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Terry Mauro

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Posts posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Whether or not he laundered money, and given the fact that his control of the print media in several countries is very negative, I still fail to understand why his religious affiliations should be in any way relevant. Why mention it?

    Being Jewish is a religious affiliation?

    I thought it was like being Irish.

    Everybody knows Jews know how to handle money and the Irish are obnoxious.


    My Lord, this is hilarious! Hey, and what about Sammy Davis Jr.? Huh, what about THAT! :D


    Sammy was really a satanist. I believe he received an award from Anton Levay for his portrayal of the Devil's helper on NBC titled Poor Devil.


  2. Relax, dude. Get over yourself. Your behavior is bordering on "harassment" me thinks.

    Thanks, Monk. It is true that Murdoch's Jewish family connections are never mentioned.

    He is always presented as Australian, never Jewish. Some biographers connect him to

    the Nugan Hand Bank money laundering scandal and the CIA. These things are never

    discussed and I wonder why...just as I wonder why Colby is defending him.



    Rupert Murdoch was a protege of Lord Beaverbrook. It was Beaverbrook who taught him the art of mass brainwashing.


    Lord Beaverbrook sent Joe Kennedy a note after the assassination of President Kennedy.

    "May Joe find solace...in the assurance that Bobby will repeat Jack's career".

    Koskoff Joseph P. Kennedy page 439

    Beaverbrook was a close friend of Joe Kennedy.

  3. How many times have I read this kind of statement from Colby.

    "You're wrong, you're wrong, but even if you're not, you're still wrong". And always with the demand for a reliable source. A reliable source for RJ Reynolds cost upwards to $100,000.00 :lol:


    Nope he's not Jewish I challenge you to provide a citation from a reliable source that says he is. Even if it were true why would it be relevant?

    Asking for a reliable source for a claim is a reasonable request you don't like this because you unquestionlly accept the claims of you messiah as gospel and don't think they need to be documented.

    There was nothing wrong with the sentence you objected to, it would be as if someone told me "Don't vote for Obama because he's a Muslim" and I would respond "He's not a Muslim and I would vote for him even if he was"

    Check out the tobacco documents. A reliable source or agreeable source could fetch upwards of $100K from the "Minister of Information" at RJ Reynolds.

    You're the one who is lacking.

  4. Dope Inc was given away sometimes in exchange for a donation? Frank, is that you? :lol:

    The LaRouchebots at the lit tables give stuff away but press for a donation if you take stuff. I thought I remembered them offering Dope Inc in the 70s and 80s but I could be mistaken it was a long time ago.

    But enough of this tangent, can you cite any evidence Joe Kennedy Sr. was a bootlegger?

    Trying to organize the population is not quite the same as staging a GG Allin concert where the audience gets to watch GG eat a hotdog out of another mans arse. The latter is behavior protected by the ACLU :lol:

    I provided you evidence, if you don't like it then you'll have to do your own homework. Dope, Inc. covers the Kennedy's starting on page 441 "The Kennedy's Organized Crime in Government". The footnotes are all there.

    If you wish a copy there is one available (1992 edition) on Ebay for $43.95.


  5. How many times have I read this kind of statement from Colby.

    "You're wrong, you're wrong, but even if you're not, you're still wrong". And always with the demand for a reliable source. A reliable source for RJ Reynolds cost upwards to $100,000.00 :lol:


    Nope he's not Jewish I challenge you to provide a citation from a reliable source that says he is. Even if it were true why would it be relevant?

  6. I slipped in an obnoxious attack? Isnt that exactly what you did or am I to believe it was an honest inquiry? I guess you're bored with your open letter to Eric Margolis thread? Now that's a real nail biter.

    The book Dope Inc. went through three printings and 600,000 copies distributed. Read it yourself.

    You could say your dad ended his career when he took off with sensitive documents and stored them at the office of Jacob, Medinger and Finnegan law firm. This was established beyond doubt in a court of law. His answer to this question was he really didnt steal anything because there were copies of the document on microfiche. Classic.

    I won't get into a mudslinging match with you, you are much better at such things.

    If you have it supply evidence that Joe. Sr. was a bootlegger etc and that my dad "stole" documents from RJR and gave them to RJR's law firm.

    The number of copies and printings of Dope Inc in no way establishes it is reliable. I assume Case Closed sold more and unlike LaDouche's "tome" it wasn't self published and people isn't given away at street corners around the world.

    Never stated any such thing. I encouraged you to read it yourself.

    That's oviously what you were driving at, well else mention how many copies it sold? Since it is self-published well all just have to take your guru's word for it how many copies were "distibuted". Since it was frequently offered for free to whoever would take it (some times in exchange for a donation" it circulation proves nothing

    You assume Case Close sold more copies? Why is that, prejudice perhaps? Dope Inc enjoyed huge sales since the first edition was released in 1978 .And unlike Case Closed or anything from the Colby family, it is truthful, reliable and insightful.

    It's available online it does document most of its claims. So one again we're left taking LaDouche's sayso. I agree Case Closed is not reliable that was my whole point. According to the LA Times as of September 09, 1993 "orders total around 100,000 copies"


    Your family tree is even mentioned.

    Then you'll be so kind as to provide the quote?!

    As far as your father I suggest you study the tobacco documents along with transcripts from the trials. You may see yourself in many of the Frank Colby memo's. The old boy even had his own intelligence networks. And he liked to purchase his "experts". You know like picking up a "professional" on a street corner.

    You made the claim you need to do the leg work.

    Dope Inc was given away sometimes in exchange for a donation? Frank, is that you? :lol:

  7. I slipped in an obnoxious attack? Isnt that exactly what you did or am I to believe it was an honest inquiry? I guess you're bored with your open letter to Eric Margolis thread? Now that's a real nail biter.

    The book Dope Inc. went through three printings and 600,000 copies distributed. Read it yourself.

    You could say your dad ended his career when he took off with sensitive documents and stored them at the office of Jacob, Medinger and Finnegan law firm. This was established beyond doubt in a court of law. His answer to this question was he really didnt steal anything because there were copies of the document on microfiche. Classic.

    I won't get into a mudslinging match with you, you are much better at such things.

    If you have it supply evidence that Joe. Sr. was a bootlegger etc and that my dad "stole" documents from RJR and gave them to RJR's law firm.

