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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. Would not a responsible researcher test the edging of the walls of the pergola, doorways, pedestal, etc., as well to see if this claim of yours is just isolated to the Badge Man location or is it uniform throughout the image. If found in other areas as well, then there is another reason for it other than seeing Dallas sky above Duncan's il-placed line. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while, so why must you guys always make the same sloppy mistakes in researching this stuff ... there is no excuse for it other than to purposely mislead and pollute these threads with disinformation.


    Instead of spouting off with your lectures on how everyone is wrong, why don't you produce something to prove ANY of your points. So far you have not produced a single illustration to counter anything.

    Here's the wall, here are the correct lines. Miles has also did a fine analysis which so far you have bluffed your way around answering with talk about squirrels etc etc.. Try explaining how the Dallas skyline is showing through Arnold's body in the same way as the 33ft shooter. I can't wait


    the wonderful world of Nutter evasion, now I KNOW Miller works for the 6th Floor Mausoleum..... pound away Duncan!

  2. Well Miles, If Badgeman is real, then the only explanation can be that he fired after the fatal headshot and missed, or it may be a small area of white smoke lingering and not a flash. You know what I think :rolleyes:


    This has been posted many times on the JFK forums - At the time of the fatal shot - Roy Kellerman who was riding in the passenger seat of the President's limo had said that he heard what sounded like a sonic boom ... bang .. bang almost over the top of one another. Mrs. Hartman said that she saw a furrow in the grass on the south pasture leading back to the large tree above the knoll. As you know .. the large tree is near the Badge Man figure. It was a nearby police officer that told Mrs. Hartman that the furrow looked to have been made by a bullet hitting the ground. This is where the story ends. So yes, Moorman's photo was taken after the sound of the kill shot that hit the President, thus Badge Man missed and possibly caused the furrow seen on the south pasture.

    Bill Miller

    dgh: Gary Mack, if BMiller can work there, I want a job too! I bet my resume blows Miller's right out of the water... give me a call or drop me a note, you know where to find me -- thanks for the consideration

  3. Duncan, surely you must be smarter than your responses reflect. I cannot post Mack's work ... only Mack can do this and he has not given me permission to do this.

    Ok, Then why not post yours? You said both you and Gary, not just Gary

    well now THAT is interesting.... perhaps Bill will now admit he's working for the 6th floor museum... Hiya Gary :)

    Yes David ... anyone that Mack hasn't given them his personal photos to so they can be posted on the forum - does indeed work for the Museum. You are so clever - you really are!!! I am starting to wonder by the off-the-wall nonsense that you post that maybe you have worked for the 6th Floor Museum and gotten canned, thus making you a disgruntled ex-employee. At least through your past remarks ... a case can be made for saying it.

    dgh: oh Bill.... when you couldn't get work at the 6th Floor Museum I tried to find you employment with ADOBE, as it stands today you're certainly not qualified for the Photoshop unit, but, I suspect you could learn something sitting at the feet of the masters.... so, you're admitting your working for the 6th Floor Museum, yes? So much for gratitude.

    Bill has been known to OVER state much

    I guess that Gary and I discussing an event that he has first hand knowledge about (even the parts were edited out of the show) could be seen by someone like yourself as overstating something, but I will take that title any day over being known for saying opposite positions in the same thread. What was that again ... Oh yes, 'I have never seen proof of alteration' and 'I believe the film to be altered'.

  4. Duncan, surely you must be smarter than your responses reflect. I cannot post Mack's work ... only Mack can do this and he has not given me permission to do this.

    Ok, Then why not post yours? You said both you and Gary, not just Gary

    well now THAT is interesting.... perhaps Bill will now admit he's working for the 6th floor museum... Hiya Gary :)

    The Discovery Photogammetry expert did get a match and it was so stated in that clip you linked.

    He didn't say he got a match. Watch it again.

    Bill has been known to OVER state much

  5. HA.. This should start some CRAP.......... Can I say That?

    .......... LEE HARVEY OSWALD DID NOT SHOOT ANYONE! . ..... Only Perverts (might not have spelled that name right) belive outherwise, IMO....

    IT COULD HAVE BEEN ME, drinking a Dr. Pepper that day, BUT THE STARS WERE NOT IN ORDER AT THAT TIME......

    Now come on Jump on My AXXX..... I am tired of "Pussy-Footing" with some on this Forum and your secret Emails... Say what you have to say and be done with it.... BUT Please Reference and Document your sources and your information... and stand behind your statements. I deal in Facts or at least I try to the best of my ability, and I do respect those who make an attempt to do LIKEWISE...... I do not know everthing, but I SURE AS HELL KNOW SOME THINGS.....

    high ball *7.... GOING FOR * 8 SEE YA IN THE SPRING... ITS HOT WHERE I'M GOING... A STUPID PLACE TO GO THIS TIME OF YEAR. BUT I NEED THE BUCKS... NO. I DON'T THINK ITS Hell... but some down there say it is...., at this time of year.

    back to Florida and all those 85 year old drivers, eh?

