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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Bill, Thanks. Sorry, no Mary Simms box. Steve Thomas
  2. Group 9 pdfs 9 - 10. Judge's charge to the jury. pdf 10. Judge's ruling that Ruby murdered Oswald with Malice. This carried the death penalty. Defendant's Motion for a New Trial. Motion For Statement of Facts For Indigent Defendant. Ruby was unable to pay for a transcript of the trial. Letter from Belli to Judge Brown 3/21/64. Ruby and his family have asked me to withdraw from the trial. Letter from Hubert Smith to Judge Brown 4/9/64. Smith was asked to be Chief Counsel. Request for a transcript or a copy of the Court Reporter's recording. Motion over-ruled. State's Response. Ruby's lawyers were present during the trial and didn't exercise due diligence. pdf 11. First Amended Motion for a New Trial. State's Response. Motion for an Extension of Time to File a Second Amended Motion for a New Tria pdfs 12a - 12b. State's Response. Supplemental Motion for an Extension of Time. State's Response. Judge denies motion.Motion to hospitalize Ruby for new tests. Motion over-ruled. pdf 13. State's Response. Affidavit from Eva Grant 4/27/64. Ruby is now insane. Report of Psychiatric Exam of Ruby by Dr. Louis Jolyn West 4/26/64. "There has been an acute change in the patient's condition..." Defendant's Second Amended Motion for a New Trial. pdf 14. State's Response. Judge over-rules. Letter from Hubert Winston Smith to Judge Brown 6/7/64 withdrawing from the Ruby case. Letter from Clayton Fowler to Judge Brown 6/10/64. He is Ruby's new attorney. Motion to Continue Application for Ruby sanity hearing. pdf 15. Motion for a transcript of the Jury examination, Change of Venue Hearing and Hearing on the Motion for a New Trial. State's Response. Letter from Emmett Colvin, Jr. to Judge Brown 7/27/64. He has now entered the case. Motion of Extension of Time to File Statement of Facts and Bills of Exception. Judge allows extension of time for Statement of Facts, but denies Motion for more time to file Bills of Exception. pdfs 15 - 17a. Bills of Exception Judge reused approval. This concludes all 75 Groups. The two things that surprised me was the statements by three people associated with WBAP-TV who said that they saw and spoke with Ruby on Commerce St. in downtown Dallas between 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM on November 24, 1963. This runs counter to what we have been told of Ruby's activities on that day. See Group 44, pdf 2108. The other thing that surprised me is that Dealey Plaza grounds keeper, Emmett Hudson apparently knew Lee Harvey Oswald. See Group 45, pdf 2127. I hope you have found these document breakdowns useful. Steve Thomas
  3. In the DA's files, Group 63 has several handwritten notes from Wade (pdfs 13, 15 and 21) I also looked at a Crafard exhibit in the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits (volume 19). It's a handwritten letter from Crafard to someone named, Gail. I don't think the handwriting is either Wade's or Crafard's. Steve Thomas
  4. Group 7 pdf 58. Channel 1 DPD transcript and beginning of Channel 2 up to the President's shooting. pdfs 59 - 64. Index to Volume 5. Witness testimony of Dr. Martin Towler and Dr. M.S. Guttmacher. Group 8 pdf 1a. Index of Defendant's Special Requested Charges. Defendant's Objections. Assignment of Judges. pdf 1b. Belli's letter to Judge Brown accepting the case. Letter requesting a copy of every document, picture, etc that Henry Wade and Jesse Curry have in their possession relating to the assassination and the shooting of Oswald. pdf 2a. Continuance of 1b. Brief in Support of Defendant's Motion for Discovery. Amended Motion for Discovery. pdf 2b. Motion over-ruled. pdfs 2b - 3. Brief in Support of the Motion for Discovery. pdf 3. Motion for Change in Venue. Affidavit by Eva Grant and Sam Ruby in support of Motion for Change in Venue. State's rebuttal. Affidavits by W.C. Hardman and John McKee saying that there does not exist in Dallas County so great a prejudice against Ruby that he couldn't get a fair trial in Dallas County. Order denying Request for Cahnge of Venue. List of State's witnesses. Form lettr for prospective jurors to sign saying that there does not exist so great a prejudice in Dallas County against Ruby that he could not get a fair trial in Dallas County. pdf 4. Defendant's Motion for Acquittal By Reason of Insanity. Motion over-ruled. Bill of Exceptions. 