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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Donald, In your calculations, you have to take in account, Lieutenant Erich Kaminsky. After the assassination, George Lumpkin returned to the TSBD and took command there. [Report from Charles Batchelor to Chief J. E. Curry, November 30, 1963] Page: 43 of 70 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338584/m1/43/?q=Stevenson pp21-22. According to the Dispatch Tapes, George Lumpkin had arrived at the TSBD by 12:49 PM http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/ 15 (Captain C.E. Talbert): “15 is at the scene. We... the building's the Old Purse Company on the east side of Houston. Somebody cut off the back side, will you? Make sure nobody leaves there.” Dispatcher: “10-4, 15” 15: “15's in charge down here. Correction 5's (Deputy Chief Lumpkin) in charge.” (It appears that Talbert had the wrong building in mind). It was Kaminsky who Deputy Chief Lumpkin had positioned at the front door of the TSBD. Portal to Texas History [Report from Charles Batchelor to Chief J. E. Curry, November 30, 1963] Page: 43 of 70 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338584/m1/43/?q=Stevenson pp21-22. This matches exactly what Postal Inspector, Harry Holmes wrote in his Report of Oswald's interrogation on Sunday, November 24th. See Warren Report, Appendix XI page 636 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=660&tab=page Steve Thomas
  2. Former Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull says Rupert Murdoch’s ‘anger-tainment’ damaged the democratic world by Paul Karp Thu 21 Sep 2023 https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/sep/22/former-australian-pm-malcolm-turnbull-comments-rupert-murdoch “Malcolm Turnbull, a former Liberal prime minister and advocate for a royal commission into the Murdoch media empire, said the media mogul had created an “anger-tainment ecosystem” that had left the US “angrier and more divided than it’s been at any time since the civil war”. “ Anger as entertainment. That is so true. Steve Thomas
  3. During his Presidency, Donald Trump wanted to use the military for his own nefarious purposes. It was the military who resisted his wildest impulses; putting the military on the streets of America, using the military to seize voting machines, etc. I read an article the other day that said that the reason Tommy Tuberville is holding up promotions in the higher military ranks is that he expects that Trump will win the 2024 election and that Trump will fill those positions with people who will do what he wants. Steve Thomas
  4. A bag of cocaine is mysteriously "found" in the White House. A Resolution to Dump Kevin McCarthy is mysteriously "found" in a bathroom. Will the first half of the 21st Century come to be known as the Great American Snipe Hunt? Steve Thomas
  5. Matt Gaetz: ‘We will have a government shutdown’ — or he’ll attempt to oust Kevin McCarthy By. Matt Laslo September 20, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/matt-gate-government-shutdown/ "In the House, Democrats are in the minority and have no real tools to force McCarthy to work with them. So they’re left standing on the sidelines as the GOP fights itself while driving the government bus off the proverbial cliff in real-time. “It's going off the cliff. If they don't get their way, they're gonna shut the government down,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) told Raw Story. “It's really pretty remarkable that they don't want to govern and they don't know how to govern.” While Gaetz and company now prepare for a government shutdown of their own making, Democrats aren’t smiling. “What we're looking at right now is a collapse of government,” Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) told Raw Story. “This is not about shutdowns. I think this is historic. I really do. I don't think there's any example of your governing party — so-called – has lost the capacity to do anything. I don't know how this is gonna end up.”" It really is pretty remarkable. You have a political party that fought so hard to be in power, and now they don't know what to do with it. Steve Thomas
  6. Ron, 23H729 would, of course, be vol XXIII of the Warren Hearings and Exhibits, page 729, but H-11 has me stumped. I thought, at first, it might refer to part of CD 81 - the DPD Case File that they turned over to Waggoner Carr, but I went through those pages and didn't find it. It has me stumped too. Steve Thomas
  7. Ron, It doesn't seem to refer to vol. XI of the WC or vol. Xi of the HSCA, so, I don't know. There's no explanation at the beginning of his footnotes? Steve Thomas
