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Terry Mauro

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Posts posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Anti-Drug Chief Ivanov: Russia Faces Dope "Apocalypse"

    December 2, 2010 • 9:24AM

    Addressing a conference in Khanty-Mansiysk, western Siberia, Russian Federal Narcotics Control Service chief Victor Ivanov yesterday characterized the drug addiction and death situation in the country as "an apocalypse." Ivanov said he had reached this conclusion after reviewing the latest statistics on deaths from narcotics use. Whereas his agency previously had estimated the annual drug death rate in Russia at 30,000 people, Ivanov said he is forced to conclude that over 100,000 Russians under the age of 30 are dying from drug use each year.

    The biggest killer, Ivanov confirmed, is Afghan heroin, followed by dextromethorphan derivatives of over-the-counter medications. There are heroin addiction hot spots throughout the industrial heartland of Russia in western Siberia and the Ural Mountains region.

    Ivanov called for convening a special session of the State Council, with the participation of Russian regions, on reducing narcotics demand. He said that Russia has at least 2.5 million full-fledged drug addicts, the majority of them addicted to heroin, with another 3 million people regularly using other drugs, including 500,000 people who are on synthetic narcotics imported from Europe.

    Yevgeni Royzman, head of the Drug-free City campaign, also spoke at the event, summarizing the situation as a "narco-catastrophe." He said, "We rank first in the world for heroin consumption, first in the drug addiction rate, and, accordingly, first in drug-related mortality among youth. This is why the country is now experiencing a narco-catastrophe, and any measures that will help our country get out of this situation will be good." Royzman called for emergency institution of visa procedures for travel to Russia from Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as life terms in prison for drug dealers and mandatory treatment for drug addicts.

  2. If the Inter Alpha Group is not already bankrupt there would be no need to sacrifice the Irish population to brutal austerity.

    Thousands Protest Against Irish Bailout

    Henry McDonald - Dublin

    More than 100,000 Irish citizens took to the streets of Dublin today to protest against the international bailout and four years of austerity.


    PS- 100,000 Irish citizens, not bad for a country of less than 5 million.

  3. The great man speaks.

    Tell you whst Terry, if old Lydon is correct, Santander will be a bust flush within a twelve month. If that happens I'll pay a Hundred pounds into any charity of your choise, if not, you do the same. I'll keep this one bookmarked.


    Are we take it based on this post that you've accepted Steve's proposal? If so you have less than 3 months for Santander to go bust. But then again anyone who's been here long enough knows you don't pay your bets even when you have overtly made them.

    I wouldnt worry about any bet, the entire system is bankrupt.

  4. Your attitude toward music and sports is an opinion, not a "truth." Thanks for illustrating my points about the dumbing down effects of rigid ideologies

    The statement above proves conclusively you don't believe in truth and furthermore you don't believe that people can know truth.

    The above statement proves conclusively that you can't tell the difference between your own biases and objective truth.

    You hate rock music and you hate pro sports and you pretend that this hatred constitutes some kind of knowable "truth".

    Rigid ideology dumbs people down more than anything, clearly.

    This is behind your meaningless "rigid ideology" statement. Besides I made no general comment about sports and music.

    Sure you have. In the past you've knocked rock music and now you hypocritically knock professional sports.

    Just because these diversions are not of your taste you think you can frame your own bias as some sort of "truth."

    Swing and a miss.

    What I stated was "professional sports and entertainment" are owned by organized crime networks.

    And when you fill your gas tank you give profits to organized crime networks.

    Lecture me when you have a leg to stand on, Terry. Your prejudices are not any kind of "truth."

    They use these franchise to launder drug money, but more importantly they use these spectacles to dumb down the population and to bestialize them.

    Many millions of people enjoy these events without incident, and you are going to cherry pick YouTube for isolated incidences?


    You on the other hand prefer the old excuse "the devil made me do it". According to you society cannot impose on your pleasures.

    Your non sequiturs are showing, Terry.

    You haven't answered my question: what is it about people having fun that you hate so much?

    When I fill my gas tank up I give money to organized crime networks? You're absolutely daffy. I assume you're refering to the oil cartels?

    The development of higher forms of energy has helped mankind to develop a modern economy. Where would you be without fossil fuel energy? You'd be strumming a tree branch.

    Many millions of people enjoy these events without incident, and you are going to cherry pick YouTube for isolated incidences?

    This is identical to the drug legalization argument. Classic. It's exactly as I stated "the devil made me do it". You cannot have society impose it's will and take away my pleasures.

    And here is the same argument once again.

    Just because these diversions are not of your taste you think you can frame your own bias as some sort of "truth."

    See with you Cliff there is no truth, just "tastes" and everyone should be allowed to have their pleasures respected. Occam'sRazor at work.

  5. Your attitude toward music and sports is an opinion, not a "truth." Thanks for illustrating my points about the dumbing down effects of rigid ideologies

    The statement above proves conclusively you don't believe in truth and furthermore you don't believe that people can know truth.

    The above statement proves conclusively that you can't tell the difference between your own biases and objective truth.

    You hate rock music and you hate pro sports and you pretend that this hatred constitutes some kind of knowable "truth".

    Rigid ideology dumbs people down more than anything, clearly.

    This is behind your meaningless "rigid ideology" statement. Besides I made no general comment about sports and music.

    Sure you have. In the past you've knocked rock music and now you hypocritically knock professional sports.

    Just because these diversions are not of your taste you think you can frame your own bias as some sort of "truth."

    Swing and a miss.

    What I stated was "professional sports and entertainment" are owned by organized crime networks.

    And when you fill your gas tank you give profits to organized crime networks.

    Lecture me when you have a leg to stand on, Terry. Your prejudices are not any kind of "truth."

    They use these franchise to launder drug money, but more importantly they use these spectacles to dumb down the population and to bestialize them.

    Many millions of people enjoy these events without incident, and you are going to cherry pick YouTube for isolated incidences?


    You on the other hand prefer the old excuse "the devil made me do it". According to you society cannot impose on your pleasures.

    Your non sequiturs are showing, Terry.

    You haven't answered my question: what is it about people having fun that you hate so much?

    Are you having "fun" in a jobless and dead society? Yeah, just turn the volume up, right?

  6. Dean,

    Never mind that professional sports are the personal playground of organized crime. Even the notorious Lurie family and the Giants.

    Lurie sold the team 18 years ago. I guess you missed it.

    And let's not forget the "Jacobs" family mob and Emprise "aka" Delaware North Companies have secured the majority of concession contracts at MLB and NFL games to help them launder dirty money.

    Given the level of corruption among global corporate elites you'd have to live like the Amish not to engage the filthy bastards one way or another.

    Do you drive a car, Terry? Watch TV? Eat foods produced by major corporations?

    Do people who don't live according to your puritanical standards offend you?

    Who needs to get Havana back in the fold?

    In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end.

    Between all the hot money in major league sports they don't need Cuba.

    You don't understand the heroin market and its importance to the elites. Not only is it a source of untraceable black money but it is a means to cull the human herd. The Jupiter Island Gang of blue-blood elites (Rockefeller/Harriman/Bush) have always been big on eugenics, which is one reason they financed the Nazis in the 20s, 30s and early 40s. After WW2 they moved heroin into black communities, a pattern repeated in the 80's with cocaine.

    This is a holocaust by another means, and the prime motivation for wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

    All they need are "fans" who never ask any questions as long as they're being entertained by "my team".

    Unless you live on a self-sustaining farm and never consume petroleum products your self-righteousness is misplaced.

    Heaven forbid anyone should have fun in their lives!

    Go Giants.

    Let's not forget the SON of JFK Assassination sponsor Clint Murchison, Sr. was one of the owners of the Dallas Cowboys ... and the SONS of JFK assassation sponsor HL Hunt were the founders of the American football league.

    Constance Kritberg (and myself) believe that Clint Murchison, Sr. was one of the elite sponsors of the JFK assassination.

    I think the connection to football is just a coincidence ... that is what rich people do with their money: buy sports franchises.

    No, they manipulate the population into loving the fact they're slaves. In return for revoking their citizenship they give them "entertainment and pleasure".

    What did the Roman ruling elite call it "Bread and circus"?

