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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. James, What are the "hearings in Bakersfield" that are referred to on page 18 of his testimony? Steve Thomas
  2. Robert, The OAS had two main wings; one was based in Algeria, the other was based in Madrid. According to a FOIA request filed by Gary Shaw, Souetre met with CIA agents in Madrid in the Spring of 1963 and tried to enlist their help in their ongoing struggles with DeGaulle. Shaw says that their are CIA documents that back this up. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=15 In his book, Bloody Treason, Noel Twyman lays out the case that Souetre met with William Harvey in Florida in April of 1963 - at the same time that Souetre was meeting with Cuban exiles and touring the training camps in Louisiana. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=15 Steve Thomas
  3. Robert, The OAS had two main wings; one was based in Algeria, the other was based in Madrid. According to a FOIA request filed by Gary Shaw, Souetre met with CIA agents in Madrid in the Spring of 1963 and tried to enlist their help in their ongoing struggles with DeGaulle. Shaw says that their are CIA documents that back this up. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=15 In his book, Bloody Treason, Noel Twyman lays out the case that Souetre met with William Harvey in Florida in April of 1963 - at the same time that Souetre was meeting with Cuban exiles and touring the training camps in Louisiana. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=15 Steve Thomas
  4. James, Would you happen to have a picture of Jorge Volsky? Steve Thomas
  5. John, "Drunk" or smelled and behaved drunk? While I can't prove it, I believe this individual to be Lonnie Ray Wright. From Lummie Lewis' after-action report: COUNTY OF DALLAS SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION REPORT ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY Deputy C.L. "Lummie" Lewis, Dallas County Sheriff's Department Lonnie Ray Wright w/m/ - 3 time loser. Drunk, put in jail. Was on RR track. My vote for suspicious car of the year comes at 2:00 in the afternoon. At 2:04 Unit 474A radios in and says that they need a wrecker at Cobb’s stadium “for suspect’s car.” CE 705 p. 425 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=451 According to CE 1974 at 23H885, at approximately 2:20PM, Unit 474A (which is only identified as the Special Services Bureau) is dispatched to pick up a "subject on this overpass, carrying a rifle; railroad tracks, Cobb Stadium." 474A was asked if he could see the subject. 474A said no, but that they would go over and get him. I believe this to be John Elrod. At 2:23, Unit 22 (Patrolman L.L. Hill) was dispatched to go out to Cobb Stadium on the railroad track overpass and meet 474A at the railroad tracks. "There is a white male carrying a rifle" (23H886) At about 2:25, Unit 107 (Patrolman C.F. Goodson radioed in on Channel 2 and said, “Any better location on that deal down here at Cobb stadium?” Dispatcher says, “No, that’s all we had on it.” 107 says, “10-4. There are about 15 or 20 officers out here covering this. Nobody can find anything.” 23H933 At 2:26, unit 562 (a wrecker) radioed in and said that he was at Cobb stadium "for that suspect's car" (23H887). The Dispatcher told the wrecker to wait there, that 474A will "be back in a minute". At 2:27, Unit 52(unknown) radioed in and asked if the T.C. Cobb Stadium was on the Hines Blvd overpass, the railroad overpass, or the freeway overpass and asked which direction the suspect was walking. The Dispatcher's response was garbled, but said he didn't know about the direction. (23H887) At 2:28 Patrolman Hill reported that he was with the wrecker at Cobb Stadium and Unit 474A was ordered to go there. (23H887) 474A radios in and says, "The car that we want picked up is on the parking lot if front of the Merchandise Mart just north of Cobb Stadium." 22 asks if it is a 1964 Falcon. 474A says, "No. It is a red panel truck with writing on the side... license plate 3E9087. (23H888) As early as 2:04 PM, Unit 474A was calling for a wrecker. "We need a wrecker on the parking lot just west of Cobb's stadium for suspect's car." (23H881) At 2:26, unit 562 (a wrecker) radioed in and said that he was at Cobb stadium "for that suspect's car" (23H887). The Dispatcher told the wrecker to wait there, that 474A will "be back in a minute". What suspect was that? Lee Harvey Oswald has already been arrested at the Texas Theater. 474A wasn't dispatched to pick up the suspect walking on the railroad tracks until 2:20 PM. (23H885) The time on Elrod's Arrest Record is given as 2:45 pm. Elrod's arrest report was signed by C.M. Barnhart, H.M. Hart and F.A. Hellinghausen of the Special Services Bureau, and M.A. Rhodes. Why was Elrod's arrest record signed by Barnhart and not L.L. Hill? Barnhart was in on the arrest at 1:08PM, but there is no reference on the dispatch tapes to him being in on the 2:23 PM arrest. Why would Patrolman Hill ask out of the blue if the wrecker was needed for a 1964 Ford Falcon? Who owned the red panel truck? Steve Thomas
