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Terry Mauro

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Posts posted by Terry Mauro

  1. This just an attempt to kick off some brainstorming in the hope of learning things.

    With no supporting evidence: (just perhaps hypothetical inferences)

    Could it be that the Kennedys have steered clear of the issue when they had the opportumity to not do so because they in their own way have already, behind the scene, dealt with it and a new investigation might uncover THAT??


    Who are the Kennedy benefactors? Who promoted them, provided them with their wealth and political power?

    There are your killers and that's why the Kennedy family remain silent.

  2. I was 4 during the missile drisis. My memory, in sweden at the time, is a sense of unease. I remember the JFK assassination better.

    SID (a fantasy) threatened to destabilise MAD. (I think you give Russell far too much power). Raygonzo also divided nukes into friendly and unfriendly ones. As a frontsman for a corrupt regime he truly was mad.

    The death squads in latin america were sold by Raygonzo as freedom fighters.

    So, Russell ruled the world, The british prime minister ruled the US, abd Raygonzo was an innocent bystander who saved the day. Wow, what a mad world we live in. A heart attack is certainly in order.

    SDI (not SID) was a fantasy? How then explain Ted Kennedy's reaction to Ronald Reagan's announcement. The liberal Kennedy was willing to sell out the USA by working with the KGB and western media to discredit the policy? You trying to tell me Teddy was only kidding? Andropov and Gorby freaked out as well as the major media who dubbed it "Star Wars".

    You obviously didnt watch the video about "beam" technology.

    I never said Russell ruled the world. But if you check you'd find out I am right that Russell convened these "Pugwash" conferences where he pushed the idea to create this terror with nuclear weapons. This was the policy Mutually Assured Destruction. It came from Bertrand Russell In 1949 Russell had called for a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviets.

    And I am sure you'll email the JFK library asking for the Russell cables to JFK during the Missile Crisis. You do know you come across like a 1960's leftist don't you? I expect you to quote from Mao's Little Red Book any moment now. :D

  3. Terry Mauro thinks that the British were involved in the JFK. Well, if that is your religious belief, fine. I happen to see ZERO British involvement in the JFK assassination. I've have never seen any evidence that you have presented or anyone else relating to that. But you are welcome to believe it...

    I will say this: Lyndon Johnson was TOTALLY in bed with the Rockefellers. The psychopathic serial killer LBJ's lifetime modus operandus was to find a power source, then obsequiously and shamelessly target the power source with brown nosing and flattering, all the while hoping to use target power source for advancement. LBJ did it with his college president at San Marcos State Teacher's college, with Sam Rayburn in the House, with Richard Russell in the Senate and by the 1960's LBJ was doing it with the Rockefellers, Nelson Rockefeller in particular.

    For this cover up of the LBJ/CIA murder of JFK, the psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson put to very top men of Rockefeller interests on the Warren Commission farce: Allen Dulles CIA and John J. McCloy, the former head of Chase Manhattan, Rockefeller tool and head of the Rockefeller pet group, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1953-1970, Dulles had been president of CFR from 1946-1950.

    I think there is a very good chance that Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles may have been co-CEOs of the JFK assassination. They, along with Johnson's close friend Hoover, were the co-CEOs of the COVERUP of the JFK Assassination.

    I think it is extremely important to note that Democrat Lyndon Johnson's number one pick to follow him as president was NELSON ROCKEFELLER. If Edward Lansdale, identified at TSBD by Col. Prouty and Gen. Krulak, and Allen Dulles were involved in JFK's murder, then I think it is reasonable that Nelson Rockefeller was also involved in the planning or approval of the JFK assassination.

    I've always thought there was a lot of truth in the following passage (I think that Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy; with the CIA/mafia in charge of the killing and LBJ and his close friend Hoover of the FBI in charge of the cover up.)

    From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

    "The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, JOHNSON of Texas, GEORGE BUSH, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

    I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, p. 638-639]

    [Note in 1964, Nelson Rockefeller did not support fellow Republican Barry Goldwater in his race against Lyndon Johnson. I think Rockefeller was implicitly supporting Johnson to ensure the coverup of the JFK assassination. It is not like Rockefeller was not a hawk like Goldwater; Rockefeller had urged John Kennedy to use tactical nukes on North Vietnam.

    In April 1968, Lyndon Johnson was doing everything he could to encourage/prod Nelson Rockefeller to run for president. In fact Rockefeller was LBJ's #1 choice to succeed him and Democrat Johnson told Republican Rockefeller that he would not campaign against in a general election (source: Dallek's book). I think LBJ's support of Rockefeller for president had a lot to do with the continued JFK assassination cover up.]


    How many times have you been asked for evidence concerning LBJ's role as the mastermind behind the JFK assassination? You have never responded to these iquiries except to reiterate your line that LBJ was a serial killer in bed with the Rockefellers.

    The Kennedy family was and still is to this day, in bed with some of the most notorious drug interests on the planet.

    Not too long ago I posted the FBI file showing Edward Kennedy was working with the KGB in an effort to destroy the "Strategic Defense Initiative" of Ronald Reagan, which would have made nuclear weapons obsolete. Edward Kennedy was acting as a traitor against his own country. On who's behalf was he working?

    So there's enough dirty laundry to go around for everyone.

    Good on him. It would have destroyed M.A.D.. Non US N weapons would have been obsolete (not that I believe Raygonzos SDI ever would have worked, do you?). I'd say that like every other person who has or is working to balance power and prevent anyone (particularly US capital) from achieving supremacy works for the greater good of humanity.

    It was intended to destroy the hideous policy of Bertrand Russell's Mutually Assured Destruction. The planet had been living under the threat of thermo nuclear annihilation since 1945. Do you recall the Cuban Missiles Crisis? Besides the Soviets had been working on "beam weapons" since the early 1960's.

    Reagan offered joint collaboration with the Soviets, just as JFK had planned to offer the Soviets mutual cooperation in space.

    But the SDI would have ended nuclear missiles as a "terror" weapon. They would have been rendered impotent.

    Edward Kennedy as an agent of the enemy of the United States was deployed by that enemy to sabotage the SDI with help of the KGB and other "MAD" advocates inside the Soviet Union. Andropov, Gorbachev, etc.

    But Edward Kennedy's traitorous behavior is quite a shocker to the average American citizen. Your hatred of the United States is obvious. It's also misplaced. The real Empire on this planet and the only real menace to humanity is the British Empire of which Australia is a part. You throw around the word "capitalism" like you really know what you're refering to. There are two systems at war. The British monetary system of free trade and usury, and the American System of Politcal Economy.

    But the technology was available to render nuclear offensive weapons impotent. The SDI would also act like a "science driver" project much like JFK's Apollo moon landing program. The SDI was the crowning moment of the Reagan Presidency. It changed history.


    I don't hate the US, it's a landmass containing human beings ruled by a corrupt establishment. This ties in to the other point we almost discussed. You can't separate your self from this corrupt system. You are your US, for good or evil. Raygonzo was wreaking havoc on innocents throughout latin america, while flooding the streets of the US with drugs. To leave the fate of the world in the hands of such a corrupt lobby driven establishment with an arsenal that holds the whole world to ransom is terror. Its unwanted wanton interference in the sovereignty of other nations is terror. You condone and applaud this terror.

    Raygonzo was going through the freeze cycle of the cold war forcing the cccp to spend more on defense. That was really the point of his sf fantasy. You seem to have nestled into a coomfortable fantasy of your own regarding capitalism. Where you get it from I don't kmow, and no I don't defend the corruption of the british commonwealth either.

    The threat of nuclear annihilation was instigated by the US. It's the only nation to have used it. Needlessly. I don't trust the keepers of it as far as I could throw a stick.

    edit typo


    Once again your way off base. How would the development of SDI hold the world up to terror? Wasnt that the basic premise of MAD? Of course it was. That's why I asked you if you remembered the Cuban Missiles Crisis. The population thought they would be killed in a nuclear exchange between the Soviets and USA.

    Reagan moved to eliminate nuclear missiles as a terror. What he called "revenge weapons".

    The policy of Mutually Assured Destruction was the brain child of Lord Bertrand Russell, the pacifist :lol:

    Russell held a series of Pugwash conferences in the late 1950's with emissaries from the Soviet Union along with the likes of British travelers in this country Mc George Bundy and Henry Kissinger. This idea of holding the world hostage in a game of nuclear bluff was Russell's way of moving toward world government.

    During the Missiles Crisis Russell sent JFK several cables calling him a "madman" and calling him worse than Hitler. You can get these cables from the JFK library. All you have to do is ask for them. What Russell was trying to do was insinuate himself into the negotiation process (he virtually owned Kruchev). He had hoped that world would become so frightened by the Missile Crisis that he could negotiate for an international organization to "control" nuclear weapons.

    Ronald Reagan turned over the chess board when he announced his intention to develop the SDI on March 23, 1983. The Russellites in Britian and Soviet Union as well as the USA nearly had a heart attack.

    By the way. Ronald Reagan wasnt responsible for the Iran Contra drug running scandal. That honor belongs our former President "Sir George Herbert Walker Bush", Maggie Thatchers pet poodle. It was his "12333" apparatus that ran the drugs. Besides it's the British Empire that runs the international narcotics trade. No different from the days when the British East India company forced opium on China.

  4. The dark side of the New York Times.(Anton Chaitkin)

    A striking instance of the Confederate ``Lost Cause,'' persisting and haunting the present century, is to be seen in the attic of {The New York Times.} Iphigenie Ochs married Arthur Hays Sulzberger in 1917. He succeeded her father Adolphe Ochs as publisher of {The Times}, which Mr. Ochs had bought in the 1890s. Adolphe Ochs and his father founded the ``Baroness Erlanger'' Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The hospital was named for John Slidell's daughter who married the Confederacy's chief financier Baron Emil Erlanger. The Baron had bought up the main railways between the bankrupt South and Cincinnati. Adolphe Ochs had married Iphigenie Wise, the daughter of B'nai B'rith's Cincinnati leader Isaac Wise. When the Ochs family had lived in Cincinnati during the war, Adolphe's mother Bertha had been arrested for smuggling drugs to the Confederate army. In 1991, Arthur Sulzberger's daughter Ruth sponsored the visit to America of British banker Rodolphe d'Erlanger, John Slidell's great-great grandson. At a reception for Erlanger hospital, he said that his great grandfather, Baron Emil, was the partner of Cecil Rhodes in his nightmare race projects in Africa, and that Emil and his wife Mathilde Slidell had introduced Wagner's {Tannhauser} to the stage in Paris--which was booed off the stage.