  7. Your attitude toward music and sports is an opinion, not a "truth." Thanks for illustrating my points about the dumbing down effects of rigid ideologies

    The statement above proves conclusively you don't believe in truth and furthermore you don't believe that people can know truth. This is behind your meaningless "rigid ideology" statement. Besides I made no general comment about sports and music. What I stated was "professional sports and entertainment" are owned by organized crime networks. They use these franchise to launder drug money, but more importantly they use these spectacles to dumb down the population and to bestialize them.

    You on the other hand prefer the old excuse "the devil made me do it". According to you society cannot impose on your pleasures.

  8. Exactly what did I write that wasnt true? That it offends you is not the issue.

    Your rebuttal is straight out of the "devil made me do it" hand book. :D

    Now you're comparing food production, transportation, and energy to hollywood "entertainment "? You tie them together with your "global elite" BS. Food, energy, and transportation systems are instrumental to sustain life or to improve life. Entertainment? What, watching a bunch of guys grunt and snort and beat their chest is that what you call "entertainment"?

    Yes Terry, entertainment is important to help sustain and improve life.

    You cannot name a human culture that doesn't produce entertainment.

    The day you no longer indulge in the products of the corporate elite is the day you can lecture others.

    And the following is total fantasy. Another indication that you prefer being entertained.

    In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end.

    Episode #33 from "As the Conspiracy Turns".

    For your information chum Fidel Castro for years provided a safe haven in Cuba for Lansky successor, the notorious fugitive Robert Vesco. For years that old Synarchist Fidel Castro has been a major player in international drug trafficking.

    That depends on how you define "major."

    Havana ceased being THE hub of international narcotics trafficking the day Castro marched into Havana. Meyer Lansky had to move his operations to the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic and Haiti became FAR GREATER hubs of drug trafficking than Cuba under Fidel.

    Furthermore narcotic trafficking and money laundering has never been bigger, which was the point of my post to Dean.

    And Cuba is a bit player in that, Terry. Which is my point.

    All pro sports teams are owned by organized crime. They help dumb down the population while spreading vice like gambling, drugs and other pyschosis.

    And that's entertainment!

    Nothing dumbs a person down more than identifying with a rigid, self-righteous ideology.

    At least I don't take my Giants team anywhere near as seriously as you take Team LaRouche.

    Rigid self righteous ideology? Translation, "a person who asserts there is a knowable truth".

    You never answered "what did I write that wasnt true"?

    And now I have to stop eating, heating/cooling my home, walking to work? You're just slightly daffy. I thought this nonsense went out with Jimmy Carter? I would dare say that shutting down the NFL, MLB etc. and the criminal apparatus behind them would not cause loss of life. In fact every human mind in this country would experience immediate improvement.

    Cut out food production, industry, infrastructure and you'll get what is happening in Haiti right now. Genocide.

    The Roman Empire produced "entertainment" and look what happened :D That's the kind of entertainment we are producing.

  9. Dean,

    Never mind that professional sports are the personal playground of organized crime. Even the notorious Lurie family and the Giants.

    Lurie sold the team 18 years ago. I guess you missed it.

    And let's not forget the "Jacobs" family mob and Emprise "aka" Delaware North Companies have secured the majority of concession contracts at MLB and NFL games to help them launder dirty money.

    Given the level of corruption among global corporate elites you'd have to live like the Amish not to engage the filthy bastards one way or another.

    Do you drive a car, Terry? Watch TV? Eat foods produced by major corporations?

    Do people who don't live according to your puritanical standards offend you?

    Who needs to get Havana back in the fold?

    In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end.

    Between all the hot money in major league sports they don't need Cuba.

    You don't understand the heroin market and its importance to the elites. Not only is it a source of untraceable black money but it is a means to cull the human herd. The Jupiter Island Gang of blue-blood elites (Rockefeller/Harriman/Bush) have always been big on eugenics, which is one reason they financed the Nazis in the 20s, 30s and early 40s. After WW2 they moved heroin into black communities, a pattern repeated in the 80's with cocaine.

    This is a holocaust by another means, and the prime motivation for wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

    All they need are "fans" who never ask any questions as long as they're being entertained by "my team".

    Unless you live on a self-sustaining farm and never consume petroleum products your self-righteousness is misplaced.

    Heaven forbid anyone should have fun in their lives!

    Go Giants.

    Exactly what did I write that wasnt true? That it offends you is not the issue.

    Your rebuttal is straight out of the "devil made me do it" hand book. :D

    Now you're comparing food production, transportation, and energy to hollywood "entertainment "? You tie them together with your "global elite" BS. Food, energy, and transportation systems are instrumental to sustain life or to improve life. Entertainment? What, watching a bunch of guys grunt and snort and beat their chest is that what you call "entertainment"?

    And I fail to see why the sale date of the SF Giants has anything to do with it. The grandson of late Max Fisher of the notorious Purple Gang is the latest owner of the Miami Dolphins. "Go Dolphins"!!!! So what is your point?

    And the following is total fantasy. Another indication that you prefer being entertained.

    In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end.

    Episode #33 from "As the Conspiracy Turns".

    For your information chum Fidel Castro for years provided a safe haven in Cuba for Lansky successor, the notorious fugitive Robert Vesco. For years that old Synarchist Fidel Castro has been a major player in international drug trafficking. Furthermore narcotic trafficking and money laundering has never been bigger, which was the point of my post to Dean.

    All pro sports teams are owned by organized crime. They help dumb down the population while spreading vice like gambling, drugs and other pyschosis.

    And that's entertainment!

  10. Dean,

    Never mind that professional sports are the personal playground of organized crime. Even the notorious Lurie family and the Giants. And let's not forget the "Jacobs" family mob and Emprise "aka" Delaware North Companies have secured the majority of concession contracts at MLB and NFL games to help them launder dirty money.

    Who needs to get Havana back in the fold? Between all the hot money in major league sports they don't need Cuba. All they need are "fans" who never ask any questions as long as they're being entertained by "my team".

    But what you're watching when you watch these games is "organized crime". It doesnt matter be it the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or the PGA Tour it's all there to dumb down the population while laundering multi millions in drug proceeds.

    Remember Meyer Lansky's INTERTEL? Their first client was the NFL. They are still the NFL's private security firm. The next time you read about an NFL star getting busted for drugs just think of INTERTEL.


    Ed Levinson, "owner" of the Fremont, also had ties with the Chicago

    mob family: "In 1962 Bobby Baker had had established the

    Serve-U-Corporation with his friend, Fred Black, and mobsters Ed

    Levenson and Benny Sigelbaum. The company was to provide vending

    machines for companies working on federally granted programs. The

    machines were manufactured by a company secretly owned by Sam Giancana

    and other mobsters based in Chicago." From Nonmenclature of an

    Assassination Cabal]

    ["Baker called Intercontinental's chairman and arranged an appointment

    to see him, but on the day of the appointment, Baker showed up with

    mobster Ed Levison, brother to the infamous Louis "Sleep-Out Louie"

    Levenson, who was the original manager of Meyer Lansky's casino, the

    Havana Riviera in Cuba, and was now running the Fremont in Las Vegas

    which was secretly owned by Tony Accardo, Sam Giancana and Paul Ricca.

    It was also at Accardo's request that Levenson managed to get then

    Senator Lyndon Johnson and Baker as his first official guests at the

    opening of the Stardust casino back in 1955." John William Tuohy 2002]

    It was the ties with the Chicago mob that secured Levinson's contract

    for the Fremont Hotel, a property that Benny Binion was planning to

    develop. The loan was channeled through a legitimate backer, Lou Lurie,

    to mask the hidden mob involvement. Binion had offered Jack Dragna (LA

    mob representative) 25 points in the Fremont in exchange for putting a

    hit on Russain Louie, who was blackmailing Binion. After the hit,

    Dragna settled with Binion for a reported sum of $200,000 but did not

    tell Jimmy Fratianno who made the hit on Russian Louie. Here's the

    account From The Last Mafioso:

    [benny Binion promised LA mobster Jack Dragna at 25% interest in the

    proposed Fremont Hotel in exchange for killing Russian Louie, a card

    cheat that was blackmailing Binion.