  6. Compare the writing skills of the "Colby" who manifests below with other, shall we say less impressive examples of "his" literary skills.

    The typos and other minor failings on this page seem choreographed to balance otherwise well-developed and relatively complex sentence structures and narrative flow, sophistic though the latter surely is.

    Artful, wouldn't you say?


    By Mod (Burton): Charles, your 'warning' is considered to be a personal attack. Please do NOT use it.


    Do I at least get points for efficiency? After all, with one simple caveat I'm attacking an entire government agency !

    What personal attack? A commentary on writing skills is not a personal attack, but a critique.


    seems he has to make sure we (and the lurkers) notice he's around, sooner or later he'll post something worthwhile... got something to do with the uniform

  7. Each year an organization called the Mystery Writers of America holds their annual Edgar Awards (in honor of Edgar Allan Poe).

    One of this year's (2007) nominees in the category of Fact Crime is Reclaiming History by Vince Bugliosi.

    The 62nd Annual Edgar® Awards banquet will be held on Thursday May 1, 2008 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City.


    anything to bolster the Lone Nut image... such a waste!

    I'm reminded of #18 in the disinfo list of tricks:

    18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do

    anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into

    emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and

    overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less

    coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first

    instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue,

    you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how "sensitive

    they are to criticism".

    to the best of my knowledge Bugliosi has not confronted one of Reclaiming History's critics, yet.....

  8. Ed wrote:

    Back brace or no back brace, it would have been neurologically/physiologically impossible for JFK - or anyone else for that matter - to have remained seated in an almost upright position after having been shot through the back and throat.

    dgh: Agreed!

    The blue dots represent the approximate position of JFK's eyes. When her husband slumped sideways into her lap gasping, having been just shot in the back and the throat, do you really believe Jackie just sat there and did nothing? Look again , and you may conclude otherwise. ....

    dgh: so your suggesting Ed, JFK's head and body twisted to the right while he was falling-leaning towards Jackie?

  9. Bill Miller' wrote:
    Thanks for citing some actual data pertaining to the subject ... I hope that you not suffer any ill-side effects as a result of this.

    Bill Miller

    update 01-12-2008: the SMPTE link


    Film Forensics and the Zapruder Film, presented by Roland Zavada is no longer good (wonder why?)

    Perhaps Miller can now cite some actual data pertaining to the subject, eh?

    Yea... wonder why?


    yep, they all say that, AFTER the fact.... hell, I found the source for all those Z-film floating around (some which have passed through the pope of Dealy Plaza's hands, and that isn't news? LMAO -- Even Miller is trying to figure this one out, a loss for words

  10. Bill Miller' wrote:

    Thanks for citing some actual data pertaining to the subject ... I hope that you not suffer any ill-side effects as a result of this.

    Bill Miller

    update 01-12-2008: the SMPTE link


    Film Forensics and the Zapruder Film, presented by Roland Zavada is no longer good (wonder why?)

    Perhaps Miller can now cite some actual data pertaining to the subject, eh?

  11. Well, it doesn't matter who asks Bill, but it still puzzles me why Groden, according to you has such a great interest of my work. I have nothing personal against him, we have never communicated in a send and return reply manner, so as I said earlier, he is either reading my stuff on the forum or receiving information from someone about me having the audacity to challenge the existance of Arnold in Moorman. How dare I...slap my wrists

    Yet again you misstate the facts. I have never said that Groden has any great interest in your work. The garbage that you come up with has been and still is the butt-end of jokes that many of us laugh about when we get together. Groden has ridiculed me by asking 'Why do you waste your time posting to those idiots!'. So now you know what he thinks and why he won't waste his time answering your emails. And your so-called challenge has been like taking a feather to a knife fight, thus there is no challenge. Groden will ask 'What does he know about the optics pertaining to Moorman's camera lens?' ... or 'What does he know about the foreshortening effect and how did he apply it to the image?' Then I tell Groden, 'He didn't address any of this.' And that's when Robert will ask why am I wasting my time when this person doesn't even know the first thing about the subject he is wanting to argue about.

    And this is just why I cannot just ask Robert to do something because 'Duncan' wants it done, so I have to approach it as if its something that I'm working on, then he'll get around to doing it.

    What I have done is go to Dealey Plaza and used stand-ins while viewing them from Moorman's location.

