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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. Exposing the 'alleged past of a former US. intelligence informant

    should not be done only in bits a pieces but with all possible details.

    What would be the reason for failing to inform the reader of other,

    more complete, even comdeming information? some of which includes

    so-called secret items/reports, no doubt of ongoing significance to them.

    US. intelligence in their efforts to expose my 'alleged' past, after

    and because of my publically exposing some of our dealings re; Cuba

    Kennedy, Mexico City & et al. might well have mentioned,

    {1} that FBI Chicago dumped me because I casually admitted to them

    that I told CIA agents I was also working with the FBI on Cuba, FPCC


    {2} 1960 meeting, Chicago re; CIA plan for me to get money to sources

    inside Cuba.

    {3} also witheld, reports of meetings with Los Angeles Bureau agents re;

    US, & Mexico City connections. 1963

    {4} others

    Harry J. Dean


    Nice to see you still out there -- Happy Holiday's

    David Healy

    JFK Research Forum

  2. Personally - it is silly to think the photo was altered for any reason. When I responded to Don ... I was not serious. No one ever thinks about the copy prints being posted on these forums ... they speak of alterations without knowing if what they think they see is on the original photo or not. Scan lines - creases - pixels - are often times thought by some to be signs of image tampering when it wasn't.

    why of COURSE you think its silly...... we know about film/photo lineage... facts being what they are, I think I educated you on them....eh?

    And, I heard ole Bob Groden had a tough Thanksgiving weekend -- rumor has it he sounded atrocious on the web.... fact or fiction? I'm sure you were there, he-he.

  3. Thanks for the interesting report Duke.

    I doubt I could of contained myself if I had been there.

    To be perfectly blunt,

    I would of set fire to it.

    Oh there's a man inside it?

    Oh okay...........

    "Hey Tex. Your =ss is on fire"!

    There's your publicity.


    At least it was only 10' & not 52'.


    Very sad.

    I hope that particular problem is absent next year.

    Best of luck!

    I have a Tom Blackwell photo of the culpret, Big Tex, who appears to be a lone-nut.

    Will try to post.





    All I gotta say is that it's a good thing I wasn't there to have witnessed that fiasco, because I would've wasted no time in dragging and kicking his sorry ass off the pergola, in a heartbeat! Of course, being arrested for assault and battery would have been worth the effort, but I probably wouldn't have made it out of Dallas alive, either. Those redneck peck'o'woods are beyond repute. :)

    From the photos Tom Blackwell sent me, it looks like there were only a couple of dozen people there, and the only "Circus" was Big Tex, who certainly wasn't an outside aggitator.

    I guess that's just part of what JFK meant when he said, "We're in Nut Country now."

    I don't understand how Duke can say John Judge and the COPA people there should have "divorced" themselves from Big Tex. How do you divorce yourself from a hovering giant in a cowboy hat?


    The City of Dallas is still atoning? Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if *Big Tex* was homegrown, right there in Dallas-Ft. Worth area. And prompted locally too! The 6th Floor Museum has ceased being a monument to a slain President, some suspect the City of Dallas wants it gone!

  4. Transcript of Bill Kelly's segment.

    Coast to Coast AM radio show. November 23rd, 2007, 3 am – EST. WOND 1400

    George Noorey: William Kelly, journalist by trade, from Browns Mills, New Jersey, has done extensive research into the assassination of President Kennedy since 1970s. His articles have appeared over the years in both print and online forums and newspapers and magazines. An expert on Lee Harvey Oswald and the Cuban connections to the case, and a co-founder (with John Judge) of the Committee for an Open Archives (COA). Also co-author of the Committee for an Open Archives magazine, he is currently campaigning for Congressional Oversight Committee to hold a legally mandated review of the JFK Assassination Records Act. He also supports the creation of a grand jury to reopen the investigation to reopen what he calls the unsolved homicide of President Kennedy. Bill Kelly. Hey Bill, how are you?

    Kelly: Hi George, I'm doing good. Thanks for doing this show.

    GN: My pleasure. Happy Thanksgiving.

    Kelly: Thank you, and I'm glad to hear about your daughter in St. Louis having a baby.

    GN: It's getting close. The direction you're going now, you're looking for information? You want a grand jury; you're looking for more data, where does it lead from here?

