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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Leslie, Just so you know. The picture of Souetre in the upper left hand corner is the picture the CIA used to accompany the famous 632-796 memo the CIA put out in April. 1964. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=105715#relPageId=6&search=Vrla see p. 6. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=105715&search=Vrla#relPageId=7&tab=page I suspect, but cannot prove, it is the same picture the French were using to alert the German and Italian authorities to be on the lookout, for some 500 OAS sympathizers and members in 1962. Steve Thomas
  2. Republicans Criticize Biden For Not Starving Undocumented Immigrant Babies By Elise Foley May. 12, 2022 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-baby-formula-immigration_n_627d4f7ce4b016d742f8c7e2 “Republicans criticized the Biden administration on Thursday for providing food to infants detained in its custody — effectively suggesting the babies should be starved because of their immigration status. “The Biden administration has been sending pallets of baby formula for illegal mothers and their babies while American mothers and babies cannot find baby formula,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said at a news conference. “This is completely unacceptable, and this needs to end now.” “Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals,” Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) wrote on Twitter. “This should not have to be said.” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) accused the administration of giving “critical supplies to illegal immigrants before the very people he took an oath to serve.”” At least Marie Antoinette offered to give them cake. Steve Thomas
  3. John, Because of his outspoken opposition to Algeria becoming an independent country from France, Souetre was transferred back home. Rather than accept that transfer, Souetre deserted. He went underground, and formed the first "Maquis", or underground resistance group. He holed up on a farm in Oursanis, and was captured in January, 1961. He spent all of 1961 in prison and missed the Revolt of the Generals in April, 1961. In December, 1961, he was put on trial, and was put more or less on probation. Because DeGaulle had invoked Article 16 of the French Constitution, a Military Tribunal stepped in; overrode the Civil Authorities, and sentenced him to a prison camp in the south of France called Saint-Maurice l'Ardoise. In the early morning hours of February 18, 1962, he broke out of prison with 17 other men by digging a 35 foot tunnel under the prison walls along the same lines as the movie, The Great Escape. 10 of the men were immediately re-captured, but the remaining 8 remained at large, Souetre among them. He made his way to Spain and Portugal and went underground. While he was confined in the prison campn, he somehow found time to marry his second wife, a woman named Josette from a prominent family in the Bodeaux region of France. It was quite the scandal of its time. The wedding was featured in an article in the Paris Match magazine. The General who served as the official witness to the wedding (the equivalent of our best man), was a hippy who once declared that he would rather put flowers in the barrels of soldiers guns than make war, and who organized a rock concert for the Rolling Stones. He was suspected by the police and the press of being involved in the attack on Charles DeGaulle at Petit Clamart in August, 1962, but I have seen no evidence of that. At one time, he and Jean Marie Curutchet were the two most wanted men in France. It's an absolutely fascinating story. Steve Thomas
  4. John, Sorry. In 1959, Jean-Rene Souetre was the Captain of the GCPA 40/541 Commandos d'lair (Air Commandos - a rapid reaction fighting force), serving in Algeria. He was the Captain of this regiment from November, 1957 to April, 1960. Steve Thomas
  5. Five years ago, Trump secretly celebrated firing FBI director and gave Russians classified intel inside the Oval Office by David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement May 09, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/five-years-ago-trump-secretly-celebrated-firing-fbi-director-gave-russians-classified-intel-inside-the-oval-office/ “Exactly five years ago tomorrow then-President Donald Trump gave top Russian officials code word classified top secret intelligence, putting Israeli spies at risk, and celebrated his firing of FBI Director Jim Comey, all during a meeting inside the Oval Office. No American journalists were allowed to be present, but a photographer from Russian state media was. “ “Ten days after firing Coney the world would learn that inside that secret Oval Office meeting Trump told the Russians: “I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” as The New York Times reported. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.” Steve Thomas