    Jimmy Fratianno later went to Binion to collect. "You know I'm the guy

    that did the xxxxing job on Russian Louie, don't you?"

    "Yes, I know it," replied Binion.

    "So how come I don't get no money?"

    "How much do you need?"

    "I want sixty thousand."

    "You've got it Jimmy," said Binion. "Give me a couple days to get it


    "That's number one. Number two, we was supposed to get twenty-five

    percent of that Fremont joint. What happened to that deal?"

    "Jimmy don't you know what happened? Jack (Dragna) wanted cash instead

  11. http://www.whowhatwhy.com/the-game-that-goes-on-and-on.html see page 1 page 2 page 3 Skull and Bones is a British front.

    The staff director for Obamas Economic Advisory Board, who also serves as a member of the presidents powerful Council of Economic Advisers, is Austan Goolsbee, who along with Donaldson and Bush shared membership in the exclusive Yale secret society, Skull and Bones. Goolsbee has pretty much stayed out of the news, except for a brief scandal during the 2008 campaign when a Canadian government internal memo characterized Goolsbee as reassuring our Northern neighbors that Obamas anti-NAFTA rhetoric was just that, political positioning that did not reflect the candidates real position on globalization. ************************************************************************* weaken USA ************************ *********************************

    Searching for help half a world away, President Barack Obama on Saturday embraced India as the next jobs-creating giant for hurting Americans, not a cheap-labor rival that outsources opportunity from the United States.

    ... Obama directly addressed the belief in the U.S. that India is robbing Americans of jobs. He acknowledged that many Americans only know trade and global commerce as the source of a job shipped overseas.

    "There still exists a caricature of India as a land of call centers and back offices that cost American jobs. That's a real perception," Obama said. He noted the real concern in India that American corporate giants, if welcomed, would run mom-and-pop stories out of business and upend Indian culture.

    Seeking to dismiss all "old stereotypes," Obama said the relationship between the countries is "creating jobs, growth, and higher living standards in both our countries. And that is the truth."

    Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/1...

    ************* Steve say ++ Obama is totally full of it IMHO sg


    Watch Jeff Steinberg give an overview of the British Empire. This was 1997


    Part 5 and 6 touch on the creation of the "counter culture", or the attack on the "baby boomers" who were turned away from the cultural outlook provided by Kennedy to the degenerate "sex, rock, drug" culture provided by his British murderers.


  12. I'd rather listen to LBJ speak than take the word of Madeline Brown.

    Here is the LBJ interview with Walter Cronkite in 1969. Cronkite asks the former President if he is satisfied there was no conspiracy in the murder of JFK.

    Later in 1973 right before his death LBJ made another provocative public statement regarding the JFK assassination. He reportedly said when asked about the JFK murder

    "We were running a damn Murder Inc. in the carribean". Might the former President be refering to "Permindex"? Permindex was identified by French intelligence as being behind the assassination attempts against Charles De Gualle. Permindex was also fingered as being responsible for the murder of Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei.

    Clay Shaw arrested by New Orleans DA Jim Garrison and charged with conspiracy in the JFK case was a director of Permindex.

  13. November 4th 2010

    Port-Au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- A cholera outbreak in Haiti continues to spread to previously unaffected areas in rural communities, killing 442 people and hospitalizing 6,742 others, the Pan American Health Organization said Wednesday.


    An American solution to the crisis in Haiti was proposed by Lyndon LaRouche back on February 24th 2010. The cholera outbreak was perfectly predictable even as far back as February 2010.

    President Obama acting like GW Bush during the crisis in New Orleans would prefer to watch Haitians perish. Welcome to the new dark age.


    What this indicates, that the President is very close to a

    total breakdown, a total mental breakdown, and he's so close,

    that we have to say, between now, Wednesday, and next Tuesday,

    when the election, or will be completed, actually, on the

    following day, on Wednesday, that during this period, we're at a

    time, where the rate of degeneration of this President's mental

    condition, is so rapid, and accelerating at such a rate, that we

    don't know he's going to make it, to the Tuesday election. Which

    means that, the Vice President, has now got to do some very

    serious rethinking, of his resistance to the 25th Amendment,

    section 4, option.

    This guy is, obviously, on the verge of a total nervous


    Obama makes a dumb joke and from this the octogenarian crank concludes Obama is "obviously, on the verge of a total nervous breakdown"!? Sounds like a case of projection. I imagine this is one of the 'predictions' his followers will conveniently forget when they go on about his abilities to predict the future.

    LaRouche made this assessment based on a dumb joke? Read closer "Stinker", that was hardly what LaRouche said. As far as predictions I recall our debate over derivatives, where you took the same uninformed position and sure enough the whole shebang came apart right on schedule.

    And look the "Stinker" and Healy both have the same capacity to "block" out the truth. The "debunker" and the "truther" are not so different after all.

  15. JOHN HOEFLE: Welcome to the LaRouche PAC Weekly Report.

    Today is Oct. 27, 2010. I'm John Hoefle, and with me today in

    the studio are Jeff Steinberg and Lyndon LaRouche.

    So, Lyn, there's some interesting developments in the White

    House, among other things.

    LYNDON LAROUCHE: It's quite a serious one, which has cited

    some humorous comment over the waves, over the night. The thing

    is, I think most people know about it, but, the President of the

    United States, in a fairly ominous action -- of a different kind

    of ominous action, was attending a Rhode Island event which was

    sponsored to fund him and his campaigns, at $7,500 a clip for

    about 50 guests. And before the meal was served, the President

    got up, and announced he had to leave. He had to go home to put

    his children to bed, and poop the dog, or scoop the pooper of the

    dog. [laughter] Now, this has caused great amusement, but also,

    it causes great concern, which has a double side to it: The

    concern, on the one hand, is bad, but the implication may be


    What this indicates, that the President is very close to a

    total breakdown, a total mental breakdown, and he's so close,

    that we have to say, between now, Wednesday, and next Tuesday,

    when the election, or will be completed, actually, on the

    following day, on Wednesday, that during this period, we're at a

    time, where the rate of degeneration of this President's mental

    condition, is so rapid, and accelerating at such a rate, that we

    don't know he's going to make it, to the Tuesday election. Which

    means that, the Vice President, has now got to do some very

    serious rethinking, of his resistance to the 25th Amendment,

    section 4, option.

    This guy is, obviously, on the verge of a total nervous

    breakdown. So, we have a Woodrow Wilson case, of a different

    flavor, now, in the White House. And there are all kinds of

    things on the horizon, which shudder with the implications of

    this from various parts of the country.

    Now, the other side is, it's hopeful in the sense, that he's

    at the point, where people have to recognize, we have a worse

    than Woodrow Wilson case, in which the President's wife is not

    able to perform the kind of soothing function, which Woodrow

    Wilson's wife performed for him, in his moment of last extremity.

    So, that, we're going to be faced with the fact, where it becomes

    absolutely necessary, to immediately take the required action.

    Which means that the Congress will have to be called back into

    session, very soon, probably by Monday, at the way things are

    going. I can not predict exactly when, but we have to think in

    certain terms of reference. That the mental state of the

    President, as I first defined it on April 11th, 2009, has

    consistently followed the trend, which I have recognized since

    that time, and it's now come to the breaking point. What he did,

    last night, in Rhode Island, that walkout, shows a complete

    breakdown, in process. And this means, that it's not something

    that threatens down the line, a few weeks or so: It's now. This

    President is no longer competent to be President.

    And we have the worst world crisis, in terms of economy,

    that has ever existed in modern civilization, which is

    planet-wide. And the President of the United States is crucial,

    because if the United States goes under, the entire world will

    immediately go under in chain-reaction fashion. If the United

    States goes under, the British system, the Western and Central

    European system will go, the Russian system will go; and then

    later, China, India, and so forth in that part of the world. And

    of course, China and India, and so forth, can not sustain world

    stability, when the whole system has gone into something worse,

    on a global scale, than Weimar 1923 hyperinflation. That's where

    we're at that point, the equivalent of that point, but on a

    global scale, with none of the constraints that operated in terms

    1923. This is {far worse} than 1923 Germany, on a world scale,

    because there's no stopping points.