    Kelly: Well, I'm not really advocating any particular theory. I'm trying to get the government to do its job, and I think it's about time, after fifteen years we've had the JFK Act in force, they've never had any hearings on it. And I think the oversight hearings are long over due and I think if they are held, and the people who have destroyed records or refuse to release records they've been ordered to release, and claim they don't have records we know exist, and they are put on the hot seat, and Congressmen ask them the hard questions under oath, I think we'll get some good answers.

    GN: I hope so. Now tell us a little bit about this JFK Assassination Records Act.

    Kelly: Well Congress passed the act fifteen years ago, a few years after John Judge and I formed the Committee for an Open Archives, which unsuccessfully lobbied Congress to release the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) records, which were locked away for fifty years in 1979.

    GN: John Judge by the way, working with our producer Lisa Lyons, helped put together this show tonight and John will be our guest for the final half hour tonight. Go ahead Bill.

    Kelly: Yea, so we lobbied Congress for years to free the assassination records, and Congress wouldn't pay any attention to us at all. Then Ollie Stone did the movie "JFK" and we asked him to put a little rider at the end of the film to say that the files were locked away and he did that. And that instigated Congress to pass the JFK Act when people wrote letters and contacted their Congressmen and asked why these files are still locked away. The overwhelming amount of people who talked to their Congressmen about it, convinced them to do this. And now it's been fifteen years and we haven't had any hearings on the oversight of this act.

    There is a new chairman of the oversight committee, Henry Waxman (D. Calf.), who has done hearings on other subjects, and we're trying to convince him to hold hearings on the JFK Act sometime in the next year.

    GN: Okay, but a lot of the records are still tucked away, for how long?

    Kelly: Well, there all suppose to be released by 2019, but we don't want to wait that long, we think they all should be released now.

    GN: They haven't been all chopped up and thrown away.

    Kelly: They have released millions of records, but the ones that we've requested that we know have some important stuff in them have been with held for national security reasons. And there's a court case right now that people should be aware of – Jeff Morley vs. the CIA, regarding the Joannides documents. If you read his article in the current issue of Playboy Morley outlines some of the reasons why these records are important. It's great that he's in court right now challenging the CIA to release these records that should have been released by the JFK Act, but they still refuse to do so because of national security.

    GN: Bill, let me ask you a couple of questions.

    Kelly: Yea?

    GN: If during the period when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, if it were publicly acknowledged that members of the government conspired to kill him, what would have happened at that time, if that were true and that come out?

    Kelly: Well the Constitution allows for the government to carry on no matter what happens. The Lincoln assassination is history now, a hundred years over, but the Kennedy assassination is still a current event, an unsolved homicide that isn't in the historical category yet.

    GN: What I'm leading towards though, lets say that happened, and members of the government conspired and killed him, and now a hundred years plus later they finally go into records and say….

    Kelly: They did show that the Lincoln assassination was a conspiracy, and in fact they hung people for being part of it at the time.

    GN: But if we were told today that high level members of the government conspired to kill the president then, today we'd say ho-ho hum, we know that because it's old news. Isn't that what's going to happen in 2019?

    Kelly: Yes, if we wait that long. I think Cyril Wecht hit the nail on the head when he was talking to you earlier tonight when he said "the case is still to hot for the government to handle" and we're going to have to wait until all the main people are dead. I think that will happen in the next ten years, but I think we should act now. I think the government is poised to act now, the people want the government to act now, and the oversight hearings are mandated for the review of the JFK Act. But I think we should have a grand jury too.

    We should present the evidence of crimes related to the assassination, before a grand jury right now, and let the grand jury take the evidence and see where it goes.

    GN: Is there anything new Bill that has come out let's say over the last five, ten years, that the Warren Commission would have loved to have had?

    Kelly: Well of course, the whole Castro assassination angle never went before the Warren Commission and every years, every month now, it seems something new comes out. I think this is becoming a hot case again, and is no longer a cold case. We've had David Talbot's book "Brothers" published, we've had Bugliosi's book published, we've had the E. Howard Hunt book and stories come out, and you had a guest on tonight talk about a new book on James Files. I think there are a lot of things happening on this case, and I think it's going to continue happening, and it's going to go from a cold case to a hot case real soon.

    GN: Bill, you don't have a specific theory, but you do believe…..

    Kelly: I believe, from my study of the case indicates as Cyril Wecht said earlier, it was a coup d'etat by the highest levels of government. Now that doesn't necessarily mean it was a big, grand conspiracy, but it was an effective assassination and coup.

    GN: That's frightening.