2 jurors saw Oswald's murder on TV. Both were issued subpoenas as defense witnesses. Both subpoenas were quashed. Pleadings of Eva Grant and Eileen Kaminsky. Ruby is a person of unsound mind and does not know the difference between right and wrong. pdf 5. Motion over-ruled. Motion to have insanity determined before the trial. Motion over-ruled. Letter to District Cler, Bill Shaw from R. Dale Vliest asking that law student James V. Teegerstrom be allowed to attend the trial. Defendant's Special Requested Charges to the jury. Ruby was insane and didn't know what he was doing. Judge Brown refused all of them. Special Charge# 8. That the police aided and abetted Ruby by failing to adequately protect Oswald. pdfs 6a - 6b. Defendant's Objections to Judges Charges to the Jury. They had 139 objections. Judge over-ruled them all. pdfs 7 - 8. Defense's Amended Objections. There were 139. Judge over-ruled them all. Steve Thomas
  5. Greg, I happened to be reading through the DPD tape transcript of Channel 1. At the 2:00 PM mark, Officer 22 (Leonard L. Hill) says: 22: "In case..comes up, regarding officer Tippit's pistol; I gave it to Sergeant Owens." Steve Thomas
  6. Frank, I compared the handwriting to the letter Ruby wrote to Al Sharpe in the same pdf file and I don't think it's Ruby's. (The letter C in the word Chicago is different than the C in the word Complaint.) I'd like to compare it to a sample of Henry Wade's writing, and also Larry Crafard's. Oh, and the link I provided is a broken one. This one should work: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...docs1/jfk37.pdf Steve Thomas
  7. Group 5 pdfs 39a - 39b. Defendant's Brief in Support of Motion for Change of Venue. pdf 39b. Affidavit of Clarence Newsom, employed at Sigil's Liquor Store 1336 Commerce. Ruby used to buy liquor from him. Ruby's reputation was bad. pdf 40. Index of witnesses. List of Exhibits. List of State's witnesses. Handwritten letter from Jerry Richmond to "Bill" (William Alexander?) "Vincent T. Lee is going to be hard to get at." List of flight times and flight numbers. Hate-filled letter from Vera Edens, Plano, TX to Melvin Belli. Subpeona for Parkland Medical Records Librarian to bring LHO's medical records of treatment. Handwritten letter to Wade from Arthur Watwood, Compton, CA re: Robert Shorman dated 2/15/64. Cirriculum Vita of Dr. Austin Foster. Newspaper article about Arnold Samuel Johsnon and Vicent T. Lee. pdfs 40 - 42. Various scholarly articles about the Medico-Legal Dilemna and criminal responsibility and mental illness. pdf 42. "Why Psychiatrists Do Not Like to Testify in Court", by Manfred Guttmacher. pdf 42. Affidavit of Claude Govar, owner of ZIP Sign Co. Robert Craven commissioned Govar to paint some signs on the midway at the Texas State Fair in late October. The money to pay for the signs was backed by Ruby. With Govar at the Fair was a 13 year old daughter of a neighbor. Ruby sexually fondled the girl. Govar rebuked him for it. Ruby said the girl should come to the Carousel and audition for amateur striptease night. Govar said no. Ruby said, "he liked them as young as he could get them." The check to Govar bounced. pdf 43. Handwritten notes about police in jail office with Ruby. pdfs 44 - 47. Witness testimony by Manfred Guttmacher (see pdf 42.) Steve Thomas
