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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. [...]

    In recognition of your (as well as a few other's) perceived "Crystal Ball" ability to look at what is often poor quality photographs and thereafter resolve complex issues such as wound ballistics, my crystal ball would never allow such great (even if only imaginary) ability.


    speaking of poor quality photo-films... Moorman 5 is on parade again. (fwiw according to Karnac Miller the polaroid was snapped 3.6 seconds AFTER (Z frame 313) alleged head shot

  2. [...]

    Your Gif seems to stop at the moment Z313 was exposed. Correct me if I am wrong. Moorman's photo was exposed 3.6 frames after Z313. I would want to check Newman's posture at the same moment Moorman took her photo.

    Keeping you honest, the cite re 3.6 frames (the .6 is impossible btw) after Z-313, is who?

    Oh, the Moorman in the street issue? Next to the WCR SBT, the Moorman/Street issue is a farce, pure shuck-and-jive. My opinion of course...

  3. still dancing and acting the 6th Floor Museum Shill, I see.... you look lovely scambling though AND, not to mention, attempting intelligence... KUTGW-Bill-o

    Get some mental help, David ... you simply don't make sense. Here is a link to a site page called 'Exposing the Ignorant'. Your vulgar psychotic ramblings speak volumes.

    Bill Miller


    get on over to the Moorman -- Josiah is BACK.... ROTFLMFAO! And you know what that means.... Gary is watching....

  4. [...]

    I defy you to show that I have made a “concerted effort” to show “that there is a select group of people, like Democrats or Republicans, or liberals or conservatives, who can be defined as "conspiracy theorirsts,"”


    forgive the question, why should any US citizen give a good healthy s*** what foreigners or lost ex-pats opinions are concerning "defined" American conspiracy theorists? You, John Simkin, Andy the bowtie, etc.... have no dog in this beef why do you bother? Hobby? Or just keeping website hit numbers up?

  5. Just amazing how fast and how much this thread was hijacked.

    Many of those who left this forum did so because they were BANNED.

    AFAIK none of the founders of the DPF were banned, but left of their own volition. Like the rest of them you have difficulty getting your facts straight

    my-o-my, ol' Len knows a lot concerning the inner workings of this here Ed forum doesn't he... Getting facts straight, hmmm? Doesn't that rely on some sort of interpretation of said facts? And doesn't that lead the one doing the interrupting of said facts to conclude: here we are again, personal *opinion* concerning said facts?

    and fwiw keeping to the thread topic -- there are but few JFK assassination researchers (narrowly defined subject specialists) left on this forum. (I understand, initially, we were invited here to get the numbers (aka *hits*) up. Which is fine. But lets be realistic, what's left here, after 5 years, are data gatherers and disinfo specialists.

    Best internet based "political" (local/regional/world) researchers by far, are located at the Deep Politics Forum. (unlike me, all can pen quite a few back-to-back paragraphs)

    I'm still trying to figure out who, and what function the dude with the bow-tie provides (if anything) around here? He the money guy? Or is that Bill Miller?

  6. The Zippo copy is the only one without the thumbprint having etched away most of the

    emulsion, although parts of the print are beginning to appear. But the Zippo shows

    the parts not seen in later copies.


    The Zippo print is one of the worse copies of Moorman's photo in my view. In blow-ups of that print the edges of objects such as the pedestal and colonnade are rough and uneven.

    I am also curios as to what parts the Zippo print is supposed to show that later copies do not.

    Below is the FBI and Wide World prints ... no thumb print is visible on either.

    Bill Miller



    Wide World (Zippo)


    surely you jest? No fingerprint is visible in the above image? Come on ROTFLMFAO! Even I can see it in the 2053x1546 pixel sized image *without* glasses

  7. [...]

    No, it is not concern about the state of the peace process that will keep many of Israel's supporters from sleeping as they contemplate this year's Israeli election. It is the state of Israel's soul.

    M.J. Rosenberg is director of policy analysis for the Israel Policy Forum.[/b]

    well, we know what opinions are all about, especially right-wing opinion as the LA Times is wont to produce, on occasion -- but being concerned about Israel's soul? Now THAT is a new editiorial/opinion twist. Sounds like something straight from Arafat's last days playbook.

