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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.227536/gov.uscourts.dcd.227536.66.0_6.pdf These cases concern who, if anyone, should be held civilly liable for the events of January 6th. The plaintiffs in these cases are eleven members of the House of Representatives in their personal capacities and two Capitol Police officers, James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby (“Blassingame Plaintiffs”). Taken together, they have named as defendants: President Trump; the President’s son, Donald J. Trump Jr.; the President’s counsel, Rudolph W. Giuliani; Representative Mo Brooks; and various organized militia groups—the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Warboys— as well as the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio. Plaintiffs’ common and primary claim is that Defendants violated 42 U.S.C. § 1985(1), a provision of a Reconstruction-Era statute known as the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. The Act was aimed at eliminating extralegal violence committed by white supremacist and vigilante groups like the Ku Klux Klan and protecting the civil rights of freedmen and freedwomen secured by the Fourteenth Amendment. Section 1985(1) is not, however, strictly speaking a civil rights provision; rather, it safeguards federal officials and employees against conspiratorial acts directed at preventing them from performing their duties. All Defendants have appeared except the Proud Boys and Warboys. Defendants have moved to dismiss all claims against them. After a full deliberation over the parties’ positions and the record, the court rules as follows: (1) President Trump’s motion to dismiss is denied as to Plaintiffs’ § 1985(1) claim and certain District of Columbia–law claims and granted as to Swalwell’s § 1986 claim and certain District of Columbia–law claims; (2) Trump Jr.’s motion to dismiss is granted; (3) Giuliani’s motion to dismiss is granted; (4) the Oath Keepers’ motion to dismiss is denied; and (5) Tarrio’s motion to dismiss is denied. Separately, Brooks has moved to substitute the United States as the proper party under the Westfall Act. The court declines to rule on that motion and instead invites Brooks to file a motion to dismiss, which the court will grant for the same reasons it has granted Trump Jr.’s and Giuliani’s motions Dated: February 18, 2022 Amit P. Mehta United States District Court Judge Steve Thomas
  2. - Tucker Carlson - February 16, 2022 “For a well-adjusted normal person, unwanted election outcomes are part of life. Voters don’t always do what you want them to do. It is frustrating, but that’s how it works,” Carlson said Wednesday. “In fact, when voters reject you, you get a chance to assess your own behavior. Chances are there is a reason that people didn’t want you in power and you now have time to think about what that reason might be. “That is a healthy process. So when you lose, it is hardly proof that the system is broken. In fact, it’s usually evidence that things are working exactly as intended.” Steve Thomas
  3. Rudy Giuliani Reveals Location Of Secret 'Evidence' Stash And... Um... Wow. By Ed Mazza 02/16/2022 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rudy-giuliani-bedroom-evidence_n_620c9e79e4b01251308430bd "Rudy Giuliani, the former New York mayor and attorney for Donald Trump, declared on Tuesday night that he has a stash of secret evidence against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. And it’s in his bedroom. In an interview on the right-wing Newsmax network, Giuliani said he possessed about 1,000 pieces of evidence that no one has seen yet. “I happen to have it in my bedroom, or my den, actually,” he declared. “I’ve had it there for years.”” Please raise your hand if you would like to be the one to volunteer to search Rudy Giuliani's bedroom for evidence that he has had stashed there for years. ewwww... (Does this have anything to with the Lecherous paws of Beezebub? I forget.) Steve Thomas
  4. Trump supporters invoke Beelzebub to argue against Michigan GOP's plan to count ballots: report by Bob Brigham February 15, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-michigan-gop-endorsement-convention/ “"Conspiracy theories peddled by some Michigan Republicans and allies of former President Donald Trump about voting machines in 2020 have come home to roost," the Detroit Free Press reported Tuesday. "For years, the party has used voting tabulators to count the ballots at its conventions. GOP leaders advocated for the continued use of tabulating machines. But Republicans who champion debunked theories about voting machines — fantastical claims of vote switching, counting half of a vote or hacked tabulators — want the ballots counted by hand this time. The party is compromising: they’ll use tabulators, but a newly created 27-person audit committee will review the results by hand immediately after the machine count." One group opposed to the plan invoked Satan. "Pure Integrity for Michigan Elections — one of many groups pushing for a so-called "forensic audit" of the 2020 election — has blasted the GOP plan. 'Grassroots groups would sooner stare into the glowering, red eyes of Beelzebub than to allow a Dominion, ESS, or Hart tabulator to run its lecherous paws over their sacred ballots,' reads a recent email from the group, referring to companies that manufacture ballot tabulators targeted by Republican election conspiracies," the newspaper reported.” Lecherous paws of Beezebub? Oh, dear God. Steve Thomas