    Kelly: It is, and it's frightening that the government, because of the national security implications, will not reveal the truth of what happened. I think that's the reason why we have to get to the truth – for the same reasons they say they can't release the records to the public – and that's because our national security is at stake.

    GN: Do you think that every standing President to date, knows what happened?

    Kelly: Well, Yes. Yes, they figured it out. That's why they appointed the Vice Presidents they appoint. Because they know what happened to Kennedy in 1963. The coup that took place really happened in 1960 at the Democratic National Convention when they put LBJ on the ticket as the Vice Presidential candidate. That allowed the coup to take place.

    GN: Why did Kennedy go along with that? Did he need the South and Texas that much?

    Kelly: I think they were blackmailed into it, and Joe Kennedy was involved. The deliberations during that event included Phil Graham, the publisher of the Washington Post, who was the one who set it up and has written extensively about it. But LBJ was put on the ticket against Bobby Kennedy's wishes, and against the President's wishes at the time, and that allowed the coup to take place at Dealey Plaza.

    GN: I wonder if behind closed doors during that election if Kennedy and Johnson looked at each other and said, "I hate your guts."

    Kelly: Well, LBJ was not a nice person. I think anyone who studies him at any length realizes pretty much that he was just a bad person, in my view.

    GN: When they talk about these documents being with held for reasons of national security, as it directly relates to the assassination, what could that be? What could be so important that the national security would be at stake?

    Kelly: Well, the documents that Jeff Morley is trying to get concerns these gentlemen who worked for the CIA, Joannides, George Joannides…..

    GN: There was just this big article in Playboy….

    Kelly: Yes, and those records have to do with JM/WAVE, that was the CIA base in Florida that was set up to handle Cuban matters, and the JM/WAVE files contain a lot of records that are relevant to the assassination and they should have been released with the JFK Act and are sill being with held. Someday we're going to see them, and we will read them and find out why they are being with held.

    GN: We have a new story here that Kennedy might have been assassinated in Chicago on November 2nd, 1963. It's possible all these groups you've heard about – the mob, the Cuban connection, the Oswald connection, it's possible they all had different dates they were going to get him.

    Kelly: Well, there are many theories and many people didn't like him and different groups may have tried to kill him, but in the end what happened in Dallas only happened one way, and in the end individual people did it, and not organizations like the mob and CIA, though the individuals may have been part of those organizations. Only individuals can be held accountable for murder so we have to name names, individuals, and pretty soon I think we will be close enough to do that.

    GN: Bill, the subsequent deaths of witnesses and participants is absolutely uncanny.

    Kelly: Well there's a natural attrition that takes place over time. When I asked the archivist at the National Archives twenty years ago why the records were locked away for fifty years, he said that was the time estimated that the people mentioned in the documents would be dead. So now, thanks to the JFK Act, we have many of the records now, and after 45 years, there's still a five year window of opportunity that there's witnesses still alive. Now I know you're implying that there were mysterious deaths, but it wasn't only mysterious deaths, there's some blatant homicides – open unsolved cases today – Rosselli, Giancana, I have a list of a dozen related homicides that if prosecutors around the country get together and try to solve, the resolution of these cold cases will indirectly lead to solving of what happened at Dealey Plaza.

    GN: I think you are right, but those individuals lived very dangerous lives. But we have a lot of witnesses in the JFK case who were normal people who died strangely.

    Kelly: Yes we do. And we have others that had stories they wanted to tell who silenced. And we have a few of them that are still out there, and if the can just hang on for another year maybe we can get them to testify before a Congressional hearing or a grand jury and actually solve the case.

    GN: Is there another Garrison out there?

    Kelly: It's not a Garrison you are looking for. I think you need a young, aggressive prosecutor who is hungry, similar to assistant DA who solved the Medgar Evers assassination and got a conviction there. That case provides a blueprint for how it can be done. You need a young, aggressive assistant prosecutor who is willing to take on the responsibility of pushing this.

    GN: He has to have a boss though, who will allow him to do it.

    Kelly: Well there's a new DA in Dallas, and a new Sheriff in town too, and they're both black and both liberal. The new DA in Dallas has been letting people out of jail who were convicted by former DA Henry Wade on false evidence. They've come up with new DNA evidence and concluded they were innocent. We hope to be able to convince this new District Attorney to convene a grand jury to investigate the assassination.

    GN: How pointed do you think some of these documents might be, how specific?