    I'm wondering if any of our esteemed members have read the bible? The Old Testament in particular? And btw, the Jews are still awaiting their Messiah (they've a while yet). As a people, they do not cotton up to the Bible's NEW Testament.... Yet!

    The Book of Revelations (New Testament) covers current events neatly. And guess what? That particular chapter focuses on a reconstituted Israel post 1948 (after they, as a people, were scattered to the winds centuries before), and not only that particular areas woes, but the ENTIRE world's woes... Not bad for something written nearly 2000 years ago, eh? Perhaps, answers have been right in front of us for centuries, if not millennia. It took today's technology to simply show the futility of mans efforts in trying to accomplish what only the DIVINE can accomplish.... handwringers are not the answers, nor are "logical, rational" answers. The worldwide human condition is in such a mess, perhaps what we need is the aforementioned Book of Revelations *false* Prophet to *save* the day, well, 3.5 years worth of *saved* days....

    The USofA is not going to legislate or lead the world out of this condition, nor is any other state government. It's called Kismet, an Arabic term (kasama, karma even)! Some even call it biblical prophecy!

    If it's good enough for most of the world present and past leaders and military of whatever stripe some would say, pray! Then simply put forth your best efforts based on what that prayer issues forth, then PRAY some more, a lot more!

  8. The DC made a correction in the show that I requested and that was, in fact, the reason for this thread. The corrected show aired in December and last night.

    The SS photos CE 352-353 were taken late Saturday afternoon 11.23.63. The narrative is now corrected (from saying they had been taken at 1 a.m.) to say that they were taken the next day. Interestingly, it also says that the blood spatter is hard to see. That is an understatement. The limo had undergone two or three informal exams by the SS, a formal forensic exam by the FBI during which the back seat was taken out, and much manhandling of the limo had occurred.

    The greater flaw in the show in this regard, however, for which no change was made, is that they use these photos to try to get a witness to corroborate what he saw. This is specious to begin with, because nobody really had a chance to look inside the limo after the assassination long enough to make any assessment. The top was put up quickly upon the arrival at Parkland Hospital.

    Next, the car was swabbed out to some extent while at PH. The most benign reason for the bucket and cloth that are visible in a couple of photos of the limo at PH is that the areas affected by putting up the roof were washed. Who knows what changes were made because of that cleaning?

    So, the fragile thesis of this part of the show fails to demonstrate much of anything to anyone except perhaps the very, very naive. Oh, and the WC apologists, of course. They love this stuff.

    is that shorthand for a compromised crime scene?

  9. [...]

    And now, one knows "The Rest of the Story". (or at least most of it anyway!)



    Q: Would you state your full name for the record, please.

    A: My name is Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt, L-y-n-d-a-l, middle initial L, S-h-a-n-e-y-f-e-l-t.

    Q: Where do you reside, Mr. Shaneyfelt?

    A: I reside at 6125 Vernon Terrace, Alexandria, Virginia.

    Q: By whom are you employed?

    A: As a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.



    VERNON TER., 6125-Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt to James H. and Jennifer O. Rooney, $1.4 million.

    the Washington Post link is dead... surprise....

    Try this:


    Fairfax Home Sales

    Thursday, April 14, 2005; Page VA23

    The following home sales were recently recorded for Fairfax County and supplied to The Washington Post by the Real Estate Division of the Fairfax County Department of Tax Administration. To find sale and assessment records for homes in Fairfax and elsewhere in the Washington area, visit www.washingtonpost.com/realestate.

    Alexandria-Belle View Area

    CAVALIER DR., 6415-Susan J. Weaver to Kate B. and Robert L. Connolly, $389,000.

    VERNON TER., 6125-Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt to James H. and Jennifer O. Rooney, $1.4 million.


    The name: "Jennifer O. Rooney" will usually pull it up if all else fails.

    That is why I long ago copied it.

    Perhaps someone who still has a vested interest in continuation of the "misguided", does not like for someone to actually point to the correct road which one should follow.

    Certainly glad that I got US Senator David Boren and a few others on "my side" prior to opening this can of worms.

    Which may ultimately turn into a can of snakes for someone.

    Which should be little if any problem for an old has-been "snake-eater".

    ohhh, it all tastes like chicken anyway..... but tnx for the re-link :)

  10. [...]

    And now, one knows "The Rest of the Story". (or at least most of it anyway!)