    And many people who are leading people, economists and so

    forth, have gone gutless on me on this one: They're so

    frightened, probably by threats among other things, from the

    Presidency, because the threats are really out there -- this is

    wild, and the President is now insane! I can say, assuredly,

    now, with this behavior, which I've been diagnosing, accurately,

    since the 11th of April last year, this man is now gone

    completely bonkers!

    And you have the United States is keystone, in terms of the

    situation of the world as a whole, because if the United States

    goes, you have a chain reaction, which will wipe out this whole

    Inter-Alpha, among other things. It can not withstand this,

    because the effects are real. And people who think like the

    British, don't think in terms of real things. Sometimes they do,

    when they're getting nasty, and pulling dirty tricks on people.

    When it comes to this kind of reality, they're not really sane,

    because they're trapped in their own ideology. Usually the

    British are able to escape from their own ideology, and play

    dirty tricks, behind the screen of an ideology. But this one,

    they can't do. Because the whole world's going under.

    What we have is the situation currently, which is, the

    United States and other nations are already hopelessly bankrupt:

    That is to say, that to the degree that we are able, in a

    diminishing degree, to maintain the absolute necessities of human

    life, for a growing portion of our own population, and we have a

    similar situation in Europe, it's spreading around the world, you

    are already using up past resources. We are not supporting the

    world economy on the basis of presently produced resources!

    We're managing to struggle along, with a diminishing larder, a

    rapidly diminishing larger.

    So, at this point, if we lose the continuity, of a

    reversible policy, in the United States, then the United States

    goes under. And if the United States goes under, despite {all}

    the dream world from Europe and so forth, the world goes under,

    too. It's the end of civilization.

    Therefore, since we need a President, a real President -- it

    can even be the current Vice President; it would be suitable for

    this purpose, as a member of a team, a team of people who are

    going to work together, then we could make the necessary

    decisions. Because we could take the actions, which are, first,

    Glass-Steagall, and then, going immediately for a negotiation of

    an international fixed-exchange-rate system. Because the only

    way you can save the world, is, by now, quickly introducing, a

    global fixed-exchange-rate system. But to do that, first, you've

    got to put a Glass-Steagall law, quickly, through in the United

    States. And I would say, that we would push -- if I were

    President -- I would say we're going to push it for this coming

    week: both actions.

    And I think we could get it through, because the world now

    knows -- Western Europe, it's a hopeless situation. Absolutely

    hopeless. They may pretend otherwise, but it's hopeless. Russia

    has got itself into a hopeless situation, because Russian policy

    is now enslaved, to the pirates of the Caribbean, who are all

    these funny places like these islands out there, "Pidgeonhole

    Bank," and is running this thing in Russia or so forth. You have

    it both in the Antilles and so forth.


    LAROUCHE: Exactly, exactly. If you don't Russian, you

    can't get admission.

    STEINBERG: Exactly! You can't get a cup of coffee in

    Antigua --

    LAROUCHE: If you don't speak Russian?

    STEINBERG: Right! [laughter]

    LAROUCHE: So, they're in that kind of situation. So, we

    have to do that.

    Now, the measures we have to take, are fairly simple in

    terms of definition. Glass-Steagall, Franklin Roosevelt's

    Glass-Steagall law, that's clear. It's a known entity, it worked

    when it was in effect, it'll work now. But without

    Glass-Steagall, we can not get out from under this big bubble.

    We've got to get out from under the bubbles. And the only way

    you can do it, is Glass-Steagall. But, then, you turn around,

    you have to look at the world situation, because the whole world

    is about to go into a chain-reaction collapse. Therefore, you

    have to immediately stop this loose money, and the only way to

    do, that is with a fixed-exchange-rate system. Which means, that

    other nations will have to do the equivalent of a Glass-Steagall

    reform of their own system.

    Now, this will mean, it will break up the whole euro system.

    It means destroying the euro system. But the euro system itself

    is inclined to destroy itself.

    HOEFLE: It's doing a good job of it.

    LAROUCHE: Right, exactly. So therefore, the Europeans have

    no option for survival, without getting out of the euro system.

    They just have to vote to agree, to cancel the whole system! The

    agreement is cancelled. Then Germany and other countries can

    begin to organize their survival, particularly if we have a

    fixed-exchange-rate system internationally.

    Now, solves the problem of China, China's relationship to

    the United States, a fixed-exchange-rate system, will solve the

    problem. The reason we have a problem, is because the United

    States refuses to accepted a fixed-exchange- rate system. If we

    have a fixed-exchange-rate agreement with China, that solves that

    problem. It doesn't solve Wall Street's problem, but that's

    simple: We eliminate Wall Street. [Hoefle chuckles]

    These are the kinds of remedial measures which must be taken

    immediately if we're going to save civilization. It's no longer

    a matter of a bankrupt nation, or this kind of crisis, or the

    other. We're now at a point, that very dramatic actions of the

    type that Franklin Roosevelt had in mind, this temperament of

    Franklin Roosevelt, going into the Presidency in 1933, {that's}

    what you need. That's where you're at, now. If you're not

    willing to think that way, you're not fit to govern the United

    States. And all we have to do, is have the sitting Vice

    President, decide he's going to act like a President. And I

    think if we can get these conditions through, that he will be

    content to be President. I don't think he would like to be

    President under the present conditions. I think he'd rather have

    the other guy take the brunt on this one.

    STEINBERG: Right.

    LAROUCHE: But I think that his long-standing desire to be

    President, could be realized now, to the advantage of the country

    and the world. Because, all he has to do, is do a few fairly

    simple things, which assure him, that his Presidency will be, for

    the next two years, a successful one. I think he'll take it! If

    he's convinced that that's the deal. And that would make a very

    simple remedy, for a lot of problems. Because the current

    President is clinically insane. I can say that: I'm an expert in

    this area. I've established my expertise. I've been right on

    this guy, all the way through, and I can tell you exactly what's

    going on inside him, his head. You do want to know about it.


    STEINBERG: You actually had, the other day, the latest

    installment of these "Ulsterman" reports from insiders in and

    around the White House, an incident a few days ago, very similar

    to what was described in Rhode Island, on "Off the Cuff" this

    morning, and in the news, namely that there was a full-dress

    National Security Council meeting scheduled last week, to begin

    the process of reviewing what's going on in Afghanistan. There

    were 22 people in the room, it was scheduled for a certain time:

    Obama breezed in, 10-15 minutes late, giggling with some aides,

    sat down, completely disinterested; after about 10 minutes,

    without even taking notes, got up and left, and designated some

    staff people to handle the rest of the meeting, and walked out.

    There were people from the Joint Chiefs of Staff there, and

    similar reaction: You're dealing with somebody who's clearly

    going through a psychological meltdown.

    And, as you know, Lyn, we heard some reports from some

    leading Democrats yesterday, that there's a panic over the idea,

    that after Tuesday's election results, we're going to go into a

    situation of ungovernability. And you had a very simple answer

    to that, you said, "Get Obama out of there, and we've got all the

    conditions at hand to be able to govern, through this crisis."

    LAROUCHE: We have, we have. But the key thing, I understand

    he was giggling on the way out!

    STEINBERG: Yes, exactly.

    LAROUCHE: As well, as on the way in.

    STEINBERG: Exactly, yeah.

    LAROUCHE: Well, this guy is really cracked up. We have

    full evidence, as much as you get from the outside, that {this

    guy is a gone bunny.} He's got to be removed from the White

    House now. This means that the Vice President must get a

    majority among the members of the cabinet, he must take the

    action, and he must initiate, with their backing, a call for

    recalling the members of Congress, back to the Congress for an

    emergency session, to consider action under section 4 of the 25th


    Get the guy out! Let the Vice President take over,

    preferably {before} the election on Tuesday, preferably before

    then! I would say, my agenda would be, to have, by the weekend,

    is to have -- he, the Vice President, and a majority of the

    cabinet, agreement that this is necessary, by confronting them

    with the full evidence of what the problem is here. And this

    Rhode Island event is drawing the last straw. This is a total

    gone! He's gone!