    The number of copies and printings of Dope Inc in no way establishes it is reliable. I assume Case Closed sold more and unlike LaDouche's "tome" it wasn't self published and people isn't given away at street corners around the world.

    Never stated any such thing. I encouraged you to read it yourself. You assume Case Close sold more copies? Why is that, prejudice perhaps? Dope Inc enjoyed huge sales since the first edition was released in 1978 .And unlike Case Closed or anything from the Colby family, it is truthful, reliable and insightful. It shows the reader how the illegal narcotics trade is organized and who organized it. Your family tree is even mentioned.

    As far as your father I suggest you study the tobacco documents along with transcripts from the trials. You may see yourself in many of the Frank Colby memo's. The old boy even had his own intelligence networks. And he liked to purchase his "experts". You know like picking up a "professional" on a street corner.

  8. If you want to understand how much the media hates the notion of any Kennedy being elected to public office again, consider that, when Caroline was a shoo-in to be named Senator from New York a few years back, the powers that be rose up against her in a solid front. How else do you explain the articles which appeared everywhere, following her awkward interview, in which the transcript was published, complete with all her "uhs" and "you knows" intact? Kind of like when CBS aired that hit piece on Ted Kennedy back in 1980, after he decided to challenge Carter, and made certain to air all his "ers" and "uhs" for the audience to enjoy.

    It wans't just the MSM, it was also the blogosphere which rose up against Caroline. This is what convinced me that the blogosphere was going to be little different than the MSM. The following column really ticked off Jane Hamsher. As it shoudl have.


    That is an excellent column, Jim. Great info about JFK not being on the side of the colonialists; most do NOT know this. A lot of the "young" folks don't know much about John Kennedy. I wonder when the MSM will start talking honestly about the JFK assassination. Just last night I heard Chris Matthews on Hardball pushing the Big Lie about Lee Harvey Oswald being the lone nut killer of John Kennedy. [btw, Chris Matthews a friend of Richard Haass, head of CFR, and Haass' wife is an editor of Chris Matthews' book ...]

    A lot of the "young folks" don't know much about Lyndon Johnson either. They think he was some "great" man who gave black folks civil rights in 1964-1965 and was some sort of innocent bystander in the JFK assassination and cover up. They need to read LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination by Phillip Nelson: http://www.lbj-themastermind.com/ .

    This was after Lyndon Johnson had done practically nothing for civil rights under JFK and was sabotaging the Kennedy's policy agenda on all fronts, domestic and foreign.

    Then, in my opinion, Lyndon Johnson and the CIA (and the shadow government) murdered John Kennedy. And the first thing Lyndon Johnson did, to pacify the Left who was so deeply suspicious of his possible role in the JFK assassination, was to come out for civil rights out of the blue.

    Didnt LBJ sign the Voting Rights Act into law? You really have to do better Robert.

    You wonder when main stream media will start talking honestly about the assassination? You mean when will they blame LBJ?

  9. Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger involved with Meyer Lansky and the Bronfman gang. He got the distribution rights to Dewars, Haig, etc. from the British. His acquisition of RKO studios also came from British aristocracy. Then the old boy married his daughter into the "Cecil" family. You can't find a more oligarchical clan then the Cecil's.


    What evidence do you have other that your furhrer's or elderly mobsters's declarations that Kennedy was a bootlegger or that the "British aristocracy" financed "his acquisition of RKO studios" ?

    The same guy that told me your old man effectively ended his career at RJ Reynolds when he stole all the incriminating files and ran them up to New York law firm offices for safe keeping.

    Do you think he was telling me the truth?

    In other words you don't have any valid evidence but rather than admit it you slip in an obnoxios attack against my dad. He "ended his career at RJ Reynolds" with his retirement after working there for 30 years. Got evidence he stole files or is that just another vile attempt at libel?

    Once again, got any evidence against Joe Sr. not from LaDouche or statements made by mobsters decades after the fact?

    I slipped in an obnoxious attack? Isnt that exactly what you did or am I to believe it was an honest inquiry? I guess you're bored with your open letter to Eric Margolis thread? Now that's a real nail biter.

    The book Dope Inc. went through three printings and 600,000 copies distributed. Read it yourself.

    You could say your dad ended his career when he took off with sensitive documents and stored them at the office of Jacob, Medinger and Finnegan law firm. This was established beyond doubt in a court of law. His answer to this question was he really didnt steal anything because there were copies of the document on microfiche. Classic.

  10. Terry,

    Joe Kennedy was not a "nazi." He was against America entering WWII, which made him anathema to FDR and Churchill, and led to his ouster as Ambassador to England. He had a very personal motive in doing so, as he publicly acknowledged; he didn't want to sacrifice young American men for England, and that included his own prime age sons Joe, Jr. and Jack. At that time, the vast majority of Americans were against our entrance into the war against Germany, which England desperately desired. I don't believe they were "nazis" for holding that view.

    JFK and RFK had to, by necessity, work with many people they were ideologically opposed to. JFK's administration was typical of any president's; filled to the core with fellow Ivy Leaguers and members of the CFR. The key difference, however, was that his only really trusted aide was his brother Bobby. Many of us here think that advisors like McGeorge Bundy knew JFK was going to be assassinated. I'm sure the White House was filled with those who whispered behind his (and Bobby's) backs all the time, and I'm just as certain the Kennedy brothers spent quite a bit of time bashing the same people in their private conversations. Still, politics requires that enemies smile and pose next to each other, slap each other on the back and pretend to be friendly. There is also little question, in my mind, that many of the blue bloods in the establishment distrusted the Kennedys simply because they were Catholic.

    I question RFK's public acceptance of the bogus official fairy tale, but he clearly was working out his own private plan to eventually expose the conspirators, and the fact he was assassinated himself, when he was on the cusp of being in a position to do that, really proves that, imho. While Maria Shriver may be a part of the mainstream media, she is not married to a "nazi." Arnold's dad was like all German youth of his generation, but he held no power and Arnold certainly can't be held responsible for any of that. If you want to understand how much the media hates the notion of any Kennedy being elected to public office again, consider that, when Caroline was a shoo-in to be named Senator from New York a few years back, the powers that be rose up against her in a solid front. How else do you explain the articles which appeared everywhere, following her awkward interview, in which the transcript was published, complete with all her "uhs" and "you knows" intact? Kind of like when CBS aired that hit piece on Ted Kennedy back in 1980, after he decided to challenge Carter, and made certain to air all his "ers" and "uhs" for the audience to enjoy.

