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, sir; it was in the automobile. Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe or notice that indentation in the windshield when you were in Dallas after the shooting occurred? Mr. KELLERMAN. No, sir. Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe or notice that indentation before the shooting? Mr. KELLERMAN. No, sir. Mr. SPECTER. Are you able to state positively whether or not that indentation was present before the shooting? Mr. KELLERMAN. No, sir. Mr. SPECTER. So that you observed it on the first occasion when you saw the car in the White House garage on or about November 27; is that correct? Mr. KELLERMAN. That is correct sir. Mr. SPECTER. Now calling your attention to a small arrow-- Mr. GREER. Arrow. Mr. SPECTER. Which points up on what appears to be an indentation, I ask you if you--when was the first time, if at all, that you observed that indentation? Mr. GREER. I didn't observe that-- Mr. SPECTER. On the car? Mr. GREER. Until after I got back to Washington, until the car came back to Washington, I saw it at the White House garage. It was the first time I had ever noticed that. Mr. SPECTER. On what date did you observe that indentation on the car? Mr. GREER. That was the day after, the 23, would be it. It would be the day after the shooting. We got back from Dallas. Mr. SPECTER. And what time of the day did you observe the car at the White House garage on that date? Mr. GREER. It was in the afternoon, I believe. I believe it was in the afternoon, I believe. Mr. SPECTER. Did anyone call that indentation to your attention at that time? Mr. GREER. Yes; I was asked if I knew about it. Mr. SPECTER. Who was it who asked you? Mr. GREER. I can't remember now who did say that, but I was shown that indentation at the same time I was the break in the glass. I was shown both and asked if I had known but I can't remember who might have asked me. Mr. SPECTER. Had you ever observed that indentation before the assassination occurred? Mr. GREER. No, sir. I had never noticed it before at any time. I had never seen it before. Mr. SPECTER. Had you ever had any occasion to examine closely that metallic area to ascertain whether or not there was such an indentation prior to the assassination? Mr. GREER. Well, it seems to me I would have prior to that had it been there because I do take care of the car sometimes, and it had never been--I had never noticed it at any previous time. Mr. SPECTER. I hand you Commission Exhibit 350 and ask you if you are able to state what that depicts? Mr. GREER. That depicts a break or a shatter in the windshield of it. Mr. SPECTER. Does that picture accurately represent the status of the windshield on the President's car at sometime? Mr. GREER. Yes, sir; that windshield looks real familiar to me on the way it-- Mr. SPECTER. At what time, based on your observation, did the windshield of the President's car look like that picture? Mr. GREER. I had never seen that until the following day after it came back from Dallas. Mr. SPECTER. But on November 23, did the President's car windshield look like that? Mr. GREER. Yes, sir; it looked like there was a break that had a diamond, in the windshield whenever I was shown that at the garage, the White House garage. Mr. SPECTER. Was the size and scope of the crack the same as that which is shown on that exhibit? Mr. GREER. That I wouldn't remember whether it was quite that large or not. I don't believe it was that big. It might not have been but I wouldn't say for sure. Mr. SPECTER. Did you observe any crack on the windshield after the time of the shooting on November 22? Mr. GREER. No, sir; I didn't see it at all. I didn't know anything about it until I came back, until the car came back and I was shown that. Mr. SPECTER. Did you have any occasion on November 22, after the shooting, to observe closely the windshield? Mr. GREER. No, sir. The only time I was in the car was going to the hospital and I never--I didn't see the car any more. It was just from the shooting until we got to Parkland that I was with the car. I left the car there and never did see it until it was back at the White House garage. Mr. SPECTER. Are you able to state with certainty there was no crack in that windshield prior to the shooting on November 22? Mr. GREER. Yes, sir; I am sure there was nothing wrong with that windshield prior to that because I would have it was almost in front of me and I examined the car, I looked it all over when I got there, I saw it was clean and everything, the windshield. I didn't see this ever at any time previous Brad, it just makes sense to me that this damage is post assassination and nothing more than an attempt to create evidence to support shots coming from the TSBD. What would have stopped them from doing this? We know KENNEDYS body was desecrated to conform to their evil doings why would they not alter the limo? They added the 'pristine' bullet into evidence, at first it appears it was initially a Mauser missile later exchanged for a Carcano missile, Mauser rifle exchanged for Carcano, point is we have evidence of manipulation in many areas, let us also at least consider that damage to the limo had been created also. TAGUE was injured by mistake, they needed three shots to have been fired from a rifle, the third shot was aimed to be errant and to disappear from evidence, they never considered a ricochet. This was a serious opps because it called into question only three shots having been fired, reasonable thinking people should have said this is enough insanity one bullet could not accomplish the damage attributed to it and remain 'pristine', we crossed over into the twilight zone and many went along with the fiction, sad isn't it?