  8. Group 4 pdf 29. Witness interrogation, Ike Pappas. pdf 30. Witness interrogation, Jim Underwood and James Davidson, camera man WFAA. Jack Revil identifies everyone in the WFAA film of Ruby shooting Oswald. pdf 31. Witness interrogation, Michael Hardin, ambulance driver for O'Neal, Inc. His attendant was Harold Wayne Wolf. He was on his way back from the V.A. Hospital. He was on the Stemmons Freeway, SW of Industrial going north. He taook the call at 11:21 AM and it took him two minutes to get to City Hall. He drove Oswald to the hospital. pdfs 31 - 35. Testimony of Dr. Roy Schafer, clinical psychologist on psychomotor epilepsy and fugue states. pdf 36. picture of a bank bag, National Bank of Dallas. pdfs 36 - 37. Picture of Jack Ruby's spiral bound notebook and its pages. pdf 37. Search warrant for Jack Ruby's apartment. Letter to Al Sharpe, AGVA dated 11/21/63. Brochure on how to use the twist board. It cost $3.95 and was marketed by Earl Products Co., Dallas. Article by Dallas Power and Light, "New Ideas in Home Modernization." Newspaper recipe for roast turkey. Memo from Tom Palmer, Dallas Branch Manager for AGVA to All Club Operators dated 11/13/63. Only paid professionals may be used in auditions and auditions are not contests. Blank telephone message form, "While You Were Out." On the back side of that message form is a handwritten note that says, "Complaint of Lee Harvey Oswald." pdf 38. Henry Wade's rebuttal to Jack Ruby's appeal to the Supreme Court, October, 1965. Steve Thomas
  9. I've been working my way through the Dallas DA's online documents. In Group 4, pdf 37, there is a search warrant for Jack Ruby's apartment. There's a letter to Al Sharpe of the AGVA, a brochure on how to use the twist board, a memo from Tom Palmer, Dallas Branch Manager of the AGVA, etc. At the tail end of pdf 37, there is a blank "While You Were Out" telephone message form. Written on the back side of that telephone message slip is a handwritten note that says, "Complaint of Lee Harvey Oswald." http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...docs1/jfk37.pdf There is nothing to prove that the telephone message slip belonged to Jack Ruby, but the fact that it is included in a list of Ruby's possessions is significant, I think. Steve Thomas
  10. Group 3 pdfs 19 - 20. Witness interrogation of Patrick Dean. pdf 21. Witness interrogation of Karen "Little Lynn" Bennett. Witness interrogation of Ralph Templin, District Manager, Southwestern Bell. Offered proof that a long distance, person to person call was made on 11/24/63 from JE - 48521 (Little Lynn's phone) to WH - 15601 (Jack Ruby's phone) at 10:18 AM. The call lasted 2 minutes and 19 seconds. pdf 22. Witness interrogation of Mr. Serur, Ruby's car upholsterer. pdfs 23 - 28. Statement of Facts, March 9, 1964. Index to volume 4. Witness interrogations of Dr. Fred Bieberdorf, Barney Ross, George Senator, etc. Steve Thomas
  11. James, It looks like he is pointing to various pictures of Jack Ruby, but what the significance is, I don't know. Steve Thomas
  12. This document: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 has information about possible QJWIN contacts and possible sources for recruitment. This document: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=1 has information about a George Peristeropoulos (AKA George Peris) (AKA George Paris) and possible espionage connected with a Tokyo nightclub called "Tomorrow is Too Late." Does anyone know what was on the Tokyo nightclub pass Oswald was carrying when he was arrested? Steve Thomas
  13. Both these documents are on the Mary Ferrell site in the CIA's microfilm collection. The second memo is to Bill Harvey and it says that the sender is reluctant to send QJWIN to Leopoldville until after he gets a chance to talk to Harvey when he returns from whatever trip Harvey is on. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 Still don't know what Goosecreek is yet though. Steve Thomas