    I have no real problem with Larouche- I think he provides food for thought and I even voted for him for president once (I think back in either '84 or '88), when there was no other real alternative to the republicrats. But I really think you're letting his philosophy take on way too much importance; you have a keen mind and great insight, and I've always respected your opinions, but they've clearly shifted now to where I don't know where you're coming from half the time. At this point, WHO do you think was responsible for the assassination of JFK?


    You're wrong, Joe Kennedy was in total agreement with the Nazi's. Look at who he aligned himself with during his stint as Ambassador to the Court of St. James. He aligned himself with all the British backers of Hitler. Joe Kennedy was a personal friend of Herman Goering. They were reports that Jews would come to Kennedy asking for help for relatives being put to death by the Nazi's and he would tell them "I'll do nothing for you" and sent them packing.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger was quoted many times saying Hitler was a "great man". He believed that you need a "strong man" to rule the population. His father was part of the Waffen SS. He is now part of the Kennedy clan :D

    Keep in mind the Kennedy clan helped pull off the California "recall" that effectively ran a "coup" against Gray Davis and allowed Arnold to assume his role as "strong man" of a collapsing California. The entire "recall" scam was run by financial elites like Lord Jacob Rothschild.


    Why do you think there is a need for an Adolph Hitler? The financiers want a "strong man" who has the ability and desire to run massive "austerity" against the population. These "strong men" always seem to appear on the scene during times of financial and economic collapse.

    Back in 2004/2005 you had another Kennedy inlaw revealed in the media as an FBI informant. He was helping the FBI to run a scam on former President Clinton and his wife then NY Senator Hillary Clinton.

    Glad you voted for Lyndon.

    The apparatus used to assassinate JFK along with the attempts on the life of Charles De Gaulle, the murders of Enrico Mattei, RFK, MLK and Jimmy Hoffa was Permindex/ INTERTEL.

    George Shutlz wife Charlotte (The same George Schultz that convinced President Richard Nixon to cancel the FDR Bretton Woods System on August 15, 1971 is an intregal part of the Governor and First Lady's administration. George Shultz followed up the death of the Bretton Woods system with severe austerity called Phase I and II of Nixon's "freeze" on wages, prices etc. Exactly the kind of thing Hitler did for the bankers like Hlajmar Schacht) is part of the current administration.

    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today appointed Charlotte Mailliard Shultz to be the chief of protocol for the State of California. Shultz will head the Governor's Office of Protocol which will work in conjunction with the Governor and First Lady Maria Shriver to host foreign dignitaries, promote international trade and business, and cross-cultural understanding.


  11. Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger involved with Meyer Lansky and the Bronfman gang. He got the distribution rights to Dewars, Haig, etc. from the British. His acquisition of RKO studios also came from British aristocracy. Then the old boy married his daughter into the "Cecil" family. You can't find a more oligarchical clan then the Cecil's.


    What evidence do you have other that your furhrer's or elderly mobsters's declarations that Kennedy was a bootlegger or that the "British aristocracy" financed "his acquisition of RKO studios" ?

    The same guy that told me your old man effectively ended his career at RJ Reynolds when he stole all the incriminating files and ran them up to New York law firm offices for safe keeping.

    Do you think he was telling me the truth?

  12. To Jim DiEugenio: A short answer in lieu of more.

    I have no problem separating JFK politically and philosophically from the machine that got him elected. I will be happy to research the books you recommend, and improve my discrimination.

    But it was the point when the powers that got him elected decided to differentiate the man from the machine that caused his death. Heck - they trusted that machine because it was corrupt. It put Frank Sinatra to work getting mob backing for the West Virginia and Illinois vote.

    JFK had to play within a corrupt system as much as necessary. Check the Grant Stockdale thread for JFK bemusedly throwing Stockdale's bribe-filled suitcase into a closet full of such suitcases - as reported by Stockdale himself, who "committed suicide" within days of the assassination.

    JFK deserves a book that will accurately assess his vitures, compromises, and sins, and also the places where the actions of the Kennedy machine threaten the political legacy. Until then, we face the twin and erroneous extremes of hagiography and villainization, when neither will do.

    I'm glad for what you posted and referred to in response to my post and Terry's (though we're not a team on this) - it helps reassess a legacy that has been obscured by coverup and the lies of conspirators.

    Try reading Battling Wall Street 1994 by Professor Donald Gibson. JFK was a force to be reckoned with. He actual record as President is better than even his most ardent supporters would give him credit for. He was a menace, another FDR in the making.

  13. Tom,

    Is it quite amazing to look at the post government careers of these Kennedy Justice Department men. All the leading players went to work for high level organized crime outfits like INTERTEL and EMPRISE.

    Not only that but I have always been taken aback by Edward Kennedy's love affair with Walter Sheridan. For years it was reported that Sheridan remained on the Kennedy family payroll.

    How about Jack Caulfield the staff assistant to the President (Nixon) worrying about a Republican offset intelligence unit to match that of the Kennedy political machine called INTERTEL.


    In that same genesis description, Dean tells Nixon that Haldeman had directed him to put together, in the Fall of '71, an intelligence plan for the upcoming '72 campaign and that since he had no experience in such matters, he tasked me, then a member of his staff, with the preparation of a final draft document. "Operation Sandwedge" was a twelve page analysis/proposal of what would be required for structuring an accurate, intelligence-assessment capability, of not only the Democratic party's opposition's tactics but also to ensure that the then powerful anti-war movement did not destroy Nixon's public campaign, as had been done to Hubert Humphrey in 1968. It also anticipated facing a Democratic campaign effort that would utilize the astute services of a leading private investigative entity called Intertel, then headed by former officials of Bobby Kennedy's Justice Department. Intertel represented, in my opinion, the potential for both formidable and sophisticated intelligence opposition tactics in that upcoming election campaign.


    This INTERTEL operation against Nixon was the begining of Watergate. The Kennedy boys from INTERTEL are all over this Watergate operation from start to finish.