    Kelly: The records are a whole different matter from the grand jury. Whether you believe in a conspiracy or you believe Oswald did it because he was nuts, you still want the records released to the public. Gerald Posner has even signed on to a letter asking for the CIA records Morley wants to be released. I think everyone wants to free the files, and I think we have a real good shot at having Congressional oversight hearings in Washington next year. March 17th, St. Patty's Day, is the beginning of Sunshine Week throughout the country in which reporters and journalists talk about secret records and the need for open records in an open government. We're trying to get the Waxman committee to hold hearings on the JFK Act oversight hearings that week. And being broadcast from Los Angeles, you might have your listeners there to contact their representative, Henry Waxman, who is chairman of the Oversight Committee and represents LA and Hollywood, and encourage him to hold the oversight hearings on the JFK Act that are mandated by the law. Your daughter in St. Louis is represented by Rep. William Clay, the chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the National Archives. Clay is the one who would conduct the hearings, decide on what witnesses would testify and he has to be convinced of the necessity to hold these hearings as well.

    GN: How come nobody has leaked the information that are in these documents? Are they in a vault?

    Kelly: People have been talking. Larry Hancock wrote a really good book called "Someone Would Have Talked" that just came out this year, the best and the most important book to come out on the assassination in a long time. He writes about John Martino and some of the Cubans who did talk. And then there's Bradley Ayers, who wrote The Zenith Secret about what went on at JM/WAVE. He talks about Gordon Campbell and Shackley and the CIA guys who ran those Cuban down there, and if they are related to what happened at Dealey Plaza, then what Bradley Ayers says about JM/WAVE is very important.

    GN: What do you think about the late Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt's deathbed confession?

    Kelly: Well if you look at his career, he was a disinformation and psychological warfare specialist.

    GN: In the end he was trying to mislead us?

    Kelly: He wrote novels in the same fashion as Ian Fleming, and there's a lot of reality laced through his novels, so when he writes non-fiction, you have to question what's what? And now that he's dead, we are left with what he wrote, but his son might be on to something.

    GN: I think so to. Could a grand jury subpoena these still secret documents?

    Kelly: Absolutely. Absolutely. If there is a grand jury going, you will have the body exhumed and a proper forensic autopsy performed that should have been done years ago.

    GN: We've had Dr. Cyril Wecht on earlier, a pathologist.

    Kelly: Dr. Wecht works with us at COPA, he was a director of the Coalition on Political Assassination.

    GN: He was responding to a question of why we haven't DNA'd the bullets?

    Kelly: Well that's a test that a grand jury would order have done.

    GN: The fact that nobody is doing anything tells you what, Bill?

    Kelly: It tells us that the government doesn't want answers to any questions.

    GN: Exactly, why?

    Kelly: Well the people who took over the government in 1963 are still in power today, and like Cyril said, until these people die off they're not going to let go of the truth of what happened.

    If we proceed the way I want to go, and that is to have the oversight hearings in Congress on the JFK Act and get a grand jury going, I think we can answer some of the questions in our lifetime.

    GN: Do they care?

    Kelly: I don't think it matters if they care. The things I am asking for are mandated by the Constitution – it's the way government works. This is the way things should be done. Laws passed by Congress should be enforce and overseen by those responsible, and a murder should go to a grand jury. It's never been before a grand jury, except by Garrison in New Orleans, and I don't think he did it right.

    GN: He tried. His intentions were good.

    Kelly: His intentions may have been good, but he didn't have all the resources or the evidence that he should have had and that we have now.

    GN: Do you think – the old Jack Nickelson line, "You can't handle the truth," do you think American's can handle the truth.

    Kelly: Absolutely. In order to have an open government in a democracy you need to inform the people of what the truth is and let them decide. Even those who believe Oswald did it alone because he was nuts support the idea of releasing the records and having an open government.

    GN: And get it behind us and move on. I think most Americans already believe there was a conspiracy here.

    Kelly: 80% do. And the thing is this case is slowly slipping from an unsolved homicide into the realm of history, and I think by the 50th anniversary it will reach that point. Right now, at the 44th we still have a window of opportunity to get these living witnesses to testify under oath and answer the questions. And I think we should get a grand jury going and present the evidence as it is and let the grand jury decide if there's enough evidence to indict someone.

    GN: Okay Bill, thank you for your information on the push here to get more records and a grand jury.

    Kelly: And thank you for doing the show tonight and having such good people on – Cyril Wecht, Gary Aguliar, Bob Groden, John Judge, they're all good people and friends of mine.

    GN: Alright, Bob Groden is next on Coast to Coast, stay tuned.


    good job, Bill heard only your segment...


