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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. This is not a transformer explosion in Chile. This is a Directed Energy Weapon beam starting the wildfires in MauiI Cross my heart. Steve Thomas
  2. From Sound of Freedom to Ron DeSantis: how QAnon’s crazy conspiracy theories went mainstreamFrom Sound of Freedom to Ron DeSantis: how QAnon’s crazy conspiracy theories went mainstream https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/16/qanon-conspiracy-theory-sound-of-freedom-trump-desantis "QAnon gamified these strands. The cryptic missives invited decoding and translation, and were purposefully vague enough that they could be interpreted in any number of ways. Like astrology or tarot cards, Q drops seemed freighted with meaning while lacking any specificity. One could log on, read the latest tea leaves and connect the latest dots, all the while binding oneself further to the web of paranoia. The phenomenon spread widely, roping in not just paranoid conspiracy theorists but puzzle solvers and people looking for community. And because there was so much cryptic messaging embedded in the discourse, it hardly mattered that those few things that might have been verifiable (such as Hillary Clinton being “detained” in October of 2017) were demonstrably false. It turned out to be a remarkably successful formula;..." Sound familiar? Steve Thomas
  3. Trump’s Legal Defense Fund Launches With a Big Typo and Bigger Ethical Questions By Erik Uebelacker Aug. 13, 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-legal-defense-fund-launches-with-a-big-typo-and-bigger-ethical-concerns?ref=home “Former President Donald Trump’s legal defense fund went live on Sunday and, of course, it contained a glaring typo in the first heading. “Support Donald Trumps Patriot Legal Defense Fund,” the site proudly declared, apostrophe omission and all (or maybe the fund aims to raise cash for all the Donald Trumps out there). But perhaps more egregious than the grammatical goof are the legal boundaries that team Trump seems to be pushing with the fund’s overt ties to his 2024 presidential campaign. The fund technically may not coordinate with the campaign on fundraising, since its existence as a legal defense fund allows it to skirt the Federal Election Commission’s campaign-finance rules. But clicking the “Donate Now” hyperlink sends users directly to Trump’s 2024 campaign website, where viewers are hit up front with donation requests. The only other link on the fund’s page also takes you to the campaign site.” Good 'ol Donald Steve Thomas
  4. - Matt Gaetz - In Iowa “"Mr. President, I cannot stand these people that are destroying our country. They are opening our borders. They are weaponizing our federal law enforcement against patriotic Americans who love this nation as we should," before adding, "But we know that only through force do we make any change in a corrupt town like Washington, D.C. “ Matt Gaetz, member of the American WWII German Party. Steve Thomas
  5. Were any leads ever developed with respect to the radio itself? That's a pretty sophisticated piece of equipment for the average joe on the street. I don't know why, but I just got a flash of the IBM guys in Johnny Brewer's She Store. Steve Thomas
  6. Jim, I spent three years in Warren. Steve Thomas
  7. Chris Stigall @ChrisStigall on Tw8tter or X or whatever it's called now https://twitter.com/ChrisStigall/status/1689670913040568320?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1689670913040568320|twgr^aaadae85f0e7388dec9a7af2bc674554552c5da4|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Ffox-news-threatens-sue-rivals-gop-primary-debate-1819085 "Fox News is telling everyone in media not directly affiliated with them that the August 23rd Republican debate is exclusively theirs and no one is allowed to air any clips of the broadcast beyond three total minutes, and never again after a 7 day window. In other words, they’re treating this debate as if it’s an NFL or MLB broadcast. It’s not. This has never been done and deserves a legal challenge." Huh. A News channel is saying you can't watch the news. Itnteresting. Steve Thomas
  8. Trump snarls at having to divert 'vast amounts of money' from his campaign to pay his legal bills by Tom Boggioni August 12, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-legal-fees/ “According to a report from the New York Times, "New financial reports show that the former president’s various political committees and the super PAC backing him have used roughly 30 cents of every dollar spent so far this year on legal-related costs. The total amounts to more than $27 million in legal fees and other investigation-related bills in the first six months of 2023."” If I were Trump's lawyers, I would have just one word for him. "Keep f***in up, jarhead. I'm getting rich!" Steve Thomas
  9. Never in my lifetime have we had a guy running for President of the United States as a way to keep himself out of prison. Look at how far we've come. Steve Thomas
  10. Protective Order governing what Trump may or may not disclose in the Election Fraud case Issued August 11, 2023 https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149.28.0_3.pdf Steve Thomas
  11. Stephen Miller's Group Has Total Meltdown Over Pop-Tarts And Cheez-Its By Ben Blanchet Aug 11, 2023 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/stephen-miller-legal-group-kelloggs_n_64d5c6b8e4b00a7354eb8d44 ““Kellogg’s is yet another big corporation that will break the law and hurt its shareholders’ interests to serve the twisted woke ideology of its officers and directors; like Disney, Budweiser, and Target, Kellogg’s management has shown nothing but contempt and disdain for American families and American workers,” the legal group wrote on X, Twitter’s rebrand.” Talk about distractions. Is this kind of crap ever going to stop? Steve Thomas
  12. The day before Joe Biden is headed to go to Utah, the FBI attempts to arrest a guy in Utah for plotting to assassinate him. Donald Trump chooses that day to launch a tirade against Joe Biden. Up to then he had been focused on Fanni Willis and Jack Smith. Don't tell me Trump doesn't know what he is doing. Jack Smith announced he wants the Election Fraud trial to start January 2nd. In typical fashion, Trump flips out. Steve Thomas
  13. Gil, Different Clerk Stenographers. Patsy Collins and Mary Rattan were both Clerk Stenographers for the DPD's CID, or Criminal Intelligence Division. See p. 146 of Batchelor's Exhi it# 5002 here: https://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1136#relPageId=165 Mary handled Guinyard's affidavit and Patsy handled Calloway's. Actually, Mary is identified as a Steno and Patsy as a Clerk. Maybe Patsy didn't do stenography. Steve Thomas