    Arthur Sulzberger's Philadelphia Uncle David Sulzberger joined the Confederate army in Arkansas. Cousin Cyrus Adler, born on the Sulzbergers' Arkansas slave plantation, became the occult, psychic, Masonic, and gnostic expert for the New York Jewish establishment and for London and Cambridge Freemasonic strategists. At the same time, under the Teddy Roosevelt regime, cousin Mayer Sulzberger was president of B'nai B'rith International and president of the American Jewish Committee. At that time, B'nai B'rith leaders (such as the Sulzberger's partners the Morgenthaus) directly represented British crown interests in the Middle East, and worked as a bridge for Scottish Rite Masonry between the Middle East and Washington. In the 1930s, Cyrus Adler, president of the American Jewish Committee, coordinated with the family's B'nai B'rith, and the family's {New York Times}, to crush all U.S. political action against Adolf Hitler in Germany. The B'nai B'rith was the one Jewish organization that Hitler deliberately {left open }and functioning under Nazi rule from 1933 on. In 1939, Britain made a dramatic change in its policy toward Hitler--after teaching Hitler his race theories, after forcefully backing his takeover of Germany, after financing and equipping his armies, Britain now changed publicly to opposing Hitler. Only at that point, in 1939, about a year after Hitler finally closed B'nai B'rith's Nazi-authorized German operations, B'nai B'rith decided to ``approve'' an international boycott against the Nazi regime.

    B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League recently opened a vicious campaign to label American black leaders as anti-Semites, aiming at a racial conflict, and stomping on the memory of the young Jews who fought for civil rights in the 1960s. It is essential that the religious, national, and historical character of this racialism be precisely understood. Now a surprising breakthrough has occurred. Leaders of U.S. black Freemasonry have attacked white Masonry, particularly the Scottish Rite, as a center of racialism. The attack is contained in the latest issue of the {News Quarterly}, official publication of the [``Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction,''] Prince Hall affiliation, in an article by Joseph A. Walkes, editor of the {Quarterly.} Walkes exposes Albert Pike as the national Chief Justice of the Invisible Empire of the Ku Klux Klan, and the organizer and Grand Dragon of the Klan in Arkansas. Walkes describes Albert Pike as a ``traitor to his country.'' The article carries a photograph of the Washington memorial statue to the KKK founder. Walkes calls the statue ``an affront'' to the residents of the nation's capital, a majority of whom are black. With this and similar initiatives, a strong potential now exists for members of all faiths and ethnic groups to think about and to solve a central problem of our era: Fanatical Zionists are urged on by Anglo-American backers, to brutalize and displace Arab residents and Muslim religious institutions from Israeli occupied territory. Among the Anglo-Saxons cheering them on in their blind racialism are many known as ``fundamentalist Christians.'' They have seen a vision of Semitic warfare in the Holy Land, ending in mankind's annihilation, which they cheer as ``God's will'' and ``Bible Prophesy.'' This madness has been called the British balance-of-power strategy. But its familiar name is, British Freemasonry.

  5. I think you'll find that a serial killer is regarded as someone whom actually performs the crime. That's the difference with Johnson.

    Even Charles Manson cannot legally be classified as a serial killer. We'll have to disagree.


    This is what I have been trying to get through to Robert

    Now he is calling LBJ a Classic Serial Killer!

    All I can do is sit here and shake my head

    And what I am trying to get through to you guys is Lyndon Johnson was MURDERING people down in Texas as a course of business in order to cover up his voluminous crimes. You don't have to physically and personally kill some one to be a serial killer. If you hire your on-staff Hit Man Malcolm Wallace to regularly crack people on the head, and carbon monoxide them to death, thus committing homocide while attempting to fake suicide, you are as much a "serial killer" as Malcolm Wallace is. Our "debate" is a semantics game of people arguing past each other. Lyndon Johnson was a psychopathic murderer and serial killer any way you slice it.

    There are 4 LBJ crime events that really stand out before Johnson got around to murdering John Kennedy:

    1) Malcolm Wallace murdered Doug Kinser in the fall of 1951 here in Austin. I have been to the death scene in the pro shop at the pitch golf course that is still there today. There you can see an iron waste basket, the original from 1951 that is still there, with a bullet indentation from the Doug Kinser murder still there a whopping 59 years later. Lyndon Johnson's lawyer Doug Cofer represented Malcolm Wallace in the trial in early 1952 and Wallace was CONVICTED of first degree murder. And the sentence that he got was 5 YEARS PROBATION WITH NO TIME IN JAIL ... That is worth repeating, Lyndon Johnson pulled political strings, threatened the jury, leaned on the judge and prosecutor and Wallace convicted of first degree murder GOT 5 YEARS PROBATION WITH NO TIME IN JAIL! That shows you the kind of dark power Lyndon Johnson wielded in Texas in his heyday.

    2) Lyndon Johnson had his goons murder Sam Smithwick in jail, when Smithwick was going to start talking about the voter fraud that got Lyndon Johnson elected in 1948 to the Senate. Texas Gov. Allan Shivers in 1956 accused the sitting Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson of murdering Smithwick; Shivers accused LBJ of this to his face. [Dallek, Lone Star Rising, p. 347]

    3) The psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson made his mistress' black nanny Dale Turner disappear FOREVER, probably murdered by Malcolm Wallace, after Dale had seen LBJ and Madeleine enter a hotel room in San Antonio. This occurred when Johnson was Vice President, sometime in 1961 or 1962; probably at the historic Manger Hotel which is located right next to the Alamo. This is really stunning: having Madeleine's nanny who has been with the family for 10 years, probably murdered and for sure "disappeared forever." The nanny in many Southern families is like a family member; Lyndon Johnson would have her killed and not thought twice about it. http://www.21stcenturyradio.com/1314-presidents.html

    Madeleine says:

    "Dale Turner, our mate... came up missing and I've never found her since," says Madeleine of the woman who was basically the nanny to her two children and had been with Steven since he was born. She says LBJ spotted Dalel observing the two of them together at a hotel in San Antonio and it upset him. "He covered his tracks very well," says Madeleine. "He didn't want anyone to know about our relationship, so after Dale saw him he told me that I would have to tell her goodbye. I said 'I can't do that, she's been with us ten years!' And he said, 'I said you'll have to tell her goodbye.' After we were returned to Dallas she called me at work and told me that she had some very important business, and I said, 'That's fine Dale, go take care of it, just take the boys to my mother's, [who] we lived close to.' I said, 'Take all the time you want.' She lived in with us and that was very convenient... Dale never did return. We had the "color law" in Texas in those years. If you did report a [missing] black, they could care less. It's very sad and tragic, but it did happen... Through the years I have tried to find her or find out what happened." She heard 'Mack Wallace' took care of her implying LBJ's orders caused the murder of the woman who had been the nanny of the President's son."

    4) Then there is the murder of Agricultural Dept. bureacrat Henry Marshall in June, 1961. This was an obvious LBJ murder to cover up the Billie Sol Estes scandal and Johnson's key ties to it. Billie Sol Estes has testified in court that he, LBJ, Cliff Carter and Malcolm Wallace planned the murder. So Lyndon Johnson was putting out hits as Vice President: killing bureacrats who might expose him, murdering the nanny, etc. For Lyndon Johnson to get his knife blade wet on John Kennedy, it would be just another day's work.


    There is a book that I do recommend reading on what a psychopath Lyndon Johnson was and his key role in the JFK Assassination. It is LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination by Phillip Nelson (2010). http://www.lbj-themastermind.com/

    This is a complete fantasy.

  6. This issue, Terry Mauro, is not whether the Kennedys have any dirt - after all Joe Kennedy made his fortune as a bootlegger, but rather WHO murdered John Kennedy and WHY they murdered him. I think that most evidence points towards Lyndon Johnson, his CIA allies, with the mafia and anti-Castro Cubans as key helpers. The idea that the "British" did it is a farcical notion. Anything is possible, so I will assign that one in a quadrillion odds. Another side issue that I have become fascinated with is the 47 year MSM cover up of the JFK assassination and how deceitful and ridiculous it has been.

    Operation Mockingbird, CIA manipulation, and the MSM media cover up of the JFK assassination

    CIA Assets were in print media, television, respected columnists: all pushing the Big Lie about JFK assassination for decades-

    Carl Bernstein’s classic on The CIA and the Media, from Rolling Stone Magazine 10/20/77:


    CIA memo to its media assets in April, 1967 – “Countering Criticism of the Warren Report: http://www.namebase.org/foia/jfk01.html

    CIA instructions to media assets to defend pitiful Warren Commission report (dated 4/1/67):

    http://mtracy9.tripod.com/cia_instructions.htm (CIA was concerned that folks were actually accusing Lyndon Johnson of the JFK murder! Gee wonder why?)

    Jerry Policoff’s spectacular analysis of the MSM’s treatment of JFK assassination:

    1) JFK: How the Media Assassinated the Real Story by Robert Hennelly and Jerry Policoff

    http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v1n2/mediaassassination.html (the media played a critical role in framing Lee Harvey Oswald and protecting the CIA/LBJ murderers of John Kennedy.

    2) Another good article on media suppression of the truth in the JFK assassination by Jerry Policoff. The New York Times has been one of the biggest offenders: How All the News About Political Assassinations In the United States Has Not Been Fit to Print in The New York Times by Jerry Policoff http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/PA-NYT.html

    Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation –

    Part 1: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/mockingbird.htm

    Part 2: http://www.apfn.org/apfn/mockingbird2.htm

    Also, read the book: A Citizen’s Dissent: Mark Lane Replies to the Defenders of the Warren Report, to the press and communications industry, to the Establishment intellectuals and commentators, and tells the often grim story of how his dissent was almost silenced. (1968):


    "By the early 1950s," writes former Village Voice reporter Deborah Davis in Katharine the Great, "Wisner 'owned' respected members of the New York Times, Newsweek, CBS and other communications vehicles, plus stringers, four to six hundred in all, according to a former CIA analyst." The network was overseen by Allen Dulles, a templar for German and American corporations who wanted their point of view represented in the public print. Early MOCKINGBIRD influenced 25 newspapers and wire agencies consenting to act as organs of CIA propaganda. Many of these were already run by men with reactionary views, among them William Paley (CBS), C.D. Jackson (Fortune), Henry Luce (Time) and Arthur Hays Sulzberger (N.Y. Times).