    And therefore, we can -- then, the Vice President can call

    in, the members of Congress under the provision of the 25th

    Amendment, and they can be faced with making the decision. Now,

    if we can get them in, on Monday, they're under the hammer.

    Because the vote is going to be -- now, there's of course, early

    elections in many parts of the country, but the hammer is on

    them, on Tuesday, in the Tuesday voting. And under those

    conditions, every member of Congress, his chances of being

    re-elected, depends on the way he votes on this question of the

    25th Amendment! And also, which means, they have to jam in, on

    the fixed-exchange-rate system, but on the first Glass-Steagall

    Act. Glass-Steagall is ready to go immediately. Go with that.

    Go with that on Monday! If you go with that Monday, then fight

    out with the world getting a fixed-exchange-rate system, then by

    Tuesday, or Wednesday morning, you may have a go situation for

    recovery of the planet, with other measures taken.

    But right now, as long as this poor nut, this guy who's

    obviously clinically insane, remains President, there's no chance

    of doing this stuff. He certainly won't do it under it, under

    his condition of insanity. And I think that the White House,

    otherwise, the Vice President and the cabinet should be scared

    enough, right now, that they know they have to do something like

    this. And, it's not dictatorial; it's simply going back to our

    Constitution, and the legislation which is pertinent to that

    Constitution, and taking a Constitutional action, to bring

    stability to United States, and to restore a spark of confidence,

    to a world which is about ready to blow up!

    STEINBERG: You know, the 25th Amendment, section 4, has

    never been formally invoked. But it has been adopted as a

    consideration on a number of occasions previously, including a

    couple of times during the Reagan Presidency, including the day

    he was shot; and it also came up during the final days of Nixon.

    And I think that had Nixon not made the wise decision to resign

    and leave down, even before the impeachment trial in the Senate,

    there were people ready to invoke section 4, because at the very

    end, the reports I've gotten from people who were pretty close in

    at that time, is that Nixon was off the deep end: He was

    drinking heavily, under medication, and was ready to blow.

    So, Biden is afraid of the implications of it, but I think

    it's unavoidable, and the framers of the 25th Amendment had this

    exact kind of situation in mind.

    LAROUCHE: And Biden should recognize, that he has more to

    fear from not acting, than from acting.

    STEINBERG: Absolutely.

    LAROUCHE: I mean, I know the blackmail, I know the death

    threats, and so forth, this kind of atmosphere, which exists in

    that environment. Because you have some real fascists in the

    woodwork around there. And they're prepared to act! And the

    only way to stave them off, is not to coddle them. The way, is

    to take the preemptive action, which eliminates their power to do


    Once we do it, I assure you, that we can get the breakup of

    the European Union, back to sovereign nation-states.

    STEINBERG: Back to de Gaulle's idea.

    LAROUCHE: Right. That will mean, immediately, the

    possibility, minus the problem we have inside Germany, of

    bringing Germany back into the fold as a keystone nation, rather

    the nation that has to pay everybody else's debts. That means,

    again, -- because Germany is one of the few nations which still

    has, residually, even though it's not using it at home, the

    technological capability of being a positive factor in

    development of other nations. We have a shortage,

    internationally, of the technologies required to sustain the

    planet. Germany has the knowledge, still, of how to do some of

    that production, and can be a key factor and multiplier, of the

    possibility of saving the planet, from this mess. But that's the

    condition we're faced with, right now.

    HOEFLE: That would be a real October Surprise -- a good one,

    for a change.

    LAROUCHE: Yeah. The point is, do we have people who have

    the guts to do it. And guts means, do you have the competence to

    understand, what it is you have to do? To understand why you

    must do it? It's like a decision in war, like command in

    warfare. It's like the case of George Washington crossing the

    Delaware: The United States had no ability to win a war against

    the British at that time. But, by Washington recognizing that,

    and under desperate conditions, and desperate conditions of

    movement, moved in on Trenton! And that saved the United States'

    existence, at that time!

    And so, in a case like this, often, in really strategic

    situations, like the case of Friedrich der Grosse, his famous

    battle, that, he had tired troops, his troop strength was less

    than that of the Austrian opposition, and he whipped them, by

    outflanking them, twice in the same day, by getting his troops,

    who were also ready exhausted, to make a deployment which the

    Austrians thought impossible, because they had a Classical

    double-envelopment operation in place, perfectly designed, based

    on the Roman example. And he outflanked them, from an inferior

    position in strength, in both his troops, who exhausted from a

    fast march, and from the fact that they were totally outnumbered.

    But they took these excellently poised Austrian forces, and they

    whipped them twice in the same day on the same battlefield.

    And often, in real history, -- I mean, things like that have

    happened in U.S. history, for example, repeatedly, military

    history, is, {you don't play by the rules.} You look at the

    table, you look what the rules are; and you add a new rule, which

    was not in the book then. IN warfare, you do that. You add a

    new rule, you added new dimension, like what MacArthur did, in

    Korea, in the Inchon landing! Completely outflanked the entire

    situation! And, it's that kind of thinking, which as it applies

    to political actions, in general, including financial-political

    actions, as well as to warfare, that you must, in a strategic

    situation {think strategically}! And you have to think in these

    kinds of terms, like those of Friedrich der Grosse and so forth:

    You must think, outthink! Get off the table! Don't play warfare

    on the table! Play {off} the table, attack the table from


    And that's what was required here: A very simple kind of

    action: You want, impeachment, Glass-Steagall, and go for

    negotiating a fixed-exchange rate system. Those are the measures

    which can lead to the survival of civilization! Simply outflank

    the situation, the present situation, in the simplest possible

    way. Because, the minute you show the American people, in

    particular, that we have a scheme that's going to prevent them

    from going Hell, which they're going to right now, they're going

    to react positively. They'll say, "At last! The bullxxxx's


    STEINBERG: Well, you've got, just in the immediate days

    ahead, not only do we have the elections, next Tuesday, Nov. 2nd,

    but the exact same day, you have the FOMC -- Federal Open Market

    Committee -- meeting. And by every indication, they're prepared

    to go with a complete hyperinflationary blowout policy, maybe as

    much as $4 trillion, in new, hot money, to bail out this

    mortgage-backed securities and the rest of the bubble.

    LAROUCHE: What about a Glass-Steagall law at that point?

    STEINBERG: Exactly, exactly!

    LAROUCHE: That's outflanking the sons-of --

    STEINBERG: Exactly. And then, days later, you've got the

    G20 meeting in South Korea. We got a question from one of our

    Asian diplomatic contacts just earlier today, because you had

    this meeting last weekend of the finance minister and central

    bankers of the G20, and Geithner was there. And the meeting was,

    by all accounts, complete hysteria over this hyperinflationary

    issue, which they characterized as "competitive devaluations."

    But the South Koreans came out of it, saying that out of the

    chaos, at least there was an agreement to avoid getting into this

    kind of currency war race to the bottom, and the question posed

    was, "Are we at a moment, where it's appropriate to put this

    question of a New Bretton Woods fixed-exchange-rate system on the


    LAROUCHE: Take the question of China, the neighbor of Korea

    -- China, think of it.

    STEINBERG: Right.

    LAROUCHE: What is the issue, because the United States and

    China? Now, if we start with Glass-Steagall, we get Obama out,

    get Glass-Steagall and we go to a proposal of a

    fixed-exchange-rate system -- will the Chinese support a

    fixed-exchange-rate system?

    STEINBERG: Hundred percent.

    LAROUCHE: Will the Indians support it?

    STEINBERG: Absolutely. [laughs] They'll rejoice.

    LAROUCHE: Will the Russians support it?

    STEINBERG: Mm-hmm.

    LAROUCHE: Well, it would mean some shakeups in Russia.

    STEINBERG: Yeah, exactly.

    LAROUCHE: Will Europe support it? Well, if it means the

    breakup of the European Union. Break that up, now. And then

    Europe is freed from this garbage. Germany begins to function

    immediately, again, provided they get the nuts out of control.

    France will probably have a new President, because this one will

    probably -- like Rumpelstiltskin, will probably tear himself

    apart, in rage, at the change.