  5. I would guess you have watched Professor Fetzer's symposium concerning the altering of the Zapruder film, Dr. Costella presents a case that the image of the limo was extracted from the original Zapruder film and reframed to retime and eliminate frames. It would not surprise me to learn there was extensive changes throughout the film or that the only changes occurred after Z-313 to remove the momentary halting or extreme slowing of the limo, as pointed out the movement of the CONNALLYs can not be accounted for unless frames were removed. Based on abundant testimony the real timing of the rifle shots is close to 3 to 3-1/2 seconds so we know KENNEDY is seen to be hit at Z-313 then CONNALLY must be struck about 3 seconds later, there is no other way to explain the CONNALLYS movement anomaly and supporting testimonies unless frames were removed. As far as altering the film prior to Z-313, I don't believe the film was altered unless it was to remove frames to help even out the flow of the limo to better match the film after Z-313. They obviously cut the film prior to Z-133 because Z-133 is not a start frame and ZAPRUDER himself claimed to start filming as the motorcade came in and did not stop filming until the limo disappeared. I think expectations that the film had been altered also stems from the fact that most, if not all researchers have misunderstood the timing of the assassination and could not reconcile what they were observing in the film with preconceived notions of what should have been occurring so the obvious answer albeit incorrect was that the film had been altered. I believe they removed frames to Z-133 for two purposes; 1) Early on 'they' thought they had to cover up the throat wound entrance that was to the front, they proposed KENNEDY had turned around to wave behind him, this action would not have been depicted in the film, easiest solution, cut the film. 2) They needed to sign the film so the start frame became 1(33) and the frame KENNEDY was killed was (3)(13) this is a stretch but this idea should not be discarded without serious consideration, power groups need to convey to others in the know what has been sanctioned, they do this through numbers and symbols, they can't publicly announce we did this, they can convey a message publicly using numbers and symbols which can be universally recognized by those who know what signs to look for.
  6. Chris are you saying that you feel you comprehend the Assassination Four Shot Model and agree with it or you feel you comprehend the Assassination Four Shot Model but do not agree with it? Can you provide me a synopsis of your theory so I may better understand where you are coming from? I also do not understand the direction of your questions, there was a number of posts introducing links connecting truths of the assassination, If you understand those links you might also understand how strong the evidence is that the links are absolutely true. It is then realized the real timing of the assassination is at odds with all known myths. It also proves beyond a doubt that there were three rifle shots and another shot that sounded 'firecracker' like, there were four shots. The conspiracy is real and the cover-up is real and your question concerns the altering of the Zapruder film. Do you really get it Chris? They altered everything necessary to maintain the lie. I have shown you where to peek behind the curtain.