    Take the case of Hale Boggs. Many buffs believe he was killed because of what he maight say regarding JFK conspiracy/ Warren Commission. Actually in 1972 he was the House Majority leader and would have in all likelyhood put the cabash on Watergate before it got off the ground. After his death , he was replaced by Kennedy lap dog Tip O' Neil. Good old Tip was all too accomodating when it came to investigating the Watergate scandal. Sending Richard Nixon down in a cold coup.

    When the question is posed "is there a connection between Dallas and Watergate they should take a closer look at the political and financial machine behind the Kennedy family. They carried out both Dallas and Watergate.

  14. The Kennedys have always believed that a domestic conspiracy murdered JFK and probably/possibly RFK, too. RFK and Jackie, using a trusted back channel source, told the Russians that in Dec. 1963. Btw, the Russians have always believed it was LYNDON JOHNSON who murdered John Kennedy as their released intelligence files say. Read the super book Brothers by David Talbott to learn the details on this. It proves without a doubt that RFK believed it was a domestic conspiracy that murdered his brother JFK.

    RFK knew it was a domestic conspiracy that murdered JFK. He kept silent on this and lied and pretended to support the Warren Commission. RFK was thinking about his future political career and did not want to be savaged by the CIA Operation Mockingbird assets in the MSM.

    After RFK was assassinated, the rest of the Kennedy family was too INTIMIDATED to speak out about the conspiracy that most of them believed in, that murdered JFK and RFK.

    James Douglas, author of JFK and the Unspeakable, says that a prominent Kennedy supports his book and what he is doing, except that this Kennedy does not want to be visible today doing that, even 47 years.

    In my opinion, the Kennedys need to get off their butts and start supporting people who are getting out the truth on the JFK assassination. I do think there is some COWARDICE on the Kennedys' part, after 2 of the alpha males of their family were slaughtered.

    The Kennedy's care too much about what the MSM media LIARS have to say about the JFK assassination.

    The Kennedy's care too much what the MSM media LIARS have to say about the assassination?

    Well seeing how many Kennedy's are a part of MSM, that's pretty funny too.

    Maria Schriver, who worked for years for NBC. The same NBC tv that butchered Jim Garrison attempt to bring John Kennedy's killers to justice. This was done by NBC through Bobby and Edward Kennedy's close political fix it man Walter Sheridan.

    Then you have the late Tony Radziwill and his wife both working for NBC and ABC prime time documentary programs.

    Then you have friends and political allies like the Cuomo family, with high profile jobs on national TV.

    But you're right not a peep from the MSM :D

  15. Don Jeffries quote:

    agree with Jim D. that there has been an ongoing effort, which gained steam in the 1970s with the emergence of Judith Campbell Exner in the headlines, to portray JFK as a reckless, immoral playboy who cared more about his own individual desires than anything else. This was also the beginning of an attempt to link JFK up to the mafia, when in reality his adminstration was the only one in history to actually try and act against them. Jim has done a good job in past articles in showing how empty these allegations are, and how they can all pretty much be traced back to the same few dubious sources.

    Don, you're wrong again.

    A look at the ensuing careers of the Kennedy crime fighters underlines the point.

    Henry Peterson of the Organized Crime and Racketeering Division joined Max Jacobs's Emprise Corporation, a money-laundering outfit examined in Section 4.

    His boss William Hundley and Robert Peloquin of the Criminal Division left Justice, formed their own law firm, and now sit on the board of International Intelligence (Intertel), Meyer Lansky's crime clearinghouse (see Section 3).

    Stanley Mills, head of the Kennedy Anti-Trust Division, became general counsel for Max Jacobs's Sportsystems.

    William O. Bittman, prosecutor for the Justice Department against Hoffa, joined the board of Sportsystems.

    Daniel Holloman and Thomas Kennedy of the Organized Crime Division joined the same board.

    Horace Webb of the department's Public Informational Services Division is the public relations man for Sportsystems.

    Thomas J. Mekeon, member of the Organized Crime Strike Force in Detroit, is assistant general counsel and vice-president of Intertel.

  16. This is a subject that has been raised a few times before on this forum. I've posted my thoughts about it, but basically I find the public silence of Kennedy family members about the assassinations, especially so many years removed from the events, to be totally inexplicable.

    As I've noted previously, if they held their tongues out of fear for their loved ones, their strategy hasn't worked. RFK was killed. Ted's presidential chances were ruined at Chappaquidick, which I feel was his political assassination and certainly no "accident." JFK, Jr.'s plane "crashed." Other Kennedys died (David, Michael), whose deaths may have been unrelated, but they still were unnatural and untimely, and added to a tragedy that the Greeks would have found incomprehensible.

    Caroline Kennedy, much like her mother, will anger at the very mention of her father's death, which took place nearly fifty years ago, when she was a small child with only vague and unformed memories of him. When David Talbot wrote his fine book "Brothers," he described being told that the topic of his brother's assassination was off limits when he scheduled an interview with Ted Kennedy. Think of that- who would demand that the subject of their brother's death not be mentioned during an interview, over forty years afterwards? That's totally ridiculous, but it exemplifies the Kennedy family's attitude towards a subject they ought to be very interested in.

    I agree with Jim D. that there has been an ongoing effort, which gained steam in the 1970s with the emergence of Judith Campbell Exner in the headlines, to portray JFK as a reckless, immoral playboy who cared more about his own individual desires than anything else. This was also the beginning of an attempt to link JFK up to the mafia, when in reality his adminstration was the only one in history to actually try and act against them. Jim has done a good job in past articles in showing how empty these allegations are, and how they can all pretty much be traced back to the same few dubious sources.

    No matter what court approved liberals like Alexander Cockburn and Noam Chomsky have to say about it, there is no question that JFK was different from most politicians of his time. He would never have permitted Viet Nam to become the divisive mess it became, and the record shows that he had already begun the process of withdrawing from there shortly before his death. He was the only president, since its inception, to attempt to curtail the CIA. He dared to oppose powerful forces from all over the political arena, both national and international; he blasted the steel industry and advocated an elimination of the oil depletion allowance and he clashed with Israeli leaders over their burgeoning nuclear program.

    Those who attempt to minimize his political significance, and chant that he was just another Democrat, can only do so by ignoring solid historical proof and relying on tabloid-style sources. He WAS very different. Unlike almost all his peers, he was never a member of the CFR (at least not the national organization). Robert Morrow should like that. And no, he was not a Rhodes Scholar. I feel confident that he, like all the other Kennedys, remained uninvited to any yearly Bilderberg meetings.