    Yes, BUT YOU HAVE NEVER GOT A MATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!No one has

    You don't know the facts as usual, thus you are once again wrong. I will get around to presenting some images to show how once again you are in error and it will prove nothing except how poorly some people look into their claims before making them. Like is the past - it will not stop you from carrying on with the same pitiful research practices, thus nothing will be gained other than once again showing how you were wrong, which is nothing new.

    John Simkin manages to go to Dallas every year ... So buy yourself an airline ticket well in advance for a cheap rate and make the trip. Plan out your research for when you get there - go to the Museum and anywhere else you can think of so then and only then you will at least appear to be serious about the things you say.

    Bill Miller

    speaking of garbage -- why not [just for a change] try posting WHO you're quoting and responding too.... ?

  12. links not working Wed 01-09-2008 0022hrs Pacific Standard Time

    Frank wrote:

    In my opinion the best available version of Zapruder is from the film "JFK". For my eye it is the clearest and steadiest. Also the most easily viewed frame by frame because it's in a commercial DVD format. I never seen any other versions (MPI etc.) that offer anything better. It seems that we're not supposed to prefer this version; and we all have other copies; but consider this: Oliver Stone and his Hollywood crew spent more money and time in stabilizing and reprinting this film than anybody else.

    Page 1 : http://copweb.be/Frank%20Caramelli%20Jr/Fl...%20Fragment.htm

    Page 2 : http://www.copweb.be/Frank%20Caramelli%20J...%20Animated.htm

  13. [...]


    In the case of the limo changing velocities the back ground moves by at a fairly steady state.

    See white object move at even intervals:


    Edit: spelling.

    this very topic was discussed by David Mantik MD, Ph.D at the 2003 Univ Minn. Zapruder Film Symposium. Optical film compositing and printing can account for many discrepencies....

    Clear and concise graphics Miles, thank you!

    David Healy

  14. Though not an educator or in the system, I see parents who for too long allow the kids to 'remain in the nest'. If you have a decent income, it can be very beneficial to be forced to confront the world on your own.

    I believe it is particularly beneficial in learning to clean up after yourself, how to take care of common domestics, etc.

    Well I'm not an educator or in the system.... Interesting comment though -- your training that enables you to make those types of decisions is? Or, did you throw your own kids out when you thought the time was correct?

  15. Seeing as a point made in another topic was clearly understood (thank you) and this elaboration touches on the spiritual it's probably better off here. (Buzz, good on you, being allergic to alcohol myself, (ie a pisshead) and finally over the last few years realising the only solution is to not touch the stuff and finding myself not missing it. my sympathies and congratulations for working to a solution)

    Part of the following sounds as if I know what I'm talking about, however, it's more of having had a taste and thus coming to a knowing of sorts.

    Ram Das (part of the 60's crowd) found a reputed Enlightened (ie the conscious had grown to encompass the sub-conscious, IOW a total self realisation or 'seeing things as they truly are') man in northern India who was offered and drank a bottle of LSD, and merely found it 'interesting'.

    Jack Cassady and co tried 'growing' by overloading on sensory input, with little success. Others have tried other means. The Kool Aid Acid tests, The Bus, The Merry Pranksters, et.c. which merely provided a glimpse into the possible. However, ultimately dependent on substance use and therefore impermanent.

    2500 tears ago, after doing nothing for nine hours, one moonlit May night, Siddhartha re-found or re-understood 'the path', the middle path, moderation, equanimity, equa animus, shalom, (described in the ancient Vedas, but the meaning lost and ritual (by any other name, religion smells just the same), Buddhahood. Permanently. One of the first things he said was 'all is fire', 'all is misery', 'all is pain'. People who asked him what enlightenment is like (the uprooting of the fundamental causes, and ending the replanting of them, or letting their seed fall on barren ground), got no answer beyond 'it is to be Experienced', (What is experienced? : lack of ignorance, the illumination of all that is within the mind body phenomena), and only spoke of the Path (Eightfold Noble Path, The Path Less Travelled) to that experience. People asked him 'is there a god' and (in Pali, his language, different grammar, structure et.c.) would only say 'there is no god' ie. 'the concept of no-god exists'. Otherwise these were not matters he discussed. (It somehow reminds me of a story of a person seeing another carrying a big bundle of firewood tied to the back, and having the perception to see this person was also supremely enlightened and asking what it's like to become enlightened (ie knowing 'self' and 'other' sans tinted glasses). The bundle carrier laid down the bundle, saying nothing. The questioner : "What is it like after becoming elightened?", The bundle carrier, again saying nothing, picked up the bundle and walked on.)