  6. Greg, By any chance have you researched the bus schedules for buses going down Beckley? Earlene Roberts says Oswald was in a hurry, and the last time she saw him, he was standing by the bus stop. She didn't say if he was standing by the stop that went south, or by the one going north. I wonder if that was why he was in a hurry. He didn't want to miss his bus. Catching a bus heading south towards the Theater makes a lot of sense, and would explain why no one ever saw him walking the streets towards the Theater, or to 10th and Patton, for that matter Steve Thomas
  7. - Matt Gaetz - https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1521797001175834625 “How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?” 5:20 AM · May 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone Somebody should take that man’s Iphone away from him. Steve Thomas
  8. Gil, https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/bledsoe.htm Mrs. Mary E. Bledsoe was accompanied by her attorney, Miss Melody June Douthit. Mr. BALL - And you have come down here in response to that letter, haven't you? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes. Mr. BALL - And you are here appearing with your attorney, who is present at this time? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes. Mr. BALL - Mrs. Bledsoe , this deposition will be written up by the reporter, and you can take it and look it over if you wish and change it in any way and sign it, or if you wish to waive the signature we will have it written up and send it to the Commission as it is. Do you have any preference that way? Do you want her to waive the signature? Miss DOUTHIT - I think she can waive it. I don't see any reason for her to sign it. Mr. BALL - Then can we, on the advice of your attorney, will you waive the signature? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes. Doesn’t sound like an attorney who’s working in the best interest of her client to me. If you read the last third of Mary Bledsoe’s testimony, her attorney, Ms. Douthit spent a long time trying to get Mary Bledsoe to admit she actually witnessed Lee Oswald sign the register. Mary did her best to avoid saying that. Steve Thomas
  9. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/bledsoe.htm Mr. BALL - Now, I have got a piece of clothing here, which is marked--- Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is it. Mr. BALL - Commission Exhibit 150. Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is it. Mr. BALL - This is a shirt. Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is it. Mr. BALL - What do you mean by "that is it?" Mrs. BLEDSOE - Because they brought it out to the house and showed it. Mr. BALL - I know. What do you mean by "that is it?" Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well, because I can recognize it. Mr. BALL - Recognize it as what? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes, sir; see there? Mr. BALL - Yes. You tell me what do you see here? What permits you to recognize it? Mrs. BLEDSOE - I recognize---first thing I notice the elbow is out and then I saw---when the man brought it out and let me see it? Mr. BALL - No, I am talking about---I am showing you this shirt now, and you said, "That is it." You mean---What do you mean by "that is it"? Mrs. BLEDSOE - That is the one he had out there that day? Mr. BALL - Who had it out there? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Some Secret Service man. Mr. BALL - He brought it out. Now, I am---you have seen this shirt then before? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes. Mr. BALL - It was brought out by the Secret Service man and shown to you? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes. Mr. BALL - Had you ever seen the shirt before that? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well--- Mr. BALL - Have you? Mrs. BLEDSOE - No; he had it on, though. Steve Thomas
  10. Ron, Did you notice that Fritz mentioned the bus transfer, but neglected to mention the bullets? Was there something hincky about the bullets that Fritz knew would never stand up in court? I think any good defense lawyer would, make hay with just what you mentioned. Steve Thomas
  11. Gil, You may be interested in this: There are two versions of Fritz's interview with Oswald in the DPD Archives. One is in Box 1 and another is in Box 15 of the old DPD Archives. 1) Interrogation, by an unknown author. Typed rough draft with handwritten corrections pertaining to the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), date unknown. This was in DPD Archives Box 1, Folder# 15, Item# 1. Consists of 12 pages. This is the version of the Interrogation that has stenographer's notes. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=217800#relPageId=546 On page 550 of the pdf file, there is a handwritten not concerning the bus transfer allegedly found in Oswald’s pocket https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=217800#relPageId=550 Page 550. This note was inserted into the Report concerning the interrogation that took place at 10:25 on Saturday morning. 2) Interrogation, by J. W. Fritz. Draft of the interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy) Poor Quality), date unknown DPD Archives, Box 15, Folder# 1, Item# 111. This consists of 13 pages. By starting new paragraphs as called for in the draft in Box 1, this version has been extended to 13 pages. You can also see the differences between page 5 in Box1 and page 6 in Box 15 where Fritz wanted language added about the bus transfer in Oswald's pocket. This tells me that the draft in Box 1 came first. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=217813#relPageId=157 (page 6 of the Interrogation, page 162 of the pdf file). Steve Thomas