  7. Chris, the Zapruder film was altered both prior to Z-313 and after Z-313. CONNALLY lays back over the top of NELLIE starting about Z-300, this action is mistaken for CONNALLY being wounded as it happens only a split second before the fatal head shot. All three high powered rifle shots are fired within 3 to 3-1/2 seconds, attempting to recall the event might be difficult for some people specially while having to dodge bullets and then recall exactly who was struck by which bullet, also remember afterwards the mind will fill in the blanks, GALYE saw CONNALLY clutching his hat, it may have become clutching his chest and of course there would have been blood. KENNEDY was fatally wounded at frame Z-313 CONNALLY was wounded at frame Z-325 What frame was between Z-313 and Z-325 ? Z-314-Z-324 plus another 2-3 seconds. Frames 314 and 323, 1/2 second timing, same as speed of Zapruder Film
  8. In a press conference in the aftermath of the assassination, Dallas Parkland Hospital’s Dr. Malcolm Perry had referred to “an entrance wound in the neck,” adding “It appeared to be coming at him.” Given that the Texas School Book Depository from which Oswald allegedly fired shots was behind Kennedy, not in front, Perry’s statement presented a dilemma.Mandel’s article offered an answer: “…the 8mm film shows the President turning his body far around to the right as he waves to someone in the crowd. His throat is exposed – toward the sniper’s nest, just before he clutches it.” Combined with the fact that CONNALLY was not wounded until after Z-313 And the in all likely hood GALYE NEWMAN heard the 'firecracker' sound and three rifle shots, she still mistakenly attributed one of these shots to have wounded CONNALLY prior to the fatal head shot. WILLIAM NEWMAN makes the opposite claim that the first and second shots struck JFK. And DAN RATHER dishonorable mention. I am not sure how near to being on the same page we are and I still believe I understood that he still misunderstood the assassination.
  9. Posted by Pat Speer is the following Wiegman quote: "Press car #1 Dave Wiegman, an NBC cameraman, sat on the right side of the front seat, next to Hoefen. (Pictures of the Pain, p.371-372, Trask interview 3-18-89) “We were in a straight away heading down to what I now know as the Book Depository, and I heard the first report and I thought like everybody else that it was a good sized fire cracker—a cherry bomb. Then when I heard the second one, the adrenaline really started pumping because there was a reaction in the motorcade. I was sitting on the edge of the (car door) frame, which I sometimes did. I keenly remember right after the incident that my feet were on the ground during one of the reports. I don’t think I was fast enough to react to the second, but I think on the third one I was running. The car had slowed down enough for me to jump out…I jumped and I remember running and I heard the third shot … I’d done this before in other motorcades because a lot of times the President will stop and do something …The motorcade has stopped, plus you heard a report. I don’t think I thought on the first or second, but when the third one went off, I really thought I felt the compression on my face.” (Interview on the Discovery Channel program Unsolved History, 2004) “I felt the third shot, actually the compression on my face, knew then it was not any cherry bomb. I decided that I’ve gotta run forward. This car’s not going fast enough, so I swung my other leg out and ran very quickly—fast—and I turned on the camera figuring that the camera could see at least what I’m seeing.”" --- You want to know the exact location for Camera Car #1 at the time the first high powered rifle shot occurred, it is possible, also keep in mind the first shot sounded, then about 3 seconds later the second and in quick succession a third. If you watch Wiegman film footage, you will see video proof that CC#1 was turning onto Elm when the first rifle shot occured, same as deduced from witnesses claims. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdRr4KHbhqg Keep in mind that Wiegman jumps out of CC#1 and starts running by the third shot. This is absolute, irrefutable evidence that the first rifle shot occurred at Z-313 and two more followed in quick succession. It also proves that Wiegman as well as almost every witness in DP did not hear the first 'firecracker' like sound that resulted in the injury to KENNEDYs throat. Everyone still with me? Comments would be appreciated. Do not feel confortable to comment on open Forum, private message to me. ALSO worth noting, where would WIEGMAN be running towards...the source of the sounds of rifle fire, where else, look where he goes, he films it just for us...do you see?