    [A very key point to make about the cover up of the JFK assassination was that the media cover up extended ACROSS THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM from right wing to left wing. The New York Times (establishment left), the Nation magazine (left) and I.F. Stone all were pushing the Big Lie or were fooled (I.F. Stone). And, of course, you had right wing CIA assets such as Henry Luce at Time-Life and William S. Paley at CBS whose organizations – hand in hand with the government/LBJ/CIA/FBI/Hoover were pushing the Big Lie as well. Do not overlook the critical buy-in and compromising of the Left in regards to the JFK assassination. – Robert Morrow]

    As far as Lyndon Johnson (and the CIA's role) in the JFK assassination: I highly recommend the book JFK: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination (2010) by Phillip Nelson. It also details what a psychopath and serial killer Lyndon Johnson was BEFORE he got his knife wet murdering JFK. http://www.lbj-themastermind.com/


    Your short on evidence, as usual. Don't you think I've read the articles you present?

    There is no evidence that LBJ was the mastermind of the JFK murder. Anymore than he was the mastermind of the Abraham Lincoln murder. That too was another British operation.


  7. Terry Mauro thinks that the British were involved in the JFK. Well, if that is your religious belief, fine. I happen to see ZERO British involvement in the JFK assassination. I've have never seen any evidence that you have presented or anyone else relating to that. But you are welcome to believe it...

    I will say this: Lyndon Johnson was TOTALLY in bed with the Rockefellers. The psychopathic serial killer LBJ's lifetime modus operandus was to find a power source, then obsequiously and shamelessly target the power source with brown nosing and flattering, all the while hoping to use target power source for advancement. LBJ did it with his college president at San Marcos State Teacher's college, with Sam Rayburn in the House, with Richard Russell in the Senate and by the 1960's LBJ was doing it with the Rockefellers, Nelson Rockefeller in particular.

    For this cover up of the LBJ/CIA murder of JFK, the psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson put to very top men of Rockefeller interests on the Warren Commission farce: Allen Dulles CIA and John J. McCloy, the former head of Chase Manhattan, Rockefeller tool and head of the Rockefeller pet group, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1953-1970, Dulles had been president of CFR from 1946-1950.

    I think there is a very good chance that Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles may have been co-CEOs of the JFK assassination. They, along with Johnson's close friend Hoover, were the co-CEOs of the COVERUP of the JFK Assassination.

    I think it is extremely important to note that Democrat Lyndon Johnson's number one pick to follow him as president was NELSON ROCKEFELLER. If Edward Lansdale, identified at TSBD by Col. Prouty and Gen. Krulak, and Allen Dulles were involved in JFK's murder, then I think it is reasonable that Nelson Rockefeller was also involved in the planning or approval of the JFK assassination.

    I've always thought there was a lot of truth in the following passage (I think that Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy; with the CIA/mafia in charge of the killing and LBJ and his close friend Hoover of the FBI in charge of the cover up.)

    From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

    "The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, JOHNSON of Texas, GEORGE BUSH, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

    I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, p. 638-639]

    [Note in 1964, Nelson Rockefeller did not support fellow Republican Barry Goldwater in his race against Lyndon Johnson. I think Rockefeller was implicitly supporting Johnson to ensure the coverup of the JFK assassination. It is not like Rockefeller was not a hawk like Goldwater; Rockefeller had urged John Kennedy to use tactical nukes on North Vietnam.

    In April 1968, Lyndon Johnson was doing everything he could to encourage/prod Nelson Rockefeller to run for president. In fact Rockefeller was LBJ's #1 choice to succeed him and Democrat Johnson told Republican Rockefeller that he would not campaign against in a general election (source: Dallek's book). I think LBJ's support of Rockefeller for president had a lot to do with the continued JFK assassination cover up.]


    How many times have you been asked for evidence concerning LBJ's role as the mastermind behind the JFK assassination? You have never responded to these iquiries except to reiterate your line that LBJ was a serial killer in bed with the Rockefellers.

    The Kennedy family was and still is to this day, in bed with some of the most notorious drug interests on the planet.

    Not too long ago I posted the FBI file showing Edward Kennedy was working with the KGB in an effort to destroy the "Strategic Defense Initiative" of Ronald Reagan, which would have made nuclear weapons obsolete. Edward Kennedy was acting as a traitor against his own country. On who's behalf was he working?

    So there's enough dirty laundry to go around for everyone.

    Good on him. It would have destroyed M.A.D.. Non US N weapons would have been obsolete (not that I believe Raygonzos SDI ever would have worked, do you?). I'd say that like every other person who has or is working to balance power and prevent anyone (particularly US capital) from achieving supremacy works for the greater good of humanity.

    It was intended to destroy the hideous policy of Bertrand Russell's Mutually Assured Destruction. The planet had been living under the threat of thermo nuclear annihilation since 1945. Do you recall the Cuban Missiles Crisis? Besides the Soviets had been working on "beam weapons" since the early 1960's.

    Reagan offered joint collaboration with the Soviets, just as JFK had planned to offer the Soviets mutual cooperation in space.

    But the SDI would have ended nuclear missiles as a "terror" weapon. They would have been rendered impotent.

    Edward Kennedy as an agent of the enemy of the United States was deployed by that enemy to sabotage the SDI with help of the KGB and other "MAD" advocates inside the Soviet Union. Andropov, Gorbachev, etc.

    But Edward Kennedy's traitorous behavior is quite a shocker to the average American citizen. Your hatred of the United States is obvious. It's also misplaced. The real Empire on this planet and the only real menace to humanity is the British Empire of which Australia is a part. You throw around the word "capitalism" like you really know what you're refering to. There are two systems at war. The British monetary system of free trade and usury, and the American System of Politcal Economy.

    But the technology was available to render nuclear offensive weapons impotent. The SDI would also act like a "science driver" project much like JFK's Apollo moon landing program. The SDI was the crowning moment of the Reagan Presidency. It changed history.


  8. Terry Mauro thinks that the British were involved in the JFK. Well, if that is your religious belief, fine. I happen to see ZERO British involvement in the JFK assassination. I've have never seen any evidence that you have presented or anyone else relating to that. But you are welcome to believe it...

    I will say this: Lyndon Johnson was TOTALLY in bed with the Rockefellers. The psychopathic serial killer LBJ's lifetime modus operandus was to find a power source, then obsequiously and shamelessly target the power source with brown nosing and flattering, all the while hoping to use target power source for advancement. LBJ did it with his college president at San Marcos State Teacher's college, with Sam Rayburn in the House, with Richard Russell in the Senate and by the 1960's LBJ was doing it with the Rockefellers, Nelson Rockefeller in particular.

    For this cover up of the LBJ/CIA murder of JFK, the psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson put to very top men of Rockefeller interests on the Warren Commission farce: Allen Dulles CIA and John J. McCloy, the former head of Chase Manhattan, Rockefeller tool and head of the Rockefeller pet group, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1953-1970, Dulles had been president of CFR from 1946-1950.

    I think there is a very good chance that Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles may have been co-CEOs of the JFK assassination. They, along with Johnson's close friend Hoover, were the co-CEOs of the COVERUP of the JFK Assassination.

    I think it is extremely important to note that Democrat Lyndon Johnson's number one pick to follow him as president was NELSON ROCKEFELLER. If Edward Lansdale, identified at TSBD by Col. Prouty and Gen. Krulak, and Allen Dulles were involved in JFK's murder, then I think it is reasonable that Nelson Rockefeller was also involved in the planning or approval of the JFK assassination.

    I've always thought there was a lot of truth in the following passage (I think that Lyndon Johnson made a dirty deal with CIA Republicans to murder John Kennedy; with the CIA/mafia in charge of the killing and LBJ and his close friend Hoover of the FBI in charge of the cover up.)

    From Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639]:

    “The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK … During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, JOHNSON of Texas, GEORGE BUSH, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"

    I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped. Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, p. 638-639]

    [Note in 1964, Nelson Rockefeller did not support fellow Republican Barry Goldwater in his race against Lyndon Johnson. I think Rockefeller was implicitly supporting Johnson to ensure the coverup of the JFK assassination. It is not like Rockefeller was not a hawk like Goldwater; Rockefeller had urged John Kennedy to use tactical nukes on North Vietnam.

    In April 1968, Lyndon Johnson was doing everything he could to encourage/prod Nelson Rockefeller to run for president. In fact Rockefeller was LBJ's #1 choice to succeed him and Democrat Johnson told Republican Rockefeller that he would not campaign against in a general election (source: Dallek's book). I think LBJ's support of Rockefeller for president had a lot to do with the continued JFK assassination cover up.]


    How many times have you been asked for evidence concerning LBJ's role as the mastermind behind the JFK assassination? You have never responded to these iquiries except to reiterate your line that LBJ was a serial killer in bed with the Rockefellers.

    The Kennedy family was and still is to this day, in bed with some of the most notorious drug interests on the planet.

    Not too long ago I posted the FBI file showing Edward Kennedy was working with the KGB in an effort to destroy the "Strategic Defense Initiative" of Ronald Reagan, which would have made nuclear weapons obsolete. Edward Kennedy was acting as a traitor against his own country. On who's behalf was he working?

    So there's enough dirty laundry to go around for everyone.

  9. More on Kings Ranch by John Hoefle in his piece titled "Southern Strategy Inc" where Wall Street meets Tobacco Road. I doubt Robert Morrow will understand the implications with Texas being home to these European oligarchs.

    Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch|...

    In 1983, Debrett's Peerage Ltd., publisher of Debrett's Peerage and Baronetage, issued a book entitled Debrett's Texas Peerage, on ``the aristocrats of Texas.'' Featured quite prominently in the book was ``The Royal Family of Ranching,'' the Klebergs of the King Ranch.

