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Chuck Schwartz

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Posts posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. LHO was viewed as an idiot, per this section of an essay written by Paul Bleu..

    "Persons of interest like John Martino, Frank Sturgis, and Phillips-linked contacts (Carlos Bringuier, Ed Butler, and journalist Hal Hendrix) began a “Castro was behind it” spin to the assassination.

    Carlos Bringuier of the DRE, who had gotten into what was likely a staged fight with Oswald on Canal Street in New Orleans in August of 1963, also wrote a press release that was published the day after the assassination to position Castro as being in cahoots with Oswald.

    The DRE was actually set up under William Kent in 1960, working for David Phillips. David Morales was the group’s military case officer. Later, with Phillips in Mexico City, Kent was George Joannides supervisor. Kent’s daughter told Gaeton Fonzi that her father never mentioned Oswald except one time over dinner. He stated that Oswald was a “useful idiot”. "

    It wasn't until LHO said publicly I am just a patsy that it was decided to kill LHO, in my opinon. 

  2. Here is a relevant quote from "The Devil's Advocate" by D. Talbot (see page 261). "After Arbenz was overthrown, Dulles assembled his Guatamala task force in the White House to brief the president on the victorius operation, which had been confidently code named PBSUCCESS.  Less than one year after the Iran coup, the CIA director and his team had won a second opportunity to puff out their chests.  PBSUCCESS would forge deep, lifelong bonds among Dulles and his Guatamala crew, which included Richard Bissell, Tracy Barnes, Howard Hunt, David Phillips, and David Morales.  Many of the team members woud be reunited for the Bay of Pigs."

  3. Sandy, I am not sure if Chief Curry would push back or question the Mayor's recommndation.  Here is a hint from Curry himself..

    Curry was also responsible for protecting Lee Harvey Oswald. However, he later claimed that just before Jack Ruby shot Oswald he was "called to take a phone call from Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell".

    Maybe if Curry did not take that call, LHO would not have been killed.



  4. Roger and Sandy, perhaps the chief of police was told by the Mayor of Dallas (Earle Cabell) that the killer was Lee Harvey Oswald and they should go arrest him at the Texas theatre. (1) Earle Cabell's brother, Charles Cabell, worked for 9 years under A Dulles in the CIA. Both A. Dulles and C. Cabell were fired by JFK for the BOP fiasco.  I believe Dulles created the narrative that would later become the Warren Commission report, in my opinion. 

    (1) I believe DAP was in Dallas on 11/22/63 and handling LHO.  It was DAP who kept Dulles in the loop on the happenings in Dallas that day, in my opinion. 


  5. I don't believe LHO shot anybody in Dallas.  But, he was a witness to what went down and could have shed light on who the conspirators were, but....

    Lee Harvey Oswald was interrogated for a total of approximately 12 hours between 2:30 p.m. on Friday, November 22, 1963, and 11:15 a.m. on Sunday, November 24, 1963. There were no stenographic or tape recordings of these interviews. 

  6. You can try this site. And there is a group of JfK assassination researchers that are meeting today .  They might be able to guide to you.

    Join us for Project JFK / CSI Dallas Presents The Journey Monthly Meeting April 6th, 2024.
    This is a free event to attend and discuss the JFK assassination case and explore the research and seek the truth!
    This is a free event on Zoom so click the link below and sign up for your Free E-Ticket on Eventbrite.
    We look forward to seeing you this Saturday.
    Also, there are still tickets available to our Student Symposium April 12-13, 2024, they are selling fast and you don't want to miss out. This event is being held live in person and also live on Zoom. For more details click on the link below.



  7. Pat, Dr. Mantik is stressing his forensic analysis of the xrays of JFK's head after the big event for his conclusions. That was the impression I got by listening to him on the radio last week. And, that was the impression I got from listening to his and Dr. Chesser's presentations last year.  Lastly, Doug Horne seems to be in agreement with Dr. Mantik's conclusions. I do not have  Dr. Mantik's new book, but he stated that his conclusions based on his forensic analysis of JFK's xrays are supported by documentation that are in this new book.

  8. J. Corsi and Dr. David Mantik were on Coast to Coast last night.  They have released a new book documenting the fact that there was 2 head shots to the front of JFK's head and 1 head shot to the back of his head.  There was a shot thru the windowshield  in the front .  And, Connally was hit by 2 separate bullets.  There was one shot that missed the limo completely. Could have been more missed shots

  9. RR, I also think Mae B. knew a lot about the JFK hit before a lot of other researchers discovered these things.  She knew about and wrote about  the nazi connection to the Big Event, for instance.  I know Mae was a great researcher.  And, she may have had someone guiding her and that someone may have been a part of the Big Event.  Speculation on my part.  And here is one more speculation-that someone may have been Prouty. I used to listen to Mae on Pacifia radio in the1970's - she was on the radio between midnite and 4am .   

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