  10. Chris, maybe I missed your point, sorry if this is so, I guess I gave up on showing you how the Hughes film actually disproves WC/R theory and decided to prove it in the manner posted. Lets review what the occupants of Camera Car #3 claimed as their location upon hearing the first high powered rifle shots, I will underline credible statements that are backed by most probable location of CC#3 at Z-313. As we made the turn here at the intersection of Elm and Houston I heard first a loud report was approaching the corner of Houston and Elm Streets about in the middle of the block or a little bit north of the center of the block had not approached the corner of Houston and Elm Streets when he heard a noise just a few feet around the corner and it seems we had slowed a great deal I would say, uh, 15 or 20 feet from the turn—from off of Main onto Houston the County Jail entrance when the first shot was fired The other statements are just improbable and appear to be flippant or a later attempt to conform to WC/R fiction when they realized hearing a shot when they were near the jail house entrance was way, way too late and represented a rifle shot occurring at Z-313. So even the occupants of CC#3 support the first rifle shot they heard could only have occurred at Z-313. Does this answer your inquiry? I agree the correlation of Hughes with Zapruder frames is difficult, but is really unnecessary to understand the assassination. Are you comprehending that it would be impossible for CC#3 to be located near the jail house entrance if the first rifle shot occurred prior to say Z-255, Z-190 or Z-166? This is the point I am trying to convey. Occupants in the Mayors vehicle, Press Car and CC#1 corroborate the fact that the first rifle shot heard is at Z-313 and not before. That is the only possible scenario which allows them to be at the locations claimed when they heard the first rifle shot.
  11. Chris, distances traveled is irrelevant concerning the evidence presented. These postings address where vehicles were located according to witness accounts, these posts were not an attempt to correlate Hughes footage with Zapruder footage, this correlation is not necessary to prove the point I had been attempting to make. What is significant is that by using the statements from occupants in Mayors vehicle, National Press vehicle and Camera Car #1 it becomes self evident that witnesses do not detect the first shot until they have turned unto Elm, turning unto Elm and have begun to turn unto Elm, respectively. Anyone can see by Z-255 or Altgens #6, that Mayors vehicle, National Press vehicle and Camera Car #1 are not yet in these locations, nor is the actions prescribed to occupants in the VP and VP-follow-up car yet visible. What it proves beyond any conceivable doubt is that the first shot from a high powered rifle did not occur until Z-313, it should follow that two additional shots then followed. This is an attempt to show the readers, again, graphic proof that the assassination is not what they imagine it to be and that there is actual proof that can be understood to provide the proper perspective to comprehend what took place. You must first realize that what is currently known, does not reflect the reality of the assassination but is built upon myths implanted in our brains by some very deceptive people.
  12. Let us examine CLIFTON CARTERS report a little closer: "The motorcade proceeded west on Main Street, made a righthand turn onto Houston and then swung around to the left on Elm, proceeding slowly at about 5 to 10 miles per hour. At approximately 12:30 p.m., our car had just made the lefthand turn off Houston onto Elm Street and was right along side of the Texas School Book Depository Building when I heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker. Special Agent Youngblood, who was seated on the righthand side of the front seat of Vice President Johnson's car immediately turned and pushed Vice President Johnson down and in the same motion vaulted over the seat and covered the Vice President with his body. At that instant Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough, who were riding in the back seat along with the Vice President, bent forward. Special Agent Youngblood's action came immediately after the first shot and before the succeeding shots." If we use Altgens #6 for photographic evidence to corroborate CLIFTON CARTERS claims we are confronted with the stark reality that none of the action claimed by CARTER can be identified within this photograph, which we are in agreement was exposed about ~Z-255, this photograph should depict actions taking place in the VP car and the VP follow-up car yet there are none discernible, even to the point that there is no awareness that one or two high powered rifle shots had occurred by the lack of reactions on the faces of LADY BIRD and YARBOROUGH. CLIFTON CARTERS report should be disregarded as unreliable.
