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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Matt, I just have one question. Will Trump's orange jump suit clash with his orange hair and orange skin, or will it complement them? Steve Thomas
  2. Trump allies explored sending armed private contractors to seize voting machines in 2020 election By Sarah D. Wire June 4, 2022 https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2022-06-04/trump-allies-proposed-order-to-seize-voting-machines-gave-authority-to-armed-private-contractors “The Nov. 21, 2020, letter includes placeholder text at the top for an introduction conveying the document came from the president. The letter would have granted authority to three third-party companies to seize all election machines and election data at will, and given the companies and their subcontractors the authority to research, obtain and store offsite “all data and/or code regarding US election fraud, election manipulation, voter fraud, election interference, voter eligibility, and election systems wherever it resides.” The directive also would have allowed the companies to inspect and analyze any records or equipment related to the election, as well as details about who had contact with them and when. In addition, the letter specified that the U.S. Marshals would assist the effort and the employees of private companies authorized to perform the work would be “granted the authority to be armed when conducting these investigations since most of the operations would be conducted under hostile conditions.”” “Former U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Director Christopher Krebs, who was fired by Trump shortly after he made comments affirming the security of election machines, said the Nov. 21 draft appears to have been written by someone unfamiliar with executive orders and the authority they can and cannot grant. Requesting that private contractors be armed to assist in the process of inspecting machines is “chilling” and “implies that whoever drafted this [letter]... views this as some sort of warlike event,” Krebs said. “You’re talking about issuing letters of marque effectively to a private sector organization to go do some sort of activity on behalf of that executive office of the President,” Krebs said. “A private sector organization has no authority to go and seize state government equipment. The federal government doesn’t even have that authority, particularly in the context of administering elections. And we are looking at a document that says that’s OK.”” Steve Thomas
  3. - Matt Gaetz - “I sort of like Massie’s legislation that maybe everyone who’s a voter or on their way to vote ought to have the opportunity to carry a firearm to ensure that they’re not subject to any intimidation.” Gee, I wonder what could possibly go wrong. Steve Thomas
  4. Pat, It would seem to me that if you were saying that someone was throwing firecrackers as a diversionary tactic, you'd want to know where that person or persons were standing, and then review any film footage you had of that area to see if you could identify that person. In all the film evidence that has been examined, has anyone ever been observed lighting a firecracker, or throwing a firecracker? Has anyone ever been observed showing a startle effect , as if someone had dropped a firecracker at their feet? I personally don't remember ever seeing something like that. Steve Thomas
  5. Do fireworks leave residue? To the best of my knowledge, no one ever reported finding leftover evidence. e.g. shredded or bunt paper. Steve Thomas
  6. U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) now has a podcast, https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1531024532231839744 “You have to accept the fact that the government totally wants to provide surveillance on every part of your life.” “They want to know when you’re eating,” Greene claims in her podcast. “They want to know if you’re eating a cheeseburger, which is very bad because Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat that grows in a peach tree dish.” “You’ll probably get a little zap inside your body and that’s saying ‘No, no. Don’t eat a real cheeseburger, you need to eat the fake burger, the fake meat, from Bill Gates.” “They probably also want to know when you go to the bathroom and if your bowel movements are on time or consistent,” *Sigh*. I miss the good old days of Jewish space lasers. I gotta get me one of them peach tree dishes. Steve Thomas
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10864145/NRA-members-leader-LaPierre-vote-confidence-despite-struggles.html Moment excited gun enthusiasts raffle off $10,000 24 karat gold AK-47 rifle together with 1,000 rounds of ammunition for just $5 a ticket during NRA convention - days after Texas elementary school shooting The NRA raffled off some rare firearms including a $10,000 24-karat gold AK-47 rifle on the last day of its annual convention on Sunday Video from DailyMail.com shows an auctioneer flaunting the solid gold firearm to hundreds of gun enthusiasts who paid $5 to enter the raffle In the end, it went to Leslie Castillo, who told DailyMail.com she was 'in shock,' and described the gun as 'beautiful' Other guns raffled off on Sunday include a Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 rifle - the same model used in the Robb Elementary School shooting last week This is not just obscenity, this is debauchery. Steve Thomas
  8. Denis, Thank you for that. It's a little hard to make out his handwriting. I was able to get about 50%. Your loose translation is spot on. Thank you again for your effort to dig this out. PS: The barbouzes were something, weren't they? Steve
  9. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1529817124256026624 Aaron Rupar @atrupar Herschel Walker's solution to school shootings involves "a department that can look at young men that's looking at women that's looking at social media." It’s all them women looking at those social media thingys. That’s the problem. Oh yeah, and all them young mens ogling them. We need a department! We need a department! Herschel Walker for President! Steve Thomas
