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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Dave, I think so. I'll go back and see if I can find that. Navarro was interviewed on 2/26/63. In his FBI interview, he said that his cousins, Jorge Rodriguez and Juan Albareda were also employees at Curtis-Mathes. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=187 The reason I got started on this is because Manuel Rodriguez told the FBI that b-weekly meetings were held at 3126 Harlandale and that they were attended by up to 20 persons. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=222 I got to wondering if some of those people might not have come from the roster of Curtis-Mathes employees. Steve Thomas
  2. FBI interview of Miranda by FBI SA Wallace Heitman on 3/26/63 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=197 Jesus Miranda Llaveria, a Cuban refugee who presently resides at 5702 Victor St., Dallas and is employed at the Curtis-Mathes Plant in Dallas, stated he knew Antonio Arturo Hilario Navarro Aulet as they both were employed at the same factory. Heitman interviewed Navarro on 2/26/63 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=186 Navarro resided at 1721 Pratt St., Dallas Curtis-Mathes was at 2220 Young St. Antonio Crespi Larralde 2931 Pleasant Dr., Dallas was interviewed on 2/20/63 by Wallace Heitman. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=184 While he is presently an employee of the Republic Transcom Co., “Crespi stated that he was formerly employed by the Curtis-Mathes Manufacturing Company in Dallas and had there become aquainted with Antonio Navarro, who was and still is an employee of Curtis-Mathes. Crespi said that he and other Cuban refugees who are employed at this Company had often discussed political matters, particularly the political situation in Cuba. Report of Wallace Heitman March 7, 1963 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=179 “On September 13, 1962, Delfin Leyva (Avila), who resides at 2212 Kirby St. with his brother Francisco, above and is an employee of Curtis-Mathes…” Francisco was also employed at Curtis-Mathes. Unsigned FBI memo dated Miami, FL May 29, 1964 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=79 page 3 “On April 12, 1963, Francisco Leyva Avila, Dallas, Texas representative of the 30th of November Revolutionary Movement advised that the Dallas delegation had issued a declaration expressing disagreement with the official action of the United States Government in forbidding hit and run attacks on Cuba…” FBI interview of Rodriguez by SA Wallace Heitman May 25, 1964 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=222 Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro voluntarily appeared and was interviewed at the office of the FBI in Dallas, Texas. He furnished his home address as 2311 Nicholson Street, Apartment D, home telephone WH 6-8429. He said he was employed at the Curtis Mathes Manufacturing Company, 2220 Young Street, Dallas, Texas. Robert Harris in the alt.conspiracy.jfk newsgroup 9/24/96 Dick Russell, author "The Man Who Knew Too Much", established that the house at 3126 Harlandale was rented for the refugees by a Manuel Orcaberro Rodriguez. Rodriguez was cited in a Secret Service memo dated 11/24/63 by an informant as, "..known to be violently anti-President Kennedy.". The report also established that Rodriguez was a serious enough threat to the President to be placed on the Secret Service's "Protective Research" list. CE 2943 26H402 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...bsPageId=146509 Fr. Walter McChann was the chaplain of the Catholic Cuban Relief Committee. “The Committee contacted employers in an attempt to find places for Cubans to work.” CD 205 p. 640 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=643 FBI interview of L.C. Connell 11/29/63 “Mrs. C.L. Connell, 6949 Lake Shore Dr. Dallas, Texas advised she has been a voluntary assistant to the Catholic Cuban Relief Committee of Dallas, Texas for approximately the last year. “ I haven't found yet where the CCRC contacted Curtis-Mathes in particular, but this could conceivably put Sylvia Odio, McChann and Connell in the same circles as Rodriguez of Alpha 66 and SNFE and Avila of the 30th of November group. Steve Thomas
  3. McBee was interviewed by the FBI on December 19, 1963. His interview is at 23H110 also CD 105 p. 112 He felt that Ruby was bisexual. In his interview he said that he knew of no association between Ruby and Oswald. Steve Thomas