  13. Chris, which vehicle in the motorcade was GAYLE NEWMAN riding in, I don't remember seeing her on any listing? A diversional response is typical of the Idiocracy that prevents or diminishes serious analysis from moving forward and realizations to blossom. Presented is conclusive proofs that the occupants of the Mayors vehicle, National Press Vehicle, Camera Car #1 and Camera Car #3 were located at positions only possible if the first rifle shot occurred at Z-313. To further substantiate these proofs the occupants of the VP and VP-FU vehicles claims can also be interpreted to reflect being further down Elm at the moment of the first rifle shot, compatible with the shot occurring at Z-313, and not approaching the corner of Elm where the WC/R and conspiracy theories would require them to have been when the first rifle shot supposedly occurred. Emphasis must first be placed on the trends in the data not the exceptions. If you really want to discuss GAYLE NEWMEN I would be glad to debate what her affidavit most probably implies, but we must also include WILLIAM NEWMAN who was standing next to her, who also claimed the very first noise they heard caused KENNEDY to jump in surprise and then the next shot was an explosion that took the back of KENNEDYS head off, which originated from the arcade. The noise occurred as the limo approached and the explosion occurred after the limo passed, humm sounds precisely compatible with the Assassination Four Shot Model. Let us not exclude SSA CLINT HILL, SSA LANDIS and PO MARTIN who claimed SSA CLINT HILL was running to the limo when the second shot occurred or SSA ROBERTS who claimed SSA HILL ran to the limo just as the first or second shots were fired. Then we must include MARY MOORMAN, JEAN HILL, MALCOLM SUMMER and EMMETT HUDSON as well as other witnesses that claimed the first rifle shot caused the fatal head wound, exactly what the occupants in the Mayors vehicle, National Press Vehicle and Camera Car #1 claims support. Almost forgot BREHM who can be seen applauding as the limo passed in front of him, claimed all of the rifle shots occurred in a space of time where the limo only traveled 10-12 feet during the gunfire. But if your concept of the assassination hinges on GAYLE NEWMAN by all means lets discuss GAYLE NEWMAN. We might include DAN RATHERS who apparently was able to detect the forward head snap of KENNEDY only discernible in 1 frame of the Zapruder film but utterly fails to correctly describe KENNEDY being violently driven back and to the left but claimed this reaction was the result of MRS KENNEDY standing up and not the result of the impact of a bullet. Suggest watching videos and tapes on MARY MOORMAN and JEAN HILL to determine what their experiences might have been. Do you have any comments on the data correlated from 27 occupants riding in specific vehicles in the motorcade and their locations when the first rifle shot occurred as interpreted from their claims? Or are you insisting that only the claims of Clifton Carter The motorcade proceeded west on Main Street, made a righthand turn onto Houston and then swung around to the left on Elm, proceeding slowly at about 5 to 10 miles per hour. At approximately 12:30 p.m., our car had just made the lefthand turn off Houston onto Elm Street and was right along side of the Texas School Book Depository Building when I heard a noise which sounded like a firecracker. should seriously be considered because CARTERS claim is the only claim posted that is corroborative with the WC/R theory and all other Conspiracy theories?
  14. Seriously, is this presentation clear enough so that everyone now understands the fraud that has be perpetrated on us to convince us that the last rifle shot was at Z-313, when in reality the first of three rifle shots occurred around Z-313. Comments? Questions? Criticize? Critiques? Or Silence?
  15. Lets take a look at some comments from Camera Car #3 concerning their location when they heard the first shot. Before you analyze the comments contemplate where the Car will advance to by Z-313, my guess is it would be very close to the Z-230 line. Camera Car #3 Condensed, (sorry you will have to dig out the full quotes if interested.) Some quotes maybe from same individual As we made the turn here at the intersection of Elm and Houston I heard first a loud report was approaching the corner of Houston and Elm Streets about in the middle of the block or a little bit north of the center of the block had not approached the corner of Houston and Elm Streets when he heard a noise just a few feet around the corner and it seems we had slowed a great deal I would say, uh, 15 or 20 feet from the turn—from off of Main onto Houston the County Jail entrance when the first shot was fired Analyzed was the locations during the first rifle shot. Do you see now the WC/R and all conspiracy theories no longer can be trusted, that the only model that is known to explain the evidence is the Assassination Four Shot Model.
  16. This may be of interest if you can decipher it What is marked on a previously marked photograph is the locations of various vehicles in the motorcade as seen in the Zapruder film, the lines were obtained when the head of KENNEDY was in the middle of the vehicle that could be seen traveling on Houston. So what is depicted is a result of KENNEDY moving to the right and cars on Houston moving to the left, but it gives you some idea where specific vehicles where are specific instances and some extrapolation is possible to surmise where other vehicles may have been at various times. Note Camera Car #1 position at Z-230, the occupants of that car claimed they were just entering the turn or had just begun to turn unto Elm, this should be evident that the vehicle would progress to the turn by Z-313.
