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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. 1951. Ada, Oklahoma. "Juanita Phillips (AKA Candy Barr) ex-prostitute-bootlegger, advised this office (FBI) that she is taxed $2.00 per case on all whiskey sold. The above tax is being paid to Sheriff, J.D. Garr as protection money. The arrangement is such that Garr promises three hours notification before any raids are conducted." http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=4 Steve Thomas
  2. On April 24, 1959 the FBI was informed that Officers Joe Cody, C.D. Dellinger and Sam F. Tuck were employed in their off-hours by a company called Truth Verification, Inc.; and that while thus employed, had placed an illegal wiretap on an official of the AFL-CIO. At their hearing, the officers took the 5th. Cody was represented by attorney, William O. Braecklein. Braecklein also represented Candy Barr and Joe Civello. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=5 During her trial for possession of marijuana, Attorney Braecklein alleged that prior to her arrest on 10/25/57, a telephone company employee during a routine circuit check had discovered on 10/15/57 that Candy’s Barr's telephone had been tapped and that her calls were being relayed to another apartment in the same building rented by one, James Daniels. At her trial, Detective Pat Gannoway testified that James Daniels was an alias for Detective H.W. Totten. Braecklein told the FBI that on 10/25/57 a telephone call between Candy Barr and one Helen K. Smith was intercepted and that call was what led to Candy Barr’s home search and arrest. Helen K. Smith was also known as Pixie Lynn. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=4 On 11/22/63 Pixie Lynn allegedly told Travis Benkendorfer at the Midnight Lounge in Houston that she had attended some “swinging parties” at Jack Ruby’s. She would later go on to deny that she had told Benkendorfer this. DPD Archives Box 18, Folder# 11, Item# 3. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box18.htm I had read somewhere that Joe Cody was one of the first, if not the first officer to arrive at the scene of Tippit’s shooting, but I don’t have a source for this. Steve Thomas
  3. Is this the Dark Complected Man? He appears in the Hughes film walking from left to right on the sidewalk. His appearance is after Hughes did his filming in the train yard. Steve Thomas
  4. Viewzi Search text, pictures, videos all in one search engine. I especially like the 3D photo cloud view. (searches flickr) If you type in "jfk assassination", and use the web screenshot view, Lancer's page is there. http://www.viewzi.com/ Steve Thomas
  5. Don, Can't help you with Witt, but here are Arce and Williams: Steve Thomas
  6. Greg and James, Thanks. You can read a little about this camp in the FBI's Administrative folder J9 p. 17 There is also a list of the camps in MS in the FBI's subject files under MDC http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 Steve Thomas
  7. Don, That's Danny Arce and Bonnie Ray Williams being loaded in the squad car. Mr. BALL. Were your two friends with you, Jarman and-- Mr. WILLIAMS. No; they wasn't with me. First I think they took me and another fellow, Danny-- they took us in one car. Then they took some other fellows in another car, and then another car, I think. Steve Thomas
  8. A little while ago, I ran across an FBI document that said there was a camp for training Cuban exiles in Pass Christian, Mississippi. Anyone ever heard of this camp? Steve Thomas
  9. Greg, quote name='Greg Parker' date='Jun 25 2008, 02:58 AM' post='148304'] Steve, Very interesting thought. Have you found any links between Claasen and the Chicago mob? Any hint of use of nicknames such as those suggested by Borchgardt? No, I haven't, but I've been on the lookout ever since. The only thing I could suggest that may go against this theory is that Fred (Claasen?), according to Borchgadt, would have been instrumental in arranging for Ruby to carry out the hit on Oswald. If "Fred" was Claasen, why would he then turn around and draw attention to himself by informing on Martino? That's a good point. Borchgardt told Anderton that he had information that four men: E. Dalrymple, Lawrence Miller, Perry Wydell, and Marvin Frazier worked for a man named "Fred", also called "the Big Dago" and "The Goose". "Fred" worked for a group out of Chicago and that he runs stolen cars and guns to Mexico brings back narcotics into the U.S. I have wondered if Borchgart named the four men who were in that motel room doing a gun deal with Ruby that was in Oswald Talked "E. Dalrymple" is reported in Oswald Talked and other publications as being "Elvis Dalrymple". In the Anderton note, Elvis is listed as 38 years old. I have been looking into the Borchgardt claims periodically for a few years, as personally, I put a far greater premium on them then certain other sensational claims made over the years. I do too. FWIW, I recently found a news item about the arrest of an "Elvis Dalrymple" age 38 in 1962 for a brutal murder in Lubbock. Five others were involved, including 3 females - one being his wife. None of the other names are among those mentioned by Borchgardt, but I do wonder if this murder was somehow connected to the cars/weapons/narco trade? The FBI was involved in the arrest, but presumably only because he was arrested interstate. The victim was listed as JR Castle, a 46yo Lubbock carpenter. He had been badly beaten and shot multiple times. Others arrested were: June Dalrymple, Richard LeLong, Mary Grizzle (aka Mary DeLong), Jim Hammonds, and another female whose name was not released. Have not been able to find out any more like what happened at trial etc. Maybe someone else can do a bit of further digging to see if it was in fact related to Mexico "import-Export" trade? If it was - I think that's a significant step closer to verification on what was told to Anderton. And if someone does do some digging, see if the name Michel Caron pops up. From the January 21, 2006 blog: I HAVE SOME SECRETS FOR YOU By Maurice Philipps http://somesecretsforyou.blogspot.com/ "On October 10 1963, at the Mexico-United States border, the U.S. Customs officers search Caron's car and, by luck, discover 35 kilograms of heroine. At a market price of one million dollars a kilogram, this 35 millions seizure is the second most important of U.S. history. Submitted to a persuasive interrogatory, and confident that he, his wife and his four children will be protected, Caron starts to confess. First, Caron denounces his Quebec's accomplices and, finally, their chief, the recipient of the merchandise, Lucien Rivard himself." Steve Thomas [