    The Kennedys have never been trusted by those who truly run our world. Joe Kennedy, Sr. has been unfairly maligned in the press, again from some of those same dubious sources. The old man made many powerful enemies- FDR and Churchill chief among them. He paid more dearly, in a tragic sense, than any character invented by Shakespeare. FOUR of his children died seperate, unnatural deaths. That's a statistic that must defy any actuarial odds in existence. He has been unjustly accused of causing his daughter Rosemary's problems, when in reality he tried a brand new, very expensive procedure in a desperate attempt to "cure" her mental "slowness." We all know what happened, but there is no doubt his heart was in the right place. His children would all testify that he was a loving, doting father whose top priority was his family. The old credo that there "there's a great crime behind every great fortune" may well apply to the Kennedys, but in my view they have a far cleaner and honorable record than any other upper crust clan I can think of.

    JFK's death remains very significant, because he was attempting real reform and that all changed on November 22, 1963. His family members should be speaking out at this point. They have nothing left to fear- how many more Kennedys can they kill? It would be nice to see at least one of them be a real profile in courage.

    Joe Kennedy Sr. has been unfairly maligned? That's hardly the truth. In fact the real truth about Joe Kennedy Sr. is much worse than media/historians have portrayed over the years. He was pro Nazi , and was a personal friend of Herman Goering.

    I find it quite lawful that Maria Schriver went and married herself a "Nazi". Arnold Schwarzenegger who was installed as Governor by the Rothchilds, Warren Buffet and Schultz, in what can be described as a coup de tat against Governor Gray Davis. The Kennedy family helped pull off that 2003 coup de tat. Old man Joe Kennedy would have been proud.

    From Dope, Inc.

    Nevertheless, when Joe Kennedy went to Harvard he was snubbed and ridiculed by his Brahmin classmates, who never missed a chance to remind him of his family's seedy history. Joseph bitterly referred time and again to his rejection by the exclusive "final clubs," Harvard's most desired status symbol. (6) After World War I, Kennedy was employed by Galen Stone, a partner in the prestigious Hayden, Stone and Co., a Boston Hat street investment house with ties to the Rothschilds.

    While there, he made his first contacts with the British aristocracy. Kennedy got wind that one of Hayden, Stone's clients, the British company of Robertson-Cole Pictures, was in the throes of a credit squeeze. The ambitious Irishman went to London to seek the purchase of the company's U.S. distribution affiliate, the Film Booking Company. He was turned down flat. Within a month, however, Lord Inverforth arrived in Boston to take Kennedy up on the offer.

    Through a subsequent merger With Ideal Films Ltd. Kennedy founded what was described at the time as the "first genuinely reciprocal exchange of production and distribution facilities between British and American companies." (7) Kennedy's joint ventures with the British soon produced RKO studios, ushering in British financial and cultural domination of Hollywood.

    Kennedy's film ventures were also noteworthy for another reason. Lord Inverforth later showed up during World War II working closely with British Secret Intelligence Services chief William Stephenson ("Intrepid"). (8) The Robertson-Cole deal was Kennedy's first contact with Britain's aristocratic high command.

    In 1929, Kennedy joined with Blair and Co., a firm operated by Elisha Walker, later of Kuhn, Loeb, and Jacques Monnet, to bid for control of A. P. Giannini's Transamerican Co., the controlling company for the Bank of America. The attempt failed, but Kennedy gained another invaluable contact. Jacques Monnet had come to North America to represent his family's liquor business, Monnet et Cie., in dealings with the Hudson's Bay Company.

    In the period that Kennedy was working with Blair and Co., Monnet was traveling to Shanghai on a financial mission for the League of Nations. Since the delegation came on the invitation of notorious opium dealer T.V. Soong, and given Monnet's associations with the Hudson's Bay, it is likely that more was on the agenda than the financing of Chinese railroads.

    Papa Joe also had business liaisons with the seamier side of the illegal distribution market. During his own bootlegging days in Prohibition, Kennedy entered into a coalition with Newark's Reinfeld Syndicate, which it will be recalled was 50 percent owned by the Bronfman gang. Joe retained his business dealings with the syndicate thugs all the way until 1946. At that time, in preparation for the launching of his sons' political careers, Joe sold his liquor company, Somerset Importers Ltd., for $8 million to the "Renfield Importers" — a revised version of the Reinfeld Syndicate. (9)

    As the end of Prohibition approached, Kennedy again turned to London where Winston Churchill personally approved the grant to Joe of the British distillers' franchise for the American market. Through Kennedy's Somerset Importers Ltd. and Renfield Importers, Kennedy marketed Dewar's scotch, Gordon's gin, Ron Rico rum, and Haig and Haig. (10)

    But as Papa Joe made clear early in the game, he was not in it for the money. His goal was to build a political dynasty, and his wife produced nine children in succession to get it going. Churchill's nod of approval and the cash flow accompanying it signaled that the British were ready to take advantage of Joe Kennedy's political ambitions.

  17. The same interests that groomed the Kennedy family, cleaned them up and presented them as this liberal wonderkin were also the very same people that pulled the plug. That engineered the assassination(s).

    I'd call this essentially correct. It worked in small with Old Joe in the Roosevelt administration. I've suggested elsewhere that Old Joe's amenable corruption was the guarantor that his sons would be no serious obstruction to the mob, the Fed, the defense industry, and the biggest of big oil.

    Bobby's campaign may have been an optimistic bucking of the system, or he may have gotten tidbits of false approval. But either way, Nixon was the logical successor to a crumbling LBJ. The escalated number of Rockefeller associates in Nixon's second admin. is one tip-off

    I couldn't disagree more with this, terribly unfounded. Almost Chomskyian really.

    Let us start with JFK. If you have not read RIchard Mahoney's JFK:Ordeal in Africa, then you have no real insight into how Kennedy developed his views on the Third World, and his consequent open challenges to the COld War orthodoxy of John Foster Dulles and Eisenhower. It wasn't that some Old Money group "cleaned them up" etc. When Kennedy went to Saigon in 1951, he ditched his French escorts and sought out the best American reporters and diplomats, sometimes knocking on their doors late at night. And then staying late to pick their brains as to the true circumstances of the French colonial state. When he got back, he then tried to make some speeches for Adlai Stevenson's presidential campaign. But they were deemed as to radical and provocative. So Stevenson told him to stop it. Then when JFK got word about the Dulles/Nixon idea to use atomic weapons at Dein Bien Phu, he issued a press release and called it an act of lunacy. The Dulles brothers never forgot that. Neither did Nixon.