  10. I always thought that the first sound may have bee a .22. I live around a lot of hunters, and the crack of a .22 is a lot different from the boom of .45 or a .30-06. Steve Thomas
  11. As I understand it, the job application was merely a formality – something for the Personnel file. Lee Harvey Oswald’s “Historic Diary” Warren Commission Volume XVI CE 24 pp 98-99 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=123 Notice that on January 5th, he says, "I am to receive 70 rubles a month". On January 13th, he now says that he is a ""checker", making 700 rubles a month. That's a tenfold increase in salary. Nice work if you can get it. mis-spellings left intact Jan 1- 4 No change in routine Jan 4 . I am called to passport office and finilly given a Soviet document not the soviet citizenship as I so wanted, only a Residence document, not even for foringners but a paper called "for those without citizenship ." Still I am happy. The offial says they only are sending me to the city of "Minsk" I ask "is that in Siberia? He / laughes. he also tells me that they have arranged for me to recive some money though the Red Cross. to pay my hotel bills and exhensis . I thank the gentelinen and leave later in the afternoon I see Rimma "she asks are you happy" "yes" Jan. 5. I go to Red Cross in Moscow for money with Interrupter (a new one) I recive 5000. rubles a huge sum!! Later in Mink I am to earn 70 rubles a month at the factory. Jan. 7 . I leave Moscow by train for Minsk, Belorussia . My hotel bill was 2200, rubles and the train ticket to Minsk 1,50 . rubles so I have alot of money & hope. I wrote my brother & mother letters in which I said "I do not wish to every contact you again ." I am begining anew life and I don't want any part of the old". COMMISSION EXHIBIT 24-Continued Jan 7 . Arrive in Minsk, met by 2 women Red Cross workers We go to Hotel "biinsk" I take room, and meet Rosa and Stellina two persons from intourist in hotel who speak English Stellina is in 40's nice married young child, Rosa about 23 blond attractive unmarried Excellant English, we attract each other at once . Jan 8 . I meet the city mayor, comrade Shrapof. who welcomes me to Minsk promisis a rent-free apartment "soon" and warns me about "uncultured persons" who somethimes insult foriengers. My interputer : Roman Detkof. Head For. Tech Instit . neat door . Jan. 10. The day to myself I walk through city, very nice. Jan . 11 I vist Minsk radio factory where I shall work. There I meet Argentinian Immigrant Alexander Zeger Born a Polish Jew . Ilmni to Argen . i n 1938 and back to Polish homeland (now part of Belo.) in 1955 speaks English with Amer . accent he worked for Amer . com . i n Argen. He is Head of a Dept. a quialified Engenier, in late 40's mild mannered likable He seems to want to tell me somet. I show him my tempor . docu . and say soon I shall have Russ . citiz . Jan . 13 - 16 I work as a "checker" metal worker, pay : 700 rubles a month, work very easy, I am learning Russian quickly Now, Everyone is very friendly and kind . ... Steve Thomas
  12. With respect to the Texas shooter... I'm tellin ya, we need to take these people's IPhones away from them. Steve Thomas
  13. One thing I cannot explain is that if Lee H, Oswald submitted an application for employment to the Radio-television plant on January 11, 1960. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=440&search="Harvey_Lee+Oswald" page 426 (in English, I might add) how could there be a Certificate of Employment saying Lee Harvey Oswald is "presently employed" as an assembler date January 1, 1960? (maybe they forgot the extra 1 between the number 1 and the number 11) CE 985 page 111 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=444&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 Steve Thomas
  14. Stu, Lee Forman did go to Farleigh Dickinson, but wasn't able to find anything that helped, See page 2 of that thread. Steve Thomas
  15. Gil, You could add Lillian Spingler of the Parrot Jungle. "...that at that point, she felt that this individual was seeking attention" http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10649#relPageId=5&tab=page And Elizabeth Cole Elizabeth Cole – Prior Knowledge http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/5746-elizabeth-cole-prior-knowledge/ Steve Thomas
  16. Jim, Yes, I believe that there are occasions in the Lee Harvey Oswald biography where you have two people being in different places at the same time, both claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald. His Marine records are one, One being in Mexico City while at the same time in Alice, Texas is another. II think you and John have given him the name Harvey, I don't know enough about your thesis to know if a Harvey, calling himself Harvey, appears anywhere. Harvey Lee Oswald is a third entity. So far, I haven't seen a flesh and blood person that ever appears, saying, "Hi, I'm Harvey Lee Oswald". The closest I've come is the tenant register at 1026 N. Beckley, where the register is signed O.H. Lee. I've always interpreted that as Oswald, Harvey Lee. Steve Thomas
  17. Ukraine is the West's "Defense in Depth". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_in_depth "Defence in depth (also known as deep defence or elastic defence) is a military strategy that seeks to delay rather than prevent the advance of an attacker, buying time and causing additional casualties by yielding space. Rather than defeating an attacker with a single, strong defensive line, defence in depth relies on the tendency of an attack to lose momentum over time or as it covers a larger area. A defender can thus yield lightly defended territory in an effort to stress an attacker's logistics or spread out a numerically superior attacking force. Once an attacker has lost momentum or is forced to spread out to pacify a large area, defensive counter-attacks can be mounted on the attacker's weak points, with the goal being to cause attrition or drive the attacker back to its original starting position." We may lose Ukraine, but Russia will be bled dry in the process. Steve Thomas