  14. I had skipped Groups 3 - 9 in the first go round, so I thought I'd go back and pick them up here: Group 6 pdfs 51 - 55. These pdfs revolve around Wade's participation in the making of a movie called "Countdown in Dallas" in 1967. The movie was going to be produced by Robert Larsen Productions in Colorado Springs, CO They were going to create a seperate company called Flag-Star, Inc. The movie was going to be a documentary, but it was also supposed to bolster the image of Dallas, TX in the eyes of the world. Wade, Curry and Robert Denson had agreed to open their personal, confidential, and public files and records. Wade was going to get $20,000 plus 20% of the producer's gross. Curry was going to get $10,000 and 10% of the gross. Denson was going to get $5,000 and 5% of the gross. Robert Denson was a private eye and the Chief Investigator for the defense during Ruby's trial. There were newspaper articles in the LA Times and NY Times on this movie at the time. Roy Truly wanted $2,000 to act in the movie and another $5,000 for use of the TSBD. Negotiations started around April of 1967, but the project appears to have fizzled by October. There are budgets for the movie project and anticipated rates of returns for investors. Together, Wade, Curry and Denson were projected to receive $255,000. There are some letters to Wade written by people who read about the project in the papers. Some are not very complimentary. pdfs 55 - 56. DPD Transcripts of Channel 1 beginning at 10:54 AM. pdfs 56 - 57. Warren Commission Exhibit 705. DPD Transcripts of Channel 1. Steve Thomas Wade recommended the producers use Marina Oswald
  15. Group 75 pdfs 3221 - 3227. Copies of police reports you will find in the DPD Archives. pdfs 3301 - 3305. Interrogation of Sam Ruby. pdfs 3305 - 3310. Interrogation of Eva Grant. pdf 310. Letter to Robert Larsen, Colorado Springs, CO from Bernard Tabakin 6/27/67. Larsen doing a picture called "Countdown in Dallas." World Entertainment Corporation is willing to serve as worldwide distributor. pdfs 3310 - 3315. Chronology taken from Ruby's handwritten notes. - This marks the end of the Dallas District Attorney Files - Steve Thomas
  16. James, The ARRB Medical Exhibits 237 and 54 that I cited above have a copy of Burkley's receipt of the fragment from Bouck. Steve Thomas
  17. Jim, Thank you. That was very helpful. I was particularly interested in this passage: 17: Agent Louis B.Sims: told the HSCA..."...he could not remember dates but that he recalls it could have been any time up to a year prior to the assassination, he was assigned to conduct a surveillance on a subject that was either Puerto Rican or Cuban .He does not remember any specific details other than it involved gun running and it appeared to be a very sensitive investigation. He stated the names Echevarria and Manual Rodriquez were familiar but he couldn't place them..(HSCA 5/22/78 RIF # 180-10093-100221.) (Emphasis added).. Steve Thomas
  18. Group 74 These are copies of Reports filed with Captain Gannaway on ther esults of investigations of various persons associated with Ruby and who might be possible witnesses for the defense. You can find these in the DPd Archives. pdfs 3214 - 3215 are LHO's school records. pdf 3217. Inter-Office Memo Fort Worth Police Department. "Characters Living at 3809 Meadowbrook Dr." This was the address of Little Lynn and Bruce Carlin. an informant said several characters are coming and going that he suspects are prostitutes and pimps. Cancellation of Little Lynn's missing persons report. pdf's 3218 - 3219. You might be interested in the report filed by Officer Burkhart of the FWPD on Little Lynn and the Celler in Fort Worth. Steve Thomas
  19. John, It's an interesting question. There is no Burros or Burroughs listed in Batchelor's Exhibit 5002. I'm assuming you've seen the ARRB Medical Exhibits 237 and 238. The ARRB asked the City of Dallas and Dallas County if they had any information on Burros, Weitzman and the bone fragment. Dallas County wrote Doug Horne back and said, "Gary Mack, Archivist for the Dallas County Historical Foundation (to whom Dallas County turned over all their records) has reviewed all material in their collection and reports that no information is available about Seymour Weitzman, a bone fragment, or David Burros or Burroughs." The name Burros or Burroughs does not appear in the index of the DPD Archives. If the ARRB did find "Burros/Burroughs", where or where is his interview?? Long story short, Davis Burris remains a witness know only from a previously unpublished photo I found at NARA, and a receipt by Burkley where his