    Recall, this is 1951-54. Before JFK has seriously thought about running for anything but senator.

    Then, Kennedy made one of the great speeches of his career on the other French colonial ordeal: Algeria. This one was so remarkable that it garnered something like 104 editorial comments nationwide. Most of them negative. Its a wonderful speech to read even today. Its in the Nevins edited Strategy of Peace book.

    Kennedy's ideas were his own. Developed on his own, with the confidence of a few select advisers and friends.

    Kennedy never felt at home with the upper classes. In fact, he would joke about the airs they put on with his girlfriend Inga Arvad. This is why at college, he never joined any of those secret societies, instead hanging out with a bunch of more or less regular guys. Then when he went into the service, he got out of a plum intelligence assignment to go on those dangerous PT boats with a bunch of grunts. This is not what children of the rich and privileged usually do. The true upper classes, the Astors, the Cabots, they actually looked down on the Kennedys. Because 1.) They were nouveau riche compared to them and 2.) The Kennedys were Irish Catholics. This is one reason that when JFK defeated Lodge for senator, he waited all night for the concessionary phone call. It never came.

    Kennedy was never a part of that Eastern Establishment crowd and he didn't like most of them, with a few exceptions like Robert Lovett. For instance, when he relieved Jock Whitney of his British ambassadorship he sent him a three line telegram: "Jock, Pack, Jack". He didn' t like the Rockefellers either. That is why on a trip to Venezuela, RFK told the people to nationalize their own oil. When they said that Davdi Rockefeller would send down the Marines, RFK replied: "The Kennedys eat the Rockefellers for breakfast."

    So when JFK wanted to get something done, he would bypass his Cabinet and his advisers like Rostow and Rusk and work through one trusted agent of his : like RFK on the Missile Crisis and McNamara and Galbraith on the Vietnam withdrawal plan.

    You have to be very careful in these waters. The Establishment has done all they could to cloud and camouflage who JFK was in the wake of his death. It reminds me of the scene in the movie Z, when the generals have a meeting after they have killed Montand, the Kennedy-like figure. One of them says, "Let's knock the halo off his head." Meaning of course, smear his legacy after they have had him murdered.

    In addition to the Mahoney book, you have to read The Kennedy Tapes, which is JFK unfiltered through the Missile Crisis. After you do, you will see that he never one of them.

    I am not talking about JFK and his Presidency. I am talking about the Kennedy political machine. The power behind the Kennedy family that cleaned up their history and prepared them to run the country.

    Surely you understand the difference.

    Just for instance take a close look at those Kennedy men from the Justice Department. They went to work for Meyer Lansky's INTERTEL or Louie Jacobs "EMPRISE".

    The Kennedy political machine is a nasty piece of work. As opposed to John F. Kennedy who lived up to his obligations as an American President.

  18. Terry, I suspect Frankie means Marina Oswald, as a mother, but I think you know that?


    Just to add to the previous post, when one talks about a persons worth, that refers to unencumbered monies. This is usually accompanied with money flows and often there are ''hidden'' assets for tax minimisation purposes, so the 4 million and the startup capital in toto could be considerable higher.

    I think one needs to look back further still.

    No I didnt that was a mistake on my part. Were talking about the Kennedy family and there was a reference to Marina. My mistake.

    What's the point discussing "old money" versus "new money".It's irrelevant! The real question is who are the sponsors behind the Kennedy political dynasty?

    Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger involved with Meyer Lansky and the Bronfman gang. He got the distribution rights to Dewars, Haig, etc. from the British. His acquisition of RKO studios also came from British aristocracy. Then the old boy married his daughter into the "Cecil" family. You can't find a more oligarchical clan then the Cecil's.


    You have Robert Morrow blabbing about the "CIA" Mockingbird operation totally oblivious to the fact that Lazard had purchased the Washington Post back in the mid 1930's while they were also the trustee's of the Kennedy family fortune.

    And keep in mind it was a fortune derived from criminal activity.

    The irony of this entire mess is amazing.

    The same interests that groomed the Kennedy family, cleaned them up and presented them as this liberal wonderkin were also the very same people that pulled the plug. That engineered the assassination(s).

    Look at this. The Skybolt Missile Crsis. It is but one indication of the breach between Kennedy and the British. JFK was breaking with the "Special Relationship" in favor of an FDR approach.


  19. The top financial contributor to Edward Kennedy's political campaign of 1976 and 1980 was Joseph Linsey

    Joseph Linsey was an associate of Meyer Lansky and the Bronfman family out of Montreal. The Bronfman's attorney was "Louis Mortimer Bloomfield" the head of Permindex.

    Joseph Linsey (May 27, 1899-November 24, 1994) was an organized crime figure in Boston's underworld during Prohibition, associated with Joseph Kennedy and Meyer Lansky, and later became a prominent businessman and philanthropist, specifically his contributions to Brandeis University


    Joseph Linsey "Bootlegger turned Philanthropist"


    The Reinfeld Syndicate


    Papa Joe also had business liaisons with the seamier side of the illegal distribution market. During his own bootlegging days in Prohibition, Kennedy entered into a coalition with Newark's Reinfeld Syndicate, 50% owned

    by the Bronfman gang. Joe retained his business dealings with the syndicate thugs until 1946. At that time, in preparation for the launching of his sons' political careers, Joe sold his liquor company, Somerset Importers Ltd., for $8 million to 'Renfield Importers'--a revised version of the Reinfeld Syndicate.*

    "As the end of Prohibition approached, Kennedy again turned to London, where Winston Churchill personally approved the grant given to him for the British distillers' franchise for the American market. Through Kennedy's Somerset

    Importers, Ltd. and Renfeld Importers, Kennedy marketed Dewar's scotch, Gordon's gin, Ron Rico rum, and Haig and Haig.**

    "...Kennedy acknowledged the deal by placing his accumulated fortune in the hands of one of the inner circle of London finance: Lazard Brothers, Ltd. Andre Meyer, head of the New York branch of that house, became the manager

    of the Kennedy Estates. Lazard Brothers, Ltd. is owned by Viscount Cowdray (Weetman John Churchill Pearson), who is the cousin of Winston Churchill

  20. Ok, Frankie, that's kinda heading where I'm thinking. Sure, go low. There are lives at stake.

    Old Money assumes a wide familal base and a strong power base. Would you sit back and do nothing? Publicly maybe...