    STEINBERG: [laughs] Right! Follow Michelle Obama's


    LAROUCHE: Exactly! So, under those conditions, by flanking

    those conditions properly, and moving on actions which are in the

    common interest of nations, particularly of nations which have a

    consciousness of this point of interest, and realize that a

    common interest on this question is the best solution, and if

    China's in agreement with this, well, what can the United States

    say? The United States having a fixed-exchange-rate system with

    China, Japan, and Korea, and India, means that the whole world is

    going to go back in order. It won't be nice at first -- it'll

    muddy, it'll be broken down, and shantytown. {But!} We will be

    on the way {up}, rather than the way down.

    HOEFLE: I look at this, and I keep thinking about the

    Malaysian monkey trap. [laughter]

    LAROUCHE: You like that, huh?

    HOEFLE: Yeah! Because, all we have to do, is let go of our

    delusions and we can solve these problems,

    LAROUCHE: Exactly.

    HOEFLE: And there's nothing really complicated about it.

    It's not hard to understand policies. The difficulty is finding

    the {guts} to look it in the eye, and say, "Okay, look, this is

    {nuts}! And we can't continue to do this. We have to give this


    LAROUCHE: The problem is, only in shocks do people "get

    it," when they see, this is the only available solution, because

    it's the only available, visible solution, it's made visible to

    them, they will tend the accept it. And if some important

    nations start the process, you will get the agreement. The

    problem is, that most people, including most governments, and

    most political forces in the world, are not competent in economy.

    So they don't understand economy as a principle. They have no

    competent understanding of economy as a principle -- they're

    monetarists. But, when they're faced with a certain concrete

    situation, in which a certain agreement on monetary affairs, is

    necessary to save their {butt}, they will adopt the policy on the

    basis of the need to save their butt right now! And it's only

    under conditions of an {immediate} crisis, that you can get those

    kinds of decisions through. Because you don't have nations,

    which have populations, or leadership, which are competent to

    deal with this situation! But, they're competent to react, in a

    certain way, under certain conditions. And as long as you're not

    doing any damage to civilization, which means, you're not going

    to start setting up dictatorships, but quite the contrary, since

    you're going back to sovereign nation-states and negotiate with

    sovereign nation-states on common interests, and you're going to

    see to find common interests, rather than this kind of bullying


    And that's the only way, at a time like this, that you can

    get through the change which is needed. And the changes have to

    be elementary: Impeachment, Glass-Steagall, and then go for

    fixed-exchange-rate system. Those measures will, in and of

    themselves, which are feasible, now on a global basis, with good

    negotiations, those measures alone will save the United States,

    and will permit the saving of the world situation.

    And that's the only shot there is. Because, it's simple!

    What can you get through, which will actually solve the problem,

    not what you think you can get through -- that's the usual stuff

    -- but what can you get through that will {solve the problem.}

    That little thing "solve the problem" is the clause you have to

    attach to any of those things, or policy recommendations.

    HOEFLE: The consequences of not solving the problem, are a

    descent into a new Dark Age.

    LAROUCHE: Exactly!

    HOEFLE: And we're in it, we're in it, and we have to start

    climbing out of it, very quickly.

    LAROUCHE: I saw a thing, this "Red, White, and Blue" thing

    [candidates' debate] in Texas. And you had this loud-mouth,

    babbling representative of the Democratic Party faction, just

    doing everything to block Kesha out, possible. Well, we fixed

    that, because Kesha went out, and made her own statement, which

    was probably one of the most -- is the most decent kind, of

    statesmanlike promotion, by any candidate, in sight, in this

    entire period! Her statement to the world, on the situation in

    Texas, and her appeal on this situation, is the finest statement,

    of statesmanship, that I've seen produced on the hustings, in

    this whole season! And I think intelligent people in Texas, and

    around the world, will appreciate that fact! Because she spoke

    the truth, and spoke it plainly, and clearly! And simply! And

    that's the way you have to deal with the American people, at this


    You've got to give them clear, relevant, and simple

    proposals, for actions which they can look back on, and say, it

    was the right decision.

    STEINBERG: Lyn, in that context, the other thing that

    you've been pushing very strongly for the last several months, as

    the cornerstone to a recovery policy for the U.S., is the North

    American Water and Power Alliance, program, which is getting a

    lot of enthusiasm and traction among the engineering and related

    fields, that understand the implications of this.

    LAROUCHE: What we've got, is a situation, essentially, all

    we have to do is get the agreement with Canada, and Canada really

    has no good choice, except to do this. Because they're

    suffering, maybe more or less, than we are, in their

    circumstances. Also, the future of Canada, depends, as the

    Canadian government and others know, on the Arctic question: That

    the challenge to Canada for its future, as a nation, dependents

    upon cooperation on the Arctic, for various reasons.

    Now, the only way that can be realized -- Canada can not

    handle that by itself; it can not solve that problem. {But!}

    Canada in a partnership, with the United States, and with giving

    something to Mexico, as a bribe, shall we say -- that's what you

    have to do, at this time, NAWAPA will mean, for this area, an

    increase of {4 million productive jobs}. And the actual

    rostering of that employment, will come immediately. In other

    words, it won't be "eventually," 4 million jobs, it will mean

    that the rostering of the cadre which is going to start the

    process and the follow-up of getting more people involved, up to

    4 million people will come very rapidly!

    It will be on credit, yes! But, by the Glass-Steagall

    measure, you will be able, therefore, to stop this flow of

    bailout -- you just cancel it! And they've got these guys who

    have these bailout funds, they're going to sit ther,e and they're

    either going to pay the debt themselves, or they're going to be


    So therefore, at that point, the Federal government will

    have the ability, to issue credit for two general purposes: One,

    we have states that {are now nonfunctional!} We have also major

    cities in these states, which are nonfunctional, and in other

    communities. Therefore, we have to have Federal bailout, for

    these states, state governments, and for key municipal

    governments, and others. Now, that's one thing. That's not a

    safe investment, but that's an investment in the security of the

    nation, and of the states.

    We can not have police fired, firemen fired, municipal

    functions destroyed -- it can not be allowed. All right, Wall

    Street's going to have to eat that!

    STEINBERG: Right!

    LAROUCHE: Then, we have to then have projects, which will

    actually generate a reconstruction of what had been the

    industrial product of the United States, and agriculture.

    Now, we have two problems we face: One is the lack of the

    industrial and related development, which is the infrastructure

    of industrial development. Secondly, is we have a water crisis

    in the United States, based on the sinking of the aquifers around

    the area of the 20-inch rainfall line. If these two things are

    not addressed, we can't rebuild the United States. There's no

    solution. {But!} If we enact NAWAPA, we {immediately} put

    people to work, in the NAWAPA project itself, in millions of

    people, because that's what it's going to take. You're going to

    have to set up construction in various parts of the NAWAPA

    project, in various parts. You're going to have build up a whole

    apparatus, in each area of the buildup -- like the state of Idaho

    is going to become a bonanza for employment! Because it's got

    control with the greatest concentration of the pumping function

    of the entire system.

    So, Canada will benefit immediately, in a tremendous degree.

    Whole things that are not possible for Canada now, will become


    So, now we have these areas we're going to develop: This

    will take us, really, involve about 3 million people employed.

    Now, in order to do this, we're going to have to get a lot of

    material into those areas, where the actual construction of

    NAWAPA is occurring. We're going to have to revive the economies

    of Pennsylvania, of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, out to St.

    Louis: because it's in that area where we have the greatest

    concentration of {lost} capacity, which can be revived, in terms

    of skills and traditions, to produce a new set of modern rail

    systems. And also, when you're going into mountain areas, you

    don't want a rail system -- you want a maglev system. In other

    words, you're going up a few thousand feet, in this area, like

    Idaho, you don't want to have a train that's running on straight

    rail. You need a maglev system, which is the only efficient way,

    to actually deliver freight, into those areas as such.

    Therefore, so, now you're going to create, in addition to

    the NAWAPA project itself, the NAWAPA project is going to depend

    upon a supply which has to come from other parts of the United

    States. So you're going to revive everything that looks like a

    decent industrial capability of the United States, and a

    scientific capability, and you're going to put it back to work!

    Because it's going to be employed, because the NAWAPA project is

    going to demand that employment!