  4. This is from page 44 of the HSCA Executive Session of March 9, 1977 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=46 There is no indication that McBee testified to the Warren Commission, or the HSCA. I haven't found where Tannenbaum followed up on this. Now, we have information from an individual that there is a gentleman in Dallas who is prepared to come forward. It is our belief, we have not talked to him; an individual who has talked to him has passed this on to us his name is Edward McBee. He was a bartender who worked for Jack Ruby and other nightclub owners in Dallas and he, in fact, testified before the Warren Commission that he did not know a Oswald and he knew of no relationship between Oswald and Jack Ruby. He presently is recovering from cancer and has indicated to the individual who called us that approximately eleven days before the assassination there was a meeting in his club where he worked and that the individuals who were present at this meeting were Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, a fellow by the name of Emilio Santana, Guy Bannister and approximately four or five other individuals from New Orleans and Mexico City. Let us just quickly look at some of the individuals who were at this meeting that we know about. He positively identified photograph, when showed to him by a researcher, of Guy Bannister. Guy Bannister -- this gets back to Mr. Thone's question about the Fair Play for Cuba activity. Guy-Bannister was a former FBI officer in charge of the Chicago office… Emilio Santana is another individual a member of this No Name Key Group. We have photographs of him. Mr. Fithian. You say on page 13 - and you just recently said, and before you get too far beyond this, you said “Recently McBee recanted his story. He now states" and then you go on to indicate what he states about the group meeting in his tavern and so on. He states this to whom? Mr. Tannenbaum. He stated it to one Gary Shaw, an individual who has been active in research in the assassination for some years. Mr,.Fithian. You have not had any correspondence with him? Mr. Tanenbaum. No; we have not. Mr. Fauntroy. Would the gentleman yield? I would be happy to yield. Mr. Fauntroy. What is the feasibility of bringing Mr. McBee here, both in terms of not compromising his reputation and in terms of his health? Mr. Tanenbaum. I have not spoken to Mr. McBee and I cannot answer the question until we actually do speak with him in Dallas, which we have to do. Mr. Preyer. Do you know of any way to corroborate McBee? If you could substantiate his testimony the whole Warren Commission is anchored on the premise that Ruby and Oswald have no connection with each other. If this, and what you say later, could be demonstrated, it could be very important. Mr. Tanenbaum. Before we could be in a position, Mr. Preyer, to corroborate anything he said, we obviously, in the very, very first instance, we have to speak to him in person. Mr. McKinney. I wonder if this is the sort of smoking gun that Congress is looking for? It is not proof, but it is a big question. The mere fact that there would be a man who was there and was going to testify under oath certainly would assuage a lot of my colleagues Mr. Tanenbaum. If our budget will permit, we will make any effort to go down to Dallas and speak with him. Mr. Preyer. Is this the type of witness you could ask to take the polygraph test? Mr. Tanenbaum. I do not see any reason why we could not do that. Steve Thomas
  5. With the blossoming of blogs as a way of distributing information, I thought some of you might find this site of some use. It's a way of searching blogs. http://www.icerocket.com/ (blossoming of blogs...heh, heh, heh) :-) Steve Thomas
  6. Mark, I always liked this one: Representative FORD. You saw him take the shells out of the gun? Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir; he was shaking them. Representative FORD. He was shaking them? Mrs. DAVIS. He was shaking them. I didn't see him actually use his hand to take them out. I mean he was sort of shaking them out. Representative FORD. Did you find this one bullet at the point where you saw him shake the gun? Mrs. DAVIS. No, sir; it was around the side of the house. Steve Thomas
  7. Michael, The only officer I can remember being told that the shots came from the Depository was John Wiseman. The Hesters told him that. Steve Thomas
  8. Peter, Jack Ruby did not call G.M. Tippit "Slick". Steve Thomas
  9. Duke, Over the last couple of days, I've been mulling over this west elevator business, trying to correlate the statements of everyone concerned - Adams and Baker and Truly and Bonnie Williams and Hank Norman, etc. Truly said that when he first tried to call the freight elevator, it wouldn't respond. Baker said that he looked up the shaft and saw the bottom of the elevator, "three or floors up". But when they got to the fifth floor, the elevator wasn't there. Like you said, he attibuted that to Jack Dougherty, but that was only a guess. I've been wondering who took that elevator, because after hearing the shots and running to the west window, Wliiiams and Jarman and Norman had to run down the stairs because the elevator they rode up to the fifth floor on, that west freight elevator was gone. Norman said that he closed the gates "to make it available to anyone who wanted it." Who took that elevator so that it was unavailable to Williams et al, and then took it back up so that it was then unavailable to Truly and Baker? Baker said that he encountered Sawyer on his way back down from the roof, but couldn't remember on which floor - he thought it might have been the third or fourth. I