  18. Sandy, I'm not convinced in my own mind that Harvey Lee Oswald was a flesh and blood human being. I've often said that he was a name, a file, a dossier. CE 2695 (WC vol XXVI) is a Secret Service interview of Billy Joe Lord (who traveled to Europe with Oswald aboard the SS Marion Lykes). The Report identifies Oswald as Harvey Lee Oswald seven times in the same document. That's not clerical error. That's muscle memory. Steve Thomas
  19. 'Power without principle': Elise Stefanik slammed by college mentor who encouraged her congressional run by Tom Boggioni May 22, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/elise-stefanik-2657368906/ “Then along came Trump and everything changed, with the WaPo's Milbank writing, "Ambitious Republican official abandons principle to advance in Trump’s GOP. But perhaps nobody’s fall from promise, and integrity, has been as spectacular as the 37-year-old Stefanik’s." According to her old college mentor, "I was just so shocked she would go down such a dark path. No power, no position is worth the complete loss of your integrity. It was just completely alarming to me to watch this transformation. I got a lot of notes saying, ‘What happened to her?’ ” Everything that Donald Trump touches, dies. Steve Thomas
  20. Jim, CE 985 page 111 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=444&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=447&tab=page On page 433 of that CE Exhibit (CE 985), it says that “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald was hired as a regulator at the Minsk Radio Plant on January 13, 1960. "Comrade" Lee Harvey Oswald is employed January 1, 1960 as an assembler. "Citizen" Harvey Lee Oswald is hired two weeks later on January 13, 1960 as a regulator. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=7986&relPageId=111&search=Dobrynin_December%2011,%201963 p. 111. In this letter, it says that Harvey Lee Oswald's request for USSR Citizenship was denied. It doesn't say when he applied for that citizenship, but the character reference memo from the Minsk Radio factory in CE 985, p. 433 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&relPageId=447&search=%22Harvey_Lee%20Oswald%22 is dated December 11, 1961 and refers to “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald. On January 4, 1960, Lee Harvey Oswald applied for a non-citizen alien identity card. In the space for the names of relatives living abroad, he listed his mother, Margaret living at 3124 W. 5th. St. in Fort Worth. No brother is listed. Four photographs are provided. (Photos not included in the documents) This document spells out the details of a non-citizen identity card (Series P-311479) https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10210-10003.pdf One week later, on January 11, 1960 he submitted an application for employment at the Minsk Radio and TV plant. On his application, he wrote that his parents were dead, and he had no brothers or sisters. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&search=%22Harvey_Lee+Oswald%22#relPageId=441&tab=page If he didn’t apply for the job until January 11th, how could there be a Certificate of Employment dated January 1st? On January 4, 1961 he applied for an extension of his non-citizen alien identity card. In the space for the names of relatives living abroad, this space is left blank. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135&search=%22Harvey_Lee+Oswald%22#relPageId=430&tab=page This ID card was extended to January 4, 1962. If Lee Harvey Oswald never applied for Soviet Citizenship, whose application for Citizenship was denied? Steve Thomas
  21. I think one way of differentiating between the two is examining their personality. One was sullen and truculent. the other was affable and friendly and played with children.. I think the woman at the Unemployment office encountered both of them. Steve Thomas
  22. Opinion | The States Will Soon Be at Each Other’s Throats Over Abortion "Overturning Roe could fuel a clash between the states not seen since the runup to the Civil War." by James Traub 05/19/2022 https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/19/the-new-civil-war-00033782 That's what I said a week ago. Steve Thomas
  23. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SOUTHERN DIVISION https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840/gov.uscourts.cacd.841840.345.0.pdf Page 10 “That prior holding makes the veracity of the Select Committee’s accusations all the more important, and a key issue underlying this dispute over privileged doc- uments. For if, as seemed clear to Dr. Eastman and his client at the time, there was illegality and fraud in the election of sufficient magnitude to have altered the out- come of the election, then far from “undermining” Democracy, Dr. Eastman’s ac- tions and advice must be seen for what they were—a legitimate attempt to prevent a stolen election. Perhaps Dr. Eastman was wrong about that. But even if he was, being wrong about factual claims is not and never has been criminal—indeed, it is constitutionally protected, see New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)— unless the claims were known to be false when made. The Select Committee’s evi- dence on that score is simply that news accounts and some government officials (including a few high-ranking ones) had belittled the substantial fraud and illegal- ity evidence as false. But given the false claims, outright lies, and even docu- mented efforts by many of those same sources to spy on and otherwise thwart the former President from fulfilling his constitutional duties for the entire four years of his term as President, one should hardly be surprised that President Trump did not take such claims at face value and preferred instead to rely on trusted advisors out side of the normal channels.” This is straight out of the Wizard of Oz. If you close your eyes real tight and click the heels of your ruby red slippers three times, and wish real hard, it will all come true. Steve Thomas
  24. Jim, I have compiled 49 different instances of the use of the name. Steve Thomas
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