    Q: Would you state your full name for the record, please.

    A: My name is Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt, L-y-n-d-a-l, middle initial L, S-h-a-n-e-y-f-e-l-t.

    Q: Where do you reside, Mr. Shaneyfelt?

    A: I reside at 6125 Vernon Terrace, Alexandria, Virginia.

    Q: By whom are you employed?

    A: As a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.



    VERNON TER., 6125-Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt to James H. and Jennifer O. Rooney, $1.4 million.

    the Washington Post link is dead... surprise....

  11. Tom,

    You dismiss Gauthier's relevance by saying he was a tinker-toy specialist. You are right about his being a tinker-toy specialist. Which is the point. This was how the FBI re-enacted crime scenes in 1963. Your assertion that the early surveys accurately depicted the location for the head shot, and had placed it out in front of James Altgens' position, is without merit. The FBI never spoke to Altgens until months after the shooting, and then only at the request of the WC. The SS never spoke to him. Even if he said there were two head shots--which he most certainly did not--he never told it to them.

    As far as the Connnallys, they both implied the head shot at 313 was the last shot. For the FBI and the mainstream press, that was game, point, match. Connally says Kennedy was hit before him, and that he was hit by the second, and that the third hit Kennedy in the head. Okie-doke. He's the President's buddy. And a national hero. They ignored the statements of everyone else after that.

    For a long time, I thought you were right, and believed that the surveys demonstrated that the FBI and SS thought there'd been a shot after the head shot. But then I checked the paper trail at maryferrell, and found memo after memo stating that Connally was hit by the second shot and that the last shot was the head shot at frame 313. I agree this makes little sense. Unless the FBI and SS were total incompetents unconcerned with establishing Kennedy's actual position OR deliberately stretching out the shooting scenario for some dishonest purpose.

    "You dismiss Gauthier's relevance by saying he was a tinker-toy specialist. You are right about his being a tinker-toy specialist. Which is the point. This was how the FBI re-enacted crime scenes in 1963. Your assertion that the early surveys accurately depicted the location for the head shot, and had placed it out in front of James Altgens' position, is without merit. The FBI never spoke to Altgens until months after the shooting, and then only at the request of the WC. The SS never spoke to him. Even if he said there were two head shots--which he most certainly did not--he never told it to them."

    Actually! For the most part I dismiss anything which Gauthier has to say as he was an integral part of the "SCAM"!


    Mr. GAUTHIER. The survey was made on May 24, 1964, by Robert H. West, county surveyor, a licensed State land surveyor, located at 160 County Courthouse, Dallas, Tex.

    Mr. SPECTER. Have you brought the tracing of that survey with you today?

    Mr. GAUTHIER. I have; yes.

    Mr. SPECTER. And have you brought a cardboard reproduction of that?

    Mr. GAUTHIER. A copy made from the tracing; yes.

    Mr. SPECTER. Would you produce the cardboard copy made from the tracing for the inspection of the Commission at this time, please?

    Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes.

    Mr. SPECTER. Would you produce the tracing at this time, please?

    Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes; the tracing is wrapped, and sealed in this container.

    Mr. SPECTER. Without breaking the seal, I will ask you if the cardboard which has been set up here--may the record show it is a large cardboard. I will ask you for the dimensions in just a minute.

    Does the printing on the cardboard represent an exact duplication of the tracing which you have in your hand?

    Mr. GAUTHIER. Yes.

    Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, we will mark the tracing Commission Exhibit No. 882, and not take it out, since the cardboard represents it, and place Commission Exhibit No. 883 on the cardboard drawing itself, and I would like to move for the admission into evidence of both Exhibits Nos. 882 and 883.

    The CHAIRMAN. They may be admitted.

    Mr. SPECTER. I now hand you a schedule which I have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 884 and ask you what figures are contained thereon.

    (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 884 for identification.)

    Mr. GAUTHIER. This is a copy of a tabulation which appears on the plat map.

    It contains certain positions marked as frame numbers. It indicates elevations and a column dealing with angle of sight from the frame positions to the window and to a horizontal line.

    It also contains angels of sight the degree of sight and distances from these positions to a point on the top of the bridge, handrail height.

    Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, that concludes the description of the general setting.

    I would like to move now at this time for the admission into evidence of Exhibit No. 884, which completes all of the exhibits used heretofore.