  5. Is it me, or is everyone else seeing what im seeing? Every year it seems there is less and less coverage of the anniversary of our Presidents death. ....


    John Judge has been going to Dealey Plaza every November 22nd siince the mid-sixties. One year, on a cold, rainy day, only Penn Jones, Judge and a half-dozen other people showed up.

    Judge doesn't use a microphone, talks briefly from 12:20-12:30 and then holds a moment of silence.

    There's only a circus if the media make it so. And it was the reporters who wants to portray whatever it is they want to portray.

    On the 35th anniversary, they said nothing was happening, when COPA did have a dozen speakers and a microphone and the press still said nothing happened. I taped and transcribed what they said and posted it in a thread - the Event that Didn't Happen. I'll revive it and you can decide for yourself whether it was a circus.

    And the reporter of this story is absolutly wrong about the Sixth Floor observing the Kennedy's family not to memorialize the date of JFK's death - they go to his grarve every Nov. 22nd, and Ted Kennedy personally requested that the Sixth Floor NOT have an assassin's window perch web cam and the Sixth Floor told the Kennedy family they don't give a xxxx about their feelings.

    The cranks and partiers don't make it disrespectfull - it was the murder of JFK that was disrespectful, and Dallas should have thought of that before it was allowed for JFK to be murdered in their fine city.

    And it is the failure of the Dallas PD to protect the crime scenes, protect the suspect, and the failure of the Dallas "jouranlists" to accurately and respectfully report on these events that is disrespectful. The sins of the city will never be cleansed, only ignored or mocked.

    And if Dallas is getting ready for a 2013 circus, they better look out for next year, when things are sure to get crazzier.

    The Kenney family would like us to remember JFK for his life, not his death, that's why COPA also meets every June 10th at the JFK memorial site at American University where he gave his "Peace" Speech. No reporters show up there either, and we hold as respectful memorial service like the one at Dealey Plaza.

    On the 40th anniversary, shortly after John Judge gave his little speech and the moment of silence, someone played taps and the flag across the street was lowered. There were thousands of people, still and quiet. A uniformed marine stopped in front of me when taps began playing, and snapped to salute until the flag was lowered. I snapped a picture of this scene, which is the one I prefer to remember as moving and respectful.

    The disrespect began with the murders and is perpetuated by the museum, the reporters who paint the world a picture of the circus, and those who ignore or mock those who meet there every Nov. 22nd at 12:30, and hold their moment of silence.

    Long after John Judge is dead and gone, someone will go there and continue that tradition.

    God bless Penn Jones for those early lonely years when he stood there alone.

    Bill Kelly

    I think it's worthwhile to note that, if in 2007 the interest of the media in JFK's assassination seems subdued, that in 2007, the interest of the public - at least that attending the memorial ser-cus - seemed likewise subdued. I was one of only maybe 100 people there. Were it not for the presence of a high school hockey team, I might put the number at half or three-quarters that. I think I saw one actual TV camera, tho' a couple of mobile units did drive by, perhaps seeing if there was anything to shoot.

    And they missed it! Someone came up with the brilliant idea of having a 10-foot "Big Tex" - a guy in a costume similar to the Texas State Fair's mascot - standing around the pergola near "Zapruder's perch" during the entire ser-cus. While nobody admitted to being the perpetrator or knowing who it was that came up with this stunt, I can only say that the good folks from COPA made no effort to distance themselves from the huge dummy, but rather stood with their banners facing Elm Street and railed against a local journalist who called this memorial "service" a "circus" (see below) and about the important work they were doing ... all with Big Tex waving in the background!


    Couldn't they at least have gone over to the other side of the pergola? Or was this their way of proviing it was a circus, by "mocking" the columnist's mockery? D'oh! Yessir, these folks should be taken seriously! (This does not necessarily reflect my opinion of COPA, but seriously: what were they thinking!?!)

    Of course, Thanksgiving intervened and probably kept many people away who might otherwise have been there, but once again: if there's little coverage, it's very possibly because there seems to be little interest. At least this year. At least by anyone "serious."

    Just ask Big Tex.

    From The Dallas Morning News

    In the absence of official JFK observance, we get a circus

    By Jacquielynn Floyd

    Tuesday, November 20, 2007

    People may drift down to Dealey Plaza on Thursday, but there won't be any official ceremony or city-sanctioned observance to mark the 44th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination.