    Now, all this stuff, in terms of -- you talk about 30-year

    financing, credit financing: Well, in 30 years or so, by the time

    we have the essentials of NAWAPA completed, everything would be

    liquid! We would have increased the productivity of the United

    States, you would have a growth in productivity, backed by solid

    physical assets, and by assets in the form of the developments of

    the minds and capabilities of large parts of our population,

    which are no longer presently capable of doing anything.

    So, these two approaches: One, deal with the emergency

    situation. Stabilize the states immediately; put them through

    reorganization, under Federal protection and subsidy. That

    stabilizes the population. Now, get a real driver, and a big

    driver, which is NAWAPA, and NAWAPA will mean the implication of

    having {4 million jobs}, real jobs, productive jobs! In the

    United States, {fast!} That means we go from a bankrupt economy,

    to a reviving economy: It's the same principle that Franklin

    Roosevelt used, when he came into office, with a plan. Well,

    this is a plan! The plan exists. We're not imitating what

    happened with the Tennessee Valley Authority: This is a much

    bigger, and much higher quality. We're now in space! Because

    we're now going into the Arctic area, which Canada has to go

    into, too; but, we're going into the Arctic area, not as a

    subsidizing the Arctic area, but we're using the Arctic area

    development, to enable NAWAPA! So, there's a payback, coming in

    the line right away.

    Now, with the transportation system you have to build, in

    Canada and in the United States, in order to handle this process,

    you are going to revive the economies of these countries, and put

    them on a growth pattern, which is otherwise impossible.

    And once we do that, then we're going to go cross the Bering

    Straits, probably with both, a tunnel and a rail system -- both,

    would make sense. Then Russia, with this whole area of Siberia,

    which is now neglected, but has a rich concentration of essential

    resources, the people of Asia, in particular, need -- but

    Russia's not able now to develop that, although we have the

    scientific capability among some people as old as I am, in

    Russia, who know how to do these things.

    So therefore, now you're giving Russia, a program which will

    solidify its cooperative relationship with China. China

    requires, from Russia -- it doesn't require putting Chinese

    people into Siberia; what it requires is developing, in the

    Siberian area, and similar places, developing the sources of

    minerals, especially rare earth, all kinds of things which are

    needed by China and by India, by the southern part of Asia. So

    therefore, you now have got a program, which is now saving Russia

    from the present crisis, helping China to develop, solve its

    problem; you're helping India, you're helping the nations of

    Asia. You also are creating a market by this development, for

    Europe! Because Europe, particularly France and Germany, can

    readily participate in a significant way, in the development

    centered in Asia.

    So therefore, we have at hand, with a few, simple

    conceptions, as like what we planned on the Darién Gap, this same

    kind of thing: We have the ability to change the character of the

    planet, from a dying planet, which it is now, to a viable planet,

    with a few, clearly struck, identifications of measures to be

    taken. And other measures which are obvious will follow. We've

    created the impetus for the other measures which we want to

    consider, to come into reality. You never started a great

    project of this type, without great spillovers, that you didn't

    really plan for.

    STEINBERG: Right. [laughs]

    LAROUCHE: You just start to get what's called "famous

    American ingenuity," which we used to have! What you have to do,

    is build an industry, one industry in a metropolitan area, and

    you will find all kinds of industries, smaller ones that are

    springing up, which you didn't really plan for! [laughter]

    STEINBERG: Right! People dusting off inventions that

    they've had sitting in their garage for decades!

    LAROUCHE: You need to get that spirit going back among our


    HOEFLE: This is the antithesis of this green fascist


    LAROUCHE: Sure. Well, the green fascist movement is worse

    than that: This is a legacy of the Cult of Delphi, among others:

    That in ancient times, when maritime technology was the leading

    part of the world, and the monopoly on maritime technology was

    held by a very small part of the world population, these were the

    people who could navigate from across the Atlantic Ocean, into

    the Mediterranean, into the Pacific region, Indian Ocean region.

    And so, these mariners became, in the fall of the Persian Empire,

    became actually the dominant factor, in Europe, through the

    Mediterranean, largely. And a whole section of these mariners

    became, what they call -- they called themselves "gods."

    And you had Aeschylus' famous {Prometheus} trilogy, of which

    the middle part survived, {Prometheus Bound}, that this

    conception was, that the gods prohibit the other people, from

    having the rights of the gods, and therefore, they would say, "we

    don't allow fire," which is what is used in the Aeschylus -- "we

    don't allow fire" to the poor people. "Fire is only for the

    gods. "

    Now, who were the gods? The gods are this caste, which

    comes from a maritime culture, which has a superior technology to

    that of the land-lubbers. And therefore, they used this

    superiority for a tyranny, and they actually control the {size}

    of the populations of people, because if the people become

    skilled, then the people can not be controlled by the oligarchs.

    Therefore, you have to keep the people {stupid}: Don't let them

    have technology, like the use of fire, because the difference

    between mankind and an ape, is fire. Apes don't like fire!

    Mankind lives on fire. There's a big difference!

    So therefore, you had this kind of system. So, we have a

    legacy of oligarchism, which in terms of European and

    trans-Atlantic civilization, comes out of this area, this

    maritime area, this oligarchical system. They are the ones who

    invented the idea of currency as a medium of empire. In other

    words, what we call currency today, has no real value. It has no

    intrinsic value. And, as a matter of fact, the problem is, when

    we treat money as value, we do what was done now: We try to get

    money, but we do it by destroying physical production, and the

    means of labor. So therefore, our conception of value, by

    attributing value to a monetary system, then what you're doing,

    you're destroying the people and you're destroying the system.

    And that's what the problem has been.

    So the idea of a fixed-exchange-rate system, and a system

    like the system in Massachusetts, during the period under --

    STEINBERG: The Mathers, and --

    LAROUCHE: Yeah, before the British came in there, and

    screwed it up, in Massachusetts. That's been the great crisis:

    The domination of the world, by intrinsically imperialist

    networks, of monetarists systems -- sometimes in quarrel with

    each other, sometimes altogether -- and we've now got this sense

    of an altogether monetary system. The monetary system must be

    destroyed. Because what we're doing, is, we're not paying

    enough, to pay for the cost of production, of things that we

    need! In terms of infrastructure and anything else. And the

    reason we're not, is because we're allowing a bunch of parasites,

    to use their control over the monetarists, to use their control

    over the monetarist system, to milk and loot the population, and

    destroy the economy!

    So therefore, this was always the implication of the

    American System, as against the European monetarist system, or

    the Venetian system, as it's sometimes called. And so, this is

    the problem: We have to realize, that the reason we're in

    trouble, is because we have gone to a {monetarist} system, which

    came to us, as a break from the Roosevelt system. First of all,

    the break from Roosevelt himself, and his policy, which is his

    death. And then, the monetarist reforms, like 1971, and also, it

    was done, again, by J.P. Morgan and Co., with unleashing this

    great wave of speculation, financial speculation, which we have


    So, essentially, we have to wipe the books of this crap! Go

    back to a fixed-exchange monetary system, of a Roosevelt type, to

    a Glass-Steagall standard in banking, and then we're all right.

    But, the problem is, if we do that, we're going to destroy

    Wall Street, and London.

    HOEFLE: Oh, no! [laughter]

    LAROUCHE: Isn't it awful? I mean -- destroying all those

    poor people on Wall Street! And those firms, those parasites.

    We don't show decent respect for parasites, these days!

    STEINBERG: But under NAWAPA, there will be decent jobs for

    them, in Idaho, to learn some basic skills.

    LAROUCHE: I'm not sure about that! I don't even think

    they'll want to live under a system, which actually works to

    human benefit! It's contrary to their instincts.

    STEINBERG: Lyn, before we end today, the other development

    that you forecast, and warned about last February, that's

    surfaced just in the last few days, is this eruption of cholera

    in, not only Haiti, but also across the Atlantic, in Central

    Africa. But, in the Haiti case, this is a totally, manmade

    crisis, because, everybody knows that with the availability of

    fresh water, and minimal sanitation, you can wipe out a cholera

    epidemic very quickly: And here you've got the President of the

    United States, who at any moment, could order the U.S. military,

    the medical ships, and everything else, in there; this problem

    could be solved. But you've got an absolute commitment to let

    those people in Haiti die.