mane is likely misspelled (Burros). In his WC testimony, Weitzman talks about receiving a bone fragment from someone and turning it over to a Secret Service Agent. He speaks of this prior to his entering the TSBD. In my essay entitled, Secret Service: On the Knoll and Beyond, in the online seminars on this website, I postulate that Wetzman more than likely encountered on of the bogus Secret Service Agents in and around Dealey Plaza, since the first known SS Agent to enter the Plaza was Forrest Sorrels and Sorrels didn't enter the Plaza until well after the search of the TBD was well under way. I went through Studebaker's WC testimony, but they didn't ask him about any bone fragments. Steve Thomas
  20. Jim, A couple of thoughts: The call to Hurt in North Carolina was placed on the 23rd. By the evening of the 24th, Oswald was dead. In April, 1970 a Sherman Skolnick sued the National Archives for release of records relating to the alleged assassination plot in Chicago on November 2, 1963. The particulars of this suit can be found in the FBI JFK Assassination file, Section 172 beginning on about page 182. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=182 On page 185 of Section 172, it says, "On the night of November 23, 1963, one of the Secret Service Agents in Chicago received a call at home from a Secret Service Agent in Dallas who wanted "instant information" on the following: a) Klein's Sporting Goods Company... and the Oswald rifle, and whether Oswald received money from Chicago as alleged in a Chicago newspaper. (My own thoughts is that the Dallas Secret Service Agent was Inspector Kelly) On page 186 it says that on the 24th, Maurice Matineau "called one of his secret service agents and asked him if he had ever heard of a John Heard, phonetically pronounced. Martineau asked the agent to "pull" all cards marked "Heard". There were approximately 100 such "Heards." It is believed that the Secret Service arrested a John Heard at that time; said name phonetically pronounced." On page 193 of this Section 172, there is a copy of the John Hurt Dallas jail call card. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=193 If the call from Dallas to Chicago was made as a result of LHO's call to North Carolina, the Secret Service already knew that the man LHO called was spelled Hurt. If LHO called North Carolina, why was Dallas asking Chicago for information? Was Chicago the repository for Secret Service records? Why would Chicago have 100 records of Heards? That's a lot for one town, even one the size of Chicago. Was, in fact, a John Heard arrested in Chicago? Why was Jim Braden asked if he knew a Thomas Mosley and a John Heard in back to back questions immediately after being asked if he was in Chicago in October or November of 1963? Steve Thomas
  21. John, Will do. The name doesn't ring a bell with this set of documents, but I ran his name through the Mary Ferrell Foundation search engine. David Burros, or Burroughs allegedly found a bone fragment in Dealey Plaza that he turned over to Seymour Weitzman. Steve Thomas
  22. Gary Mack tells me: He made a fake gun by carving a bar of soap and painting it black with shoe polish. The gun can be seen in the hands of a sheriff’s deputy at left. The woman was the guy’s hostage (I think his name was Gregory). The second picture is likely one of the other prisoners who broke out with him; there were four or five altogether. That stairway leads to the Ruby courtroom. pdf 3015 shows this young guy being led away by two men and a note attached to this picture identifies the three as Sweatt, Gregory, and Harris. Steve Thomas
