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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Letter from D.A., Fanni Willis to Congressman, Jim Jordan https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23941408-jim-jordan-letter “As I explain above, the defendants about whom you express concern have been indicted by a Fulton County Grand Jury. That indictment identifies victims. The State of Georgia’s Constitution and laws impose a duty upon me to protect, serve, and seek justice on their behalf. | will fulfill that duty in this case, notwithstanding your attempt to interfere.” “Here is another reality you must ‘face: Those who wish to avoid (felony charges in Fulton County, Georgia — including violations of Georgia RICO law — should not commit ‘felonies in Fulton County, Georgia.” Steve Thomas
  2. - Peter Navarro - "This is the first time in the history of our republic that a senior White House adviser, an alter ego of the president, has ever been charged with the alleged crime," said Navarro. "It's the first time that this has ever happened. Now, at the same time, what's so remarkable about this case is that even as the Department of Justice was bringing this case, they had a policy for more than 50 years that says people like me, senior White House advisers, alter egos of the president, cannot be compelled, cannot be compelled to testify before Congress." Therein lies the crux of the matter. Navarro wasn't the alter ego of anybody. He was Wormtongue, whispering in the ear of King Theoden. Steve Thomas
  3. Larry, I like your logic. To any suggestion that they should have used automatic rifles, I'd only say that they tried that against DeGaulle at Petit-Clamart In August, 1962. What, something like 160 bullets fired and nobody got killed. In photograrhy terms, they call that "spray and pray". That's why I don't think any Petit-Clamart people were involved in JFK. I was going to ask a secondary question and ask if the actual shooters were given advanced notice of who the precise target was. They might not have known until the last minute, if even then. Steve Thomas
  4. Larry, huh. I would have guessed six months, but then, I'm a slow learner. Steve Thomas
  5. Larry, Like a bad penny. haha *couldn't resist* 😄 I got to wondering last night if the training took place overseas, (Nicaragua or Guatemala maybe?), or if it was domestic (Florida or New Orleans?) Steve Thomas
  6. When and Where did the training for the JFKA take place? Certain things needed to be set up beforehand: Staging and Logistics- food, transportation, lodging, maps Sight lines - enfilade and triangulation of fire, wind and elevation, wind and elevation Exfiltration - escape routes Anybody have any ideas? Steve Thomas
  7. Trump is liable in the second E. Jean Carroll defamation case, judge rules; January trial will determine damages By Kara Scannell, CNN September 6, 2023 “A federal judge ruled that the jury hearing E. Jean Carroll’s defamation lawsuit will only need to decide how much money Donald Trump will have to pay her, after the judge found the former president was liable for making defamatory statements.” Trump loses again. When will his rabid base open their eyes and realize that sticking with Trump is one long losing proposition? Steve Thomas
  8. LEGAL STRATEGY - EVERYBODY SKATES Trump’s co-defendants are already starting to turn against him There’s a nascent courtroom strategy by some people close to Donald Trump: Heap blame on the former president. By JOSH GERSTEIN and KYLE CHENEY 09/05/2023 https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/05/trump-cases-defendants-flipping-00113910he finger-pointing among Donald Trump’s inner circle has begun. And as his four criminal cases march toward trials, some of his aides, allies and co-defendants are pointing at the former president. In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin. It’s a strategy that could sharpen as the Georgia case moves closer to a jury. The case includes numerous defendants with much smaller alleged roles than those of Trump or his top aides. If a jury primarily blames Trump for the events that played out in the aftermath of the 2020 election, the lower-profile co-defendants may seem less culpable by comparison. “Strategically speaking, if you are one of the lesser important players, you would definitely want to be in the same trial with Donald Trump. All of the focus is going to be on him,” said Scott Weinberg, a Florida-based attorney who represented one of the Oath Keepers in a high-profile trial stemming from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. “They don’t want the little guys, they want Trump. You’re always compared to who you’re next to.” The three GOP activists all posed as pro-Trump presidential electors, signing documents claiming they were Georgia’s legitimate electors even though Biden won the state. In legal filings seeking to transfer their prosecutions into federal court, they all indicated that they took that step at Trump’s “direction.” Another criminal defense attorney who closely watches the Trump proceedings posited another motive for those seeking to pin Trump with responsibility for the actions they took: Trump is likely to make a sweeping claim of executive immunity against all the charges. “Eventually, Trump is going to assert broad presidential immunity and everyone else is going to ride under his authority,” said the attorney, William Shipley. John Lauro, Trump’s attorney in the federal election case, signaled recently that he intends to file just such a sweeping immunity claim to attempt to derail the charges." Steve Thomas
  9. Virginia library at risk after rightwing push to defund it over LGBTQ+ books Samuels Library set to close on 1 October after far-right community members claimed LGBTQ+ books were pornographic. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/02/virginia-public-library-defund-republican-lgbtq-books Public libraries made America the shining example for the rest of the world. Now these clowns want to tear it all down. Steve Thomas