    Mr. McCLOY. It may be admitted.


    A. It ain't an "exact duplication", irrelevant as to whether it is on carboard or toilet tissue!

    B. It ain't "a copy of a tabulation which appears on the plat map" since there are several forged

    changes relative to what was actually surveyed.


    Which "mark" at survey stationing 4+95 (what was actually surveyed in) placed the impact location for the third shot fired

    as having been directly in front of James Altgens location.

    So, with the Z313 impact blowing the top of JFK's head off, and most certainly being easily observed in the Z-film, then

    exactly how is it that you are of the impression that the SS knew exactly where impact of the last shot occurred, as well

    as having managed to re-create photographic evidence which clearly demonstrates that they knew exactly where

    Altgens was located when they did their re-enactment survey work?

    Now! Recognizing that I am just an ole backwoods country boy, I nevertheless give considerable preference to the SS's photo's as taken from the Altgens position/location, as opposed to those in which the FBI pulled the wool over a lot of

    person's eyes.

    P.S. One did not even have to speak with James Altgens to know his EXACT location. Since he was standing exactly 5-feet

    from the second yellow curb mark and was standing EXACTLY at a construction joint in the concrete street curb.

    Which sort of makes one wonder:

    A. Exactly why the FBI/WC with all of their great talent, made such a "bust".

    B. Exactly why those who claim to be "researchers", had not long ago pointed out this little "slight"/sleight-of-hand" maneuver.

    Lastly! Just for your information again! The SS survey plat of December 5, 1963, as well as the FBI survey plat of 2/7/64, both place the third/last/final shot impact point as being located at survey stationing 4+95, which so happens to be directly in front of James Altgens position.

    Guess that they were both wrong, and the ever-so-believeable WC told us the truth, huh?


    resistence to the possibilty of Zapruder film alteration runs deep, VERY deep. As for the "old country boy" moniker, everytime I hear that phrase I think of Sgt. gobble-gobble York, WW1 fame.... :blink:

  12. What was that? Sounded like firecrackers.........BANG...BANG..oh my God, somebody has...

    Meanwhile, winging his way to Shreveport, knowing he will be met by V.I.P. Confederates at the airport, Maj. Brig. Gen. (retired) Edwin Anderson Walker has the magnificent foresight to ask the Pilots to witness his flight stubs. Clever fellow. (though it could be seen as a bit enthusiastic).

    John, it's either Maj. General or its Brig. General, not both..... great point none-the-less.....

  13. Well, he's given orders for Guantanamo Bay detention facility to be closed, outlawed torture by the CIA, and held his administration up to higher standards of disclosure. Not too bad for the first few days.

    Quite bad in my book.

    Gitmo needs to STAY, waterboarding is an important tool...in other words he has surrendered already.

    As to his higher standards, he sets standards one day and breaks them a few days later.

    Lets not mention the getting back into the baby killing business

    Yea..pretty bad for a few days in office.

    yeah, business is pretty bad out west, too! Perk up, Obama and company will give the RNC and the Minority something to really wail about soon enough.... The American people have spoken... to quote a modern day politician: "I WON"

    Oh yea there will be wailing and those doing it just might include you. And yes he won, giving him ownership. Gonna be a big change for obie, not being able to vote present....

    did all the wailing I'm gonna do in the 60's, Craig. Far as Gitmo, I'm surprised they're still alive, that's GHWB fault...Gitmo, as we know it is all show for dough...

    Well David I'm wishing things work out but I'm not holding my breath. Given the new rules I don't think we willbe seeing any new vistors to where ever the new version of gitmo ends up. No new prisioners because they are going to be killed in the field.

    "No new prisioners because they are going to be killed in the field."

    Frankly, I can't think of a better place for their martyrdom.... besides there's no *honor* in a Gitmo...

  14. Well, he's given orders for Guantanamo Bay detention facility to be closed, outlawed torture by the CIA, and held his administration up to higher standards of disclosure. Not too bad for the first few days.

    Quite bad in my book.

    Gitmo needs to STAY, waterboarding is an important tool...in other words he has surrendered already.

    As to his higher standards, he sets standards one day and breaks them a few days later.