  23. Group 70 pdfs 2808 - 2825. These are copies of newspaper articles and letters that we have seen in earlier pdfs. Group 70. pdf 2901 - Group 72. pdf 2923. Supplemental and Reply Brief. These are the State's arguments against Ruby's Appeal. pdf 2914 is actually 2913, and pdf 2819 is actually pdf 2914. Group 73 Group 73 is a bunch of pictures, mostly taken by Jack Beers. They are very sharp and clear. pdf 3001. Picture I believe of Bill Decker. Picture of a building. Picture of the Central Jury Room. I believe these are the potential jurors. pdf 3002. Picture of a stack of newspapers, a Sheriff's Deputy and another man. (Are these papers destined for the potential jurors?) Closeup of someone pointing a pen at a nick in the concrete curb - presumably a bullet strike. Picture of a woman and three children. pdf 3003. Note to 3002. Mrs. Juston Holtman, a juror's wife and family. Note: Captain Dep. Sheriff, F.M. Buckalew on door. Spectators waiting in line - identifies next picture. pdf 3004. Women waiting on steps. Picture of spectators in courtroom. The name of the press guy is on the tip of my tongue, but I can't think of it. Picture of woman being searched outside the courtroom and other women waiting to be searched. pdf 3005. Picture of the judge being interviewed. Note: Judge on steps talking to press after verdict. Picture of people outside the courtroom and a deputy sheriff guarding the door. pdf 3006. Reception area of some kind. Oswald shooting re-enactment. Picture of Ruby being led down the hall. pdf 3007. Note: Ruby and escort emerge from courtroom. Two other pictures of people I don't know. pdf 3008. Ruby with Deputy Sheriff Luke Bockemehl. Same picture with the words, "Destiny in Dallas" over the top of it dated 3/15/64. Ruby in court sitting at defense table with his lawyers. pdf 3009. Note: Hearing to put Ruby in Hospital after Ruby butted wall. Picture of a bank of telephones, I believe for the foreign press. Pictrue of a bunch of press crowded around someone or something you can't see. pdf 3010. Press people. People waiting to get into courthouse. Press people. pdf 3011. Pickets outside courthouse. One sign says, "Jesus Christ saves from all sin. Pry to Jesus Now." Other sign says, "Soblen the Russian spy was a psychiatrist for over 20 years. When he got caught he killed himself." Picture of potential jurors? Picture of someone, I think was the Oswald re-enactor. pdf 3012. Picture of Oswald re-enactor? Picture of a man being interviewed. Behind him the sign on the door says, Criminal Investigation Division - Theft. Member of CID? Two men with a yellow legal pad. Lawyers? pdf 3013. A man and a woman. One of Ruby's lawyers? Group of people in the hall. Two men. Same men as in 3012? pdf 3014. Youn man being taken into custody. The police have drawn their guns. Another man being forcibly led away. A hand is covering his eyes. Close up of Barney Ross I think. pdf 3015. Note: Barney Ross. photo by Joe Laird. Young man in 3014 is being led away in handcuffs by two men. Downtown Dallas in the background. Note: Jail break during Ruby trial. Sweatt, Gregory and Harris. pdf 3016. Young man being fingerprinted. Note: Glass and Deputy Sheriff J.H. Kitchings. Note: Man picked up in DA's office carrying a gun - planned to shoot Ruby. 2/18/64. Another angle of same photo. pdf 3017. Copy of above. Kids being frisked outside of courtroom. pdf 3018. Note: Andy Bowie 8. Son of Ass't DA Jim Bowie. James Roy Cunningham 10. Bowie's nephew from Venezuela being searched by Cap't. Dep. Sheriff F.M. Buckalew. Man being searched outside courtroom. Man being interviewed. Might be Melvin Belli. pdf 3019. Photo of Market Hall. Picture of Nick McDonald, who arrested LHO in the Texas Theater. Steve Thomas
  24. The next pdf, number 3015 shows the young man in 3014 being led away in handcuffs. There is a note attached that says, "Jail break during Ruby trial." It also says, "Sweatt, Grgory and Harris." This is a very nice picture of Allen Sweatt I believe. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...t6/_jfk3015.pdf Steve Thomas
  25. These photos are from the Dallas DA's files that were released a couple of months ago. These are from Group 73 pdf 3014 http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...t6/_jfk3014.pdf In the first photo, notice the police have drawn their guns. In the second, another man is being forcibly led away. If the pdf seems to hang up and quit loading, hit your stop button and then hit your reload button. Steve Thomas
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