suspect it might have been the fifth, because Sawyer said, "And I went with a couple of officers and a man who I believed worked in the building. The elevator was just to the right of the main entrance, and we went to the top floor, which was pointed out to me by this other man as being the floor that we were talking about. We had talked about the fifth floor. And we went back to the storage area and looked around and didn't see anything." Baker said it was 90 seconds between the shots and when he encountered Oswald, spent 30 seconds interviewing LHO and spent 5 minutes on the roof. So he is encountering Sawyer within 7 or 8 minutes of the shooting. I think it might have been Sawyer that Luke Mooney was talking about, although why he didn't identify one of his own Inspectors is odd. Steve Thomas
  10. Duke, I was going to quote Luke Mooney's testimony, but I see that Michael already has. I believe the female TSBD worker is Victoria Adams. Victoria Adams was on the fourth floor, heard three shots, ran down the stairs in the northwest corner of the building, encountered Billy Lovelady and Shelley, ran out the Houston St. dock, ran to the railroad tracks and was ordered back in the building by a policeman. She went southwest around the corner of the building, went down the Elm St. extension and talked to a coworker on the steps in front of the TDBD. She asked permission of a policeman to enter the building because she worked there. Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do ? Miss ADAMS - Following that, I pushed the button for the passenger elevator, but the power had been cut off on the elevator, so I took the stairs to the second floor. Mr. BELIN - You then went all the way back to the northwest corner of the building and took the same set of stairs you had previously taken to come down, or did you take the stairs by the passenger elevator? Miss ADAMS - By the passenger elevator. Mr. BELIN - Do those stairs go above floor 2? Miss ADAMS - No, sir; they didn't. Mr. BELIN - What did you do when you got to the second floor? Miss ADAMS - I went into the Texas School Book Depository office and just listened for a few minutes to the people that were congregating there, and decided there wasn't anything interesting going on, and went out and walked around the hall to the freight elevator meaning the one on the northwest corner. Mr. BELIN - Would it have been the west or the east? The one nearest the stairs or the other one? Miss ADAMS - Yes; the one nearest the stairs. Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do? Miss ADAMS - I went into the elevator which was stopped on the second floor, with two men who were dressed in suit and hats, and I assumed they were plainclothesmen. Mr. BELIN - What did you do then? Miss ADAMS - I tried to get the elevator to go to the fourth floor, but it wasn't operating, so the gentlemen lifted the elevator gate and we went out and ran up the stairs to the fourth floor. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/adams_v.htm Now, Marion Baker and Roy Truly had taken that east passenger elevator to the seventh floor, and after checking out the roof, rode the same elevator back down. Mr. BELIN - When--did you take an elevator down or did you take the stairs down? Mr. BAKER - We took the elevator down. Mr. BELIN - Did you take the same elevator down you took up or did you take a different elevator down? Mr. BAKER - We took the same one. So, sometime after Marion Baker had returned from the roof, and before Victoria Adams got there, the power went out to the east elevator. Luke Mooney went in the back of the TSBD and jumped on the west elevator: Mr. Ball. You took the west one, or the east one? Mr. Mooney. I would say it was the west elevator, the one nearest to the staircase. Mr. Ball. Did it work with a push button? Mr. Mooney. It was a push button affair the best I can remember. got hold of the controls and it worked. We started up and got to the second. I was going to let them off and go on up. And when we got there, the power undoubtedly cut off, because we had no more power on the elevator. So, sometime in that narrow time frame power goes out to "both" elevators. Steve Thomas
  11. Duke, I was going to quote Luke Mooney's testimony, but I see that Michael already has. I believe the female TSBD worker is Victoria Adams. Victoria Adams was on the fourth floor, heard three shots, ran down the stairs in the northwest corner of the building, encountered Billy Lovelady and Shelley, ran out the Houston St. dock, ran to the railroad tracks and was ordered back in the building by a policeman. She went southwest around the corner of the building, went down the Elm St. extension and talked to a coworker on the steps in front of the TDBD. She asked permission of a policeman to enter the building because she worked there. Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do ? Miss ADAMS - Following that, I pushed the button for the passenger elevator, but the power had been cut off on the elevator, so I took the stairs to the second floor. Mr. BELIN - You then went all the way back to the northwest corner of the building and took the same set of stairs you had previously taken to come down, or did you take the stairs by the passenger elevator? Miss ADAMS - By the passenger elevator. Mr. BELIN - Do those stairs go above floor 2? Miss ADAMS - No, sir; they didn't. Mr. BELIN - What did you do when you got to the second floor? Miss ADAMS - I went into the Texas School Book Depository office and just listened for a few minutes to the people that were congregating there, and decided there wasn't anything interesting going on, and went out and walked around the hall to the freight elevator meaning the one on the northwest corner. Mr. BELIN - Would it have been the west or the east? The one nearest the stairs or the other one? Miss ADAMS - Yes; the one nearest the stairs. Mr. BELIN - Then what did you do? Miss ADAMS - I went into the elevator which was stopped on the second floor, with two men who were dressed in suit and hats, and I assumed they were plainclothesmen. Mr. BELIN - What did you do then? Miss ADAMS - I tried to get the elevator to go to the fourth floor, but it wasn't operating, so the gentlemen lifted the elevator gate and we went out and ran up the stairs to the fourth floor. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/adams_v.htm Now, Marion Baker and Roy Truly had taken that east passenger elevator to the seventh floor, and after checking out the roof, rode the same elevator back down. Mr. BELIN - When--did you take an elevator down or did you take the stairs down? Mr. BAKER - We took the elevator down. Mr. BELIN - Did you take the same elevator down you took up or did you take a different elevator down? Mr. BAKER - We took the same one. So, sometime after Marion Baker had returned from the roof, and before Victoria Adams got there, the power went out to the east elevator. Luke Mooney went in the back of the TSBD and jumped on the west elevator: Mr. Ball. You took the west one, or the east one? Mr. Mooney. I would say it was the west elevator, the one nearest to the staircase. Mr. Ball. Did it work with a push button? Mr. Mooney. It was a push button affair the best I can remember. got hold of the controls and it worked. We started up and got to the second. I was going to let them off and go on up. And when we got there, the power undoubtedly cut off, because we had no more power on the elevator. So, sometime in that narrow time frame power goes out to "both" elevators. Steve Thomas
  12. J.L., I don't think Willis 5 equates to Z 202. Look at the position of the left arm and hand of the driver in Z 202, and then look at the left arm and hand in Willis 5 of the person you are calling number 2. Are you sure that the occupant of the car in Willis is the driver? Steve Thomas
  13. James, G.M. was also the first Secretary of the Dallas Police Association - an early form of union activity. It caused an awful lot of heartbreak and division within the DPD ranks at the time. Steve Thomas
  14. Duke, Yes, there were two Tippit's on the force. The other was G.M. Tippit. He was in Special Services - Vice. He knew Jack when Jack was running the Silver Spur. They liked each other. And as James has mentioned, there was a Tippett on the force as well. Steve Thomas
  15. Lee, You can find a copy of the letter on page 6 of this memo: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=6
  16. Pat, Through a process of elimination, you might go through the WC testimony of some of the TSBD employees here: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/wit.htm In particular, look at Victoria Adams and Doris Burns. They were asked in which window they stood to watch the parade. Steve Thomas
  17. Pat, Through a process of elimination, you might go through the WC testimony of some of the TSBD employees here: http://jfkassassination.net/russ/wit.htm In particular, look at Victoria Adams and Doris Burns. They were asked in which window they stood to watch the parade. Steve Thomas
  18. Peter, I don't want to hijack Jack's thread, but here is something I posted back in January: Some researchers believe that two sets of tramps were arrested based on the timing and location of the arrests. One set was taken off a boxcar in the yards behind the TSBD shortly after the assassination. The three tramps we are familiar with were arrested in a gondola type car 400 - 500 yeards south south of Dealey Plaza. I believe that the same set of tramps were arrested twice - once by the Dallas County Sheriff's Department, and the second time by the Dallas City Police Department. From Denis Morissette's site: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senat.../Documents.html William Earl Chambers was interviewed on 3/3/92 by SA Gary Gerszewski of the FBI and Lieutenant Kenneth Lybrand, City of Dallas Police Department. William Chambers worked for the City of Dallas Police Department from October, 1954 until January, 1992. In approximately 1959, or 1969, he as assigned as a Detective in the Forgery Division He was assigned to the Trade Mart and went back to City Hall after it was announced that JFK had died. When