    Having sat drugfree, no talking, no doing, for hours over many days, under proper instructions from quaified teachers, I can proclaim : there is a point where all pain reaches a crescendo and then dissolves completely then to a one pointed being here and nowness, at which the illusion of self and solidity, (ie one can see through things that otherwise seem solid which is almost exclusively space anyway) falls away, ie a dip into the river of life without ego, or a momentary raising of ones sight above the illusion that is called reality, is attainable (and worthwhile), Yet, one finds precious few who understand a single word of the description. One basically stops talking about it, or, as Buzz's persona deals with it, gets pissed off and hits out. Perfectly understandable. A-theists, theists, a-gnostics, gnostics, sceptics et.c. et.c. all can come to a universal self knowledge where belief is irrelevant, ie. there is an Ultimate Truth hidden beyond the Un-Believable, a no-mind space, Nibbana, And no explanation or thinking, reasoning, gets one there. However, personally walking the path, not just looking at a map, does. And that is something no-one can do for anyone else. Thus, those who have percieved it realsise the futility of describing it, but can point the way towards it.

    Buzz sounds to me like a typical person who has experienced something 'unbelievable' and simply lacks the knowledge to describe it, or repeatedly experiences the frustration of trying to. It doesn't make him a xxxx. It makes him ignorant (in the sense of being intelligent, but lacking in certain knowings) Ditto, others are ignorant (including self), not stupid in the sense of lacking the capacity to think, but lacking in essential knowings and wisdoms through the fullness of Experience. Not vicarious but direct.

    Aaauuuummmm..(Om) without breaks, from deepest base to highest top, open, the Gordian knots sliced asunder. The Snake coiled at the base, when the path is aligned, strikes upwards, takes flight, cleansing, healing, and the light of truth shines like a polished mirror reflecting the sun. The ancient sign of healing of the snakes coiled around a sword, locating the 'chakras', the winged mirror.. One dies, becomes a once returner, melds with that which is : the all knowing, everpresent, all powerful godhead.

    the choice: into the teeth of eternity one trembling or, into eternity clutched to the warm bosum of ones higher power.....

  16. So I stand corrected...

    No need. Sit down. Pour a drink. Enjoy some more lone nuttery:


    Posted: 28 Dec 2007 08:13 pm

    If all the conjectures point that if the job was not completed from outside then the only way it was done was from inside the car when it sped away. Some one inside the car did the rest.


    Posted: 29 Dec 2007 04:18 am

    Bullets in abdomen will confirm that it is either armour piercing bullets, confirming army's involvement or someone shooting from inside the SUV, which means someone close to BB is involved in the assassination.

    As if citing the undocumented claims of a blogger weren’t bad enough you’ve gotten so desperate that you are quoting forum posts? What’s next, are you going to cite a conversation you overheard on the bus? Information barked to you by Sam your neighbor’s dog?

    Even if we forget that they are posts, they don’t support you theory note the use of the condition in the first, Tevye sang “If I were a rich man, Ya ha deedle deedle, bubba bubba deedle deedle dum.…I'd build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen, Right in the middle of the town.” It wouldn’t be accurate to say “the milkman said he was going to build a large house downtown”. The first merely stated the obvious IF she weren’t killed outside the car she had to be killed in it.

    The second also has already been discussed the poster’s assumption that she was shot in the abdomen was based on Naik’s faulty 2nd (or 3rd) hand account. No other information in support of this was posted on the thread. The author seems not to be a very careful researcher because he (?) asked who was in the SUV when that was answered in the same quote he referred to.

    As the longtime ago Lone Nutter Steve Keating use to tell me, "you're a hoot!"

  17. Whether Armstrong's product turns out to be snake oil or water from Lourdes (same thing?), I believe Jack's defense of it is honest and well-intentioned -- and ultimately harm need not accrue.

    Anyone that has ever held Armstrong's book in their hand and spent five or ten minutes examining it can easily come to the conclusion that the research contained within is far from snake oil.

    It matters little whether or not one agrees with Armstrong's conclusion that there were two Oswalds, the quality of his overall research is evident.

    The personal and financial sacrifices Armstrong made in researching and self-publishing Harvey & Lee have been well documented on this Forum.

    That such a work could contain minor inaccuracies stands to reason and in no way diminishes the overall value of Armstrong's research.

    Jack White's defense of Armstrong's research as a whole is not only honest and well-intentioned, it is 100% correct. Of course Jack has the distinct advantage of being familiar with Armstrong's book.

    right on, Michael!

  18. [...]

    Personally, I am not interested in the authenticity issue because I think it clouds things.



    amongst other pieces of evidence, authenticity of the Zapruder film is paramount.... the entire case against LHO is built around the Zapruder film....Roland Zavada's investigation didn't cut it, and he knows it... WHO he (Zavada) needed to interview was a few optical 1960-1964 film lab techs and studio matte artists familiar with the optical film printing craft, NOT the cursory heads of companies that employ same....

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