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Roger DeLaria

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Posts posted by Roger DeLaria

  1. I find this very interesting, especially with Dulles not being DCI at the time. LBJ had deep ties into the intelligence, military, and defense communities from his senate days, and would have been close to Dulles. I wonder what they discussed? Hmmmm.


    “Dulles joked in private that the JFK conspiracy buffs would have had a field day if they had known….he had actually been in Dallas three weeks before the murder….”

    A Certain Arrogance, p. 230

  2. Through my reading and study, I've come to the conclusion that it was LBJ. It wasn't just LBJ alone by himself, but LBJ was the lynchpin at the epicenter of other conspirators(Texas Oil, CIA, industrialists/war profiteers) whom he had deep ties to, and whom had a vested interest in JFK being eliminated. LBJ was going to be personally and politically ruined and go to prison. LBJ had Big Oil and MIC money behind him, as well as the Texas political machine. He had deep relations and contacts throughout congress, the state of Texas, industry and commerce, as well as law enforcement to ensure he got off scot-free. I see the who and the why right there. LBJ had a clear motive and wouldn't have any problems finding willing co-conspirators.

  3. Doug,

    Any word on this documentary? I've read Roger Stone's The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ, and Nelson's LBJ: The Mastermind of the JFK Assassination, and am interested in seeing the film. Could you link the poster in this thread?

    I'm presently in the middle of LBJ: From Mastermind to The Colossus, and am enjoying it. Great book.

  4. According to Roger Stone, who worked with Nixon and knew him well, Nixon thought LBJ killed Kennedy.

    Among other revelations, Stone told TheDC that Nixon hired Jack Ruby as a House committee informant at Johnson’s request years prior to the Kennedy assassination, which occurred 50 years ago today.

    “Nixon said, ‘The damn thing is, I knew this Jack Ruby. Murray [Chotiner] brought him to me in 1947, said he was one of “Johnson’s boys” and that LBJ wanted us to hire him as an informant to the Committee. We did,'” according to Stone.

    “I think Nixon immediately recognized that LBJ was using one his operatives to do ‘clean up’ work on the murder of John Kennedy. Nixon would also say to me ‘Both Johnson and I wanted to be president, but the only difference was I wouldn’t kill for it.’ At other times when I pressed the old man hard on who really killed JFK, Nixon would just shiver and say ‘Texas!’,” Stone said.

    “Richard Nixon, Henry Cabot Lodge and Barry Goldwater were convinced that Lyndon Johnson murdered JFK. I mean absolutely convinced.”

  5. I don't think it was a real arrest, to warrant a crisis. From Prouty's description it didn't seem as if they were real police, the way they were dressed(one w/ill-fitting uniform, suggesting a costume), distance/casual attitude, carrying the gun wrong. It wouldn't seem like a real arrest to me, suggesting part of the show in Dealey. It still doesn't explain what Lansdale would be doing though.

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