  10. Trump's mugshot T-shirt cash grab could backfire and cost him millions: legal experts by Tom Boggioni September 2, 2023, https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mugshot-2664806962/ “According to SiriusXM radio host Dean Obeidallah, there is a legitimate legal case to be made that Donald Trump is violating U.S. copyright laws by selling merchandise emblazoned with his Fulton County mugshot -- and that could lead to major financial difficulties for him. Noting that the former president has boasted that he raised a quick $7 million after his indictment in part by selling $34 mug shot t-shirts and “Never Surrender” coffee mugs for $25, he asserted the Fulton County Sheriff's department could come after the former president. "Various legal experts have noted, Trump’s sale of that mug shot, taken by the Fulton County sheriff, may violate U.S. copyright laws. This could mean that theoretically, the millions he is making off that photo may rightfully belong to the Fulton County sheriff — an entity that just happens to be in desperate need of funds to address the horrific conditions in the Fulton County Jail," he wrote. Bolstering his case he added, "Betsy Rosenblatt, a professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, recently explained to Spectrum News 1 Ohio that the copyright owner of Trump’s mug shot is likely the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office."” Steve Thomas
  11. I'm good But you can't send me an email unless you tell me that I am good and kind and gentle and you agree with everything I say. Steve Thomas
  12. My wife and I were talking about taking a vacation next year. We decided that we would not be going to Coffee City, TX. Coffee City, TX had 250 residents. It also has 50 cops. That's one cop for every 5 residents. Last year, those 50 cops wrote 5,100 citations, generating over $1,000,000 for the City budget. Over half the 50 cops have been suspended, fired, or terminated from previous law enforcement positions for use of excessive force, public drunkenness, and lying on the witness stand, etc. https://www.rawstory.com/they-re-everywhere-residents-complain-as-their-texas-town-of-250-people-employs-50-cops/ We decided to go to Bermuda or Tahiti instead. Steve Thomas
  13. What billionaire sells T-shirts and begs for money from poor people? https://t.co/mEGKsmQzG2 — Tracey Taylor London (@traytaymakeup) September 1, 2023 Not The Onion. Not SNL. This is a real-life American major party presidential candidate promoting T-shirts with his actual criminal mug shot on the front. Lord help us all. https://t.co/nONQ4KnuP5 — John Corbett (@ErnestScribblr) September 1, 2023 Steve Thomas
  14. Dire Straits' "the other guitarist", Jack Sonni has died at age 68. *sigh* Steve Thomas
  15. California elementary school evacuated over bomb threat after rightwing harassment By @dani_anguiano Wed 30 Aug 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/30/california-elementary-school-bomb-threat-libs-tiktok-extremist "A California elementary school was evacuated on Tuesday in response to a bomb threat, days after the school was targeted online by rightwing extremists over a playdate event. But a flier for the event was soon posted on Reddit, KRON4 reported, and the far-right extremist handle Libs of TikTok reposted it on Twitter. As its contact information spread online, the school saw a deluge of hate mail and phone calls, Chabot’s equity and inclusion committee told the outlet. In one email, someone referenced a race war and said: “We’re going to put you back in chains or in the jungle where you belong.” Libs of TikTok has been linked to waves of harassment as well as threats at schools, libraries and hospitals across the US. Earlier this week, a library in Davis, California, received a bomb threat for the third time. The library became a target for rightwing commenters online, including Libs of TikTok, after an official reportedly asked a speaker at an event to leave after they misgendered trans athletes. An elementary school in Oklahoma received two bomb threats last week in the days after Libs of TikTok tweeted a video made by the school librarian in which she jokingly wrote about pushing her “radical liberal agenda” of “teaching kids to love books and be kind”. Last year, multiple hospitals that provide gender-affirming care saw a series of threats. Boston children’s hospital had received three bomb threats by late November 2022. Libs of TikTok had posted about the hospital, claiming that the facility offers complex gender affirmation surgery to minors." Hospitals, schools, libraries... Why is this not terrorism? And why are we not treating this like any other form of terrorism? Steve Thomas
  16. Sydney Powell's Motion to sever case from the other Georgia co-defendants. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23932460-23sc188947-motion-4-powell-sever "I didn't do nothin from nothin." I don't even know who Donald Trump is. Steve Thomas
  17. Donald Trump deposition in the New York fraud case. https://iapps.courts.state.ny.us/fbem/DocumentDisplayServlet?documentId=BGC7xGvQKGX8cR9zgAO8cA==&system=prod 479 pp. "I don't know why I have to come in here and justify myself to you." Steve Thomas
  18. As reported by CBS News' Scott MacFarlane, the United States Department of Justice sent out a message on Wednesday morning saying that "due to an emergency, the court is not proceeding today with sentencings in the Proud Boy cases." No further information is available at this time. Steve Thomas