    LAROUCHE: {It's the intention, to let them die!} The

    intention by the President of the United States, to let them die!

    Because he's been presented with the facts, by the former

    President of the United States --

    STEINBERG: Right, exactly.

    LAROUCHE: Clinton. He's been presented with this,

    explicitly. And he said, "No."

    Now, the dying has started, and the President of the United

    States, who is going clinically insane, in the meantime, has now

    made a decision, {to let this rip!} This puts him in the Hitler

    class, together with his own health-care policy, which he

    borrowed from Tony Blair. Who is also a no-goodnik.

    STEINBERG: Right. Which was borrowed from Hitler,


    LAROUCHE: Exactly: Copied from Hitler. But the British

    introduced it to Hitler.

    STEINBERG: I mean, it's really striking, that really, in a

    few week period, you had, on the one hand, the role of NASA as

    part of an international rescue operation down in Chile with the

    miners, as an example of what can be done, on very short notice,

    when you unleash human creativity, and technological skills, to

    solve a life-and-death problem. And then, you've got the

    President of the United States, and people in the Congressional

    Black Caucus, are cursing him out over the fact that they know

    what has to be done in Haiti, and it simply requires the

    President, lifting his block on it! So, they know that it's

    willful murder!

    LAROUCHE: Why don't we admit to the fact that President

    will never agree to it?

    STEINBERG: Exactly.

    LAROUCHE: Okay: Therefore, if you want to do something, you

    have to eliminate this President. Send him into the nuthouse,

    which is where he belongs, right now.

    STEINBERG: Yeah. So, back to John's Malaysian monkey trap.

    I guess the message to Joe Biden, is "let go of the nut."


    HOEFLE: Yeah! "Let go of the nut, and we'll be on the path

    to recovery!"

    LAROUCHE: I think that's a good motto for this week, don't

    you think? Let go of the nut! Crack the nut! Stop the shell


    HOEFLE: Well, that seems like a good place to break.

    LAROUCHE: Get out of the monkey trap.

    HOEFLE: Yeah, that's your thought for the day. This has

    been the LaRouche PAC Weekly Report. Thank you for watching, and

    we'll see you next week.

  16. Oh, so his father is homeschooling the kid. Geeze they could never discuss their differences then could they? Rather lets start a blog that give "trolls" something to get excited over.

    Nah, no manipulation here.

    Them discussing it at home in no way precludes "YD" from blogging as well. Your problem is that you area Larrouchite who at 65 accepts unquestioningly your messiah and his disciples pronouncements and thus cant fathom someone one fifth your age thinking for himself. I asked Barrett and his kid about your theory. The former wrote:

    Don't misunderestimate YD! He's my son, and he isn't being manipulated. He just enjoys arguing. YD has already had several letters to the editor published in local newspapers, mainly on the subject of animal rights. And BTW Len, if you like YD, remember, I'm his homeschool teacher. As I told Hannity, I teach people to think for themselves, not regurgitate whatever some authority figure tells them.

    October 26, 2010 8:20 PM


    YD wrote

    The only thing that's manipulating me is research and common sense. SCARY twoofers SCARY

    Don't want to learn any facts, else you might actually learn something!


    IF you scroll up a few posts on the same page youll see that someone said the following about you:

    What a stupid woman!

    Who do you think is manipulating him, his dad?

    What is my theory "Len Brazil" aka "Thinker" :D

    Just as I stated, you fed the trolls and they burped right on que. 911 conspiracy mongers and their trolls the "debunkers" are manipulated nit wits. How else explain the never ending conspiracy theories and those who debunk this worthless garbage? What point does it all serve? It obfuscates the real intent of 911 which if understood would narrow the list of suspects.

    Think Len, think.

    "In 2007, University of Michigan students brought me and Kevin Ryan to campus to debate 9/11 with one or more of their professors. Thousands of invitations were issued and more than 1000 DVDs given away. The only responses were from two engineering professors, both of whom privately admitted that the World Trade Center was obviously destroyed by controlled demolition, but that stating this in public would threaten their careers. Since no opposition could be found, Kevin Ryan and I staged our own debate, taking turns attacking and defending the 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST Report on the Twin Towers".

    I get it this all a distraction to draw attention away from your messiah's take on what happened. Let me guess it was those evil Brits and their lackyboys the Zionists.

    Funny the Jewish wife of the leader of an obscure political cult leaves her husband for an Englishmen and nearly 40 years later his followers believe the British and Zionists are at the root of all evil. If someone wrote a non-satirical book along those lines in the early 70's it would have been dismissed as absurdly unrealistic.

    From the "Stinker" Len Brazil. Go get those Truthers!

    What exactly is my theory?

  17. Oh, so his father is homeschooling the kid. Geeze they could never discuss their differences then could they? Rather lets start a blog that give "trolls" something to get excited over.

    Nah, no manipulation here.

    Them discussing it at home in no way precludes "YD" from blogging as well. Your problem is that you area Larrouchite who at 65 accepts unquestioningly your messiah and his disciples pronouncements and thus can’t fathom someone one fifth your age thinking for himself. I asked Barrett and his kid about your “theory”. The former wrote:

    Don't misunderestimate YD! He's my son, and he isn't being manipulated. He just enjoys arguing. YD has already had several letters to the editor published in local newspapers, mainly on the subject of animal rights. And BTW Len, if you like YD, remember, I'm his homeschool teacher. As I told Hannity, I teach people to think for themselves, not regurgitate whatever some authority figure tells them.

    October 26, 2010 8:20 PM


    YD wrote

    The only thing that's manipulating me is research and common sense. SCARY twoofers SCARY

    Don't want to learn any facts, else you might actually learn something!


    IF you scroll up a few posts on the same page you’ll see that someone said the following about you:

    “What a stupid woman!”

    Who do you think is manipulating him, his dad?

    What is my theory "Len Brazil" aka "Thinker" :D

    Just as I stated, you fed the trolls and they burped right on que. 911 conspiracy mongers and their trolls the "debunkers" are manipulated nit wits. How else explain the never ending conspiracy theories and those who debunk this worthless garbage? What point does it all serve? It obfuscates the real intent of 911 which if understood would narrow the list of suspects.

    Think Len, think.

    "In 2007, University of Michigan students brought me and Kevin Ryan to campus to debate 9/11 with one or more of their professors. Thousands of invitations were issued and more than 1000 DVDs given away. The only responses were from two engineering professors, both of whom privately admitted that the World Trade Center was obviously destroyed by controlled demolition, but that stating this in public would threaten their careers. Since no opposition could be found, Kevin Ryan and I staged our own debate, taking turns attacking and defending the 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST Report on the Twin Towers".

  18. You of course avoided the question of just who might be manipulating him. Funny that you see a conspiracy here when not even conspiracy nuts like Fetzer or Barrett do. Fetzer of course knows Barrett and presumably knows the kid too and Barrett of course is far more qualified than you concerning this matter.

    Why dont you ask Barrett or his kid about your baseless theory? The formers blog is http://truthjihad.blogspot.com/ and the latters is http://debunkdad.blogspot.com/. Young Debunka also posts at the JREF forum as theshillbarrett http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=188602 (starting with post #19). Actually I think your theory is so silly Ill ask him about it.

    Believe what you want. I mentioned nothing of anyone using this kids name. I stated that the whole thing lacked credibility and it still does. I don't care what you, Jim Fetzer or anyone else thinks. I don't think Kevin Barrett's 13 year old son would take it upon himself to "debunk dad" without being manipulated into doing so.

    Furthermore I don't care who is manipulating the kid. I find the 911 Truth Movement to be as synthetic as those who have kept the JFK assassination machine rolling all these years.

    Your arrogance is amazing you presume to know more about the kid than his own father who is home schooling him. Of course you don't want to touch on "who is manipulating the kid" because there are no likely candidates, is it the mother? Or perhaps his brother who is about 2 years older?

    Oh, so his father is homeschooling the kid. Geeze they could never discuss their differences then could they? Rather lets start a blog that give "trolls" something to get excited over.

    Nah, no manipulation here.

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