Chambers and the other officers arrived back at the forgery division, “Captain Jones assigned Chambers to watch three hobos who were already at the station when Chambers arrived”. Chambers questioned them together and found their answers confusing and inconsistent. “their stories as to where they came from and where they were headed differed from individual to individual. “When questioned regarding the circumstances of their arrest, the three individuals indicated that they were on a freight car sleeping when they were wakened by officers with different colored uniforms than the ones worn by the officers who drove them down to the station. Question: Sleeping? what time was this? They got out of the Salvation Army and on the way to the freight yards heard that the President had been shot. It couldn’t have been more than an hour lapsed maybe. Different colored uniforms? Driven down to the station? “They were briefly questioned by those officers who then told them that they better leave town. The three then boarded another boxcar and were shortly thereafter arrested by the City of Dallas Police Department”. “Chambers believes that the Officers who first interviewed the hobos were members of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, who at that time had uniforms of a different color than that of the City of Dallas Police Department. The hobos were then brought down to the station. During the course of the interview, Grinell came into Captain Jones office for a minute and discussed the possibility of conducting a “gunpowder” test on the hands of the hobos. Later, Captain Jones came into the office and advised Chambers that they had arrested the individual who had shot Officer Tippit and that he was the one who had also shot the President. Chambers then advised the three individuals, “You’re free to go”. The three then left the office. Chambers never saw them again. Question: What were they still doing in jail four days later? Lee Bowers in his testimony before the Warren Commission, vol VI, p. 288: Between 50 and a hundred policemen came up the slope within 5 minutes. “That’s right. Sealed off the area and I held off the trains until they could be examined, and there were some transients taken on at least one train.” Contrast this with a passage in the Dallas Police Tapes at 1:57 PM: 1:57 Dallas Police Tapes 1579. 61: 61. 1580. DIS: 61. 1581. 61: We have information from the agent out here at the T&P. Said that the train is stopped on the overpass, the Triple Overpass; that there was a person jump in the ninth box car from the front engine. Said he's hiding in the car. 1582. DIS: Is the train stopped there now? 1583. 61: I'm in behind the Texas Shool Depository. He has the train stopped. (voices) He said it is the ninth car from the engine, a gondola-type car; said he is hankered down inside. Steve Thomas
  19. Ashton, Would you be willing to receive an email from me with an attachment? I have about 100 pages of raw notes theat I've collected on the Christian Democratic Party and some of the people associated with the training camp - not the one where the explosives were found. Steve Thomas
  20. Ashton, There were two camps. The one with the explosives was raided on July 31, 1963. ARRESTED AT LACOMBE John Koch Gene, Sam Benton, Richard Lauchli, Earl J. Wassem Jr. Ralph Folkerts, Victor Espinosa, Carlos Eduardo Hernandez Sanchez, Acela Pedros Amores, Miguel Alvarez Jimenez, Antontio Soto Vasquez, Victor Panque. In response to FBI queries, Carlos Hernandez took the Fifth Amendment about the dynamite, and said he was associated with Manuel Artime. You might want to read ajweberman's Nodule 14, about two thirds ddown the page. http://ajweberman.com/nodules2/nodulec14.htm Steve Thomas
  21. Lee, I just read that Jim Marrs' book, Crossfire is supposed to have a list of the people arrested and/or detained for questioning that day. Steve Thomas
  22. Lee, Wasn't there a report somewhere about a man being picked up in Dealey Plaza, but then released because he didn't speak English? Steve Thomas
  23. Bill, Telephone Call overheard by Elizabeth Cole in New Jersey. FBI Admin Folder N6 multiple pages. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;docId=10032 Steve Thomas
  24. Pat, Here's a list of the Dal-Tex occupants. In a biographical summary of Andy Armstrong's life, it says that in 1962, he worked for the Marilyn Belt Factory. In January 1962, he got a job at the Marilyn Belt Factory. While working there, he also took a part-time job at the Carousel Club for Jack Ruby. During June 1962, Armstrong began working full time for Ruby who employed him as a bartender and general maintenance man for a salary of approximately per week plus tips. Notice it has the same phone number as the Dallas Uranium&Oil Co. Steve Thomas
  25. Robin, I believe that the third woman to Toni Foster's left shows up in the later stages of the Bell film walking down the street and against the flow of pedestrians. Steve Thomas I'm sorry, it's not the Bell film, it's the Hughes film. Steve Thomas
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