    Lets not mention the getting back into the baby killing business

    Yea..pretty bad for a few days in office.

    yeah, business is pretty bad out west, too! Perk up, Obama and company will give the RNC and the Minority something to really wail about soon enough.... The American people have spoken... to quote a modern day politician: "I WON"

    Oh yea there will be wailing and those doing it just might include you. And yes he won, giving him ownership. Gonna be a big change for obie, not being able to vote present....

    did all the wailing I'm gonna do in the 60's, Craig. Far as Gitmo, I'm surprised they're still alive, that's GHWB fault...Gitmo, as we know it is all show for dough...

  15. Well, he's given orders for Guantanamo Bay detention facility to be closed, outlawed torture by the CIA, and held his administration up to higher standards of disclosure. Not too bad for the first few days.

    Quite bad in my book.

    Gitmo needs to STAY, waterboarding is an important tool...in other words he has surrendered already.

    As to his higher standards, he sets standards one day and breaks them a few days later.

    Lets not mention the getting back into the baby killing business

    Yea..pretty bad for a few days in office.

    yeah, business is pretty bad out west, too! Perk up, Obama and company will give the RNC and the Minority something to really wail about soon enough.... The American people have spoken... to quote a modern day politician: "I WON"

  16. OK, I'm not a moderator...but the Miller argumentation/namecalling threads already have "Gordon Arnold" in the title. Let's not bring these petty squabbles over here.

    I'm curious to find out who Von Pein actually is [i'm assuming it's a nom de plume], and I don't need another thread to ignore because of the juvenile squabbling.

    then hit the USENET boards: alt.conspiracy.jfk or alt.assassination.jfk and ASK him. He trolls both 24/7.... Or simply GOOGLE him! That juvenile enough for ya, Mark?

  17. [ name=David G. Healy' date='Jan 23 2009, 06:22 PM' post='161795]

    I have no idea what JSimkin's "researcher" is looking for --

    If you are truly interested, then why not PM John Simkin and see if he can find out for you .... seems simple enough.

    No one that I know of has met or even seen a David Von Pein at any public JFK assassination function, with ANY of the big names within the research community.

    I am not a fan of Von Pein at all ... I believe him to be a xxxxx. But in his defense .... a big name to you (David) is one that has more than three letters in it, so what was your point? :lol:

    ahh, who asked you anything? When I want something from you I'll ring Gary Mack -- so sitdown, xxxxx! (and of course you'll run to DVP's defense, you've no choice, da trolls gotta hang together)

  18. Why doesn't the researcher go to alt.assassination.jfk and ask him directly?

    yes, exactly the place..... Every chance Lone Nut-Wing Nut Von Pein gets to promote Vinnie Bugliosis' tome Reclaiming History, Von Pein blathers on.

    His foolishness, and his minions can be found on alt.conspiracy.jfk too! DVP never announced at any public funcvtion that he is indeedDavid Von Pein. Never participated in a public JFKassassination forum, seminar, symposium, anniversary and/or function as David Von Pein. Some speculate David Von Pein and David Reitzes are one in the same, as was recently discussed on Black Op Radio with Jim DeEugenio.

    Frankly I'm surprised anyone cares who the hell he is, or what he does.... concerning the JFK assassination case, Von Pein is nothing more than a glorified copy & paste artist with zilch to offer.

    Careful there! He may come after you with his "Award" in hand.

    As we used to say down here in the south. "He must have been whipped with an "ignorant stick"."


  19. Has anyone met DVP? Has anyone met Reitzes? Is the question of whether he is an actual person or a persona the reason the question is being asked here?

    I have no idea what JSimkin's "researcher" is looking for -- Your second question has been posed (in certain circles) for about a year now, not that its that important. Other than the amount of Lone Nut disinfo over the years that spouts from the two 'personas'.... between the two, I suspect at least 60,000+ USENET posts concerning the JFK assassination (Lone Nut version).

    No one that I know of has met or even seen a David Von Pein at any public JFK assassination function, with ANY of the big names within the research community. Last person I heard that has spoken with or to DReitzes is none other than Bob Vernon... (once I spoke on the phone to a Dave Reitzes concerning the assassination some 8-9 years ago).

  20. Why doesn't the researcher go to alt.assassination.jfk and ask him directly?

    yes, exactly the place..... Every chance Lone Nut-Wing Nut Von Pein gets to promote Vinnie Bugliosis' tome Reclaiming History, Von Pein blathers on.