    I have been thinking about what I would have done in that situation, in Marina's shoes, and the Kennedy's. I don't think I would have the courage to put my family on the line. Maybe privately I would try and do something.

    Marina Schriver? Well one of things Marina did was to marry a Nazi :D , the current Governor of California.

    The Kennedy clan is interesting that's for sure.

  21. Yes.


    Yes, in various ways, starting with JFK ''..going to nut country''. Jackie ''Let them see what they have done.''...

    You're assuming the "they" Jackie reportedly mentioned was the so called "nuts" you refer to. There is no proof she was refering to the people/leaders/so called right wing element of Dallas.

    No, the better method to get at the truth is to ask yourself, who promoted and groomed the Kennedy family to be a political dynasty. On who's behalf were they supposed to be working?

    Who provided them their wealth, and political influence?

    When you find out who that is, then you have your killers.

    Yes, who? Hence old money.

    Could you be more evasive? :D

    Yes, who?

  22. Yes.


    Yes, in various ways, starting with JFK ''..going to nut country''. Jackie ''Let them see what they have done.''...

    You're assuming the "they" Jackie reportedly mentioned was the so called "nuts" you refer to. There is no proof she was refering to the people/leaders/so called right wing element of Dallas.

    No, the better method to get at the truth is to ask yourself, who promoted and groomed the Kennedy family to be a political dynasty. On who's behalf were they supposed to be working?

    Who provided them their wealth, and political influence?

    When you find out who that is, then you have your killers.

  23. I live in Austin, TX which is nice. I like to ask old people, people older than 65 what they thought about Lyndon Johnson. The man has no defenders. Almost universally people have anecdotes on how corrupt beyond belief Lyndon Johnson was. Even people who worked directly for him will tell you what a bastard he was. All the love in town is reserved for Lady Bird Johnson, who is considered a revered figure. Even the local Democrats shun Lyndon Johnson; their annual dinner is a "Ralph Yarborough" dinner. I remember one time I went to a nursing home, and one of the ladies there was one of LBJ's mistresses. Someone else told me that one of his requirements for secretaries was "Does she shuck her drawers."

    Lyndon Johnson the man is an embarassment down here still. Nobody celebrates his birthday, or his death, or his "accomplishments" (murdering JFK, etc.); the media TV, radio, newspaper, Univ. of Texas are pretty much silent about the man. Nobody throws a big party in his honor such as a "Reagan Day" dinner. Talk to the Republicans, they will tell you LBJ was insanely corrupt. Talk to the Democrats, ditto. Lyndon Johnson in Austin, TX in the year 2010 is like an open herpes sore: no one wants to touch him!

    .... now about Dallas ...

    John Kennedy on 11/18/63 told George Smathers that Lyndon Johnson was making one of his absurd demands: that Jackie Kennedy ride with Lyndon Johnson in his car on the Texas trip. That right there is "smoking gun" evidence of Lyndon Johnson's participation in the JFK assassination. That is a clever, cunning psychopath in action. Lyndon Johnson knew that John Kennedy was going to be assassinated in a motorcade in Dallas, and out of a twisted sense of chivalry, is trying to get Jackie into the relative safety of his car and out of the kill zone.

    Remember what LBJ told his beloved Mistress Madeleine in the morning of 11/22/63: That son-of-a-bitch crazy Yarborough and that goddamn f___king Irish mafia bastard Kennedy, will never embarass me again!" [Texas in the Morning, p. 167]

    There is no need to give Lyndon Johnson "the benefit of the doubt" on anything and especially the JFK assassination. There is nothing that he did in his entire life to have earned that. Quite the contrary, read Caro's and Dallak's biographies and you run across mountains of examples of Johnson depraved, crooked and bizarre behavior. The anti-social whackjob in the JFK assassination was not LHO, but rather Lyndon Johnson himself, the usurper president! Bill Moyers and Richard Goodwin, 2 aides SEPARATELY went to see a psychiatrist inquiring about Lyndon Johnson's mental condition. Also, read George Reedy's book on LBJ - calls him a lout and a SADIST. That description from a 15 year aide. LBJ had a sick desire to break men. While at the time time the guy himself could barely function; he was a paranoid basket case (PROJECTING his evil intentions/tactics on others), smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day and sucking down cases of low end Cutty Sark scotch.

    Here is Lyndon Johnson talking through his aide Bill Moyers to get that "goddamned" bubble off JFK's car. Bill Moyers was on the phone from Austin, TX barking out these orders for the Secret Service in Dallas:

    "Moyers had been on the phone with Ms. Harris, informing her that the President did not want the bubbletop. He told Harris to 'get that God-damned bubble off unless it's pouring rain.' Shortly thereafter the weather began to clear. Ms. Harris approached Sorrels about the bubble-top and together they had the agents remove the glass top."

    [Phillip Nelson, LBJ: Mastermind of JFK's Assassination, p.428] Nelson's source for this quote is HSCA, Volume 11, p. 526.

    Lyndon Johnson was also a control freak when he was in one of his manic periods, when he was pulling off one of his devious capers, machinations, he had dozens of them. Example would be President Lyndon Johnson calling Will Fritz on 11/23/63 and telling him to STOP his investigation, that he had the right man (patsy LHO). Another would be LBJ on 11/24/63 calling Parkland Hospital himself and personally talking to Dr. Charles Crenshaw and trying his best to get a confession out of the accused assassin (patsy) the dying Oswald.

    Did not mean to forget Lyndon Johnson on literally the afternoon of 11/22/63 calling his financial advisor, saying he had to SELL HIS HALLIBURTION STOCK!

    Pardon my asking, but what in the hell is going on in the mind of that man? Remember, LBJ has done nothing to earn "the benefit of the doubt" in his entire life. That is not the state of mind of a man worried about an "international conspiracy" or "nuclear war" or being killed by a hit squad on the loose. It is the state of mind of a man trying to think of all the ways he can of covering up his participation in the slaughter of the nation's president.