  8. Russian State TV to Its Citizens: Be More Like North Koreans “Amid Kim Jong Un’s barnstorming tour of Russia, the country’s propagandists have begun extolling the virtues of the hermit kingdom’s spartan lifestyle. “ By Julia Davis. Sept 17, 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-state-tv-to-its-citizens-be-more-like-north-koreans?ref=home “While Kim Jong Un is touring the land, state-controlled media is currently working to convince everyday Russians that instead of looking to the West, they should start emulating North Korea. During Thursday’s broadcast of The Evening With Vladimir Solovyov, Sergey Mikheyev described Kim Jong Un as “a dude with a square head,” whose superpower is being unpredictable. He argued that the people of North Korea are impervious to Western pressure because of their spartan lifestyle. Mikheyev said, “Yes, life in North Korea is no picnic. But it isn’t as bad as Americans portray it... American sanctions are scary only to those who have been on their hook to begin with! Those who have bank accounts over there, parallel lives [in the West], etc. What can you forbid to North Koreans? To drink Coca-Cola? They don’t have it anyway! To watch Hollywood movies? They don’t have them anyway! You’ll turn off their Internet? They don’t have it anyway! You won’t import IPhones? They don’t have them anyway! You will forbid them to travel to Europe and America? They aren’t traveling anyway! There is no way to get to them.” Mikheyev praised Vladimir Putin’s rumored plan to visit North Korea in the near future and predicted wide-ranging cooperation between Russia and the “hermit kingdom.” Mikheyev pointed out that in the past, North Korea was ridiculed in Moscow, but now serves as an example of independence and unpredictability Russia would do well to follow. Mikheyev surmised: “The low living standards are both the weakness and the strength of North Korea! You can’t do to them what you could do to the people—and the elites—in the post-Soviet space that got hooked on what you have to offer. Elites in the post-Soviet space got used to eating good food and having sweet dreams, to keeping their money in [Western] banks. But these people don’t need anything! Well, maybe they do need it, but they don’t have anything.” On Saturday, the host of “Day Z” Yulia Vityazeva continued the theme, as she played video clips of a Russian military choir and other performers giving a concert in Pyongyang. Russian singers belted out Soviet war songs for the subdued audience, which didn’t seem to move, except to clap—often, in perfect unison. A photo of Kim Jong Un and Putin, hand in hand, was displayed on a giant jumbotron, followed by a notation in Russian and Korean: “Eternal friendship.” Vityazeva watched the footage with stars in her eyes and then remarked that the audience looked clean, well-fed and had a healthy complexion—contrary to popular stereotypes about the North Korean population that lives on the verge of starvation. During Friday’s broadcast of the program “Karnaukhov’s Labyrinth,” host Sergey Karnaukhov added, “Why are we so attentively talking about North Korea right now? North Korea maintained its school of engineering and an economic system that can resist the system of global economic sanctions. We need that!” He complained about the hedonistic lifestyle of many Russians, who are used to eating out in restaurants, golfing and clubbing. Karnaukhov pointed out: “Turns out, there are different values and a different lifestyle. North Korea preserved them and even increased them. It means we can rely on them! We can go there, look at their life and see that what we’ve considered to be valuable in our country isn’t valuable at all. It’s a way to destruction. It’s a road to nowhere. You can’t live this way. Our people are deteriorating! We can see the degradation of our country.” “ Steve Thomas
  9. So, let me see if I've got this straight. In the last 24 hours, you've got the most corrupt State Attorney General in the country bailed out by his Republican cohorts; A Republican Congresswoman accused of publicly fondling her male companion in a movie theater; And the leading candidate of their Party for President of the United States who can't remember what century he is in. This does not bode well. Steve Thomas
  10. ‘Cognitively Impaired’ Biden May Cause ‘World War II’ Byu Mark Alfred Sep. 16, 2023 https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-says-cognitively-impaired-biden-may-cause-world-war-ii-in-gaffe-filled-speech Donald Trump bungled his criticisms of rival Joe Biden in a speech Friday at the Pray Vote Stand summit in which he said the current president is “cognitively impaired” and will lead the world into a second world war. “Just think of it,” Trump said. “We would be in World War II very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man." At least Joe Biden knows what century he's in. Steve Thomas