    His foolishness, and his minions can be found on alt.conspiracy.jfk too! DVP never announced at any public funcvtion that he is indeedDavid Von Pein. Never participated in a public JFKassassination forum, seminar, symposium, anniversary and/or function as David Von Pein. Some speculate David Von Pein and David Reitzes are one in the same, as was recently discussed on Black Op Radio with Jim DeEugenio.

    Frankly I'm surprised anyone cares who the hell he is, or what he does.... concerning the JFK assassination case, Von Pein is nothing more than a glorified copy & paste artist with zilch to offer.

  21. but why would they block things like food and medical supplies? I find it hard to believe they've been doing that.

    I have no idea why they don't let Red Cross in but they let Red Crescent medical team and 11 trucks

    loaded with medical supplies and food into Gaza.

    Photos are taken from the Turkish Red Crescent official website.


    you don't, Cigdem? There's been a pissing match over the Red Cross and some of its "old" actions for years.... Perhaps a Google search or two is a good place to start.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_...f_the_Red_Cross (item 6.1 in the contents)

    and there is this Red Cross reference:

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International...s#The_Holocaust (item 1.5 in the contents)

    The Holocaust

    By taking part in the 1995 ceremony to commemorate the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the President of the ICRC, Cornelio Sommaruga, sought to show that the organization was fully aware of the gravity of The Holocaust and the need to keep the memory of it alive, so as to prevent any repetition of it. He paid tribute to all those who had suffered or lost their lives during the war and publicly regretted the past mistakes and shortcomings of the Red Cross with regard to the victims of the concentration camps.[6]

    In 2002, an ICRC official outlined some of the lessons the organization has learned from the failure:

    * from a legal point of view, the work that led to the adoption of the Geneva Convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war;

    * from an ethical point of view, the adoption of the declaration of the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, building on the distinguished work of Max Huber and the late Jean Pictet, in order to prevent any more abuses such as those that occurred within the Movement after Hitler rose to power in 1933;

    * on a political level, the ICRC's relationship with Switzerland was redesigned to ensure its independence;

    * with a view to keeping memories alive, the ICRC accepted, in 1955, to take over the direction of the International Tracing Service where records from concentration camps are maintained;

    * finally, to establish the historical facts of the case, the ICRC invited Jean-Claude Favez to carry out an independent investigation of its activities on behalf of the victims of Nazi persecution, and gave him unfettered access to its archives relating to this period; out of concern for transparency, the ICRC also decided to give all other historians access to its archives dating back more than 50 years; having gone over the conclusions of Favez's work, the ICRC acknowledged its past failings and expressed its regrets in this regard.[7]

    In an official statement made on 27 January 2005, the anniversary of the liberation of Auswitz, the ICRC stated:

    Auschwitz also represents the greatest failure in the history of the ICRC, aggravated by its lack of decisiveness in taking steps to aid the victims of Nazi persecution. This failure will remain part of the ICRC's memory, as will the courageous acts of individual ICRC delegates at the time.[8]

    apparently the Jews still don't trust the IRC. -- then there's that long standing debate over THE Red 'Crescent' the symbol, so, why not the Red 'Star of David', too?


    Many twists and turns, not to mention, disinfo from both sides of the "Israelii" question. Your question is a good one and demands understanding of the entire problem...

  22. [

    When Mary Moorman and Jean Hill found themselves watching a man being shot to death in front of their eyes, the exact location of their feet must have been about the last thing on their minds. Why should anyone trust their memory (the fallibility of memory is scientifically established) regarding a fact which -- at the time -- was of NO CONSEQUENCE WHATSOEVER compared to the events they were witnessing, (and that Zapruder was filming).

    Fetzer came on Lancer's forum and when pressed for details .... he stated that he was just the book editor and didn't bare the responsibility of the hoax claims found within ... that he was merely offering an alternative view. Away from Lancer he goes beyond this and goes back to supporting Jack's whacked out claims such as Moorman being in the street. I contend that these guys have motives for making these claims and the truth isn't it.

    Before Jean Hill had died, Jean told Len Osanic on Black Op' Radio that she had stepped into the street when JFK's car rounded the corner at Elm and Houston, but Jean made it clear that she had also gotten back out of the street BEFORE the first shot was fired.