    ``Robert Justus Kleberg, Jr., was a god among Texas ranchers,'' the chapter on the King Ranch began. ``They still talk about him today in reverent tones, not only on ranches around the world, but at `21,' The Pierre, Saratoga, The Jockey Club and other exclusive enclaves which he used to frequent during racing season in the East.''

    The New York Times has repeatedly referred to the spread as ``the legendary King Ranch,'' and Debrett's said that before the ranch opened itself to oil production, it was known as ``the Walled Kingdom.'' The Klebergs, Debrett's gushed, had ``lifelong friendships with the Whitneys, Vanderbilts and other horsey families of the East.'' The ranch has also been host to some of the most powerful oligarchs in the world, including Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis, hereditary head of the Venetian intelligence service, and Prince Charles of Britain. Anne Armstrong of the King Ranch was U.S. Ambassador to Britain in the 1970s, as well as being chairman of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1982 to 1990, under Reagan and Bush. [fn5]

    The King Ranch was formed in 1857 by Captain Richard King, who had made his living as a steamboat captain running cargo and passengers along the Rio Grande River; he had arrived on the Rio Grande just after Gen. Zachary Taylor arrived with his army to defend the State of Texas against Mexico. King and his partner, Mifflin Kenedy, ran supplies for Taylor, in an operation which was actually an intelligence network operating under the cover of commerce. Just prior to the Civil War, King and Kenedy bought huge tracts of land just south of Corpus Christi; another member of the network was Charles Stillman, a border merchant who later moved to New York to found the National City Bank (a.k.a. Citibank). King's principal lawyer in the early days was Stephen Powers of Brownsville, who had previously been a U.S. consul to Switzerland.

    During the Civil War, the King Ranch was an important transshipment point for Confederate supplies, particularly when the Mexican port of Matamoros took on crucial importance after the Union blockade closed the ports in the South. The ranch also functioned as an intelligence center for the Confederacy.

    The Klebergs entered the picture when Robert Justus Kleberg (``Kleberg the First,'' according to Debrett's) married Captain King's daughter, Alice. When Captain King died in 1885, Kleberg took command of the ranch. Kleberg the First and Alice had two sons and three daughters. The elder son, Richard Mifflin Kleberg, went to Washington as a Congressmen, and hired a young man named Lyndon Johnson as an aide. The younger son, Robert, Jr., eventually took over the ranch from his father.

    The business operations of the ranch in the mid-1980s were run by Jim Clement, the Princeton-trained son of Martin Clement, a former honcho of the Pennsylvania Railroad. One of Clement's friends and regular guests was the late Prince Johannes von Thurn und Taxis, the aforementioned Venetian spook and oligarch.

    The King Ranch got a financial boost when oil was discovered on the property, and royalties from Humble Oil & Refining (later bought by Exxon) started rolling in. With their social and political connections, and the oil money, the King-Kleberg heirs moved into the corporate world. [fn6]

    In 1977, Prince Charles visited the Armstrong Ranch to play polo with Anne's husband, Tobin Armstrong of the Armstrong Ranch; his brother John Armstrong of the neighboring King Ranch; John's son Charles Armstrong, and oil heir Will Farish of Houston, among others.

    Enter the Schlumbergers

    On Jan. 10, 1901, Captain Anthony Lucas and Patillo Higgins discovered oil at Spindletop, Texas. The Spindletop salt dome contained enough oil to double the production of the Pennsylvania fields where John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil ruled, and allowed the United States to surpass Russia as the world's leading oil producer. Oil had been drilled in Texas since 1866, but Texas had never come close to matching the output of Pennsylvania--until Spindletop. With the Spindletop gusher, a black-gold rush began, and fortune-seekers from all over the world poured into Texas. Among them were oligarchs and their agents, seeking to gain control over this new source of wealth. Over time, Houston became a center of the oil industry, and a captive of the British-dominated global oil cartel.

    With Schlumberger came two important figures: Jean de Menil and his wife, Dominique Schlumberger de Menil. Jean, whose background had been deliberately muddied, was a Tsarist White Russian of some stature, who had fled Russia to avoid Communist reprisals, while Dominique was the daughter of company co-founder Conrad Schlumberger. As a top official of Schlumberger, Jean de Menil's responsibilities included the company's Ibero-American operations, while Dominique was a cultural and political warfare operative who founded the Rothko Chapel as a coordinating point for all sorts of unsavory operations, including terrorist networks involved in the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

    While the full story of Schlumberger's intelligence remains the subject for further investigation, some aspects are already known. Jean de Menil, as documented in EIR's book Dope, Inc., was a member of the Solidarists, a group comprised of Eastern European and White Russian fascists and feudalists. Many of the Solidarists had been officials of ``quisling'' pro-Hitler governments during World War II. A leading component of the Solidarist movement was a highly professional espionage, sabotage, and assassination network called the Narodnyi Trudovoy Soyuz (NTS). The NTS had been founded by Menshevik circles in Russia in the 1920s, and functioned as one of British Intelligence's premier spy rings inside Russia. The principal Western financing conduit for the NTS and the Solidarist movement was the Tolstoy Foundation of New York, of which Jean de Menil was a director.

    De Menil and Schlumberger were involved in helping to put Castro in power in Cuba, and later in attempts to overthrow him, in operations involving both the CIA and George Bush's Zapata Offshore oil company. More importantly, Jean de Menil was a key figure in Permindex, the corporate front for the assassins of John F. Kennedy and the numerous attempts on the life of French President Charles de Gaulle. Permindex was closely linked with British Intelligence's Special Operations Executive of Sir William Stephenson and Col. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, and with the FBI's secret Division Five, headed by Bloomfield. Schlumberger's links with the intelligence community are also indicated by its close relationship to former CIA director George Bush, and the presence on its board today of former CIA director John Deutch. This is not to suggest that Schlumberger is a CIA ``front,'' however, but rather that Schlumberger is part of a much older oligarchic intelligence network, with tentacles into national intelligence agencies such as the CIA.

    The Schlumberger/de Menil apparatus had strong ties to the Houston corporate world and ruling elite. Jean de Menil was, for a time, on the board of Bank of the Southwest, the bank closely interlinked with Fulbright & Jaworski, the firm which produced Nuremberg and Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski. Baker & Botts partner Dillon Anderson, an official in the Eisenhower administration, was on the board of the Schlumberger Foundation in the 1950s, and senior partner George Jewell was on the board of Schlumberger in the 1980s. Schlumberger is also closely linked with Lazard, which played a big role in financing Texas companies like George Bush's Zapata and Pennzoil. Later, Dominique de Menil would co-found the Carter-Menil Center in Atlanta, with former President Jimmy Carter. A key liaison between Carter and de Menil was Charles W. Duncan of Houston, who is both a former president of Coca-Cola and Carter's Secretary of Energy. Both Charles and his brother John House Duncan sat on numerous corporate boards of relevance to this network, including John Duncan's seat on the King Ranch board.

    Schlumberger family and board member Didier Primat has rather secretive operations in the Carolinas and Virginia, overlapping the intelligence and eugenics operations of the Smith-Richard Foundation and the family of Bush legal counsel C. Boyden Gray. Primat also held the property title to Mary Sue Terry, who, as Virginia Attorney General, led a witch-hunt against the Lyndon LaRouche movement, throwing a number of innocent individuals into state prison on trumped-up charges.

    These Texas-Virginia-Carolina connections also played a role in the rise of Charlotte, N.C. as a national banking center. Charlotte's North Carolina National Bank (NCNB) has, through an ever-larger series of acquisitions, transformed itself into Bank of America, one of the largest banks in the world, while crosstown rival First Union has grown into a top-ten bank in the United States. NCNB significantly extended its reach in 1989, when it bought the bankrupt First RepublicBank of Dallas for virtually nothing, in a move that helped conceal the maneuvering that was used to keep First RepublicBank's doors open until after Presidential candidate (and former director) George Bush had won the Texas primary. NCNB transformed itself into NationsBank in 1991, with the acquisition of C&S/Sovran, itself the union of Georgia and Virginia banks. After a number of smaller acquisitions, NationsBank bought the San Francisco-based Bank of America in 1998; with the takeover, NationsBank renamed itself Bank of America, with the headquarters, and the control, remaining in Charlotte. Bank of America is number 12 on the list of top contributors to the political campaigns of Gov. George W. Bush, and in its NCNB days, the bank was caught running dirty tricks against the LaRouche movement


  10. These arguments on how the Twin Towers collapsed, be it by controlled demolition, or missiles hitting the TT's is as worthless as the arguments usually waged around the JFK assassination. These false arguments keep people from asking the proper questions. It ties people to the ground where they spend all their time sniffing dog turds.

    During January 2001 Lyndon LaRouche conducted an international webcast. During the Q&A some members of the Black Caucus asked LaRouche about the nomination by Bush of John Ashcroft(sp?).

    LaRouche reviewed the history of the Nazi's in Germany with an emphasis on the Reichstag Fire.

    LaRouche then describes the "nature" of the Bush administration, it's problems, shortcomings and methods for solving these problems. He pointed out that in all cases when a group like that which represented GW Bush is faced with difficulty in passing their policies that they will go with "crisis managment", in order to gain dictatorial power. They'll set off small wars and other provocations like 911 as a "pre text" to dictatorial measures.

    If you go to approximately the 7:30 minute mark of this tape, you'll hear Lyndon LaRouche virtually forecast 911. As Lyndon remarks "this is their method, know it".


    Lyndon LaRouche knew a 911 or something like it could very well happen under the Bush regime, and under conditions of financial collapse, which has plagued the USA financial and banking system since the October 1987 stock market collapse.

    This webcast was a full 8 months or more before the events of 911.

  11. My theme, Terry Mauro, is that the psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson was totally in bed with the Rockefeller family, the white hot inner core of the Eastern Establishment, CFR, CIA. I have a friend who constantly tells me that the CIA is nothing more than the military wing of the CIA. A little exaggerated perhaps, but a lot of truth in that statement. Nelson Rockefeller and Allen Dulles were both very deep CIA and had a close working relationship.

    Here is a quote from David Rockefeller from the 1991 Bilderberg conference:

    "We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

    That would be the Washington Post, where the most enthusiastic CIA asset in Operation Mockingbird Phillip Graham was a big Lyndon Johnson supporter in 1960. The New York Times, which slavishly endorsed every initiative of Nelson Rockefeller in the 1960's and was the biggest xxxx about the JFK assassination for 47 years, and TIME/LIFE where the CIA assets bought up the Zapruder film and did not show it to the American people for 12 years after the JFK assassination, thus covering up the critical back head snap of John Kennedy which 99% proved there was a shooter on the Grassy Knoll and thus a CONSPIRACY to murder John Kennedy.