  11. Dominican Republic closes all borders with Haiti as tensions rise on island both countries share https://apnews.com/article/dominican-republic-haiti-border-closed-abinader-a8e763730d674fc840b4ea33d50ebe23 DAJABON, Dominican Republic (AP) — “The Dominican Republic shut all land, air and sea borders with Haiti on Friday over a dispute about construction of a canal on Haitian soil, as armed Dominican soldiers patrolled entry points and military planes roared overhead.” "Officials from the two countries met on Wednesday to discuss the situation, and were still meeting on Thursday when Abinader announced he would close all borders on Friday, prompting the Haitian government to criticize what it called a “unilateral” decision. “Clearly, Abinader is overreacting to what is now a diplomatic incident,” Da Rin said, noting that Abinader confirmed last month he is running for re-election. “Maybe Abinader thinks this is a way to portray himself as a strong nationalist leader who will be the only one ... able to really stop the ‘Haitian invasion’ as he always calls the growing migration influx.” Abinader announced this week that he has stopped issuing visas to Haitians and closed the border near the town of Dajabon. He also has pushed to limit the number of Haitians migrating to the Dominican Republic and has expelled tens of thousands of them and those of Haitian descent. His administration has started building a 118-mile (190-kilometer) wall along the Haitian border that he announced early last year. Abinader said his administration is still in conversation with Haiti’s government but insisted that work on the canal must stop. Haitian officials have said the project will continue.” Steve Thomas
  12. - Joe Biden - "There are only two presidents in American history with fewer jobs the day they left office than when they started. One is President Hoover. The other is Donald Hoover Trump". pic.twitter.com/J76rzVxNP3 — Acyn (@Acyn) September 14, 2023 Steve Thomas
  13. Will January 6 be buried like the JFK assassination? Thom Hartmann September 15, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/jfk-assination/ “Remember, it was the military that apparently refused to go along with Trump’s plan for them to seize voting machines and help him overturn the election and appoint himself dictator-for-life. Is Tuberville holding those seats open for a second Trump term so Trump can appoint leaders to our military who will go along with the next seditious attempt?” "It’s been 60 years since JFK was murdered, and we still don’t know the whole story. We can’t afford to wait 60 years to find out who was in on the attempt to overthrow our government on January 6th. Americans deserve some answers." Steve Thomas
  14. Jim, These radio transmissions date from the next day (November 23rd) You can see these in CE705 page 437 here: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=463\ If you scroll up a couple of pages to page 435, you can see the clock roll over from midnight of the 22nd to the next day, the 23rd. According to my notes, Unit 581 belonged to Officer's, J. P. David (and) L. Johnson. They don't appear in Batchelor's Exhibit# 5002, so I can't tell you if they were in the Patrol Division or the Traffic Division. I do not know how the Police First learned that Oswald lived on Beckley. I do know that because the Dallas Police had to wait out in the car for 30-40 minutes until officers from Irving showed up at the Irving address, the DPD actually began searching the Beckley address before they knocked on the front door at Irving and found Ruth Paine's notebook with Oswald's phone number in it that they criss-crossed. Lately, I have been plagued by the question, not only how did they know he lived on Beckley, but why did they know. Steve Thomas
  15. Cory, Price Exhibit# 11 WC Exhbitis vol. XXI pp 198-199 Statement of Elizabith L. Wright, Director Nursing Service https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1138#relPageId=222 If a fragment was removed from Connolly's wrist, how could CE 399 be pristine? I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but if Landis found a billet in the back seat of the limo, I'm reminded of the doctors at the autopsy unsuccessfully trying to probe the path of the bullet in Kennedy's back and having to call Dallas. Steve Thomas
  16. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene @RepMTG If the Biden admin refuses to stop the invasion of cartel led human and drug trafficking into our country, states should consider seceding from the union. From Texas to New York City to every town in America, we are drowning from Biden’s traitorous America last border policies. 3:39 PM · Sep 11, 2023 Good timing there Margo. Steve Thomas