    Jack likes to mention to people that Jean stepped into the street, but does not tell people that Jean also time stamped when she had gotten back out of the street. One must wonder what motive Jack could possibly have for continually choosing to withhold this important information when promoting his 'Moorman in the street' claim.

    Mary Moorman is still living and I have never seen a single word mentioned by Jack or Fetzer where they have contacted Mary and asked her point blank if the assassination films correctly show her position when the President was fatally shot. It seems to me that this would be a no-brainer to anyone wanting to support their claim, but its not been done .... least ways by Jack or Fetzer. If they have spoken with Moorman, they must not have gotten the response that they sought or surely they would have used it to bolster their hoax claim. One must also ask why they have not done this and reported the results one way or the other?

    Years ago it was pointed out to Jack and Fetzer that Moorman's camera is elevated over the tops of the passing cycles windscreens. This observation can be verified by any first year art student. Jack gave a 54/54.5" lens height for Mary Moorman's camera lens and I let them know that the windscreen's standing height on the passing cycles was 58" high. To date I have not seen where anyone has been able to deny this data ... instead it is just kept from the listener by Jack and Fetzer.

    Furthermore, at one point, Jack had said that the Drum Scan was a false image created by Josiah Thompson designed to create a gap between the corner of the pedestal and the colonnade window seen in the background of Moorman's Polaroid. Jack and Fetzer offered in their allegation of Moorman standing in the street ... a view of where they claim Moorman was standing when Mary took her famous Polaroid. Their photo shows no cap between these two reference points. When I examined all the other prints available in books and such, I found that they all show the same gap that Thompson's drum scan does. I then asked Jack to produce a single known Moorman's print that shows the same thing as his recreation photo does concerning this gap issue and to date he has not done it.

    One must ask with all these counter points and little details being left out of their 'Moorman in the street' claim, when should they realize that they have made a mistake, that they have not done a thorough inquiry, and that people are now aware of it ... before they quit pushing such nonsense. You see, when one pushes something that has flaws that they were not aware of, then its an honest mistake. But when they continue to push a claim that they know has flaws in it, then it becomes the promotion of a lie.

    Bill Miller

    In certain circles, your Elm Street Film-Photo opinion means exactly, diddley-squat

    ** it's a tough gig trying to impress the professionals, isn't it, Wild Bill? You do have credentials for this area, yes?

  23. "Israel, in their present form, have forfeited their right to exist, imo."

    --Mark Stapelton

    and you're suggesting WHAT, praytell?

    I dunno. Boycotts, isolation, some form of global collective action. I kinda thought Obama might have something to say. Of course, he's tied by Congress and Congress is tied up by the Israel Lobby. Or maybe I'm just spreading false rumors, David.

    Certainly peaceful. You don't always need to use force to be forceful.

    What do you suggest? Business as usual?

    Obama is not tied by Congress, Mark. Of course he'll listen to Congress (and take counsel), the Democrat party in particular. However, his feet aren't tied to the party... and there's 3 branches of Government in this country: The Legislative, Judicial, and the Executive Branch. Obama and his administration is, for all intents of purpose, the EXECUTIVE branch. As recently as this past week, Obama has stated there can not be 2 US Presidential voices dictating or putting forth foreign policy, PERIOD. He's also made clear, the day after assuming office, mid-east policy and the current situation will be addressed by his administration (I suspect those wheels are turning now).

    I wouldn't look for any massive changes in US policy concerning the region, no. Lest anyone forget the USA is involved in two wars...

    Obama certainly wasn't elected to office for the purpose of cleaning up a 3000 year biblical pissing match. We can't get the current fiscal situation under control (which Obama WAS elected to fix), there'll be more than a few Gaza types scenarios in the offing...

    I doubt you're spreading false rumors, Mark. Simply don't equate current, perceived USA in-action with malfeasance. Ya want to make that charge, give the guy at least a few day's in office... hell, maybe he DOES have a plan. But he's no CHRIST, Mark!

    aside: anyone notice Putin turned the gas back on in the Ukraine, guess its bad PR for one country to freeze another countries citizens to death during the height of winter? Couldn't find a damn protest anywhere, even the IRC (International Red Cross was mum -- the wuzzes) Where's the disgust? Millions of millions of people effected, where's the handwringing... How many froze to death?

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