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Ian Lloyd

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Posts posted by Ian Lloyd

  1. On 10/27/2023 at 8:21 PM, Alan Ford said:

    Yes I see what you mean about the running woman (good catch!). But I need a bit more time with these frames tbh---the height of the white area(s?) that come(s) into view is confusing when compared with the mailboxes sans object-in-front.............


    As for the value of your stabilizations: inestimable.

    Thank you! 👍

    OK, here goes, I'll give the guy a "name"...

    Where was 'Flagman' standing in relation to the mailbox/trash box on the right hand (east?) side?

  2. On 11/18/2023 at 1:00 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    Imagine with new facial recognition technology if we could "prove" the person behind Oswald in the photo of Oswald during his New Orleans leaflet passing was truly Bill Shelley?

    It is now possible to prove such a match.

    What then? !!!

    Could Shelley be the missing Oswald minder link?

    Imagine how the entire Oswald as the lone gunman story would unravel.

    Talk about a history changing bomb shell!

    If that is provenly Shelley with Oswald in New Orleans just 4 months before 11,22,1963, hang on to your JFKA truth reality hats folks. A monster category 5 hurricane force storm of revision investigation and reporting will hit us all with 150 to 200 miles per hour wind gusts.

    Reading Shelley's short interview testimony by the Warren Commision Shelley recounts a story of a fellow TXSBD employee bringing in two rifles to show off to him and other office staff. Roy Truly included.

    Warren Caster...

    On 11/18/2023 at 1:00 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    Shelley recounted that in all of his 18 years employed at the Depository he never once recalled such an action.

    This was just days before 11,22,1963.

    Shelley said one of the rifles was of 22 caliber.

    The second one was a modified "German Mauser!"

    A Mauser? 

    Isn't that what Dallas Sheriff constable gun buff Seymour Weitzman first identified as the gun found on the 6th floor on the TXSBD one half hour after the shooting?



  3. 2 hours ago, Alan Ford said:

    As you know, Mr. Larsen, I don't buy your thesis on this. I think it's definitely Mr. Lovelady in plaid shirt in the Martin film, as in the DPD footage.

    However---------------------you might find it interesting to take a close look at Mr. Lovelady's ears in the other two end-Jan '64 FBI photos:


    Notice anything?

    His right ear (our left as we look) is lower than his left ear...?

  4. 1 hour ago, Alan Ford said:

    Mr. Sykes didn't find that, I did:



    I wondered at the time whether it might be this:


    Whatever the detective is carrying, he brings it into the building.

    Why would a detective bring a 'concrete blanket' into the building?

    And why would someone's response to the shooting be to run over to the mailboxes, pick up a concrete blanket and stand there holding it out from their body (in a gravity-defying way)?

    And why would a police officer make a dash for that person?

    Is this an extended Monty Python sketch?

    Besides, what would a 'concrete blanket' be doing on a sidewalk where no concrete is being laid?

    Incidentally, if one is looking for a sidewalk in need of streetworks barriers, one need only peek around the corner:


    Mr. Sykes & friends desperately want to drain all significance out of this scene--------------


    -----------because it threatens their already discredited PM-in-Darnell. And so they're going into Warren Gullible-like defensive mode. Sad!

    I always thought he'd just slung his raincoat over his shoulder.

  5. 1 hour ago, Tom Gram said:

    Also, neither of the two WC handwriting experts gave any testimony whatsoever on the money order Hidell signature. The Oswald handwriting ID was based strictly on the other writing on the form. 

    Cole and Cadigan testified in excruciating letter-by-letter detail on questioned documents, with a particular focus on signatures, but they both independently forgot to mention one of the most important signatures in the entire case under oath? Yea ok. 

    Also, they only had copies, not originals...

  6. Sorry Chris, I should have explained better but was rushing...

    Didn't the WC conclude that LHO fired the shots with the rifle resting on top of a box which was itself resting on the window sill? If so, I struggle to reconcile that with the position that Shaneyfelt is contorting himself into to replicate the shots; the way he's holding the rifle shows a very steep downward angle for the shots compared to what would be achievable if resting the rifle on the box (actually, I think if the rifle were resting on the box, the shots would fly right over the plaza!).

    Do the study take into account the angle of the rifle itself, not just the angle from the window sill (including the box)?

    Perhaps it does and I'm just missing it...apologies...

    As an aside, I wonder if the shots could be fired in the supposed time if firing from Shaneyfelt's position - it looks quite awkward to fire and reload etc.

  7. On the ROKC site, there is discussion about a team of outside contract workers laying the new plywood floor on the 5th & 6th floors. This has made me consider a few things:

    1. Were they still on the 6th floor during the assassination?

    2. If not, I presume they were told by their supervisor (like most others) that they could leave work to go and view the motorcade.

    3. If they did go to view the motorcade, I wonder where from? Do any photos show what appear to be these workers anywhere around the TSBD?

    Mr. Oswald, going ... down? (TSBD elevators/Prayer Man) (forumotion.net)

  8. 16 minutes ago, Benjamin Cole said:


    Well, I surmise signing the log book was voluntary. If you read the Mary Ferrel link above, evidently there was a group of students visiting the museum, and a tour group on July 26, but very few signatures. I gather the sign-in log was an informal document. 

    No one appears to remember seeing LHO, but that is hardly dispositive. Maybe someone did, and the FBI did not do that interview. 