    I think Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles organized the JFK assassination. One thing is for sure: the pathological serial killer Lyndon Johnson was for NELSON ROCKEFELLER FOR PRESIDENT IN 1968. That is Nelson Rockefeller, the brother of David Rockefeller whose amazing quote is about. No doubt LBJ endorsed Nelson Rockefeller to keep ensuring the cover up of the JFK assassination.

    From Robert Dallek’s book Flawed Giant, pp. 544-545]

    Lyndon Johnson’s deep alliance with CIA and Eastern Establishment

    “Johnson’s choice as his successor was New York’s Republican Governor Nelson Rockefeller. The two men had a high regard for each other. Johnson saw Rockefeller as a sensible moderate who, in Lady Bird’s words, “was a good human being, a person who was for the disadvantaged, who was a man of compassion, with a capable and effective mind, and capable of being effective, getting things done.” He also believed that Rockefeller was the one man who could beat Bobby Kennedy, no small asset in Johnson’s mind.

    Rockefeller reciprocated Johnson’s feelings. He saw the President as “a great statesman and great American patriot.” Rockefeller said later: “He was a tremendous guy.” They and their wives enjoyed a warm personal relationship. Nelson recalled how frank his wife Happy could be with Lyndon, telling him at the ranch not to drive so fast or drink too much. “She was successful in getting him to slow down, which I don’t think most people were.” …

    Toward the end of April [1968], Johnson invited the Rockefellers to the White Housee for dinner, where he urged the governor to declare for the Republican nomination. “He was very friendly about ’68, and very supportive of me for ’68,” Rockefeller said. Johnson also told him he would never campaign against him. Happy Rockefeller remembered how during that evening Johnson urged Rockefeller to run. “He did want Nelson to be President,” she said. Johnson encouraged others to back Rockefeller as well. On April 7, after Irwin Miller, a prominent member of “Republicans for Johnson” in 1964 had asked whether the president would object to his chairing a Draft Rockefeller Committee, LBJ have Miller “a full speed go-ahead.”

    Rockefeller did not need much prodding. On April 10, following a brief conversation with Johnson at New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral, where they attended Archbishop Terence Cooke’s installation, Rockefeller announced his “availability” for the Republican nomination. On April 30, after the White House evening, Rockefeller declared himself a candidate for the presidency.” [p. 545, A Flawed Giant, Robert Dallek]

    Your theme is fiction, nothing more. You pointed your finger at the CFR. They are part of the British Chatham House. Therefore you've pointed your finger at the British. You're just too far gone to realize what you did.

    You pointed your finger at the mafia. Again you're too far gone to know that the base of their operation was in the Bahamas and under British protection. Again you point your finger at the British.

    You point your finger at Eastern Establishment. Again these families have been in partnership with the British Empire since before the American Revolution. Again without realizing it you point your finger at the British.

  12. Terry Mauro says:

    "JFK had many CFR members in his administration. His Vice President Lyndon Johnson was not among them however. Nice thesis Robert

    Arthur Schlesinger was a member, along with Bundy, Dillon, Rusk, Harriman, McNamara McCone, McCloy, Walt Rostow and a few others. Missing from this list of Kennedy CFR'ers is Lyndon Baines Johnson, the psycopathic serial killer.

    As far as the NY Times it was originally owned by the Ochs family. The same Ochs family that had backed the Confederacy against Abraham Lincoln. The poor old CIA was 80 years away from coming into existence."


    The psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson had a saying: "Power goes where power is." What does that mean? It means Lyndon Johnson had a nose for finding power, especially shadow government power or power behind the scenes.

    Vice President Lyndon Johnson was completely in bed with the Rockefellers, the CFR and the CIA. John Kennedy was at WAR with the CIA, in opposition to the Rockefellers and in opposition to many of the CFR members in his own Cabinet. Lyndon Johnson seeked out the enemies of John Kennedy for his own personal advancement. By the time John Kennedy was slaughtered by LBJ and the CIA, he was isolated from his own administration. Kennedy had absolutely no control over the CIA - to such a degree that Arthur Krock was writing IN PRINT in the New York Times, that Kennedy insiders said the CIA might overthrow the government. A friend of mine once told me "The CIA is nothing more than the military wing of the CFR." A lot of truth to that. Additionally, John Kennedy was isolated from his own Department of Defense, where the generals and admirals hated him and from the State Dept, where CFR hawk Dean Rusk was in charge.

    All those CFR people in JFK's own Administration, who he could not trust or control [ Remember JFK fired Allen Dulles the ultimate Rockefeller/CFR/CIA insider] - all these folks who JFK was in opposition to, were the "Best and Brightest" idiots who gave us the Vietnam war under hawk and Rockefeller/CFR/CIA tool Lyndon Baines Johnson. LBJ's very close behind the scenes friend Nelson Rockefeller sure was a hawk: he even told JFK to use tactical nukes on North Vietname [read about that in JFK and the Unspeakable. John Kennedy was physically shaking in revulsion to that.]

    The psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson was in complete alliance with the shadow government of CFR/CIA and Texas oil men who were in battle with John Kennedy. Somebody need to start telling the truth about Lyndon Johnson because that is exactly what he was: a psychopathic serial killer with a nose for power.

    McGeorge Bundy - here is a CFR guy and former Kennedy man who did LBJ's bidding: http://writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/bundy-obit.html

    How about this CFR hawk Walt Rostow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Whitman_Rostow Walt Rostow was a big pro Vietnam war guy; JFK sure was NOT! Rostow:

    "He became the [Lyndon Johnson's] president's national security adviser at a time when criticism and opposition to the war were beginning to crystallize, and he eventually served the purpose of shielding the president from criticism and from reality."

    Do you think Walt Rostow was wanting to bomb Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis? John and Robert Kennedy sure were not.

    Douglas Dillion - this guy was a Rockefeller Republican appointed by John Kennedy to be Treasury Secretary. The Rockefellers sure did NOT like what Kennedy was doing, both domestically and with foreign affairs. Dillon used to work for John Foster Dulles. Dillon was a close friend of John D. Rockefeller; he became chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, AND he was appointed by Nelson Rockefeller (LBJ's good friend) to be a cover up artist of the JFK assassination on the Rockefeller Commission, where he served with such notables as General Lyman Lymnitzer, proponent of Operation Northwoods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._Douglas_Dillon

    Dean Rusk - John Kennedy really did not want this CFR hawk over at Secretary of State. Kennedy wanted J. William Fulbright who early on was a big opponent of the Vietnam War. But JFK could not get Fulbright confirmed by Senate hawks so he reluctantly chose Dean Rusk. Rush was a foreign policy hawk in general and he did not have a good relationship with Kennedy.


    Terry Mauro, are you FINALLY getting the drift here? John Kennedy was in OPPOSITION to the CFR hawks in his own administration, some of whom he really did not want there. Kennedy was in opposition to the CIA, much of the military brass, his own Secretary of State and for DAMN SURE John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were having a sub rosa WAR with his own Vice President, the psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson, who Robert Kennedy was trying to have thrown in JAIL or at the very least kicked off the 1964 Demo ticket.

    John J. McCloy was NOT in the Kennedy Administration. However this incredibly important figure played a key role in COVERING UP the murder of John Kennedy after Lyndon Johnson appointed him to the Warren Commision farce. You need to read the WHOLE Spartacus write up on John J. McCloy, also known as the "Chairman of the American Establishment." Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon got John J. McCloy appointed to the Warren Commission. That would be Clint Murchison, one of the Texas oil men who had John Kennedy killed. Remember the psycopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson told Madeleine Brown that it was Texas oil and the CIA who had John Kennedy murdered.

    Spartacus on John J. McCloy: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccloyJ.htm John J. McCloy, the CHAIRMAN of the CFR from 1953-1970, was tight with the Rockefellers, Texas oil Clint Murchison, Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles, the CIA ... and NOT John Kennedy.

    Are you catching the drift, Terry Mauro?

    Arthur Ochs Sulzberger was a prominent member of Operation Mockingbird, the CIA's disinformation program to control the American media. So was the Washington Post. Phillip Graham of the Washington Post was a key Lyndon Johnson supporter in 1960. Both the Grahams and the Sulzbergers have been often attendees to the Bilderberg banking conference, of which David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger (Nelson Rockefeller's close aide) were such big players.

    The #1 media LIARS about the murder of John Kennedy would be the New York Times, run by CIA/CFR Bilderbergers. Key players of the American establishment (Texas oil, Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, probably Rockefellers) murdered John Kennedy. And the American establishment leaders in government and the CIA/CFR controlled media helped to cover it up for 47 years.

    So LBJ appointed all these CFR hawks to Kennedy's administration? Besides the CFR is a British institution, the sister organization to RIIA.

    The Royal Institute of International Affairs was founded in 1920 as the Institute of International Affairs following a meeting at the previous year's Paris Peace Conference. The first chairman was Robert Cecil, while Lionel Curtis served as honorary secretary. Arnold J. Toynbee later became director. The Council on Foreign Relations, its American sister institute, was established the following year. Chatham House's well-known headquarters at 10 St. James's Square, London, was gifted to the institute in 1923, having previously been the home of three British Prime Ministers - Pitt the Elder, Edward Stanley and William Ewart Gladstone - and also of the Earl and Countess of Blessington.

    The name of the building grew to be so synonymous with the institute that it was officially rebranded as "Chatham House" in September 2004. However, the "Royal Institute of International Affairs" remains its legal name and is still sometimes used interchangeably with "Chatham House".

    The Chatham House building is located just a few metres from the former Libyan embassy building where the 1984 Libyan Embassy Siege took place.

    A recent addition to the calendar of events is The BBC Today/Chatham House lecture series developed with the Today programme. The series was designed to promote debate and discussion on key international issues of the day. At the inaugural lecture in 2006, Condoleezza Rice defended the U.S. decision to go to war with Iraq.

    Robert, you're so far out there that you remind me of DVP. Each of you push an unprovable and ridiculous theory. He blames the assassination on LHO while you push the LBJ line.