  12. As far as I know, the right to freely travel between States is not guaranteed in the Constitution. According to Alito, because that right is not in the Constitution, it can be taken away. If I live in Colorado and want to travel to Wyoming, can the Wyoming State Police stop me at the border and tell me I can't? The Commerce Clause guarantees the free flow of goods, but what about private individuals? Steve Thomas
  13. Fox correspondent: "States may put more restrictions on [abortion], but people have the right to leave. They can go live somewhere else where it’s more of a free-for-all and they could do whatever they want... it should be about choices WE want to make." https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1521885849067081735 And, so it begins. Steve Thomas
  14. Jim, Pictures of Oswald's I.D, bracelet, and the Property Clerk's Receipt can be found here: https://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collections/JFKAM/browse/?q=Oswald+I.D.+bracelet&t=fulltext&sort= The Kamisnky information I have can be found on Page 1 of this thread. Steve Thomas
  15. f you read Mary Bledsoe's WC testimony very carefully, she was confirming that the shirt the WC showed her, was the same shirt the Secret Service showed her a couple of days after the assassination. Steve Thomas
  16. Jim, Unfortunately, the Dallas Police Archives are no longer available (at least in electronic form). The digitizing was taken over by the Portal to Texas History at the University of North Texas Libraries. You can find the Dallas Police Archives here: https://texashistory.unt.edu/explore/collections/JFKAM/browse/?start=0 I can't say that everything has been digitized yet, and the searching mechanism is a little different, but it's worth a look, their collection is pretty amazing. While we're on the subject (sort of); in your post about how the two Oswald left the TSBD, which one of the two was stopped by Erich Kaminsky at the front door? Steve Thomas
  17. For a long time, militia members and other far-right crazies have been warning that a second civil war is coming. I've been scratching my head trying to figure out how the geographical boundaries for such a split would be drawn. After all, you have liberals and conservatives in every state. Monday, with the announcement of the Supreme Court's draft opinion on Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court laid out where those geographical lines will be drawn. In the Opinion, the Court said that it will be up to each State to decide. States are already staking out their position, with States like Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Missouri passing even more stringent anti-abortion laws, even laws to prevent women from traveling out of state; and States like Connecticut, New York, Michigan, New Jersey and California vowing to protect abortion rights at all costs. The Court has now pitted States against each other. In one fell swoop, the Court has done what noone else could in the lat 50 years. Steve Thomas
  18. W., I read that Susan Collins is shocked and amazed. Steve Thomas
  19. Made in Chyna The tires on Russian tanks and heavy military vehicles are bursting and leaving the vehicles stuck in the mud. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10772127/Cheap-Chinese-tyres-bought-corrupt-officials-blame-Russias-stalled-advance.html"Russian generals are notoriously corrupt. Russia has a defense budget of around £60billion a year, but much of that budget is siphoned off at various levels,' an intelligence source told the New Zealand Times." "'The impact of this is that the Russians are forced to buy cheap tires to fit on expensive armored vehicles, and they just don’t work.' China's version of the tire is the Yellow Sea YS20, of significantly poorer quality, according to self-described 'tyre expert' and University of Chicargo academic Karl Muth. A set of 50 Michelin XZL tyres retails on Alibaba at approximately $36,000, whereas 50 sets of the Chinese equivalent retails at around $208." Steve Thomas
  20. Michael, The bus was on Elm, headed directly for Dealey Plaza. The cab was a couple of blocks south of the Plaza and headed southwest - away from all the hubub. William Whaley's testimony is here and he describes his route. You can cross reference it against Google Maps. https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/whaley1.htm Steve Thomas