    It's not a tradition that ever took hold here, and the absence is understandable. Dallas, which endured its own unique grief in the years immediately following 1963, may well have been too traumatized to mark the anniversary.

    By some accounts, the city – and, later, The Sixth Floor Museum – have deferred to the Kennedy family's longstanding wishes that the date not be observed.

    And after all these years, public grief has largely given way to a general relegation of this terrible event to memory. There are many Americans who remember that day in bleak detail – but there are probably more now who don't.

    In fact, I can think of only one reason why the city might, at this late date, consider organizing an officially sanctioned event to recognize the worst day in its history.

    Just this: Too often, on Nov. 22, people have gone to Dealey Plaza in a genuine and respectful spirit of remembrance – and have found an embarrassing, exhibitionistic carnival.

    In the absence of any structure, the date has become a high holy day for conspiracy cranks, a swap meet for oddballs to peddle their strange obsessions. The grassy knoll isn't just a magnet for people who want to bend your ear ad nauseam about the Warren Commission report; now it attracts people waving banners extolling such offensive sentiments as "9/11 = INSIDE JOB."

    This is not a suggestion that anybody's First Amendment rights be curbed. People get to air their crazy ideas if they want to, even if it's tedious and obnoxious and nobody wants to listen.

    But it's a cruel shame that people who feel a genuine desire to visit the site to pray or meditate and remember the slain president have to put up with a chaotic, disorganized circus on this, of all days.

    Four years ago, for instance, my colleague David Flick visited Dealey Plaza on Nov. 22.

    "In the absence of any structured events," he wrote, "proceedings ... were dominated by conspiracy theorists."

    He described a confused scene of at least 5,000 people, some of them apparently expecting a formal program. Instead, there were noisy crackpots and publicity seekers. The headliner among them was former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, who bellowed that he was the "only elected official who had the courage to come here today."

    A marching drum band showed up unannounced. Conspiracy theorists set up microphones. TV helicopters buzzed overhead. Festive pranksters popped open umbrellas on a prearranged signal in a "flash mob" event.

    If the date and place had attracted only genuine mourners and historians, it might have been a moving, spontaneous observance. The cranks and partiers made it silly and disrespectful.

    That was the assassination's 40th anniversary; round numbers have powerful appeal. If the scene was this tawdry for 40, what do you suppose 50 will look like?

    Here's a promise: A lot of people are going to show up, whether there's an official observance or not: camera crews, trinket vendors, mourners, tourists, conspiracy theorists, attention seekers and possibly street jugglers and reality-show contestants.

    In the absence of any other consistent tradition, this is the one that seems to be taking hold. The way things have been shaping up in recent years, 2013 will be a major blowout for the wackos.

    Neither Dallas nor The Sixth Floor Museum is obligated to plan an "official" assassination observance, for 2013 or for any other year. Maybe it's better to let Americans observe the sad occasion as they see fit.

    But they might want to think it over. If there's going to be a public gathering, it ought to have some focus and purpose beyond grabbing some free publicity. It ought to have dignity.

    enjoy.... The City of Dallas wanted to end their embarrassment regarding the assassination. Buying into the TSBD/JFK museum concept, isn't working out as well as they'd hoped.... it will probably get worse before it gets better (if ever)....

  6. John Judge has been at Dealey Plaza every November 22nd for as long as I can remember.

    Randy Benson is a documentary film maker from North Carolina whose film The Searchers will be shown in Dallas tonight.

    Here's a snippit from it, which shows Judge on the Grassy Knoll giving a short speech before holding a moment of silence a few years ago.

    On the 35th anniversary, the Sixth Floor Museaum reported that "Nothing was going on at Dealey Plaza that day," but as you can see, every November 22nd there is a huge gathering of people, all of whom stop for a few minutes at 12:30 and the silence is errie.

    Here's a link to Sixth Floor live web cam, though it doesn't always show the crowds at the knoll.


    If you are in Dallas you might want to check out Randy's film tonight.

    For details:



    congratulations one and all... in advancing the JFK assassination case awareness level ...... Bill, the availability of Randy's 'full' documentary is?

    Hi David,

    I don't know what the availability will be. There was suppose to be a screening of Randy's film at the Texas Theater in Oak Cliff this week, but that was cancelled and instead they will apparently show Stone's Oswald's Ghost.

    Randy's film is about JFK assassination researchers, so like SOS, I'm sure there are limited outlets for such documentaries.

    Will let you know when I find out.


    thanks guy..... we could use a few lines about the Jersey shore...