  10. Bernice, Here he can be seen walking west at the time when people were streaming up and across the knoll. Sorry, don't know the photographer. Steve Thomas
  11. Searchme.com Search results are displayed as web pages. http://beta.searchme.com/ It's pretty cool. Steve Thomas
  12. Jim, I don't know what roster you (he) is referring to, but you might be interested in reading the WC testimony of Captain James Soloman. He was one of the four Captains of the Reserves. He talks about Holly and Holly picking Newman out as the man who looked most like the Reserve Officer he (Holly) spoke to. It's in 12H87. Scroll down to page 89. He said Holly was "confused". http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/solomon.htm Steve Thomas
  13. Jim, Holly was interviewed by the FBI on December 11, 1963. Here's a copy of his FBI interview: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=149 The name of the reserve officer is not mentioned. He was also interviewed by the WC on March 26, 1964. You can read his testimony here: (12H261) http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...bsPageId=251735 He said he couldn't remember the name of the Reserve Officer and Leon Hubert asked him if the Officer's name was Newman. Holly didn't know. The same day, Reserve Officer William J. Newman was interviewed by the WC. He denied telling anyone there at Parkland that he had seen a man coming down the ramp. When Hubert asked him if the man he had seen coming down the ramp was Ruby, he said, "Mr. HUBERT. Would you say that the man coming down the ramp was Jack Ruby? Mr. NEWMAN. No; I wouldn't. By the same token, I wouldn't say that he wasn't. Mr. HUBERT. In other words, you can't say whether he was or wasn't? Mr. NEWMAN. That's right. I just didn't pay that much attention to it at the time. You can read his deposition here: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/newman_w.htm Steve Thomas
  14. Antti, His full name was Raul Castro Baile. For an unredacted version of this memo about the Rambler and people receiving mail at 806 E. Monica Dr. in Garland, see Robert Gremberling's 3/30/64 Report here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=174 Some of the mail they received was the magazine, "Zigzag Libre", which, if I remember right, was the first reported information about Oswald and his activities in New Orleans. He and Quintana were sent from Cuba to Mexico to ostensibly train as crop dusters, but he suspected that the training they were receiving was more military in nature. I think that it was the second time they were sent to Mexico, he and Quintana defected and swam across the river at Brownsville. They wound up marrying sisters. They worked as roofers. Steve Thomas
  15. Roy, Thank you. I appreciate that. Steve
  16. Antti, Depending on which picture Roger Craig was shown, I have speculated that the dark complected driver was Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro, he of 3126 Harlendale fame. Two other officers of SNFE/Alpha 66 that met at the Harlandale address about every other Saturday were Raul Castro and Juan Quintana Mayo. They lived in Garland. In his Sheriff's Report filed on November 23, 1963, Deputy Sheriff, Roger Craig wrote about a man seen running down the hill in front of the TSBD and getting into a light colored Rambler. "The man driving this station wagon was a dark complected white male." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/craig1.htm On April 1, 1964 he testified before the WC, and tld them, "Mr. BELIN - What about the man who was driving the car? Mr. CRAIG - Now, he struck me, at first, as being a colored male. He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..." Sounds an awful lot like the dark completed man standing with Umbrella Man doesn't it? http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/craig.htm Here is a physical description of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro on page 5 of April 26, 1964 Report of Wallace Heitman. 5’11”, 158 lbs, has brown hair, dark glasses, and has a dark complexion. (This description could also fit the "dark complected man".) http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=223 In another FBI Report of 11/23/63, it says that Rodriguez couldn't speak English. Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964 report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas (Castro's and Quintera's) that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." They had picked up this bumper sticker at a John Birch Society meeting held in October. Originally it read, "Kan the Kennedy Klan", but somebody had scrathed out the word, "Kan" and changed it to "Kill". His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker. The Rambler was owned by Raul Castro. (See Wallace Heitman’s interviews with Castro and Quintera.) On page 5 of this Report, it says, "On April 9, 1964, SA Wallace R. Heitman observed parked on the street in front of the residence at ..... Garland, Texas a late-model, four door Rambler automobile, bearing license PD-4976." http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=214 Steve Thomas