  6. From a posting in the Lancer Forum by Tony Frank 6/21/07: Report of Detective Wardlaw dated 12/23/63 DPD ARchives Box 18, Folder 5, Item 31. Ruth Paine drove up to James Martin's house. She was driving a 1955 two-tone green Chevy Station wagon registered to her at 2515 W. 5th St. Irving license plate number NK-4041 Steve Thomas
  7. Duke, Speaking of "suspicious vehicles" ... well, that's not exactly fair to say, since the one I'm going to refer to is actually a police vehicle ....Just for curiosity, wasn't Apple a motorcycle officer? What became of him after this transmission? Didn't he transmit again later on about waiting for someone in a car to come pick the drunk up since he obviously couldn't transport him on the back of a bike. No, I think Apple was in a car. At 1:12 # 243 calls in on Channel 2. #243 is Patrolman B. L. Apple “I’m down here with this three wheeler at the dead-end of Laurels and he has got black hair. He is 42 years old and got a light colored jacket on and he is pretty drunk but he has been walking down these railroad tracks. Do you want me to take him up there or what do you want me to do with him? Dispatcher says, "Yes, take any of them up there to 505 Main and contact 9 (Inspector Sawyer)." The three wheeler Apple refers to is #261 C.M. Barnhart. You asked an interesting question about Apple. I looked around for him and he isn't heard from again on either Channels 1 or 2. Sometime between 1:33 PM and 1:43 PM, Dispatch calls him twice and he doesn't answer. See CE 705 pp. 416 and 417. I think the Accident Prevention Investigator with Sgt. Hill was C.T. Walker. Sgt. Hill, who took an active part in searching at least two houses, told the WC, "At this time Sergeant Owens was there; I was there; Bill Alexander was there; it was probably about this time that C. T. Walker, an accident investigator got there; and with Sergeant Owens and Walker and a couple more officers standing outside..." Steve Thomas
  8. Gil, Didn't Nixon, or someone associated with him write the Chairman of this Committee asking that Ruby be excused from testifying because he was an informant for Richard Nixon? Steve Thomas
  9. Jim, When you go to make a post, look down at the bottom of your screen. It will look like this: The photo has ben reduced, so you will need to click on my picture above to enlarge it a little. On the right hand side, click on the button that says, "Browse." Once you have selected the source of your photo (Drive D or C or whatever) and selected the photo you want to upload, then click the "Upload" button. This will transfer your photo from your computer to the Education Forum's computer. It will tell you if the upload has been successful. Just above those two buttons is one that says, "Manage Current Attachments." It looks like this: If you click on that, there is a small button that says, "Insert attachment into text editor." Plant your cursor anywhere in the body of your message, click on the "Manage Current Attachments" and then click on "Insert attachment into text editor. If you scroll down a little farther, you can preview your post before you actually send it to see if it looks the way you want to. Hope this helps. Steve Thomas
  10. Lee, I read through it. It's a dispatch report from JMWAVE concerning the successful infiltration into Cuba of two assets, without JMWAVE support. After the insert, the Cuban government called them "escapees", apparently not knowing that the two infiltrators has been smuggled into Havana. The AMHINT "safehouse" was not compromised. Steve Thomas
  11. Ron, Makes you wonder what was in Hunt's safe at the White House that got opened after Watergate. Who was it, (L. Patrick Gray?) who gathered it all up and threw it in the Potomac? Steve Thomas
  12. Myra, In a videotaped interview with Jim Marrs, William Reymond has said that there were three teams. The second team was an explosives team situated on the west side of the underpass, and the third team was located at the Trade Mart. In his interview, Reymond does not say where he got his information, other than French Intelligence. Steve Thomas
  13. Or, Brunner was the name this person used when introduced to Perrin. Upon further reading, I believe that the country Browder was trying to help de-stabilize in 1948 might have been Guatemala. Steve Thomas
  14. Thomas, Now THAT is very interesting. Can you tell me what his record was, and where I can see a copy of it? Thanks, Steve Thomas
  15. James Richards provides a letter to the editor from Mrs. Castorr above in which she gave her address as 12016 Fieldwood Lane. I'll ask Jerry Dealey to check with his people in the Dallas Historical Society about the Grand Prairie addresses of Brunner and Browder. Steve Thomas
  16. John, Thanks. See my postings on the L. Robert Castorr thread. Not sure of the significance of your second link. Steve Thomas