  21. John, According to CD 705... The first inclination on the Sheriff's Department Dispatch Tapes that something was wrong comes in at 12:30:40. All Units are ordered to report to the railroad yards. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=394 page 368 An unknown mike on Channel 1 of the City's Police Department Dispatches is stuck open between around 12:27 and 12:34. On Channel 2 of the DPD's Dispatch Tapes, (the cars involved in the motorcade itself), Unit 1 (Chief Curry) orders the units to go to Parkland Hospital and get men on top of that triple underpass to see what's going on up there at 12:30 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=487 page 461 I guess I was wrong about the shooting taking place at 12:35. Steve Thomas
  22. George, That bus timing seems a little off to me, and I say that for two reasons: 1) Oswald supposedly got on the bus in front of the Rio Grande Building at 251 N. Field St. That is approximately 5 blocks from Dealey Plaza. JFK was shot at approximately 12L35 PM. It’s hard to see how Oswald could have walked those 5 blocks in 4 minutes. For a discussion of Oswald and the Rio Grande Building, see this thread on the Education Forum: https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/23210-rio-grande-building/ 2) According to the Dispatch Tapes, George Lumpkin had arrived at the TSBD by 12:49 PM. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/ 15 (Captain C.E. Talbert): “15 is at the scene. We... the building's the Old Purse Company on the east side of Houston. Somebody cut off the back side, will you? Make sure nobody leaves there.” Dispatcher: “10-4, 15” 15: “15's in charge down here. Correction 5's (Deputy Chief Lumpkin) in charge.” It was Kaminsky who Deputy Chief Lumpkin had positioned at the front door of the TSBD. Portal to Texas History [Report from Charles Batchelor to Chief J. E. Curry, November 30, 1963] Page: 43 of 70 https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338584/m1/43/?q=Stevenson pp21-22. This matches exactly what Postal Inspector, Harry Holmes wrote in his Report of Oswald's interrogation on Sunday, November 24th. See Warren Report, Appendix XI page 636 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=660&tab=page It has always surprised me, not that Oswald left the TSBD so quickly, but that he hung around so long. Steve Thomas
  23. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10764433/Roger-Stone-backs-Elon-Musk-make-Twitter-place-free-speech-expression-honored.html (Roger) Stone made a new (Twitter) account in the early hours of Thursday, telling DailyMail.com he wanted to see whether the platform would allow him back in the wake of Musk’s takeover. ‘I’m back b***hes… testing 1… 2… 3… ’ he declared in a 1 a.m. post under the new handle @RogerStoneUSA, describing himself as an ‘American Political Icon. The profile amassed 80 followers before it was taken down around 11am and replaced with an ‘Account suspended’ message and the standard blurb explaining that the 69-year-old had violated Twitter rules. Alas poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio' Steve Thomas
  24. Some Republicans planned to end democracy with Martial Law - the ultimate 'big government' by Thom Hartmann April 28, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/martial-law-2657230720/ “It was 58 years ago that Barry Goldwater proclaimed: “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have.” Republican advocates of “small government,” in addition to trying to pull the ultimate big government trigger of martial law in January of 2021, now also brag that they want to use the power of the governments they control to: Narrow your right to vote Imprison women seeking abortions Ban books Block efforts to green our energy sector Harass gay and trans kids Prevent minorities from having full representation in Congress Turn school boards into inquisitors Let utilities rip off solar customers Trash public health Put more guns in the hands of deranged mass shooters Purge voting rolls of Democrats and minorities Preempt local communities from protecting their own environment Reduce the accountability of police for violent behavior Ban gay marriage Allow state legislatures to overturn the will of the voters in elections Keep students in debt Hand Medicare over to the big insurance companies Increase hundreds of billions of dollars a year in taxpayer subsidies to the fossil fuel industry Terrorize refugee children Eliminate or turn most national parks into drilling and mining sites End environmental protections Thwart enforcement of food safety laws Destroy workers’ rights to union representation Steve Thomas
  25. In terms of their arrival on the scene, which came first, the bus allegedly carrying Oswald, or the Rambler that Roger Craig said he saw? I have a feeling that it was the bus, but I don't really know. Steve Thomas
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