  17. Duke, I can't add anything to the discussion, but Talbert was the Second Platoon commander for the Headquarters Station. Here's his platoon http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=142 He was number 15 Steve Thomas
  18. Ron, On 11/28/63 the SAC of New York sends a teletype to J. Edgar Hoover. Evanston, IL radio station news editor, Chris Hester calls his father-in-law, Hugh Larkin, a retired New York City policeman and asks him how he (Hester) can get info on New York car with license plate 3110 RF. The car was currently in Dallas and some connection with Lee Harvey Oswald. The New York FBI ran a plate check and found that it belonged to a 1962 Ford Falcon registered to Thomas Vallee of Hicksville, NY. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=50 While the connection to LHO is unknown, this may have some connection to the car T.F. White saw. From John Armstrong's University of Minnesota Speech Minneapolis--May 15, 1999 "Mr. T.F. White saw a red Ford Falcon quickly pull into the El Chico parking lot. This is 6 blocks north of the Texas Theater. The man and car appeared to be hiding behind a large billboard sign. Curious, Mr. White walked across the street toward the car. When White was within a few yards of the car, the driver looked directly at him, the quickly sped off throwing gravel with his rear tires. White wrote down the license plate number and make and model of the car. The license plates were traced to blue 1957 Plymouth owned by Carl Mather, an employee of Collins Radio. Mather was the best friend of Dallas Police officer J.D. Tippit. Mather was unknown to the Warren Commission and refused to discuss the matter with reporters. Years later Mather was granted immunity (LEFT-SLIDE 62) from prosecution and interviewed by the HSCA. Today, twenty years later, his interview was still classified." White was a mechanic who worked for Mack Pate Garage 114 W. Seventh St. (HSCA vol. 12 p. 39) The Falcon White saw bore Texas plate PP4537. White would later go on to say that it was Lee Harvey Oswald behind the wheel of that Falcon. Steve Thomas
  19. Bill, The first physical description on the President's shooting went out at 12:45. Their was no clothing description. The first broadcast on the suspect in the Tippit shooting went out at 1:19. At that time, Dispatch said there was "No physical description." The first physical description on the suspect in the Tippit shooting went out at 1:22. LHO was arrested around 1:50. Steve Thomas
  20. Lee, Several witnesses were interviewed by the Texas Monthly magazine on the 35th anniversary of the assassination in 1998. I sure wish they would have let her finish what she was going to say about Eastman Kodak. (That's where Forrest Sorrels took Zapruder to get his film developed) The Willis family saw them there. For people who want to read the entire interview, here is a link: http://web.archive.org/web/20010619191050/...anscripts.1.php Steve Thomas
  21. Carl, This is what it says on Sturgis's Spartacus biography page: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKsturgis.htm (Marita) Lorenz also testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations where she claimed that Sturgis had been one of the gunmen who fired on John F. Kennedy in Dallas. Sturgis denied that he had been involved in the assassination of Kennedy. Sturgis testified that he was in Miami throughout the day of the assassination, and his testimony was supported by that of his wife and a nephew of his wife. The committee dismissed Lorenz's testimony, as they were unable to find any other evidence to support it. As far as Watergate, he was there. Steve Thomas
  22. James, Back in 2002 I asked the question of whose picture was on that clipboard in the Lancer Forum. A Rick Holtman had this to say, "Steve, Bill- On 4/7/83, Posner interviewed James Leavelle. Leavelle said, "I looked at some of the stuff that Tippit had in the car but, to my knowledge, there was nothing ever found - that was written - in regards to the man he stopped. There was no reference as to why he stopped to talk to him. From my own experience, I doubt very seriously that he would have written anything on the clipboard about the man he was stopping. From the way the witnesses described it, Tippit was very nonchalant. It wasn''t as though he was expecting anything. He probably figured he would do a routine check, talk to him, look at his identification, and send him on his way. I know, from my own experience, that I have done that thousands of times - talk to people, maybe look at their identification, and then, send them on their way, and never think another thing about it. I'm sure that's what he had in mind." To Posner, this statement resolved the issue of the clipboard. To me, Leavelle's statement seems fuzzy at best. He never actually says that he read what was on the clipboard. Instead he seems to be arguing why Tippit probably wouldn't have written anything down about the man he stopped. By the way, Posner says that an enlargement of the crime scene photograph (page 63) shows that the picture of the man was actually a "metal spring clip clutching an open spiral notebook." As none of this attempts to explain why Tippit stopped the guy, Posner then goes on to use the confusion among the witnesses about the direction the guy was walking to contend that the guy suddenly changed directions upon seeing the cop car, which is why Tippit became suspicious. Interesting speculation, it seems to me, but that's all it is. Hope this helps; Rick Holtman" Steve Thomas
  23. Tim, For those who might be interested, see this FBI Report in CD 1553. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=46 Annie Odio also said the photographs of Hall, Howard and Seymour were not the men who visited their apartment. Steve Thomas
  24. Does anyone have a photo of Francisco Rodriguez Tamayo, AKA Nicolaz Diaz, AKA El Mexicano? Steve Thomas
  25. Bill, Thanks. Sorry, no Mary Simms box. Steve Thomas
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