  17. The location of the Vice Presidential Vehicle: we were rounding a curve, going down a hill After we had proceeded a short way down Elm Street We turned off of Houston Street onto Elm Street as the motorcade went down the slope of Elm Street The motorcade then made a left turn The location of the Vice Presidential Follow-up Vehicle: My car had just straightened up from making the left turn Our automobile had just turned a corner As the motorcade was approximately 1/3 of the way to the underpass at this time we were on a slight downhill curve to the right our car had just made the lefthand turn off Houston onto Elm Street and was right along side of the Texas School Book Depository Building It is not a coincidence the descriptions provided for the location of the VP and VP-FU cars at the moment of the first shot also match the first shot coming at Z-313. <except for one claim...hummm?> As I have claimed their goal was not to tell a blatant lie, they twisted the truth as far as possible, at least until it was undecipherable.
  18. MAYORS VEHICLE we were just rounding the corner of Market and Elm, making the left turn, when the first shot rang out. The position of our car was such that when that first shot rang out, my position was such that I did not have to turn to look at the building. I was directly facing it. The car I was driving had just turned onto Elm Street and approximately 30 feet from the intersection when I heard the first shot NATIONAL PRESS POOL CAR I was directly under the window of the SBD when we heard the first noise.” The car In which I rode as a press association reporter was not far from the presidential vehicle Itself, and in clear view of it. We were at the point of coming out of an underpass (TURN) when the first shot was fired had made the turn toward the underpass and we had just completed it when there was a loud report turned left in front of the Texas School Book Depository, the first of these rang out Over to our right loomed the gaunt structure labeled the Texas School Book Depository We had just rounded the corner CAMERA CAR #1 We were making a sweeping curve here on a roadway approaching a freeway when the first shot rang out ...As we turned down this moderate curve here there was a loud shot. We were in a straight away heading down to what I now know as the Book Depository, and I heard the first report and I thought like everybody else that it was a good sized fire cracker It was just as we were making the turn and were going directly at the Depository. Just as we turned, I remember looking at my watch…as I looked at my watch I heard an explosion MAYORS VEHICLE has just completed the turn and is moving down Elm, fits all the descriptions NATIONAL PRESS POOL CAR almost completed turn it is parallel to the TSBD, fits all the descriptions CAMERA CAR #1 just starting the turn onto Elm, fits all the descriptions Why is this...because the first sound that these witnesses hear is the first high powered rifle shot that occurs at Z-313.
  19. Now this map showing very approximate positions of vehicles in the motorcade at Z-313
  20. Here is a modified map showing very approximate positions for vehicles in the motorcade. This is supposed to represent the relative positions of vehicles at Z-190 when KENNEDY is shot in the throat, which descriptions match this scenario?
  21. Anyone see where this is going? Here is diorama of DP at Z-255 or when Altgens takes #6 Do the descriptions match this model ?