    Yes, probably just voluntary.

  9. On 2/20/2023 at 1:29 AM, Gerry Down said:

    A controversial signature of Oswalds showed up in the visitors book of the Atomic Energy Museum in the Summer of 1963. I always thought that was the only hint Oswald had been to that museum. However apparently news clips of the museum tour were also found in a box at Oswald's rooming house.

    The section of the Gemberling report dealing with the alleged Atomic Energy Museum does not seem to mention anything about news clips:
    https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11462#relPageId=622&search=atomic_energy museum news clips

    Had anyone else heard of these news clips? Have photographs of the news clips? Or documents confirming their discovery at Oswalds rooming house?

    Where was LHO in July 1963? The museum is some way from Dallas/NO...

  10. 22 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    p.s. Bill it occurs to me an answer to another question that has bothered me: why the gunman would run the longer way around the back of the cruiser (as indicated in two out of two of the witnesses who actually saw the run-around and shooting, that's one hundred percent of the eyewitnesses, both of them), instead of the shorter way around the front of the car, to get to Tippit on the ground and finish him off. 

    I had wondered if it was because Tippit had pulled up and stopped behind some other car's rear bumper so close that it was not possible for the gunman to walk around the front. That would be one possible way of accounting for that.

    But it is not necessary to suppose that (a bumper-to-bumper stopped Tippit cruiser). The longer run around the rear of the cruiser can be explained on personal safety grounds, if the gunman believes Tippit is only wounded and may have seen Tippit going for his gun. Go around the front, Tippit even though hit and on the ground could be waiting for him, gun drawn, and shoot him. The gunman therefore runs around the rear where he can more easily approach the fallen Tippit from behind where Tippit may not be looking, and only when seeing it is safe to do so does the gunman go closer and fire the final 2-3 finale shots including the coup de grace to the right forehead, Tippit on the ground and now dead for sure.

    Either way this was an execution, a professional killing, a hit, an ambush, not a random or impulse killing, and I believe the Oswald identifications of Helen Markham and Tatum (and Callaway and Scoggins and Brewer) were mistaken identifications, though that is a larger and obviously more complicated and difficult discussion but does not affect the point here, which is that Helen Markham and Tatum were not wrong on seeing a running around the rear of the cruiser before final shot(s), as both said, and as counterintuitive as it may have seemed to decades of later researchers to imagine a run around the rear of the cruiser of the gunman.  

    I guess I'm no expert, but I would agree that the Tippit murder certainly seems to have the hallmarks of a professional execution, carried out by someone experienced in such killings. I'm not sure LHO was such a person?

    I also wonder why, if LHO was supposedly heading out to meet an accomplice/contact in the TT, he seems to have been walking away from it? Wouldn't the shortest route have been straight down Zangs boulevard?

  11. 24 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    This is a link to FBI reports talking about Marina being shown photos of Nagell by the Secret Service.. the page of her report is from WCD404... along with the other 4 pages as well as a 2 page report with Nagell's statement about meeting Oswald "socially"

    http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/N Disk/Nagel Richard Case/Item 08.pdf 


    This is from the new release.. 221 page file on Nagell with cover letter from BRUCE SOLIE

    https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10305-10005.pdf. I have not been thru it all yet, hopeing to find a list of trunk contents

    Page 188 (PF) onwards...

    24 minutes ago, David Josephs said:


    Then, on January 2, 1964, Nagell advised agents of both the FBI and Secret Service “that he had been acquainted with MARINA, the wife of LEE HARVEY OSWALD. Subject further pointed out that OSWALD was having marital difficulties with Marina.” The Secret Service is on record as having interviewed Marina Oswald about Nagell, but no transcript or notes are known to exist — only the FBI’s assertion that a photo of Nagell was shown to her, and that she supposedly said she’d never seen him before. 


    From Russell's GALLERY article:
    It was several months before I paid much notice to a pile of Xeroxed material I had carted home from San Diego. Included was a photocopy of the pages of a small brown spiral notebook, which according to Popkin had belonged to Richard Nagell. I turned the pages and scanned the names. The pages were filled with locker numbers, lists of theaters and restaurants alongside specific dates and times in a variety of locations in the U.S. and Mexico. I had read that such notations are often used to indi- cate intelligence rendezvous points, either for the drop and pick-up of in- formation or for clandestine contacts.
    The notebook contained names of congressmen, attorneys, American leftists, officials in Far East governments, a Soviet military attache, six names under the heading "C.I.A.," and two listings for the "Fair Play for Cuba Committee." I began becoming more interested in this aspect of Pop- kin's theories, as well as in the man who'd kept the notebook. As Professor Popkin had related the story, the notebook had been among the effects taken from Richard Nagell's trunk that September afternoon in El Paso,
    1963, and held for 11 years by the FBI. One entry in particular rang a bell:

    I played with the initials "C.E."
    Were they a person's name? Perhaps "Cuban Embassy." The entry went on:
    Two months and two days after this notebook was seized from Richard Nagell, remarkably similar listings had been found in the address book of Lee Oswald: names of American left- ists, a Soviet Embassy official, and Cubans. Even the number of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, which Oswald listed atop one page:
    Mexico City • Consulada de Cuba Zamora Y F Marquez
    11-28-47 Sylvia Duran


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