  5. https://www.newsweek.com/latinos-trump-head-says-god-will-deal-pastors-not-backing-her-1679109 Bianca Gracia, a candidate for a Texas Senate seat, recently warned pastors that if they don't vote for her, they'll be held accountable by God because he "appointed" her for the State Senate position. On Wednesday, Gracia told Christopher McDonald, host of The McFiles, that she told "some pastors" during a recent conversation that she'll only win if the "church shows up." If Christians don't rally around her, she said she told the pastors that they'll be held "accountable" because God "appointed and assigned" her the position. Qualifications? Who needs qualifications when you've got that going for you? PS: Please send me all your money to PO Box... I was assigned, don't you know. Steve Thomas
  6. And you've just had some kind of mushroom And your mind is moving low. Go ask Alice I think she'll know. When logic and proportion Have fallen sloppy dead, And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "off with her head!" Remember what the dormouse said: "Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head" https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=%22Jefferson+Airplane%22+%22White+Rabbit%22#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLRT9c3LDTNyLM0KCx-xGjOLfDyxz1hKb1Ja05eY9Tg4grOyC93zSvJLKkUkuJig7IEpPi4UDTy7GLSS0lNSyzNKYkvSUyyyk620s8tLc5M1i9KTc4vSsnMS49PziktLkktssqpLMpMLl7EKlyekVmSqlCUmJSUWaIAEQUAqC6msZEAAAA Steve Thomas
  7. America. You gotta love it. It's the only country in the world where being a Roto-Rooter man requires Top Secret Security clearance. Steve Thomas
  8. Donald Trump boards Air Force One after leaving his Daily Presidential Briefing.
  9. - Marjorie Taylor Greene - “"Not only do we have the D.C. Jail, which is the D.C. Gulag, but now we have Nancy Pelosi's Gazpacho Police, spying on members of Congress, spying on the legislative work that we do, spying on our staff, and spying on American citizens that want to come talk to their representatives. This government has turned into something it was never meant to be, and it's time to make it end." Down with Bouillabaisse! End the tyranny of Chicken Noodle Soup! (I wonder of she knows Thomas Massie) Steve Thomas
  10. Now, this is interesting. Another Government Agency, who is not Congress, has referred Donald Trump to the Justice Department for possible criminal prosecution. These are not politicians. National Archives refers Trump's destruction of documents to the Justice Department by Sarah K. Burris February 09, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-national-archives-justice-department/ “There has been much debate over penalties for former President Donald Trump for knowingly destroying documents and then taking official documents to take back to Mar-a-Lago. The statute lists, among the punishments, disqualification from office, which has been the key piece anti-Trump activists cling to. The only way for that to be possible, however, is if the National Archives found the behavior to be so egregious that they referred it to the Justice Department. On Wednesday, the Washington Post reported that's exactly what happened.” "Archives officials suspected Trump had possibly violated laws concerning the handling of government documents — including those that might be considered classified — ...” Steve Thomas
  11. Some people go ice fishing. Some people who go ice fishing build shanties. Some people who build shanties engage in prostitution. Therefore, ice fishing causes prostitution. At least that's what Hudson, OH Mayor, Craig Shuster says. Steve Thomas
  12. https://www.rawstory.com/thomas-massie-2656608339/ By Bob Brigham "Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) has both undergraduate and post-graduate degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), but the GOP lawmaker was ridiculed for his lack of reasoning after he posted an outrageous attack on Medicare." " Over 70% of Americans who died with COVID, died on Medicare, and some people want Medicare for All?" he asked on Wednesday." "NPR reported in December that "people 65 and up make up 75 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S." Medicare is the government health insurance program for Americans over 65, so of course there is a correlation. But it no way does it imply any causation." Thomas Massie went to MIT. Thomas Massie is stupid. Therefore MIT graduates stupid people. Steve Thomas
  13. EXCLUSIVE FBI probes pre-Capitol riot meeting of far-right groups By Aram Roston 02/08/2022 https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-fbi-probes-pre-capitol-riot-meeting-far-right-groups-2022-02-08/ “WASHINGTON, Feb 8 (Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is probing a meeting in a downtown DC garage the day before the January 6 Capitol Hill riot between the then-leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, the now-indicted leader of the Oath Keepers militia and other far-right figures, according to two witnesses interviewed by FBI agents.” “The meeting put the heads of the nation’s two best-known violent far-right pro-Trump groups in immediate proximity to each other 24 hours before the breach of the Capitol. Three attendees or their representatives contacted by Reuters say they did not discuss matters related to January 6. Bianca Gracia, who heads a pro-Trump coalition called Latinos for Trump and an affiliated Political Action Committee named Latinos For America First, was at the garage meeting as well, according to witnesses and video taken by a documentary film crew.” Steve Thomas