  7. John Judge has been at Dealey Plaza every November 22nd for as long as I can remember.

    Randy Benson is a documentary film maker from North Carolina whose film The Searchers will be shown in Dallas tonight.

    Here's a snippit from it, which shows Judge on the Grassy Knoll giving a short speech before holding a moment of silence a few years ago.

    On the 35th anniversary, the Sixth Floor Museaum reported that "Nothing was going on at Dealey Plaza that day," but as you can see, every November 22nd there is a huge gathering of people, all of whom stop for a few minutes at 12:30 and the silence is errie.

    Here's a link to Sixth Floor live web cam, though it doesn't always show the crowds at the knoll.


    If you are in Dallas you might want to check out Randy's film tonight.

    For details:



    congratulations one and all... in advancing the JFK assassination case awareness level ...... Bill, the availability of Randy's 'full' documentary is?

  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/JOHN-F-KENNEDY-PHOTO-D...bayphotohosting

    The trouble with the photo on the basis of the description is that it fails to capture the 6th floor at all. From a quick comparison, it has the appearance of an individual looking out a 4th floor window, three doublepaned window sets over from the east end of the building. Wish we could get a high res scan. None of the black guys appears in the 5th floor windows either.

    Another problem with this photo is the claim that it was taken 'shortly' after the shots were fired. I don't know what 'shortly' means - however, we all know the debate about how long it took Baker to enter the building, pause in confronting 'Oswald' [or not], then making his way to the roof. So if this is a Dallas Cop - this photo would then be several minutes old, unless this isn't a DPD cop in the window?















    [smart move]











    based on the ebay image, the windows appear blacked-out, I suspect the image is a fraud... no names, no dates, no camera make and model -- buyer beware!

  9. Charles - Marcel is from Belgium. I think his English is first rate, especially considering it is not his first language. I also see nothing wrong with creating a word to communicate an idea personally.


    Thank you!

    The verb "Helicoptering" isn't my invention.

    The whole article was written by Frank Caramelli, I used the same verb as Frank!

    That's all.


    good to see you still out there, Marcel.... KUTGW


  10. Hi to All!

    Recently Frank Caramelli Jr. sent me an article introducing his theory regarding the possible presence of the Harper fragment within the Zapruder film.

    Frank is persuaded than the thing usually named the "White Blob" , the "White Spot" or also the "Spot in the grass" could be the Harper fragment.

    Hereunder the link toward Frank Caramelli’s article, "The Flying Skull Fragment."

    Page 1 : http://copweb.be/Frank%20Caramelli%20Jr/Fl...%20Fragment.htm

    Page 2 : http://www.copweb.be/Frank%20Caramelli%20J...%20Animated.htm

    The most intriguing :lol: is...

    ...the animation of the Harper fragment which literally seems to "helicoptering" above the Limo (Page 2).

    Best regards,... :lol:

    Marcel...his theory is nuts. The Bothun photo shows that the white blob in the

    grass is the backing from one of Mary Moorman's Polaroids. I have posted

    the image numerous times.


    Jack.... while going through this thread a question popped up, Polaroids needed to be treated with a fixer when taken, immediately after they came out of the camera. Do you recall Moorman commenting on: if, when and where she treated her 11/22/63 Dealey Plaza polaroids?



  11. Unless I'm becoming a fruit loop, I just watched the Zapruder Film and for the first time saw what looked like the driver turning around and shooting Kennedy! It seems impossible, but you must look at this. Watch the driver, the timing of the fatal shot and the white area on the grass, usually referred to as "the blob."



    If you watch the film in the wider mode ... Greer has his right hand on the wheel and as he turns back - his left arm coat sleeve is down by the drivers door panel and never reaches across his person so to shoot at anyone.

    praytell, WHAT is the wider mode? Geeeesh, you certainly can tell those that know film formats, and YOU aren't one. 4:3, 2:1, 16:9 c'mon Bill.... LMAO

  12. Miller, just a question: why do you bold your posts? on the web is something like.. screaming.

    it makes me this effect. well, anyway I prefer a short bolded instead of 10000 words copied from a website I can easily navigate by myself....

    Let me answer for Wild Bill.....I know he won't mind, it's a 'EGO' thing Claudio, I need to stand out!

  13. Len Colby' penned.....


    Isn't this the onboxios sort of behavior that got Jack put on moderation? Perhaps he should be put back on it?



    your usefulness for the Lone Nut side of the JFK assassination was shot down when Roland Zavada told you he did not need your assistance.....

