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Chuck Schwartz

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Posts posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. Sandy, the JCS, including LeMay, felt that JFK was committing the same sin his father committed - appeasement of  totalarian states. That  is why they viewed JFK as a traitor.  And, that is why they probably approved of Tracy Barnes' assassination plot to kill JFK.  


     I believe  the person in the CIA that was critical in setting up Oswald as  a Communist that killed JFK was Johannides .

  2. I had no such hesitations.  I bought the book  as soon as it became available on Amazon.  Have not regretted it buying it.  I haven't learned as much about the JFK hit since I listened to Mae Brussell on Pacifica radio and read Peter Dale Scott's essays in the 1970's  .  There has been much more wirtten from 1980 thru 2020 that is good to very good.  I like John Newman's writings as well.  Jim DiEugenio 's web site and "Destiny Betrayed " is also very good. 

  3. Anthony, did you ever post the bits and pieces you mention in the first posting of this thread?

    Early reviews are in for H.P. Albarelli's COUP IN DALLAS.


    “Remarkable! ... Truly, this is an epic study that will stand the test of time.”
    —Dick Russell, investigative journalist and bestselling author of On the Trail of the JFK Assassins and They Killed Our President

    “Notes in a dead man’s diary. Dark mischief? Or, as H. P. Albarelli writes, vital clues pointing to the true assassins of President Kennedy? Persuaded or not, readers will be gripped by his herculean research.”
    —Anthony Summers, author of Not in Your Lifetime
    “Who killed JFK? And why should it still matter? This long-awaited book provides astonishing new answers to those questions. What occurred that day in Dallas was, indeed, a coup—a coup meticulously carried out by fascist zealots still devoted to the cause that was ostensibly defeated with the fall of Mussolini's Italy and N*zi Germany. Backed by a global network of almighty private interests, abetted by covert state agencies, and with their every trace expertly hidden by the cover story blared throughout the media, they killed America's young president, and left American democracy for dead. Thus, Coup in Dallas is a necessary book not just for JFK researchers, but for all who want to know how the United States became a nation under permanent 'emergency' conditions, ruled by mandates and decrees.”
    —Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media studies at New York University; editor, News from Underground, markcrispinmiller.com
     “Albarelli tirelessly worked the shadows where academic scholars feared to tread and other seekers lost their way, a shining torch for truth.”
     —Michael J. Briggs, former editor-in-chief University Press of Kansas, publisher of The Zapruder Film and Breach of Trust
     “An impressive and staggering piece of investigative journalism. Based upon the jotted-down notations found in the 1963 Datebook of an amoral clandestine government henchman, we now know the identities of some of the planners and perpetrators of the Crime of the Century.”
    —J. Gary Shaw, coauthor of Cover-Up, cofounder JFK Assassination Information Center, ASK, and founding member of AARC 

    “Mind-boggling. . . A fascinating compendium of new information which I will consult extensively in my own continuing JFK work.”
    —Russ Baker, investigative journalist and historian, bestselling author of Family of Secrets, editor-in-chief of WhoWhatWhy, currently engaged in a two-decade JFK book research project
    “When respected investigative journalists raise questions about political and social forces that gained substantial power advantages following the assassination of JFK, their work should not be dismissed lightly. Using an academic perspective, this compelling study examines the forces that likely influenced the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. If you believed that Kennedy was a traitor, then his assassination becomes an act of patriotism. Earlier forms of reactionary information systems, substantially (but not exclusively) on the political right, identified him as such, and as a threat to democracy. Decades later, the same forces motivated the insurgents that stormed the US Capitol in defense of the 45th president demanding a second term. As presented in Coup in Dallas, a similar network of conspiracist rightist mindset provided the script of liberal treason and betrayal that prompted the assassination of President Kennedy.”
    —Chip Berlet, editor of The Assassination Please Almanac, author of Eyes Right!, coauthor of Right-Wing Populism in America


    I have a new, 4000 word essay appearing at the end of COUP IN DALLAS, which was written by me earlier this year following several months discussion and research with Albarelli's co-author Leslie Sharp. The process of putting together that essay uncovered a number of additional bits and pieces, some of which will eventually be posted here on the board. COUP IN DALLAS is out very soon on Amazon, and there are listings of either October 26th or mid November for the release date. It went to the printers a couple of weeks ago, so there will be no more delays.