    There is no proof that LBJ played a role in the murder of John F. Kennedy. This crap about Texas oil men/ CIA/ Right Wingers was first popularized by Lord Bertrand Russell, who came out with his critique of the Warren Commission prior to it's release! Nice trick by old Bertie. He had tomorrows newspaper.

    You get alot of your brainwashing from another Brit Nigel Turner.

    PS- If you look at the synopsis about the RIIA and the CFR you may come across the name of Robert Cecil. You might not know this but the Kennedy's were married into the Cecil clan with the marriage of Kathleen Kennedy to William Cavendish.

    Apparently not even the family behind the throne of England could stop the nasty old LBJ from killing their shining Prince. Amazing the power LBJ had.

    John Kennedy in the fall of 1963, and before, was in a WAR with the CIA, his own Vice President, and the mafia. And those are the folks who conspired to murder him. The British had NOTHING to do with the JFK assassination. In America, the Rockefellers had huge influence over the CFR. The Rockefellers even donated the land where the United Nation's sits today. John Kennedy was in opposition to the goals of the Rockefellers. John Kennedy appointed Dean Rusk only because he could not get his #1 choice, the dovish William Fulbright of Arkansas confirmed by the Senate. Likewise, John Kennedy appointed his old rival Republican Henry Cabot Lodge as ambassador to Vietnam, as a sop to the rightwinger hawks and the Republicans.

    In fact, on Monday, 11/25, John Kennedy was scheduled to meet with Henry Cabot Lodge where Kennedy was going to FIRE him. Lodge was one of those East Coast insiders who could very have been involved with the CIA planners of the JFK assassination.

    The Lodge family was closely knit with the Rockefellers. Grandfather Henry Cabot Lodge had OPPOSED the League of Nations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Cabot_Lodge

    Grandson Henry Cabot Lodge by the 1950's was completely on with the Rockefeller program and SUPPORTED the United Nations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Cabot_Lodge,_Jr.

    More importantly, by 1963, the CIA/CFR/Rockefellers/Lyndon Johnson were foreign policy hawks, supporting and aggressive policy of removal with Fidel Casto and pro Vietnam War. John Kennedy was in OPPOSITION to these folks.

    Lyndon Johnson, the psychopathic serial killer, had wormed his way into the good graces of the Eastern Establishment CIA/CFR types opposing Kennedy. It is a very real possibility that Lyndon Johnson and Allen Dulles could have been the co-CEOs of the JFK assassination.

    The British had nothing to do with the assassination? Hmmm... earlier you pointed your finger at the Council on Foreign Relations. Well they are the sister organization to London's "Chatham House" or RIIA so how could the British not be involved? Unless you wish you retract your statement about the CFR.

    I'd hate to come up against you in a court of law.

    Furthermore the Bundy's Cabot's, Lowell families had sided with the British during the American Revolution (you do agree we were fighting the British Empire?). Later these same families partnered with the British East India company to import opium to China. These "Boston Brahmins" inside JFK's administration never had any loyalty to the United States. They had always been what FDR called them "American Tories".

    Mafia? Do you mean like Meyer Lansky and his Paradise Island "Resorts International" located in the Bahamas? Certainly nothing British about this is there? :D

    Here is a history of Paradise Island:

    Paradise Island is an island in the Bahamas, located just off the shore of the city of Nassau, which is itself located on the northern edge of the island of New Providence. It is best known for the sprawling 'Vegas-by-the-sea resort' Atlantis.

    Paradise Island is connected to the island of New Providence by two bridges that cross Nassau Harbour. The first was built in 1966 by Resorts International, and the second in the late 1990s.

    Hog Island Lighthouse, constructed 1817 at the western tip of the islandParadise Island was formerly known as Hog Island. Huntington Hartford, the A&P supermarket heir, arrived on Hog Island in 1959 because his sister Josephine Hartford Bryce lived in Xanadu near Lyford Cay. Josephine was married to Ivar Bryce, Ian Fleming's best friend from Eton and Janet Milford Haven's uncle. Ivar Bryce's niece Janet Bryce married Prince Charles's Uncle David Milford Haven and Janet is the mother of Ivar Mountbatten and George Milford Haven.

    Oh, and if you don't beleive there are Brits wearing ten gallon cowboy hats then you have probably missed Winston Churchill's great grandson working the Texas "populists" trying to get them to secede from the Union. His name is Jonathan Sandys. He's even has your Governor talking about Texas leaving the Union. History really does repeat itself.


  13. Terry Mauro says:

    "JFK had many CFR members in his administration. His Vice President Lyndon Johnson was not among them however. Nice thesis Robert

    Arthur Schlesinger was a member, along with Bundy, Dillon, Rusk, Harriman, McNamara McCone, McCloy, Walt Rostow and a few others. Missing from this list of Kennedy CFR'ers is Lyndon Baines Johnson, the psycopathic serial killer.

    As far as the NY Times it was originally owned by the Ochs family. The same Ochs family that had backed the Confederacy against Abraham Lincoln. The poor old CIA was 80 years away from coming into existence."


    The psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson had a saying: "Power goes where power is." What does that mean? It means Lyndon Johnson had a nose for finding power, especially shadow government power or power behind the scenes.

    Vice President Lyndon Johnson was completely in bed with the Rockefellers, the CFR and the CIA. John Kennedy was at WAR with the CIA, in opposition to the Rockefellers and in opposition to many of the CFR members in his own Cabinet. Lyndon Johnson seeked out the enemies of John Kennedy for his own personal advancement. By the time John Kennedy was slaughtered by LBJ and the CIA, he was isolated from his own administration. Kennedy had absolutely no control over the CIA - to such a degree that Arthur Krock was writing IN PRINT in the New York Times, that Kennedy insiders said the CIA might overthrow the government. A friend of mine once told me "The CIA is nothing more than the military wing of the CFR." A lot of truth to that. Additionally, John Kennedy was isolated from his own Department of Defense, where the generals and admirals hated him and from the State Dept, where CFR hawk Dean Rusk was in charge.

    All those CFR people in JFK's own Administration, who he could not trust or control [ Remember JFK fired Allen Dulles the ultimate Rockefeller/CFR/CIA insider] - all these folks who JFK was in opposition to, were the "Best and Brightest" idiots who gave us the Vietnam war under hawk and Rockefeller/CFR/CIA tool Lyndon Baines Johnson. LBJ's very close behind the scenes friend Nelson Rockefeller sure was a hawk: he even told JFK to use tactical nukes on North Vietname [read about that in JFK and the Unspeakable. John Kennedy was physically shaking in revulsion to that.]

    The psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson was in complete alliance with the shadow government of CFR/CIA and Texas oil men who were in battle with John Kennedy. Somebody need to start telling the truth about Lyndon Johnson because that is exactly what he was: a psychopathic serial killer with a nose for power.

    McGeorge Bundy - here is a CFR guy and former Kennedy man who did LBJ's bidding: http://writing.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/bundy-obit.html

    How about this CFR hawk Walt Rostow: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Whitman_Rostow Walt Rostow was a big pro Vietnam war guy; JFK sure was NOT! Rostow:

    "He became the [Lyndon Johnson's] president's national security adviser at a time when criticism and opposition to the war were beginning to crystallize, and he eventually served the purpose of shielding the president from criticism and from reality."

    Do you think Walt Rostow was wanting to bomb Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis? John and Robert Kennedy sure were not.

    Douglas Dillion - this guy was a Rockefeller Republican appointed by John Kennedy to be Treasury Secretary. The Rockefellers sure did NOT like what Kennedy was doing, both domestically and with foreign affairs. Dillon used to work for John Foster Dulles. Dillon was a close friend of John D. Rockefeller; he became chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation, AND he was appointed by Nelson Rockefeller (LBJ's good friend) to be a cover up artist of the JFK assassination on the Rockefeller Commission, where he served with such notables as General Lyman Lymnitzer, proponent of Operation Northwoods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._Douglas_Dillon

    Dean Rusk - John Kennedy really did not want this CFR hawk over at Secretary of State. Kennedy wanted J. William Fulbright who early on was a big opponent of the Vietnam War. But JFK could not get Fulbright confirmed by Senate hawks so he reluctantly chose Dean Rusk. Rush was a foreign policy hawk in general and he did not have a good relationship with Kennedy.


    Terry Mauro, are you FINALLY getting the drift here? John Kennedy was in OPPOSITION to the CFR hawks in his own administration, some of whom he really did not want there. Kennedy was in opposition to the CIA, much of the military brass, his own Secretary of State and for DAMN SURE John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were having a sub rosa WAR with his own Vice President, the psychopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson, who Robert Kennedy was trying to have thrown in JAIL or at the very least kicked off the 1964 Demo ticket.

    John J. McCloy was NOT in the Kennedy Administration. However this incredibly important figure played a key role in COVERING UP the murder of John Kennedy after Lyndon Johnson appointed him to the Warren Commision farce. You need to read the WHOLE Spartacus write up on John J. McCloy, also known as the "Chairman of the American Establishment." Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon got John J. McCloy appointed to the Warren Commission. That would be Clint Murchison, one of the Texas oil men who had John Kennedy killed. Remember the psycopathic serial killer Lyndon Johnson told Madeleine Brown that it was Texas oil and the CIA who had John Kennedy murdered.

    Spartacus on John J. McCloy: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAmccloyJ.htm John J. McCloy, the CHAIRMAN of the CFR from 1953-1970, was tight with the Rockefellers, Texas oil Clint Murchison, Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles, the CIA ... and NOT John Kennedy.

    Are you catching the drift, Terry Mauro?

    Arthur Ochs Sulzberger was a prominent member of Operation Mockingbird, the CIA's disinformation program to control the American media. So was the Washington Post. Phillip Graham of the Washington Post was a key Lyndon Johnson supporter in 1960. Both the Grahams and the Sulzbergers have been often attendees to the Bilderberg banking conference, of which David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger (Nelson Rockefeller's close aide) were such big players.

    The #1 media LIARS about the murder of John Kennedy would be the New York Times, run by CIA/CFR Bilderbergers. Key players of the American establishment (Texas oil, Lyndon Johnson, the CIA, probably Rockefellers) murdered John Kennedy. And the American establishment leaders in government and the CIA/CFR controlled media helped to cover it up for 47 years.