    [From Family of Secrets by Russ Baker, p. 132]

    Pat Holloway, former attorney to both Poppy Bush and Jack Crichton, recounted to me an incident involving LBJ that had greatly disturbed him. This was around 1PM on November 22, 1963, just as Kennedy was being pronounced dead. Holloway was heading home from the office and was passing through the reception area. The switchboard operator excitedly noted that she was patching the vice president through from Parkland Hospital to Holloway’s boss, firm senior partner Waddy Bullion, who was LBJ’s personal tax lawyer. The operator invited Holloway to listen in. LBJ was talking “not about a conspiracy or a tragedy,” Holloway recalled. “I heard him say: ‘Oh I gotta get rid of my goddamn Halliburton stock.’ Lyndon Johnson was talking about the consequences of his political problems with his Halliburton stock at a time when the president had been officially declared dead. And that pissed me off… It really made me furious.”

    Then post assassination, Lyndon Johnson starts making "cowboy love" to Jackie, telling her he wants to be the "daddy" of Caroline and John-John.

    From LBJ: Architect of American Ambition:

    “During his first five weeks in office, Johnson called Jackie numerous times. Instinctively, awkwardly, he attempted to make what Hubert Humphrey referred to as “cowboy love” to her. A conversation the first week in December was typical: “Your picture was gorgeous. Now you had that chin up and that chest out and you looked so pretty marching in the front page of the New York Daily News … well,” LBJ said “I just came, sat in my desk and started signing a log of long things, and I decided to I wanted to flirt with you a little bit…. Darling, you know what I said to the Congress – I’d give anything in the world if I wasn’t here today … Tell Caroline and John-John I’d like to be their daddy!”

    [LBJ: Architect of American Ambition, Randall Woods, p. 423]

    That, my friend, is a CHAMPION psychopath in action. Lyndon Johnson slaughter's Jackie's husband, then he wants to be the "daddy" of Caroline and John-John. All the while telling Kennedy's staff "Ah need yew more than he ever did" to every one of them.

    So what is a "psychopath?" A psychopath is someone who often looks "normal" sometimes even "charming" but there is something seriously wrong with them. They use people. They have no empathy. They are dangerous. Another psycopath would be Ted Bundy - volunteers at a suicide hotline - then its on to slaughtering coeds. How many markers of a psychopath does Lyndon Johnson display. Really? Let's see if Lyndon Johnson displays characteristics of a psychopath.

    A psychopath will use people for excitement, entertainment, to build their self-esteem and they invariably value people in terms of their material value (e.g. money, property, comfort, etc..). They can involve and get other people into trouble quickly and they seem to have no regret for their actions. To date there is no checklist of behavior and symptoms that will tell you with certainty whether or not a person is a psychopath. But there are warning signs. The following warning signs are based on my experience but primarily research conducted by Robert Hare, Ph.D - the leading expert on the Psychopathic Personality.


    Characteristics of a Psychopath

    1) superficial charm [LBJ would find a powerful person, then totally bootlick them.]

    2) self-centered & self-important [100% LBJ]

    3) need for stimulation & prone to boredom [Yes, hated to be alone]

    4) deceptive behavior & lying [Possibly LBJ's #1 trait]

    5) conning & manipulative [ LBJ not just conning, but "cunning" - master manipulator]

    6) little remorse or guilt [how about killing the nanny Dale Turner? Is that ruthless enough for you?]

    7) shallow emotional response [Yes.]

    8) callous with a lack of empathy [besides lying, the other great trait of LBJ]

    9) living off others or predatory attitude [God yes, like a jackal or hyena]

    10) poor self-control [many examples of this]

    11) promiscuous sexual behavior [Very promiscous. Bragged he had more women by accident than JFK had on purpose]

    12) early behavioral problems [LBJ's grandmother PREDICTED he would go to jail.]

    13) lack of realistic long term goals [Tell everyone for decades he was going to be President, (even if he had to kill to get there)]

    14) impulsive lifestyle [impulsive, yes, but also a clever planner and manipulator]

    15) irresponsible behavior [LBJ should have been executed by the state multiple times]

    16) blaming others for their actions [Robert Kennedy was not the only one he hated]

    17) short term relationships [Johnson had long term relationships; but if you threatened him, they got shorter real quick with a call to Mac Wallace]

    18) juvenile delinquency [LBJ's grandmother PREDICTED he would go to jail.]

    19) breaking parole or probation [Lyndon Johnson, too cunning, clever, ruthless and dangerous to go to jail! But he had to murder to cover up many things. He was not far away from jail.]

    20) varied criminal activity [kickbacks, taking bribes, blackmailing, jury tampering, murder - A+ criminal. Should have been executed multiple times over.]

    The idea that psychopaths eat people is a myth. In reality, a person with a psychopathic personality can lead what appears to be an ordinary life. They can have jobs, get married and they can break the law like anyone else. But their jobs and marriages usually don’t last and their life is usually on the verge of personal chaos. They are almost always in some kind of trouble or they are not far from it.

    A psychopath is usually a subtle manipulator. They do this by playing to the emotions of others. They typically have high verbal intelligence, but they lack what is commonly referred to as "emotional intelligence". There is always a shallow quality to the emotional aspect of their stories. In particular they have difficulty describing how they felt, why they felt that way, or how others may feel and why. In many cases you almost have to explain it to them. Close friends and parents will often end up explaining to the psychopath how they feel and how others feel who have been hurt by him or her. They can do this over and over with no significant change in the person's choices and behavior. They don't understand or appreciate the impact that their behavior has on others. They do appreciate what it means when they are caught breaking rules or the law even though they seem to end up in trouble again. They desperately avoid incarceration and loss of freedom but continue to act as if they can get away with breaking the rules. They don't learn from these consequences. They seem to react with feelings and regret when they are caught. But their regret is not so much for other people as it is for the consequences that their behavior has had on them, their freedom, their resources and their so called "friends." They can be very sad for their self. A psychopath is always in it for their self even when it seems like they are caring for and helping others. The definition of their "friends" are people who support the psychopath and protect them from the consequence of their own antisocial behavior. Shallow friendships, low emotional intelligence, using people, antisocial attitudes and failure to learn from the repeated consequences of their choices and actions help identify the psychopath.

    Robert waxes on about Operation Mockingbird but then swallows every word the major publishing companies have offered up in their effort to obfuscate the JFK murder.

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