  14. the question for you was simple: You ever show your face at COPA? I'll add, as a speaker or ATTENDEE. You've nothing to gain hiding behind Groden....

    xxxxx on, David. Last year there was a joke made about the alteration guru and we know who that is. Groden is speaking there this year and he has said to me that he welcomes your questions.

    Bill Miller

    by all means, when can we expect, eh-hmm, Mr. Groden to appear on these pages?

  15. Excellent post. I agree 100%.

    Reasoning ability was given to us all. Deciding the veracity of posts--separating the wheat from the chaff--is part of the fun of being here, I think. Sharpens your skills as a critical thinker. Scholarship depends on those critical thinking skills and being able to keep an open mind.

    Most who post at this end of the Education Forum, namely the JFK Assassination section are NOT interested in scholarship, critical thinking, or teaching about [or concerning] the assassination. Most here are beyond reason. Most here understand that the WCR IS the "chaff". And finally, most of us do NOT consider this FUN. In fact some consider this W-A-R.

    There are as many agendas here as there are posters. Yes, even John Simkin and Andy Walker have agenda -- and I suspect you do too!

    Welcome to the cover-up of the CENTURY

  16. You ever show your face at COPA? I understand real JFK assassination researchers hang there.....

    Is that the one that Groden gets invited to speak at ... I think it is? In fact, he is speaking there this year. It would be a good time to dazzle him with your film expertise in some Q & A.

    the question for you was simple: You ever show your face at COPA? I'll add, as a speaker or ATTENDEE. You've nothing to gain hiding behind Groden....

  17. I can't find my invitation for this special event, must of misplaced it.....


    I think I heard that there was some discussion about that and someone said that 'The Double Talker's Club' was meeting in Fort Worth that night and that you were chairing the event. If that was incorrect information, then contact the Museum to see if they can make room for you. But when they ask if you'll attend for sure - don't tell them that you will attend and then say you won't attend or they may figure that your seat might be better served giving it to someone else.

    Bill Miller

    nah, I'm unwelcome at those Dallas types of festivities (although I was asked once to speak at the Lancer November gig before TGZFH of course).

    I also suggested [years ago] the TSBD be razed, grass planted on the site, a simple white cross in the center of the lawn (similar to RFK's Arlington gravesite) and a simple plaque stating: On this site, a *conspiracy* against a defenseless man was played out. From the TSBD building, one of many gunman shot at AND killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy, President of the United States on Nov 22nd 1963. The murder remains unsolved to this date - 1997.

    I can't remember if that was before or after I suggested to Gary Mack, it looked like he had a good radio type personality...

    As for you, I'm sure you'll make a good TSBD front door greeter, gott'a start somewhere, buckoo... btw, who is doing the JFK tour bus gig this year. You ever show your face at COPA? I understand real JFK assassination researchers hang there.....

  18. Michael Hogan posted:

    THE SIXTH FLOOR MUSEUM is open daily except Christmas Day. Admission is $13.50 U.S. for adults, including a 45-minute audio guide, available in seven languages. 411 Elm St., Dallas. 214-747-6660.

    THE TEMPORARY EXHIBIT, "Filming Kennedy: Home Movies from Dallas" will showcase silent moving images, running from Nov. 12, 2007, through October 2008. The Zapruder film will be shown here in its entirety for the first time.

    Nov 10, 2007

    Jo Matyas

    Special to the Star



    the Zapruder film will be shown in its entirety, which version is my question... After all, the MPI DVD Z-film is a alteration of the *alleged* [NARA housed] in-camera Zapruder film, is it

    I can't find my invitation for this special event, must of misplaced it.....

    I bet the City of Dallas can't wait for this season's Mavericks basketball to be well underway.
  19. hell, if you stop now you won't make 20,000 looks, eh! Gotta be a record.... you don't want Miles or anyone else for that matter stop posting to this thread!

    Thanks, David ... the 5 or 6 say nothing about JFK material related responses that you have blessed this thread with has been a contributing factor in us reaching that goal.

    Bill Miller

    specifically interested in the Zapruder film, Bill. Oh, and watching you dance, of course :ice

  20. Bill Miller'wrote:


    Miles, you are not going to get anywhere with your trolling. First of all, we have been through the Jack thread before. In fact - I think if you trolled far enough through that


    hell, if you stop now you won't make 20,000 looks, eh! Gotta be a record.... you don't want Miles or anyone else for that matter stop posting to this thread!

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