    So LBJ appointed all these CFR hawks to Kennedy's administration? Besides the CFR is a British institution, the sister organization to RIIA.

    The Royal Institute of International Affairs was founded in 1920 as the Institute of International Affairs following a meeting at the previous year's Paris Peace Conference. The first chairman was Robert Cecil, while Lionel Curtis served as honorary secretary. Arnold J. Toynbee later became director. The Council on Foreign Relations, its American sister institute, was established the following year. Chatham House's well-known headquarters at 10 St. James's Square, London, was gifted to the institute in 1923, having previously been the home of three British Prime Ministers - Pitt the Elder, Edward Stanley and William Ewart Gladstone - and also of the Earl and Countess of Blessington.

    The name of the building grew to be so synonymous with the institute that it was officially rebranded as "Chatham House" in September 2004. However, the "Royal Institute of International Affairs" remains its legal name and is still sometimes used interchangeably with "Chatham House".

    The Chatham House building is located just a few metres from the former Libyan embassy building where the 1984 Libyan Embassy Siege took place.

    A recent addition to the calendar of events is The BBC Today/Chatham House lecture series developed with the Today programme. The series was designed to promote debate and discussion on key international issues of the day. At the inaugural lecture in 2006, Condoleezza Rice defended the U.S. decision to go to war with Iraq.

    Robert, you're so far out there that you remind me of DVP. Each of you push an unprovable and ridiculous theory. He blames the assassination on LHO while you push the LBJ line.

    There is no proof that LBJ played a role in the murder of John F. Kennedy. This crap about Texas oil men/ CIA/ Right Wingers was first popularized by Lord Bertrand Russell, who came out with his critique of the Warren Commission prior to it's release! Nice trick by old Bertie. He had tomorrows newspaper.

    You get alot of your brainwashing from another Brit Nigel Turner.

    PS- If you look at the synopsis about the RIIA and the CFR you may come across the name of Robert Cecil. You might not know this but the Kennedy's were married into the Cecil clan with the marriage of Kathleen Kennedy to William Cavendish.

    Apparently not even the family behind the throne of England could stop the nasty old LBJ from killing their shining Prince. Amazing the power LBJ had.

  14. First of all, I would like to say that I am very pleased that David Von Pein is on this forum because he will draw people here. If is like having a court jester running around and ringing a bell letting folks know that the show/discourse/lecture/debate is about to begin. And when they get here they can start reading Jim DiEugenio and get a huge chunk of truth regarding the JFK assassination.

    Very witty Robert.

    BTW, I was not aware of how bad LBJ wanted Nelson Rockefeller to succeed him.

    His antipathy for RFK knew no bounds.

    Jim, despite being from the East Coast and going to Princeton, then to Harvard, John Kennedy was not plugged into the power center of the New York establishment. And that means Rockefellers. But country boy Lyndon Johnson sure was!

    I think that shadow government Texas oil men HL Hunt, perhaps Clint Murchison, Sr teamed up with the Rockefeller/CIA complex to slaughter John Kennedy. The Kennedys were enemies (or opponents) with BOTH Texas oil/military AND the Rockefellers. People like Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles, John J. McCloy were the nexus between those two amazing shadow government power centers. Check out what Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. had to say about JFK not being plugged into the Rockefeller/New York/ CFR power base:

    Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in his book on the Kennedy presidency, A Thousand Days, wrote that Kennedy was not part of what he called the "New York establishment":

    "In particular, he was little acquainted with the New York financial and legal community-- that arsenal of talent which had so long furnished a steady supply of always orthodox and often able people to Democratic as well as Republican administrations. This community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders, Robert Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations; its organs, the New York Times and Foreign Affairs."[14]


    And you know the CIA and Rockefeller influenced New York Times has been the #1 xxxx about the JFK assassination for 47 years.

    JFK had many CFR members in his administration. His Vice President Lyndon Johnson was not among them however. Nice thesis Robert :lol:

    Arthur Schlesinger was a member, along with Bundy, Dillon, Rusk, Harriman, McNamara McCone, McCloy, Walt Rostow and a few others. Missing from this list of Kennedy CFR'ers is Lyndon Baines Johnson, the pyscopathic serial killer.

    As far as the NY Times it was originally owned by the Ochs family. The same Ochs family that had backed the Confederacy against Abraham Lincoln. The poor old CIA was 80 years away from coming into existence.

    And you keep babbling about LBJ's mistress. Wouldnt it be interesting if we could hear from Judith Exner? It was reported that mobster Sam Giancanna had given her to JFK as a gift. Hmmmm..... "Johnny we hardly knew ye".

  15. Martin, would you like for me send you my "LBJ and CIA killed JFK" file. If anyone wants it, just send me an email to Morrow321@aol.com.

    I offered it to you before, but you declined, which I think is a good example of what I am talking about. People have religious views of the JFK assassination where they believe things based on FAITH ... and they don't even want to even LOOK at the evidence which contradicts their FAITH. So by declining to look at or even skim my "LBJ and CIA killed JFK" file, you give a perfect example of closemindedness.

    So "believe" whatever you want to "believe" if it makes you feel happy.

    For other folks, I suggest watching on You Tube episodes of the Men Who Killed Kennedy, the Guilty Men. That offers up LOTS of good evidence of Lyndon Johnson's deep involvement in the JFK assassination.

    Robert, I do not want or need a "file." I'm asking you for one, just one, piece of evidence that proves LBJ committed murder.

    If you've got a whole file, shouldn't it be really easy to post one example?

    Come on, just give us your strongest proof.

    Blame it on 40 + years of conspiracy books, TV specials, documentaries etc.

  16. I think that LBJ's "revelation" that we were "running a damned Murder Incorporated in the Caribbean" has to be carefully studied in the context of the interview source, and the political times, to determine to whom it would be most damaging to at the time:


    The JFK/RFK legacy?

    The Eastern Establishment? (Rockefeller-Harriman)

    Note that Nixon lived to regret bringing up essentially the same topic to Dick Helms.

    If LBJ was pointing his finger at the Kennedy political machine he might not be that far off. Look at the guys in the Kennedy Justice Department that went over to run INTERTEL in the Bahamas, or Louie Jacobs mob outfit up in Buffalo NY.

    Lyndon Johnson was indeed POINTING HIS FINGER AT THE KENNEDY ADMINISTRATION by saying we were running a Murder, Inc. down in the Carribean and he was doing it as a DIVERSIONARY TACTIC to cast blame away from him and what HE LBJ did both in regards to the JFK Assassination and what he did on the foreign policy front. Just like Lyndon Johnson was using DIVERSIONARY tactics when he told various folks over the years that JFK was assassinated by Castro, the Vietnamese, or the CIA. LBJ told Madeleine Brown that the CIA and Texas oil leaders assassinated John Kennedy. LBJ was right about that last one EXCEPT that he noticeabley and incorrectly left himself out. Lyndon Johnson was running Murder, Inc. down in Texas:


    LETTER #2 - FROM DOUGLAS CADDY (lawyer for Billie Sol Estes)

    August 9, 1984

    Mr. Stephen S. Trott

    Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division

    U.S. Department of Justice

    Washington, D. C. 20530

    RE: Mr. Billie Sol Estes

    Dear Mr. Trott:

    My client, Mr. Estes, has authorized me to make this reply to your letter of May 29, 1984. Mr. Estes was a member of a four-member group, headed by Lyndon Johnson, which committed criminal acts in Texas in the 1960's. The other two, besides Mr. Estes and LBJ, were Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace. Mr. Estes is willing to disclose his knowledge concerning the following criminal offenses:

    I. Murders

    1. The killing of Henry Marshall

    2. The killing of George Krutilek

    3. The killing of Ike Rogers and his secretary

    4. The killing of Harold Orr

    5. The killing of Coleman Wade

    6. The killing of Josefa Johnson

    7. The killing of John Kinser

    8. The killing of President J. F. Kennedy.

    Mr. Estes is willing to testify that LBJ ordered these killings, and that he transmitted his orders through Cliff Carter to Mac Wallace, who executed the murders. In the cases of murders nos. 1-7, Mr. Estes' knowledge of the precise details concerning the way the murders were executed stems from conversations he had shortly after each event with Cliff Carter and Mac Wallace.

    In addition, a short time after Mr. Estes was released from prison in 1971, he met with Cliff Carter and they reminisced about what had occurred in the past, including the murders. During their conversation, Carter orally compiled a list of 17 murders which had been committed, some of which Mr. Estes was unfamiliar. A living witness was present at that meeting and should be willing to testify about it. He is Kyle Brown, recently of Houston and now living in Brady, Texas.

    Mr. Estes, states that Mac Wallace, whom he describes as a "stone killer" with a communist background, recruited Jack Ruby, who in turn recruited Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. Estes says that Cliff Carter told him that Mac Wallace fired a shot from the grassy knoll in Dallas, which hit JFK from the front during the assassination.

    [The letter continues …]

    Sincerely yours,

    Douglas Caddy

    I did not write "Kennedy Administration". That just goes to show how determined you are to fantasize about LBJ as the mastermind.

    And by the way Lyndon Johnson was part of the Kennedy Administration.

  17. I think that LBJ's "revelation" that we were "running a damned Murder Incorporated in the Caribbean" has to be carefully studied in the context of the interview source, and the political times, to determine to whom it would be most damaging to at the time:


    The JFK/RFK legacy?

    The Eastern Establishment? (Rockefeller-Harriman)

    Note that Nixon lived to regret bringing up essentially the same topic to Dick Helms.

    If LBJ was pointing his finger at the Kennedy political machine he might not be that far off. Look at the guys in the Kennedy Justice Department that went over to run INTERTEL in the Bahamas, or Louie Jacobs mob outfit up in Buffalo NY.

  18. Here is another bit of historical irony.

    When President Kennedy took on US Steel back in 1962, he was taking on financial interests close to his father Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.

    From the JFK library we have this biography of Joe Kennedy Sr.