  14. Oh goody The same far-right influencers behind the effort to overturn the 2020 election are pushing for a convoy on DC by Jordan Green, Staff Reporter February 08, 2022 https://www.rawstory.com/freedom-convoy-2656591373/ “At the top of the list is Donald Trump himself, who issued a statement on Feb. 4 deriding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a “far-left lunatic… who has destroyed Canada with insane Covid mandates.” Trump added: “Now, thankfully, the Freedom Convoy could be coming to DC with American Truckers who want to protest Biden’s ridiculous Covid policies.” The People’s Convoy, with a Facebook group boasting 48,100 members and Telegram channel with 38,000 members, had previously publicized March 1 as a start date, but by the past weekend organizers were signaling that the date was up in the air again. In a video shared on the group’s telegram channel, organizer Jeremy Johnson reported that leaders would hold a Zoom meeting on Feb. 5 “with a very large group of people,” while predicting, “After that Zoom meeting on we’re going to be able to come out with a hell of a lot more information than what we’ve been able to do so far.” In the same video, Johnson said his group had joined forces with Leigh Dundas, a social media influencer anti-vax advocate from southern California who helped mobilize Trump supporters to come to Washington, DC on Jan. 5, 2021. In a Facebook Live video on Feb. 4, Dundas briefly touched on the DC convoy, saying, “US convoy coming soon. Sit tight, guys. I don’t want to rush to judgement on this one. I’m working with a lot of different trucking factions over the next 48 hours here. I think we’re going to have big announcements starting at the end of the week or next week.”” He's just not going to stop. Steve Thomas
  15. https://twitter.com/texasdemocrats/status/1490400867509440513 The Texas Democratic Party is calling on the @TexasGOP to demand the immediate resignation of Carla Richburg. As a precinct chair in one of the most populous and diverse communities in the country, there is no place for Richburg's bigotry in our state politics. #txlege Steve Thomas
  16. Jim, Was it Marina who said that the FBI came by their house and took Oswald outside where they sat in a car for a couple of hours? Was that in 1962? We'll never know what they talked about. Steve Thomas
  17. RESOLUTION REGARDING THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM 2020 WHEREAS, All platforms are snapshots of the historical contexts in which they are born, and parties abide by their policy priorities, rather than their political rhetoric; WHEREAS, The RNC, had the Platform Committee been able to convene in 2020, would have undoubtedly unanimously agreed to reassert the Party’s strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration; RESOLVED, That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda; RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention RESOLUTION TO FORMALLY CENSURE LIZ CHENEY AND ADAM KINZINGER AND TO NO LONGER SUPPORT THEM AS MEMBERS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY 02/04/2022 WHEREAS, Winning back the majority in Congress, including the United States House of Representatives, in 2022 must be the primary goal of the House Republican Conference (“Conference”) and requires all Republicans working together to accomplish the same; WHEREAS, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, ,… RESOLVED, That the Republican National Committee hereby formally censures Representatives Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and shall immediately cease any and all support of them as members of the Republican Party... And, so there you have it. 1. The Republican Party has no Platform other than to support Donald Trump 2. The primary mission of the Republican Party is to regain power at all costs 3. The Republican Party endorses political violence as a legitimate means to attain that power Steve Thomas
  18. RNC lashed out because Jan. 6 probe is ‘getting very close’ to fake Trump electors: Former GOP lawmaker by John Wright https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-2656571428/ "I think part of the reason why the RNC reacted so foolishly against Cheney and Kinzinger, is because the Jan. 6 committee issued 14 subpoenas to some of these fake electors," he said. "And I suspect they're getting very close to some members of the Republican National Committee, and they're a little nervous about that, and they ought to be, frankly. ... The RNC is really anxious. Some of those members I think have to be concerned about those subpoenas, so that's what this is about more than anything else." Now it makes sense. Steve Thomas
  19. Joe, Remind me never to get into a legitimate political discourse with Ronna McDaniel. She'll kick my ass. Steve Thomas
  20. We can have a legitimate political political discourse. Hang on a minute while I go get my brass knuckles and some bear spray and a lead pipe. Steve Thomas
  21. John, Sure. 8. Hanging out in an auto repair shop reading Guns and Ammo or American Rifleman or whatever, and waiting on cash stuffed envelopes handed to him through the car window from his FBI handler. Steve Thomas
  22. Breaking News: People are already getting out the popcorn waiting for DJT's response.
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