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Roger DeLaria

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Posts posted by Roger DeLaria

  1. I suppose it could represent Rostow, I'm not sure. It could explain the accent. In this bio of Rostow, it says his mother was the daughter of russian/jewish immigrants, and his father emigrated from Russia. He also went to Yale, and spent time at Oxford and Columbia. He joined the OSS in 1942. I can see the circle he traveled in. He wouldn't be out of place in that group scene you mentioned.




  2. I've always thought this scene was very illuminating, where many people really stopped, took notice, and began to seriously think about the assassination.

    "Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefitted? Who had the power to cover it up?"

  3. I have those files and links I got from Robert awhile back. I'll dig in there.

    I found the forum link: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19886

    Here is a web link where you can download rare, out-of-print books on the JFK assassination

    From Robert Morrow 512-306-1510

    There are some fabulous extremely hard to find books available for download at my Box account. Web link:

    “The Dark Side of LBJ” (1968) by Joachim Joesten is a very important and extremely rare book to find.

    Penn Jones’s “Forgive My Grief” Volumes 1 and 2 are now up. In a few weeks Volumes 3 & 4 of “Forgive My Grief” will be up – so keep checking the web site. These books are very hard to find.“History Will Not Absolve Us” is an extremely important book on the JFK assassination and Martin Schotze has given me permission to distribute it. Please download and distribute this amazing book to others!

    “Billy Sol Estes: A Texas Legend” is another rare & very important book. As is “Texas In the Morning “ by Madeleine Brown.
    You can also download my Word file on "LBJ, CIA & GHW Bush Murdered JFK" – 800+ page Word document file.

    There is also the “Texas Connection” by Craig Zirbel. “And We are All Mortal” by George Evica as well as the classic “Accessories After the Fact” by Sylvia Meagher.

    In the future, I hope to put up for download some very important Joechim Joesten books: “How Kennedy was Murdered: The Full Appalling Story” as well as “Oswald: The Truth.”

    Here is the web link for my Bibliography of JFK Assassination Books: http://lyndonjohnson...tion-books.html

    It has over 1,000 books listed that relate to the JFK assassination and other related books on deep politics. If there are any books I should add to this list, please tell me.

    There are 2 good places to buy used books: 1) Amazon and 2) www.abebooks.com which often has more books and prices that are cheaper than Amazon in the area of used and hard to find books. I highly recommend Abe Books.

    Please forward this email to others who might have an interest. And if anyone has some rare Joachim Joesten books that they would like to add to the cause, please let me know so we can get them scanned and put up on the internet.

  4. Doug-

    Thanks for the heads-up on the book. Is Billy Sol Estes: a Texas Legend the one you would recommend? I'll have to do some hunting, it doesn't appear to be readily available.

    Malcolm Wallace's and Peoples' "accidents" seem to echo shades of Lee Bowers' one car accident out in the middle of nowhere. :ph34r:

  5. I was listening to NPR yesterday and they had several stories from various persons relating to the MLK Assassination. Many of the persons spoke about the assassination being a conspiracy, and went into quite a bit of detail. The FBI had been mentioned quite a bit. I was surprised that NPR gave significant airtime to talk about the assassination being a conspiracy. They even played a bit where King's wife said she knew James Earl Ray was innocent and didn't shoot King.

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