    Even apart from his election to the Board, however, Kennedy's connections were beginning to pay off. In 1917, fellow Board member Guy Currier, a prominent Boston lawyer and counsel for Bethlehem Steel, recommended Kennedy to Bethlehem chief executive Charles M. Schwab for the position of assistant general manager at the company's Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts. Already one of the largest shipyards in the country, Fore River was booming with orders as a result of the United States' entry into World War I, and a companion yard was being built at nearby Squantum. Kennedy's close supervision would keep this work under control. It was during his tenure at Fore River that Kennedy would first meet – and sometimes clash with – Franklin D. Roosevelt, then assistant secretary of the Navy


    US Steel:


    J. P. Morgan and the attorney, Elbert H. Gary founded U.S. Steel in 1901 (incorporated on February 25) by combining the Andrew Carnegie's Carnegie Steel Company with Gary's Federal Steel Company and William Henry "Judge" Moore's National Steel Company[6] for $492 million. It was capitalized at $1.4 billion,[3] making it the world's first billion-dollar corporation.[7] At one time, U.S. Steel was the largest steel producer and largest corporation in the world. In 1907 it bought its largest competitor Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company which was headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. This led to Tennessee Coal's being replaced in the Dow Jones Industrial Average by the General Electric Company.[5] The federal government attempted to use federal antitrust laws to break up U.S. Steel in 1911, but that effort ultimately failed. Time and competitors have, however, accomplished nearly the same thing. In its first full year of operation, U.S. Steel made 67 percent of all the steel produced in the United States. It now produces less than 10 percent.

    The Corporation, as it was known on Wall Street,[3] always distinguished itself to investors by virtue of its size, rather than for its efficiency or creativeness during its heyday. In 1901, it controlled two-thirds of steel production.[3] Because of heavy debts taken on at the company's formation — Carnegie insisted on being paid in gold bonds for his stake — and fears of antitrust litigation, U.S. Steel moved cautiously. Competitors often innovated faster, especially Bethlehem Steel, run by U.S. Steel's former first president, Charles M. Schwab. U.S. Steel's share of the expanding market slipped to 50 percent by 1911.[3]

    U.S. Steel's production peaked at more than 35 million tons in 1953. Its employment was greatest in 1943 (during World War II) when it had more than 340,000 employees; by 2000, however, it employed 52,500 people.[3] The federal government has also intervened on other occasions to try to control U.S. Steel. President Harry S. Truman attempted to take over its steel mills in 1952 to resolve a crisis with its union, the United Steelworkers of America. The Supreme Court of the United States blocked the takeover by ruling that the president did not have the constitutional authority to seize the mills (see Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952)). President John F. Kennedy was more successful in 1962 when he pressured the steel industry into reversing price increases that Kennedy considered dangerously inflationary. The federal government prevented U.S. Steel from acquiring National Steel in 1984 and political pressure from the United States Congress forced it to abandon plans to import British Steel slabs.[3] It finally acquired National Steel's assets in 2003 after National Steel went bankrupt. U.S. Steel acquired Marathon Oil in 1982, as well as Texas Oil & Gas several years later. It reorganized its holdings as USX Corporation in 1986, with U.S. Steel (renamed USS, Inc.,) as a major subsidiary.

    At the end of the 20th century, the corporation found itself deriving much of its revenue and net income from its energy operations, so led by CEO Thomas Usher, U.S. Steel spun off Marathon and other non-steel assets (except Transtar) in October, 2001, and expanded into internationally for the first time by purchasing operations in Slovakia and Serbia.[8]


    And let's not forget old man Joe's connection to organized crime. He was partner with the Reinfeld syndicate and the Bronfman family running liquor into the United States.


    The attorney for the Bronfman family was Louis Mortimer Bloomfield who headed up the British assassination bureau "Permindex".

    Recall LBJ's comments right before he died "we were running a damn Murder, Inc. out of the Carribean".

    That description fits Permindex to a tee.

  19. While I don't believe LBJ was the ultimate mastermind behind the assassination, I think it's pretty obvious that he knew it was going to happen. Many of us first suspected conspiracy because of LBJ's classless behavior in the aftermath of the assassination. Read the accounts of Kennedy insiders- especially Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye and Evelyn Lincoln's memoir. O'Donnell and Powers unsuccessfully camouflaged their rage at Johnson in their best selling book. He lied about his conversation with RFK that afternoon, which resulted in the grotestque swearing in aboard Air Force One, demanding that the shell shocked widow stand by his side. The overt "wink" from Albert Thomas, the uncontained glee on Lady Bird's face, the rumors that LBJ's people were insensitive and really partying hard on the trip back to Washington (admittedly, this last one comes from Penn Jones)- there are very good reasons that many people suspected Johnson from the outset.

    I remember, as a child, that my Catholic family members were united in the belief that LBJ was behind it all. To be honest, it really looked like LBJ was trying to act like was upset, but could barely contain his glee. As I noted, I think more powerful forces ordered the assassination, but there is little question LBJ participated in the coverup and, at the very least had prior knowledge of the assassination and approved of it.

    I don't know Don.

    Donald Gibson's book which focuses on who organized the Warren Commission was pretty convincing that the movers behind the WC were private power outside of Government. That these people convinced LBJ to create the WC.

    LBJ also didnt seem to want any part of the Vietnam war. Listen to LBJ's telephone calls with McGeorge Bundy. He is against the Vietnam war just as JFK was against it.

    The most interesting aspect of LBJ and the Kennedy murder occurs after LBJ is out of office. LBJ said some pretty provocative things to media. LBJ was downright conspiratorial, a conspiracy buff.

    What amazes me about most buffs is they have no idea who promotes the Kennedy political dynasty. They have no idea who the Kennedy family is beholden to for their wealth and political power. The Kennedy's are considered to be this "liberal" family who wouldnt hurt a fly. Unfortunately this is far from the truth. The Kennedy family as a political force is not much different than say the "Bush" family. Look at Edward Kennedy's career, and you might get a hint about the people behind the Kennedy mystique.

    President John F Kennedy broke with family traditions and tried to become another FDR.

  20. Martin (and anyone else) please send me an email to Morrow321@aol.com and I will send my entire "LBJ and CIA killed JFK" file. Lots of evidence in that. Also, I suggest READING the book LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination http://www.lbj-themastermind.com/

    LBJ was a serial killer and psychopath - with no exaggeration at all in either of those descriptions. LBJ for 2 years had been having a sub rosa WAR with the Kennedys that was coming to a head in fall 1963. LBJ, Hoover and Allen Dulles were the hard core cover up guys. Lyndon Johnson, as "Mastermind" of the JFK assassination did not do it alone. Rather he was the coach, the team leader, the hub of the wheel that all the spokes led to.

    I do believe there was heavy CIA involvement in the assassination of Lyndon Johnson; and they killed JFK for different reasons, gaming for an Operation Northwoods Cuban invasion result.


    I really don't want a whole file - just one piece of evidence will do.

    Even if your incredible claim that LBJ was a "serial killer" was true, that wouldn't make him guilty of killing JFK would it? Anymore than being a mentally unbalanced communist wife-beater made Oswald guilty.

    Please present one piece of credible evidence to back up your accusations.

    BTW I'm reading that book right now.


    Here is Lyndon Johnson in pschological melt down mode when he started growing his hair long just before he died. He was massively depressed and no doubt FINALLY guilt ridden at all the crimes he had committed.


    Here is another revealing photo of Lyndon Johnson as he lived much of his life. He is yelling at a heckler, in unrestrained fury: "I will put the hex on you!" ... or a visit from his hit man Malcolm Wallace as needed.


    I fail to see any emotional melt down in the McGovern photo.

    What evidence do you have that Lyndon Johnson was the mastermind behind the Kennedy murder? Can you provide anything substantial or are we stuck with this on going pyscho babble that LBJ was a sociopath?

  21. Now compare the Lyndon Johnson quote above, the part about wanting to be a "daddy" to Caroline and John John, with the reality of what George Reedy, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy had to say about him. And also the very ugly reality about LBJ that author Robert Caro discovered:

    George Reedy, former press secretary for Lyndon Johnson: http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/George_Reedy

    George Reedy on Lyndon Johnson:

    "He may have been a son of a bitch, but he was a colossal son of a bitch."

    "Not only did Johnson get somewhat separated from reality, he had a fantastic faculty for disorienting everybody around him as to what reality was."

    "What was it that would send him into those fantastic rages where he could be one of the nastiest, most insufferable, sadistic SOBs that ever lived and a few minutes later really be a big, magnificent and inspiring leader?"

    In his book, Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir by George Reedy… Reedy is quoted on his book flap as calling LBJ “a bully, a sadist, lout, and egoist.” He describes LBJ as “magnificent, inspiring leader; the other that of an insufferable bastard.”

    "JFK once said “that Lyndon was a chronic xxxx; that he had been making all sorts of assurances to me for years and has lived up to none of them.”12 Robert Kennedy’s description of Johnson, which can be heard on the referenced Web site, was that he was “mean, bitter, vicious, an animal, in many ways; I think he’s got this other side to him that makes his relationships with other human beings very difficult, unless you want to kiss his be-hind all the time."


    . . . "Bobby later complained that Johnson ‘lies all the time. I’m telling you, he just lies continuously, about everything. In every conversation I have with him, he lies. As I’ve said, he lies even when he doesn’t have to.’”195 (emphasis added) JFK agreed on this point, telling Jackie on the evening of November 21, 1963 that Lyndon Johnson was “incapable of telling the truth.”196 Similar statements had been made by people who knew him when he was younger: classmates who routinely called him “Bull” (for “Bullxxxx”) Johnson because he lied so much that he was considered “the biggest xxxx on campus;” but beyond that, there was no difference to him in truth or falsehood, the facts were whatever he deemed them to be; he was, in one classmate’s words, “a man who just could not tell the truth.”197 Most men would be embarrassed to be caught in a lie, but not Johnson: men who knew him in Texas agreed that even when caught in a lie, he wouldn’t flinch; he would resume lying again about the same thing, almost immediately.198 Caro points out that this was not just a nickname used behind his back; it was used by other students to his face: “Howya doin’, Bull?”


    Robert Caro spent several years interviewing people who knew him during those years and concluded: “By the time the researcher completes his work on Lyndon Johnson’s college years, he knows that one alumnus had not been exaggerating when he said, “A lot of people at San Marcos didn’t just dislike Lyndon Johnson; they despised Lyndon Johnson.

    This is proof he killed JFK? You're really no different than DVP. It's the same kind of goofy thinking.

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