  22. Camera Car #1 John Hoefen, an NBC sound technician, sat in the middle of the front seat of the following car, the first of three Chevrolet convertibles reserved for the Press. (11-22-63 phoned-in report broadcast on NBC radio--WBAP in Dallas--at approximately 1:50) "We were just leaving the business district of Dallas when this shooting took place...We were making a sweeping curve here on a roadway approaching a freeway when the first shot rang out (11-22-63 phoned-in report broadcast on NBC television, at approximately 2:00 PM) “We were approaching a drive which would put us on a freeway, where we would then drive to the Trade Mart...As we turned down this moderate curve here there was a loud shot. Dave Wiegman, an NBC cameraman, sat on the right side of the front seat, next to Hoefen. (Pictures of the Pain, p.371-372, Trask interview 3-18-89) “We were in a straight away heading down to what I now know as the Book Depository, and I heard the first report and I thought like everybody else that it was a good sized fire cracker—a cherry bomb. enough, so I swung my other leg out and ran very quickly—fast—and I turned on the camera figuring that the camera could see at least what I’m seeing.” Thomas Craven, a cameraman for CBS News, sat on the left side of the back seat. (Pictures of the Pain p.371, Trask interview 5-23-85) “It was just as we were making the turn. We thought it was a motorcycle backfiring”…Craven believes he heard three shots, but adds,” To tell the truth, I wouldn’t be really positive. I could have sworn they were backfires.” Cleve Ryan, an electrician assigned to the press pool, sat in the middle of the back seat. No comments by Ryan on the shooting have been located. Thomas Atkins, a cameraman working for the White House, sat on the right side of the rear seat. (As quoted in the tabloid Midnight, 3-1-77) “The car I was in had just made the little right turn. I was facing the Texas School Book Depository and Kennedy's car had just made the left turn heading toward the freeway entrance. Although I did not look up at the building, I could hear everything quite clearly. The shots came from below and off to the right side from where I was. (Pictures of the Pain p.371, Trask interview 3-19-86) “we came to the end (of Main Street) and made the right hand turn, and were going directly at the Depository. Just as we turned, I remember looking at my watch…as I looked at my watch I heard an explosion. The thought that ran through my mind, “Oh brother—somebody lit a cherry bomb”… We were making a sweeping curve here on a roadway approaching a freeway when the first shot rang out ...As we turned down this moderate curve here there was a loud shot. We were in a straight away heading down to what I now know as the Book Depository, and I heard the first report and I thought like everybody else that it was a good sized fire cracker It was just as we were making the turn and were going directly at the Depository. Just as we turned, I remember looking at my watch…as I looked at my watch I heard an explosion
  23. National Press Pool Car Malcolm Kilduff interview 1991 – “Just as we turned by the TSBD, so I was directly under the window of the SBD when we heard the first noise.” Merriman Smith, a reporter for UPI, sat next to the driver of the blue Impala. After the shots rang out, he picked up the car phone and called the Dallas UPI bureau. As a result his first reports were on the wire before the president's limo even reached the hospital. (11-14-66 UPI article found in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. This version of the article was published in the 11-20-66 Washington Post as well.) The car In which I rode as a press association reporter was not far from the presidential vehicle Itself, and in clear view of it. We were at the point of coming out of an underpass when the first shot was fired. As we cleared the underpass, then came the second and third shots. There was not the slightest doubt on the front seat of our car that the shots came from a rifle to our rear (and the Book Depository at this point was directly to our rear). {NOTE: exchanging the word ‘turn’ for ‘underpass’ reveals the truth} {using the word ‘underpass’ was conscious contrived disinformation not a stupid mistake} Jack Bell, a reporter for the Associated Press was in the back seat. (11-22-63 eyewitness account written for the Associated Press, found in the 11-22-63 Spokane Spokesman-Review and the 11-23-63 New York Times) "There was a loud bang as though a giant firecracker had exploded in the caverns between the tall buildings we were just leaving behind us. In quick succession there were two other loud reports...The reports sounded like rifle shots. The man in front of me shouted 'My God, they're shooting at the president!' Our driver braked the car sharply and we swung the doors open to leap out. Suddenly the procession, which had halted, shot forward again...As my eye swept the buildings to the right, where the shots--if they really were shots, and it seemed unbelievable--might have come, I saw no significant sign of activity." (11-22-64 AP article found in the Ada Oklahoma Evening News) The President's auto, four cars ahead, already had made the turn toward the underpass and we had just completed it when