    Edited October 2, 2021 by Anthony Thorne
  4. Here is a review of "Coup in Dallas"..https://freepress.org/article/book-review-coup-dallas by Pete Johnson.  To quote  Pete Johnson, "Some might question the authenticity and importance of Lafitte's datebook prior to reading the book, but most will be convinced after reading 460 pages of analysis, or the hundred pages of notes following the book itself, including writing by Leslie Sharpe, Alan Kent, and Charles Drago. "

  5. MLK's prophecy was in 1955,  Emmitt Till was murdered in 1955.  Here is a song written about Emmett Till  by Dylan.

    It was down in Mississippi not so long ago
    When a young boy from Chicago town stepped through a Southern door
    This boy's dreadful tragedy I can still remember well
    The color of his skin was black, and his name was Emmett Till
    Some men they dragged him to a barn and there they beat him up
    They said they had a reason, but I can't remember what
    They tortured him and did some things, too evil to repeat
    There were screaming sounds inside the barn
    There was laughing sounds out on the street
    Then they rolled his body down a gulf, amidst a bloody red rain
    And they threw him in the waters wide to cease his screaming pain
    The reason that they killed him there, and I'm sure it ain't no lie
    Was just for the fun of killing him and to watch him slowly die
    And then to stop, the United States of yelling for a trial
    Two brothers they confessed that they had killed poor Emmett Till
    But on the jury, there were men who helped the brothers commit this awful crime
    And so this trial was a mockery, but nobody there seemed to mind
    I saw the morning papers, but I could not bear
    To see the smiling brothers walkin' down the courthouse stairs
    For the jury found them innocent, and the brothers they went free
    While Emmett's body floats the foam of a Jim Crow southern sea
    If you can't speak out against this kind of thing, a crime that's so unjust
    Your eyes are filled with dead men's dirt, your mind is filled with dust
    Your arms and legs they must be in shackles and chains, and your blood it must refuse to flow
    For you to let this human race fall down so God-awful low!
    This song's just a reminder to remind your fellow man
    That this kind of thing still lives today in that ghost-robed Ku Klux Klan
    But if all of us folks that thinks alike, if we give all we could give
    We'd make this great land of ours a greater place to live
    Songwriters: Bob Dylan. For non-commercial use only.




  6. Steve, this was in the article  I referenced above; " His close friend, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin, and a fellow member of the the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, drove the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade. Also in the car was Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, commander of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. The pilot car stopped briefly in front of the Texas School Book Depository, where Lumpkin spoke to a policeman controlling traffic at the corner of Houston and Elm."  

  7. The titlw of the Dylan song is Motorpsycho Nightmare (from the Another Side of Bob Dylan album )  Here are the lyrics:


    • I pounded on a farmhouse, lookin' for a place to stay
      I was mighty, mighty tired, I had come a long, long way
      I said, "Hey, hey, in there, is there anybody home?"
      I was standin' on the steps, feelin' most alone
      When out comes a farmer, he must have thought that I was nuts
      He immediately looked at me and stuck a gun into my guts
      I fell down to my bended knees
      Sayin', "I dig farmers, don't shoot me, please"
      He cocked his rifle and began to shout
      "Are you that travelin' salesman that I have heard about?"
      I said, "No, no, no, I'm a doctor and it's true
      I'm a clean-cut kid and I been to college, too"
      Then in comes his daughter whose name was Rita
      She looked like she stepped out of La Dolce Vita
      I immediately tried to cool it with her dad
      And told him what a nice, pretty farm he had
      He said, "What do doctors know about farms, pray tell?"
      I said, "I's born at the bottom of a wishing well"
      Well, by the dirt 'neath my nails I guess he knew I wouldn't lie
      He said, "I guess you're tired," he said it kinda sly
      I said, "Yes, ten thousand miles today I drove"
      He said, "I got a bed for you underneath the stove
      Just one condition an' you can go to sleep right now
      That you don't touch my daughter
      And in the morning, milk the cows"
      I was sleepin' like a rat when I heard something jerkin'
      There stood Rita, lookin' just like Tony Perkins
      She said, "Would you like to take a shower?
      I'll show you up to the door"
      I said, "Oh, no, no, I've been through this before"
      I knew I had to split, but I did not know how
      When she said, "Would you like to take that shower now?"
      Well, I couldn't leave unless the old man chased me out
      'Cause I'd already promised that I'd milk his cows
      I had to say something to strike him very weird
      So I yelled, "I like Fidel Castro and his beard"
      Rita looked offended, but she got out of the way
      As he came chargin' down the stairs
      Sayin', "What's that I heard you say?"
      I said, "I like Fidel Castro, I think you heard me right"
      And I ducked as he swung at me with all his might
      Rita mumbled somethin' 'bout her mother on the hill
      As his fist had hit the icebox, he said he's gonna kill me
      If I don't get out the door in two seconds flat
      "You unpatriotic, rotten doctor, commie rat"
      Well, he threw a Reader's Digest at my head and I did run
      I did a somersault as I seen him get his gun
      And crashed through the window at a hundred miles an hour
      And landed fully blast in his garden flowers
      Rita said, "Come back" and he started to load
      The sun was comin' up and I was runnin' down the road
      Well, I don't figure I'll be back there for a spell
      Even though Rita moved away and got a job at a motel
      He still waits for me, constant, on the sly
      He wants to turn me in to the F.B.I.
      Me, I romp and stomp, thankful as I romp
      Without freedom of speech I might be in the swamp
      Songwriters: Bob Dylan. For non-commercial use only.
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