  17. Greg, I know that the FBI and Secret Service went to great lengths to prove that Nancy Perrin was crazy and an inveterate xxxx, I also believe that there are parts of her story about Ruby involved with running guns that ring true. There are other people and places that put Ruby in the middle of gun running activities. (Whitter/Miller/Masen) (Robert McKeown), etc. In her FBI interviews, Perrin said that the gun deals were put together by someone named Edward Brunner of Grand Prairie, TX. Lately, I have been thinking that there were a couple of miscues in her testimony and interviews. She could remember an apartment building, but not its address. She could remember a colonel, but not his name. She identified someone present as a Dick C., and it turned out possibly be a Dave Cherry. Then I got to thinking about Edward Brunner. I couldn't find any record of an Edward Brunner, but whether through her own mis-rememberance, or a deliberate mislead, or maybe an FBI transcriber's mistake, I got to wondering if this person might be Edward Browder. There are in the records, reports from a Blaney Mack Johnson about his knowledge of Jack Ruby running guns to Cuba with a Donald Edward Browder in the early 1950's. In April of 1964, the Miami Office said that Donald Edward Browder was identical with an Edward J. Browder, currently an inmate of the Federal Correctional Institute in Tallahassee, FL. CD 914 pp. 89 - 93 relates the criminal history of Edward J. (or Eddie) Browder. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=100 Some of these charges include: Year Charge 1948 Exporting implements of war 1948 Organized an expedition against a friendly power 1948 Exporting military aircraft 1948 Conspiracy 1948 Conspiracy to steal gov't property to aid revolution in a foreign country 1953 Auto theft And I just went, "Whoa"! Though he seemed to do most of his work out of Miami, In 1962 he was wanted by the Deputy U.S. Marshall in Edinburg, TX for jumping bail. In the FBI Headquarters Files, Section 51, p. 176, Blaney Johnson told the FBI that Brodwer sometimes went under the names, "Don, Eddie and Don Eduardo" 1. What government were we (or he) trying to overthrow in 1948? Greece? 2. I asked in another thread of anyone had any knowledge of Eddie Browder ever living in Grand Prairie (as Edward Brunner was supposed to have been) That's all I have. Steve Thomas
  18. I have a request of the moderators and/or the Spartacus web designers. Could we have a link for the biography section and for the photograph section direct from the Kennedy Assassination Debate Forum pages? If you are in the Forum, searches are restricted to the Forum. I do have a link here, where I can restrict my searches to the Spartacus site, but it's a little cumbersome. http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&cof...schoolnet.co.uk Also, If you are on a biography page, say Ruth Paine for example, (http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKpaine.htm) and you use the Ask.com search function at the top of the page for someone else, you get this error message: "This merchant is no longer participating in the affiliate program." Thanks, Steve Thomas
  19. Is there any indication that Edward J. Browder (Eddie Browder) ever lived in Texas, spcifically Grand Prairie? Thanks, Steve Thomas
  20. This just keeps getting better and better. Cross referencing Robert Perrin that same memo cited above, it says that "Robert Perrin was accused of being a CIA gun runner in Spain and Cuba." While it does not say that Perrin was accused of running guns in Spain in 1962, guess who was running around Spain in 1962? The OAS. The memo says that Perrin filled out a partial biography for the OSS in 1944, but there is no record that he was ever recruited by the OSS or the CIA. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=7 Steve Thomas
  21. John, Have you ever listened to tapes of any of his speeches? It's enough to make you nauseous. Nice command of the English language, but my oh my. Steve Thomas
  22. David, Steve/Greg, If I remember right, Weisberg actually talked to Castorr in Maryland. Dave Or at least he tried to by way of an intermediary named Leon. There are some references in Weisburg's Orleans Parish Grand Jury testimony from pages 55 to about 61 here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=57 Greg, See a June, 1968 CIA memo in the Russ Holmes Work File on Garrison and the Kennedy Assassination: 104-10428-10181 page 3 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=3 "Col. Castorr allegedly met with Jack Ruby, Robert Perrin, and others in Dallas in 1962 to plan a Cuban smuggling operation." Steve Thomas
  23. Greg, I'm not sure. It may have come up in Whitewash II. There are some references in Weisburg's Orleans Parish Grand Jury testimony from pages 55 to about 61 here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=57 It's kind of sketchy, I'll have to dig a little more. Steve Thomas
  24. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story...e_howard_hunt/7 E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known, particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words "French Gunman Grassy Knoll." Is there any precedent or history of David Morales turning to French or Corsican gunmen to achieve his objectives? Steve Thomas
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