there was a loud report. My first thought was: Those Texans, now they're shooting off giant firecrackers. Then came two more reports, paced possibly five seconds apart. They had the ominous sound of rifle crack. The President's car had stopped. We reporters riding 'pool' scrambled to get out to run ahead. (4-19-66 Oral History interview performed for the Kennedy Library) "We turned a corner, and there was the Texas Book Depository. Then we turned another corner heading toward an underpass. I thought somebody had set off a cherry bomb. I thought to myself, 'My God, these Texans don't ever know when to quit. (11-23-66 AP article found in the Oil City Pennsylvania Derrick), a presidential press aide and a driver turned left in front of the Texas School Book Depository, the first of these rang out. The sound came from above and to our right. cadenced quick fire of an experienced rifleman squeezing off a shot, re-loading by bolt action, firing again and a third time..." Robert Baskin, a reporter for the Dallas Morning News, was also in the back seat. Over to our right loomed the gaunt structure labeled the Texas School Book Depository. It was 12:30 p.m. The sharp crack of a rifle rang out. But at that moment we couldn't believe it was just that. (11-19-78 Dallas Morning News article on the 15th anniversary, based in part on a previously unpublished Baskin account from 1963) "We turned off Main Street and onto Houston for the last leg of the motorcade route to the Trade Mart at almost 12:30. We saw the President's car make the turn onto Elm in front of the Texas School Book Depository, gaining a bit of speed. The press car was halfway down the block before the left turn when the first shots rang out. "What the hell was that?" one of us asked. The motorcade kept moving and we had just turned the corner for the approach to the triple underpass some four seconds later when a second and then a third shot were heard. We came to a halt. Ahead we could see considerable movement around the President's car but couldn't make out what it was all about." Bob Clark, a reporter for ABC News, was in the back seat as well. (Phoned-in recap, broadcast around 2:10 PM, 11-22-63) "We had just rounded the corner at the fringe of the business district when three shots suddenly rang out. (6-3-96 interview on C-Span) "When Oswald fired the shots, I was in the pool car, about the sixth car back from the President, about maybe 250 or 300 feet behind the President. But our car was just making the turn underneath the window where Oswald was firing. (11-20-03 article on Gwhatchet.com reporting on a meeting of the National Press Club) "'Right as we turned in front of the Texas School Book Depository I heard three extremely loud and clear shots,' Condensed I was directly under the window of the SBD when we heard the first noise.” The car In which I rode as a press association reporter was not far from the presidential vehicle Itself, and in clear view of it. We were at the point of coming out of an underpass (TURN) when the first shot was fired had made the turn toward the underpass and we had just completed it when there was a loud report turned left in front of the Texas School Book Depository, the first of these rang out Over to our right loomed the gaunt structure labeled the Texas School Book Depository We had just rounded the corner
  24. Let us now consider other vehicles in the motorcade After the VP-FU came the mayors car carrying CABELL Mr. CABELL - Well, we were just rounding the corner of Market and Elm, making the left turn, when the first shot rang out. Mrs. CABELL. As my husband has told you, he had his back to the School Depository Building. He was looking back talking to us. Congressman Roberts was sitting just as this lady is now, and turned the same way. I was turned facing him. We were looking directly at each other, The position of our car was such that when that first shot rang out, my position was such that I did not have to turn to look at the building. I was directly facing it. Mr. HUBERT. In other words, your car was still really on Houston? Mrs. CABELL. No; we were making the turn. Mr. HUBERT. Just on the turn? Mrs. CABELL. Just on the turn, which put us at the top of the hill, you see. Mr. HUBERT. Since you were actually turned toward Representative Roberts on your right? Mrs. CABELL. Yes. Mr. HUBERT. Actually, you were facing---- Mrs. CABELL. The building. Mr. HUBERT. The Texas Depository Building? Mrs. CABELL. I was actually facing it Ray Roberts - Congressman – no statement MILTON T. WRIGHT, TEXAS HIGINAY PATROLMAN, MADE ON NOVEMBER 28, 1963. The car I was driving had just turned onto Elm Street and approximately 30 feet from the intersection when I heard the first shot. condensed we were just rounding the corner of Market and Elm, making the left turn, when the first shot rang out. The position of our car was such that when that first shot rang out, my position was such that I did not have to turn to look at the building. I was directly facing it. The car I was driving had just turned onto Elm Street and approximately 30 feet from the intersection when I heard the first shot.
  25. Take a good look at this photo one more time, this was taken at ~Z-255.
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