  14. Gil, WC testimony of James Leavelle https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/leave_j1.htm Mr. BALL. Do you know what Ted Callaway said? Mr. LEAVELLE. Not per se; I know they were able to identify Oswald. Mr. BALL. What was the substance of what he said? Mr. LEAVELLE. I do not recall. Mr. BALL. You say "identify"; that doesn't mean much to me because I don't know what he identified him as. Mr. LEAVELLE. He said he was the man; he identified him as the man he saw running from the direction where the shots came from over in the Oak Cliff area near his carlot. Mr. BALL. What about Sam Guinyard? Mr. LEAVELLE. Same thing, practically. Mr. BALL. Did you take statements from them? Mr. LEAVELLE. I believe I took affidavits from them, according to my notes, there while we were waiting for them to come down. If Callaway identified Oswald as the number 2 man in the lineup in his typed affidavit, he couldn't have done that before Oswald ever came down. I noticed that Callaway signed his typed copy, but didn't sign his handwritten copy. I think what they did was have the witmess write down his afidavit, and then after the lineup, while he was sitting there; had Patsy Collins type it up. Leavelle then asked him if there was anything more he wanted to add, or probably suggested to him that it would look better, if he added this other piece of information. But Callaway's typed affidvait was definitely not done before the lineup. Steve Thomas
  15. Idaho loses its 'Teacher of the Year' after right-wing parents chase her out of state by Brad Reed August 10, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/idaho-teacher-of-the-year/ "The Boston Globe reports that, shortly after receiving her award for excellence in teaching, Lauritzen became the target of a right-wing media campaign that flagged her social media posts expressing support for LGBTQ rights and the Black Lives Matter movement. This led to parents angrily demanding to see her lesson plans, despite the fact that there was no suggestion she ever brought her personal politics into the classroom. However, parents nonetheless objected to teaching students about other cultures around the world and even teaching them about the United Nations on the grounds that the parents said they "don't believe" in the institution.” Those poor children. What's going to happen to them when they grow up and have to go out in the real world? Steve Thomas
  16. Gil. I tried to delete this, but didn't catch it in time. Somebody could have told Calloway that Oswald had ditched his jacket between the time of Calloway's lineup ID and his WC testimony. By the time of his WC testimony, Calloway had become aware that Oswald had ditched his jacket. I'm not sure of the date of Calloway's WC testimony, but I wonder if the police had revealed the jacket ditching to the public at that point. Steve Thomas
  17. Larry Hancock, I respect your work very much and value your opinion highly. Steve Thomas
  18. The man who presented himself to Wallace Heitman FBI Record https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11250#relPageId=7 lists him at 69” tall, 145 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes and born in 1928 in Santiago, Cuba. I have never been able to resolve this discrepancy. Steve Thomas
  19. David, I don't know for sure, but I bet Bill got that description from this document: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11250#relPageId=7 Commission Document 853 - SS Rowley Memorandum of 24 Apr 1964 re: Manuel Rodriguez w/Attachments Commission Document 853b - SS Rowley Memorandum of 24 Apr 1964 re: Manue… Page 2 FBI Record https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11250#relPageId=7&tab=page lists him at 69” tall, 145 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes and born in 1928 in Santiago, Cuba. Steve Thomas
  20. By 4:00 in the afternoon, when this lineup took place, Oswald had been under arrest and interrogated for approximately two hours. Everybody in that building knew who he was and where he worked, including Sims and Boyd, who had been in the TSBD, set out for Irving to go apprehend him, and sat in on his interrogation. If he had lied in the lineup on what his occupation was, there would have been howls of protest from the police authorities. This is just silliness. Steve Thomas
  21. Mark, Isn't that what he told the reporters out in the hall? Somebody asked him if was in the building. He responded, of course, if I worked in that building, I was there. Steve Thomas
  22. I have another theory. It's just a theory, mind you. Would you say that this man is 5'11", 158 lbs, has brown hair, wears dark glasses, and has a dark complexion? The physical description provided above is not that of the Dark Complected Man, but of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro, President of the Alpha 66/ SNFE group that met at 3126 Harlendale St. in Dallas, where LHO was seen going in and out of. See 5/26/64 FBI Report of SA Wallace Heitman, page 5 http://www.maryferre...p;relPageId=223 One of the Directors of that group was a man named Raul Castro. He owed a Rambler station wagon. I think Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro was the "dark complected man" who Roger Craig saw driving a Rambler station wagon that picked up Oswald running down the hill after the assassination. Warrren Commission Document# 1085 is a June 11, 1964 letter from J. Edgar Hoover with attached memoranda and reports. Included in that letter is a heavily redacted April 29, 1964report from Dallas SA Wallace Heitman. It speaks about an automobile (a Rambler) parked in front of a residence in Garland, Texas that displayed a bumper sticker that read, "Kill the Kennedy Klan." The names of the families who resided at the house together have been whited out. His report also says that after the assassination, efforts were made to remove this bumper sticker and that after the assassination, residents of this address began to receive a lot of mail from Miami, New York, and Mexico. Raul Castro Baile and Juan Francisco Quintana Maya later told Heitman that they had picked up the bumper sticker at a John Birch Society meeting. I think the society meeting preceding Adlai Stevenson getting bonked on the head. Steve Thomas
  23. So, Mr. Oswald, what is your occupation? "Oh, I pick melons out in the fields" Steve Thomas
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