  17. Opinion: New Texas law deprives families of religious liberty rights Opinion by Amanda Tyler Mon September 11, 2023 https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/11/opinions/texas-chaplains-school-law-religious-liberty-tyler/index.html "A new Texas law allows public schools to replace counselors with chaplains and to use funds earmarked for school safety and mental health to pay them. The law went into effect this month. Each of Texas’ more than 1,000 school districts now has six months to vote on whether or not to create chaplain programs. There are no requirements to be called a “chaplain” outside of passing a background check. People allowed to serve as chaplains in this program are not barred from proselytizing and do not have to have any chaplaincy training or expertise in working with children or people from different faith traditions. “Chaplains represent God in government and are already extremely successful in helping our first responders, military, providing support in hospitals, and counseling in our prison systems,” Republican state Sen. Mayes Middleton from Galveston wrote about his motivation in authoring the legislation. “I believe that chaplains will greatly benefit our school students, teachers, and other school district staff. Our schools are not God-free zones.” “ I do not want the Government telling me what God is. Or how he should be worshiped. That’s what the Pilgrims did. That’s what the Spanish Inquisition did That’s what the Taliban does. Steve Thomas
  18. This is funny. The boss wanted to destroy evidence. Alarmed' Trump security chief intervened to keep crucial Mar-a-Lago tapes from being destroyed by Tom Boggioni September 9, 2023 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mar-a-lago-tapes/ "As the Times is reporting, "According to the indictment, which does not name Mr. Taveras but refers to him as 'Trump Employee 4,' Mr. De Oliveira led him through a basement tunnel to a small room known as an 'audio closet,' where Mr. De Oliveira delivered a message from Mr. Trump: 'the boss' wanted the footage deleted. Mr. Taveras rebuffed the request, prosecutors said in the indictment, but Mr. De Oliveira raised it again." Noting that Taveras once again denied the request, the report states that Taveras then reportedly confided to fellow employee Renzo Nivar about what had happened and days later alerted "a superior in Trump Tower." According to the Times, "One executive in New York, Matthew Calamari Jr., the Trump Organization’s corporate director of security, apparently became alarmed, according to people with knowledge of the matter. He alerted the company’s legal department, prompting a senior lawyer at the company to deliver a stern warning not to delete anything." Trump is f****** Steve Thomas
  19. Ron, I was going to bring that up, but others did before I could, so I didn't mention it. I thought I'd seen a Report in the old DPD Archives, but I don't know that ir made it over when the Archives were transferred to the Portal to Texas History at the University of North Texas Libraries. Steve Thomas
  20. Ron DeSantis birthday card advertisement goes up in flames By Mark Alesia, September 8, 2023, https://www.rawstory.com/raw-investigates/ron-desantis-birthday-card-ad/ "The flagging presidential campaign of Ron DeSantis thought it was a good idea to pay for an ad on X, formerly known as Twitter, encouraging people to wish the Florida governor a happy birthday next Thursday. The ad comes in the form of a tweet from Casey DeSantis, Ron DeSantis’ wife, and says, “Wish Ron DeSantis Happy Birthday!” Those who click on the DeSantis ad, which does not appear publicly on Casey DeSantis’ X feed, receive a form to fill in their name, email and phone number — along with a countdown clock showing (down to the second!) how long it is until DeSantis’ birthday. If you provide a phone number and click the “Sign His Card” button, the fine print says you consent to his robocalls and texts. Whoever goes that far received a thank-you message for signing the card — and a pitch for a campaign donation, with suggested contributions ranging from $20.24 to $6,600." Everything, and I mean everything has become one gigantic grift. Is it any wonder that people are jaded? Steve Thomas
  21. Gil, That's not a bad guess. I can envision that when the FBI started cracking down on the exiles in July, training would have moved offshore, away from prying eyes. You wrote, "I believe that the assassination was being planned under the cover of a second invasion of Cuba." I'm reminded of Operation Northwoods. There's not too much difference between the terrorist act of blowing up a commercial airliner and blaming it on Cuba, and assassinating the American President and blaming it on Cuba. Steve Thomas
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