  19. Michael, A couple of things: 1) I only brought up the 5'10" guy because you had mentioned the suspect in Jerry Hill's car. I admit I extrapolated and did a little free association. I personally think that there is a link between the 5'10", 165lb guy that crops u[ in various places, and the name Harvey Lee Oswald; but that's just me. My apologies. 2) The reseaarch I have done on Harvey Lee Oswald is separate and distinct from the Harvey and Lee hypothesis. In my mind, Harvey Lee Oswald is a name, a file, a dossier that someone created. I do not know who created it or why. I think it was supposed to be closely held, and somehow it got out and was widely shared among other government agencies. As I told someone once, for a Secret Service agent to interview freight ship passenger, Billy Joe Lord, and to physically write down the name, Harvey Lee Oswald seven times, something like five months after the assassination is not a typo, it's muscle memory. 3) As for someone writing about the Library and not mentioning Marvin Buhk and the account of talking to Secret Service agents, I can't explain it. Maybe because it's not mentioned anywhere else? I don't know. I once did a study of all the places where Secret Service agents were reported to be, at a time and place where no known Secret Service agents were supposed to be. The Library was one of those places. You can find a copy here, if you're interested: I called it, "Secret Service: On the Knoll and Beyond". https://myjfksite.weebly.com/ Steve Thomas
  20. Recruiting is underway for Trump-like ‘wrecking ball’ to shrink government and fire federal workers By LISA MASCARO August 29, 2023 https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981 “With more than a year to go before the 2024 election, a constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second White House term for Donald Trump, recruiting thousands of Americans to come to Washington on a mission to dismantle the federal government and replace it with a vision closer to his own. Led by the long-established Heritage Foundation think tank and fueled by former Trump administration officials, the far-reaching effort is essentially a government-in-waiting for the former president’s second term — or any candidate who aligns with their ideals and can defeat President Joe Biden in 2024. With a nearly 1,000-page “Project 2025” handbook and an “army” of Americans, the idea is to have the civic infrastructure in place on Day One to commandeer, reshape and do away with what Republicans deride as the “deep state” bureaucracy, in part by firing as many as 50,000 federal workers.” (Ramaswaney wants to fire as many as 75,000 federal workers) The Confederacy wanted to destroy the Union with military forces. These guys just want to eliminate it. Steve Thomas
  21. Michael, I have compiled a list of 49 such references in various government documents I have run across. You can see it here, if you're interested: https://www.harveyandlee.net/HLO/Harvey_Lee_Oswald_Bibliography.html Steve Thomas
  22. - Trump lawyer, Alina Habba - “Yeah. If it was a normal person, honestly, Shannon, I could understand the concern. President Trump is not your average person,” Habba replied. “He’s incredibly intelligent and he knows the ropes. He also knows the facts because he lived them.” “What is going to have to be prepped for? The truth?” Habba added. ”You don’t have to prep much when you’ve done nothing wrong, so that I’m not concerned with.” That's why we can't go to trial until 2026, three years from now. Judge Chutkin must have agreed with her. She just set the trial date to begin March 4, 2024. "I don't care if he wants to go to Scotland to play golf. I don't care if he wants to run for President. The man is a criminal defendant charged with 91 felonies. He's going trial." Steve Thomas
  23. Michael, I'd never heard about the 20-40 armed civilians at the Library. Can you tell me where you found this? I've often wondered about Hill being south of Jefferson at 1:26. He radioed in and said he had someone with him who could "identify the suspect" I wonder which "suspect" the man was prepared to identify. I say this because in his WC testimony, Hill told the Commission that, WC testimony of DPD Sergeant Gerald Hill: https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/hill_gl.htm "We went on to the scene of the shooting where we found a squad car parked against the right or the south curb on 10th Street, with a pool of blood on the left-hand side of it near the side of the car. Tippit had already been removed. The first man that came up to me, he said, "The man that shot him was a white male about 5'10", weighing 160 to 170 pounds, had on a Jacket and a pair of dark trousers, and brown bushy hair." At that same 1:26 time, the Dispatcher responded to Unit 91 (Patrolman W. D. Mentzel (and) J. W. Courson} 91 What was the description besides the white jacket? Dispatcher White male, thirty, five feet eight, black hair, slender build, white shirt, black trousers. Going west on Jefferson from the 300 block. So again, I ask, I wonder which "suspect" the man was prepared to identify? I think an alternate scenario was being worked out that would blame the shooting on on somebody named Harvey Lee Oswald There have been references on several threads about a cable sent on the evening of 11/22 from Fort Sam Houston to Strike Command, McDill AFB in Florida. In the cable, reference was made, to information obtained by Detective Don Stringfellow of the Dallas Police Department. I managed to locate a copy of the cable, which you can find here: https://archive.org/details/nsia-ArmyIntelligenceJFK I think this is in the Weisberg collection. L.D. Stringfellow was a Detective in the Dallas Police Department's Special Service Bureau of which Revill was a Lieutenant. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf Stringfellow Cable In this referenced cable, Harvey Lee Oswald was described as 5'10" tall, 165 lbs, with light brown hair and blue eyes. https://ia601309.us.archive.org/22/items/nsia-ArmyIntelligenceJFK/nsia-ArmyIntelligenceJFK/AI%20JFK%2001.pdf’’ In her WC testimony on April 8, 1964, Earlene Roberts twice said that when the police came to the rooming house on Beckley, they were looking for somebody named Harvey Lee Oswald. The initial description broadcast over the DPD radio at 12:45 PM was for a suspect 5"10" tall weighing 165 lbs and nobody knows where that description came from. There's a scenario being worked out here that never came to fruition. Steve Thomas
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